Learn scratch to advance aws devops Devops roles and Responsibility Aws Devops for Beginners

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this conference will now be recorded sdlc okay we can discuss about stdl thing it means a software development life cycle what is meant by software development life cycle why we need to be understand about this I'm just opening my paint here here okay here we are going to be using every day you are going to be using some of the applications like it might be flip cart application or it might be we are going to be using some AWS Amazon site we are using or it might be HP applications we are using to purchase the laptops or it might be Samsung applications we are using like we are using different different applications okay how we are going to be using this particular application how we just Google it you can go just find out this particular flip cart applications there is a flip cart you are going to be just giving this particular flip cart when you are going to be checking this in Google it's going to be showing this particular page okay this whenever you are going to be clicking on this particular place this particular URL we are going to be clicking okay ultimately this URL we are going to be pinging this one we can call like as a URL now this is the URL basically this particular URL we are using even if you you doesn't know it's like as a whoever working on this particular software side they might know but normal customers customer doesn't know about this particular URLs also they are just using they're just Googling and they're just clicking on that particular flip cart only ultimately it will run behind this this is the one we are going to be opening this is the page this one we can call like as a URL okay now I'm just opening the page here I'm saying that this is my server basically okay basically this is a server I'm just opening I'm just creating here this is the server in this particular server I'm deploying I'm running some application this is running under the company side okay this might be some slow some flip cart guys they're going to be maintaining some servers within this particular servers this might be flip cart guys they're going to be maintaining server they it's a their server only within their server they're going to be deploying the application this particular application who is going to be accessing might be some customers are going to be accessing this particular application this particular application customers are going to be accessing it's a two-way communication right we just go and see it's going to be communicating to this particular application and application is going to be giving the response also so this particular customers will get the response also how this entire thing will be happened how this particular application is going to be deploying what is a requirement first of all we should understand about the requirement of this particular application what we can be done okay we have multiple teams are there we have some development team is there what development team will be do normally development team will be write the code okay we'll write some code this particular code on what basis they're going to be writing on what basis they will write code here in our organization side we have something called okay we have this this is the agreement we are going to be setting up this between between the client we can say I'm running some organizations okay I I'm going to be running some organization this is my organization I can say this is my organization under that uh there is one more client is there this is my client might be this might be some flip cart or some whatever it is we just go and see client okay he's going to be giving work for me client and I'm going to be running some Serv service based company I'm going to be providing some service it might be anything service based company so the service based company in this service based companies one team is there some planning team this particular guys we can call like as a planning team within this we have something called planning team this particular planning team is going to be communicating with our clients okay these guys will be communicate with our clients so these guys will be communicate like we can see them role called business analyist you you heard about this business analyist business analyst this particular guys are going to be communicating with clients and they will ask the clients what is your requirement these particular clients are going to be asking these guys are going to be providing some of the information like 1 2 3 4 they will just discuss in a meeting they will set up a meeting and they will discuss with the client and they will get some client requirement this is called client requirement okay this particular requirement is going to be collecting by planning team once it is done directly development team is not going to be starting their work okay we should know about the requirement first based on this requirement what we can be done exactly we should create a document basically okay here this guy is going to be getting information from the client that is a requirement of that particular client only on top of this particular requirement we are going to be creating some documents that particular document is going to be done by some other team so this particular there is a step byep process is there this particular process we can call like gu a software development life cycle I will show you some image here here we can see there is image I'm going to be showing this is a software development life cycle image okay we just go and use any one of these particular image I can go on show yeah here we can see this is the image I would like to show now here in this particular image first one is a planning team as per our discussion what these guys are going to be done planning team is going to be collecting the information from the client okay so these particular guys are going to be collecting the data from the client once this particular data we can get this particular planning team is going to be say is going to be giving the data to there is analysis team okay we have something called analysis team is there this is a second team analysis team is there this these also business anal list only these guys are going to be collecting the data from the planning team once we get the data these guys will be create the document okay here we are going to be getting some document these guys are going to be creating some document here these guys will be create some document what kind of document they're going to be creating these guys are going to be creating some document called we just go to design SRS document okay software requirement specifications these guys are going to be creating some document called SRS software requirement specifications okay these guys are going to be creating some document that is a software requirement specifications based on this particular analysis okay these guys are going to be creating some document that is SRS under that particular document we are going to be keeping what kind of softwares are required for this particular application to fulfill this particular application what kind of softwares we require okay all those information we are going to be keeping under this particular SRS document once this particular document is ready it just simple document is creating is not fine we should know about that particular document what is the information we have provided