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We have to keep it in mind that we have to see the steps directly Do not stop because if you skip even one step, you will move ahead again The problem is left behind and you just keep moving ahead and in the end you will face the problem You will not get it, you will say it will not be made, many of my friends said no display case upload video here today we will learn that how in no display case By following the sequence you will reach the problem and fix it, then start Let me show you the part number of this motherboard here it is A9532 I will show you the condition, here I install the charger, I have installed this charger I installed it and pressed its power button. As soon as I pressed it, the light came on here. Look at this and our ampere there goes upto 310 and gets stuck now Here the condition of the board is no display so which voltage should we check in this If we do this then for this also we will have to follow the rules of the scheme from elsewhere By watching the video directly, we do not need to check the voltage on any coil, we can just We will follow the rules and stick to them, so friends let's come to the scheme Look at the sketch here, who made our motherboard? Motherboard is here Who made our Compul Company? Now this Compul Company makes us a little tough. in schematics reading but if we continue to follow this sequence wise So one thing will be stuck in our mind forever that we need to check this voltage. After that, when we check which voltage, we should not get scared by seeing the name of this complex. If this doesn't work then friends we will follow the steps and here we come down The block diagram is given here, we will skip it, now we will come here Our favorite chart that I teach you in every video is shown here Look at our voltage rail, we'll follow this, friends, and we'll trace this board While doing this we will find the problem and repair it, so friends I have told you about the previous In all the videos I have told you what is s5 and what is s3 s4 and s0 s1 what is that look here in this schematics s4 is not given and If s0 is not given then there is no need to worry about it. s3s 4 s1 s0 assuming this Let's go because in Compal's board every one of your re-created board is presented in different way It presents it in the schematic so that a normal engineer can get trapped We should go into this trap but we should not get caught in it, we should keep the thing memorized in our mind So we have to remember only three stages 1 2 3 okay s5 will be everywhere here s4 If it happens then I have given s3, here if s0 happens then I have given s1, so remember the three steps Okay, look here, here we have given A on all three lines, which is here But we have voltage, one is vin, second is beta plus and the third is It is B plus, so friends, what has he done to these three, here in his The motherboard schematics are written all over the place to confuse people It has been given, it does not mean anything, then this is just a trap of these people that only those with knowledge If only people can understand then we have to understand that we are people with knowledge, we have knowledge Okay, I am teaching you, so you can also say that I have knowledge, so here See this is a given and look here 19 volts 12 volts and this is the AC battery circuit So if we look here, what is our Vin volt, it is 19 volts which is shown here It has happened and what is battery plus, the voltage of our battery is like If the charger is not plugged in, how much voltage does the battery get to the board? 12.6

it goes okay right and what is b plus our b plus is the point where I understood that the voltage of AC and battery increases further in front of SLR. So you must have understood what these three things are, okay so sometimes in this board If there is a no power condition then we need to see this 19 volt, if we need to see v plus then you need to know this much I understood it friends, now let's come to the topic here which is our no display There is a condition in this board, so friends what do you think, should we check this S5 tell me should we check this out absolutely not because i will tell you Let me show you, look, if I come down to s5, look here, all of these are off and what is this here it is on so what is this thing our 3 volt always on right s5 which is s5 what happens to us is the voltage that is generated before pressing the power button If there is s5 then what is this s5 of ours, 3 volt always, 3 volt will always be ours That's why our board is turning on, okay so we don't need to check s5 There is no need to even check, I will tell you in full detail once, see this on this is also on in s5 so what is this our 3 volt v lp which voltage is this It happens that the 3 volts that come on our power button is the same 3 volt v LP It is also called LADO. Our ADO voltage generates this cone voltage. It is 3 volt always the IC which generates this voltage now here What comes our third one is on what is this our 5 volt always this also It is present only then the board is turning on now what voltage is this of ours CSB if If I select this and copy this and search for it, then we need to know that What is this voltage? If I paste it, I search here, then this There is a diagram here as well, there is a diagram here, I will do it here, it came down here It has happened, let me increase it a little, what is this voltage being generated here, what is not being generated let's come down, see here this voltage is being generated, what is not being generated, let's come down Look here, is this voltage being generated? Tell me, is this voltage being generated here? It is being made here, look, I will show you this VPS of ours which is 19 12 volt The charger is 19 volts and the battery is 12 volts, so this voltage is here But it will come when here this n channel p channel gate is there, so here we have When voltage comes on the gate then B plus which is our VS BFP name If it is going to be made then we will come down to it, so look here, if we pay attention then our first What was the name, see here plus VSB, wherever it is selected, there Till now the name was p extra has come, why has it come because this is our v a b yes this is the present why has this happened if p is here then why is it not at this place Because it is used jumper now its name is because of inserting a jumper See it changes to plus vs b p becomes + v a b okay so now we get this much Did you understand which voltage is this? This voltage is ours. B+ is okay. Friends if it is b+ then it is obvious that this voltage will not remain, voltage is all this That's why our board is turning on now we know what plus who is VSB The voltage is 19 volts. Okay, now this voltage is coming here. Now we go to another place.

