Get Productive with Gmail Add-ons Cloud Next 18

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My. Name is Akash I'm a product manager on the Gmail team at Google, and so, we have some really exciting, updates. Announcements. And demos to share with you today so. Let's, let's get started let's. Start, by talking a little bit about Gmail as. We heard this morning over 1.4. Billion people, use Gmail every month including. Users in over 4 million businesses, and in, these business and enterprise settings, Gmail plays a central role in how, people get their work done business. Users of Gmail like many of us in the room here today use. Gmail to manage our work from end to end we. Use it to inform our colleagues about updates to negotiate terms with customers, or. To stay connected with our teams regardless. Of whether you're a salesperson a marketer an engineer, or a manager you probably spend a lot of your time in Gmail. But. A lot of the work that we do in Gmail also touches a bunch of other tools project. Management apps CRM, tools communication. Apps HR software this. Means that when we're reading our email and when we're processing our email we frequently switch to, over to another app in order to complete some action or look up some information and, all, this context switching can really hurt our productivity, for. Example if a designer gets a, email. In Gmail with. A task that they need to complete they have to switch over to their project management tool to make sure that it's tracked or, if. A salesperson makes, contact with a new prospect they, have to switch to their CRM tool to create the account and track the lead. Or. If you get an email about something really urgent and you need to jump into a video call right away you, have to switch to your conferencing app get everything configured and started to actually do the task and so. In doing each of these tasks, users spend a bunch of time opening, up a new tab or. App, setting, up the right context, and then taking some action and then returning back to their email what's. More is. They also run the risk of getting distracted and it can take a while for them to get back in the zone when, they when, they return to their email afterwards we've, all seen chrome windows that look like this with 10 or 40 or 100 tabs. Open because the user is constantly switching between different contexts, and this, is even more of a problem on mobile where app switching is a bit more cumbersome, so. That's why about, nine months ago we launched Gmail add-ons. Platform for integrating apps into Gmail Gmail. Add-ons let users take actions, directly, from their inboxes, so that they can stay productive instead of frequently jumping around between apps and tabs to get their work done so let's take a quick look at how some of these work, that. Designer can just pop open the asana add-on on their phone to, quickly create the relevant tasks in their to-do list when they open the asana add-on its pre-populated. With all the relevant details from the message so that they can quickly get back to whatever they were doing. Using. The prosper works ad on that sales person can quickly create a contact for the lead that they came across and log any activity, like meetings or phone calls and. With. The zoom out on users, can initiate zoom video calls in just one or two clicks right from Gmail, and. Those. Are just a few examples since. They're launched nine months ago we've, seen a wide range of enterprise developers, building and shipping these add-ons for Gmail from, project management tools like smartsheet, and asana to, CRM apps like prosper works and streak to, workflow tools like DocuSign there's almost definitely a gmail add-on in our catalog to help your users become more productive while they're managing their email, we. Have over. 45 add-ons available in our catalogue today and we continue to add more and more every, week so. We've been really pleased to see the popularity with that with developers so far for building these add-ons for enterprise, users and the.

Great News is users, love them too in, these first nine months Adams have been installed by users over four and a half million times and users. Really appreciate the convenience and the improved productivity that they see with, a Gmail add-on over. 80% of the add-ons in our marketplace have, four star ratings or higher and since. Many of these publicly available add-ons, are targeted at business users it's clear to us that we're helping satisfy a real need for Gmail. Users in the workplace. So. If you haven't already I. Encourage, you to try a gmail add-on you can install them from Gmail by clicking on the Settings button in the top right and choosing get add-ons. Now. We've also taken care to ensure that Gmail add-ons are ready for the large enterprise, and the requirements, of admins, and IT teams all, of these productivity benefits are great for end users but, they don't achieve a whole lot if admins can't secure them can't manage them and can't customize them, so. First add-ons, are the most secure way to extend the Gmail UI add-ons. Are required to use limited, access scopes. So that they can only access message, data. For. The specific message, that the user is looking at and only, during that specific, session so admins can be confident that data isn't being over shared. Second. Add-ons, can be managed from the G suite administrator, console where, admins can install an add-on for the entire G suite domain or for specific organizational. Units so, for example you can install your crm app just for your sales and support staff admins. Can also maintain a whitelist of add-ons that are available for users to manually, install and. Last. And this is pretty exciting for for admins and IT teams we know that many of our large customers, use custom, internal, applications, for a whole variety of business, processes, including. HR, tracking, expense management approval. Workflows and many many others Gmail. Add-ons are a perfect, fit for these in-house, applications. As well admins. And IT teams can easily build the Gmail add-on that connects to their own apps so, your custom add-on can make requests directly to your