under the document whether that particular document will be useful it will provide what kind of issues it will provide for us okay whether it will work successfully or not what kind of issues we can we might get in future those things are going to be checking by Design Team there is a team called design team is there here there is a team called design these guys on top of this particular document here we are not going to be creating any document orally they're going to be taking some of the notes they're going to be getting this from this particular requirement they're going to be getting that particular requirement we give to analysis team based on these particular requirements these guys are going to be creating some document everything they're going to be keeping in a document and they're going to be providing some of the tools as well what kind of softwares we need to be use either it's a Java base is best or it might be NOS is best which one is the best they're going to be keeping under that once this particular document is ready one more team is called there is a design team these guys are going to be creating design document specifications there is a DDS document these guys also going to be creating these guys will create create some DDS documents this one we can call Design document specification okay in this based on this particular softwares whether these particular softwares will work properly or not once it is once project is completed once the product is completed whether that particular product will will be safe or not they will take some reviews from the customers in this we are going to be getting the reviews you can get the reviews from the clients we are going to be getting the reviews from some security department as well from the customers also they're going to be getting some reviews everything they're going to be getting before going to start working on the project everything we are going to we are just assumption this is our assumption once completion of this particular project it will be like this these are the factors will be implement we are going to be implementing these are the factors and if it is completed what kind of issues we can get some security related issues we can get or not all these things we are going to be checking under the design document okay here once completion of this SRS we are going to be creating one more document that is a DDS in this we are going to be taking the reviews from different different teams from the client customers and we are getting the we are getting the reviews from some other teams also there in our organization itself from that we are going to be getting the reviews if everything is good then only development is going to be starting we have something called development team is there these guys will start working on the development now development team is coming to picture these guys will start working on the development development everyone knows about this only develop developers are going to be writing the code once that that particular code is ready we are going to be deploying the applications before going to start development we have some other processes also there this is the planning analysis and design these are the three steps are going to be happening first of all we should understand about this particular software development life cycle under this this particular image based on that we can able to understand about software development life cycle first one is the planning from the client these guys are going to be getting the these guys are going to be collecting the information and then we are going to be having some analysis team is there these guys are are going to be creating the document what is the information is collecting by planning that information we are going to be keeping as a document that is SRS there we are going to be keeping all the softwares which are required for the my applications all this information we are going to be keeping as a document based on that particular document once completion of this particular how much budget it is how much cost it will be take and how once completion of this particular project any security issues we may see those particular information also we can get reviews we are going to be getting from the clients customers everyone is going we are going to be checking with different different teams if everything is good then implementation is started implementation in the sense that is the development this one we can call like as implementation okay development developers are going to be writing the code okay here we have something called implementation team that is a development team here we are start writing the code it might be Java or it might be some other languages based on this particular SRS document these guys are going to be starting the work we are going to be hiring the People based on this particular document only what kind of softwares they should they should know what kind of language they need to be write under this particular Project based on that we are going to be hiring the people under this okay before going to start our project these guys will be came to picture and these guys are going to be working under this particular project if everything is set up is done then only developers are start writing their code once code is is ready we are not going to be deploying this particular code directly we have something called testing is there okay here you need to test the code what is the code is going to be writing by developer that particular test we are going to be testing by testing there is a testing team is there these guys are going to be testing they might do some different different test cases they will use some different tools might be okay this particular code are going to be testing by testing team here we are going to be checking some unit test cases or it might be integration integration or it might be smoke test okay like we have different different test cases are there testing team will be do that particular activities this is not this is not our responsibility we are just doing some of the test cases we just integrate what are the testing what are the test cases are going to be writing by developers this particular testing team that particular testings we need to automate by using some tools later I will show you first of all we should understand about development team is going to be writing the code once it is ready we are going to be testing the code as well once the testing is done we have one more team called de deployment team here deployment team is there this here we are going to be deploying the applications basically actual deployment will be happen here deployment here we are going to be deploying our applications this deployment will be previously this deployment also is done by development team only nowadays this particular deployment is going to be handling by developer this particular devop guys now we came into picture we are going to be deploying the applications after completion of the test this particular this particular devops guys are going to be deploying the applications now deployment in the sense what is the application we have which particular development is done by development is done by developers that particular application we are make it ready for customers okay it means customers can use this particular application that kind of setup we are going to be done so once application is ready deployment in the sense we are deploying under the some server once it is