Learn How Organizations have Achieved 331 ROI With G Suite Cloud Next 19

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I'm. Jonathan working, product marketing, at Google. I'm from the Paris office, actually. We. Should great. Welcome to this session as, an, introduction I wanted to say that, you. Hear a lot about digital, transformation, and the impact that you can have on. Your. Business and. In this session we really wanted to focus on, the metrics on the KPIs, on the real numbers that you can put on this impact and for. This I would like to welcome on stage Aneesh from, Forrester, who. Worked on a full, report on, this kind of total. Economic impact that we can have on your business and also, Monica, from. The vivienda who will share, her experience, about, a digital, transformation project. That she had in the financial, services, and the impact, that it had on her business, so. To that, and each the floor is yours hello. Everyone and thank you Jonathan as. Jonathan. Mentioned I'm, a principal. Consultant at. Forrester. In our, total economic impact, practice. Where, we work with, customers. Like Google and technology service providers, like Google and, their customers, to develop, a business case framework, and model. To help quantify the benefits, and cost that. Organizations. Can accept, expect, from implementing. A. Technology. Investment, so, today I'll share with you the benefits that Google's customers, have, realized, from. Investing. In Google's. G suite, that. Offers a set of workplace applications. To. Help organizations transform. Their business. Before. Diving into what, we heard from Google's, customers, and the business value that they've achieved I want. To talk about this, new world that organizations. Are living in. Foresters. Own research, shows that, technology. Innovation, and digital, disruption have. Fundamentally, changed how employees. Access. Information, collaborate. With their colleagues and serve, their customers. Employees. Are increasingly, relying on cloud, applications. To, do their jobs, in, fact foresters, own research shows that 90%. Of organizations, out there are, either, interested. Evaluating. Or already, using, cloud-based platforms. To. Support their workforce, needs. 80%. Of enterprises. That. Use cloud-based, platforms. Have. Adopted a cloud first or are, prioritizing, cloud for any new business, applications. That they bring on to, their enterprise and. 75%, of organizations. Agree. That complementing, employee, tasks. With, features. Such as AI, collaboration. Platforms, and mobility. Is. A crucial, to, their organization's, future, in. This, new cloud first world. Organizations. Are evaluating, solutions, that, can help working, together more. Efficient faster, and more secure. Today. I'll talk to you about foresters. TI methodology. And why we think it's very useful for prospects. And considering, and evaluating. A technology, investment.

I Will, then talk to you about google's. Customers, who have adopted g suite, the. Challenges, they faced in their legacy environment, and why, they decided to go to g suite and then, I'll share with you a representative. Organization. Of the customers. That we talk to to. Share the financial implications, that these customers have achieved. So. Forrester, realizes. How, important, it is to do, a thorough business, case before. Making a technology, investment. In, fact over 90 percent of organizations. Agree. That, a. Business. Case is either, somewhat, or very important. To, develop an economic justification. Before. Moving forward, so. Then that naturally, leads to what, is a good business case so. Typically, organizations. Do a TCO. Or an ROI analysis. And while. These are great approaches, the, challenge, is you bacon, a lot of assumptions, to, forecast, future benefits, and cost so. What Forrester, does is actually. Talks to actual, customers. Who have deployed the technology, and talk, about and understand their use case and understand. Their data and build. A retroactive. Business case model for others to evaluate and that's, what you'll see in today's session. So. For this particular analysis. That we did on behalf of Google G. Suite we. Interviewed eight customers, that, you see here, they. Represent a, variety. Of, geographic. Markets, whether, they operate just in North America or globally, or Asia, they, also represent, different industry, verticals, from transportation, to. Consumer, packaged goods to. The public sector so we had a wide variety of industries, and markets and, then, we talked to companies who've. Deployed G suite across various, sizes, as you, can see, we. Have an automotive company here, that deployed. G, suite for 4,000, customers or, there are 4,000, employee base and up. To, transportation. Companies that have over, 50,000, employees. Prior. To moving to G suite all of these customers, use some, sort of on-premise. As well. As cloud-based, collaboration, tools. Organizations. Were using cloud-based tools. For specific, point applications, like, chat video. Conferencing, and the others while. They're hosting their email, and their document. Sharing and productivity applications. On-premises. So, that's the legacy environment, that all these customers were operating, before, they went out to GS wait. So. While talking to these customers, there are some themes of certain. Common, challenges, that started to emerge. Regarding. Their collaboration, platform, and the collaboration, tools that, they were using in. Their legacy environment. The. First key challenge we heard is.

