Leader s Voice with Kube CEO & Co-Founder of Kalpita Technologies

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[Music] hi this is Deepa and I've started this initiative called the leaders voice to amplify the voice of leaders and entrepreneurs who believe in inner Mastery for outer success there are lots of them lots of corporate professionals and entrepreneurs who say there is no time to give our El but I want to showcase there are so many professionals who give time to themselves and get outstanding results today one such human being one such profession one such entrepreneur is Cube Cube welcome to this space of leaders voice thank you DEA thank you for having me um and next just thank for the kind words yeah yeah thank you thank you so uh before we move on I would like to introduce Cube cube is a technocrat and an entrepreneur with 23 plus years of Industry experience demonstrating Niche expertise in cutting edged Technologies steering Paramount customer Endeavors and harnessing technology to solve intricate quantities by entrepreneurs he works to drive high priority customer initiatives leveraging Technologies to solve the big biggest and most complex challenges faced by cross industry Enterprise organizations as the co-founder and CEO at kalpita Technologies he's committed to business transformation for their clients fulfilling employee aspirations and caring for a wider community and this is something I vouch for because two years ago when cube had given me a call uh seeing my LinkedIn posts and after that we ran a series of leadership programs for his team I could see the employee care that he embodies and it is far Excellence I've hardly found entrepreneurs and organizations Focus so much on employees brilliant I would like to compliment you for that thank you thank his life motos include the belief that anyone can achieve success regardless of their background so true um obiously he emphasizes on the importance of Education in leading a successful life the power of doing simple things with extraordinary determination and the rewards enrichment that can come from Reading regularly he loves to paint and I just saw a couple of paintings he was sharing with me a few minutes ago amazing and he is a voracious leader reader he is a leader too but a voracious reader uh he there is no single day when he does not exercise when he does not read truly inspiring Cube I'm privileged and honored for kind words thank [Music] you so the first question that I have for you cube is that you know there are so many of us there who say I don't have time for working on myself reading or self and I need to do the 9 to9 job and and deliver and Achieve results what is success for you and when did you realize that you need to focus on other things for success to come as a byproduct very very interesting question um you know you preach and you coach about you know inner Mastery yes right so you know it's very essential and very important for everybody to understand what inner Mastery yes so inner Mastery is a key for success to success and a successful life and you have to you know cultivate some of you know some of the good uh characteristic you know first and foremost is self-awareness very very important is self- awareness and next we talk about emotional control have you control your emotion and then we we talk about positive mindset yes so you know to be a leader you know there are a number of qualification could be you know because I'm in a technical person technology qualifications is very vital yes with the evolving world but being a leader you know you're going to manage not only uh client people team so there are a lot of souls involved in the process of you know connecting and if you don't have have a capability to control yourself and understand the importance of you know self-awareness that means happiness doesn't come from outside to inside so most of people they see happiness from metalis stic okay so everything comes from outside you get influence so much with the metal stick so happiness comes from inside to outside so happiness goes from inside to outside and whatever you do you know your breathing is controlled by your emotion you know you breathe more when you're angry when you're happy you know it reduces you can control everything by your emotions and very very important thing with the current generation current world right there's so much of content everywhere so true having a positive mindset how you can have only positive mindset that's a s for influence you can take everything try to have as much as possible positive input positive talks positive you know readings there are tons of book positive so your negativity should be like only 1% positive is 99% it's like a jar filled with obviously you're in the world you're in Social and you get a lot of negativity so your negativity should be in one person 99% is only positivity absolutely this is one interaction right so interaction with people and getting a lot of more and more positivity and once you understand you know what is called this mastering yourself first you to master yourself before mastering anybody else I would completely agree with it and which is one of the reasons why I chose to have your voice in this episode so I have always been saying that self leadership proceeds leading others and leading managers and what you really said self- leadership is about leading your own attitude your own emotions your own mindset it is so important now when I look at schools and colleges we really not taught that we are not taught how to manage our emotions in fact we said shut up adjust yeah you know we never taught how to compromise um so that's one second is we are not taught to take care of our body we said what are we told we are told that it's okay no body doesn't matter just move on so which is what we learn in our corporate life also and we exactly do that so being self-aware as you rightly said