What is Greenwood Plan Mission & goals /w Scott Mannion

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the english value hierarchy the us and when  i say english i mean u.s canadian australian   this value hierarchy which makes up  our way of life or the english way   emerging an implicit process we've never  understood the psychotechnology that cultivated   the value hierarchy in the first place it's all  been implicit to us it operates behind the scenes   for over a century this high rocket has been  under siege crucial traditions that were imitated   father to sun past generation to generation  fundamental psycho technologies we took for   granted were given up or abandoned acts of  ignorance in the face of prolonged attack because   it has been under siege what that means is this  cuts our people off from what makes them a people   the narrative order the telos the why and the  value hierarchy the way and the psycho technology   the how the practices englishman you ask need i've  been convinced they're a multicultural amalgam   that they're not a people at all that they have  no traditional value hierarchy that's distinct   to them became so second nature we didn't need to  articulate it like the germans or continentals did   it it was in our bones as buttra and russell said  this situation has contributed to has perpetuated   the nihilism that we're currently  experiencing this lack of meaning   but the thing is it's everywhere around you you  just can't see it it's never been defined it's   not like bible study it's never been explicated  and utilized pedagogically it's operated behind   the scenes it functions behind the scenes it has  all these implicit functions that were crucial   to our culture yet we've abandoned them because we  didn't really realize what it was or what it was   for yet those psycho technologies those practices  those rituals those traditions all of those things   for all intents and purposes that might as well  be new inventions that are ready to be explicated   and utilized by people the problem we're facing  is conceptual but it's also about cultivation   and curation so first i'll talk about the  conceptual problem what constitutes a value   hierarchy is a way the english way of life we know  it exists we don't know what constitutes that way   we know the word we know the phrase english way of  life we don't understand in a meaningful way what   that way is what that procedure and direction is  we don't know how to adapt and participate in that   way how do we do it how do we get back into it if  we've left some of these practices behind that's   that's the essence of what we're trying to get  at we may have implicitly known the direction   the procedure and the direction but we don't know  how to walk back into that direction if we've been   walked out of it even if we have the echoes of  the value high rock he's still nested in our   uncultures the english value hierarchy the terms  we use to define them are equivocal and they're   invalid equivocal meaning the term means different  things to different people the construct doesn't   actually map the actual doesn't actually map the  phenomena the behavioral pattern that makes up   english way their definitions are woolly and  oblique but they map something that doesn't   constitute englishness and the portion of the  english way we do still enact is implicit it's   like the water is to the fish in the river it's  always been in the water yet it uses the water   to swim but he doesn't see it because he's always  inside of the water where inside the english way   unlike other cultures where our culture has is  like a tree no one invented it no one wrote the   constitution no one explicated it it's like the  meaning of the word constitution constitution used   to mean and the english sent is what makes you up  just how it the feeling of what feels right that's   what common law is all that stuff that's what  those things are it's the felt sense of what's   right in the value hierarchy intuited the second  conceptual problem is we have the source materials   that nest or house the english value hierarchy  that house the psychotechnologies the practices   we have all those things the trouble is all the  interpretations we have of those things that   pervade the media that come from a materialist  ontology from the academy using reductivist tools   and you need to use non-reductive scientific tools  if you want to understand or better understand   these phenomena and map them an english tradition  and tradition in general culture in general is a   non-reductive phenomena it emerges englishness and  the value hierarchy emerges it is inappropriate   to use those tools to uncover interpretation it  makes it useless the traditions themselves were   constructed and emerged mostly emerged from a  symbolic medieval or dark age ontology meaning say   the green knight and king arthur medieval people  didn't read it to figure out its literal meaning   or to look behind history to find a history in  the third person scientifically they read it   to try to figure out its use them how they could  use it in their lives the people that authored   the source materials spoke a different language  to us and if you don't have their ontology you   can't decode it and extract the psycho technology  meaning procedures and procedural knowledge you   can actually use from traditional source materials  like king arthur in the green knight like robin   oral tradition like the ritual of longbow practice  when i say psycho technology what do i mean   picture a tribe on a river they can't swim they  have to cross the river to hunt and survive   someone invents and engineers a  boat that is a technology that   technology is in the mind it's made of  mind material the procedure of operation   and the procedure of actually creating the  thing but it's also made of wood material   the thing you operate in the river a psycho  technology is the same it's just as real   it's made of my material just like the boat  but its domain of operation is in the mind   not the river and examples of that are meditation  the alphabet but also you can have things outside   of it like the rosary for instance that is a  procedure yet it uses the beads but it's not   operated in it it's still operating on the mind  itself even though it has a physical aid outside   of it now an implicit psychodelology we don't  know it it's in the unconscious it operated   behind the scenes say you're in another  village basically surrounded by forests   in that village kids die in the forest even  though they're told it's dangerous they die   nothing can be done about it over time over the  decades eventually a story emerges in the tavern   called red riding hood about a wolf who dresses  like a grandmother to try feast on a young girl   and the story spreads around people enjoy it has  a motive it's significant to them for some reason   they perhaps don't understand kids start dying  less in the forest the kids survive because they   imitated implicitly the procedural knowledge  in the narrative of red riding hood it had   taught them procedural knowledge unbeknownst  to them that gave them a survival advantage   unbeknownst to them their problem has been  