COVID-19 update Goverment passes 107B aid package for Canadians

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Our emergency, measures bill that, of course is the coronavirus, rescue, package, designed, to help millions, of Canadians, to, financially, survive this, pandemic, let, me give you a look inside, the Senate at, this hour where they have begun debate, the Finance Minister Bill Morneau there, to. Answer some questions obviously, with a limited, number of Senators, in the, chamber it comes after. A 14. Hour delay, in debate, on the, main bill inside, the House of Commons last, night. The legislation, finally moved from the house to the Senate at around 6 a.m. we. Are also of course as we do every day expecting, to hear from the Prime Minister on this and other updates from his government. He. Will be expected to talk about when this emergency aid will begin to flow a critical, question, for, many of you so, we'll bring you his daily address to the nation as soon as it begins that is of course his front door we've all become very familiar with it Justin, Trudeau now on his 14th, day a self-isolation. Unclear. When he will be, no. Longer working from home but he, has completed, the 14 days at the end of today I want. To bring in the host of power and politics fasci cappella and the CBC's catherine cullen both of them joining me now today so, we'll we'll keep that Senate shot up when we can as well as the one of the prime ministers front, door but. There were, after. We got past the. Various. Negotiations inside. The House of Commons last, night which did change. The, the bill in many ways in terms of allowing some. More, oversight, of. What the government was going to do we did get more information, this morning from Bill Morneau on what. Is essentially, an amalgamation. Of two. Two. Pieces, that we're going to help Canadians, it is now just called the Canada, emergency response benefit, and it, means that all Canadians. Who have ceased working due to kovat 19 will be eight availa will be able rather to receive this new, benefit. Vashi, I'm gonna start with you just to go over some, of what, that means for Canadians. Zuly, right Rosie they combined, what was originally, two different streams of money into, one the thinking behind it, at this point all those yet to be tested is that this makes it more accessible easier, technically. To get the money out to Canadians. And it, covers a wide range I, think this is the most important, thing to get across to people watching today is that before.

There Were so many questions and understandably, so about okay do I qualify for this I'm not sick but I have to stay home because my kids school is closed like am i able to access this money I'm without pay right now here's, what I understand, the Prime Minister will outline in what we've heard a bit of so far from Finance Minister Bill Morneau the, benefit would provide support for up to 16, for. Up to 16 weeks I can say at this point my, understanding is. And the information I believe that's about to be released. Is that that would be about $2,000, a month, per. For, four months so it, would be a biweekly check but it's about, $2,000. A month here's. Who's covered people who lost their job people, who are sick quarantined. Are taking care of someone who is sick with kovin 19 parents. As I mentioned who have to stay home without pay to take care of kids who are home because either, those kids are sick or because the schools are closed which is the case of course right across this country daycares, for the most part other than for essential workers are closed as well also. And this is a big one I know yesterday we had Howard, on who was asking about this it will cover, self-employed. Canadians, and contract, workers, also the bar you. Know the bar that you have to reach to access, that money is is, pretty low right you just have to have been out of work for two weeks that's my understanding at this point I think there are a lot of really genuine, questions about the ability, to get that money out how, fast it will come because there will be a wait for this but, I think at this point at least the government and through this legislation, last night all parties, agreed that it, would be widely. Accessible, to you know a very wide swath of Canadians yeah, Catherine I mean it does seem a little bit like an acknowledgement, on the government's part that the first crack at this wasn't, necessarily. The the, best solution. That they needed something broader and. Something, that they hope will work faster although I guess there are still questions about the capacity of the. Government and the civil service to get this to people quickly. Absolutely. I mean we know we've seen the numbers rosy really kind of staggering, almost. Claims, to e I last, week compared to believe, it was about 27,000. For the week the Year previous now, talking to officials they say listen they really are ramping up their process they got since last week a hundred, and I believe it is 43,000. Claims out the door that's a big ramp up normally we are dealing with 40,000, but when you compare that to the scope of this problem, obviously. They're that they're really not anywhere close to that yet so a lot of work is being done behind the scenes in an attempt, to try to get more personnel, in place to deal with this nor in an attempt to get the systems in place to deal with this the government says essentially, that it really is along with the health and safety of Canadians this is their top priority now making sure that people get money into their pockets so there's, a whole area. Of scrutiny, around whether or not they're going to be able to do that whether the machine can move and move quickly and we heard Bill Morneau talking, in the Senate a little bit about that and the time frame we know yesterday class while ago said publicly, that the Prime Minister had assured him that the checks to independent, workers would go out as of April 6th Bill Morneau has said well that's the target week, essentially. To get money, out the doors to be to people so there's a question if can it happen in a timely fashion obviously people have rent, mortgage, payments that are coming up before then there's also the question of whether or not this goes far enough people. For instance who say. They can't pay their rents they can't pay their mortgages they're not getting the help from the bank that they hoped I had one woman just reaching out to me on Twitter and she said I'm a freelancer, I'm not making, no, income, at all but my income has been drastically reduced, my understanding, is I don't qualify for this because I'm still taking in a little bit of income what, happens to me so that I think they're gonna be a lot of questions but additional, help Canadians, need we know the government has said this is just a very first step but a lot of people are very impatient to see the results for sure let me let me just give a couple more details, of what we know because there, are so many of you asking, us on Twitter and in emails if, you are already receiving a, I and, and sickness, benefits as of today you'll, continue, to receive those and you do not need to apply for this new Canada emergency, response benefit, if you, have applied for e aí and you, are waiting you.

