Learn CCNA FROM SCRATCH CCNA ZERO TO HERO Ccna Job Oriented Course Security Fundamental

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first of all I believe my screen is visible for everyone I just shared my screen okay fantastic now um I'm not very sure how many of you are currently working in the industry and how many of them are planning to start their career people may be having different set of experiences here uh we will see those things in the later sessions now here if I say that can somebody answer this question what is networking anybody anybody you can also send a message on the chat if you want uh networking in simple terms we can Define as uh set of or group of nodes enable to communicate between each other so in simple terms can be called as networking yeah good see basically it is nothing but connecting multiple devices right it no need to be exactly the notes it can be anything it can be anything see earlier days we used to say this as a computer or the endpoints nowadays it could be any type of devices it can be a PC it can be a mobile phone it can be any device which can be part of a network see the moment we talk about any device we saying that we're also going to be discussing about uh what is it called internet of think devices it can be any device now think about your smart devices maybe your uh TV is connecting to the network your camera is connecting to the network industrial devices are getting connected to the network oil RS are getting connected to the network um the the the electro electrical transformation devices are getting connected to the network there are so many so many devices which can be part of the network the main intention of going for connecting these devices is what of course as you said to share the information okay is this the only thing we doing for uh connecting the devices we would like to share the information is there is no other way the information can be shared see the networking is nothing but connecting multiple devices together why do we have to connect the devices together because we wanted to share the information with each other the question is now don't we have any other methodology or any other way to share the information between the devices is this the only way of doing it and there are Wireless methods but uh yeah yeah I'm sorry Wireless also networking only now ah that is also there correct yeah ah so the question is what without networking can't we share the information between each other we could but we need to rely on some media right maybe your uh May believe somebody has sent a message no so you may be having a flash dve so when I started the career we used to have the floppy drives I'm not very sure how many of you are uh aware of those things floppy tape tape and then what we had CD all these are the forms of media through which the information can be shared but the problem with these kind of information sharing technique is what somehow you have to be physically nearby to the people to whom you would like to share the information for example if I would like to share somebody's joining I'm not very sure Satish I'm just okay if I would like to share any sort of information now what I have to do you and me supposed to be nearby and I can copy the data into my flash drive and then I can share it with you or all the way I have to carry the flash drive from point A to point B so that the information can be shared if you take the current I'm sorry I'm not able to understand what the question is was there a question I think somebody was on not mute I think uh okay okay okay okay see in current scenario people are working in different parts of the world and they are working in the same project right if they have to interact with each other they would like to share the uh the context of uh the the development project whatever they do uh or if they would like to ask for some clarification how do they interact right somehow we have to have some sort of connectivity by having this connectivity you may be sitting in one place I may be sitting in different location but still we can work together as if we are sitting physically in the same location that is a main advantage of going for the networking probably people who are currently working they would have having the experience of what uh During the covid period how we were executing our work work from home now it has become a role also people can work work from home uh they no need to go to the office and they can also be permanently sitting at home and they can uh do their work regardless of the place where you are still you can be part of the assignment you can be part of the project you can be part of the company right so that is the main power of networking so basically networking is nothing but connecting the endpoints or connecting the devices together to share the information the benefit of connecting these devices together of course apart from Shar in the information you can also collaborate and work together as if the people are sitting in the same place see um the projects what we get in India are most of them are off uh what's it called off-site projects see there might be requirement in some countries right so the the organizations will take the order they execute the order here back in India right we call typically as a back office right so your head office or your main office could be in some place the customer may be in different place whereas the team who is working on the project may be in a different place but still they have to work together they have to share the information between each other right so that is the by having the networking this could be easily achieved that is the main intention of going for the networking so the networking is going to be useful only in it based companies obviously no as I said earlier it can be any type of devices that could be connected now uh and currently I'm working in a project uh with an oil company so they have their rig in the sea okay so the SE the rig is going to be monitored uh from the land area now how do you communicate we have to have some sort of communication if not the team who is monitoring this network should also be near to that or in the same place as the rig is also there so because I have the connectivity the team no need to be nearby to the what the called the the project site they can be in different location because the connectivity is there whatever they could do physically in that site right majority of the activities can also be done from the remote site also because uh because we most here in India we get the project like what network operations or security operations we can also monitor the the network from uh here the the the corporate sites may be in different different location if something goes wrong we may also be in a position to take actions we may be calling the organization hello hello all right okay so the main intention of going for networking is what people are dispersed they can connect they can work together they can collaborate they