Korean Fishermen Use Robots To Catch Millions Of Tons Of Squid, Mackerel, And Pollock

Korean Fishermen Use Robots To Catch Millions Of Tons Of Squid, Mackerel, And Pollock

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hello my friends what happens on the ships in  Korean Waters how do fisherman bring Seafood   from the ocean to one of the world's most famous  seafood markets right now we are watching how   Korean fishermen catch and process millions of  tons of [Music] seafood along the Korean Coast   mackerel is caught in large quantities it is  also a familiar food ingredient that is always   on people's dining tables mackerel fishing  varies somewhat by region for example the   US commercial Atlantic mackerel fishery operates  mainly from January to May and is worth around $1   1.1 million us annually While most cases are in  South Korea the macro fishing season lasts from   October to march of the following year at this  time the water temperature increases and macro   migrate to the West sea causing the numbers to  increase to their highest levels this makes it   easy to achieve a bumper harvest in 2022 Korea  caught around 151,000 tons of mackerel on other   fishing boats if the weather is bad or the tide  is not favorable the number of fish caught is   limited but mackerel swimming groups once a day  and bring large quantities of themselves to the   fishermen they are concentrated in the waters  of kongu and poang in the southern South China   Sea 3 to four Anglers go fishing together and if  there are a lot of mackerel they can quickly fill   the cooler so the fishing time is a bit short  around 4 to 6 hours some fishermen can catch   mackerel and enjoy Sashimi right there on the  boat customers always like to process mackerel   as soon as possible to keep the fresh taste so  right after the catch it is a Race Against Time   to the distribution process the mackerel is stored  in the ship's warehouse this is currently being   transferred by crane to the transportation vehicle  this is a wonderful scene trucks unload a large   quantity of mackerel and workers begin the Sorting  process around 70,000 cartons of mackerel were   manually sorted overnight for 8 hours mackerel  go through a selection process according to size   resulting in different prices and uses except  for the mackerel that is used immediately the   remaining amount will be packaged and preserved  since freshness is important it is packaged at   the same time as the auction and goes straight  into the freezer after disbaling the mackerel and   washing it inside salt water it is marinated in a  large amount of salt after about a month the fish   marinade will become clear and then can be used  to determine flavor this is a popular preservation   method and salted mackerel can be used after  about 20 days the Busan Fish Market this place   has turned Busan into a well-known Seafood City  every day Traders trade thousands of dollars worth   of fish hidden rules and secrets come together in  one place to shop for the best seafood products   here thousands of tons of mackerel are traded  every day 90% of seafood distributed Nationwide   is located right here which is also one of  the best fish markets in the world [Music]   the fishing industry in South Korea contribut  significantly to both domestic economy and the   global seafood market in addition to mackerel  Alaska Pollock is also very popular this fish is   found widely around the Korean Peninsula fishermen  mainly use large- scale troll fishing methods   including midline and bottom trolls this method is  effective in catching large quantities especially   in deeper waters where the Pollock reside in 2023  South Korea's Pollock catch was reported to be   around [Music] 321,000 Pollock fishing occurs in  both domestic Waters such as the South China Sea   and in international waters including the Bearing  Sea this is also a popular Pollock fishing area   in the US in 2023 the total value of commercial  fishing in the Bearing Sea and the Gulf of Alaska   will reach $383 million us to sustainably manage  poock stocks the Korean government enforces strict   regulations these include total allowable  catch limits seasonal closures and fishing   gear restrictions to minimize impacts on Pollock  populations poock is an important commodity for   the Korean economy it is processed into various  products such as Seri and fish fillets this   industry not only deserves domestic consumption  but also has a significant export volume volum   contributing well to the National economy this  is where they get their unique flavor through   a unique freeze drying process once caught the  poic is cleaned and prepared before being hung   like this from 40 to 90 days in a cold windy  outdoor environment the poock slowly dries it   freezes at night and then THS during the day this  happens every day and after many contractions and   expansions this meat will have a rich flavor the  poock fishing industry in Korea faces a number   of challenges poock populations have declined due  to environmental changes over fishing and natural   predation these fluctuations pose a significant  challenge in maintaining stable catch levels   Korean fishermen must compete  with fleets from other countries   especially in the Bearing Sea which can lead  to conflicts over fishing rights and [Music] quotas next is squid one of the  most stable products of the East   Coast fisheries and one of the most consumed  Seafood products in Korea squid fishing bat   go out to sea during the fishing season from May  until November fishermen prepare ice before going   out to sea for short-term fishing vessels without  a refrigeration system on