Are Waiting for your application, to be processed you, don't need to reapply this now will apply to you so don't think you have to go in and do it again. You should know that, the. Portal for accessing, this new Canada Emergency Response benefit, is not up yet so don't, panic when you don't see it the government is intending, to get that up by early April which, is why we're saying. April 6 seems a little optimistic, to start getting checks out but, you should the, government says begin, to receive your, emergency, benefit, payments, within 10 days of, making that application, this will be a, monumental. Feat if, if the government can actually pull this off and I mean that all the people behind the. Politicians, who have made this decision will go back to this because it is some critical information as, more. And more people in this country are laid off or put, out of work but, first as we wait for the prime minister coming up in about eight, minutes time, let me bring in premier, Blaine Higgs he, is the premier of Nova, Scotia he joins me now from Fredericton, good to see you premier. Good. Day. Well good to talk to you brother. Let. Me one. Of one of the reasons we wanted to speak with you today is because you are one of the premiers maybe, the only one who has been very publicly, calling. For the government to put, in place the emergencies, act why, do you why is that needed for your province, why do you think it's needed for the country. Well. What I believe we need across the country, is a national strategy so we have consistency, of health care measures we have consistency, of standards, from one province to another we, have consistency, of supplies and we're. Not and you know each kind. Of competing, with each other in terms of well what what initiative, do we put in place what measure do we put in place you, know in ourself Iceland, what closes what stays open I think, this is a situation where, we've we, should have learned a lot from other countries and their experiences, we. Can be learning a lot from other provinces but the federal government can play an oversight role there in a consistent manner to ensure that every, citizen in our country as, equal access to to health care and protective, equipment. Through. This crisis now. I can see you so that's good um so, you are though as I said maybe the only one the only premier, who's this. Determined. That or or this convinced, that this is the answer we heard for instance from the Quebec premier who. Said he wants the most flexibility. Possible, he does not want the government the federal government take this stance when, you were on the call there with the Prime Minister the other day what. Did you what was your impression about. The, likelihood this this might happen. Well. I think, the, the message, kind of got confused with the with the legislation, in the addition, of the, kind of the unfettered, spending, rules, that were combined, with the emergency, measures act and. This bill was kind of trying to get through in terms of the the. Financial package so, I think there was a lot of concern, about that and I assured that the same concern about that that kind of, inclusion, of that spending bill. But, but this is this is different this is in relation to having an, ability to. Exercise a national, strategy around, the health care and the treatment of citizens and and, the distribution of equipment, I know everyone, wants to do their own thing in some ways the bigger provinces, have better capability, to do that, than. Others and that would be the reason for a standardization that's why we have a standard health care system in our country is. To ensure that the same measures. Are practiced throughout and. In a crisis like this where you need to even be more confident, of that you, don't have an enormous number of cases now. Or or yet. What. Is it that your province, is lacking we've heard different concerns.

Across The country around medical, supplies what, is it that you're lacking what is it that you've asked the federal government to provide you with there well. Certainly we've given a list like others in critical. Components. For equipment and testing agents in masks. And things like that so we're we're, currently fine, in that regard with numbers but. We're, anticipating you, know where this is going to go and watching the rise that we've seen elsewhere we know our caseload is going to go up I expect it to go up daily over the over, the coming weeks and because we know that's going to happen but. We want to hit that off as much as possible and and, I don't want to be in the midst of a crisis right now our health care system is probably at a lower, demand, model, than it normally is because people are staying away from hospitals, and people, are not out moving around which is more exactly what we want but, I want to be prepared and I if we're learning something from other provinces, I want to make sure that that is uniform, across our country I want, every citizen to feel secure no matter where they live do, you have another call scheduled. With the prime minister soon, do you expect speak with him to make this case yet again. Well. We liked, it we'll have another call and in relation, to our, cough. Members to discuss some of the pending issues the longer this goes on in relation to the economy certainly Atlantic, and the whole fishing industry is something that will be at risk over the coming months and weeks, but, yes there isn't one scheduled this week but, I anticipate there, will be and and as always the Deputy Prime Minister has made herself readily, available for. Any discussions, and, she's done that from the very beginning so so, we have access we will continue to stay connected with with the prime, minister's office okay. Premier Blaine hears of a New Brunswick good a good of you to make the time today sir and all the best of the province and and yourself appreciate it thank, you very much oh goody you too all, right that's one, other, premier we've been trying to talk to premiers through, these specials, to get a perspective of what's happening in different regions of the country everyone's, struggling obviously, with the same issue but in different ways I, want to bring back the host of power and politics Bashi cappellas in the CPC's katherine cullen as we wait for the prime minister to emerge let's. Just go back to i wanted to get the premier on first before he, got busy and i lost him but let's go back to the canada emergency response benefit, ashley do we have a sense of why.

The Government. Decided. To to, now combine, these these, two measures and and what what they're trying to do by doing this i think, that they are from at least people i've been speaking to and i've been trying to get a sense all morning and last night as well really worried, about the technical, capacity catherine, and you were discussing, just, earlier the ability, to actually get the money out the door they had been very, brief. On sort, of one of the benefits, that they had originally designed they were specific on here's who would qualify for it the other one we didn't even know how much it would be for, individuals, we didn't know the timing of it and, so i think when they sort of sat back and saw the at least from what I'm what I'm being told saw the size. Of the need so how many Canadians, would be accessing, it and we saw that number last week nearly a million people applying, for AI alone, so, you've got to think the numbers will be almost, comparable when it comes to everything else if not exceed, that number they. Were concerned, about the ability they are concerned, about the ability to deliver that money to. The people who need it so this seemed like at least a streamlined, process, through which those. Claims could be made and especially for, I think from what I at least I hear people, who are self-employed that was a big concern because it seemed as though you'd have to be sick or someone in your family would have to be sick in order to access that so this is pretty explicit. Basically. Anybody, who is out of work because. Of anything, to do with the pandemic, it appears would be able to access this money which once again my understanding is, is about, two thousand dollars a month for four months at this point and. The. Does you know the hope is obviously that that money can get out the door but like I said the conversations, I'm having there, is a bunch of concern I mean there are issues already with getting me out, the door right with processing, times yes the majority fall, within that one month window but I think it's upwards at least the last study that was done at least twenty to thirty percent of the claims take longer than that and when they do take longer to process it's a lot longer obviously the the sort of burden, of proof is a lot different, now. Which, could and should have an impact on that capacity, to deliver the money but I think there's just this is unprecedented right, as we've been discussing so in so many instances in so many parts of this story but also in this they've never had this many EEI, claims in a week they've never had, to create this kind of benefit so I think the. Remains, a big question mark on the ability to deliver which I know is not what people want. To hear they're nervous right now and, understandably, so about getting this money as Katharine alluded to in time they're, not gonna get it before April first likely, when they have to pay their rent and pay their mortgages, but they're also worried, about May first, and. And let me say, further they so they do have the employment. Insurance system, which is an old system everyone would agree with that operating, but they'll also have the Canada Revenue Agency, operating. And as Katherine alluded to there are lots more people working for both of them there was one other precision. And a lot of people ask me about this so god. We got clarification, from Bill Morneau the finance minister in the Senate this morning so he says that, we've. Got about two minutes until the prime minister comes out I'm told Bill. Morneau says that if you own a business and, your business has been affected you don't have any business anymore it's a restaurant because you can't have, people in and you don't have orders or what have you so all, of your employees now, have been affected, by Conine, all of them can now access the, emergency response benefit, but the owner of the business can, also access, that benefit which i think was something that was very unclear.