ready we need to check whether that particular application is running fine or not might be six months or one year we are going to be checking or it might be lifetime we are going to be giving some support okay okay once deployment is ready there is a monitoring there is a supporting team monitor okay here something called maintenance we can see there is a maintenance team simply it's deploying the applications if I'm going to be providing the application to you that particular application is working fine or not you doesn't know about that right we should have some Support also there is a maintenance team is there these guys are going to be providing the maintenance by checking the m we are going to be using some monitoring tools and we are going to be debugging the issues resolving that particular issues that particular issues are going to be checking by maintenance team okay this is how that particular deployment is going to be happening okay these are the steps we have under the software development life cycle there are six stpe these are six steps are there mainly in this first step is planning second one is analysis and third one is design and fourth one is development or implementation we can call and fifth one is a testing sixth one is deploy and seventh one is maintenance these many teams are working together Within this particular project single project within the single project these many teams are going to be working as per our discussion we might be same client okay client and this particular company who is might be some of the companies they have they're going to be working their own products okay here we can see some of the companies there are the three types of companies are there one is a product based company product based company second one is service based company and third one is third party companies okay third party companies what is meant by these here product based company it means some of the companies they will do their own product they're going to be developing their own product like you can say some HP company or it might be Samsung or it might be some other companies like we have different different companies are there okay Ericson they're going to be developing their own products and Sony they have their own products are there like those are called we can say product based company these guys have their own requirement and they're going to be developing everything each and every step there these particular steps are going to be done within that particular company only some of the companies like TCS we have something called TCS is there and we have something called techm is there Tech Mahendra and we have something called emphasis and we have something called infosis like we have different different companies are there these guys they don't they don't have any products they're just hiring the people and they're going to be developing the project and they're going to be selling the projects to others like uh I have some flip cart application is there flip cart guys they doesn't have any software company flip cart guys they're going to be giving the work they giving the project to some other company okay like tech tech Mahindra they're going to be giving work to Tech Mahindra Tech Mahindra guys they're going to be preparing some software that particular software they will give to flip cart application again Flipkart guys they will pay the amount okay in that case these these things are called service based company these guys are going to be providing the service to some other companies they will just hire the people they will try they will ready some product and that particular product they will give it back to some other guys okay these we can call like as service based company whoever is is like as a product based in the sense they have their own product like HP companies or seans or it might be Samsung like we have different companies are there they have their own products some of the company they don't have their own products they're going to be Serv they're going to be working for others that we can call like as a service based company some other companies there is a startup companies are there they just hire the people they will deploy the people to these kind of companies okay Tech Mahindra some of the contract based employees are there in Tech Mahindra it means from other company salary will give by other company that particular guys will be deploy into Tech Mahindra they will just work as a contract based employees under the tech Mahendra okay within the tech Mahendra some of the guys will work like as a Contra contract based employees everyone most of it's like as a everyone they're not going to be taking as a permanent position they will hire the people once the their work is done they will leave from that they will ask them to leave the from that particular project whenever the project is there they will just hire the people from other company okay it's kind of even you can see some companies like contract contract they're going to be taking within the public sectors we can say some government companies they're not going to be hiring the people directly they will just take a contract based employees why they're going to be taking contract based employees why because if it is a permanent permanent guys we have to pay the salaries with high scale okay they don't like to pay like that they don't like to pay okay even they're not going to be taking the cars also their own they're going to be taking like as a contractual basis so that they will get some benefits okay in this case also they're going to be hiring the people from other companies only paying the salaries are going to be paying by thir party companies they will deploy into service service based companies like we have different companies are there so based on their work they will just communicate these are the teams this particular team is going to be communicating with client and they will get the requirements these particular based on the requirements we are going to be creating some document that particular document we can call like as SRS document in this particular document we are going to be defining all the information like what kind of softwares we are going to be using under this particular project okay based on the cost we are going to be analyzing here everything they're going to be analyzing and they're going to be providing some softwares as well they will provide some architecture here based on this this particular one will work or not okay once completion of this particular document they will just take a reviews from different different teams whether this particular application will work fine or not any security issues we can get or not client can accept or not they're going to be taking the reviews from different different teams if everything is working fine then development is going to be starting once development is ready that particular code is going to be testing by testing guys if everything is good this entire thing is good then we are moving into production environment that is called deployment we are going to be deploying the application under the production production in the sense that is ready for customers okay from now onwards customers can use that particular application like customers is using flip cart applications whenever you are going to be deploying your applications under the server customers can use that particular application once deployment is done we need to identify whether that particular application is