Organizations. Really. Felt the pressure to reinvent, the way they work both, internally. As well as, externally, so. Internally, organizations, wanted to provide their employees with. Advanced business and collaboration. Tools. While, maximizing. Security. Meanwhile. Externally. It was important, that there was pressure to maintain competitive. Within the market, as well. As a lot of expectations. From prospective. Employees, on how they, could do, work remotely. Within. The ecosystem, of the organization, which. Drove organizations. To, start reconsidering their legacy, tools. An. SVP, of a financial services company told us we. Truly had to reimagine how we do work our industry. Is being disrupted, and if we continue to, do things the way we always have, we, may survive, but we won't be as competitive, as competitive. As we need to in this changing landscape a. Second. Key challenge, that emerged was organizations. We're looking to empower their employees, with technology. Organizations. Realized that. Without the right tools it, was very difficult for their employees, to meet and exceed, the expectations that, their, customers, were putting on them there. Were constant, issues that employees, had with version controls, gaining. Access to information to. Make fast decisions, sharing. Information across, colleagues, across markets. Unproductive. Meetings lots. Of travel. They. All could be avoided if there was some sort of harmonious. Cloud. System in place and a large. Number of these customers, that we talked to their, employees, were already using Gmail. And Google Drive within. Their personal landscape so, it was a natural fit to consider, gee, sweet. The. Third challenge, that, was very prevalent when we talked to Google's customers was, that. It was very difficult to start managing and integrating. Third-party. Security. Solutions, to. All to improve the overall security, of their environment. Customers. We talked to recognize. The increased, need and pressure to secure, both their customer, as well as, their, company data bolster. Their network, security, and allow. It all by allowing still. Allowing their employees, to, focus on tasks. At hand and access data so. This was a big imperative, for. Customers we talked to. So. Then why did, these customers, eventually choose, gee sweet, first. And foremost, Jesus. We represented. A bold. Transformation. By. Partnering with Google, organizations. Signaled to their employees, to the market, that they were taking, strides to innovate, and modernize. Their business. Second. Was, that. Google. Is cloud natives, an organization. Cited that being cloud native is a huge, advantage and this. Means that they don't have to add additional on-premise. Infrastructure, they. Can increase. Scale. Of their security teams by. Managing users and data and controlling. Devices and, now. Organizations. Can also sunset, legacy applications, and services. That, they had in their environment. So, now based on all these interviews we. Created a representative, organization. To tell the financial, story of what, organizations. Achieved. So. Based on our interviews. With. Eight customers, we, developed a composite, or representative. Organization, that's, three, billion dollars in revenue, that. Operates, globally, they. Have 20,000. Employees, they. Did a phased, adoption. Of G suite so, in. The first year there was about seventy to seventy-five percent of their, employee base on G suite and tow. Years. Two and three that grew to close to 100% and then. We used the employee employee count and revenue, we. Forecasted, a three percent year-over-year, revenue, growth, so, what you'll see in the numbers is based on this organization. That, we talked to. So. Now let's get to the results and what we heard. So. For this representative, organization, that I just talked about over, three, years they. Got an ROI of three hundred thirty one percent.

