TECHNOLOGY How Technology Makes Our Life Easier International Webinar By IYDS India

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in our day there is a stunning increase in  the use of technology such increase resulted   in the rapid penetration of technology into the  daily lives of human beings wherever there are   the human are surrounded with various technologies  and technological elements including smartphones   tablets wireless internet games consoles tv videos  mobile devices and applications every more ever   every year the diversity of technology increases  and goes into the daily lives of human beings   welcome to iyds india my name is shaad and  I'm the analyst thank you for coming today   I'm looking forward to talking with you today  about how technology makes our life easier   I am honored to be with you here now before I am  starting the webinar I personally requested to   all of you please subscribe the channel and mark  your presence in the comment section so it will   be easy for us to identify who are attending the  webinar or not and last but not least there is a   feedback form which will be sharing at the end of  the session so please do not ask for the feedback   link during the session it is mandatory to fill  the feedback form to get your e-certificates   feedback from link will be going to share in  the description comment section as well is   in your whatsapp group or telegram group  let's get started before further delay these are the topics which we  cover in this session react with me now what is science and what is technology  technology science and knowledge are   important in modern contemporary society  the understanding of how social cultural   and material elements influences the production  of new practices new ways of understanding and   new institution is vital in our understanding of  contemporary post modern society science provides   students with insight into how different processes  of knowledge are initiated and progressed   and how innovative technological processes are  developed employed and increases in importance   studies of technology and science gives insight  into the understanding of knowledge and technology   science and knowledge from the viewpoint of the  humanities and the social sciences now move to   the next major impacts computers change the world  a lot it help man step forward into the future   thanks to computers technology space  explorations can chew new designs of vehicles   and other transportations were made entertainment  became more entertaining medical science made more   cures for disease the computers impacted   our lives in many ways you may not you may not  notice it but they did make life a lot easier some people say that computers or  technology taking away manpower   that may be true but computers did we make the  impossible possible it is impossible to name all   the impact in these people but we can see some  major ones now move to the next which is educate   education through the use of advanced  computing and telecommunications technology   learning learning can be learning can also  be qualitatively different the process   of learning in the classroom can become  significantly richer as the student have   access to new and different types of information  can manipulate it on the computer through graphics   displays or control experiments in way never  before possible and can communicate their results   and conclusions in a variety of media to their  teacher student in the next classroom or student   around the world for example using technology  students can collect and graph real-time weather   involvement and population data from their  community uses the data to create color   maps and graphs and then compare these  maps whether created by student in the   in other communities similarly instead of reading  about the textbook pictures departing blood flow   pictures similarly instead of reading  about the textbook pictures blood flow   student can use technology to see blood  moving through veins watch the process of   oxygen entering the bloodstream and experiment  to understand the effect of increased pulse or   cholesterol cholesterol-filled arteries on blood  flow education was impacted by computers very much   computers helped art students in a lot of  today's project and essays if a student were   to do an essay they could look in an electronic  encyclopedia in the computer or they could look   up their topic on the internet computers help  students in a in any way they need researching   typing searching etc teachers use computers as  well they use computer to keep track of grades   type art instruction for their students and to  let students use the computer for school purposes   to move to the next which is business computers  impacted many items in today's business world   area too business uses computers for keeping track  of accounts money or in items that they need you   may notice business people using computers a lot  especially the laptop computer portable computers   that can be taken to your work area you may  see people use things like pie charts and   graphs when they present information to other  business people in meetings most of those charts   were made by computers the business field uses the  computers a lot for their comp for their companies   and organizations with the rapidly advancing  technology that are occurring in modern business   organizations are required to be ready and able  to adapt within their ever-changing environment   the computer technology has quickly become one  of the most valuable assets in modern technology   and as such is developing as an integral part  of modern commerce as with past technology the   internet