Understanding the Tesla Model S Front Motor

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Hello, I'm Professor John Kelly and  this is the weberauto YouTube channel   today we are going to look at the front-drive  unit and electric motor from a Tesla Model S.   now all of the all-wheel-drive Tesla  Model S versions up through 2018-2019   somewhere in that range use this same front  electric motor that we're going to look at today.   For 2019 at some point, I don't know exactly when  that changed maybe some of you do and can put   that in the comments but Tesla announced that  they would be putting a permanent magnet rotor   based electric motor in the front of the model s  and from what I can tell from reading and looking   at used parts on eBay the front motor that  they put in the model s is really the rear   motor from the Tesla Model 3 just put in  a different housing to fit in the model s   in the front now I could be wrong on that but  it sure looks suspiciously the same before we   dive into the front drive unit and electric motor  for the Model S, I want to show you all four rotors   from the electric motors of the model s and x and  then the Model 3 as well if you purchased a rear   wheel drive model s you receive the large rear  electric motor if you purchase an all-wheel-drive   model s then you've got two of basically the same  motor one in the rear and one in the front they're   in different housings but it's the same motor  has the same internal parts the same power ratings   if you got the performance version of the Model S in the all-wheel-drive then you had the large rear   induction motor in the rear and the small front  induction motor in the front and then for 2019   Model S you got the rear large electric induction  motor and a front permanent magnet motor so those   are the different combinations these three  rotors right here for the Model S and X now   if you get a Model 3 then you have the  rear motor is this has this rotor right here   which is a permanent magnet rotor and I'll have  a different video on that coming up and then in   the front you have this smaller much smaller than  the Model S induction motor in the Model 3. and i   don't know what they did in the Model Y yet from  what I've read and seen it's the same in the rear   and in the front, it just has a different rotor  design that doesn't have a copper core it uses an   aluminum core but i i need to get more information  on that that's just what i've seen and and read   so here are some additional photos showing you a  comparison of the tesla model s large electric   motor rotor and the rear electric motor rotor  and then here are some comparison photos showing   the Model 3 rear electric motor rotor to the model S performance electric motor rotor and the front   induction motors for the model s and the model  three okay I have completely disassembled   and cleaned all of the parts for the Tesla Model  S front-drive unit with the small electric motor   the empty housing here has a few things to  look at we've got places for three bearings   just like on the rear-drive unit that we looked  at a few months ago we have some holes right here   for the three-phase cables to go through from our  stator to the inverter on this side and then on   the other side this is where the inverter itself  connects there's a removable plug in the bottom   of the case that lets you go in and disconnect the  cables from the inverter to the stator assembly   this plug is normally bolted down and it has  this tamper-proof tape on the outside of it   that if you try to peel that off it'll show  that it has been removed and that may or may not   affect your warranty status depending on who's  doing the work okay so the front-drive unit   needs a differential to allow the front wheels  to turn at different speeds when you turn corners   this uses just an open style differential which  means that there's nothing to try to force the   wheels to turn the same speed there's no pro posit  traction or limited-slip or anything like that   the vehicle does have traction  control where it uses the brakes   to act like a limited-slip differential but  there's nothing in the differential itself   to act like that now I wanted to compare the front  drive unit differential to the rear-drive unit   so let's bring in the one that  we had in the previous video   and we'll do a comparison here so the rear-drive  unit has a 213 millimeter diameter ring gear   that's 50 millimeters thick the front-drive unit  has the same 213 millimeter diameter ring gear   but this one is only 40 millimeters  thick so it's 10 millimeters less I had several people ask why is the ring  gear so big and why are these bearings   from SKF so big on these differentials and  it's because of the torque multiplication   if that takes place with gear reduction if we have  an electric motor that produces all of that torque   and then you run it through gear reduction the the  torque delivered to the axle