Learn Azure Networking from scratch to advance | AZ- 700 FULL COURSE | AZURE CLOUD TRAINING

Learn Azure Networking from scratch to advance | AZ- 700 FULL COURSE | AZURE CLOUD TRAINING

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let's have a quick recap last class what you discussed then we'll talk about this today's topic [Music] [Music] today date is 299 2024 recap what topic we discussed last class we started vet which is aun Network the service called as aun Network in that we understood how to create weet how to create subnet how to create resource in respective resource means what is a VM in respective vet and subnet right we created 2vm 2 VM in same subate and validated verified connect verify [Music] network connection between two VMS right so both are connected so default it will not be able to Ping due to firewall conate so very simple and basic we have started validating the IP address range of respect to subnet right so we have validated both the VMS are connected and binging connectivity you have checked it yes or no anyone has any question these are topic you discussed anyone has any question no I hope everyone have done the lab completely what I have done for created weate Created yes it's all all working fine for you guys everyone yes yeah for me it's working fine perfect so actually I have one go ahead yeah while creating the virtual Mission if you are not specifying any public IP mhm we are we are while creating the VM we are selecting none for public IP so in that case we are able to connect the VM no when you say none right it won't be able to get the public AP don't select the none okay if you select the none means what it will not get the IP address public IP address okay but we are able to connect inside the subnet right that we that would be there that would be there inside machine will be connected and because when you wanted to take RDP from outside you would need a public IP address but obviously that internal IP address has connection established already okay there is there is you know no issue with that internet Network okay that will be still established okay okay thank you okay good all right what we are going to talk about today little more advanc the same topic we will be creating same subnet I mean creating a new subnet within weit okay we will be creating a same subnet within vit so far we created only single subnet correct we created only single subnet now we would be creating today new subnet within wiet which is we call as a multiple Subnet in single weit correct so how it will be going to establishing the connection between the subnet we'll be talking about also we will create two wiet and uh each vet multiple subnet and validate for connections it's a little bigger level okay all aspect we are [Music] validating getting me point yeah so what we are going to do in this topic okay so let's see this only one minute let me just log into my system okay now give me a minute all right okay so you know that go to the portal. a.com okay so we have established virtual Network wiet one under the v81 central India we have [Music] created and we have the one subnet okay and if I'm going to create another subnet within the vet which is subnet 2 okay subnet subnet 2 would be 10 dot what was the range of IP address here 10 do 0.0.6 right it is a vet address address space then I would be going to create here so earlier what was my Subnet it is 10. 0.1.0 so I can create

10 0.2.0 right so subnet and subnet name would be submit to and 0.2.0 sl24 where you will get the 250 1 IP address in this right so we have the another uh subnet we created right so in this subnet when you see this some you know connected devices also you would be able to see some connected devices the interface has been connected of the subnet one right subnet one and the connected devices are the respective VM interface network interface says that is in the IP address has been released 10. 0.1.4 and 10. 0.1.5 this is how we need need to validate it how many machines or how many networks are connected of each subnet you would be have a list of IP addresses detailed and you would be able to see this here in a subnet detailed if I created another VM under subnet 2 you would be able to see here subnet 2 and that IP address would be releasing what was the range of the IP address for the subnet 2 it should be 10.02