working fine or not sometimes customers are going to be facing some issues might be some of the pages are not going to be opening we just go back to here this is my flip cart application in this I'm unable to open this particular mobiles initial days this particular works this particular Pages might not work also okay if I'm going to opening this this this is a flip cart application they have done lot of testings under this because of that reason each and every page is working sometimes these particular pages are not going to be opening who is going to be taking care of that this particular maintenance team is going to be taking care of that particular activities it might be any kind of issues sometimes you are going to be paying the amounts that particular payment is not done properly okay there is a support team is there that particular supporting guys are going to be checking these particular isues okay all these combinely we can call like as a software development life cycle we are going to be developing a software here is it clear any questions no bro everyone is clear guys clear n yes this is about the software development life cycle and coming to roles and responsibilities roles and responsibilities of devops what these particular guys are going to be done in the organizations I'm going to be giving different activities one is admin activities second one is a devops engineer and third one is SRE role okay some guys they're going to be calling like as a support engineer and some guys they're going to be working like as a automation engineer like these many things are there okay these many positions are there as a devops engine devops guy is going to be handling all these particular roles we can apply for any kind of jobs okay here we are working with any kind of jobs admin guys are going to be providing access related he's going to be handling the access related information access related okay like I want to here this particular guy is going to be giving the access for cloud environment like AWS which particular service they're going to be accessing either you are going to be providing only developer access or it might be admin access like we have different different accesses are there what kind of access you need to be provide to them based on their requirement you need to be provide this particular access for cloud or it might be source code managements or it might be databases anywhere it's based on the requirement whenever you are going to be working as admin based on the requirement we are going to be providing access to them okay in this this particular admin time admin guys they're going to be doing some setup also sometimes we are going to be doing some setup infrastructure setup under the cloud infra setup in Cloud might we we are doing these particular activities also okay it's a based on their project requirement we are doing that particular activities and devops engineer he's going to be handling what he will do he will do some development development under devops okay he's going to be writing manest files jkin jobs Jenkins pipelines he's doing some Po's proof of concept Po in the sense PO is in the sense proof of concept okay any new technologies come up like PC in the sense here I'm going to be saying that need to need to integrate new technology need to integrate new technology within project before going to integrate we should do some Po's okay these kind of activities is going to be done this particular devop is going to be writing he's going to be doing some infra setup also sometimes it's based on the roles it's like as a based on the job description we need to be work on that particular infra setup also okay once we have done this even this particular guy is going to be working he will work up to prepr environment pre and it means before production PR environment before production we are going to be working under this he's going to be working under the pre-pro environment only before up to that particular production before production environment he's going to be working will work up to the prepro environment this particular guy is going to be handling L3 issues he will he will handle he3 issues also okay these are the activities is done by devops engineer Sr is also done by devops guy only he's working under the release management okay he will works on release management how we are going to be deploying our applications on what basis you are going to be deploying how we are going to be upgrading the applications that particular activities is done by S guy some of the companies are s gu itself is going to be handling the automation okay writing some scripts here writing scripts by using some shell script it might be shell or it might be python based on the requirement we need to write the particular script also and some of in some of the companies he's going to be handling the supporting like monitoring the applications okay these activities is going to be handling in support Engineers this s and support Engineers both are almost same these guys will work under the production environment okay here these will work these guys will work under production environment production environment here also these guys also going to be checking the monitoring applications or server also here we can see moding applications servers everything he's going to be handling those particular activities is going to be providing on call support it means what is mean by on call support in know we every day sometimes we are going to be working as oncon support 24 by7 we need to be work we need to be do some of the activities like if any application is down you will get some alarm based on the alarm you need to be work on that particular issue okay every day we can say every day we can get this particular alarms it's based on the requirement this particular guys are going to be handing this particular who are there in this particular call okay specially they will hire the particular people especially hire that particular people for support engineer only support engineer role they will might be on call Support also there in that particular project okay in this we have different activities we are going to be handling and next one is automation engineer this particular is going to be working under the infra Automation and deployment automation everything it might be any environment he's going to be handling the infra automation like he's going to be doing some terraform he's working under the terraform might be he's working under the anible he's working under the shell scrapes all these activities he's going to be doing okay he's going to be automating everything what is the manual approach is there every manual approach he's trying to automate that particular process and he make it work in a simpler way to our customers okay it's a single button customers can click it will be do everything that kind of setup is going to be done okay all these environments we can apply as a devop sky we are going to be handling all these areas in our sessions we are going to be discussing all these areas don't think much here everything we can discuss in our session itself okay within these three years we can disc three months we can discuss all these once we have completed our course you can apply for five years experience or six years experience also that kind of knowledge we are going to be providing in our sessions is it clear any about the roles and responsibilities any questions here no just stop recording


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