They Are Already Here Anunnaki Aliens in the Bible Jesus vs Yahweh - Paul Wallis

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the fifth kind (The 5th Kind) (Introduction   Trailer)i argue in escaping from eden and the  scars of eden that the elohim stories of the   bible are not stories about god at all they are  stories about a totally different kind of entity   and a plurality of entities elohim means powerful  ones the powerful ones and there are stories of   all kinds of powerful beings through the hebrew  scriptures now this is what was believed by   church fathers like origen justin martyr  clement of alexandria and the hereticized   martian they all believe the elohim stories  were not about god they're about something else   and so you've got stories of i believe  extraterrestrials you've got stories of alien   visitors who look and sound human but they've got  advanced tech you've got stories of entities that   sound like dragons and they all get translated as  god stories and then the holy name yahweh the holy   name for god and the jewish tradition has been  pasted over all these stories to make it look like   a seamless story of yahweh from the get-go but  those stories are not yahweh stories and so this   then raises the question of how did jesus read  the elohim stories how did jesus read the yahweh   stories did he believe yahweh was god the word  god has been hijacked by religions so that i say   the word and you immediately think of religion  and rules and who's in and who's out and heaven   and hell sin versus obedience worship versus  idolatry and all those binaries and exclusivities   translate elohim as the powerful ones translate  ruach is craft not spirit translate gehenna as   gehenna or the rubbish tip instead of hell use the  greek meaning of the word we translate as repent   which sounds like a terrible warning and translate  the word metanoia which means beyond the mind   go beyond the mind says jesus go beyond the mind  says the apostle paul go beyond your thinking   for the kingdom the realm of  heaven of space of the cosmos   he's saying go beyond the mind transform your  thinking go beyond your thinking because the   amazing power of the realm of the source the  amazing power of the cosmos is available to you   now that's an invitation to explore  possibility that's open to all check out our official website at (start of video Sci fi music playing) Space... the final frontier the question of what space is   and where it came from is one that has  boggled human minds since time immemorial the vastness of the cosmos and  the vastness of the concepts   concerning the origins and evolution of the  cosmos are such that the language of god   has often been reached for through  the ages in order to describe it but is the language of god a help or a hindrance in recent decades the language of god has made  a surprising return to the worlds of cosmology   and physics stephen hawking in his book a  brief history of time follows the quest for   a unified theory arguing that if we reach  it then we will see into the mind of god cosmologist leon lederman goes even further  in his 1993 book titled the god particle in 1994 frank tipler an expert in general  relativity published a book entitled   the physics of immortality modern cosmology god  and the resurrection of the dead in which he   claimed to have found a purely scientific theory  from omnipresent omniscient omnipotent evolving   personal god but what is the name and language  of god doing anywhere near physics or cosmology   does it help us or hinder us in  understanding the way things are in 1992 astronomer george smoot discovered ripples  in the cosmic microwave background radiation   ripples that are echoes of the big bang   in one of his first statements to the press  smooth said it was like seeing the face of god of course the language of god has long been  associated with the beginning of all things   is that language helpful distracting or inevitable we used to talk about the cold dark  emptiness of space and now we discover it's not   dark it's full of light it's full of energy it has  mass and we find this mind-boggling to understand   that the fabric of space actually means something  material way back we thought that time was the   prime organizing principle and that the cosmos had  always been there and would always be there then   comes einstein and with his elegant sequence of  equations shows us that no time had a beginning   space had a beginning the same beginning that  energy had a beginning the same beginning   and that the prime organizing principle is  not time is light and the properties of light   now this is mind-boggling because now we have  to think in terms of time having a beginning so   what was before time what was outside of space  before there was energy what was the force that   threw it all into motion and it's so mind-boggling  that scientists today begin reaching for   rather god-like language and as physicists  search for a unified theory or a theory of   everything the word god starts cropping up  in their writings now people with a religious   belief in god suddenly get very excited and  they say ah look now Einstein has put god back   in the equation and you have to talk  about god now don't you well yes and no   what a physicist means uh in reaching for the  word god isn't necessarily the same as what a   religious teacher might mean in reaching for the  word god and the reason that a lot of scientists   whether they're looking at quantum physics the the  study of the very small or cosmologists the study   of the very large are a little bit wary of  using the word god because of all the cultural   associations that are layered on top of that  word when we use the word god it's certainly a   word that's big enough to allow us to think about  before time or outside of space or before energy   but it's a word that implies a personality or  personhood and a physicist doesn't necessarily   want to go there and yes it may be a point at  which religious thought and scientific thought   has to do a bit of a dance and intersect in a  certain way but there is a reason why i like to   use the word source or why others like to talk  in terms of divine intelligence but hold back a   little bit from using the word god the word god  does imply a personality i think to most hearers   and you use that word and all of a sudden all your  entrainment from religious backgrounds or even   secular