To People. A self-employed, people or people who owned their own small and medium-sized business before this. Essentially, means that anyone. As Bao she said there who's affected in any way financially. By. The pandemic, and the way it's affecting their business can, tap into this and and, Catherine that seems, to be a more direct or, more complete, response, than perhaps we even saw last week and I'll cut you off if the Prime Minister comes out yeah. The goal I mean the goal officials, are telling me of creating. This candidate Emergency Response benefit, is as bad she alluded to to make this simpler, and more efficient simpler and more efficient for Canadians who are going to apply simpler. And more efficient hopefully, for themselves what we've got to say Rosie there is nothing simple about this and while we talk about the mechanisms, of how this is going to get out the door and whether or not it's in a timely enough fashion the, amount to I think is a big question here a lot of people are pointing out that for instance there are European countries, where there being a lot more aggressive, in terms of how much of people's wages they are topping up you look at the temporary business, wage subsidy, that's an element of this where businesses, are gonna be eligible to receive about 10%, of their, payroll a lot of businesses saying that is simply not enough they'd like to see a lot more money from the government if they're really going to be able to sustain themselves and for many businesses, this is a conversation very. Live right now right they're talking about being able to stay open or, be able to being able to keep functioning some, of them are obviously have had to close their doors because of various states of emergency, but being, able to do that in the matter of the next few days the next couple of weeks. So. This answers some questions but, certainly not all of them and again as we as we've all said there. Is a question of timeliness. Around, this we saw yesterday you know something that was supposed to be, debated in four hours ended, up happening 15. Hours after it was supposed to alright here is the Prime Minister of Canada speak, to all of you right. Now a lot, of people are sitting around the kitchen table with bills trying, to figure out what needs to be paid and how, to plan for the coming months if you've, been laid off had, your hours reduced, or, worried about your industry these. Might be really stressful decisions. Far. Too many Canadians, are having these tough conversations, about finances. And their, future. Just, look at the numbers last. Week almost a million people, applied, for employment, insurance the. Hard truth is that people, are out of work because of this crisis, and worried. About what comes next so I, want you to know that we'll, be there to help you our. Government, is doing everything, we. Can to be, there for you, to. Submit that. An. Emergency, bill to, help people as quickly as possible the, bill is, now before the Senate I do, hope that its passage, can will, be, done quickly so that we can help Canadians, as soon as possible, we, will have more details about this later this week and further measures to announce and this is only the beginning but. This new legislation will, allow us to take the necessary measures to support you immediately. We. Will be enhancing. The, Canada child benefit, and Delaine by three months the. Time, to. Repay. Student, loans and with this legislation. We are introducing. The new Canada. Emergency, response benefit, this benefit, will replace, the two benefits. We announced last week, the. Emergency. Care benefit, and the emergency, support benefit, in order to simplify the process as I've, been saying from the outset as the situation evolves, we, are adjusting, our efforts, to help you better, the. Canada, emergency, response benefit, will provide, $2,000, a month for. The next four months to, workers, who are. Not getting a paycheck, because, of kovat 19 so. If you've lost your job or, your. And, were you. Were working on a contract, basis, or were self-employed this. Benefit, will be there for you if you're sick or in, quarantine or if you're looking after someone who is infected this, benefit, will be there for you if.

You Have to remain at home without, receiving, a salary to look after your children or, seniors, this, benefit, will be there for you and. If you still have a job but, you're not receiving, any, salary, because of the crisis, the. New Canada. Emergency, Response benefit. Will be there for you. There. Will be an online portal. To put. Through applications. It will be available very soon and people, will, start, to receive money within, ten days of applying, emergency. Response, benefit, will, provide, $2,000. A month for the next four, months for, workers who lose their income as a result, of kovat 19 this. Will replace the two benefits we announced last week the emergency, care benefit and the emergency, support benefit, in order to streamline the process like. I said from the start we, will adapt our approach wherever. Needed, if. You've lost your job because of kovat 19 whether. You're full-time contract. Or self-employed, this. New benefit, will, be there for you if you're. Sick or quarantined, looking, after someone sick or at home taking care of your kids it's. There for you and, if you're and even if you're still employed but not receiving, income, because of this crisis, the, CRB. Is there. For you an. Application. Portal, will launch as quickly as possible and people, should start receiving money within 10 days of applying I know. People are concerned about, delays. Families. Are worried about when they'll get help it, can be hard to get through on the line and that is frustrating. Public. Servants, are working, around the clock while. Dealing with unprecedented, demand, and all. Of the same personal, stress everyone, else is facing, they, will, get, to your application, help. Is on, the way in order. To speed things up we're, rapidly, deploying workers, from different departments to, deal with claims in. The last 10 days we've, boosted the team by close to 13,000. People to, take your calls process. Your claims and get, you the support you need and, since. Last Monday we've. Already processed, a, hundred and forty three thousand, employment. Insurance claims that, means more money will go directly to people right across the con, we're, working to get you the support, you need when. You, need it and, if you're doing okay there's, a way you can help someone else as an. Employer a landlord. Or even just a friend so, you can be part of the solution, it, can, make all the, difference because, it's by working together that. We'll get through this and our. Team knows that we're. Collaborating, with the provinces, and territories as, well, as with First Nations Inuit, and maytee nation communities, to, coordinate, our efforts and, ensure.