shafts the cv shafts   and the tires is basically your motor torque  multiplied by the gear reduction gear ratio   okay so the bearings must be large to be able to  handle that amount of torque the gears must be   large because all of that torque is transferred  one tooth at a time so if you're transferring   all of that torque you need a big tooth  gear tooth to be able to transfer that   the front electric motor on the tesla model s  isn't as powerful as the rear motor so we can   get away with a little bit thinner of a ring  gear they both are bolted down with 16 bolts   and yes I made a mistake in my previous  video and I apologize to Nissan leaf   people and those that caught my mistake I said  that the ring gear on the Nissan Leaf was   only bolted down with six bolts I was wrong it's  eight bolts I knew it was eight I don't know why   I said six but anyway I apologize so we've got 16  on the front of the Tesla Model S 16 on the rear   pretty much the same bearings. this bearing here  is 100 millimeters by 25 by 45 this is the exact   same bearing these are the skf explorer series  precision bearings made for high speed operation   the front will be only rotating at 1877 RPM  at the top vehicle speed of 155 miles an hour   and that is very close it's  actually it's a little faster   than the 1841 rpm that the rear motor would  spin at okay you might be wondering how   how does the front-drive unit end up spinning  faster than the rear-drive unit if you look at   these photographs here of the tires and tire  sizes from our performance model s you can see   that the rear tires have a tire size of a 265  35 zr21 and that gives them a diameter of 28.3  

inches or 718.8 millimeters if you look at the  photograph of the front tire and tire size here   you can see that it has a tire size of a 245  35 zr21 so these both tires use 21-inch wheels   but the shorter tire in the front with the  245 size is only 27.75 inches tall or 704.8   millimeters tall that means the front tires  are 14 millimeters shorter than the rear tires   which means that they will spin faster okay  so let's get this rear-drive unit differential   out of the way and we'll take our front drive  unit differential and set it down in the case there we go the ring gear here has 79 teeth on  it compared to the 78 teeth of the rear-drive   unit that we looked at in the previous video okay  here's the countershaft for this front-drive unit   it has a counter driven gear with 77 teeth  on it and it has the pinion drive gear for   our ring gear over here with 21 teeth and  the 21 teeth driving the 79 teeth of the   ring gear gives us a gear reduction between the  counter drive gear and the ring gear of 3.7619  

to 1. now just a quick comparison of the rear  drive unit performance motor countershaft   to the smaller front-drive unit you  can see they're very similar   the bearing on the front unit the SKF bearing on  the front unit is a smaller bearing but it has the   same rating as the other one over there this side  of the bearing is the locating bearing it has this   plate that bolts it into the case and holds it  in place so as the gear expands and contracts   and any force from the beveled teeth that we have  here on the gear pushing it one way or the other   is held in place the shaft is held in place  with this bracket here so this counter   shaft at the top speed of the vehicle is only  spinning at 7063 rpm which is well within the   limitations of the bearings on this shaft  here there's another bearing down in the   the housing here that this is  going to sit down into and drive our final drive here so that's two of the three  main moving parts inside of this drive unit   the next one that we need to look at is the  shaft the counter drive gear that drives the   counter driven gear here and that's the one  that connects to the electric motor rotor   so let's bring that in here next okay so this  gear right here on the end of the electric motor   rotor is what drives our counter driven gear but  before we get into that let's just do a comparison   of the front electric motor rotor to the  rear electric motor rotor these are both   induction motor or induction machines and  these are both copper core they're very heavy   this front one weighs 19.3 kilograms or  42.6 pounds the rear one weighs 27.58   kilograms or 60.8 pounds this rear induction  rotor has 74 bars going between the shorting   bars at the end here this one has 70 instead  of the 74 so it's a little bit smaller diameter   the front motor is 164 millimeters in diameter  or 6.46 inches the rear motor is 194 millimeters  