societies that have roots in a religious  background all sorts of associations suddenly get   layered on that may or may not be helpful in our  studies of quantum phenomena we're learning that   consciousness has an impact on how material  phenomena shape themselves that you can have   something going on that will behave in a certain  way while it's observed by a camera but as soon   as you have a conscious eye observing it  through that camera the material phenomenon   changes and so quantum research is pointing  to the possibility that consciousness   may be a prime organizing principle and that when  we reach for a theory of everything we may need   to factor consciousness into that equation now  two and a half thousand years ago plato went   even further than that arguing that the material  universe must have been preceded by consciousness   and he does that by applying logic to  the things he observes and step by step   he takes the reader through that process  in his books fido and timmas and kritius   and it's an absolutely mind-boggling idea that  consciousness or intelligence could precede   the material universe but that's what he argues  for and so in his mind there's this pivot   where we go from consciousness into materiality  and so he again believed that there was a   zero point to that materiality that's really  as close as plato comes to defining what he   means by god and it's intriguingly close to how  the apostle paul of christianity defined god   now he's standing one day  in front of a non-religious   audience so he can't appeal to jewish ideas  or to christian ideas he has to define   god from scratch and so he says addressing  this crowd in athens he said by god i mean   the source of the cosmos and everything in it that  in which we all live and move and have our being   it is so all-inclusive it is a vision that says   our consciousness comes from source consciousness  that's only logical our intelligence comes from   source intelligence our being is a  participation in the being of the source   so it's kind of unarguable if you see it in those  terms but then he says god is that in which we all   live and move and have our being there he's  saying there's no separation we couldn't be   more intimately connected with each other and  with source that's interesting because religion   often trades in separation anxiety often comes  in with a message of you are separated from god   you need to claw your way back into his presence  and we the religious leaders will tell you how   well in Paul's vision there's no need for that you  live and move and have your being in the source and so taking that anxiety away i think is  incredibly empowering and in that speech he   mocks the idea of sacrificial religion the idea  that the source would need us to provide it with   anything he says is a joke and so it's profoundly  affirming exciting all-inclusive i find it quite   an inspiring vision and i like the language he  uses i find it easy to have conversations if I'm   talking about the source or if i'm talking about  consciousness or intelligence we have problems   when we use the word god because of these cultural  layers and what they mean to us now you might say   oh it's a shame that that bit of Paul's teaching  kind of went missing and Christianity seems to   have run with this very anthropomorphic vision  of god instead but he didn't get completely lost   and in fact you could point to a theologian  like paul tillich writing in the 20th century   who argued that it's very misleading to  talk of god as a person or a personality   and that it would be better to think of god as  the ground of all being and so he is reaching   for language similar to paul's there that in  which we all live and move and have our being   plato's works provide an amazing summary of the  thought world into which jesus and his apostles   stepped as they began their teaching well  the gospel of john suggests that jesus   and those who wrote for him may have had a rather  similar vision of god to the one plato described   so plato has this idea that in  the beginning was consciousness and then consciousness fractalized  to form the material universe and our consciousness comes  from source consciousness   individuates we have this individual experience  of separate conscious entities on this planet   and we're here to learn something and then after  this life we go on to a more cosmic relationship   and presumably we pull what we've learned along  the way so that's Plato's version of the hero's   journey that the cosmos is on and each one of  us is on our own hero's journey as part of that   the gospel of john maps that out for Jesus it  says in the beginning was the word and the word   was with god and the word was god he was with god  in the beginning then the word became flesh became   human became material and dwelt among us and we  beheld his glory as one full of grace and truth   and then towards the end of john's gospel Jesus  is speaking to the source addressing the source as   father and saying father now i'm about to return  to you back to the glory we enjoyed before the   foundation of the world and so there's that hero's  journey mapped out in the life of Jesus as a way   of enabling us to understand our own journey so i  think in that way john's gospel reaffirms Plato's   vision of in the beginning was a unified  field of consciousness and intelligence and   that then somewhat finesses our understanding of  what the writers for Jesus had in their minds as   an understanding of god now i argue in escaping  from Eden and the scars of Eden that the Elohim   stories of the bible are not stories about god  at all they are stories about a totally different   kind of entity and a plurality of entities Elohim  means powerful ones the powerful ones and there   are stories of all kinds of powerful beings  through the Hebrew scriptures now this is what   was believed by church fathers like Origen Justin  martyr, clement of Alexandria and the hereticized   martian they all believe the Elohim stories  were not about god they're about something else   and so you've got stories of i believe  extraterrestrials you've got stories of alien   visitors who look and sound human but they've got  advanced tech you've got stories of entities that   sound like dragons and they all get translated  as god stories and then the holy name yahweh   the holy name for god and the jewish tradition  has been pasted over all these