own internal services and provide, users with those useful the. Relevant, information and quick actions that they need right from the Gmail interface. The. Add-ons that you build as an admin are also cross-platform, by default so they'll work across web and mobile with no extra coding on your part and once, you've built your add-on you can publish it internally, for. Use within your domain you can also easily deploy, it to the entire domain or to specific organizational, units just like a public add-on. Add-ons. Are built using Apps Script which is the development development, platform for quickly and easily building. Applications. That integrate with G suite and for, more details on how you can build your own add-on check out our developer documentation at. Slash. Add-ons so, we think it's a really powerful tool add-ons, are a really powerful way, for IT seems to integrate their internal apps into Gmail. So. Hopefully that was a useful, quick, overview, of all the things that Gmail add-ons are capable of today and now. Let's start talking a little about the future of Gmail add-ons after. Seeing the success so far of the Gmail add-ons platform, and, the, opportunity, that we have to make users more productive, with third-party tools in a way that's secure and admin, friendly, we've, decided to double, down on Gmail, add-ons as the platform for extending Gmail and today. We have some exciting announcements and a couple demos to that end, first. As we saw in a couple of those a couple, of those animations earlier Gmail, add-ons can be really useful you're reading your email you can quickly take an action or look up some information right, from the conversation, view it's pretty cool but, reading, email is only about half of the story a lot.

Of Us spend a lot of our time writing and sending email as well and often. When you're writing an email you think of something that you need to include that, you don't actually have memorized, for example a link to a file or the details, of some ticket in your issue tracking system, so what do you do you, open. Up a new tab you switch to that tab you, search, for the item that you need you copy a link or some details you return to Gmail you pop the link, into your compose. Box and then you send your draft this. Is even more laborious on mobile where app switching is a bit more cumbersome you have to switch apps find a shared dialog copy the content paste it in so. It's a lot of steps and the whole point of Gmail add-ons is to help, you stop context, switching and make, it easier for you to get more done from within your. Gmail experience so we're really excited today to introduce compose. Actions for Gmail add-ons in, addition to the side panel of Gmail, developers. Can now integrate directly into the compose view of the. Gmail UI users. Will be able to invoke an add-on from, the compose view browse, content from the add-on and insert it into their draft so, let's take a look at a sample compose, action, after. Installing with an add-on with a compose action users, will see a little icon in the bottom there right. There in the compose box anytime that they start a new draft. When. They click on it the add-on will show them some options for some content that they can insert into their draft in this fictional. Example the, add-on is for a an issue tracking system, so the user can select an issue that they want to reference and drop it into their draft when. They click insert link the add-on can pop a piece of HTML into, their draft for. The user so in this case it's a pretty-pretty linked to the issue and. Compose. Actions can be used for all kinds of use cases referencing. Documents, linking to tickets and your issue tracker sending, contacts. Creating. Canned responses, or just for making you're making. Your, messages more fun and expressive, with gifts and images so. We're really excited to see where developers, take this new functionality, so. That's the new compose actions for Gmail add-ons we think users are gonna love the convenience of writing emails with the help of the other tools that they use. And. Now this next set of announcements, is very very exciting we're, launching three new add-ons. From a few of the most popular apps and enterprises, today we think all of these will help our users become, more productive when using these tools alongside, Gmail, so to kick it off I'd like to invite Derek. Lansing from box up on stage. All. Right. Do, I have there, we go all right thanks, everyone thanks Akash as, a coach mentioned my name is Derek Lansing and I manage it a really talented group of engineers at box who are in charge of our partner integrations, so I'm really excited to show one. Of the integrations, that we're we've, built recently which is against Gmail so. For, those of you who may not be quite as familiar let me tell you a little bit about who we are at box in what we do so, at box we're, a cloud content management company, and what. That means to you is that we, are the one place where you can store all of your content you. Can use it across all of your devices all of your applications, so there are three pillars there productivity, security. And intelligence, the productivity, refers. To the 14 hundred plus applications, in our ecosystem, that. You can use from Salesforce, from G suite from any device mobile, desktop. Whatever, and, the cost can you log in to your computer for the demo, sorry. The. Security, is. How. Do we consistently, provide security, compliance, governance. Across, all of your content and not, inhibit, your users from all the things they really want to do to get work done and then, intelligence is around using. Built-in, box. Workflow, functionality as, well as ml. From providers, like Google to. Make your content more useful bring context, to your content. So. This is what they told me is a logo slide and. What. I find interesting about this is just looking at the breadth of logos, you see here where they cover every geography, they, cover every industry including, some really highly regulated industries, like finance like health care like, government organizations, and then. You know we're, in 85,000, customers across the globe 69%.