do 0.2 dot this is how we need to validate right okay let's come back here and uh let's go to okay so duplicate let's stay in this page and I'm going to use it to go home here click on home and go to the virtual machine I'm going to creating another VM virtual machine okay so let me power on this machine first then we'll be going to discuss where we can check that with network [Music] status okay create a machine select your existing uh Resource Group and I'm going to create a V [Music] vm3 and I would be selecting the same region which is Central India and uh I don't need any availability Zone we will be talking about in detail later part when we are going to discussing on VM topic okay now 2019 server and uh give the same configuration of to CPU and username Neil and password everyone are installed RDC manager and able to connect yes okay RDC Connection Manager and You' be able to RDP the machine right yes okay and the important here keep the disk related same as it is which is I would need for the standard SSD the important part is networking where we are going to talk about now vet one is default but I would be selecting subnet for what is that subn subn there is a requirement come to you actual uh you know you know there is requirement come to you the actual production or use cases uh please create a 2vm on the subnet they will give the use cases or they'll give this task or incident something they will be creating ticket into us or they'll sending email there is urgent requirement virtual machine needed and these virtual machine are R belongs to specific subnet they will be mentioning the subnet and uh you would be able to see this that subnet R belongs to which vet okay this naming convention might be different but you would be able to find what vet it is and that subnet respect to subnet would be under belongs to which vet you need to when once you create selected the vet it would be automatically the subnet would be selected right these subnets are fall under respective unit so carefully we need to check respective vet and respective subnet would be selected and every VM by default there is a interface network interface automatically the you know vm3 the same name of the VM same name of the VM it will taking the name of the VM and it take hyphen IP the public IP address Services get created and uh as of just select the basic we would be talking about in detailed advanced level right for the public IP address topic how you will be getting that public IP address I don't want this public IP address I don't want to allow the you know allow the access over the public IP address due to security reason I wanted to allow them to securely internal IP address how we wanted to plan we'll discuss that and same as it is keep the inbound Road ports is allow 3389 this is RDP connection where you are accessing RDP over the Internet which that RDP RDP protocol right that 3389 is would be needed we will be talking again for the network security where we are talking about uh uh you know security how you are restricting from respect to Services I would need only RDP I would need only application access uh so these are all you know there are 65,536 ports are there and we need to allow or deny from the infrastructure point of view secur securely how we wanted to allow and deny for the access point of view that we would be talking about inbound and outbound Port we will be talking about you know shortly that's it so this all you can keep the other options are as it is okay now just go to this and create it okay let's process click and create [Music] let's process this uh mean after creating the VM we can able to change the subnet you can change the subnet your question asking change subnet right no no we can modify we can able to modify the subnet or to change to the different subnet I don't think so let me check that because that IP address has been released okay from the respective subnet yeah okay so that subnet is been belongs to particular vet right that IP address already got released so when you wanted to change that to subnet different subnet you see this vet and it's belongs to subnet to right now when you go to the properties of this VM [Music] okay in this overview you would be able to see this subnet to okay [Music] now there's a vet and there is a below we have property right let's see this you need to have a a subnet right so we have the two subnet when you say the connected devices there would be interface okay now just refresh it see this there is a second subnet has been created and IP address will be releasing correct now this IP address this interface you wanted to change to the subnet different one okay IP address already released and move to no you cannot okay you need to turn off this machine as VM you will not be able to directly change it but you should be changing the interface there is a possibilities actually what is what is the process I'll tell you what you can do so there is a VM okay three the network interface network interface what is the network interface here uh this is the interface right it is uh tagged to tag to subnet 2 correct subnet two okay now what you can do delete ni only you can delete the ni before deleting the ni what you can do create only Nic network interface card then map with subnet which subnet you want it to be okay which subnet need to be map and just keep as it is then you have the VM VM and existing Nic already there which is VM 319 and what you can do you can unmount okay and associate with the the newly created N I see which is having different subject that be possible so with know VM level so how it I I'll explain it for in detail okay so this is possible for VM is created now when we are going to talk about uh Network Security Group NSD right then we will be discussing this topic when you go to the vm3 there is options called as a Network Security Group you would be able to see there is a network security group default NSD okay under the networking here and you click on this interface this should be belongs to IP configuration see this here this is wiet one and this is wiet 3 you wanted to change this to subnet one you can change it should be interface and it is no need to be create another interface also but existing interface can be matched directly where you want to go with interface and you can associate with this vm3 and go to the networking interface you need to select networking interface and in this interface go to the IP configuration then you can change it submit to associate earlier this feature was not available okay earlier this feature was not available once you what was options earlier you need to delete that existing interface then create a interface and associate with this like this but now they are giving us the option for change directly from here to here now whatever the IP address you received 10.0.2 range and once you Associated you have to reboot once this machine after changing this changing the uh subnet because that IP address would need to be get reconfigured or recreated respect to the subnet getting understood everyone good question all right now okay these these this kind of question this kind of confus most important guys so because uh my sometime okay wrongly by mistakely wrongly created by mistakely selected for different uh uh subnet but later we realize okay this VM should not be in a uh it should not be in a existing subnet it would be changing the different subnet possible to change that subnet yes it's possible okay all right so vm3 is created belongs to which subnet same region same vet and but network is different right how it would be a Ms paint let me just revalidating you I have my wiet which is vet 1 and uh we had created subnet one the IP address would be 10.1.0