That Everyone, is supported. Earlier. This week with, the premiers we also discussed, testing, for, kovat 19 we. Know that how long you wait for your results, varies. Widely. The, Premier's and I know we, need to address that and, we, are this. Is something Minister high do and I discussed with officials, every, day and will, continue doing what's, needed to, speed up results, for everyone, but. I also want to recognize the incredible work, medical, professionals, are doing on this front, according. To dr. Tam we've, now tested, about we're now testing about 10,000. People a day that's. A huge increase in numbers, in a very short period of time and it's, because people across the country are working tirelessly. To, make it happen. At. The same time we're, helping companies labs. And, scientific, institutions, produce and supply what, we need most from. Masks, and ventilators, to vaccines. And antiviral. Drugs we're. Collaborating, with Airlines to get Canadians, home from abroad and instructing. Everyone. That they must isolate, at, home for, 14, days, we're. Also working with our international partners on, this, crisis, this. Morning I had calls with President, Saleh of Senegal, and President. Kagame of Rwanda, to share strategies on, keeping people safe and, addressing, the economic, impacts of this, pandemic I've. Also spoken to Prime Minister Abbey, of Ethiopia, and president, Kenyatta of Kenya, about international. Coordination, and tomorrow. I'll be speaking with others. Leaders, to discuss further, global coordination. To, our response. Buscemi. Journalist. Can continue, to do their work, it. Is even more critical, in, the midst of a crisis, and therefore. Our government, is announcing measures, to support them Minister. Guilbeau will provide additional details, later but in the meantime I, want, to thank all journalists. And our, Canadian media who, are keeping Canadians. Aware of the latest developments, with facts and. Reliable. Information we, very much appreciate. Your work, right. Now it's, more important, than ever that Canadians. Have access, to the latest news and information, to. Ensure that journalists. Can continue, to do this vital work our, government, is announcing new, measures to support them Minister. Guilbeau will have more to say about this shortly but. I want to take a moment to thank our journalists. And media for, everything, they do today. And every. Day. Above. All the, most important. Way we can work together is, by. Staying apart. Social. Distancing, is our best tool to, stop people from getting sick I know, people are seeing different graphs about how effective, social distancing, can be and new maps tracking. The spread of this virus, every. Time you turn on the TV or go online, you probably read something new I know, I do, and. You'll want to know what's coming next today. I'll be getting the latest modelling, from the public health agency, of Canada and, we'll, discuss how to share this information even, more directly, with all of you, but. You deserve the best information, we've, got about what's happening, today and what, tomorrow, might, bring because. Otherwise the. Uncertainty, can, be really tough, not, just for your routine but. For your mental health, - we're. Facing a once-in-a-generation. Challenge. And on top of that you. Can't do many of the things that keep you feeling good getting, together with friends or, having dinner with your neighbor if. You need help reach. Out to. Your neighbor -, a sibling - a friend - a hotline but. Do it from home don't. Go out unless. You absolutely have, to if. You're already following these rules thank. You for, doing your part if you, aren't, know. That you're making a dangerous choice. Because. Ignoring, these rules put every, single, one. Of us yourself. Included, at risk. What's. Allowed anything. Refused. To follow the recommendations our. Doctors, and nurses, have a more likelihood, of contracting kovat, 19 and if. Our health care professionals. Get sick, they. Cannot go to work and therefore. They cannot take care of you if you get sick. Our. Country, is facing the greatest healthcare.

Crisis, In its history we. Cannot, allow. Ourselves to. Put. People at risk who take care of our health. So. Instead of inviting people over for dinner, don't. Do it that puts everyone at risk grocers. Technicians. And bus drivers, farmers. People. Who collect, our garbage, all of those people deserve, better we, must protect them it's. Not hard to, do what we're asking you to do just stay home if. You absolutely must go out keep. A, 2 metre distance, between you and others and, if, you are coming back from travel abroad go. Directly, home and stay. There for. At least 14. Days that. Applies. To everyone. In. Order to come through this we must all. Look. After each other and, we must all do, our share, I know. That, we can do this and I know that Canadians, are, equal. To the task thank. You. Masuka. Dude we blew in ahead you can add that how do Canada, I. Like, it more clarity, with respect to deadlines. April. 6th, is what mr. Morneau, is saying now, in terms of deploying this new benefit. What. Exactly, will happen on April, 6th at will there will be an online platform, and, under that scenario that means some people would not receive, any help between the middle of April so what are you going to say to people who need that help right away first. Of all we are working very hard in an unprecedented, situation we. Understand, that, there is great pressure to get that help to people as soon as possible, but we also know that there, are many many people who, need to be helped in a very short timeframe and, we need to develop the. Systems, that can quickly a work, for us as. Long as they're reliable and that is what the government, is working on right now and we, do hope to, be able to. Put, that system in place, by. April, the 6th with money coming in the following days we hope that it will be very quick and we hope to be. Able to get people applied, for it, well. Before that and that's what we're working on right now in. Terms of people who need help now we. Know that some people are, facing, very, stressful, times they've, stopped working. They've. Been out of work for two weeks and, they're, not getting, paychecks. Coming. In so, we'll do everything we can to help them with, access, to credit, and other measures. As necessary. We. Are, here. And listening to you but. We'll have to work very hard together in, order to come through this, we. Recognize, that, this is an unprecedented situation. With. An overwhelming. Amount, of demand by, Canadians, to, get money as quickly as possible we. Need to make sure we're getting that money out quickly. But also reliably. To, Canadians, and that means doing. Things that government, hasn't done. Before and scaling. Up our processes. Extremely. Quickly we, need to do that in a way that is going to be both, liable and quick, and, that's why we're pulling together people from across government to, get this done we, are hopeful, that the, system will be up and running by, the 6th of April and, that cheques or the direct deposits, will be flowing days, after that we. Recognize, that that is, a ways off still and there, are people who stopped. Working, a week, and a half ago two weeks ago that. Are now receiving their last paycheck, and not knowing when the next money is kind of coming in we recognize, that we're looking for ways to help people bridge, through credit or other measures, their. Ability, to make it to the arrival of the Canada, Emergency Response benefit, but, we will continue to work diligently and. Rapidly. To, make sure we're helping every. Canadian we can, Prime. Minister Marika Walsh with The Globe and Mail 60 business groups are calling on Canada to launch a website wage subsidy, that's, in line with the UK and Denmark so, 70, to 80 percent they say it would be much more efficient than the slow process that you're rolling out right now you've, been asked about this for several days now your, question keeps being things. Are still on the table but people are laying off workers now. Now. You seem to be saying that struggling businesses, could choose to simply not pay their employees rather. Than laying them off and the workers could then receive payments, under this new benefit, is, that what you're urging struggling, businesses, to do and why, not go with the higher wage subsidies, we, are absolutely, looking at, more, direct, help for businesses, we recognize, that in, an ideal situation, businesses. Won't wouldn't, have to layoff people and people wouldn't have to feel like. They've lost their job and don't have a job to come back to after this crisis, so we are working. With, business. Groups, we are working with small businesses, hearing, their concerns looking. Very carefully at the. Models put forward in other parts of the world like, Denmark and Germany and, others and looking, at how we can make that work or, make equivalent. Things work here in Canada we will have more to say on that in the coming days okay.

