WATCH LIVE CBC Vancouver News at 6 for August 21 — Berry Trial Oppenheimer Park Seal Hunt

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You. Tonight on CBC, Vancouver news. The. Rest of my stuff didn't game. Deadline. Day people, living in tents in a Vancouver, Park are forced to leave but will they also, a. BC. Father on trial, denies, killing, his daughters, and her, bury says the family was attacked and. It's. Pathetic what's. Going on something's. Got to be done, Nicole. To allow seal and sea lion hunting, in BC, and why the DFO, isn't, on board. This. Is CBC. Vancouver. News. Good. Evening a BC father on trial for the murder of his two daughters is, denying, he, killed them back on Christmas, Day nearly two years ago the, CBC's, estefania, Duran is at BC Supreme Court, where today Andrew, berry testified. For the first time in his own defense. Not. Responsible. For the deaths of six-year-old Chloe and four-year-old, Aubrey that's the stance Andrew, Barry has taken at his second-degree, murder, trial. He's, also denying he tried to kill himself, instead. Berry says he was brutally, attacked in his apartment in oak Bay that Christmas, Day in 2017. And, when, he regained consciousness he found his daughters had been stabbed to death the. Defense is blaming a gambling, addiction which, it states dates back to the 90s, Barry, owed more than 25-thousand. Dollars in gambling debts to loan sharks and as, part of an arrangement, to pay back that money court. Heard Barry had agreed to keep a package, in his apartment and had, given his spare keys to men associated with, a loan chart and speaking. About the relationship. Barry had with his daughters, he, teared up until. The jury he would play with them all the time and go camping, together Barry. Testified, he and his daughters played in the snow for hours that Christmas, morning and when. They came back to the apartment in, the afternoon, he was attacked in the bathroom, the proceedings, have been tense at times interrupted. By frequent, objections, and the defense has suggested. The crown witnesses, have manipulated the evidence, for the jury's benefit, today. Marked the first day of the defense's, case almost, four months after the trial started, estefania Doran, CBC, News Vancouver. Well. Just a few minutes ago the deadline, to pack up and leave past, four people illegally, camping in Vancouver's, oppenheimer. Park an eviction, order was issued on, Monday for tonight, Mike, clean was there all day but as he reports, not, all the tents, are gone, so. You've got a space they've got a space for it yes, how. Long you been here. Yeah. Boomerang. As, he's called here, is on the move you must be happy to hear leaving. I, think personally. I got my own face I'm happy about that, he's. Packing up leaving. Oppenheimer parked for a single room unit in this hotel in East Vancouver. The city says boomerang, is one of about 75, people here have accepted, offers to move into, safe and stable accommodation.

Robbie. Thomas, has also found a place to go. But. With the eviction deadline, passed dozens. Of people are still camping, illegally, in the park some, refusing, to leave others. Waiting, for help finding, a place to live you see housing admits it won't be able to find a permanent home for everyone, here for those who may be recently, arrived, or, who have just shown, up on site today or yesterday we. Can't make, any kind of a commitment at this point as to the amount of housing stock that would still be available for them some. Housing advocates, say there have been unintended. Consequences. Resulting. From the strategy of finding, and renovating, units specifically. For Oppenheimer Park tenters these, hundred units have been stockpiled, over months, meaning, that people. Outside of the park who, could have been housed for months who were homeless, could have been housed for months have not been because, they've been held in stockpile for this time so, that the city could then do this big show. Of having, a hundred units and housing, a whole bunch of people all at once those, optics, for campers like Robbie Thomas, don't, matter time, to leave though yeah. Pack up the rest of my stuff in there. As. I mentioned my clean has been there all day and we will have more from him at often heimer park later in the show he's, going to be looking at the perception, that the area has reached a tipping point a, man. Has been charged, in the death of a 19, year old woman in Delta, last summer. Police, arrested, 44, year old couch, N last, Friday for impaired, driving causing, death the, crash happened, on June 2nd, of last year, and killed Olivia, Malcolm, Malcolm, and her friend had pulled over on the side of the road and got out to look for something in the truck while, searching they, were allegedly hit, by Chen's Jeep, Malcolm. Was killed by the impact, and her friend suffered non-life-threatening, injuries, Chen, has been released on a number of conditions, including, not operating, a vehicle or being intoxicated, in public he. Will appear in court near, the end of September. Southwest. Marine Drive was closed for much of the day after a car, slammed into a pole during. This morning's, commute only. One vehicle a silver, Honda was involved, in the crash a driver, was taken to hospital with, serious injuries, Southwest. Marine Drive is closed, between baklava, and Blenheim, while, police investigate. The cause of the crash it's, expected, to reopen this evening in the meantime police say Transit, buses are being allowed through but drivers should avoid area, and, a. Stretch of 12th Avenue reopened. This afternoon ahead of schedule left, are being closed to traffic for weeks while crews replaced a water main, construction. Began back in July and shut down four blocks of the busy commuter corridor, between Kings Way and Fraser the city, said the water main was in critical condition, a number of leaks earlier this year forced. The replacement, earlier than planned the, city's goal was, for the work to be finished by Labor Day long weekend, but instead the road reopened, this afternoon new.