can do anything they want they no need to be physically in the same place that's the idea of networking now when you have multiple devices connected how you are going to be identif identifying each and every endpoint or each and every device which is connecting to the network do we have to identify do we have to identify the devices which are connecting to the network if not how do you point the information to be given to the specific endpoint now all of us are having the mobile phones right all of us let's assume that all of us are having the same model right then how do we identify each other so we need to have the mobile number right somehow some sort of identification is required assuming that if I would like to call Amit or if I would like to talk to Amit I need to know amit's number only then I can share the information in the form of what making a call and talking to him or sending a message or sending a WhatsApp message whatever it would be so even though multiple devices are connected to the network but still we have to have a a unique identification of each and every device which is which is getting connected to the network now there are so many ways the devices can be identified as we move forward into the networking uh uh course we will be discussing a lot about it but still for the demo discussion I would like to talk about something called as what an IP address is this the only address through which the devices are going to be identified no so we have mac addresses we have URL we have variety of fqdn we have variety of methods of identifying something which is connected to the network but still the most important discussion or most important component is called as what an IP address I hope most of the people are familiar with what is an IP address can I right hopefully correct yes okay so tell me what is an IP address how do you define it Internet Protocol okay okay uh it's a address provided to a computer while connecting to the network okay right yeah it's a 32-bit address um for each particular device in the network so yeah it could be also if it's I6 it could be 128 bit okay that is on the IP V6 part correct now correct yes yeah okay now oh there is one message on the chat unique identification of a computer in a network or no no no a unique identification of a computer network uhhuh okay can it be unique that's the question now can you check uh at least two of you guys can you check your IP address and let me know what is IP address configured on your PC how do you check that out in case of Mac users Linux users go for if config in case of Windows users use ip config you can see the IP addresses Associated to it so my IP address is this is my IP address can somebody else can also share their IP addresses at least two of you can check your IP address and let me know what is IP address asso Creed to your interface maybe your wireless adapter or wired adapter how you got connected I'm not very sure some people may be connected through the mobile phones also so mine is 192 168 1721 192 168 1721 okay but 1721 typically would be part of the dter but anyway fine that's not a problem now Min is [Music] this is my IP address I think someone has messaged it 126 all right okay now do you think that this IP address is going to be unique what I mean to say is that unique across the globe obviously no it can be the same IP address could be uh given to some other devices also see I have my other network that also falls under the same 192.168.1 segment only what I mean to say typically an IP address provides an identification right but TI what we call it as it's a logical address it's not the physical address as somebody said IP address provides an identification yes correct it is 32 bits in length and you set binary right you said binary right is this binary I hear someone said binary it's true it's correct but what we are seeing is binary or what uh this ISM representation of the binary yeah okay 32bit binary if you do the decimal conversion do you think you will be getting this kind of value uh no it will be in zeros or ones no no no no what I'm saying that let me say that 32bit binary value 01 like this okay if I convert this one into decimal do I get this kind of a value do you understand my question why I have 192 and then I have a DOT and then 168 and then I have a DOT normally if it is a 32-bit binary value you can convert it to decimal it's a single value it is supposed to be a single value okay yeah it's a 32-bit address uh divided uh like this probably the dot is given uh is an octet uh to to split the values into 8 Bits each here why why they're doing it what is the necessity of doing it okay now the point here is if I have 32bit binary assume that I have 100 devices I need to remember each and every device binary value only then I could send the traffic to him am I right or not now in this class let's assume that how many of them are connected um I'm really sorry my son is calling just give me a minute let this call and then hello okay now we have around 10 participants in the classroom correct I need to know everyone's address only then I can send the information to them right or not for example I would like to send some traffic to or I would like to talk to sures or I would like to talk to someone someone panage or whoever it is if I would like to send some traffic to you I I need to know your identity which is 32-bit binary value can I remember the 32-bit binary value of each and every device connected to the network no to answer this question how many of you are maintaining the phone book your your contact list in your phone why you are doing it just to recall them um okay now can't we remember 10 digigit phone number of our friends how many phone numbers you have stored why do you want to store it without storing can't you remember the IP address can't you remember the phone numbers no very difficult very very difficult when you have 10 digit phone number that itself difficult for us to remember how you're going to be managing or remembering the 32bit bind binary IP addresses binary values of each and every endpoint that is connected to the network now for example if I ask you what is the IP address of Facebook without knowing the IP address of the Facebook how do you communicate with it you have to remember that 32-bit binary value you need to remember the IP address of uh Gmail you need to remember that binary value of it how do you remember them it becomes complicated right to simplify the process of I the simplif simpli the process of uh identifying an entity in the form of binary address we came up with something called as what a decimal system that also becomes complicated because 32bit binary if you convert it to decimal it will be longer than the phone number so we have to have a mechanism with which we can easily remember the IP addresses of the endpoints that's how what we started doing is we have sliced this 32bit binary value into four equivalent Parts which we we call it as octets why octed because eight values