Achieve. Benefits, of close to fifty six million dollars, with. An NPV of forty three million dollars and, another. Strong benefit, is that. Organizations. Were able to recoup, their investment within. Their first year of, going. To G suite so. Now let's look at the details of how. This run organization. Achieved. These strong results. For. Their organization. After implementing, G suite they. Were able to realize. And quantify, benefits, across. Four major areas, they. Were able to increase, revenue, they. Were able to show an improvement in employee productivity. They. Were able to reduce, IT. Cost, both effects, as well, as cop capex, they. Were also able to reduce the, risk of a data breach and improve. Their overall security, posture, as, you. Can see, customers. Were able to see tangible. Improvements. And KPIs, that. Are very important, to the business and business leaders, evaluate. A solution they, were able to directly. Link, a revenue, improvement, so. What, it means to. Drive employee productivity. Security. And risk. Reduction. As, well as reducing. The burden and overall, IT so. Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at how these metrics. And KPIs, actually. Get translated, into the, 55 million dollars benefit. That. This organization achieved. So. The. Interviewed organizations. Noted, that, one of the key advantages of going to gee suite is that it catalyzed, a cultural. Change it it. Brought, about an organizational. Shift, towards. Embracing innovation and, change the, way the employees, did, their work and saw, their company, G. Suite allowed the organization, to break down silos, across teams for. Example very tangibly, we heard sales, teams who. Were oftentimes. Frustrated, creating. Documents, getting, documents frustrated. With marketing, were, able to access information on, the fly on. Sites. And. Spend. A lot more time with. Their customers, which not only sped. Up the sales cycle but increased the sales pipeline. Employees. Across business units, and. Markets. Could, now share and access data more easily. Improving. The agility and flexibility, that the organization, now had and which, led to faster. And better decision. Making it allowed the organization, to empower employees to. Do and, make faster decisions because, everyone was, working, off the same sort of same. Foundational. Data that. Was in in-house, in certain silos and now, teams also, had access, to customer, historic. Customer data insights. Product. And marketing documentation. Which, elevated. The quality, of customer interactions. Resulting. In increased. Loyalty, also. The lifetime value of an a customer, so. For the organization. We talked about which is three billion dollars. They. Attributed, 1.5, percent improvement. In revenue, of so. On a yearly basis, the organization, was seeing about thirty three million dollars. Of tangible, revenue, that. Can they can attribute to gee sweet and over, three years, at. A 15 percent margin, the, organization, saw about 13 million dollars in bottom-line profits. The. Second benefit, was, the organization. With, about 20,000, employees saw. 171. Hours or roughly, 21, days it's. Time saved with, going to G sweep and now, this time savings comes from a variety of factors, there's. Seamless, real-time, editing in Docs, sheets slides. That. Allow employees, to easily, collaborate and access. Information, this. Leads to shortened shortened meetings even. Eliminating, meetings via, hangouts, and chat it reduces. Corporate travel, it, also allows, employees, to, access and, share information while. They're traveling or, working, remotely and get, the same access as they would had. They been within the, organization's. Infrastructure. The. Cloud native nature. Of G suite. Also. Provides updates in the cloud so, that are automatically, pushed out so. It eliminates user, downtime, with. What was happening in the legacy environment. For. 20,000, employees this, translates, to over five million hours. Saved for the organization, which, results in 222. Million dollars of benefits. For. The organization, that we just talked about. The. Representative, organization, also was able to really. Reduce, the, pressure on its IT teams. Not. Only in the number of and, the cost of maintaining infrastructure. So on the capex side but, they were able to. Easily. Make their IT team scaleable, and provide, provided. Enough, cap. Our affects leverage to, reduce IT teams, additionally. The organization, was able to reduce legacy, software licenses, across. Their point, collaboration. Platforms. Including. Mobility management spam. And malware, filtering. Content. Management and identity. Access management they, were able to reduce this. So in addition the. Representative, organization, got, 20%, fewer.

Support, Tickets as it, related to collaboration. Tests such, as email, productivity. Document, sharing etc, so. Over three years from, an IT perspective there, were thirteen, point two million. Dollars in both effects, and capex savings. With. G suite the. Organization, was also able to start filtering out. 99.9%. Of. All. Malicious, emails that would coming into their environment, this. Results, not only in a, reduced. Threat but, the additional, malware, and the data incidents, that require remediation, for, security teams. Additionally. Organizations. Noted that, 50% of any threat, that comes into their organization, comes, via, email. Or, collaboration. Platforms, and the, other 50% is through the other IT environment. So. On the 50% that they were. Where. The threat comes in in terms of email and the collaboration, platform. Organizations. Noted a 95, percent reduction. In. The, risk of a data breach which, was enormous. In terms of, the. Security posture that, the organization, would have so. Over three, years this represented, a tangible value of 7.5. Million dollars, for. The organization. In. Summary, we. Talked about the, customers, that we've interviewed and how, we developed, a representative, organization. And how. They were achieved, at 331, percent, ROI. And. 43. Million dollars in NPV. What's. Important, to note that the NPV, number includes. A couple of different factors and when you read the full study so. The NPV, factors, in, all the, costs that organizations. Had. To incur this includes a seven-month implementation. Time includes. Professional services, as well as internal, labor it, also, includes. Ongoing. Labor. That they had to dedicate to G suite and. The G suite license, cost. Also. For the representative, organization, they, actually decided to go with a third party single sign-on so. They were incurring, that cost which is baked into this NPV, but, Google now offers a, single, sign-on that, comes within their G suite license, that's not factored into this analysis. So. With that I want to thank you for, your time and I'll hand, it over to Jonathan. Thank you. Thank. You and each we promised, you metrics and KPIs and you got metrics, and kpi's I think so, you can don't hesitate to to, download the full report it's a 27. Pages, PDF, if, I'm not wrong if I'm not mistaken so you get all the details all the KPIs, in, this one it was a global study so, customers. From North, America, eme, and so on so, don't let that is free I'll give. You some time to, snap. A quick peek or copy. The URL. And I, would like to welcome back on stage Monica, from Banco, de vivienda which, share experience, about our digital transformation. Project in financial, services. Thank. You Jonathan thank you Anna SH um, hello. Everyone, I'm, so happy, excited, to be here oh. Okay. Guys I. Want. To share our experience. Too. The. Project, that we did with. G sweet Anna, WA and also, with Google cloud platform. So. Let me tell you a little bit about, us so. Who we are. So. We, are, a major financial. Institution. In Colombia, so there are any Colombians, in the house oh yeah. We have many Colombians, in the house so that's really good so, let me tell you about the BBN de so we are a major, financial institution.