solved by this psycho technology this narrative   it survives because it has survival advantage for  the person to the story survives by abandoning it   the problems itself re-emerge the dragon's  re-emerge to breathe fire at us and kill us   these implicit psycho technologies and of course  there are some impressive psycho technologies and   we know we've abandoned most of them what problems  have emerged that they solved because you don't   know what they were just like those villages  a psychic technology can be a ritual a story a   piece of literature can have external age but the  operating procedure is in the mind the problem is   in the psyche that it's a solution for it's doing  something to the psyche even if it has a physical   product outside of it for instance say the longbow  that can have implicit effects that we don't know   did something to us that cultivated our value  hierarchy that was a practice that was across   all of england all of the realm all of english  culture everyone did it as we know from tribal   cultures it's something that makes us uniquely  human to be able to project the neanderthals   couldn't throw stuff and the arrow is a higher  order level of that to be able to do it even   more so with the longbow because you don't even  like you aim but you become part of the thing   that you see with a longbow people step into it  and release it so now we understand that i can   move on i don't sound like a madman like what's he  talking about psycho technology what's he talking   about he's what is this starcraft psychos  like no now you know what it is it's a very   real thing meditation's a real thing prayer  is a real thing symbols are real things oh   that's just the subjective guys that's not  real that's just in the mind no it's real   the other half of the problem is curatorial  and cultivation firstly nobody is armed with   no content makers in this space are armed with the  appropriate criterion to curate source materials   laden with the english value hierarchy they  don't have a curation procedure to do that   a valid one english content makers because they  don't have the criteria and the value criteria and   they end up promoting ways and creeds that don't  actually constitute englishness thinking they do   and that degenerates the conditions that  allowed us to flourish in the first place   these creeds and ideologies are divergent from  what actually constitutes englishness which isn't   isn't an ideology it's a way it's an emergent way  of life it's not constructed just in the conscious   propositional minds the other problem is there  aren't any english content makers or content   makers in this space that have the appropriate  symbolic and non-reductive analytical tools   not just curatorial analytical tools to go in and  explicate from source materials psycho technology   that would work to be able to read them to get  a proper interpretation to actually use them   they don't have the analytical tools to unpack and  get at it to explicate it in the appropriate way   where it's useful where it's symbolic of what  it actually is an actual in act in the world   also to once they explicate it to make content  that is then value laden with the value hierarchy   to cultivate the value hierarchy by creating  original content that's imbued with it no one   in this space this english traditional space  has the symbolic ontology that's required to   speak the symbolic language to unpack the  symbolic understanding and as a consequence   the audience what's perpetuated in them is by  looking at their interpretations by listening to   these historians or whatever what's perpetuated  is uh that ontology a materialist ontologies and   a consequence of that is the audience is inhibited  from understanding tradition and actually being   able to use the psychotechnology in the works to  use the tradition to enact it to participate in it   not just receive it and go oh now i know  it has a proposition to participate in it   they are inhibited from experiencing meaning the  morale because of that before we go any further   i should also define what a symbol is because  it's very strange to people a symbol is a psycho   technology that expresses that's enacted to  understand reveal an unknown higher order   concept principle or phenomena that phenomena  is understood through the enacting the use of   the symbol saying it mediates between the unknown  concept to explicate it to you it's a thing you   enact now we need to get away from the casual  understanding of this world or how it's casually   used say for instance the tradition of handing  over a piece of tough at the sale of the state   people refer to that as symbolic that's not  symbolic that's that's semiotic that's a sign   it doesn't have a intrinsic thing to do with  the unknown estate it's it just represents the   estate it's not an intricate part of it doesn't  reveal anything about it it just represents it   it's also useful to think about the railway  worker the badge they wear the winged wheel   if i was to refer to that as symbolic this badge  i would be saying that this badge has an in it   expresses something intricate about the railway  system as a whole and the truth is of course it's   just it's a representation that that marks out  the railway employee it's a symbol of nothing   the symbol is something that can reveal  something to you that you can utilize   so a way of thinking of the symbol is to think  about the scale of justice you understand the   scale of justice by understanding and using it you  use the psycho technology in your mind you picture   it and you enact it you're balancing you might  turn your head left to right when you're enacting   the symbol interacts with your cerebrum which  controls balance so this these other processes   in you are being co-opted are being utilized  by this thing and you enact it to understand   the higher order concept of justice what is  justice what do you do with a scale balancing   it's balancing what's fair right and look i'm  moving my hands while i'm talking about this   say you're a judge whatever the more you enact  that symbol the more just you become the more you   have internalized the process of balancing  and weighing it's such a complex phenomena   that that doesn't stop being useful you don't  just use it once and understand that you think   about it again until you fully internalize it you  internalize the symbol like in a conversation with   a friend you might beway the pros and cons  for them well bob said this but then sally   did that and look you turn your head left and  right another way of understanding this is a   you think about the symbol like a x-ray lens you  use the symbol of the scale you look through the   symbol like you would look through a lens look  through it beyond and by means of the lens to   reveal the higher order concept of justice to  reveal things about this complicated phenomena   that is would otherwise be unknown to you just  like when you use an x-ray lens machine to   reveal to you what you would otherwise not see the  bones inside a body once there's a more efficient   means once you have the pro the propositional  explication of something it becomes a dead symbol   and just becomes a sign