Water Main is expected, to last 100. Years. Seven. Of the workers arrested, at Vancouver's, Hastings, racecourse. Faced, hearings, today to decide, if they can stay in Canada the. Men were arrested during, a surprise raid at the racetrack early, on Monday horse. Owners say they are foreign, workers, who groom and care for the horses counsel, for one of the workers said in the hearing his client had obtained what, he thought was a real registration. Card that allowed him to work, people. Were under, the impression that they, were working, with, the license and they had license, to work at the racetrack, and, someone. Provided, that license, to them they pay for the license, and they were under the impression that they who were following all the rules. Authorities. Believe the registration, cards were copied, and altered, by an employee of the gaming policy, enforcement, branch that, person, is currently under investigation, a. Vancouver. Masseur has been criminally, charged, after a woman, claims she was sexually assaulted, in her downtown, home last week police, believe the masseur uses. An app to find and book clients, CBC Vancouver news at 11:00 host Denver it joins us live now with more Dan, what allegedly happened between these two, Anita police say the woman contacted them, after she hired a masseur for a treatment at her home on August. 14th. The BPD says they believe the accused 33. Year-old Alexander, var follow-me, was, himself employed. And used an app called soothe to book clients, then go to their homes to provide that treatment now, police say he has been charged, with sexual, assault and the company behind soothe, has, been cooperating, with police this. Angel is no longer no longer going to be working with that app worth vice-versa. The the app is no longer going to use this person as. A as, a massage therapist. Laura. Followme has been released on a number of conditions, he can't provide any massage, services, or physical, therapy to anyone. This, afternoon B C's college of massage therapist, told CBC, News VAR fall of efj was, not registered, with it anita denver, live for us tonight thank you, an. Urgent call tonight on the federal government to open up the commercial, seal hunt a group, of First Nation leaders says the marine mammals, are having a big impact on, coastal, salmon, stocks but, as John Hernandez reports, some scientists.