We will go to this place and see if it is on then what is our RTC VCC and see RTC Voltage is always generated when VCC is on even if there is no power applied to the motherboard Even if you are not using an adapter, how do you know that this voltage is generated? The first volt from our SIMS battery is the same as our SIMS battery always installed The current to that SIMS battery is connected here in the schematics to RTC VCC It is said that it is important to have our voltage, this is the thing that tells us our date and time and By default, we save its settings, so friends, this is also available here But here we have done a rough check that our s5 has voltage only then our If the motherboard is on then we don't need to check it, yes in one condition It is important to check this as the laptop is getting tripped after power is turned on This means power is coming and then it is switched off immediately, so in that condition we don't need S5 also Friends, we have to check and here power is coming continuously and the voltage is All the s5's will be made again so friends here we will move one step forward Because I had all the advanced level videos in which I had seen all the s5 which shows all our motherboards in nine power conditions I deliberately put the no power condition because if you are a If you can see four-five laptops continuing without power then you will get S5 which is quite easy It will start to feel like this because if we don't learn s5 then if we directly see no display If I go then our S5 will not be cleared so I cleared it earlier s5 again after the same i am now uploading a new video no power sorry no Now we will check the display condition of s3, so friends let's come to s3 here So these three are our given A and here this voltage remains off in s3 and this is also off and this is on so this is on so what voltage is this our this is our There is voltage, see what is written here, ddr3l ddr3l is written so this is ours The voltage is our ram's voltage, so friends let's select it I copy and paste it here and search it, there is so much here The list has come so I select it one by one and reach there Where this voltage is being generated, look here, this voltage is being generated here what's happening is it's not happening because what it's doing is it's giving our pull up because there's a register attached down and up giving pull ups okay it's not but There is a bart place for this, you have to see it, friends, it is here, see it It's not even here it's converting just look from here from the egg jumper here It has been converted, it was not born here, voltage, this is its bird place, we know it We have to find where its starting point is, where is this voltage that is being generated Friends look here, what is being built here, there is nothing here, just a It is showing that the capacitors are installed, so let's come down here, it is not there either Look here, there is a voltage divider, look here it is giving pull up, so look at this there is no need this is also not our birthday bird place it is not here there is no There is no it is not there here also there is no it is not there look here Is it here friends tell me whoever is always watching my videos watch it here It is there, what should I tell you, it is not there here, look it is not there, it is not there even here No, no, no, no, friends, we can install it directly on the motherboard as well. You can go and check the voltage as it is near some coils near the socket This is the voltage around the RAM socket. But I am not checking by going directly to the board, I am following the steps I am doing this because we need to keep this firmly in our mind, we need to keep this in mind that we We only have to see the steps, we do not have to chant directly because even a single step can lead to skipping. If it is done then you will move forward, then the problem will be left behind and you will just keep moving forward You are going and in the end you will face a problem, otherwise you will say that it will not be done So I still haven't checked the motherboard with a multimeter yet.