New, Look Anna so we, recognize that in, an ideal situation, people. Would not be losing their jobs. Of this situation, because of this crisis, and. Employers. Should. Not have to lay people off this. Is something, we. Are trying to resolve with, them we, know that there are some models out there that are working in, Denmark, and Germany. We. Would. Like to help, people directly, through this Canada, emergency, response benefit, but at the same time we. Want to do things directly, for businesses as well and we will have more to say about that in the coming days. With. CTV national news I know you just talked about more direct support for businesses but can you be more specific in, the meantime you said it will come out later this week, there are many businesses, that have already laid off people there, are people at home who, cannot afford to pay the rent and those checks are due very soon what. Specific. Aid is available right now for people who are sitting at home who cannot afford any of their bills what for for businesses. We moved very quickly, to. Make credit available, for them to help them bridge through this time to, help them you. Know and get the liquidity they need at, a time of crisis. And significant. Slowdown in the economy for. People at home we. Recognize, that loosening, up rules around credit is, also a possibility, we've taken certain measures on, that we. Know people are anxious we know that, their final paychecks, from. Two. Weeks ago from last week are starting, to come in now and they don't know where the next one is going to come in or when the next one is coming in that's, why the, Canada. Emergency Response benefit. Is, going to flow as a way, of giving. Them, $2,000. Every month for. The next four months so that we can get through this together. Ultimately. Melinda, TV. You. Are now in your 14th, day of isolation. Does that mean you are free, now starting. Tomorrow. Does. Your wife still have symptoms thank. You for that question. Sophie, feels much much better and, the. Children and I still, do not have any symptoms. We. Will, continue, to follow all. The recommendations of, our, health care experts. What. Does that mean well, that means that every single day we follow those recommendations and. If the situation, changes we, will let you know. News. With. More than a million Canadians, returning, from overseas especially, in hotspots like Europe and New York City why. Are we relying on the honor system and not using the quarantine, act to isolate, them given. We know that some people have boarded flights, with, symptoms, just, so desperate, to get home. It. Is, extremely. Important, that everyone. Returning, to Canada, isolate. Themselves for. 14, days this. Is a measure that will both keep them safe and prevent. Further spread, of coronavirus. Through Canada this, is something that we require, of every. Single Canadian coming, to this country we. Will. Continue. To. Tell. People that we will continue to, highlight that we will continue to, require that of anyone. Coming, into Canada, that they isolate. At home, for, 14, days in. Order to protect everyone. In the country. It. Is required for people to stay at home for 14 days. Well, via Stefanovic CBC News Prime. Minister we've learned that sick meeting, travelers, are masking, co19, symptoms, to get through airport screening, why, does Canada not test temperatures, screen, air passengers, for fever or use thermal, screening, at airports. Should, there be thermal, screening, and consequences. For those who mask their symptoms, we. Recognize, that there, are many, concerns. About about. Passengers. Returning, to Canada which is why we're. Asking people to immediately, isolate. As soon as they get home it is a requirement, we, also know that there are different countries using various technologies, and we will continue to look at what, is the best way to keep Canadians, safe there, have been a lot of discussion, around thermal, screening, and taking, temperature temperatures, and spot checks one, of the lessons learned from SARS, is, that it is simply, not as effective, as not. Effective, the way people would, like it to be and, it can sometimes give a false sense of assurance this. Is what, the best, medical, advice and best science advice, we are getting is but, we are always open, to hearing. Stronger. Or different science that says our different recommendations, that say it's worth but we will make sure that what we choose to do how we choose, to deploy our resources are. In the, right way to actually, help, Canadians, and actually. Arrest the spread of this virus but. Prime Minister should there be testing, and should passengers.