Say A sealed harvest could do more harm than good, it's. Pathetic what's. Going on. So. Something's. Got to be done HIDA elder Roy Jones jr. is, on a mission, dressed in seal hide he's sending, a message to Fisheries, and Oceans Canada if we don't start managing, the seal and sea lion we're in serious trouble. We. Cannot, continue, with the, road department of Fisheries and Oceans, on they, haven't, managed, period. These. Documents, signed by indigenous, leaders, and fishing companies are urging, the DFO, to open up the commercial seal and sea lion hunt it's, been closed for about 40 years along, the BC coast, proponents. Say the marine mammals are feasting, on struggling, salmon, stocks we feel that we could greed roughly. About 4,000. Jobs in our coastal, communities in, the, BC coast and the long term benefit. Is our, children, their grandchildren and. Great-grandchildren. We'll. Hopefully. The. Having salmon on their dinner plates. Studies. Suggest there, are about 100,000. Seals and sea lions along, the BC coast the, Pacific balance pinnipeds Society says the animals have become pests, a commercial, fisherman members. Argue the marine mammals could be harvested, sustainably with, their hides and meat sold overseas to markets in Asia but, not everyone, in the scientific, community is on board my, biggest concern, is what's, gonna happen to the rest of the ecosystem marine. Researcher, Andrew Trites says there could be unintended. Consequences. Mainly, transient, killer whales rely, heavily on seals, for food. And. For purpose, so, some people can make money so some people can a sell, it to is meat to China or high-end, restaurants, in San Francisco, there are more transient, killer whales in the Salish, Sea than, there have been in decades that's, the big reason why the DFO, is hesitating, to open the seal fishery, but officials, say they are reviewing, proposals for, a commercial hunt for. Now indigenous, communities are allowed to hunt them for food and ceremonies. John, Hernandez CBC, News Vancouver. Construction. Of the trans mountain pipeline, expansion, is getting underway again work, will start right away at the West Ridge Marine Terminal in Burnaby meanwhile, the federally, owned company, is telling contractors. To get ready to head back to work on sections, of the pipeline in other areas, as the, CBC is Rocky butch Canyon, reports, trans mountain plans to have shovels in the ground starting. Next month. Ottawa. Says today is the day after multiple, delays trans, Mountain has issued, directives, to multiple.

Companies Such as sa, energy right here in Edmonton to, start, hiring they've, got 30 days to hire employees and. Then. They'll begin the work on some segments, of the trans mountain, pipeline, of, course, it took, a long time to, get. Here the project, has been delayed, by Court decisions, Ottawa, bought the trans mountain pipeline, for 4.5, billion, dollars and the. Opposition, points. Out that today's announcement is coming right before, a federal election. Now here's what Natural Resources, Minister. A Madrid so he had to say about that it, is unfortunate. That. That. Some. Politicians do. Try to politicize, these. Decisions. We, took the necessary time. And we did the hard work to get to the to, the conclusion, and we made the decision to. Approve, this project the, companies themselves are, eager, to get to work we've. Been committed to this project for the last three and a half years we, are vested you can see we have equipment parked here ready to go we have people, who are anxious to go to work, where. We are all in to get this project built trans, mountain, says it's received, the majority, of the permits, it needs to complete the pipeline, Ottawa. Expects, trans mountain to be up and running by mid 2022. That's, despite. The fact that there, are still, six, indigenous, groups that have gone to court again, in BC, over the controversial, project. Refugee. Canyon CBC News Edmonton. Kinder. Morgan Canada is being, sold just, one year after the, federal government bought the trans mountain pipeline from the company calgary. Based Pembina pipeline, corporation, has signed a deal to buy Kinder Morgan Canada, that, includes both the Canadian and US portions, of the cochin pipeline, the, 4.35 billion-dollar deal also includes, Vancouver wharves which is a bulk storage and export-import business today. Pembina, CEO was non-committal, when asked if that company would. Consider buying the trans mountain pipeline a. Victoria. Man charged with abducting. His four-year-old, daughter and, leaving her in Indonesia, has, been arrested, Brent, Erskine, was picked out by Victoria, International. Airport when he returned to Canada on Monday police, alleged on June 30th, erskine took his daughter Samantha, to Vancouver. As part of a vacation agreement, with the child's mother the. Two are no longer together when, a child wasn't returned to her mother a week, later she got worried and contacted, police, they say erskine took Samantha to Jakarta, Indonesia where. He dropped her off with, her maternal grandparents. Now, police are working to bring Samantha, home. Thank. You VORs Michelle Lee U is set to make history at the Canadian, Women's Open, she's, just 12 years old and she's going to be the youngest, golfer ever to play in the championship and a protic accomplishment. Into perspective Leo is just. Heading in to grade eight she was born in, 2006. Aarthi pol explains, how she came, so far so, fast. That's. Right the four but the drive the, focus, it's. All part of the winning recipe that, makes Vancouver, native Michelle you know ordinary, 8th grader, lined, up on the range with people who in some cases are, twice her age on Thursday. Leo makes her debut at Canada's most prestigious. Golf tournament, for women held, in Aurora Ontario I'm, definitely very excited a little. Bit nervous -, it's definitely a highlight, I'd say in my golfing career a short. Career so far but, an impressive, one already, she's won two Junior, World Championships. It all, started at age six the, putting prodigy, went to a golf camp with her older sister.