will have future technological advances  developed from its own good the internet has led   to the birth and evaluation of electronic  commerce or e-commerce e-commerce has now   become a key component of many organizations  in the daily running of their business now this is the inter another area computer impacted  on is the entertainment area most of the people or   they like science fiction or action movies  especially especially the ones with the neat   looking effects well those graphics were mostly  made by computers they're using technology for   made most of the movies today use computer  graphics to make things more realistic but   not real computer graphics are mostly used on  spaceships aliens monster and special effects   movies like Jurassic Park, wing commander, starship, troopers, avengers use computer to make them look   more interesting and realistic there's even not  only movies use computer animation graphics games games on the latest game consoles like playstation  use the computers to make the coolest games   ever games no days use computer graphics and  animation to make the coolest games computer games   also have their share new 3D games were made by  really cool computer graphics it would be really   boring without all this wouldn't you think that's  how computers impacted today's are entertainment and this is the health sector where important  field computers impacted on is the medical field   the computers have the hospitals ought  very much in pharmacies the pharmacists   use computer to keep a record of what medication  to give to a patient and the amount they need   most computers in the hospital are used  to keep data of patients and their status   computers also keep track of equipment  placement and status as well scientists   need the help of computers to find cures for  diseases that needs cures like Cancer and TB's   without the computer's health cures for a lot of  disease wouldn't have been formed computers helped   the medical area a lot and we are grateful  for the scenes they keep track of our health now the glimpse of impacts of other technology  of course there are many other important   information technologies out there that have  profound impact on almost everything we can't go   through all of them here below we will mention  some many points is that computer technologies   the one is my view that have had the  most profound impact either commune   either computer technology can  do whatever technology can our   other technology need computer to be more  effective radio television printing press   and so on the radio the radio was certainly one  of the most important inventions of the 1920s   because it bought a whole new way for  people to communicate and interact   radio provided a cheap and convenient way of  conveying information and idea today's people   listen to the radio online and radio listeners  substantially declining during the past few years   now move to the next which is television the smart  tv it's hard to imagine a world without television   most americans and indian families the asian   have multiple tv shares around the house and  at least one is on from when they get up in the   morning until they go to bed in the evening it  seems as if television is and always have been   an important part of our everyday lives today you  can also want tv online and in a more flexible way   move to the next which is printing press the  newspapers and the articles of the magazines the   effect of printing press was to multiply  the output and cut the cost of books   if those made information available to a much  larger segment of the population who were eager to   information for of any variety the printing press  certainly initiated an information revolution on   the internet today printing could and spread  new ideas quickly and with greater impact   the other is online payment service electronic payment charge the way people use  their finances they provided a faster and more   secure method of conducting transactions the rise  of electronic payments came with the big boom   of the internet using your credit or debit card  online has some potential risk but the benefits   of an outweigh the cons all of your favorite  clothes and shoes are just a few clicks away   applying for loans is also possible these days  because many online lending companies have   started flourishing so in that spirit we wanted  to give you a small list of transaction that you   can complete by electronic payment methods paying  the bills remember when you had to wait several   hours just to pay your bills well within the  modern payment system you have one more option   many countries made a system where you can receive  your bills on your email and use your card to pay   them that way you skip the process of walking to  the banks and waiting in line plus you get rid of   any extra fees attached paying the bills online is  a win-win situation for both sides one on one side   the state receive the tax much faster and on the  other side you save time and money as well and oh   and the other is ordering stuff online  amazon and ebay and and in india there   are famous e-commerce site which is flipkart  as are some of the leading e-commerce sites   they are filled with various products from  clothes and kitchen appliances to phones car parts   and much more the process is very simple you  just search for your product and buy it the   shipping process might take some time depending  on your location but nevertheless you don't have   to walk from store to store and waste days while  searching for a nice t-shirt or anything you want   now move further social media  platform we all are in social media   nowadays let us consider how