in diameter or 7.64 inches let's see what is that  30 millimeters larger diameter on the rear motor   and then for length we have 131.6 millimeters  or 5.18 inches compared to 154.8 millimeters so   about a 23-millimeter length difference or 6.9  inches on the rear rotor here they both have   maximum torque pretty close to the same rpm the  rear motor has its maximum torque at 5630 rpm and   the front motor has it at 5573 but keep in mind  these have different size tires on them so at what   vehicle speed are those peak torque rpms actually  met okay let's take a look at the power ratings   and some other things for these rotors here  for the front induction motor, it's rated at 190   kilowatts or 259 horsepower and the same motor  that's in the rear of the all-wheel-drive model s   non-performance versions has the exact same  specifications uh it will put out uh 331 newton   meters of torque or 244 foot-pound-force of torque  by comparison uh we have 370 kilowatts on the   rear motor 190 kilowatts here so a little less  than double the power on the rear motor versus   the front for the torque we have 636 newton  meters on the rear versus 331 on the front so   a little less than double the torque so a  very high-performance induction motor on the rear   you might call it a low-performance induction  motor on the front but it's not low performance at   all it still has 190 kilowatts 259 horsepower and  there's two of these you got one in the rear also   so you still have 518 horsepower on an all-wheel  drive model s that's not even the performance   version and that's more horsepower and more  combined torque 662-newton meters of torque   than most performance cars have  that's it's just incredible all right   we talked about uh the  gear or the gear ratios so   this rotor here will have to spin 9.3441 times  for every rotation of the tire on the vehicle   the rear motor has to spin faster at 9.7344  rotations of the rotor to one revolution  

of the tire and then the at the top speed 250  kilometers per hour 17 542 rpm on the front   with the shorter tires 17 919 on the rear  with the taller tires all right this rotor has a reluctor wheel here on the end for the speed  sensor that sits in the case right next to the   inverter it's right under the inverter cover  and so we've got a speed sensor right here   that's going to fit right over this and it's  going to measure not only the rotational speed   but the direction is it spinning forward or is  it spinning backward here on the rotor itself   this is a press on reluctor wheel and so I've  pulled it off of there so before I set this   rotor and shaft back into the case over here  let's talk about the specialized bearings   that are in this transmission as with the rear  drive unit with the special skf bearings this   rotor also has some specialized bearings and  so does the countershaft and the final   drive differential unit differential case there  this bearing here on this end is a conductive   deep groove ball bearing the explorer series  SKF bearing but on the other side of the shaft   we have an electrically insulated ceramic bearing   and yes in my previous video I  said that silicon nitride bearings   weren't ceramic I was wrong I admit it I was wrong  and thanks for the feedback and anytime I'm wrong   I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong I do  my best to try to make sure that I'm not wrong but   I'm only human I messed things up too so anyway  this is from what I can tell the exact same   bearing that's on the rotor for the rear drive  unit except it's not sealed it doesn't have   its own lubrication put into it this actually has  the lubrication from this drive unit sprayed on it   constantly while the vehicle is moving and so this  rotor unlike the front rotor this rotor spins in a   wet environment it's not totally submerged but it  is in a wet environment unlike the rear one that   was in a totally dry environment this rotor is  cooled by lubricant being sprayed on it the stator   is cooled by the lubricant being sprayed on it  and through it and so it's just a different design   i don't think this one gets as hot as the rear one  did because it doesn't have as much power we're   not inducing as much current into this induction  rotor as we can in the performance versions   of that rear large motor so we have an insulating  bearing on one side a conducting bearing on the   other side and then we also have here on the  end of the housing that the rotor fits in   we have these little brushes right there  you see those brushes yeah right there   those are conductive little strands and  it's actually called a shaft grounding ring   with conductive filaments now I cannot see a brand  name on this and I apologize to the manufacturer   of this part, if I say that somebody else did  it and in fact it was you but I searched   the internet and the only one I could  find that looked anything like this   is made by a company called AEGIS, AEGIS  and they make a whole bunch of different   grounding rings and this particular one  right here that I've highlighted in yellow looks just like this one here but  it doesn't have a brand name on it   and a shaft grounding ring is there to  do exactly what it sounds like   it's going to ground that shaft electrically  ground it so these all these little brushes here   are in constant contact