is awareness of our body of our emotions of our mindset brilliant [Music] now I know you have been on this journey for a very long time how has this helped you to take better decisions or manage your team better for sure you know this is not my first entrepreneur Journey yes I've done multiple actually I've you know I've tried being an entrepreneur when I was in 20s and in 30s and now in 40s I tried uh it's you know there is as you you know mentioned in school college friends nobody teaches about you know uh mastering your in inner yes so it comes with experience and we don't have any degree okay I can go and join a university called as Engineering in inter mastering so if you don't have something like that you know I learned in a harder way with experience you know experience in senss it's not like uh in a college or an office uh people you know I attended a lot of trainings a lot of books yes I realized you know once I realized I learned to master my that means I can control my emotion I can control myself then you know I felt okay I'm I'm I can be a good entrepreneur that's where you know we started kalpita so that's where you know uh when there was a discussion about let's set up a company a software company there are multiple factors one is I was well prepared and I understood you know how to become a leader leader and I was moving towards the direction and next is um technology is something which is is in my bra but I'm I'm there for last 20 years so it's added Advantage so technology I'm clear I know how to manage myself so with this two competency what I built plunging into entrepreneurship last two I would say uh I was learning yes so I'll not use the word failure I was learning I learned a lot but I didn't you know for you know uh Finance sake I didn't succeed but kalpita we a successful financially because you know there's a lot of experiment lot of uh exposure lot of learning happened that's why I'm happy now coming to the question you know how it helps um you can't even believe because you know um uh I I keep telling my family and friends every minute you're walking on a swad because every decision I make it doesn't impact me it impacts thousands of people hundred of people correct so every decision had to be so so careful mindful yes watchful it's not going to hurt me it's not going to hurt the people you know the family it's not going to hurt the extended family the company and the society and you know before even coming to this discussion you know people are CU be careful because every word you utter yes it's going to make an impact yes so true so for sure I would say 99% you know whatever I'm doing it or whatever succeeded or company I would say I would contribute only one person because it's we all put this company right so whatever I doing it's because of you know mastering myself every Deion I take you I you are aware I'm a bookie I read a lot so every de takes I'll keep giving example for all you know uh to make a decision right there's a book called this how to design by any Duke it's one of my favorite un favorite and I told many people to read okay so you know for every problem there are multiple Solutions yes is that correct everybody agree right if you choose the best solution for every problem the success rate it'll be exponential because you start something in 25 I learn that means I fail then I take better SU then once again I fail then I take a better solution so to go a trajectory of 99% it takes 60 years but assume that my first Deion is a better stion that means I didn't fail yes you what you can achieve in 60 years to use the age yeah you can achieve in 5 years because every decision every moment everything what you take right you take the positive one or the best one best solution like simple you know you commuted from you know kanakapura to Kamali there are multi of coming like if we take the best route and best uh Channel best commuting from you know 120 Minutes it took to 120 Minutes 2 hours it can reduce to 45 minutes right but what we do is we there's a lot of dependency right it could be uh you know time what is the availability resources we have and the factors and everything so if you g all the resource to you you'll use a chopper to come here it'll take five minutes so so when I get all the you know accessories then you know I have I be careful I'll choose the best intelligent that's where you know it helps me like when in cult I take any decision uh first and foremost I have multiple Solutions I put into different columns I measure it okay 80% success 20% success 50% success I run this because this is not only my decision I run through with a different department I do with the different people it's not that not capable I'm priv and honor to be in this position there are people who are you know better they they'll become entrepreneurs I run through this and get Mass people's you know acceptance then I implement it provided you know there are some decisions you take instantly then my mind does that actually every word you UT that's what the book says the word what you utter also you can give the best word so you can choose which word to you know spell it out so if you master your tongue your emotion you know your decision making you will not be successful you will be the you know best Creator or the creation yes absolutely which means you are taking these decisions from an inside out perspective and that is what I say is the quality and Mark of a great leader that everything starts inside out we are trained and tuned to look at marks success in our own definitions but actually ual leadership true leadership comes from the inside out and that's what you you're really saying one of the inspiration you know Last 5 Years I started mastering my she is one of my influencer because as I mentioned it doesn't come in the book it's not in the University people who are mastered or who are learned they preach and they teach and and