board ice is the only   preservation method at the same time it helps  fishermen feel secure when fishing in remote   fishing grounds squids are most attracted to white  and green light so the best time for fishing is at   night the boats arrange super bright lights along  the ship and bait to attract eager squids to feed   fishermen use Barbed bait lines underwater and  the squid is hooked and falls into the side of the   boat this is a special feature of squid catching  ships both sides of the ship are equipped with   about 200 high power light bulbs lights hung on  shelves are intended to lure a squid from the   deep sea at night when the light bulb is turned on  it stands Out Among the Darkness at Sea the bright   light of squid fishing boat can be seen with the  naked eye more than 100 m away at Sea this makes   finding the squid easy when the time is right  dozens of fishing lines are released into the   water under the bright lights each line carrying  a specialized squid Hook when a squid gets caught   on the fishing line The Reel automatically flips  it onto the metal rack baskets are placed here to   catch all of the falling squid preserving fresh  squid after catching it is the deciding factor in   whether the squid is delicious or not the first  20 minutes after catching is the golden time for   preservation the number of hooks squids follows  the line and Falls fishermen will wash them and   then put them in ice boxes in order to maintain  freshness and their eye-catching colors when the   ship finally docks the squid is delivered to the  customer within 24 hours of being caught for ships   at see for many days the squid will be frozen  into blocks to ensure quality after fresh squid   is caught they follow the conveyor belt right  into the ship's hold fishermen will arrange them   in trays like this after that these squid trays  are put into frozen storage squid fishing using   fishing rigs and LED lights is one of the methods  that has little impact on the marine environment   compared to Pollock the by catch rate  during the squid fishing season is very   low this is because only Squid Attack these  special jigs this keeps the byy catch rate low additionally shrimp fishing is also  an important part of Korea's Maritime   economy they use Advanced fishing methods in  order to efficiently and sustainably Harvest   bottom trolling is a method mainly used by  Korean shrimp fishermen the fishermen cast   troll Nets along the seabed in order to  catch the shrimp this method is popular   when harvesting large quantities of shrimp and  is commonly used in both Coastal and offshore   Waters fishermen drag the Nets through the  water column at different depths this method   may be useful in targeting shrimp species that  do not live directly on the seabed however trolls   are used selectively depending on the species of  shrimp and their behavior modern shrimp vessels   are equipped with Advanced Technologies such as  Sona and GPS to help locate Shrimp populations   more effectively these Technologies help  fishermen optimize catches while reducing time   spent at Sea the southern coast of Korea including  the waters surrounding juu island is known for its   diverse marine life and Rich shrimp population  the combination of warm ocean currents and   diverse underwater terrain make this area ideal  for shrimping according to the latest statistics   Korea's total shrimp catch in 2023 was up to to  around 50,000 tons similar to fish or squid shrimp   fishing is also banned during specific periods  of time in order to allow shrimp populations   to recover and reproduce the fishing industry  creates additional jobs at processing plants   where shrimp are processed for both domestic and  Export consumption Korean shrimp are popular in   the international market especially in Japan  the United States and in the European [Music] countries off the coast of America a magical  world where billions of shrimp are waiting to   be discovered and harvested shrimp fishing is not  only an important part of the seafood industry but   also an indispensable part of local culture and  life right now we will follow American fishermen   to learn about their adventurous journey and  how they catch billions of [Music] shrimp on   the Atlantic coast of the United States shrimp are  mainly found in the waters of Maine New Hampshire   and Massachusetts they live on soft muddy Bottoms  in waters about 30 to 1,000 ft deep shrimp move   with seasonal water temperature changes they are  only common in inore waters in late winter and   spring when the waters are coldest female shrimp  carrying eggs move to shore in late fall around   February to April after the eggs hatch the female  crawfish return to Offshore Waters in the western   Gulf of Maine the average American consumes 4.1  lb of shrimp each year but how to catch those   delicious shrimps in fact the shrimp you eat at  a restaurant comes from many different sources   although all our local shrimp the way they are  caught may vary the first type is shrimp caught on   small boats using round Nets and released into the  sea in this case Coastal fishermen can only catch   shrimp near the Shore or estuary areas depending  on economic conditions fishermen will equip   appropriate boats support equipment and fishing  tools the fishermen on this small boat are casting   their Nets you can see that the size of the catch  will be proportional to the amount of shrimp they   collect of course the number cannot be as large  as the large boats the second type is shrimp   caught by Shrimp Truck Nets fishermen have to go  by boat for about 3 weeks and catch shrimp at Sea   shrimp is process on board and quickly