Who Are returning to Canada should there be consequences for those who mask their symptoms and should, these passengers, also be forced to sign a document to, make sure they self ice-like how can you ensure that we. Know. That. People. Need to isolate when, they land in Canada they. Agree. To an attestation, on. The, on, their, processing, when they arrive that they will self, isolate, for 14 days that is an important thing and Canadians. With symptoms, will, not be allowed to board flights coming. Home that is a difficult. Measure I know for many people for many families but we need to make sure we're doing everything we can to keep, Canadians. But, some passengers are, masking, their symptoms what are the consequences for that we. Will continue, to do what is necessary and. Have. Been explaining, to people what, it is they need to do in order to keep themselves safe and, and. Keep, Canadians, safe I met, no pasaran isolating, mattress, it have. Mercy. Thank you, if. You have a question, please press star, 1 on your telephone keypad, see. We have ingestion simply. At least of it one I make, now the, first, question is from Livan, servants, from Jeju, Canada international please. Go ahead what's running it well. Prime. Minister. Canada. When, you came to power you announced that Canada, is back the. United. Nations is asking for two billion, dollars, in emergent. Anding for Kovach King, is. Your government prepared. To, join. This, button. And is. Setting the. Side. Witness. To sent, to countries, that. Are very hard hit and not buy this equipment, on, on. On the market. In. Our billion-dollar. Covet, 19 response, announced, last week we, had already set, aside money, for, international. Efforts, we, of course will work with the UN continue to work with international partners on, on. Financial. Support to, ensure that we, can respond to this global. Pandemic. With global, resources, Canada, will be there to participate, and. I can also highlight, on your second, question that we are ramping, up production of. Necessary. Equipment, of emergency, medical. Equipment. Of, medications. We, know that there is a potential, need for much more in Canada, but, there is certainly a need for much more around the world and Canada, will, be part of the solution, not just to make, sure that Canada, has all the equipment and supplies needed for our citizens, so, should the situation get worse, but we will have hopefully. Equipment. And supplies to share with the, vulnerable parts of the world that will, desperately need help. Maxi. Push and kiss -. Thank, You Missy the, next question is from. Carabane. He's on that metal please go ahead your line is now open. It. Was mentioned, yesterday. There. Would be additional, medical. Equipment, to. Help people who are infected with kovat 19, but. On the, ground there, are nurses. Who are afraid. They won't have that proper, medical equipment, are you able to guarantee, the, provinces, that. That. Medical. Equipment, will, be provided, to them, so. That they can care for patients thank. You for that question. This. Is something, that, we. Had, a lengthy discussion about. During. My call with the premiers, we. Know that, there, are different, needs at different times, depending, on the region of the country and we, will, do everything necessary.

To. Ensure, that every. Area. Every region. Has what it needs to, respond. To. The needs of infected, individuals. We. Want that, equipment, to be shared across the country. But. We will have to continue, to deploy, our efforts to increase the. Amount. Of equipment that is, available. And. The essential, equipment. That, people are looking for and that's exactly what we're doing but. There has to be better. More, coordination. Between, the provinces and the federal government, and that will ensure that we can meet people's needs wherever, they are in Canada. Thank. You Missy, the, next question is from Justin. Laying, it from freelance. Please go ahead your liners now open more toiling into with. Their. Prime Minister last, week I asked you about the possibility of reducing the prison population to help combat a potential. Spread of Kovac 19 since, then I've heard from prisoners inmates, and guards who, have said that. Prisons, are not ready that their, release, is not being contemplated that there's not enough soap that, sanitary, conditions are even worse and the guards are being allowed either the prison even, after returning for abroad. What. If anything are you going to do to continue, reducing. The risk in Canada's, federal, institution, and. Is releasing inmates, nonviolent. Offenders on the table, we. Recognize. That the. Incarcerated. Population, is at greater risk of, contracting. And, spreading kovat 19 that, is why we are working, closely with, Corrections Canada to ensure that we're. Looking at a broad, range of measures to keep both, those who work in our correctional facilities, but also those who are. Residents. There to. Make sure that we're doing things, that will keep them safe I have said multiple times we, are not taking anything off the table in terms of options in, order to keep Canadians, safe and we, will continue our discussions, with Corrections. Canada to, look at options and to look at ways that we're going to keep people safe, right, across the country wherever they'd be so. Merci beaucoup stick escameca an accomplice depressed Oh Georgie yes, it's on one. Thank. You and. That is the Prime Minister of Canada wrapping, up his daily briefing on Kovach 19 pandemic, the major announcement, today as. The legislation makes its way now through the Senate expected, to receive. Royal Assent by the end of the day is this new, combined, measure, that, was announced last week under a new name called, the Canada emergency response benefit, which, means that many many, many Canadians, who are currently. Unemployed or about to be unemployed or just don't have enough money to make ends meet for all sorts of reasons related. To the pandemic will now have access to this let, me bring in my colleagues Bashi cappellas and catherine cullen Vashi, as you had rightly informed us, before. The prime minister spoke it is going to be 2,000 bucks a month what else did you take from that, a couple. Of things that I would flag in the first of course on what so many Canadians are watching for and that is the timing, of this aid that is supposed, to flow at first, the prime minister said that especially, where this new program is concerned, that the application, portal, so the ability age, that you go on to apply for this would, be open as quickly as possible and correct me if I'm wrong but I thought I heard him later say that they were trying to get that going by April 6 and then it would go 10 days after that that, you would be able to receive those payments, I think that's something that we have to really closely watch I think he was careful in his wording there not to guarantee, that the portal would be up by April the 6th and my understanding is there is still a lot of concern about even getting the application, process going so I think for, people watching that is something to definitely, keep an eye on obviously the sooner that that application process gets, going the better for them but there are no guarantees at, this, point, the other thing that I wanted to touch on was wage, subsidies, and you and Catherine had talked about this it's it's hard to, overstate.