I'm a learner anybody any book is given I learn if it is good for me I take it if it is not good I just put it said it may be helpful after 20 years but I don't tell there is nothing called as bad human there's nothing called as bad book there is not called as bad lecture if somebody cares for they give a you know lecture to me in that current situation not be helpful but fut helpful as simple as that I take everybody as you know situation how the a person behaves differently it's just because of the situation because when you walk into the office I come you know I have a beautiful family I have a beautiful kid I have a dog to play I have a person to pick me to office I had a wonderful breakfast I came cool relaxed when I step into office I'm full of energy I take a person they woke up there is no way to take care they have to take care of themsel okay there's a lot of stress they take a bus they hop different buses they walk for an half a kilometer they are tired they're almost tired you come and you want the person to be like glowing like a bul it doesn't happen you know it takes time to adjust to us and you know as a leader you should understand everybody contribution is important everybody comes you to get to a same page it takes time either it is a time when you walk or you give them the space and tell you know come to the stage where we all are together working towards one goal let's grow together I I you know I think uh Market team knows that I keep giving new ideas new thought let's grow together let's make a difference and whatever I learned let's put on action absolutely when you share what I hear is a lot of humility and this humility also is a very inherent characteristic which is inside so who is your ideal actually in this I would say there are many many people um I'll be wrong if I choose one or two person because um I come from you know very very middle family background and not not from a b b or a school like I started in a government school then I did my engineering and the set of people you know every stage it's a different set of people there are people who inspired me when I was young who helped me you know taking me to school or who helped me feeding me that's still I remember actually there are people who still I help them and I talk to them and when I you know joined in a company who helped me in my career you know giving a better opportunity for me obviously you know because we are to there are the people who you know lifted us you know recent time this transformation you know I have tons of people you know uh it could be uh on religious side I I read a lot so I I'm reading Quran I read Bible and I've read BH and name a book I you know there is a reason for all this book these people have written for a reason not all can be read but I try to read all and uh not only humans you know inspiration is from creation whatever like it's a plant it is a nature it's a tree you know I admire everything every small thing I admire people think but still I admire because life is to take as it comes and plus happily you take it so you know just to mention you are one of my you know admiration and the people who I talk it's not that everybody will give 100% you there are some quality in them I can accept so people are standing I take from here Kamal works with me me I I really admire him then I Sophia is there then I told you know G is one of my you know favorite then I have Krishna rajes I'll keep telling every year five six people I I you know I read lot of autobiographies yes uh you know you talk from anybody Elan musk to you know Way Way Back 100 years 200 backs I read everybody I want to see like how they become a leader what is that one quality or two quality five quality I can take it from them actually each person there is there is difference definitely Gandhi you you read about him you read about everybody and you know I I read about air his into you know social media and media and music right how he is so different but so much of Fame still is very calm Abdul Kalam yes I name a book name a person uh you know 100% you know I may not use but for my work and where it's helpful I take it and I'm big admirer of Shiva so I read a lot of book I do a lot of painting about Shiva I'm I don't know like his character is something which resonates me and it gives that kind of you know Energy power just think you get power so if you take Rama has a characteristic right uniqueness Krishna is a uniqueness everybody has a uniqueness Muhammad a uniqueness everybody I read Jesus I get some uniqueness but Shiva gives me such empowerment and power I really really you know it's one more people tell oh you admire yeah obviously everybody you know those are the people are teaching us he's not coming and teaching I'm going to him and getting beautiful so learning from every living non-living thing is what makes you who you are [Music] beautiful so what is your typical day when from the time you wake up to the evening there are certain practices that you would be engaging in to really work on your inner and keep yourself calm humble and sane what is that so I have uh you know two versions uh you know I I had a health so I little bit to my so before and after before and before had a health issue and after so before I'll tell then I'll whatever changes I have done routines are same okay so um it's it's once again you know who taught us you know before 8 years or 10 years uh this is what I learned and this is what our elders told sleeping is not very important yes of course so I'll be very transparent because I I learned I evoled right day one I was not the cube today what I'm telling is Cube yesterday was different so I did a lot of things when others were sleeping it's good but too much avoid so I used to sleep for 4 and 1 half hours maximum I'll Touch 5 hours so 4:30 I wake up every day for almost 4 5 years that was was my routine when I started entrepreneurship um first