24 vit one should be sl16 and this should be Central India region and this subnet we create a 2vm and this subnet and IP address has been released for this vm2 10.0 1.4 and second one [Music] is and second one is 10 do 0.1.5 and we have validated both the VMS

are established both the VMS are able to connect it now same things we are created a different subnet the same vit subnet 2 the IP address would be 10.0.2 do4 0/2 sl24 correct and we have created another VM this is called vm1 This is called vm2 and this is called vm3 now tell me does these two Machin are can able to connect it no anyone answer no we cannot no no we cannot we cannot just a minute someone is pinging actually I'm working today so just okay now see this 2.0 and 1.0 okay let me just save this let's connect this machine and validate the connection now what would be the public appear of this vm3 take the public IP address when you click on Save right you would be able to see the name it saved okay then only you need to change the publics and connect it directly from here and I'm going to selecting for vm3 so every when you turn off the machine you would not be able to save this you would not be able to see the same public IP address public IP address is a dynamic okay dynamic means what is it is getting changed when you click on the vm1 you would be able to see that it would not be a same for the last time what you got the public IP address it would be the same so just you take the public IP address click on the vm1 properties and paste it and just connect the machine let me check address I mean password it's not taking actually when I was facing the same issue it was not taking the password we can reset the password it's not a problem I'll tell you how to do this okay you can go [Music] to setting you would be able to you will have options called reset password for some of the options got you would be earlier it was having the one options called as a password reset so now they have got changed to this option where it is comes Center for security it's in help password reset where is that there is a help in left side pan where you seen that help password is it there is options here only so there would be somewhere here here you're saying right monitoring automation this under the help yeah right under the help you should say the reset password okay now earlier it was directly it was reset now they put into that is help okay username and just change a password Here password is set and it is updating now then so now come back here vm1 yeah okay and same things you can do it for vm3 okay so let's change the password again for vm3 virtual machine vm3 res set password let's validate okay all right now what would be the IP address of uh vm3 now should be 10.0.2

do 2.4 correct 2.4 right I'm in vm3 now what I will do I will turn off the firewall again and uh just check that is in you'll be able to connect remember in Azure by default within a minut within a minute no matter how many subnet you created Microsoft has taken care to connect between the subnet by default the routing has been already created ping 10.0.2 do4 see this actually there's are two different network correct getting my point guys there's are two different network correct this a 1.0 and 2.0 traditionally Network you won't be able to connect between these two Network you would be needed for the router for the routing point between two Network in a traditional Network you would be need needed for a router to connecting between the two subnet or two network but this connection by default established this connection already been created back end there is a Microsoft Microsoft backbone cable it's a high uh fiber optic fasted cable has been created backend hence within a vit within a winit no matter how many you creating and all the subnet are talking to each other by default you don't need to have any additional configuration required that is the beauty of this within a wiet within a wiet all the subnets are connected each other and default Network network connection established but only need to validate for the firewall inst turn up then you need to check if it not turn up the firewall you won't be able to connect the machine there is a you know again is a very basic we would need to have a clear understand this question would ask you interview okay if you are good in network right and you have creating infrastructure multiple subnet multiple you know uh single vit multiple subnet they will ask you how this subnet one can able to connect subnet two we strongly say this just there we can able to connect Le someone say this will not be able to write yes or no yeah right so the in Azure Network in Azure Network within a wiet no matter how many subnet you're creating all the subnets are routing connection which because we need for the router routing Connection by default is established we would be able to connect each other by default is this clear just clear everyone yes okay now the requirement come to you now the requirement come to you now create a new winit create another unit weit in the same region try to understand this concept now what we have done for so far what we have done for so far now we are creating the VMS in the same we will be creating a new subnet within a vet and multiple subnet and single vet we will okay we have done it and each vit multiple subnet we created and validate the connection so default connection established right so we have validated is all these things right within the wiet all the subnets are connected each other default Network are established right now what is that create another wi with a same region and create a subnet of the same of the existing vet it would be like this I have another vet now going to creating here this vet would be vet to and would be the central India and I'm going to create another subnet here which is subnet 3 or you can say subnet yeah subnet three and I would be creating one more VM here this is vm4 and this vet 2 you can take any range of IP address whichever you would like to example if you take for the