How. Significant. This is for businesses, right now we have heard from so, many organizations that, represent in particular, small businesses, the CFIB for example said that in its survey over the weekend one third of the businesses that they surveyed said they would not survive the month they, are asking, for comparable, subsidies, to what we see in jurisdictions. In Europe so somewhere, to 70 to 80 percent the prime minister gave more. Details that, he has or that any of his ministers have in the past on this insofar as he, at least said it was something that they're considering he acknowledged, that they perhaps should. Be looking at something that is comparable, to those jurisdictions, in Europe however, again, no timeline attached, he said that more to come in the coming days and the reason that I focus on the timing issue is because of that one, month window that so many businesses, are looking at look people are if you know anyone who runs a small business you know that meeting payroll is hard in the best of times when. You have zero revenue it becomes, nearly impossible subsidizing. 10% of wages up to $25,000. Per employer the, consensus, among at least those organizations. That represent those businesses, is that, that is not enough so I'm very curious to see in the coming days as the prime minister indicates, exactly what, they're going to deliver on when it comes to that and the third thing just really quickly before you head over to Catherine is the, question around using the quarantine act and this is something we've heard a lot of anecdotally. As well that people are not, even anecdotally, we've seen the imposition. Of states of emergencies, for example in provinces because people are not complying, with that. Recommendation. Which, is you know or, or order depending where you live when you come back from wherever you've been traveling you have to self, isolate for 14 days and the Prime Minister was act will asked why use the honor system why not invoke the quarantine Act which would my, understanding, is attach some sort of punishment or, penalty. And, the level of enforcement to people, who don't comply with that he, really avoided, addressing, why. He wasn't going to use it or whether he would in the future and instead just, re-emphasize. The message that we've heard over and over again which is this is what's expected, of you but. I do think he has sort, of framed. That in the past few days as this is my final warning you know you gotta listen to what I'm saying so at the end of the day will there be a consequence, if people aren't listening or, I don't know there it was pretty unclear so I thought from my perspective those were the big things to take away yeah, I would, point out that that as he mentioned there when you do come into the country although this now, applies, in some provinces but when you come into the country you, do have to hit an attestation, on, on the the customs, machine, that you go through saying. That you will self isolate, I I would imagine you could go back and track people, and. Enforce, it if if we got to that point but it does seem Dave, cyclins did some reporting overnight around people who are. Not. Being truthful frankly, about their, symptoms and where they're coming from although, as the prime minister also said when they did you, know a vast post-mortem. On on the SARS outbreak. You, know almost 20 years ago the, temperature testing. Issue. Really, didn't work as the Prime Minister points, out so there has to be something, that that's, different than someone just taking their word versus, taking. Their temperature okay Catherine I'll just get I'll get you to weigh in and I'll also just make, this point that. An Angus Reed poll in the past week showed that a third, of Canadians, are very, worried about not being able to pay for their rent and. And, don't have much money coming in so the urgency that we're all talking about here is a very real thing for so many people and. There was one moment there Rosie where he said something I thought it was quite interesting I don't think we've heard from the Prime Minister before he said we're looking at ways to help people bridge.

Through, Credit, we didn't really offer any explanation of what it is he's talking about what that might look like I don't really know that that is exactly the kind of help that most Canadians, are thinking of right now they, want to be either eligible, for these programs and they may or may not be they may want the amounts that they receive to, be greater than that but we got certainly a hint there from the Prime Minister that that's one of the options they're looking at at least to, help people get through until the aid he is talking about is delivered, possibly beyond that really we don't know but one of many questions that we're looking at right now another, thing that I would raise you and bash you were just talking about the screening for people coming, back to Canada, and I think to some extent there are two issues that are being mixed, together there I mean the reporting that Dave sailings did the questions the Prime Minister was being asked a lot of it had to do with people getting, on airplanes in, the first place right the the government, has said that if you are showing symptoms even if you're a Canadian you shouldn't be getting on an airplane coming. From overseas but obviously a lot of people are very afraid and they know that in some cases the, window to get home is closing. A, lot, of what the Prime Minister had to say was about self isolating, when you get back but the government has said that they've enlisted the help of Canada Border Services they've been listed the help of the airlines that they're trying to check people before they're coming on to the planes themselves then. There's the additional question of what people do when they return in Canada and I did think that was a bit of a poignant. Moment and one that raises a few questions when he, was being pressed by a reporter, and said, you know why not make it mandatory and he said well it's required, but of course, they're. Trying to encourage. People. To do this but there is not any sort of measure that actually requires them to do it no, but there are there, could be measures, so it's it's sort of people saying as vastly said you either do it or we're gonna make you do it okay I'm just gonna leave you two for a moment if you don't mind because speaking, of people who wanted this information, about employment, insurance about, additional, benefits, let's, go to Rebecca zerk now she's in Saskatoon, she is self-employed, normally. Works at a salon but like many other Canadians, her life has been upended, and she is very concerned about whether she'll be able to qualify, for some of this help Rebecca good to see you how you doing. Oh. Thanks. For being here so I don't know if you were able to hear the Prime Minister and. Whether any of that or, thing we've said has, clarified, for. You whether. You'll be able to get some help. Concerned. Because. What I heard. Previously was, for small business owners or, wage, subsidies, um, being. Self-employed and working in a salon I'm the sole proprietor, I'm the owner operator I'm, the only person so. Ten. Percent wage subsidy, I don't pay a wage to anybody but myself so. 10. Percent of my wage can, turn out to be very little it, really is not enough to keep my business open after the quarantine, and all the pandemic ends or to even subsidize. Part, of my living expenses so, I'm really glad to do that it's more available to self-employed.

Canadians, In that way yeah, it sure is so so yeah you you will you will qualify and, the prime minister announces. That you will get $2,000. A month I would, imagine that that is not going to be enough but that you tell me how that will help you or not, so. Getting. By in the, mean time it's, not a long-term solution. Truly, for me. My concern is actually keeping, my business open to have a business to come back to at the end of this so, what, that'll do is keep my living alive. You, know it'll keep a roof over my head and groceries. In my fridge but, what really the, concern is the long term truly, is. Having space to come back to to cover the essential business expenses, that I need to cover just, stay employed after this and, I understand your husband - I'm not sure what he did before but he also was affected, by he's, also been affected by the pandemic and and the economic, consequences what, can you tell me about him so. He actually received a layoff prior to the quarantine, okay to take an economic, downturn so, he, had been on a I I, want, to say to apply a week before, a lot of the major, non-essential. Services shutdowns, were in, effect. So. He'd. Been struggling through the EEI system, because one it was overloaded with plenty of people who are affected by a Nikken downturn and to by the people who are starting the quarantine so. Really. Truly his. Interaction. With. Employment. Insurance at that time was, scary. It took a long time to get a lot of answers we still haven't received much much. Information. From. Them about his claim its we're. Waiting hours on the phone to talk to anybody because, you know I'm I'm, sure you can imagine people, flooding the lines at this point really and, does, that were you does that were you the Prime Minister seems to say that this this new portal this new benefit you'll be able to go sometime beginning of April to sign up and, you should get it ten days later. You. Know that that's asking a lot but he seems to think that that's sort of the time line is is that fast, enough where you worried that it won't be in your hands fast enough that benefit I'm. Very concerned about it not being in my house fast enough because, the concern has already been in quarantine for almost three weeks I've, been at work for almost three weeks I'm immunocompromised, at, this point in my life so. I chose. Working, in a salon you can't social distance that way I made, the decision one week before the mandatory close down and also with my husband being on AI, as well being on a layoff I'm really concerned that we're going to be waiting five six seven weeks before we receive any kind of any, kind of support because, I can imagine that, receiving. Payment ten days after application is, quite. Optimistic. With. The amount of people that will be applying so. If you could say something to the the prime minister or the finance minister about, your. Situation, what, other Canadians, like you need urgently, what would you tell them. Other. Canadians, like me we. Need immediate support, for, entrepreneurs. Truly, to keep their keep, their businesses, keep their jobs keep them in the economy, during this and also, immediately, some sort of immediate, relief that requires no kind of application, program like a universal, benefit, so. That we can subside, and not. Be in this constant panic waiting, for this, release, to be released after, everybody.