I am taking you through the steps, let's move ahead, see, it is here, it is here It is happening, it is not being made here, it is not being made here, look here friends. What is being made here, look, let me zoom in here, see, it is like this. DO in L D V L DO in in in means it is coming inside so this voltage is in Tell me what is the voltage butt butt place is being made, look at the jumper here It has been used so this is not happening here let's move ahead see here Look what is being made here, look what is being made here, look which is already my video He must have been watching and found out, see what is this, what is the symbol of the coil symbol so this voltage here this voltage which is being generated here friends now look here here I have made the next page so actually if If you see, here the 'P' is made because this coil which is in front of the coil is our coil This is our IC, okay this IC is generating, it is created here through the coil Now what did it do from here, it gave voltage here and look here p is visible The name is the same and what did he do from here when the jumper came here on the way After the jumper comes, look at its name, here p has been removed, it has been made 1.35 volt v here

The p on it has been removed. Okay, after this jumper its name has changed. So our The selected point is here, if you look then 1.35v is just that so this is our voltage which is showing 1.35v in the number of this coil If I search on board view, then we have board view available here on this board So I will search this number here, it has shown 501 board views. Where is this coil available, so here it comes on the board friends now on the board Here and in this way that board has been placed, in this way it has been shown there, so Look here, this is our IO chip, so I put the charger here for this IO chip The coil is mentioned next to it, so I turn it on here, I turned it on And here the light is on, see, and if I check the coil here, then our Friends, the voltage being generated here is 1.35, so this coil of ours is okay Now if we come back to the schematic, here our voltage is being generated ok again we will go on sequence video will be long because of no power condition No, this is a no display condition. It takes some time in no display condition.

There is a problem in finding it because this world of no display is very big. And no power's world is small, it's a very big world, so there is a lot of searching in it If it will fall here then our voltage is available here now we come here What is the third one that is ours, what is the second one that is ours, if we look at it then it is always ours So we have already checked Always in s5 because look here it is on so here But it is on as well, right? Here, it would be on at all three places and then look just next to it, It is also on, this is also on, so which voltage is this, the voltage of the power button is fine which is s5 If I am on then it is obvious that it will be on in all the places, it is not off here If it is on here then it will not be off here, it will be on here also so these two voltages It is available, now let's come down and see here, this is also on, so this will also remain on in this as well It will remain on, if it is on in s5 then it means it will remain on till s0, now see here it is also on in s5 If it is there then it will remain on in both the cases and it comes down a bit, now look here It is on here as well so it is on here as well so it is on here as well so it is on here as well so Here's a look at just what we checked in our s3 stage: We have only checked the voltage of our RAM in this and the rest is in our s5 It had already been checked, so now this stage is cleared, our stage is clear this stage was also cleared now we will come to s0 so this is our sequence so now we If we come down here, if we look here, then here off here off here on here But what is our core voltage now look here the core voltage which is our fixed There is no voltage, it goes up and down, so here at last s0 is given as s1 And here pay off is given because this core voltage always keeps changing That is why it is given off here, now we will search it, we have to select it. It will happen and paste it here and hit search here and after hitting search, it will appear here Look, is there a bird place here? Look here, is there a bird place here? No. look here there is a big place there is no place here let me tell you wait a second look here Is this our butt place? Look, tell me friends, why is this our butt place? Because look here the coil is given, now which IC is making it here This is our IC making p702 now we will search it and select it We will do it and the board will come on it, with the board our work of tracing becomes easy If we search for this, look here, this IC is here, just below the processor. When we come to the board, here friends, I plug in the charger and turn it on and Here our board has turned on again, see the light is on and if you look at this So I think this is the coil underneath the processor because it's showing the path to this It is going towards the CPU, so here our core voltage is also increasing So let's come back to the schematic and close the board, this is our core The voltage is present, now friends, what else will we check here now But this voltage is on so what is this voltage of DDR terminal which 0.67 5vs So friends let's select this, we will search it video It will be long because there is no display case, you will have to explain it to me and then repair it So it will take time, see, there is a bird place here, what is not there, look here Friends, what is there here, see, what is there, what is not there, come down here, look here is there a big place friends isn't it there come down it is here isn't it here no it's here it's not here let's come down here look he's doing a pull up The register is installed, which means this voltage is pulling up here, it is okay, it is not here here let's see let's come down here look here this is it tell me friends I am a Let me tell you, you might get a bit confused here, so you have to remember this voltage Who is making ours, this is our voltage, the same coil is making the IC It is the one which supplies voltage to the RAM, it supplies voltage to the RAM.