Frozen in  batches a common portion of shrimp in this form   will include 4 lounds of frozen shrimp which are  selected by the fisherman by size if these shrimp   are not harvested processed and eaten they will  die or be consumed by larger fish in the wild   but shrimp is an annual and sustainable Seafood  a new crop of shrimp will grow and be ready for   Harvest each year billions of shrimp are caught  off American Shores from the Gulf to the white   sand beaches of Florida fishermen use modern  means such as fishing boats and shrimp troll   Nets to harvest this process not only provides  a significant supply of shrimp for the domestic   Market but also contributes to the US shrimp  export industry around the world the main   feature of this type of fishing is the troll net  a large specialized net sinks to the bottom of   the ocean and is pulled behind the fishing boat  the shape of the troll is similar to a flattened   cone with a wide front allowing for a wide range  of fishing the bottom of the net is attached with   heavy objects the top is attached with a buoy  helping the upper part of the net to be raised   to catch shrimp while the net Glides gently  across the ocean floor the chain pushes the   shrimp off the bottom to make it easier to catch  the cone shaped structure of the troll forces the   shrimp downward until it reaches the bag after  that the net is pulled in by the boat's strong   workers shrimp are stocked on the ship's deck  for ease of sorting and processing in the United   States shrimp fishing is second only to cramp  fishing in importance in the northern regions   of the country cold water shrimp are the target  while warm water shrimp species are targeted by   fishermen along the Southeast Atlantic coast  and the Gulf of Mexico detecting shrimp on   the bottom is always impossible because they  lack bubbles that ultrasound can detect in some   cases fishermen had to pull Nets blindly and  wait for luck many ships have also installed   shrimp detection systems the sensor is tightly  attached to the net to help reduce by catch the   sensor picks up the sound of the shrimp hitting  the net and transmits the signal to the cockpit   at this time the screen displays blue water  lines and turns red High fuel costs labor   shortages and an influx of cheap Imports have  made shrimp fishing a less viable proposition   some locals say over fishing and environmental  factors such as climate change have also led to   a decline in Seafood numbers this makes it  even more difficult to get a good shipment more than 2 million pound of whole head shrimp  are harvested annually by a fleet of more than   200 boats along the Georgia coast licensed shrimp  trollers perform most commercial shrimp harvesting   in Georgia the fleet consists of fishing boats or  vessels ranging from 55 ft to 75 ft in length they   fished for shrimp from the shore as far as 8 Mi  offshore when American fishermen go out to catch   shrimp they often have to prepare for a journey  lasting several weeks at Sea the boats pulled up   to four autotrol Nets with lines at the ends of  the Nets up to 55 ft long the wooden door acts   as a path to drag and drop the net underwater  the normal trolling speed of these boats is 2   knots or less than 3 mph typically blue or yellow  lights are used at night to attract shrimp and   Aid visibility this is a very popular tool for  catching shrimp pulling Nets is wet muddy and   tiring work but it is also an attractive job if  you can Harvest a good batch of shrimp for shrimp   to develop into one of the world's most popular  foods require the simultaneous development of   auton Nets and the internal combustion engine  just a small team of fishermen can quickly   lift heavy Nets onto the ship and unload them  fishermen can now explore new fishing grounds   thanks to the development of Technology besides  fishermen can deploy Tron Nets in deeper waters   offshore and even in icy areas today fishermen  are extremely concerned about maintaining the   environment and shrimp Fisheries because their  livelihood depends on on it by catch is also a   particular concern fishermen use equipment that  creates a hole in the net allowing large fish to   exit through the opening besides the small holes  also open and allow small fish to swim out of the   net for 25 minutes giant Nets will be lowered to a  depth of 300 to 500 M 6 hours later it was time to   pull the net the moment all fishermen have been  waiting for everyone focuses on doing their job   well because even a small mistake can put them  in danger collecting 4 tons of shrimp the boat   compartment began to be filled each troll is 6  hours apart and each day this boat will catch   a total of 32 tons of shrimp after being brought  on board the shrimp will be initially treated to   remove algae and other impurities this is usually  done by placing the shrimp in tanks containing   filtered water to remove impurities after being  cleaned shrimp will be stored in large tanks   on the ship some fishermen choose to boil them  before preserving them to ensure shrimp is kept   cold and fresh fishermen often use refrigeration  systems or ice to maintain appropriate temperatur   when the ship has harvested enough shrimp  and returned to Port the shrimp will be   processed and prepared for Market shrimp can  be packaged in ice boxes to maintain quality   and freshness during Transportation once  prepared shrimp will be transported to Sea   ports and shrimp processing factories from  there they will be distributed to domestic   and international markets through  marketing and distribution channnels

2024-06-22 09:19

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