Then We have presence in six, countries we, have presence, in Colombia. In, and. El Salvador Costa. Rica, Honduras, and, we have a little branch in Miami. Also. Our, hair color is based in Bogota, Colombia and. Let. Me tell you some some. Of them numbers, so we have four reduce market. Presence, we have 10 million. Customers and, also. We have. 18,000. Employees. All. Over, the region. So. Here, is some numbers, also, we, are the third largest bank, in Colombia, the second. Bank. In Colombia, by growth, loans and then we have some numbers, or who, we are over, here we have efficiency, growth, loans and some assets, that, I would like to share with you this, afternoon. And. I'm going to tell you a little bit our digital journey, it will start talking about our, digital, journey. This. Journey has, started. Going. Wnted. Decided, to be mobile, first in colombia so everything. That is, happening right now in, colombia is right, here also. Everything, that is happening happening. Internally, is, happening, right, here so I want to show you a little bit of that. So. This, is our, offer, and this is one of our top, mobile services. So, what we have right now we have a managed, personal, finances. Insurance, mobile, loans opening. Online products, send, and receive, money. In. Which our customer, can do all of the. Banking, transactions. For, their, cell phones so what they can do their, payments. Check, balance, apply, for a credit open. An account and that, just. In five minutes, so, that's why. Also. Apps something, else to tell you that is so cool and we, were the first bank, in the world that. We have this little. House over here. You. She does we call it, casita. Roja, the Red House and. What. We can do with this right right housed in a keyboard we can do send, national, remittance. We can charge our cell phones if you don't have to. Call someone you can do it by, over here then split, payments, and also, send, money so. Does. Our, offer. But. That's. Why we decided to, do W, and ago and. We, decided to do this project because. Changing. The face of the Riviera for our customers, was, the easy part but. The difficult, part was to change internally, because. We have this innovative, offer as. You, see we have the keyboard a little, house and the keyboards, so everyone, in Colombia like Wow not, only in Colombia in Salvador, Honduras and, Miami, where. We have presence but inside, we. Look like all fashion. And, that's, where Google helped. Us to, change our mindset. So. We. Have three. Main, attributes, in our company, and those. Are friendly, trustworthy. And. Simple. As you, can see we were really, good at friendly, we were really good at. Untrustworthy. But. We, were pretty bad at simple, and that's. Why we, decided to, do the vivienda, go to change what. To. Change the way we work the way, we communicate, and, the way we learned why. Because. We, are, for. First, customer, we. Do believe that we need to give the best customer. Services. To, our customers and we have more, than 10 millions, of customers so, we have to do something different, and let, me tell you a story a short story. That. Simple, that was pretty bad but. In. 2016. We were number, 12, in Colombia, in customer service in. 2017. We moved to the port place, and let, me tell you something, amazing last. Year, we, were number one. And, that's. Why, because. We were doing something called. W, and ago. That. Was our. Implementation. Our deployment. It took us like seven. Months to, me grade eight thousand. Employees. Workers. To, G suite in all, these, countries so. Seven, months I guess, that was our surance, project. Ever, so. I'm pretty, excited just. Seven months and then, later. I'm gonna show you our, partners. In crime because, they're here today. So. And. Something. That I believe, is pretty unique, in WN done, before. We, started with this with every. Time that we think can be in G suite we. Weren't thinking about. Gmail. Or a slides. Or, dogs, or, forms, all of that is amazing, I love, it but. We, were thinking okay, when. We have this suite we, were able to do corporate. Governance. Ultimate. Eyes are, or sales, performance. Model, Cole Massey, we, can do finally. Our transformation. Office we, can do self self, learning sales, Digital, support digital. And, effective, meetings that's, why we, wanted, so bad the G suite to. Do this over, here so. I, have. Something. That I had to share with you with the corporate, governance and Google, suit, so, Google.