You were checking, right? It is the same IC with 1.35. See here, if I push you forward Let me show you, look, look, this is 1.35, this is the voltage which is our 0.67, this is IC It makes it and its output is its butt plus which is like this VTT's output okay this is something you have to keep in mind this is a new thing for you guys because this ic It generates two voltages, so here one generates VTT and one for rum ok this also goes to the RAM and that also goes to the RAM so this is VTT so this The coil for VTT is not given here, ok here we will assume that This is our bird place okay so here bird place this IC is making the pin number We will come from 20, we will see the IC number, if it is 501 then we will go to the board If you search here then where is it, near the rum But when you checked on the coil, it was somewhere there, so this IC should have been on the board here look at this p 501 what you can see here p 501 look at this here p 501 It is showing so I put it on the charger and turn on the board here The board is on, see the light is on and find its pin number 20 and pin number 20 But we will check this one or two, if it starts from here then pin number 20 is from this coil If it is happening then look here friends, we are getting voltage upto 0.69 i.e. around there. We are getting 0.65 or 0.69 so if this much 1920 works then this is ours If the voltage is complete then it comes on the sketch. Now this is our voltage being generated. This is our voltage present, now what else will we check, look at this voltage friends Here we have done it which was our voltage of rum okay now after this Look friends, this voltage comes here, okay what is this voltage, on pay 1.5 b but i would tell you that i don't need to check it now i don't need to check it now

Before checking this, we have to check some more voltages and which ones The voltage is not mentioned in this, the voltage is that of the slot of our rum Isn't it a rum slot? We need to check some voltages in that rum slot. Because as soon as we check the IC of RAM, friends, and the TT voltage of RAM For this, after checking the voltage of VTT, we have to check the slot immediately It will happen and then after that we will follow all the steps that are below it. will follow but you are not shown in the schematics which voltages to check You have to do it, it is not mentioned in sequence here but I will show you some drawing on one page I will show you by doing it because you friends have to teach me, so here I am going to tell you my There is voltage in the mind, I will tell you about it, by writing here, the first thing Voltage First of all let me tell you there are two types of RAM in DDR3, one is There is DDR3 and the other one is DDR DR DR3 and the other one comes DR3l okay You must have heard 3l, so here the first voltage that we have to check is DD means the coil voltage of our ram, the main voltage is what we call coil You can say or say main, these voltages have to be checked, so in this if we have DDR3 I will write here again how many volts are used in DDR3 RAM Do you know that the RAM with 1.5 volts and DDR3l is installed in the slot It goes to 1.35 You must have seen this difference friends You must have seen the difference in the board, on some rum coils it comes at 3.5, sorry sorry 1.35

in some it comes and in some it comes 1.5 so this is the difference here I first tell the complete I will write it down and then explain it to you, I will quickly write it down, friends, I have read DDS here You will see that here I have written some steps which are in our rum slot It is very important to have voltages, so here first of all we have checked this main voltage So this is our voltage okay so now we come to second On the voltage which is the voltage of the RF DC, its pin number is one, if our If it is ddr3l then our voltage will be 0.67 and if our dr3 is only then our The voltage on pin number one will be 0.75 so let's check its voltage on pin number one Let's take it, I have plugged the charger here, I have turned on the laptop and its pin Number one is on this side, if I touch this side then look here 0.69 means our 0.67 voltage is available on pin number one so we come back