of the thing it's no  longer pregnant with meaning because it's not used   anymore it just represents what you already have  elsewhere in your or what you think you already   have elsewhere in your psyche what is explicated  in a more thorough way elsewhere in the psyche   of the judge he has the explicated massive  understanding of what justice is so the symbol   just becomes a sign for that you can kill a symbol  too right and for instance let's look at the   the cross people say oh the cross is a symbol for  divine love although you've just made the cross   a sign because divine love the concept you've got  of a divine love the the words explicated words   are the better means of explaining divine love the  cross as church fathers would say transcends just   divine love it expresses all sorts of higher  order phenomena has all sorts of meanings   a symbolic attitude can actually kill a symbol  and make it a sign instead even if you just think   it isn't or think it doesn't work it becomes a  sign for something you think is better explicated   either elsewhere in your psyche or externally  even when it's not so that's what we've done   with the materialist ontology we've killed all  the symbols in large parts yet there's this whole   spectrum of symbols that better map these  higher order phenomena like the cross itself   so the problem is twofold conceptual and  cultivation and curation the conceptual   solution is what i call greenwood lab green wood  metal greenwood lab's overarching mission is to   explicate the english value hierarchy to model its  structural functional organization to validate it   nomologically the first goal is to create a new  lexicon to express and define the english value   hierarchy creating new terminology but also a  system of symbols to express it to be utilized   to help people understand what it is so it's like  a new language theory description to make explicit   what's particular to what's distinct about the  english value hierarchy so the second goal is   to reconstruct the value hierarchies process  of emergence its causes and consequences what   are the things that enable it what are the things  that cultivate it and what are the conditions that   it brings about the third goal is to explicate  to make explicit the psycho technologies the   practices rituals from the english tradition  itself the narrative order the mythos and   confirm experimentally with researchers what the  utility beneficial effects are for the individual   then once confirmed to organize those practices  into a system of practices that integrates with   the value hierarchy to promote flourishing within  and of english culture of the englishman and the   individual so the fourth goal is to formalize  and further develop the curation and analysis   tools that we already have so researchers  and content makers can utilize them to curate   source materials to extract psycho technology from  curated source materials so they can make content   value laden with english value hierarchy so as we  talked about the problem earlier being that people   don't have the tools to do it but also a pedagogy  to teach that knowledge to the general audience   itself so they can see and understand it and do it  in cultures so not just a high-flying academic set   of research tools but both the final goal is to  establish a fellowship in this research project of   researchers and content makers from the audience  bottom up to participate in the project itself   to found their own branches of the project to  light a fire under this thing to test different   practices to be the researchers that verify  the phenomenological effects of this stuff not   just me i don't have time i can't do this myself  it's just i'm one part of this which is and that   doesn't mean you have to be some academic that  would be fine but it just volunteers a voluntary   fellowship of people that are willing to  dedicate themselves and and also to towards   the goal of this project it's a prior to doing  any of this people talk about oh let's protect   and defend our way of life yeah that comes next  but the faster you need the tools first you need   to concretize what it is what it is really though  what it is really not a bullshit ideology but what   as it emerges not your idea of what it should be  but what is out of the mythos because mythos isn't   written by one person the mythos and tradition  it's of everyone and it's not about their ego   and their personal desires it's literally  the people as a whole it's like the word king   in a way english word king means son of the kin  and our culture our mythos is the son of the kin   and that's what we're trying to explicate the  son of the kin as in the spirit of the kin   the value hierarchy to make that concrete  explicit and ready to use for the general audience   ready to use for the people and have that pedagogy  and all of that in our hands so we have weapons   and armor we have the way we have the procedures  we have the direction we need only cultivate it   and enact it then it's inevitable it is literally  inevitable that this is to be done ultimately this   conceptual solution is a tool it's a research tool  it's a pedagogic tool it's a thing to use but on   its own it's only a propositional description of  the phenomena it's not the phenomena itself it can   only be understood by enacting what we uncover  like you have the theory you read it you don't   possess it culture is to be enacted that's why  the other part of the project is cultivation by   necessity it has to have a cultivation part of  people actually using it content being made and   people participating in it otherwise it is only  ever just a theory only ever just a proposition   explicating this stuff in the value hierarchy  is only ever going to be a description of   things which can't be possessed just as  propositions as cognitive science helps us   to understand you don't possess certain types of  knowledge by having a propositional theoretical   description of it so why or how does greenwood  lab solve the conceptual problem or why is this   necessary to actually do this think about our way  of life or the english way of life as a invisible   castle that castle is generates everything  the conditions of our flourishing if it dies   we're dead there's an enemy marching across a  field burning everything in its path they're   going to achieve their objective either way they  just have to burn everything we on the other hand   need to stand on the walls of this invisible  castle that represents our way to enact it   and act the way to defend it the trouble is we  only know the rough vicinity of these walls and   different factions of our army disagree on what  is and isn't a wall so that's the situation we   find ourselves in we don't know what constitutes  this way of life we don't know where the walls   are they're invisible we know it exists we know  the rough vicinity of it we don't know what the   wall's made of we don't know the procedures to  enact that value hierarchy that way to grow it   that reinforce it don't know how to build castle  walls so what happens is we end up defending   the status quo the ground we're all standing on  instead of the actual castle walls and we have