Of The fortune 500. So. How do box and Google work better together. About. It in so in 2016 box, and Google entered a strategic, partnership and since. Then we've been working together to, produce some really amazing tools, features. And products for you guys. So doc sheets and slides integration, with box we, recently launched, a google google. Chat or hangouts chat chat bot we're, working on a gmail integration and we're using Google ml in that intelligence, space that I mentioned earlier so if you're interested in the docs sheets and slides presentation, will actually have. A session tomorrow we can find, out more from you later on that but, what we're going to talk about today really, is the Gmail integration. All. Right demo, time and this is where I get to be the tech crew. Make. That. All. Right. So. The the persona. I'll take on during our demo is that of a marketer and the reason I want to use a marketing demo is because, marketing, is a really common use case on box that we really excel at a marketing. Team will often share assets. With an agency, that is outside of their enterprise so, they're sending really sensitive content outside of their firewall outside, of their enterprise user, control. And so. Being able to do that securely is a little bit tricky and really important, so. If, you'll give me just one minute I need to transform into a marketer, so, one. Second. Okay. Done and now you can tell by, the way I'm dressed that I'm clearly a marketing professional or. At least I can dream that I am. So. Let's. Let. Let me explain what we're working on here we have a white paper demo that we're doing here but white paper campaign and I've been waiting on this draft from Kyle and it. Finally got it and so. What. I want to do is I actually want to take, a look at this draft review, it maybe make it a little more useful and collaborate on it with both internal and external stakeholders. This. Is the first place that we see box show up and and, this is the existing functionality, of the kind of the.

Reading. Context. Of the Gmail integrations so when, I click on the Box icon I see. That we've gone through and taken a look at what is in this email to provide some contextual options, for you here we see that there is one attachment called moving to the cloud PDF, so, I have an option to save my attachments, as you, might expect that actually saves your attachments, into box there's. Also an option to save your message as a text file that's not something I'm in Adam today but if you have the need to ingest content, or ingest emails for you know governance, or for a Cosby or something like that you would this, would suit that need so. Let's go ahead and click save attachments, and. What we're gonna see here is a, view. Of my content, inbox, and so, this. Is reflecting, a lot of the UI hints, that exist in the Box UI this, is respecting. All of my permissions, I'm only seeing what I'm supposed to see so, in this instance a manila folder for example is a folder I own it's not shared with anyone a, gray folder, is shared is owned externally, and shared with me or a blue folder is owned, by someone in my enterprise which may or may not be me and is shared with someone so. Since I'm working with oops, an external agency on this, and. I, froze, it what's, going on the. Curse of the live demo. Let's. See. Let's. Kill it reopen, it nope. Let's, kill it go, get new new context. So. Save attachments. Let's. Put it in our external agencies, folder. We. Have our moving to the cloud project and let's go ahead and save it here, now. This is a one-and-a-half mega files gonna take just a second it's a bit risky for a demo but it worked, so. Again. We maintain, that context. Right so as a COS mentioned there's this context, in this email of the file I'm working on and I, don't need to go find this inbox I can just open a link that takes me directly to the folder that this, file, was put in so. From here I can go ahead and use. Traditional box functionality, I can preview the file I can take a look at this and say you know what I'm. Gonna read this with about the the level of depth I usually read my gmail and user License Agreement so, we'll, pretend that I've read all of this and the. Only thing I really noticed was that I, don't really like the title I think it should be more descriptive. So. I'm just gonna add a comment in box and then, I want to continue this conversation back in Gmail, so. I'm. Gonna go ahead and exit out of out of box and go back to Gmail I'm, gonna just reply to Kyle here let me also add Priscilla she's, working on this project with Kyle and say, I've, made some edits or, some comments. Please. Update. So. Right from in here this is the second time we see a box. Logo show up and this is the compose time integration, so. From here