If it is on sequence then voltage is also coming on our pin number one, now we will check it Third volt TT VTT we had checked it on IC just now behind Our voltage is also 67 volts and the voltage is available, still we will check it The pin number on the slot is 203 204 so we go to the slot the laptop is still on You can see here the light is on, pin number 200, this is the last one here Voltage is available and 204 is also available here so the video will be a little long Friends, we haven't found any problem yet, so this is our step here It is clear that our voltage is available here, now our ref is on the fourth volt It will become C if it is DR3 then it will become 0.75 if it is DDR3l then it will become 6.7 the pin number is 126 so friends let's go to 126, we have to search for 12 26 friends, we have found it here Look, this voltage is also available, so let's come back to the book, this is our 126 This voltage is available on it now we will check DD SPD so this is our pin number We have to check at 199, its voltage will be 3.3 volts, so let's check it Yes, quickly, friends, it is showing here also, see, I checked on 199, 3.3 If the voltage is coming then the voltage of this slot is also ok, now we will check AD SCL this is our clock okay this is clock voltage so its number is 200 and 202 On pin number 200 and on pin number 202, we should have 3.3 volts on both these pins, so let's go Let's check this as well, it should be here 204 203 202 201 200 something here The voltage is showing low, I will check 202, the voltage on 202 is 3 3 on 200 which is ours Look at the voltage, friends, here the voltage is our drop, okay, look at this, I press I have kept the voltage at 200, the drop in our voltage is not coming at 200 Number on the pin okay maybe we have found the problem so and if I look at 202 Here 3.3 volts is available to us, so friends, now you have found the problem.

If you want to find the solution then quickly go to the sketch and find the slot of rum The number of the rum slot is 202, so 3.3 volts are coming out correctly. But the voltage at pin number 200 is fluctuating i.e. it is around 1 volt. If it is there then we will check it now, we will trace the 200 number pin in the schematic. where is the voltage coming from then it appears in the schematic If yes then this is the number of the slot J Dim and here we will search J Dim one this is the slot this also there is no slot is this this is our slot ok this is our slot so its pin number We will go to 200, where is the pin number 200, this is its bottom side, so if I zoom here I do it friends, so look here, our pin number is 200, this clock is given on it If it is there then we will quickly select it, copy it and paste it here because here Look, the voltage here should be 3.3 volts but it is not coming here, so here Here a mouse is shown, these are two mouse pet, friends two are one By combining these a 6 legged mouse pet is made look at this this is a mouse pet I am showing you Let me show you in some detail, look at this friends, look at this, this is a mouse weight, Look, this is the gate, the source, the drain, both of these are there and look here, this is the second one Mouse Fate: Now if you notice here, the name is given as q7 but there is also a here It is given, isn't it, and here also there is Q7, here B is given, which means only one MOSFET There are two MOSFETs inside it. Okay, two MOSFETs are given inside a single IC, so that's why it is called It is okay to give different names a and b but both of them are same which is of 6th article right A small one is the most common problem, friends, most of it is also if the rum slot If there is an issue in it then this problem also comes which is visible in our no display case So here the pin number 200 of 200 pin has come at this place so what is at this place Hey friends look here, let me zoom out a bit, only then you will understand a little Let me zoom out a little bit and put it in the center. Look here, we have green