no   vision because we don't understand the narrative  tradition the narrative order right the point why   we even build castles what what why build castles  what's their purpose the talos which is part of   the way it's direction and the procedure and we  don't understand the traditional languages the   symbolic language that the traditions written in  and the interpretations are wrong like i mentioned   meaning we don't understand the old castle  wall plans greenwood lab as a whole its purpose   is to make visible the castle walls to make it  visible and ready to use the procedures everything   concrete so we can see it grab it utilize it  to speak its language a summary of the research   methods we intend to use because we're going to  use the nomological net and by normalogically   i mean multi-method multi-trade construct  validation which is using evidence from divergent   fields methods those sciences use and the fields  themselves being divergent buttresses is your case   meaning like this coke can i hold it my sense  of touch my sight my the coldness the heat   the temperature reveal okay i have a this  can exists right all the sensors together   form a normal logical net to prove it so that's  part of our method of the case to verify it or   we're going to exact tools from non-reductive  sciences we're going to use these theories use   these non-reductive sciences as theory metaphors  to frame what we're trying to do and use those   methods to as best we can as as is possible  to verify the models we're making right to   make it robust as possible you want to map what's  really exist we're not trying to create something   form we're going to use empirical evidence as  far as that's possible get quantitative data to   back up qualitative arguments so this map is as  accurate as possible so it actually is as far as   possible the value hierarchy itself first i have  to unpack what the value hierarchy is what a value   hierarchy is and what a value is that enables me  to explain what effects are going on like how the   show and the different things i'm doing and we're  doing are interacting with the value hierarchy to   impel the effects that they're impelling the  different effects that that i'm go that i list   in the summary so following that i'll demonstrate  the market opportunity why the market's hungry for   this crop what the situation is that has presented  us with this opportunity like the parallel economy   going through all those manner of things then i'll  outline the greenwood content membership platform   its objectives its mission statement of the  wider the whole company the whole project   and its core goals then i will describe why it's  so competitive so first i'm going to talk about   the greenwood show i've got a link that you can  look at and the sort of glowing audience feedback   it's a rough outline of it you're not going  to understand what exactly is going on until   we unpack the value hierarchy which i'll do  next in preparation first what we do is i use   our curation procedure to locate the appropriate  source materials that are nested with our value   hierarchy that are value laden so the second step  of preparation what i do is i use our analysis   procedure to extract out the essence of the value  behaviors that i've broken down the procedural   layer of what's going on in the narrative  because as we know a narrative is a procedure   and its outcome i'll break all that down into  its individual steps to extract out the essence   of what what the function of that procedure  is what it does in a holistic sense outside of   the individual actions present that and  so i can use it as a tool to compare it to   modern english behaviors so what that does  is it places the audience in literally like   telelogically in the story rather than being  an outside widget the world watcher looking in   because the value hierarchy is nested in our  unconscious our behaviors reflect what you see in   that once you get to the essence of it so i make  i compare and contrast those two things together   so people can understand their place in this wider  epoch spanning tradition so then what i'll do is   i'll present a nomological argument and present  scientific evidence empirical evidence to satisfy   the modern empirical mind once that skeptical  mind is abated and it's satisfied let's say   they approach it and see it for its true value is  true utility gets rid of the pre judgment of that   scientism materialism of tradition to just simply  see it as its utility value because there's no   desire here to do anything to convince people  of traditional ideology it's not even ideology   it's just this is your tradition that emerged  here's how you use it here's its utility simply   but to get there you have to walk them back from  the scientism so then the sixth step what i'll do   is i'll i'll promote and push active participation  by by comparing this practice of psychotechnology   with other psychotechnologies and practices people  are more used to in modern life where we know   the effects of them so they see okay this has  been used this is similar to this practice   it's actively done right now i can do that right  so in the contrast with that modern practice   that modern thing this traditional  practice and also listing out   the uses or demonstrating the historical  evidence of its use and utility back when it was   formulated and then lastly presenting a symbolic  ontology walking back from materialist ontology by   comparing the symbols that we we extract out from  the traditional work with a general european and   dark age medieval and dark age ontologies  christian ontology and dark age ontology   decodes how the people who made or spoke the oral  tradition all wrote the tradition how they saw   the world to understand the different symbols and  their connection with those two things so people   can start seeing the wider patterns and how it all  interconnects but that's just a rough outline of   it you're not going to understand what exactly  is going on until we unpack the value hierarchy   which i'll do next so values are categories  of the unconscious which emote what should be   done what should be chosen what should be  rejected that's manifested in feeling in an   impulsion or a motive data to value something is  a statement about certain contents of the psyche   the unconscious being energetic or strong towards  the thing in question in an objectionable or   a sympathetic or recommendable manner so good or  bad so the values that concern us are that which   makes us distinct as a people that's that which  is at the top of the hierarchy you can't choose   these values that are basically absorbed in the  childhood development stage from father to some   piaget demonstrated by psja the definition of  a culture in the anthropological meaning of   the word is a people's hierarchy of ways their  procedural hierarchy a person is constituted of   a behavioral hierarchy an individual is that's  all we know of what a person is that hierarchy   that's what a character is in drama in all those  things it's always actions a pattern of action   in the world a people then is best defined as  a personality a hierarchy of ways a behavioral   hierarchy