But She was in thinking this far ahead. At. Six, I don't. Remember, that were like that, much but I'd say and, I definitely thought it was very interesting because, if there was a ball there, was a club. By. Age seven, Michelle, was swinging like a pro, her, coach has been training aspiring, golf pros for 28. Years, all, of those 28 years have. You brought a 12 year old to a professional tournament no. This. Is a first he's been training Michelle for six years foot. Back more there's something special about, Michelle. She's. Very strong-willed. She has a bad shot you can leave it alone and move on to the next shot one, of the players Michelle has been following closely, defending. Champ Brook Henderson, she, qualified, for the Canadian Open when she was just 14 back, in 2012, I think I feel a little bit of nervous, meanwhile. Michelle's, mom is, all nerves and, excitement she says, for Thursday's, first round Michelle will have an international. Audience her. Grandma. Will come from China, and her dad it will come and her. Best. Friend and while, they remain focused on Michelle, the extraordinary, 12 year old will keep her eye on the, ball Aarthi, poll CBC News Aurora, Ontario. Right. You were just as good of a golfer at 12 years old right wish. I could have been that good I am seriously, impressed by her abilities, right there. Yes. Now it was definitely, a bit, of a wet day I know yesterday I've been calling for showers, and I think a lot of you maybe got rain, instead there's a subtle difference there, it did come down fairly, heavy at times this morning and that really had a huge impact on our temperatures. I wanted to show you what we're currently looking at right now all across the Lower Mainland, notably, right now Vancouver, Airport 19, degrees this is the warmest, that it has been all day most of the day hovering, right around 15, or 16, and I'll be honest I'm a little grateful for my jacket right now standing, outside here, the rain has stopped actually right now we're just dealing with a little bit of cloud at the moment though that rain was coming in bursts especially, later on this the afternoon for places like abbotsford, and into the Fraser Valley question. Is though is that going to be continuing, are we gonna get any more rain the, answer is no probably, not there's gonna be the risk for a slight shower coming up but instead it is just a temperature story overnight, we are gonna be going down to around 15, degrees largely, a little cooler toward Surrey, but then tomorrow those temperatures, are gonna be quite comfortable once again back into the low 20s and that Sun will make a return to all. Right Brett we'll talk to you soon thanks. Volunteer. Trail, builders, in the Fraser Valley say, they're the subject of a crackdown from, the province, as, the CBC's Rafferty Baker reports, the trail builders claim enforcement. Officers, are visiting. And calling, them with orders to cease, and desist on, Crown land. Graham. Hall Kerr and Sam Waddington, smooth out a lumpy, section of trail in Chilliwack it's, used by both hikers, and mountain, bikers the, spot they're improving is near the edge of Crown land they've been ordered not to do any maintenance farther. Up the trail I heard, from one of our directors of the Chilkoot society, that. Would they, got a phone call to, cease and desist, Waddington. Says he's also been ordered to quit doing maintenance on, another trail that, one on Crown land near Cultus, Lake I, actually, had a visit, from a compliance and enforcement officer, myself. For. Trail. Building and maintenance that I've been doing so cameras. Were set up in the forest - I guess catch some of us who are out there Waddington, says signs have appeared on some trails warning. People that they need authorization to. Do any construction. Rehabilitation. Or maintenance, on Crown land I think that one of the big tragedies, happening here is you're, making volunteers, feel like criminals, and if that's the stage that we're at with our government, I think that that that, needs to shift Waddington.