Suite Has. Led, banker, will be ending, Hays its corporate. Governance, system. As well. As empower. Digital. Transformation. At all. Levels. From, the, person. Who is at, at the branch, saying. Hello welcome to WB, and how can I help you to our CEO. So. Everywhere. Was, involved. In this transformation. Because. We Shoji, sweet as an opportunity. To transform. The, things we do and also to transform. Our internal. Processes. Then. We. Have something, that we really love and we call it Massey. Is, our, sales, performance. Model, and it. Includes, a preparation. Management. And tracing. So. I want to share these, numbers. With you because. Thanks to Massey. We. Increase, our sales from. 2017. From. 2018. In. 14%, and. Behind. All of that is doing, this with behind, all of that is GCP, so. This is really good for. Us I don't know for you and then, we. Have the, 26%. More. Credit. Applications. Thanks, to Massey, and thanks, to mobile loan. Also. I have some other numbers, over here that I want to share with you we. Have, 4.7, million. Operating. Savings. How. We got the number, I mean less. Traveling. Around Columbia. We have like a tricky. Geography. Then. We. Have over, here. Kwan's. Let's travel in, self-learning. And also. We. Have an IT. Coasts, include. In that number two and something. That is really good as I. Said before we, want to transform. Our processes. We have. 13,000. Hours. In. The last year say, by simplifying, processes. And now I'm going to tell you how how we are, doing this. Okay. This. Is my baby I'm going to present my baby this. Is their transformation. Office and, in. Order to transfer our processes. We, create, that goal in the NGO implementation. Center in Spanish, we, call it sigil CIJ. OC. Go and. What. Sigil is so. Sigil, is, a multidisciplinary. Word. Cell in Church of, optimizing. And, streamline. The, day-to-day. Processes. Of the organization. Thanks. To the adoption of, Jesus, with tools which. Allows, to. Transform, the initiatives. Of the, employees. We, call those employees. Or goo, or go.

Guides, Also we have around 5000, go guides that, they just want to change like the world so, we are doing really, cool things that, I want to share with you. So. How. You see go compose, so. Here we we. Have like the word sales of Segal so, what we have in here so we have the Google guide. That. There, are users, users. Who create and propose, the initiatives. Also, we, have the goal managers, their expert, in processes. Inside. The bank then. We have our consultation. Desk because we have always to. Account. With. Information. Security, and, let me tell you something, this thing over here is, so, secure, because we are a bank and we are using it so, this gray hair over, here is, thanks. To security. And compliance and, risk but, this. Is secure and, the. Challenge, that we have over here is that we have to learn what's. Going on on the cloud because. We always work on premise, and we already have what's good right you know what happened, over there but, we didn't know what's happening, on the cloud and we have to learn how, to. Do it, and this is pretty, secure then. We have the lab goal that. They help, us with, the sign of prototypes. Then. We have the goal developers. So, they do in. Development. With app scripts, and help. Us, to. Get those codes, that. Those are amazing and that's what the most. I love we call it go, asset, and that's, really. Nice, then. We have to go assets Guardian who, helped us with. A support. And. We're going to show you a little video. That's, real, people, I mean without pictures, that's a real people, really employee, in front of Enda from everywhere. And that's how, loops, lie or code or. Go. Ethics. Okay. And then I have some results, from that. Transformation. Office and. Today. In. Seagull, we have more than 700. Initiatives. Field, we, have. 143. Initiatives. In working progress, and. 439. Complete. 80%. Of this of these, initiatives, are, sizes. Extra, small, and as. Mods which. Means, that, they are self, management, of, the employees, the other 20%. Is. Carried. Out by seagull corresponding. To sizes, medium. And sizes. Medium. And large and. This. Management. Has, through, some. Very, important. Results. We, just saving, 1.6. Millions, in development. Science. Is no longer to, hire. Third. Party anymore because we are doing like the development, in-house, and, the. Most important, thing is we, are saving, five. Thousand, hours, in these processes, remember. That before I show. You a number with 13 thousand, hours in say, processes, these, five thousand, hours I include. In those thirteen. Over. Three and. Finally. I'm, just want to say thank you to all of you for being here and to, listen a Columbiana. Speaking, English thank you so much and I. Hope you understand. Everything that an Italian said but. Our journey, with. Jesus wheat has definitely. Made, an impact it, has, changed, our lives this, is a new way of working, has. Given, us the opportunity to recognize. With. A root. Talent. And motivation and. Revive, the power, of, our employees. On. A day to day basis. We are grateful, and hope to continue, higher. Levels, of innovation. And I want, to say thank you to our. Implementation. Partner. Da, Vinci Technologies, thank you so much because, you. Helped. Us allowed to do this then also I, want, to thank the teams in Colombia, and El Salvadoran, Honduras. And Costa Rica in, Miami. That makes this possible and. Thanks. To Google in, Colombia. That helped us a lot so thank you very much.


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