just like a person but it's overall  in a culture it is a person think about the king   think about that's a national personification a  personification of england's culture for instance   right is a locus of those behavioral patterns of  the greatest heroes of of a culture amalgamated   together into form one personification that's  the best way to define a people everything all   culture ultimately breaks down to the procedural  hierarchy in episodic form in procedural form   and in semantic form stored in semantic memory  procedural memory and episodic memory or in the   representations of the procedural hierarchy in  tradition literature is a episodic knowledge and   with nested within it is procedural knowledge of  the characters in it the narrative is a procedural   is a procedure and its outcome it's the  character's action and the outcome of that action   so it has the procedural knowledge nested in it  so with that in mind what values really refer to   is that personality pattern that procedural  hierarchy the ways that we most object to and   most commend and not logically in the mind that  that the hierarchy most objects and commands like   the value structure in the psyche is one thing  but it's what triggers it is a procedural pattern   so in essence that's what it is the behavioral  pattern is the value it's the valued thing that   you can locate and that is stored in the narrative  order we can get at that to understand what they   are the value hierarchy then amounts to the  patterns of action of our greatest heroes or the   greatest heroes of our culture value patterns that  prove crucial to the survival of a culture and to   its flourishing morality is an emotive impulse  there was a moses in every culture and if you   can't establish the historical existence of such  a man then there are the laws the moral laws right   and what are those laws those laws are another  emotive impulse they are merely a propositional   rendering of the value hierarchy that value  hierarchy begins as procedural knowledge   as adaptation raw adaptation on the ground of  an individual that's transmitted by imitation   father to son then it comes to be expressed  explicated made more explicit into episodic   representation in the narrative that narrative  over the passage of time comes to be explicated   into a moral code comes to be represented in  the story of moses that is explicated into   the moral code by philosophers or theologians for  instance for the already established tradition   it comes from the value hierarchy first but  when a new hierarchy when a new value emerges   it begins with the heroic adaptation on the  ground a narrative like the moses story is a   procedure and its outcome it stores the implicit  procedural knowledge of historically determined   adaptation to the unknown of a hero it is in  turn a psycho technology that can be used to   unpack that procedural knowledge of morality  it comes to be represented in episodic memory   in semantic and procedural memory so it's not just  in the narrative it's actually in us as well the   narrative order then the mythox of england let's  see the traditional source materials then contain   the structure of historically determined  procedural knowledge the value the things   we value the value hierarchy a more explicit form  in a mode we can understand in something we can   access and unpack myth hero narratives like the  robin hood ballads the oral tradition let's say   have no single author they have to transmit  through hundreds of humans to get to us they are   subject to selective forces evolutionarily so over  time it distills the utility of the procedural   knowledge that's nested in that particular  hero's tradition from the oral tradition   if they work for the human who imitates them on  the ground they're given a survival advantage and   that branch of the story survives if it doesn't  work when it's imitated if it fails to manifest   the story outcome on the ground then that branch  of the story dies or he if he's able to adapts to   the situation and returns to the tavern to tell  the tale and adapts it based on that distilling   the narrative and making it a more generalizable  truth so it's like a feedback loop it works like   a bayesian feedback loop and updates the whole  amalgam of the myth hero over time as you see   in most oral tradition the bible included is  that over time the truth becomes more potent   distilled down into more generalizable form that  works in every situation the stories are acted   out in the empirical world often implicitly right  the changes the slight adjustments over time are   updated and distilled the narrative's general  utility as they're retold in the pub and so   what that means is the older a tradition is the  less individual artists have to do with something   loops this has gone through the more we can have  confidence in the strength and generalizability   of that truth especially the old tradition so when  you look at the oldest traditions they're full   they're gold mines our magnitude that we don't  realize they are untapped oil especially if the   tradition's implicit you're not doing it thinking  that oh i'm going to imitate robin hood when i go   into the forest in real time your brain  is just operating based on your general   remembrance of the story and then you make those  adjustments to the behaviors branch that you tell   in the story when you go back to the tavern you're  not thinking what happened to me on the ground you   just tell the tale based on how you feel out what  feels legitimate your understanding of how honest   it is to how people behave so you make that  slight adjustment implicitly though we may   have forgotten these narratives we may have never  understood their crucial function in society but   the echo of their value hierarchy still nested in  our unconscious we'll still respond to them when   it's like a secret only fire can tell  that echo is in essence why our content   is so compelling that's in essence what our  content takes advantage of so now we understand   the value hierarchy let's explore five different  effects five different reasons why the content   impels such a response in the audience  that we see demonstrated in the comments   all these effects aren't achieved in every  program but this i've hypothesized in general   the list of them over all of them these are the  the effects that the analysis and presentation   aim to achieve the first effect of the content  manifests in the audience is what i call the   integration effect so the audience describe when  they after they watch our content the sense of   being told something they already knew that  they felt on a different level of understanding   followed by a feeling of meaning and morale now  cognitive science can help us here they describe   four levels of understanding or knowing which is  propositional knowledge which is we understand   is everything we read all that sort of stuff  respective knowledge participatory knowledge and   procedural knowledge stored in semantic episodic  and in uh procedural memory so people have a sense   of their cultural identity on the participatory  and procedural level of their knowledge or   understanding they sense it so