Says A big part of the problem revolves. Around a massive permitting. Delays the. Extensive, Vetter mountain, trail network nearby, recently. Received approval, about. Fifteen years after. Applications. Were submitted the. Provincial, ministry, behind, trail approval, and enforcement. Declined, an interview requests, a spokesperson, with the Ministry of forests, lands, Natural, Resources, and Rural Development sent. A written statement it. Says the Chilliwack recreation. District receives, more trail applications. Then can be reviewed by staff and, for. Less complex, approval, requests, applicants. Can expect, the process to, take about one year to determine if a new trail is authorised just. Leave us alone to, do what we want to do we, do it within, boundaries. We, don't do anything just. Willy-nilly we don't don't just rush it things we, think things through all. Kerr says he's just building, the trails that the local, community wants, to use and that other levels, of government have, bought into Rafferty. Baker CBC News Chilliwack. Some. Pretty interesting stories, tonight so if you want to watch those stories, or any of our award-winning, content, wherever you go you, can do so by downloading, the free CBC. Gem app CBC. Vancouver is also available on Facebook YouTube and Instagram make, sure you follow us on all of those platforms and you'll get content, that you won't see right here on TV. Donald. Trump smells, Denmark, after the country expresses, no interest, in, selling Greenland, now the US president, is lashing, out coming up. You. About. One in five people in, Canada, with HIV, don't even know they're infected, researchers. Are hoping, a new diagnostic. Tool can change that and as Vika doppio reports, they're studying, a self testing, kit which, could be on pharmacy, shelves by, next year. HIV. Tests, used to take weeks now, it's just a minute these three, little vials and a drop of blood is all it takes for a clear diagnosis. This community, clinic performs, 9,000. HIV, tests, on people a year the director says demand is as strong as ever and getting, these kits on pharmacy, shelves and in people's hands could meet the need a real, option of a fast, test. But. Also a private, test and something they can get outside. The health authorities, Canada's. HIV, numbers aren't going down there's, a new diagnosis. Every four hours, it's an infection, rate similar, to the European Union's, but Canada is falling, behind high-income. Countries, like Germany Sweden and Australia and, some, Canadians, are more vulnerable, than others black, and indigenous, people are less than 9% of our population, yet make up almost half of new HIV cases. Experts. Estimate as many as a quarter of people with HIV have, not been tested for it. Stigma. Is part of the problem that's. Why Mike Smith didn't get tested, when he was growing up north of Toronto for, Smith getting professional advice, about sexual health was, not an option this doctor was just not open was, very, judgmental. And I, always felt nervous. Going, to doctor's appointments even if I had the flu. Works. To encourage, men to get checked for their HIV status even. With better access to testing in the healthcare system barriers, remain, people. Don't want to go to overcrowded. Sexual, health clinic to get tested, people. Still fear, facing. Homophobia. From. Their doctor. Like. These things can be addressed with a home, self, testing kit inside, yourself testing, kit that's why the European, Union, approved the same take home tests, for sale three years ago Health, Canada wants, clinical trial evidence from, Canada, before does the same the. Researcher. Heading that trial says Canada is playing catch-up not just in approving, the tests for sale but in attitudes, towards. HIV, self testing, this is going on around the world right. And and we know it's working I think, you, know we're, Canadians. Are very cautious in, some ways but perhaps a bit too / journalistic, about this we. Have to put confidence in people, and give them choices. Giving. People that choice could mean the difference between getting treatment, and infecting. Others Vic, adobea CBC, News Toronto. For. More details on that story you can visit us online, /, bc stay. With us we'll be back with the latest in international.