social media  can add value to our lives social media helps   you maintain relationships by making it easy  to reach family and friends who live far   it closes the gap created by distance you may  have not seen someone for a few years but news   feed updates keep you in the loop of what is  happening in their lives there are some social   bookmarking tools that can improve your access  to information for instance make it easier for   a user to find and save relevant and useful  articles sites photos and videos as well in   as much as social media can distract you from  your goals it can also help you accomplish them   if you use the platform effectively support  groups exist on platforms such as facebook   and they can connect you with people who can  help you achieve whatever goals you have said   whether it is personal or professional finding it  difficult to figure out where your passion lies   the internet is such a vast space with blocks and  images that can bring you closer to discovering   your passions pin interest is a great platform for  exploring ideas and seeing what's out there blogs   are one of the most useful platform especially  for writers if you need a platform to express your   emotions and share your musings or creative  writing pieces personal blogs as we can see social   media can serve a good purpose of and help us add  value to our lives many of us use social media to   promote projects that we are working on some use  it to send invites for even others others use it   to build online communities social media can or  can also improve our social lives and connect   us with people from different corners of the  globe in order for the use to continue benefiting   from social media we need to make sure that we  do not find ourselves measuring our self-worth   based on the numbers of likes and comments on  our post or the number of followers we have   we need to be international about striking a  balance between growing our online connections   and ensuring a healthy mental state move to  the next which is does modern technology make   life more convenient yes it depends on  it depends on what the individual needs   some people may think that they can't live  without technologies nowadays but there   how does modern technology make more convenient  or was life better with simpler technology   everyone might have different still people who  are willing to chase for a simple lifestyle   our world was created in the most simplex  form formally days by days and years by years   men are progressing constantly for this reason the  world is getting more and more evolution from the   from the uncomplicated primitive lifestyle  to the technological lifestyle these days   we can see that the world has changed a lot in  evidence we can find electrical appliances in   almost every family we can also see everyone  is with a mobile phone on their hands where   ever they go etc from these examples  given we can know that the progressions   of technology are absolutely unnecessary  for men's life for women's life nowadays now the advantage or disadvantage of technology  from day to day our world has been charged   gradually from one condition to another new ideas  always come up to the minds of every people who   make the living better nowadays technology  has advanced in tremendous sleeps and bonds   we cannot imagine the world without  technological advances such as computers   television and machines and so on however there  are some advantage and disadvantage of technology   first of all technologies play a very  important role in society because it makes   life easier to live on and less time consuming  technology has the ability to create shortcuts   in working people do not have to do all the  hard labor anymore for example microwave   ovens cook food easily without using any stoves  without using any strokes and making a big mess   some decade ago there were no gas or electric  strobes people have to get firewood and lighting   them up for cooking technology makes things very  easy to use comparing it in the old-fashioned way   moreover medical science is very progressive  and saves many ancient lives medical   treatment has been going well with the help of  technology nowadays hospitals uses technology   as the system for operations the impact of  vr technology the virtual technology is a   computerized simulation environment that allows a  human experience a thing that is not taking place   in front of them but is virtually happening in  front of their eyes making their minds to feel   sense and get immersed into the virtual  reality at any place anytime and anywhere in order to make the human brain feel the virtual  environment we must provide some instrument do not   only make it look real but also feel real this  feeling of reality can be achieved through the   use of these components as mentioned firstly there  should be a source to view virtual reality to the   user this can be achieved with help of personal  computer if viewing for an indoor purpose console   for a real life experience and smartphones for  experiencing at all those they act as a powerful   engine to the content being produced secondly  there must be an interface between the human brain   and the virtual world which is achieved by head  mountain display these are devices which makes   our mind to feel and sense the virtual reality  and finally the reflex which is required when an   action is done this can be done with any of the  input devices like joysticks tracking balls data   gloss track pads and motion platforms now move to  the next which is technology controlling our lives   it is true years and years ago the internet was an  escape from the world now the day now the