are there eight bits are there so four equivalent Parts an IP address is being sliced into four equivalent parts and every part will be having eight bits into it and we are identifying those parts with a term called as what an octet by having eight bits you can understand that the maximum value that could be possible is 255 in decimal 0 to 255 is the range of values possible in every octet then the problem is what how do you uniquely differentiate each and every octet value in every octet you can have 0 to 255 you also have a responsibility or you also need to identify or differentiate each and every octet value uniquely that's where we came up with the dots to differentiate every octet value now the IP address is not simply being converted into a decimal system it is converted into a system called as what dotted Decimal System you're getting my point it's not a decimal system it is a dotted Decimal System the 32bit binary value is sliced into four equivalent parts and every 8bit value is going to be converted into decimal and every 8bit is going to be differentiated by placing a dot in between so 8bit value converted into decimal to differentiate every octed we have a DOT so that's how we got dotted Decimal System okay now the next thing is what the IP address has two components in it one is called as network ID component and the other component is called as what a host ID component so what is the network ID and what is a host IDE somebody joining again what is the network ID and what is the host ID of course we are going to be spending a lot of time on uters because from my experience I have seen people are having little bit of um gray areas with respect to the IP address part basically it is the fundamental component everyone should have the clarity on it as they are growing their industry they can have a better understanding on it even nowadays when we do the AWS trainings and all uh people can get into the AWS directly it wouldn't be a problem at all but still if they have the background of networking it'll be so easy for them to visualize because AWS from the perspective of an engineer all virtual right so we have a server it's a virtual we have a router it's virtual we have a switch we have a uh virtual everything is virtual connectivity is virtual for us for us people who are creating the uh the infrastructure and all but again in that that also you have all these components but virtually um if you have the physical if you have the better understanding of how the network operates the same thing you can easily map it with your uh AWS also any domain any if you would like to get into the security you have to have better understanding on the fundamentals of networking if you're planning to get into the collaboration you need to have a better understanding of your networking uh the fundamentals of networking any part even if you're get you you want to be specialized on less network still you have to have a better understanding on these fundamentals of networking this is the fundamental which is required for anyone who would like to be part of this networking industry anyway we will have a detailed discussion when we start up the class now what is the network ID and what is the poost ID now to understand this one I would like to take an example of an email ID so we call it as email address right now when I say that KV GOP at gmail.com what what are all the things

that you can understand from here there is a domain called as gmail.com don't worry we will talk about the domain as we proceed in the class so gmail.com is the domain in that domain there is a user who is known as KV Gopi so when I'm sending an email unable to hear oh my God we can hear I think it's on his side so okay okay okay all right now if you see this one gmail.com is the domain in which there is a user called as KV Gopi when somebody sending an email to this particular email ID the destination is going to be gmail.com in gmail.com the

mail is going to be delivered to a person called as K Gopi now this is the group and this is going to be the individual right similarly network ID is going to be an identification of a set of devices which are part of the same network so people when they have their devices in the same network their network ID will be the same but their host ID their individual identity in that network is going to be unique think about your email ID within your organization every employee will have their domain name as the same but their username is going to be different correct so basically this is the person uniquely identified in this domain why basically it is required because you may have different different groups you may have the same identity in different different groups also even if you take a phone number basically I'm from India southern part of India let me say that uh my phone number is24 37681 I'm just just an example now this is the phone number associated to my landline let's assume that this is not the number actually I'm not sharing that number but still this is a landline number how people know that this number is associated to Gopi who is sitting in Chennai how do they know about it right so if somebody some if somebody sitting in other part of India or other part of the world if they would like to reach this number they need to have some other identification also anybody who sitting outside of the world if they have to reach a number in India first of all they need to identify the Indian country code which is 91 forget about this 91 is Indian country code and then he is trying to reach a number in Chennai which is going to be identified by a group so 91 is a group identification for the entire country 44 is the group identification for the entire Chennai and this is my identity within that particular group similarly the IP addresses also have two different component the group identification which is called as a network ID the members of that group are all being considered as connected to the same network when I ask this question initially can you see this one we all are we in the same network are we in the same group no but again there is a question how do I say that we are not in the same group or we are in the same group without knowing which are all the bits Associated to the group or which are all the part of the network ID so I said that network ID and host ID is there here in this which one is network ID and which one is host ID how do we know know about it again there is a there is a rule which we call it as a first doctor rule we will know about it we will be discussing about the first doctor tool to classify which bits or network ID bits and which bits are host ID bits and what all the different types of classes we have it all these discussions we will be having it but for the demo session I just said that in your IP address you have two different components one is called as the network ID and the other one is called as the host ID network ID is used to ident ify the group of set of devices whereas the host ID is the individual