Headlines In, just a few moments. You. An. Election is coming up and as Trudeau makes the case for a why he should be reelected, there, was still one frosty, relationship, continuing. To test his government, China. Katie Simpson has more on Trudeau's message, for Beijing. In. A room filled with foreign, policy buffs Justin. Trudeau delivered, a speech sounding, more like a candidate, than Prime Minister, the, Conservatives, envision. A world where, Canada, hector's. From, the sidelines, attacking, the opposition, praising, NAFTA, and his relationship. With the US he, also acknowledged. Canada's, biggest challenge, ahead we, must recognize that China, is a growing, power and increasingly. Assertive, towards. Its place in the international order. Canada. Has been the target of Chinese, backlash, since, the arrest of Huawei executive. Hmong wong joe in vancouver on an american, extradition, request, in retaliation. Beijing, detained Canadians, Michael Kovac, and Michael spammer and blocked. Some imports, including, canola we, do not escalate. We. Do not back down all. Of this will come up tomorrow when, US Secretary, of State Mike Pompeo, makes his first official visit to Ottawa we, will continue to work with Canada where we can diplomatically. To help secure the release of these unjustly, detained, individuals. In China Canada. Would like Pompeo to make an even stronger statement, though, the u.s. may be asking, for some public support of its own. The. Trump administration has. Failed to negotiate a trade truce, with China despite, tariffs, and personal. Interventions, by the president, I am. The chosen one somebody. Had to do it so I'm taking on China I think that's what the United States would would like to see is that Canada is stuff. Is on there on their side staunchly, supporting, the United States vision of moving, China, into a rules-based market, order this. Former, diplomat says, whatever comes out of the visit he's not expecting, Canada's tensions with China, to ease anytime, soon, they're slapping us around and they're getting away with it and the only way we're gonna be able to it's, it's very hard for us to push back because we don't have that much that, we can push back with one, way Canada, and the US can get China's, attention, is to weigh in on the protests, in Hong Kong Beijing. Has already told Foreign Affairs Minister Krista, Freeland, to mind her own business a, sign, the pressure is working, Katie. Simpson CBC News Ottawa. Thousands. Of protesters, rallied at a transit, station in suburban Hong Kong today angry. No one has been prosecuted over, an attack on demonstrators. In July. Some. At the rally clashed, with police spraying, fire extinguishers. And blocking, exits, but, the protest stopped short of the battles seen recently, in Hong Kong the, demonstration, marked one month since the mass assault, at the Yin long station, when suspected, triode gangsters, attacked, black cloud protesters, hurting. 45 people. Well. Donald Trump is answering, some awkward questions, about why he's backed out of a visit to Denmark, as, Paul hunter tells us it seems Trump was highly offended that, his offer to buy Greenland. Was rejected. So strongly. There. It is the place Donald, Trump wants to buy and, turn, into America, the massive, island, of Greenland, even.

Tweeting, Tongue-in-cheek, that, if it happened he, wouldn't do, this but. When, the prime minister of Denmark whose, kingdom includes, Greenland, called, Trump's, idea to buy the place absurd. Trump's. Retort, was to abruptly, canceled, an official. Visit to Denmark, next month today he, emphasized. It's. Because he flat-out didn't, like being labeled absurd. Denmark. I look forward to going but I thought that the Prime Minister statement. That it was absurd that, was it it was an absurd idea was nasty, I thought, it was an inappropriate statement, all. She had to do is say no we wouldn't be interested. Suddenly. In an out-of-the-blue, international. Kerfuffle. The, Prime Minister, it, is with regret, and surprise. That, I received, the news that President. Trump has cancelled his state, visit to, Denmark other, Danes, were somewhat, less. Circumspect. To. Me it sounds like he, canceled because his. Feelings are hurt so if he's that stupid, I. Think. It's good that he's not coming. Without. A doubt Greenland, with its natural, resources and, big footprint, in the evermore coveted Arctic is suddenly. Prime, real, estate but say critics, including. A former US ambassador it's. Not so much what Trump wanted, but how he reacted. When rebuffed, the idea that you would make a state visit, contingent. On the, concept, of negotiating. The sale of part, of their kingdom, this. Is offensive. Or. Maybe it's not about that at all others, were quick to point out that trumps trip to Denmark would have coincided with that of another prominent, American, Barack, Obama and that maybe Trump. Was worried, he'd have less love smaller. Headlines, so, he pulled out plausible. These. Days in this country, who. Knows. Paul. Hunter CBC News Washington. Some. Say crime on the Downtown Eastside is the worst it's ever been but it's not true after. The break we're crunching the numbers and, well it's not as black and white as you may think. You. You. Here. Are some of the stories were following tonight on CBC, Vancouver news a BC. Father is denying, he, killed his two daughters on Christmas, Day in oak Bay nearly, two years ago, Andrew, berry is on trial for second-degree, murder and on the stand today, he said his family was brutally attacked he. Says he was knocked unconscious, and when he woke up his, daughters, had been fatally stabbed. If. We don't start managing the ceiling, ceiling we're in serious trouble a per. Station group is pressuring the government to allow seal and sea lion hunting, they say controlling, the population, is critical, to protecting, salmon, the, Department, of Fisheries and Oceans says it could be harmful to transient, killer whale populations. Feeding. On the mammals I got. My own things I'm happy about that but personally I don't think people that some. People don't want to move in the you know. The. Eviction deadline has passed and. Many of the people living in tents in Vancouver's oppenheimer. Park are now on the move, BC housing says it has relocated, 75, people to safe and stable housing mainly, single, room occupancy units.