what I want to do is actually go insert, the. I want to insert that file back into the conversation and so. When I click the Box icon here I get another similar, view right we're respecting, all the same UI patterns. Were all the same permissions so. This is in my external agencies folder, am. I moving to the cloud project and then. The file when we click on the file itself we get a little bit of metadata we see who the owner is we see what the size is when, it was created, right just, enough so I know that it's the right file if this was an image or a video you would actually see a thumbnail of the file below here and, then, there's, the thing I want you to pay attention to here is this shared link permissions, so we're not actually attaching, a file here we're, dealing with content, that is a file and we're putting it in the email but it's not an attachment we're maintaining the fact that this, file is stored on box you don't have to worry about what version people are on and we, also can control, the access, that we're sending that with so, with box shared links there's the concept of access. Levels people with the link is the most open so if I'm sending this externally, anyone, who gets this URL which is a unique URL and, kind of hard to guess can, get into the file I can restrict, it to people inside of my company so people with the app box comm domain or. People, in the folder file so people I've explicitly, collaborated, in box first. Case let's just leave it as people with the link let's. Insert the file and see, here we get this HTML component. Put right into the message right, so as a COS mentioned this this works no matter whether. You have this add-on enabled, or not or even if you're a gmail user or not anyone. Can view this as long as they can view an HTML, email message which should, be everyone. So. Let's go ahead and send this out. And, now I've I've continued, the conversation I've brought, my content into the one place that it's secure and I can work on it with all of my coworkers in with my agencies. And. And not, worry about who, has access or who.

Has What version all of those details, so. In. Summary you, know what. We're what we're showing you here is the the. Read time context. Here of let's, let's say value, what's in the email right now save the content, a box as, well as the the compose time where we can insert. More content into the message so. With that I believe. We're. Done. So. Again. Feel. Free to talk. To me later about the, G suite box and the, doc sheets and slides integration, with Google afterwards. All. Right thanks so much Derek next I'd like to invite Caroline, and Tim from, Atlassian. Great. Hi. Everyone. I'm. Caroline, this is Tim we're from the strategic, integrations, team at Atlassian. Is. Our logo slide. So. For those of you who aren't familiar with it lasya n--, we, are the team behind products. Such as JIRA, and Trello which. Are agile, project. Management and issue tracking tools. Bitbucket. And SourceTree used, for, collaborative. Coding. Confluence. Which is used for collaborating. On documentation. And. Also Status page which, is for communicating. Incidents, and status. So, the. Mission at Atlassian that, we that, we have is to unleash the potential of every team and that. Purpose really underpins, all of our products. So. I would. Globally. On a daily. Basis, there are millions, of users who, rely on our products, to. Help, them improve software, development, project, management. Collaboration. And so code quality. So. We're really excited to be here today to announce, and introduce. You to Atlassian, cloud for gmail I. Guess. Like this would be the point I want to get a show of hands who, here is using JIRA with their teams this. Is so cool, what, about bitbucket. Okay. A little bit less there lots, of giri users but. I'd say like to me that looked like maybe. 70%, of you so that's really exciting and. Subsequently. I'm delighted to tell you that, alaskan, cloud for gmail supports. Both JIRA cloud and bitbucket cloud and it's. Designed, to, provide. You with useful context. About issues, pull requests, and pipeline. Builds directly. From your inbox. So. To. Tell you a little bit more about, my team as I mentioned in strategic integrations. It's. It's, a team which is pretty distributed, so our team members are located in multiple locations across, the world, so, Tim and I are actually based out of Sydney, Australia, we, work heavily with the, guys from partnerships, from. San Francisco, but also a couple other locations, in the US and then, our development, team is. Distributed. Across three cities in, Europe so. What. This ultimately means is, we, her, spread. Across multiple, time zones and, pretty. Much there is activity, across all of our projects, on a 24-hour basis, so. We.