/16 and you would be creating here 10 dot sorry 192 dot 168 do10 dot you say zero dot not 1 Dot 192.168 0.016 and uh the subnet 3 would be sl24 and your IP address would be getting here 192.168.1 do4 correct simple understanding here yes now can I able to connect between these two vit by default anyone say answer same region same region wiet one wiet 2 different wiet Al together different IP addresses address space can I connect with the these two VM 3 VMS by default no no by default there is no connection established between the vet but we can establish the connection between the vet with the help of the process called as a network Beering this called as a network peering or you can say vet peing this question would ask you interview what is vet peering vate peering have a two type of peering one is peering can be done between vet which has same region this we called as a local pairing second one peering can be done between vet different region you might have the different region this vit right second vit third vit might be the different region and the pering can be established a different region that process we called as a global peering understood okay this is the most important it is little bigger picture no matter how many vet you are going to create it you can create across worldwide you know uh different vet you are created different subnet you are creating and our responsibilities to validate all network connections are established or not the properly pairing is configured done or not so that's our response we are doing Network job as well right the cloud become what it is multi- administrator bringing in a one location right network administrator has to work on that VM administrator work on that active director has to work on that so Consolidated of all the administrator bringing in one location that is called as a cloud we are so far doing for the network concept Network Administration concept right one Cloud administrator become a cloud administrator become a all aspect we need to talk about network storage VM active directory and servers so we need to know that is in all aspect how that is in it infrastructure establishing how the it infrastructure is creating start from the network right across worldwide wherever they have a data center wherever they have business esta ablished accordingly the requirement come to us create a vet create a subnet then we would be talking about resources you tell me do your resources belongs to which location and which weit which we which we subnet then you should be creating accordingly right let's create an another vet is it understood everyone so for anyone has any question anyone any any question so far good to go all clear yes okay let's begin with creating how to create you know that already creating uh V vet you know same we would be we would be talking about we be you know understand that same region we'll be creating vet okay just say wiet we already created wiet one now under this we have created multiple subnet now say that one more wiet create here and I'm creating wiet two now same re same Resource Group which is V to okay and the same region Central India so we will connect with Lo the the process is called local pairing right correct this is called local pairing okay how we need to configure the local appearing we'll explain it IP address what was the IP address I said in in a unit another unit that was 192 you can take any of the range of IP address okay

okay sl6 not 26 right in this I would be creating subnet the subnet name would be subnet 3 and uh subnet IP address would be 1.024 add it okay next next creating a virtual Network we it in the same region okay create it all right go to Resource yes we to is created and we have a subnet here and we would be creating another VM under vet 2 right let's come back into the same page give me a minute there is a I don't know why it's asking here okay let's come back here home click on the virtual machine create virtual machine and I'm going to create the same Resource Group the VM name would be VM 4 and I'm going to selecting here same region Central India I don't need any availability Zone and uh standard Windows 2019 and you need to select username and [Music] password next the most important under the networking you would be selecting which wiet now should be selecting vet two vet two and your subnet three automatically is associated with this correct that's it so next go to the next and create it now what would be the IP address released for this vm3 should be sorry vm4 should be 192.168.1 4 now after creation of this VM I will turn up the firewall you try to Ping the machines between these two wi VM it won't be it won it will will not be a connection established by default but we have to do to connect between these two vit we have to do the process called as a peering Network peering then in the network peing we would be having for two type where we call as a local peering and Global peering local peering means which is same region yes Global appearing means between the different region different region that's it let's see vm4 and validate the IP address 192 16814 and take the public IP address add server this is vm4 V 2 connection this machine password turn off this turn off this firewall [Music] okay CMD firewall do CPL turn up the firewall now what was the IP address is 10 doping 10. 1.1.4 you able to Ping no right now same things from I was 10.0.1 ah sorry 10. 0.1.4

correct ping 10. 0.1.4 thanks okay requested timeout connection is not established even though after turn up the firewall it is not establishing the connection and same this can you go and check it for the 2.4 as well and from this side we am one side can I connect ping 192.168 do 1.4 no connection