and foremost exercise so I'm a big fan of exercise Being Fit is something uh very important for me okay so exercise then I have my routine meditation where I get my complete mind to control that means nothing is C nothing is there what is my tomorrow or today I know what I'm doing so how to put sleep of all my past so meditation then I start little bit of painting so it's a routine for me I used to paint a little bit not like more than 15 30 minutes then at least 1 hour I'll read so 1 hour I'll read then 15 to 20 minutes uh we little bit Orthodox my spouse does everyday Puja so do a Puja then come to office I I'm early board I used to come by 7:15 then people tell okay cube is there if security is not there Cube will be there 75 M here and you know 5 till 5: a.m in office okay almost 10 in my office then I go back immediately rush to a gym gym 1 hour to 1 and a half hour I'll be in gym then I come back refresh and I'm I follow some of the western culture so I eat by 7 so I I eat then I go back to work because most of our customer are in eastn West country so so us so 7:30 I start so almost till 9:30 10 is the calls goes so 10 I start reading so 10: to 11: I read then I come back at 11: a little bit of chiat if they're awake kids and family then I go go for bed so it was continuously lighted so lot of learning so if you see uh you know 3 years ago or four years ago I used read you know we are 52 weeks here right I used to double because morning one book I read evening I'm two I read8 10 books per year and uh evenings more of you know uh muzzle daytime it's more of cardio so I used to build both and a little bit of you know very less of yoga but more of meditation I used to um I like I used to dream a lot just get that dream out I want to make sure that I'm in current we keep admiring our past we admire your future but we don't live in present so meditation helps a lot to get me to present so this was my routine so lot of books lot of paintings and uh I had time for everything workwise because so much time I'm by 7:30 by time 9:00 I've done with my work so that means I've cleared all my backlog so I have full day for you know working on Fresh ideas any new proposals and customers technology learning always on it you know there will be something you know we'll have a lunch hour meeting there'll be some topic which will be completely new where not you get time actually there's a time for everything yeah I had time for my family I had time for my kids I had time for my friends I had time for exercise I used to place everything is there it's it's inclusive of that after my little bit of it's not because of this you know practice I had health issue because herity wise family has challenged so I had a little bit of health issue so they told very very important I have to increase my S with sleep sleep from 5 hours to 7 hours is what so the routine is same nothing has changed I kept it same sleep I increase 7 hours reading morning after half an hour evening half an hour so 1 hour I got it so once again painting you know 30 minutes or 15 minutes everything I do it but I do L bit less time that's the only difference so sleep I clock 7 hours and you know there are people watching me my spouse and kids what time to sleep till that time I they'll make sure they're holding me I don't wake up on that absolutely so I you know this is sorry to say this every day it's a life for me every day it's a journey every day I enjoy actually I enjoy th and Cube this is the reason of of your success because inner Mastery is comes with routines comes with following these routines day in and day out and knowing why those routines are important the why is very important the purpose for which you're engaging a routine is so important and I think you're so clear of the why and you exactly know how to do it and what works for you this is brilliant I mean congratulations thank you but there wonderful books you know Wonderful books whatever you know I tailored it um it's because of the books these are some of the habits you know you should have it your your career your life will Define with this habits and this beautiful beautiful lovely so there's so many aspects you talked about you talked about how you don't have any time constraints you make and create time for yourself so what are those U things you would like to tell to different corporate professionals to to people out there who want to listen to you you know when this uh episode comes out what is that message that you have for for them especially to take care of their body to manage their illnesses be preventive what would you like to share first and foremost um I'm not a guru I'm not Sage you know don't take you know the pitch of salt it's simple when you're connecting to a person when you're talking to a person it's not that you have to give 2 for us you know there is a lot of um you know assumption that I when I'm giving time to my spouse my kid you to be full no if you talk to a person I'm talking to ma'am and I'm talking to one hour I'm busy with my mobile I'm having my coffee I'm thinking something what you asked I keep you know bugging her I don't even mind that is not I spend one hour but it is not a quality 1 hour yes I give 15 minutes my spouse it's a quality I'm full my body my soul everything is you know I'm watching every moment and know because I paint so I watch everything more than you know the dimension three dimension your eyes and everything so 100% is given so that's what I learned and recent time when I give time two things one is I give 100% And I try to perfect the art so when I do my work try to do it so perfect there's no duplication very very important we try to do for sake of doing you do it I want to talkop to you you just talk and you close no try to have 100% conversation make it complete conversation with your spouse make it complete conversation with your kids make it complete task complete with task is assign