Here that line has come here and look here there is one thing, how much is there on this line The volt coming is 3 volts VS which means our 3 volts which is through this register on this It is giving a pull up, which means there is no voltage at this place, so what it did was that a A pull up of 3 volts is given by installing a register so that here we have a 3.3 Voltage is present, okay now look here, here also VS has been given, Masfat The 3 volts given on the gate of the MOSFET is given so that it remains on The voltage here will pass here only when the voltage comes at the gate here because look here it's channel N this mouse wait this arrow has gone towards the gate right if If you zoom in a little, look, this arrow is going towards the gate, friends. This is a gate so which channel does this become for us, it becomes n channel, it becomes the gate of n channel But we need voltage only then this gate will turn on, meaning here This is the one which keeps it blocked, it will open it up, sorry it will short it, so here communication will go here okay so this is our clock here will go here this So friends let's trace this through the mouse fate q7 so why not this If it is giving then let's come to the board, type q7 in the board view and we will see that this Where is it, let me zoom out a bit, this is the motherboard defect, and its It's in the middle, so let's come to the board, friends, the board is on the opposite side Look here, here on the board, there are two of these, it is given in the middle, so here It is given like this in the middle, so look here, if I show you closely, then look at this q7 is given this is on IC ok this is our 6 lakhs mouse weight two mouse weight If it is there then there is this IC inside it, sorry it is MOSFET, so ours comes in the schematic We have found the location of the MOSFET so we will check it here. First of all we will check this

We will check its gate because only when voltage will come on its gate, it will start from here If the pass is turned on then I plug the charger in the board and turn it on, see ours here The laptop is on and its pin number 2 is showing voltage on pin number 2, friends 3.3 volts is fine, so voltage is coming on the gate, so both of them must be communicating So to check that, he will check the voltage on pin number six and pin number one. Because voltage is not coming then it is possible that voltage is coming on pin number six Friends let's check 3.3 volt pin number one which goes to our slot

Directly yes, look at this friends the problem is visible here, okay look here 0 point look at this 1.53 this is fluctuating power is increasing or decreasing If the voltage is increasing or decreasing then it should not be like this in the schematics Look, here we are getting 3.3 volts, but here we have 0.9 or 1 If the volts are coming like this then this register here can also be 40 or this mouse It may be FAT 40 which is giving this problem in communication so we can put the register here But I am not going to change the register, let's do one thing, lift the mouse button and see Yes friends if you look here then look here this is its look which is holding the moisture isn't it here you can see I am zooming in to show you the fish bone caught on its leg If it has happened friends then we should not pick it up and look at it because it might be short it has got damaged, its legs have got damaged because its legs which are damaged If it is there then I would take it out and look at it Now let me check here again, yes, voltage is still coming on both sides of the register Hey friends, okay so our problem was with the mouse fate, so now we will solve it with a Let's check again by plugging it in again to see if our voltage is continuing or not This is the scrap board I have, you will find these mouse fats in every board on the desktop Laptop in any board I have applied it, now let me clean it up a bit. I have applied that dual masht.

Now we will plug this charger into the MOSFET and check whether our voltage is maintained or not. Or not on pin number one, so friends here on pin number one our voltage is this Look, we have got 3.2 volts and some more things, let me show you one more thing, see this Our ampere is around 400, 450, 500, once I plug in the keyboard Let me confirm whether our display has come or not. I have placed the button here. And here you can see friends, our display has come on the keyboard I have shown you by turning the caps lock on and off, the display has come up, friends. All these small things happen and spoil our motherboard, if it is If the board had gone into the wrong hands then who knows what all would have happened to this board Where does one check, one small thing had kept the entire motherboard closed Friends, you can also become a good engineer by following similar steps. Friends, you will learn something from this video.

If I have got it then I feel that I have learnt not just a little but a lot because No engineer will tell you this way or he will not know it himself or I do not want to tell but I am telling you all the things here, so friends one It is your duty to support my channel because your Support gives me courage and please subscribe, like and see you Till then in the next video, thank you so much, I have given the link in the description for support. bye bye for

2025-01-01 15:13

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