this sense that  the audience described the sense is a motive data   like we talked about before emotive delta from the  unconscious value hierarchy just like recognizing   a face in the crowd is the sense of recognizing  a face in the crowd is intellectual delta from   cognition now our content what it's doing is it's  integrating the emotive with the intellectual   integrating the episodic and procedural levels  of their knowledge understanding with their   propositional understanding it's integrating  their emotive unconscious structure with their   conscious intellectual structure their ideas of  their identity with their actual identity what   they share implicitly with people yet they can't  articulate into words this integration of the   conscious and the unconscious generates that moral  response to reiterate we are articulating for the   audience what they always felt their commonalities  are their felt sense of their commonalities and   articulating that for them in the intellect so the  next effect the content manifests is what i call   the participation effect the teleological effect  is that what we do when we unpack these narratives   and render them in such a way that the essence  like the essence of the value hierarchy in the   source materials uh comparing with the same  behavioral patterns in the modern englishman   is we essentially were putting a round box in a  round hole it actively places the audience as a   participant in the story as some as something that  you're part of not a outside watcher or a receiver   but it's like no i am of this this is my story too  as a consequence of that being placed in the story   and being contrasted with historical figures from  the mythos and locating them within themselves   and demonstrated that they are of this same thing  as a consequence of that they're given a greater   sense of their place and their point a teleology  a why they're in the story and that is energizing   that's impelling the next effect i would describe  is the active effect the procedural effect is that   while legacy media seeks to turn the audience  and keep the audience as a passive receiver   of tradition we promote or we push active use  and flourishing modernity's centralization of   folk narrative and storytelling seeks dependence  it's turned us into bit players and other people's   story which is alien to our natural condition we  see robin hood as a character to be projected out   of us the truth of it is he was a character to  be enacted and imitated storytelling and drama   were done by everyone on the local level it's only  recently that we've been sort of propagandized to   believe or propagandize into this passivity heroes  like robin hood they emerged from the tradition   they evolved in a participatory fashion people  imitated and used these characters they every may   day people played them everyone knew them they  told the stories themselves they were active   in it they spoke it in their mouths the words are  supposed to be spoken that's their use and utility   so it's completely alien to us this situation  we invite that and try to offer it in a way   that people for them to use themselves as symbols  as psycho technologies we enable the audience to   use tradition as it was intended as it evolved  like for the re the function that it evolved for   to know their people's story by participating  in that story by telling it this is buttressed   by cognitive science as well as you have to  tell them move the mouth have to involve the   body because you can't have procedural knowledge  until you imitate it and know how to do it and   it's linked up with actually doing actually  doing robinhood actually speaking and telling   the story yourself you know it by telling the  story just like richard feyman said about physics   he's like you don't really know until you teach  can teach something you don't really know it   another effect that content manifests is the what  i call the utility renovation effect we think we   understand tradition all we really understand is  a shitty straw man that is obscuring the actual   function and use of that tradition this is the  materialist literally solution which is which   pervades and was perpetuated by the academy the  institutions what we do when we unpack the thing   and explain it in scientific terms the utility of  tradition again as we remove this sort of skeptic   mind we satisfy it by explaining it in scientific  terms and presenting evidence that shows its   actual utility and essentially by doing that it's  like walking back at that materialist ontology   it's a reevaluation of the of the true value of  the tradition right so all the pre-established   pre-suasion of the materialist ontology that  people have of these traditions perhaps that they   thought they already knew that straw man is pulled  away and that makes it novel that renovation is   what happens when you make the old new again  you're removing a incorrect interpretation and   what's revealed to you is something that's useful  all that stuff is now novel all that stuff you   get for free and basically what that means is we  get the developmental costs for free as well like   where you have to make new content you're using  old things and showing them in their true light   it impels you towards the content it's why people  enjoy it because it's ah it's a revelation of the   truth and that leads me to the final effect which  i would call the ontological revelation effect   right and so what we're doing here is like little  by little episode by episode as we explain more   of the symbolic ontology what's being revealed  to the audience is the interconnections between   all the different symbolic patterns in the content  in the culture because we're using fundamentally   the fundamental language of it which pervades  all of it of english culture and the fundamental   values so as we do that it's like a good twist  in a movie like what is that impelling force you   get when that is revealed it's a slow burn twist  essentially over the course of the whole group of   content and what that does is impel the audience  towards it because it's revealing things to you   about things you thought you already knew all your  life right things you walked past the king all the   different things of culture that you have become  known to you but you never actually understood   this is what happened is because they become  just dead signs but the true meaning and   utility and use of them and when we represent this  ontology it's bringing you into a world view that   it's like putting on x-ray glasses right from the  they live movie you're seeing things oh okay this   is what it is this is the use of it utility and  symbolically because all this stuff formed in   a different ontology so across all the episodes  that's what happens a slow burn revelation that   makes the content more compelling when you get a  new idea when you understand something that's a   positive morale boost same with the lower levels  of knowing that cognitive science reveals to us   perspectival knowledge you have to have the  change of perspective to gain the effects of that   the benefits and the uh and the phenomenological  effects the the morale boost and the emotion