identification of the group you're getting my point right and apart from this we also have couple of other addresses like what Mac address we typically call it as physical addresses Hardware addresses Layer Two addresses data link address but what is the official name for the MAC address anybody people already working on the industry only them they can answer network interface card ah the Mac is going to be on Nick I understand but my question is what is the official name for the MAC address see there are so many names are there correct now you have physical address you have Layer Two address you have Hardware address right so so many names are there data link address but it also has an official name associated to it which is called as B A when you read the documentation you normally see it as a Bia Bia stands for what burnt in address so why they gave it name as burnt in address because this Mac address is going to be burnt into the cutry of your Nic when you change the Nick your Mac address will also change am I right if you change your n network interface card the MAC address will change why because the MAC address is burnt into the circuit right of your Nic so if you change the Nick the MAC address will also be changing it we also have fully qualified domain name using which you can identify the devices like what instead of remembering the IP addresses in the format of doed Decimal System I have a simplest way which is nothing but the fully qualified domain name Facebook why should I remember the binary why should I remember the do Decimal System I can simply Call It by name right facebook.com so immediately it is going to be translated into the doter desmal system again it is going to be translated into what the binary system and then I can reach the destination why these complications are there don't worry we will be having all these discussions as we start the program okay now if you have any questions I think I'm good for today's uh what's it called the the session but still if you have any kind of a clarification whether it is a technical or non-technical related to the course please you can post your questions on the chat window or you can unmute yourself and you can ask the questions so yeah um it's basically not related I'm actually already there in the networking industry so my probable reason for joining the demo class is to uh get a refresher training as such so being in uh part of a senior network engineer uh so I'm working for an organization so trying to move into the cloud based thing so I as you mentioned my yeah so initial uh reason for joining this to ensure that I have a solid uh base uh because when I joined I had had cleared the CCN and all that so it's been a while uh we don't get to use uh all these topics or anything as a refresh and day-to-day work so I just want to get a good idea of what exactly would be your uh the course duration and uh the topics that would be covered and all that okay all right so the duration official duration is 40 hours okay the course content I will ask Amit to share it but anyway I can show you here right see you this is the part of it so it starts with the fundamentals part how we are going to be connecting them together what is the physical topology what is the logical topology which are all the components we are going to be using them what is the roles and responsibility of each and every device when we are connecting the devices do we have to follow any kind of uh uh recommendations like what they are architectures like what two Tire three Tire Fin and what is the difference between them where do we use them we will be having the discussions related to that with the network fundamentals and we will also talk about the packet structure right how the packet is going to be moved from point A to point B what's the role of OSL layer which helps us the interoperability between different products or different different OEM products together and we are going to be talking about ipv4 addressing and we are also talking about detailed Discretions related to subnetting uh um we also have ipv4 IPv6 both of them are there then how do we configure the IP parameters just now we have seen this is one of the activity officially uh given in your CCNA training program but we will be talking about a variety of Wireless discussions as well and how the components are going to be how the data is going to be transmitted in the form of RF waves what are all the components what do you mean by SSID how it is going to be secured all these things are going to be there then we will also be having little bit of discussions related to the switching where we will be having the ril discussions related to the the forwarding decisions how it is going to be made by the switches uh vlans inter vland routing a little bit of discussions related to Loop avoidance mechanism what is a loop how the loop can be avoided right and then we will slowly move on to the security part of it see here this is what I'm talking about the rapid pbsd plus spanning protocol then we will slowly move on to what the wireless Associated to it how the authentication can be uh what is the protocols we will be using it and then we will move on to the routing part of it the directly connected routes static routing uh the dynamic routing when you have multiple routes in the routing table uh how the matching is going to be done how the routing table can be initialized what is the routing table what is the forwarding table right all those things we will be having the discussions with in IP connectivity area the dynamic protocol for our discussion is first and then we will move on to the services where we will be talking about DCP DNS net Access Control list SNMP ntp all of them DCP all these discussions we'll be having it and then we will get into the security fundamental CIA concept um uh what is it called the description related to the evpn layer 2 security layer 3 security all this will be covered in your security fundamentals part it and then finally we will have a little bit of discussions related to the automation program programmability which is uh having a high demand currently in the industry a brief introduction to that is going to be given so what is an API what is a what's the purpose of going for uh uh the automation part of it what is the benefit you will get it right what do you mean by uh the the the data format what data formats are being accepted how python could be useful for automation why people are learning both python those are all the areas we will be talking about in Automation and programmability just a brief introduction I just gave it but still I will ask uh Amit to share the content uh in the group all right so any other questions okay Jack um anyone anyone any anything you would like to ask all right thenit you there okay okay I inform a minut if you don't have any question I can think we can wind up for the day thank you yeah thank you very much thank you thank you thank you


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