Rely, Very heavily, on email, and it's. It's not an uncommon thing for Tim and I to come into work in the morning and to have dozens of emails waiting for us, representing. The activity, and the project work that took place overnight with our teammates. So, the process, of triaging, those emails can be pretty time-consuming and, not. Only that it also requires, a lot of contact shifting between Gmail, JIRA, and bitbucket, so. I assume like most other Gmail users we use features, like the threaded conversation, view also. Filters. And labels to. Sort of make that process a bit more efficient but. Alaskan, for Gmail is, taking it to the next level. And with. That we're gonna take a look and I'm, gonna hand over to Tim for the demo. And. So. Again this is this is a live demo live da da so please cross your fingers for us. Thanks. Caroline, so. This is a rather, cut down view of what my inbox looks like when I get into work at 8 a.m. in the morning so. First I'm gonna jump into an email from, bitbucket, sorry, from JIRA it's actually relating to the bitbucket cloud, project there so. An email from, JIRA is, typically a notification about something, that's happened, to your JIRA issue in this, case we can see that Eric Henry has updated, the sprint that. This particular issue was going to be tackled in now. This is good it gives me a little bit, of context, about something, that's happened inside of my dear' project, but, it's missing some critical, details that I need in order to figure out how I'm actually going to action, this notification. So. You might have seen this little Atlassian logo, over in the right-hand side if. We open it up we actually see a full, view of all of the data about that particular issue so what, the add-on does is it crawls through your currently open email looking, for Atlassian links and. For every Atlassian work item that it finds it'll go and fetch it via our products REST API s and then display the current, state of that that. Particular work item in your Gmail sidebar so. Here we can see the issues actually been assigned and. It has a status of done so, in terms of triage I can move on to the next email in my inbox now one, of the cool things about being based on links, is that it doesn't just work for notifications.

From Our products, it, also works, on emails generated by humans so. Here's an email that I sent out to the team running. Up to the Wando release of one of our integrations, where, I needed them to pull together and, fix. A flaw fix a few problems and resolve a few issues that were still outstanding, now. We're actually there, are links to work, out as across JIRA and bitbucket across multiple repositories and, projects, so, we display a nice little link summary view which gives you previews, of each of the items with, the critical information that you need surfaced. In this view so we, can see here there's a bit bucket pull request that's still open so I need the team to merge it. We click on the pull request we, see a little bit more information about that, particular item including. Important things like who raised it when, it was last updated and, importantly, who's reviewing it and whether it's and who's actually approved, it so, here we can see it. Was approved by Carolina. So. We're almost at the state where we can probably imagine but, there are a couple of comments here which we might want to address in, the add-on actually lets us add comments, from. The from Gmail, without actually having to go into the product as well. So. If we jump back to the summary view we. Can also see that there's a notification about a pipeline, so, bitbucket pipelines, is bit buckets built, in continuous, integration and, deployment service, and. We can immediately see that this particular pipeline, has failed which is something we're going to need to resolve before, we can ship, so. If we click in here we can see a little bit more detail about what's. Actually happened, here we, can see the duration for this particular pipeline was a minute now this is kind of unusual, usually, this particular integration. Test run takes five ish minutes to complete so I immediately suspect that something environmental, has occurred that - cause this particular pipeline to fail now. What I could do at this point is actually click and open the logs in a bucket and prove that that's the case but. Being a little cavalier I might just hit the rerun button instead to, trigger a rebuild, of that pipeline at that same commit, now. What that's doing is triggering, a new builds in the bit bucket via the bit bucket API and then, a new pipelines being generated with a different ID and we can see that it's in the pending State so there'll be an age in a bit bucket to pick up this job and, rebuild it and we can come back and check those logs later on and inevitably.

When It fails again I can actually go and identify the problem in bit bucket and fix them properly. So. We jump back we can see you've also got support for bit bucket issues so bit bucket has its own built-in issue tracker and of course another link, to juror as well I'm. Going to jump onto another email quickly because. I wanted to show how, this add-on helps users, who. Are using both to your and bit bucket together now. For using multiple Atlassian tools in your tool chain you end up with a lot of links to Atlassian, work items inside. Of JIRA commerce and sometimes. You end up with links to bit bucket issues inside of us alright the links did your issues inside of bit bucket pull requests as well so. Here we have another, from the VIP bucket team who's. Left a comment on an issue that I'm watching now, Eric was a developer, on support, last week so we do a rotating, role where we move developers, in to support our support, team and. To feel some of the pain of bugs that affect our customers now. It looks like he's, actually identified, this as being a duplicate, of another bug that was raised by a customer, and. Has pointed out that there's a duplicate issue and an open pull request addressing, this particular problem, now. Again because the add-on is based purely on links, instead, of just showing us a rendered. Version of the issue. That this particular comment, was applied to it shows us the full context, of everything that's going on in this inside, this particular email, and. Handily. Although, at the time this particular comment was made this. Issue, was open this issue is potentially a duplicate and this pull request was open I can immediately see that both, of these issues have been completed and the poor request is merged so in terms of what I need to do to action this I can simply move on to the next email in my inbox without. Actually having to go and visit any of these products. Now. The really cool thing about this add-on is that it doesn't just work with Atlassian tools as