that   that provides so all these effects aren't achieved  in every program but this i've hypothesized in   general the list of them and it should become  clear now why this content is more competitive   because other people aren't doing it and catering  for it directly over all of them these are the   effects that the analysis and presentation aim to  achieve let's talk about the market opportunity   and the wider opportunities this project presents  english tradition english narrative tradition in   particular has never been explicated as a pedagogy  as a teaching tool like bible study has it's   always functioned behind the scenes its narratives  were never intended to instruct they were spread   for reasons other than that those spread for  pleasure for instance what that means is because   they function behind the scenes because they are  implicit that it's essentially untapped oil and   the narrative tradition and the wider mythos  english tradition is pregnant with usable   functional psychotechnology and  practices that we can explicate   and turn into a pedagogy for all intents and  purposes it's pregnant with new inventions   just begging to be explicated and utilized  what's more that untapped oil is inaccessible to   competitors so it has at least an initial  defensibility because that oil is considered by   them or it's enforced by institutions as a taboo  just considered to be useless because they see   it from a materialist literalist ontology so just  looks useless to them just looks like literature   some of you might think or say or some  people might think or say that none of   that matters that none of that doesn't  matter that there's an opportunity there   that the institutions have the high ground that  no one's going to care and no one's going to be   able to notice because they're pointed in  one direction my response to that would be   that high ground is a grift it's a potemkin's  village and here's why the communications   technology centralized the distribution  of meat and creation essentially of media   in a handful of companies also the centralization  of institutions and the academy standardized the   interpretation of english tradition with that  materialist literalist interpretation the ontology   through a system of incentives and  rewards this centralization made them   ideal targets for marxist occupation neo-marxist  occupation which we know has happened already   the long march and the institutions that's over  but with technology putting broadcast equipment   in everyone's home has led to the emergence of a  dissident media which has spent the last 10 years   red pilling the audience revealing the propaganda  and lies of those centralized media legacy media   and the institutions and the consequences of that  is that trust in those institutions especially now   is at an all-time low the validation of  those things even the oscars the baftas   award systems these enforcement structures and  incentives the value of those things because   they've diminished their trust the occupying  forces has diminished and destroyed the trust of   the legacy media and the institutions the value  of their validation of people and theories is   non-existent for a large portion of the audience  so the stage essentially is set for that's why   it's a potemkin's village the stage is set for  the transposition the entrenched interpretation of   this english tradition to be subverted completely  and supplanted by its true understanding the   framework that enforces the narrative or enforces  the this false understanding of english tradition   to be bypassed and subverted people don't  value the doctorate from whatever university   they value what works all the all the established  biography of the person they're following all the   company they're following the individuals so  for the first time we we can now go directly   to the audience without seeking the validation  of captured institutions and captured elites we   aren't burdened by gatekeepers we aren't burdened  by middlemen anymore we don't have to buy into the   system of it we just have to be right we have  to be correct we have to give utility to people   like now more than ever the audience is seeking  utility and truth authenticity over flashy   production value and statuettes and doctorates  before your name that's what they want that's   what they're looking for a true relationship it's  clear they want a relationship with content makers   directly and they the legacy media still push  this idea of them as fans to be worshipped they   seem to create that system of of a pantheon to  be worshipped that's just not the reality of the   situation they're friends of theirs in essence  and that's what we promote is participation   and active relationship because that's what  the project essentially is it's trying to help   people it's not trying to create passive dependent  observers living their lives through someone else   watching a tv screen no this situation too both  lowers our marketing costs and raises theirs   lowers their potency the potency of their content  and raises ours lois their trust and authenticity   and raises ours if it continues as a lot of  people i'm sure have noticed a parallel economy is   emerging and the time is ripe for a project like  this to join that economy and the situation is too   there's an emerging market segment that i'll call  english value-laden content that a market segment   was created by propagandizing that content and no  longer providing for the audience needs so much so   that what they gained in flashy effects and high  production value they're no longer enough to   compensate for the demoralizing effects of them  attacking and inverting our value hierarchy in   their narrative content and what illustrates  that as large sections of the audience the   audience would rather watch a lone youtuber tell  a story that's actually imbued with their values   than watch a star wars trilogy flashy effects  that vilifies and inverts their values   and destroys the characters they love so a market  that's thought stagnant actually proves right for   disruption because of this they're creating the  opportunity but by what they've done and you can   see it maps perfectly on to the occupation of  these companies the different things like the   2016 uh marvel comics slump for the destruction  of their sales 2016 netflix subscriber loss   you've also got the i think it's 2018 um star  wars rise slump and and the the figurines they   try to merge two departments to hide the loss of  profits but it's there when you look in the doctor   and also when you look at the sales data and the  survey data of the netflix of netflix is that   the audience prefers to watch decades old  unpropagandized content than what's coming   out now so what that all amounts to is that going  woke indeed does mean going broke well as long as   as long as the value hierarchy is still within  the audience it does the longer this goes on the   greater our competitive advantage and the demand  for this type of content will be and especially   because it's so hard to actually recognize and be  particular about it hollywood used to do it just   by scattergum they didn't do it by being able  to recognize