stories to make   it look like a seamless story of yahweh from the  get-go but those stories are not yahweh stories   and so this then raises the question of how did  jesus read the elohim stories how did jesus read   the yahweh stories did he believe yahweh  was god did he believe the elohim were god well we could certainly say that jesus did  not read the hebrew canon in a fundamentalist   way he and his apostles almost never  reach for a plain reading of those texts   they would always go for mystical and  esoteric interpretations never for the plain   meaning if you look through the gospels  count up the number of times jesus says   in the past you've heard this but i say this when  he says in the past he means the hebrew scriptures   or he'll say moses said this i say  this moses allowed you this i say this   and so you know straight away that he is not  endorsing the mosaic teachings and laws far from   it he is repudiating them moses said this but i  say this and then he'll say something different   so as to that layer of redaction that was done  on these ancient texts and we know there were   a series of redactions where work is added  to the earlier text then it's harmonized   more is added then it's harmonized and there  was a moment when the pentateuch was produced   and harmonized to authenticate the mosaic  law jesus doesn't endorse that edit there's   a moment when more scriptures are added and it's  harmonized to endorse the monarchy the priesthood   and the yahustic law jesus does not affirm that  he repudiates that edit now it was so clear   to the apostles in the early church that jesus had  repudiated the mosaic law and the yahwestic law   that when they got to acts 15 they came to a  decision of saying the laws of the old covenant   the laws of the hebrew scriptures are  no longer binding they are not relevant   to international christianity moving forward  we're not bound by those teachings anymore   they came to that conclusion because in the end  it was clear that jesus had distanced himself   from those writings had repudiated them now  he'd said other things that did not make that   immediately obvious because he had pointed  to those scriptures and said those are the   scriptures that testify to me and so the early  church felt they couldn't simply jettison   the hebrew scriptures if they are the ones that  testified to jesus but then how do you handle   them how do you interpret them and these early  church fathers said well look at how jesus and   the apostles handled them they went to them  for prophetic meanings for esoteric meanings   not to teach the plain story and  not to say that the elohim were god   what did jesus think about the elohim story   there's a moment when he says all who came  before were thieves and robbers the thief   comes only to steal and kill and destroy and  that's a pretty good summary of what the elohim   did when they came colonized our planet  and governed over our ancestors and jesus   sets himself up in contrast to people  who've treated humanity that way do jesus's i am sayings mean that he sees  himself as an expression of the i am of yahweh   did jesus regard himself as an expression  of yahweh as a counterpart to yahweh did he believe yahweh was god well here's an  intriguing moment jesus is encouraging people   to engage with the source to address the source  of father and to expect the source to provide them   with things and so there's a moment in luke and  matthew's gospel when he says which of you fathers   if your child asked you for food would give him a  snake if your children asked you for bread would   you give them serpents now if you who are evil  know how to give good gifts to your children   how much more will your father in heaven  give good gifts to those who ask and the   other gospel says how much more will your father  in heaven give the holy spirit to those who ask   so he's saying go to the source and expect good  things the source is not like a wicked father   who would give serpents to children hungry  and asking for food what's he talking about   why on earth would he come up with that image  well the answer is that that image comes from   the hebrew scriptures there is a moment when  the people of israel are starving in the desert and so they come to moses and they say  please can you get yahweh to provide us   with some food and instead of providing them  with food he sends serpents fiery serpents   to go in and attack the people   it's a horrible story the people are starving  their children are starving they've asked for food   and yahweh says you're not gonna get food you're  gonna get serpents you're gonna get snakes you're   gonna get dragons and then you'll learn to worship  me and jesus says what father if their child asks   for food will give them a serpent now that to me  suggests he is strongly distancing himself from   that vision of yahweh that vision or understanding  of god now jesus believed in god and he had an   intimate relationship with god and the gospel  say he spoke to god as if god were his father   he spoke to the source as if the source were his  father and so i think we can see clear daylight   between jesus's concept of god and his concept  of the yahweh stories and the elohim stories   of the hebrew canon so from that i would say that  god cannot be equated with the character of yahweh   in the hebrew stories god cannot be equated  with the elohim of the elohim stories   of the hebrew canon i'm comfortable using the  name god i'm happy to say i believe in god but   then i always want to define what i mean and i  love going to the apostle paul's definition the   source of the cosmos and everything in it that  in which we all live and move and have our being   i find that source language more useful and  another reason that i think the guard language can   be a little bit unhelpful is if there is such a  thing as zero point energy then we want to tap it   technologically now ed mitchell the sixth man to  walk on the moon was a fierce advocate for the us   government to declassify its ufo files and come  clean about being in contact with et civilizations   and one of his motivations for that was that he  believed technology is available to us from our   et contact and he would talk about point energy  free energy tapping the energy that generates the   cosmos and he spoke in scientific terms he didn't  believe that to tap the energy of the cosmos   you need to do religious rituals he