correct from v vm4 no connection from vmn no connection right how do we connect these two between vet the process called as a local pering VN it peering or local peering because it's a same region so that vet peing the Ping should be created under the vet okay so where you need to go you need to go to the vet and you decide from where to where you need to be create a peering okay say for example vet one I'm going to here you can scroll down here you would be able to see this spearing option in this spearing option you need to add right and you can give the name of the paing okay weit one two we need two the name must begin with the letter or number end with the letter number and underscore and make contain only letter numbers underscore P you know or hyphen so I'm given the space should not be taken the space is not taken okay so the pering name I'm giving you can give any name of this pet one so network connection should be vet one to vet 2 now you can see this virtual Network deployment model resource manager internal resource manager we are taking and uh classic it is not required so far now because advanced level we will be right the after you have created the pering you must complete the setup Powershell that would be needed for the Powershell connection so use a resource manager and using the subscription by default which is azure pass and now virtual Network would be now you are in a virtual Network one correct here it is ADD appearing and uh now you are in Virtual Network one correct so you need to select for the different network virtual Network 2 right so from the vet one you need to add the wiet 2 you are trying to creating for the vnet 2 you should be adding for the vnet one okay so now here now what's happening here right it is in the configuration of the pring this would be come Center as a remote this is for you can say so Source end of the local and this kind of second winnet would be a remote okay so now for the remote person for you to wiet to so remote virtual networking pairing setting is vet 2 allow wiet to access vet one right now advanced level you would not you would need to do the some allow V to receive forward traffic from vet allow Gateway route server we to the forward additionally un needed you can do this features is be recently added but now we would need to only for we don't need any traffic for the forwarding or other connections established we would just validate the network right so now see this local virtual Network summary the once it is processed you would be able to process from the other side now you can say this weet two two weet one it just for the local virtual Network summary from other side and again weit one to V it so ultimately the vice versa it should be going to connecting like this both the side configuration is a one way is going to connection for this from source to a local to remote and remote to local both the side both the side connection should be going to be established here now after this so just we are doing the configuration part for the front end GUI mode but back end everything would be taken care right you just need to select the options what you needed and then background the automatically the automate system has been you know created and that that connection is automatically get established see this now weit 2 to weit one and fully synchronized now you see this can you able to see the paing status connected now earlier I was not able to Ping for one4 see this earlier I was not able to right I'm able to connction change now when you go to the vm1 okay 10.2.4 you are in vm4 I should be able to check form 2.4 I'm able to establish the connection 1.4 see this earlier I was not able to Ping the machine right you getting the difference here yeah right now if you go to the vm1 I was not able to Ping the earlier 19268 1.4 but now I can able to now the completely connections established all the we all the subn between the vit yes or no yes and you have another vet another vet which is not in a re the same region you have a different region so I would recommend you to practice for this or you can do the lab for your create another vet okay in a different region steps should be followed same but only that when it is a different different region and that is definition called as a global this process we call as a Glo local pairing this process we call as a local pairing and this process we call as a this process we call as a global peing global that's it so you simple again you just go to this appearing and add aing and if you created another vit you just select for that is from vet 1 to vet 3 and you select for the which vet you wanted to take it would be coming vet 3 and that would be the different region is this clear yes overall connections establishing within that vet between the vet we understood this okay now we have Network established okay so when we talk about the resource access part which securely defined for this we need to understand that process called as a network security group this would be talking about next week in this network security group we have that is in in bond and outbond how to allow uh denied okay I have applications I have a VM which Port should be allow which Port should be denied so these are all with with this existing Network we need to plan for how you whom you want to provide access whom do do not want to provide access we have to manage for the Des with a proper secure manner we'll be talking about next week got it I'm very slow now so far now because you guys need to understand the concept because upcoming classes it would be a little you know exchange extend of the time at least one and a half hour or two hours yeah go ahead someone is asking uh yes sir I was asking uh will I get the document yeah yeah I'll share you right away so I thought to complete this you know uh today's class then only sharing okay let me just let me stop my recording anyone has any question so far now before I stop recording is it understood everyone what our topic we are going to talk about just we created Network vet created the single subnet multiple subnet Val validated the connection between the multiple subnet within the vit we created another vit different in the same region and that process we call as a peing local peering another vate if we create a different region that called as a global peering and you need to establish a connection with the help of vate peering simple correct understood yes okay let's stop my record

2024-10-02 21:55

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