with this rotor here so  that saves the bearings if we had two conductive   bearings then that would give us a complete path  through the shaft through the housing back through   the shaft and we would get arcing and pitting of  the bearings and they would destroy themselves   over time and so the shaft grounding rings are  there to make sure that it does not do that   so let's take this rotor now and put  it in the drive unit housing over here we've got our rotor our induction rotor here   that is going to spin with its 31 teeth and  drive the 77 teeth of the counter driven gear   that will give us a gear ratio between the  electric motor and the counter driven gear of 2.4838 to 1. and then its 21 teeth will drive  the 79 teeth of the ring gear and give us a   gear reduction of 3.7619 to 1. so if we take both  of those gear ratios and multiply them together   the 2.48381 from the rotor to the counter driven  gear from the counter driven gear to the ring gear   of 3.7619 we end up with an overall gear ratio  of 9.3441 to one so we have to rotate this rotor   9.3441 rotations before we get one rotation of  your tire here and so here on our differential  

case we have our side gears and our differential  pinions on one side of the front-drive unit from   the bottom side we have a CV half shaft that  goes out to let's see that would be the driver's   side so that would be the left  front tire the right front tire on this model has   an additional shaft here called the jackshaft  that slides into the side gear   and extends out as a certain dimension I  haven't measured it but what that allows us to   have is equal-length CV half shafts on the front  of this car and that will help reduce torque steer   under heavy acceleration so that's the purpose of  this jackshaft right here okay so in the first   part of the video we've just talked about the  gears but then we've also talked about how fast   this rotor and these bearings have to rotate and  so we've talked about the special SKF bearings   a special design for these tesla motors and if  you go to the SKF website you can download a catalog   they also have an app for their bearings where  you can look up the specs on them and you can   see some data in the screenshots here showing  the maximum RPM recommended for these bearings   without doing something special, well tesla does  something special with these bearings to make sure   that they can withstand higher RPMs than their  mechanical speed limit okay let's talk about the   lubrication system on this front-drive unit  this unit sits in the front of the vehicle   kind of on a tilt very much like this to where  this flat spot right up here where there's a heat   exchanger to cool the transmission fluid would sit  pretty much level maybe just slightly tilted we   have a gear-driven oil pump right here some sort  of a nylon plastic-type gear that is going to be   driven right off the teeth of that 213 millimeter  ring gear that your axle cv half shafts connect to   and move the vehicle down the road the pump  has an inlet arrow right here and it comes over   to a fluid screen, I took this out and took  it apart it just has a little metal screen   inside of it and so think of this as the bottom  area of the transmission where the fluid is going   to be accumulating and on the other side here  there is a fluid drain plug that would be down   towards the bottom of the housing with  it installed in the vehicle and then there's a   fluid fill plug right up here now one thing  I read in the instructions on changing this   fluid is that unlike differentials and some  other transmissions and drive units and so on   you don't keep adding fluid through the  fill plug until it starts coming out because   that will overfill this unit so here's the  fill plug right here and this is approximately the   angle it's sitting in the vehicle if we filled it  up with fluid right there the everything would be   submerged in oil which we don't want and so it  gives us an exact specification for the amount   of fluid going into the front-drive unit  and it has a warning here it says   use exactly the specified amount of fluid  do not fill to the top of the fill plug   and so the fluid that goes in here and yes  in my previous video, I embarrassed myself   by saying it was not Dexron VI transmission  fluid in this drive unit prior to a certain   drive unit part number uh it is not Dexron VI.  it's a Mobile SHC 629 which I've looked up if   you look at that up on the internet it's a special  uh high-quality PAO based synthetic gear lube   and it's intended for applications where  the fluid wouldn't be changed very often   and could last a very long time well that  was for drive units with the part number of   1035000-00-F and earlier  and so if we look at this drive unit part number   right here on this 2016, it is the F unit and so  that's one of the reasons I initially said these   didn't have decks run in them because the fluid  that came out of this