talked about  it as a technological thing and i so i think if   we use the language as source or zero point it's  more helpful if we're going to ask questions about   how do we tap that energy whereas if we're using  the language of god the idea of using technology   to tap god's powers this will not compute  goes on i think when we use that language i don't find that irreligious because many  of the great mystics through history if you   go to someone like simeon the new theologian  writing in the 10th century of the common era   or if you go to someone like meister eckerd  they spoke in terms of learning to operate   with the divine energies learning to tap  the divine energies in order to heighten   our consciousness in order to achieve greater  insight in order to heal and transform our bodies   and so if mystics can speak in those terms  and if scientists can speak in those terms   then again i think we see a confluence of  thinking that is using language that's a little   bit less anthropomorphic about god and so you had  meister eckerd who would talk about the godhead or   divinity rather than father son and holy spirit  it's not that he didn't believe in father son   and holy spirit because he was a good catholic he  was a dominican friar but he rather cleverly said   divinity has revealed itself to us as father son  and holy spirit let me tell you about divinity   let me tell you about the divine energies let  me tell you how we can tap the divine energies   and i like that language and it's certainly the  case that mystical and shamanic traditions have   existed for hundreds thousands of years that are  all about tapping the divine energies but i'm   also interested in a more scientific viewpoint of  how can we tap zero point energy because if we do   have access to free energy then it changes the  history of our planet it changes the footing of   our economics and allows us to have a better human  experience on this planet the reason i think it's   helpful to break open some of our thinking that  revolves around the word god is that the word   god has been hijacked by religions so that i say  the word and you immediately think of religion and   rules and who's in and who's out and heaven and  hell sin versus obedience worship versus idolatry   and all those binaries and exclusivities and one  of the things i argue for in the scars of eden   is that it would be helpful to go back to the root  meaning of certain words in the bible translate   elohim as the powerful ones translate ruach as  craft not spirit translate gehenna as gehenna   or the rubbish tip instead of hell use the greek  meaning of the word we translate as repent which   sounds like a terrible warning and translate  the word metanoia which means beyond the mind   go beyond the mind says jesus go beyond the  mind says the apostle paul and if we go back to   the message that jesus toured with it's summarized  right at the beginning of matthew's gospel if   we go to the root meanings of those words peel  off all the centuries of religious associations   layered over the top of those words you see  the words translated at the moment it says   repent that the kingdom of heaven is at hand  well that sounds like a warning doesn't it repent   sounds like it's saying you get your life  cleaned up because god is about to turn up   and you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of  him that's what it sounds like translate the words   by their root meanings metanoia go beyond  the mind change your thinking go beyond your   thinking for the kingdom the realm of heaven of  space of the cosmos saying go beyond the mind   transform your thinking go beyond  your thinking because the amazing   power of the realm of the source the amazing  power of the cosmos is available to you   now that's an invitation to explore possibility  that's open to all the amazing power of the   cosmos is available to all of us and it echoes  in paul's words when he says the source of the   cosmos that in which we all live and move and  have our being i can't think of a more powerful   invitation to explore what is possible for  human beings in this material life than that   it's a vision that's inclusive that has no  boundaries no boundaries between scientific   exploration and mystical and shamanic exploration  we want to know what's real we want to know what's   possible and that's why i think  reframing our language around god   is so helpful empire reframed the whole of  christianity as a religion of compliance   where being a good christian and being  a good citizen became indistinguishable   because christianity was a feudal order  it was a religion of obedience and worship   and i think that's a distortion of what jesus  was on about do some of this retranslating   at a far more life-affirming all-embracing  vision emerges one that i find deeply interesting   and amazingly motivating so i don't want to get  caught up too much in the word god and whether we   should stick with it or whether it's unhelpful i  just think it's good to ask more open questions of   what is going on where did everything come from  who are we where do we fit in this great puzzle   and be willing to explore together and follow  whatever the white rabbit leads and for me the   white rabbit is what our ancestors had to tell  us in our world mythology and our ancestral texts   including the text of the bible when translated  a little more clearly with root meanings   in plain sight because that is when  this whole other story of us emerges   the fifth kind check out our official  website at fifth kind dot tv author and researcher paul wallace probes the  world's ancient mythologies for clues about the   origins of the human race and has published  several books in the field of mysticism and   spirituality in the last decade his work  has probed the world's ancient mythologies   for the insights they hold on our origins as a  species and our potential as human beings paul's   work in church ministry has included training  pastors in the interpretation of biblical texts   working as a troubleshooter for communities of  faith and serving as an archdeacon in the anglican   church in australia his background as a senior  churchman makes it all the more surprising that   paul's latest book argues that human origins lie  in our prehistoric contact with extraterrestrial   species go to  for information about paul and his books you


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