well so, for example here's a notification from Google Docs where Caroline and I were collaborating, on some action items from a retrospective, now. One of the items that came out of this retro is that we wanted to add a custom, emoji picker to one of our text inputs in another integration, so. We're heavy users of jury internally as you might have guessed so Caroline, created a story to track this work in one of our projects, and again, because we have that link to the email we, can see the full context, of all of the information about that particular issue without, having to leave the Gmail experience, so. This is a much more rich. Contextual. View than the information that you just get from this hyperlink, here so. This, works for all third party tools so if you get mentioned in an at best lack notification, or. Someone references, a JIRA issue at a page of duty instant or. Any other custom tools that you're using in your tool chain it, will work with, this integration as well, now. From a development perspective one. Of the things that really impressed me about the Gmail add-on, framework, is that it works seamlessly across, both desktop, and your. Mobile if you happen to be using Android, so. Now I'm going to take live dough to the next level and attempt. To cost off my personal phone to. The conference via, the conference Wi-Fi and. To this screen. That's. My office my totem your honor so. Which I think that this is working hold on so. Here's my inbox, this, is actually my live professional in books so let's say what I see what happens. Now, first of all I'm gonna open a particularly interesting law, request thread now, as Caroline mentioned we, have developers, based across the three cities in Europe and quite, often we're collaborating, on full, requests, and, it's not unusual for me to come in in the morning and have, an, email thread that.

Looks Like this. Now. This is a particularly, contentious one it's actually updating, a lint style, guide for one of our projects. So there's a lot of back and forth about how exactly we want to handle, semicolons, spoiler. Or lower we actually got rid of semicolons entirely. But. For me to actually ingest all of this on the train on the way into work is actually a pretty painful process I can read through every single notification, and follow every thread but, as a team laid well, I'm really interested in is three things and if I scroll down to the bottom I've got that little Atlassian, logo again and. The experience is really nice because I can turn it into a full page app that sits on top of my inbox experience, and. The three things I'm looking for as a team leader who's. Approved this pull request and, I can say that four of my senior engineers have approved it which is fantastic, does, it have a passing built yes. It's got five passing five, passing, bills which is fantastic and. It's. Merged, so. As a team lead I could, go and read every single one of those 68 different notifications, or I can assume that my team is gonna do a good job overnight and move on to the next burning issue instead this, is really handy for my personal triage process. And. The final email I wanted to show you is another notification from. Bitbucket, so. This deals with a specific use case that I have but I suspect it's a universal, problem sometimes. I'll be just, about to leave work I'll be like okay just, finish this last feature let's, raise a poor request and see if we can get it shipped now, I wouldn't actually do the deployment myself, until some other engineers come online but. Still I want to get that code into master as quickly as possible so I don't have to deal with merge conflicts, in the morning so. I raise my pull request and leave the office then, I get on my train harm and then I get an email notifications. The Caroline has improved my pull request, sir. I jumped down to the Alessia done hit the button go. Through and look for those details again I can see I've got Carolina's, approval I've, got a passing pipeline and, because this is this is a pipeline build I can, actually click through from, the. Pull request view into the pipeline view to get those additional details, well. Looks good, run around for a few seconds that's because this is a. Dummy. Data and. I can come back here and because, I've got those approvals and the passing builds because I raised the code so I'm fully aware of that context, I can actually hit the merge button and that's, gonna actually merge, that branch into master and, have it ready to be deployed to, our, customers when, our, European, engineering team gets online and. As you can see once I hit that button we. Can see the status the pull request is now merged again. All without actually having to leave the context, of our Gmail inbox so. This add-on not only gives you additional context, but it allows you to move that move, all of your work items forward, much, more efficiently so. That's. The end of the demo the, last bit of really exciting news that I wanted to share is that we released the add-on Fiat last scene item or sorry the Alessi and cloud add-on for Gmail this, morning at 9:00 a.m. PST so, you can actually go and install this in your Gmail marketplace, right now other. Any Gmail uses in the word. Fantastic. Well. We also have a little booth over in Moscone West so if you want to come over and talk about the add-on or learn a little bit more about how he built it Caroline, and I will be here for the rest of the day and for the rest the conference as well thank. You. Sweet. Alright and last I'd like to invite Cathan Knox from Dropbox up on station. Thanks. Akash, hey, everyone really, excited to be here. I'm Keita nyuk I'm a product manager at Dropbox really. Excited to talk about the, Dropbox, add-on for Gmail and some. Of our work, that we've been doing with a caution team to bring the add-on out, into the market but. Before I dive into the demo itself I want to spend a couple of moments are talking, about the, broader context, of how we at Dropbox see the add-on. If. You take a step back in how the world works today, scattered. Content. And communication, is an issue that we all face and. We. Spend a lot of time creating, and receiving content whether that's files, documents. Or presentations. And a lot of that happens, directly by our email, and. This. Activity, is increasing, at an unprecedented rate and, does. All of our content live in one place and is it easily accessible at, any place anytime, no our, content, lives in a variety of places it lives in our email. Attachment, and some of its in our desktop, some. Of its in different, content, silos, that we all have to deal with at, Dropbox, our mission. And goal is to solve this exact, problem we're. Working and aiming, to build this one unified, home for work that, seamlessly, connects, all the different apps devices.