it it's only now that we have the   procedures to be able to identify it to be really  particular about it i mean that's all else being   equal of course you need storycraft but because  of what they've done all those barriers are much   lower that you don't need the fidelities that  people will just sit and listen to count dankula   tell a story on youtube or a storyteller they're  happy to do that if content aligns with the value   hierarchy all else being equal the more compelling  and compelling it is as i say it's it's this that   the need is not being provided for therefore  it's a new need that needs to be satiated   in the audience the overarching mission of the  greenwood project as a whole long term ultimately   is to establish a content platform a membership  content platform that supplants the monopoly   that the institutions and the legacy media have  over the interpretation of english tradition and   literature of their interpretation and definition  of english virtues and values mission complete for   this looks like if an englishman american wants  to understand the fundamental of of the value   hierarchy of his culture he doesn't go to the bbc  anymore he doesn't go to oxford he comes to us he   comes to our platform to understand it the general  audience so the core objectives goals intentions   of this project are five five different core goals  the first is to host and establish a system an   ecosystem of psychotechnologies and practices  that the english can use to cultivate meaning   and amplify their common bonds what that means  is the goal is to return to the common people the   means by which they can participate actively in  their tradition as it was evolved for the second   objective is to establish to host and establish a  system by which the membership can self-organize   to participate in the project directly to make  their own content and a system by which stuff is   upvoted onto the front page and it's it's put onto  the greenwood show and greenwood content talent is   promoted from within the audience by the audience  itself set up a system where they can participate   also contribute to the research and the reason  why i say make content is that really matters   oh well not everyone can be a content maker sure  that's fine but this stuff was participated in   by everyone by telling the story by speaking  about it so the words come through your mouth   that generates phenomenological effects so the  intent of the project is is to have that element   that self-organization where people are promoting  from within and generating a distributed cognition   to light a fire under this project itself but  also to found new arms of it go off and do their   own things with regard to it to inspire that  so the third goal is to educate the membership   in the symbolic worldview also in our analytical  and curation tools so they can utilize them to   participate in the tradition primarily but also  to make content themselves so it's a pedagogy   as we all learn together to better understand  the tradition and the idea of that is to empower   the audience to empower the the project itself  ultimately it is about that the only reason this   exists i'm doing i'm doing this and putting all  this effort into it is to do my duty the fourth   goal is to establish a contributors portal  an internet on the membership website a place   where we can train and collaborate with talented  researchers and writers editors content makers   a place where like-minded creators that are  already in this space but also people recruited   from the audience can train and trade tools  trade reserve information reserve knowledge to   create network effects around similar projects  the fifth goal is to promote in-person clubs   essentially greenwood order fellowships where  people self-organize to participate directly   in the traditional framework to towards  self-betterment towards aspiration and   flourishing within an english cultural framework  within an english traditional framework where   they are testing these psycho technologies they're  going out into the world and living the tradition   amplifying their common bonds reporting back  a place where people participate directly   essentially as researchers if you like testing  out the psycho technology to understand their   phenomenological effects but also a place where  people can use directly what they're uncovering   not just to watch a show so why is this approach  uniquely competitive why is it uniquely fitted to   solving this problem the english language arrives  to us value laden is laden with a value hierarchy   the words and works of shakespeare the ballads of  robin hood the mythos the king arthur the language   it's that is deeply nested in the language  this work is tapping into that tapping into it   in an english disused interpersonal neural network  like unlocking like having a key and unlocking   a giant underground tunnel network that  they're not able to use or they're not using   competitors either take a generalized approach or  they use christianity or they use a neoplatonism   or a general scatter gun of western ideology or  western culture that isn't as uniquely fitted to   the tradition and the value hierarchy within the  audience they are disincarnate pieces of a wider   immersion phenomena that is english culture it's  like englishness isn't the sum of its parts but if   you use it all together you are you are hitting  you are you are it's like i said earlier it's   it's it's a round box for a round hole another  point is that propaganda woke narratives are   in essence lies they aren't fitted for reality on  the ground so when they're imitated when you say   you watch a woke movie or whatever when you try  to imitate that in the real world those narratives   those the procedural information in the narrative  you imitate that it fails to manifest the outcome   it presents in the story so over time that's a  negative feedback loop it's draining the life   force of the people that use it on the other hand  when we present the nested traditional procedural   knowledge from out of the english narrative order  from from these traditional source materials   representing something that is adapted for that  adapted with english terms english language all   these things it's fitted for those things right  it reflects the truth on the ground so when using   that a positive feedback loop it's the opposite  it's that so you're imitating things and you are   actually more competitive because it's reflecting  closer of reality on the ground if a narrative's   procedural knowledge works when you imitate it  you don't waste cognitive resources adapting in   real time to a situation that you didn't predict  because you used bad information out of propaganda   there's a difference between tradition and  propaganda it's not an ideology it emerged   to an environment people didn't intend it to  be used as instruction and so this truth this   truth effect means also it's like in a world  of lies in a world of propaganda the truth is   like a revolution it's like having the transmitter  tuned to the particular frequency of the audience   but also because it's the


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