Else Has applied there needs to be some kind of universal. Some. Going to be program, that is default, as a Canadian, citizen you receive XYZ, this, amount just, for being a Canadian citizen. How. Is your health you said you were you, know compromise, but I guess you've been locked down in your house are you feeling okay I'm. Feeling well. That's. A good decision and my congratulations okay well I hope we I hope you got some better information there, and. I hope you get what you need there from from the government and we appreciate hearing from you there's a lot of people out there like, you right now so good. Thoughts to you and your husband thanks Rebecca. All. Right let me go back to my colleagues magicapp Ellis and Catherine Cullen as we wait now for, the. Press conference the daily press conference from the Cavett. Akavit nineteen cabinet, committee and I should tell you that the Senate, I believe is, close, to voting now on. This legislation after, which of course it will receive, Royal Assent it, is good to put faces. I don't have about two minutes but it is good to put faces to these stories I mean lots people have been reaching out to all of us which, is which is one thing but to talk to people about how they're affected and and the very things that we think are are something. People need to think about and that for, for. Rebecca was certainly the timeline, here Vashi yeah. The timeline is gonna be so significant. And I think also there are still judging. By social, media right now and I know our inboxes, as well a lot, of questions coming from Canadians, still about okay I'm a student I don't have any opportunity, for do I qualified, like those qualification. Qualification rather, questions, are still really significant, I would urge them to continue, watching as various ministers start. Speaking publicly and those questions will be posed to them so the. Need is out there for more answers certainly about 30 seconds Katherine yeah, I just think the government said again today the prime minister said this is only the beginning and so the question is what, is going to come next not only to help people like Rebecca but other people who aren't caught up by, this program, but who are absolutely, caught out by this, outbreak Rosie ok, Vashi. And catherine thank you for your help with this part of our coverage we'll be back to you of course so the big news today, as. This legislation winds. Its way now, through the Senate making its way to into. Law by passage of Royal Assent later this afternoon. An 82 billion dollar financial aid package, but perhaps, most importantly, for those of you watching this, new Canada, emergency, response benefit, which will give.

Many, Many Canadians, access, to $2,000. A month for a 16, week period, you can look for more information, on the government's website when. It becomes available which, is one of the big questions how quickly can this money roll out so many of you waiting to. Pay some bills by the end of the month some more information as we get it I'm rosemary Barton this is our special coverage of the Cova 19 pandemic, you can continue watching on cbc news network and Streaming. Around the world i'm whisper garden thank you. Welcome, back to our special coverage of the cogut 19 pandemic, as we wait for our daily. Briefing, from cabinet, ministers, and public health officials, about, announcements. The Prime Minister made earlier, today and the state of the pandemic, in this country, I'll bring in boshy cappellas and the CBC's katherine cullen right now just to give us a sense of what we might hear here and then i wonder if i can get, to a couple people i have on the line who are stuck in peru because, this. Is of course the other part of the story so many Canadians trying to get home desperately. Vashi. Capella's what will you be wanting. To hear more about from the minister shortly, so, a couple of things first on what you just brought up I'll be interested to see if there are any updates on the specifics, of those flights that we know are supposed to be coming from places like Peru a whole host of other countries as well so I'm keen to see if there's a more specific timetable, for some of those flights I know so many of those Canadians, watching around the world right now are keen to find those answers as well the, second thing is on what we've been speaking about for the last hour and that is the government's, announcement that they've combined, the benefits basically, into one stream, a. Statistic. That Prime Minister put, out there just minutes ago that I think is worth flagging when it comes to this idea of when, will the money come how, fast, can it get into the hands of people who need it right now he, mentioned, and he'd already released this statistic, that nine hundred and twenty nine thousand, people applied for AI last week he said 1,300. Civil servants have been basically, redirected. To handle those well he said 13,000, but he meant 1,300, had, been redirected to help those claims. Get processed, but I believe the number he put out for the four how many had been processed, was about. 143, thousand, and I did some math which rarely happens but, but I did, it and I had other people check it just to make sure it was right because I'm often wrong but that's about 15 point four percent so, that's of regular, AI claims, in a system, that already exists, because the system is so overburdened. By a number it's never seen before I mean keep that in mind they are working tirelessly those. Civil servants to get that money out even in that system that exists, they've only been able to process 15%. Of the application, so I think you know let's find out what kind of system is going to you. Know handle this other benefit, how what measures have they put in place or do they plan to put in place to try and alleviate, some, of that procedural, stuff, and how, fast do they expect, that ten-day mark that the Prime Minister put out to be met because, even if you, know as we talk to our friend, Rebecca who, had had her own hair salon even if 2,000 bucks is not enough, it. Will keep people with, as she said a roof over their head and groceries, but you have to actually get it you can't be waiting another two three weeks so that's pretty. Critical Kathryn. I'll get your perspective before I go off to talk to a couple guests, certainly. Those questions about the mechanics, of how all of this is going to work you know the Prime Minister is taking this role of trying to be the sort of reassure, inch 'if if I can put it that way but, there will be questions for the cabinet ministers about the mechanics, itself how it's going to get done also a lot of the focus today has been on questions around financial, measures that's understandable, particularly, with this piece of legislation but, there are still of course outstanding questions rosemary about things like testing.

Canada Government. Officials keep saying they want to see more testing done we see the numbers jumping up day, in a


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