And Tools that you go through every day, we're. Aiming to bring a range of solutions through, broad partnerships, like the one that we have with Google. Cloud 2, to make the, way we work, frictionless. And even. Enjoyable and. The. Dropbox add-on for Gmail in our view is the, first step in our broader investment, in the G suite ecosystem, to, make this, work, simple for our users we're, working on a range of other initiatives as well but, with that will quickly get started with the demo here. So. Let me quickly switch over to the Mac. Yep. Sweet, so. Let's. Quickly get started and for, the purpose of this purposes, of this demo, let's. Imagine that I am John also. Working on a working, team as a marketer, at a completely different company, called. DM Co force and. Just. Like many of you are pretty much everyone here a lot of my work happens directly, by our email I get, a lot of content over email, I share, content, over email and a lot of that sort of work. That I do with my colleagues happens over. This platform and in. This case let's. Say that I am John and I'm working on an upcoming, campaign. With two of my colleagues Mitch and Hendrick and, there. Is an email thread associated, with my, with. This work that I'm doing with my colleagues and, I can quickly click into it and clicking, into this I notice that there, are a couple of different messages across. From. My colleagues around this campaign where they've shared some content with me and the. First thing I notice here is that there, is the Dropbox add-on which can be accessed directly from the right-hand side panel and clicking. That brings. Up the the. The reading experience on on the side and what, this does is in a centralized, panel, it parses. All the, different messages across. The email thread that I have going on with my colleagues and pulls. Out all the pieces of content that's, relevant to me within. Within. The add-on so. Not just email attachments, but any links, to Dropbox. Files or folders are all pulled out and surfaced, in one specific place not. Only that but, it, also gives, me some additional context, around the, content that's being shared for. Any piece of content, I know who. Shared it when, they shared it and how they attach this within. The email thread we've, all been in this place where we, have long, email, threads with many back-and-forth. Replies and you've no clue where that one link was now. You don't have to go digging for that one piece of attachment, or link the add-on does the heavy lifting for you and pulls, out all the pieces of content that you might care about, further. If a piece of content is shared while you're tropics, now, I can, always stay in sync I always, have access to the latest and greatest content, so. For instance, if I and Mitch were working together on that campaign proposal, draft and I, go, ahead and edit and make some changes to it I don't, have to go back and re applaud, another, version of this, back in my email thread I can, stay within Gmail within context, and get, access to the. Latest and greatest version of that content, at. Dropbox as I was saying earlier our goal is to create this one unified, home for your work and help you stay organized with that, the add-on actually, allows you to save any piece of content directly. Back to your Dropbox so, I can quickly click the I. Can. Quickly click the piece. Of content that I want to save and write. Within Gmail without. Having to switch apps without having to open a separate tab log into my Dropbox right. Where where I am I get access to all the different folders that I have set up across my Dropbox I can, pick one of my folders where I want to save this piece of content hit, save and just. Like that with a couple of clicks I now, have saved my my. Image. Back to that specific folder, so. Really, for, any piece of content that's shared with me regardless. Of its size from the smallest dog to the largest video I can go in and just with a couple of taps save, this back to my save. This back to my Dropbox in the specific folder that I care about now. Let's say that I've, been working on this campaign for a while and. We want to make this campaign really interesting so we've been creating, a HD. Video for this campaign and I, want to share this with Mitch. And Hendrick so, how do I go about doing that so what I can do now is I.