world is   our escape from the internet and the abundance of  technology while technology can be very beneficial   it can control our lives without us even knowing  it yes it is night having the ability to access   anything and anyone at any time but can we go  five minutes without our phone just think about it   in some respects technology is incredibly  helpful and has made many aspects of   people's life easier and more convenient in other  ways and depending on what and how technological   advances can be seen as harmful depending on your  perception and point of view like anything if   we allow it to control us it will as the  time passed we never realized that we were   slowly getting tribed by something that had been  existing due to us everything built has its cons   and problems when it comes to technology we  never looked upon its consequences because   the perspective for the advancement of technology  has always been for the betterment of the society   it turned out as a miracle and its advancement has  no end technology has proved to be very beneficial   to all of us because it reduces human labor and  safe times have you ever imagined yourself a day   without a mobile phone did you ever think  in life how much are we dependent on it   for an instant the first thing many of us  do in the morning as the alarm goes off   is to check cell phones no person in this world  could ever exist without a cell phone the reason   being is helplessness it is sometimes impossible  to measure how much we use technology each day   we can never escape technology our day-to-day work  is completely dependent on it youth and technology   technology is such a vast network which leads  many people fall into its spiral behavior it's   basically has no end knowingly and unknowingly  it is creating a wide gap between a real life   and a social life and due to which it leads  the young generation to live a more social life   than focusing on reality adults these days are on  the falling age of the term known as life they had   changed the basic meaning of life and technology  plays a vital role in this issue youtube instagram   and snapchat are the most popular online  platform among teens fully 95 percent of teens   have access to a smartphone and 45 percent  say they are online almost constantly   along with physical issues such as neck pain  strain on eyes caused by the harmful rays coming   from the skin of the laptop or phone headache  the youth are troubling themselves with mental   issues like comparison of cells with other people  these increases inferior complexity amongst them   by looking more and more people on internet  achieving high and setting goals in their field   they start to compare themselves with those  people and get confused about their career   youth get easily distracted and share  stressed out if they are alone most   of the time it is seen that they use  social media for avoiding the loneliness   factor which can also increases loneliness and  leads the youth to depression the real problem is   youth want to achieve everything but they keep  the potential to achieve what they want to buy   they do not want to put any efforts they always  want to shortcut usually in every problem in life   they prefer smart work over hard work which is  good but simultaneously it worsens the situations   sometimes and all the reasons behind this is  laziness, laziness is one of the most common   factors in everyone's life which is directly or  indirectly effect of technology on human's body life without technology technology drives our  lives today and we are totally impacted by it   in many aspects that sometimes we miss on those  beautiful things that can bring to us so much   joy and happiness we barely hear the morning  birds creeping as we wake up with our mobile clock   snoozing we rarely have the rustling of papers  and leaves as we are too busy typing away keys   we will never learn to serve the  ocean waves as we are too busy surfing   from face to pace on google or internet  we will forget what it feels like to live   our lives offline as we are 24 by 7 online  we will forget saying buys before going out   from our homes as by the time we are out the door  we are already listening to music on our phones we   have settled for something that cannot love us by  emotions is the only thing that technology lacks what is the conclusion about technology technology helped us take a large step into the  future businesses and entertainment uses them   to make profits educations uses them to help  educate students better and the medical fields   uses technology in different ways even you are  playing computer games when you are watching   the latest movie or you are researching on  a topic for your essay on computer you are   affected by the technology technologies absolutely  completely change the world and it keeps changing   everyone was impacted by this remarkable device  you you might disagree with me a little bit but   one thing is certain without computer or  technology in fact technology we are not   anywhere close to where we are today as the  technology is growing the social media has   become the routine for each and every one peoples  are seen addicted with these technology every day   thank you guys thank you very much for  your attention and comments please feel   free to ask any questions or query in the  comment section go and check the description   for feedback form don't forget to fill the  feedback form to avail your certificates   you will be receiving the e-certificates  in your registered email id   within a week i would like to wrap up this  session be safe everyone thank you so much


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