was orange and Dexron is red   and it was a strange kind of an orange color  and I wasn't sure exactly what it was but   if you have a model j or higher then it says  to use Dexron VI automatic transmission fluid   and since the fluid that it's  replacing is a high quality   PAO based synthetic fluid you don't want to go buy  the cheapest universal Dexron fluid you can find   this has to be licensed Dexron VI automatic  transmission fluid and if you don't think   it makes a difference I've got some videos on  transmission fluid differences and specifications   that you really need to look at and then see  what you think so yeah it uses Dexron VI   on probably I would say the let's see this is 2016. it's got to be somewhere in the 2017   maybe and above range that they went to  Dexron VI but anyway it can be the previous   previous fluid so if we follow the output of  this pump here, it pumps fluid up and it's going   to go to five different things and so the first  place that it goes is through this little tube   right here as you can see in the photo and that's  going to spray lubricant over here on this rotor's   bearing and gear so the drive gear with the 31  teeth and that bearing down there that has to   support this rotor spinning at 17,542 RPM at  the maximum vehicle speed that bearing needs   constant lubrication to be able to withstand  the higher speeds that it might rotate at because   at the higher speeds the bearing gets hot the ball  bearings themselves expand and these are special   expanded clearance or in larger clearance  bearings made to expand just a little bit it's   in it's in micrometers that it expands but  it does expand um and so it allows for uh   that expansion to take place so that's one of the  five places it goes the second place is it comes   up through this hole right here and goes into a  transmission oil cooler a heat exchanger and so   we have coolant coming in one of these ports here  i don't know which one it is i couldn't figure it   out so it's in one and out the other but there's  coolant on these two holes and transmission fluid   that comes in on this one and out on this one  and there are four holes in the bottom of this   transmission heat exchanger that looks very much  like the heat exchanger portion of a chiller   that is used to cool the coolant that is  running through this so on the front of   the Model S there's a chiller that looks  just like this hanging down in the front   it's probably 20 millimeters taller and has  air conditioning refrigerant running through it   to remove the heat from the coolant that goes  through it and so this is a heat exchanger   to get the heat from the transmission fluid into  the uh coolant and then there's another heat   exchanger to transfer the heat from the coolant  into the refrigerant and then that goes up to the   two condensers in the front of the  car and is radiated out and blown out   with convection heat transfer into the air and  some might argue on cold days if we're heating   the battery that we could also run heat through  the heat exchanger here to help warm up these   gearboxes I don't know if that actually  happens I still need to investigate that   further all right so there's two places we  we feed lubricant to this bearing and gear   on the rotor bearing that needs lots of  lubrication but the other one needs lubrication   too so the fluid comes through the heat exchanger  and goes down and out this hole right here there's   a hole right here where this housing that has the  conductive filaments in it to ground the rotor   has this long tube right here  that's going to fit into that hole so it's going to be like this  and if you look at this tube here   it has a whole bunch of little holes in it can you  see those holes let's see that is called a sparge   pipe according to some feedback I received from  users in my or viewers in my previous video   a sparge pipe. it's going to going to spray cooled transmission fluid down on top of   the stator assembly and then it has its own drip  channels right here to run down onto the windings   on the end of the stator assembly so this is the  third place that transmission   fluid goes and this is after it's been cooled it's  cooled down so we're using the cooler transmission   fluid to try to cool the stator that gets really  hot and then inside of this housing this pipe   makes kind of a u-turn and comes back right  here and sprays as you can see in this photo uh   on this rear bearing over here on the stator  the silicon nitride non-conductive bearing   is what it's spraying its oil on okay and then the  last thing that that fluid feeds I take that back   there are two more things that the fluid feeds so  there are six places that that fluid goes we have   a drip channel right here as you can see in this  photograph there's little holes in the bottom of   this where it drips transmission fluid down onto  the front windings of our stator assembly and   then we have an inner spray