Can Quickly hit reply all and I. Can say here. Is the. Video. Working. On and. Now. What, I can use is I can use the composed. Experience. That we've integrated, within, the Dropbox add-on that akaash was demonstrating, earlier so, now you can see that within the compose window I get. The straw box icon right here and I can click that and what, that does is it, pulls up the, the. Folder structure that I have within my Dropbox and I can navigate that, seamlessly, again without having to go, to my Dropbox download, and do all of that stuff I can just do all of this right within my Gmail I can go to my work stuff and let's. Say I have a large. Video like a 1080p. HD, video that, I've been working on and I need some back from Mitch and Henrik now, with one click I can now insert that large. Video directly, into, the. Body of my email and now, you'll notice that rather, than inserting like a, simple. Link which you would do if you were to switch apps and switch context, now, you have more. Information. And context, on that piece of content you have a rich preview, of what that piece, of content is you, have the title, and so. Mitch and Henrik know exactly what's being shared with them and so. I can hit Send and now. Through. The compose experience, we have enabled John. Or myself to share, this large piece of content without having to worry about email limits with. Traditional email attachments, you're restricted, by file sizes and email limits but, using. The compose experience, with Dropbox you no longer have to deal, with any limitations, you can share the largest, file without, without, a hassle and this. Compose experience, is something that is, coming soon and, more. Importantly, quickly, switching over to mobile. Here, for. A second. What, I wanted to say was more importantly, millions, of our users across Dropbox, and Gmail use, the, user. Products, on the go where they are on, mobile and on web and we, want to enable our users and, meet them where they are we want to connect and bring these seamless workflows, not just on the web but across mobile and, through. This add-on we provide a seamless, experience across not. Just web but, across email as well so all the functionality, that is assured, including. Saving the saving, of file back to your Dropbox navigating. Your Dropbox is all available on mobile and on, mobile as akaash was saying saying, earlier the, the, pain is especially especially stark, because you have to switch apps and it's really hard, mobile, devices aren't really suited, to kind of moving content across apps and and, we, with, a particular, view on enabling, a cross browser cross-platform, experience, we've. We, worked on this add-on, with. That. Moving. Back to my. Slides here yeah. So how do you get started the the. First thing is we, have a pot talk at, later today at 3:30 where, we'll be talking, not just about the. Dropbox add-on for Gmail but we'll be talking about our broader partnership, with Google where, we have a lot of exciting things and product initiatives, in store not. Across Google, Docs sheets and slides in. Gmail. As we just talked about right now as well as hangouts so please come and visit us at the potluck and. You. Can talk and learn more about our, product work and then, you can also visit us our visit, us at our booth at w19 1-7, you. Can talk to one of our staff members learn, more about Dropbox all the exciting things that we have going on and finally, I mean I'm excited to announce that our add-on. Is going to be live and available, for. Everyone starting tomorrow at, 11 a.m. PST. As. I mentioned the compose experience will be available, further down the line but. Installing, the add-on as a class was telling earlier is a breeze just, go to Gmail, click. Go to the G suite marketplace a couple of taps and you can get going and if you are an admin you can do a domain might install and and. Get, this set up for for. Everyone in your org but, overall we, see this as like the first step in the broader investment, and in, G suite and. This. Is just a first step in connecting, people's, content, across, the range of tools that they use and and love with. That I'll hand over to Akash. Thanks. So much. All. Righty thank you so much so the add-ons that we saw from Atlassian, and Dropbox are launching yet, last name one it's already launched in the Dropbox one is coming later this week compose. Actions, and the Box add-on are launching later this quarter so keep, an eye out for those and. Remember these apps are joining a large catalog, of applicative, Gmail add-ons that are available via the G suite marketplace, for, everything from project, management to, bug tracking to, to-do, lists to CRM to a whole, range. So. With, that I like to I'd like to close thank you so much for joining us on this session, hopefully you saw some. Interesting ways that you can use gmail add-ons within your own organization. Whether it's using some, of the add-ons in our ever-growing catalogue or, by building your own add-ons, for, internal, use and I, want to give a special thanks to all of our presenters from box Atlassian and Dropbox who did a wonderful job I look, out for their add-ons in the marketplace, over the next few weeks and a, few of us will be up at the front if you have any questions feel free come over and and we can chat one-on-one and thank.

You Very much enjoy the rest of the conference.


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