to you so when you do with full heart and soul I don't want this to get repeat because I come from Tech right when I get a program I write a program I don't want a buggy program I redo this it it's a Karma it come back to you right it's a k like so when I'm doing anything I want to make sure that you know the work is done 100% accomplished and anything goes out of me it is a quality of cube it defines who I are a word your dress the sign you spend whom you spend it's like upper lower or smaller nothing matters give that's where I get time for everything because you know what you can do in 4 hours I can do in 2 hours yeah I can do in 5 minutes especially family need more time compared to anybody family needs night time because being in leadership you will not get time so very clear I said give that full full 100% if they don't mind Al I'll be minding them I'll watch everything I'll sit I'll give my focus is only that I know I have 10 minutes or 15 minutes give my 15 but make sure the other person feels that I'm there the whole world is here so there two things one is you know 100% you are present with that person and next is any task you do it with presence of mind master to perfectly do it so I'll talk little bit of leadership and work so we have different department okay so recruitment department is one department where the recruit people if they work to the max that means I give a requirement they fulfill the department is the best HR human depart they're the best see if everybody does the best of best think about them think about the company think about the society think about the nation yes if everybody does the perfect then there's nothing room for duplicate waste of time but many people right that's where we need people like you come you know lecturers still do perfectly because don't waste your time you can do same task if you do three times it's waste of time you finish one task do next new T absolutely do something new learn something new because I know time is something which you can't buy it will not come so money also you can't value with time time is so precious so knowing that I make sure that I don't make any mistake in terms of work a family whatever I do I no repeat should in coaching Palin this is called leadership presence and deep listening and we all learning this day in and day out what you're saying is you're already practicing it and you're urging all of us to do it too thank you very much so we almost coming to the end of this conversation and uh so many PS of wisdom I take away and we know that we are part of the mutual admiration club actually so and that will always remain for who you are you know and how you show up uh your last words to to all of us yeah so when you when you talk about mastering your inner there are t many things and we are Ang when I when I tell the same thing to my kids uh they tell when I become 45 I'll practice all this this is what they tell when I tell to you know for uh in the team mens so C I'm in 20s I'll do all this what I achieved in 4550 if you if you do a little bit tweaking you can achieve in 30 that's what is my intention it's not that you know you're going to cut shot your you know sleep cut all this no intention is enjoy because first 40 years you spoil your health spoil your you you spoil everything then you come I want to become a Nani no it doesn't happen better start and engage okay there is something called this very simple like I follow some principle so for people to you know follow it it'll be helpful Shield there is word called a shield right so it's like armor you cover it so so very important simple try to clock s's sleep try to clock at least 7 hour sleep every day try to clock it that is s next is what H right be hygiene mental hygiene and physical hygien is very very very important so how you're doing it you can do multiple way do it whichever way but have mental hyene because doing a wrong it doesn't first you think wrong then when you do it right so think positive right your body keeping a body calls hygiene is very important next is what is next i i i this is very very funny but it's very important interaction make sure that have as much as interaction so learning can come from books from nature from discussion yes next e right e is make sure that you don't miss a single day exercising it ah yeah you have to exercise you have to make sure that that you give exercise to all the organs including your brain exercise is very important what else what is next l l you know right H AI learning every day should be something learn anything you learn don't ever avoid learning learning could come from multiple but start learning so I'm teaching Shield is right you remember this what is the last one d d right d is diet so try to eat which is good for your body okay so avoid lot of sugar avoid lot of junk fruits water vegetables which is good for you whichever is good for you guys eat but watch on and diet so very simple right Shield so when you remember Cube remember Shield it's very easy right you are going to take care of your body in the process your mind is taken care innerness inner Master you are done physically are taken care mentally Tak care and you will become a better human every day every day you will tell a new version of Cu a new version of Deepa a new version of human very true very true lovely oh my God this was like the bumper I would say amazing thank you so much Cube for this lovely interaction and when I look at shield from my end I think uh I almost engage in most of it all the time so yeah I think like yeah that it makes a lot of sense to me I think make a lot of sense to everybody who listens to this again and again thank you very much so much it was wonderful conversing with me and you know conversing with you is always a pleasure and learn a lot from you so thank you just thank you for un second having me on thank you


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