nozzle right here  that sprays on the rotor itself so a complex   lubrication system it's especially important  for these two bearings on this rotor that has   to spin clear up to the 17,542 RPM those bearings  have got to be kept cool and well lubricated   so make sure you've got the right good quality  transmission fluid and then make sure that   you fill it only with the prescribed  amount of fluid which I never gave you   for the transmission front small drive unit it  takes 1750 milliliters or 1.8 quarts for the   small unit in the rear it takes 2250 milliliters  or 2.4 quarts now you might be thinking why does   the rear small unit take more than the front small  unit the rear small unit has a remote mounted heat exchanger, it's not bolted right to the  drive unit itself I don't think there's room so   they put it off to the side there and then for the  rear drive unit the great big performance one   it's 1400 milliliters or 1.5 quarts of fluid so  we've talked about the gears we've talked about  

the rotor we've talked about the lubrication  we've talked about the bearings the last   things we need to look at are the electronics  involved here the electrical components okay   this is the stator assembly for this front motor  and I assume for the rear small motor as well   this is a three-phase four-pole stator it has 48  slots inside of it and if you remember the rotor   itself has 70 bars and so this is an induction  motor we're going to run three-phase current   through these three windings here three sets of  windings here and induce current into the rotor   which produces its own electromagnetic field that  is attracted to and repelled by the magnetic field   in the stator here which makes it rotate and  they can change the speed of the motor by   changing the frequency of the signal applied to it  they can change the torque that the motor produces   by changing the amount of current going through it  in relation to the timing of where the rotor   is within the stator itself this stator assembly  weighs 23.7 kilograms or 52.25 pounds it's very   heavy the windings themselves the three-phase  windings I took my Hioki milli-ohm meter   and measured the resistance of these three  windings and I measured 13.7 approximately   milli-ohms of resistance so  that's 13.7 thousandths of one ohm  

per winding, I had 13.7 on one 13.68 13.52  all in this 13.5 to 13.7 milliohm range   now by comparison the milliohm resistance of the  rear drive unit the performance rear-drive unit   they're only 5.5 milliohms so almost three  times less so very low resistance very high   currents to induce high amounts of current into  the induction rotor to give us a lot of torque a   lot of power one thing that I'm picking up about  induction motors because I am certainly no expert   on them is that you can make these motors  be very high performance by just running   more current through the stator increasing  the voltage running more current through it   and inducing more current into the rotor assembly  but then you've got a problem of everything gets   hot you got to keep it cool and so on so the  induction motors seem to be the performance   type motors that are out there but as  you've probably seen in other videos in red   they're not quite as efficient as the permanent  magnet synchronous reluctance motors or just   plain permanent magnet motors that have been out  there for quite a long time, I think the reason   that we still have an induction motor either in  the rear or the front of these teslas is there   because it is a performance motor and the internal  permanent magnet synchronous reluctance motors   that are either in the front on the tesla model  s or the rear on the Tesla Model 3 and why   those are the efficient ones and I'm  curious, I don't know I'm still trying   to find out as you drive down the road does  it use both front and rear motors equally   or let's say if you are just cruising at a freeway  speed and you have a permanent magnet style motor does it run on that alone or mostly on that  to increase the battery range that they're   getting here that's what I suspect I haven't  been able to prove it yet but I'm working on   that so I think they're giving us the best of  both worlds we have the induction motors for the   super high performance combined with really good  performance from the permanent magnet ones but   the permanent magnet ones give us a little  better battery range because of their efficiency   and so anyway just some thoughts I have no proof  on it but as soon as I uh can I'm going to try to   get data from our Model S as we drive to see  what is the split between the front and the rear   and if any of you know that information if you've  experimented on your own car you've got scan tool   access or other means of grabbing those PIDs  those data's off the can line there let me know   when you're cruising is it mostly the permanent  magnet motor that's propelling you or is it both   I'm very curious to find out okay so this stator  assembly these three-phase cables right here   are powered by the inverter assembly right  here and some of you may recognize this   from the video that I did on all the  high power high voltage electronics   uh on the vehicle and what I should have said is  the high power connections between all the   high voltage components but this is the inverter  and the inverter has our dc power coming in from   the battery right here we have a negative  and positive terminal connection right there   and then we have our three-phase ac current  going out right there power applied to   these three phases three-phase cables right  here on the stator assembly and so that's the   connection between the inverter assembly and the  stator the inverter is in control of the current   and the voltage and the frequency at the stator  itself now this inverter assembly is liquid-cooled   as you can see here we have a coolant fitting  right there and another coolant fitting right   there one is the inlet one is the outlet there's  a heat sink in here there's a vent right there we have our low voltage electrical  connection right here our data   connection our logic connection right there that  are inputs we've got serial data can data there'll   be other inputs such as throttle position and  and rear motor speed and brake pedal position and   other pieces of data that are needed to control  the front motor I'm curious if somebody   put the same size tire all the way around on a  vehicle that was intended for different size tires   I suspect it will work just fine but somehow  it's got a learn that pick that up have any of   you done that, have you taken off the two different  size tires and just put on the single size tires   and what effect did it have if  any oh one other thing the stator   has a temperature sensor and as you can  see from these two broken wires right here   as i was removing the stator from the housing  that it bolts to right here i accidentally   yank on these wires and broke them so there's you  can see a little tiny piece of the wire sticking   out right there but there's a temperature  sensor inside the stator looks like just   a single one with the two wires here monitoring  the temperature of the stator windings themselves   all those drip channels that we looked at the  drip oil down onto the stator that's on to   these windings of copper wire right here and  then the stator frame right here is where all the   holes in this pipe right here would be dripping  fluid down onto that and cooling it also   one last thing the stator as you can see is  open and exposed unlike the stator on the uh rear   drive unit from the previous video and that  stator actually sits inside of a big housing so this housing right here goes over  the stator and it sits right here on the transmission case and so if I lift that  off the first time I lifted this off I saw   this stator right here there's two locating  pins or two alignment pins right there that   line up with a hole right here and a hole on the  other side and so this stator fits right down in   and lines up with those pins and then  this cap right here fits right here   on top of the stator assembly and then this  housing fits over the top of that and so this   housing had oil in it and it's a complete  kind of oil bath it's not submerged but there's   certainly transmission fluid that's in there  for cooling and lubrication here on this model   and as I said I'm almost positive from what  I've seen in pictures of used rear drive units   of the small motor design but it's the  same thing on the rear I could be wrong   if any of you know exactly what the rear motor  is internally I mean does it look just like this   is it is it the same it's just in a different  housing i'd be curious to know if that's the case   I'm still looking for a front electric motor  for the 2019 and above Tesla Model S to see if   it really is the same as the rear motor on the  Tesla Model 3 from what I can tell it is but   I guess we'll see obviously if any of  you know if I'm wrong or not let me know in the   comments as well okay well we've looked at a lot  of things here on this tesla model s front motor   I know it's a long video but there's a lot  a lot to it it's very interesting to look at   and explore and I really enjoy that if you feel  that you've benefited from these videos that   I produce please consider a donation to the  Weber State Automotive Technology Department   there is a donation link at the  bottom of the video description   for those of you who have donated thank you very  much for your donations I greatly appreciate those   and we are going to put that money to great  use here you'll be able to see additional   videos and comp of components that we would not  be able to afford uh without that and I greatly   appreciate that so once again from weber state  university thanks for watching have a good day


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