That Have been renovated still, some campers, have not found a place to go or are choosing, to stay at Oppenheimer and. The. CBC has been, talking to people about the, Downtown, Eastside for weeks now with, many saying the neighborhood, is in its worst shape but, do the stats support, the argument CBC, municipal, affairs reporter, Justin McElroy dug into the numbers and spoke, to Mike earlier today. So. Justin I think it's fair to say the perception, certainly is that things have never been this, bad never been it's worse here on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, you've looked at the numbers, the. Data, What's. It telling you and it's an interesting thing right because people are talking about this as we're at an inflection point but when you compare numbers, today to 2017. There hasn't been that much of a change you look at homelessness in the city of Vancouver up 4% since, then you look at crime statistics, recorded, by the BPD, in Strathcona. In the central business district, up six to eight percent and you look at overdose numbers they're, down 24, percent in the City of Vancouver this, year so we've, been hearing a lot of how it's, dramatically. Gotten worse but at least from a statistical perspective we, don't really have numbers showing that at this point no. Doubt the data is is difficult to measure what. Are some of the reasons for that well, and, part of it is it's just what people are seeing we're, in the middle of a high profile, camp, that has been going on all summer, and part of it frankly - when you talk to people it's about how, well the number of crimes and the number of homeless people is around, the same or just a slight increase the area that they're in has, changed you know 10, 15 20 years ago we would consider at the Downtown Eastside a sprawling, area from about campi all the way into e Strathcona, today, it's very much constricted, to about 5 by, 2 blocks, that means that it's much more visible it's much more dense that causes, issues, for people traveling it also causes issues for, people in the neighborhood who feel boxed in, jessamine.

Thank You thanks Mike, ok, mike has made his way back here but you were at Oppenheimer park about, what is that about 35, minutes ago when the eviction notice came to deadline, came down at 6 did, anything actually happen, no I mean the deadline came and went, nothing, really changed. Police, have been on standby. Around, the park for the duration of the. Situation, but know, the question will be what happens next so the deadline has has passed if, people, refused to leave I. Suppose. They could the city could seek an injunction to try to have them forcibly removed there's, been no indication that that's going to happen at this point they're still trying to work with people there to get them into, permanent. Suitable, housing so we will see, what happens in the next few days ok so you've spent some time there over the last few days what, have you noticed you've been talking to all the campers there yeah I mean on Monday when we were there doing this broadcast, alive. At 6:00 there it was wall-to-wall tents, but take, a look today considerably. Fewer. Tents. A lot of them had had. Been removed one. Of the people have packed, up and and gone. The, city tells us that about 75. Of the, people, who had been tenting, illegally. There have, been placed in safe, and secure, housing, mainly, SRO, units, that have been renovated. They've, either been placed in those units or they are about to and we talked, to a couple, of folks boomerang. That's Robby Thomas, right there with the black hat on he. Has been in the park for a year, and a half and, he's. Going to be moving just down the street to the Flint hotel into a SRO. Unit, there so, still. Work, to do as you can see there's still quite a few tents, in the park and we'll be keeping an eye on it over, the next few days all right watching closely thanks Mike. You. Are looking at a live shot of downtown Vancouver tonight. At 6:38 plenty. Of rain today and cooler temperatures but. Tomorrow the Sun returns Brett has the full forecast coming, up. You. In. December, an arrest was made that put, into, the middle of a trade war between the United States and, China.

I'm. Stephen Quinn the host of a new CBC, Vancouver, original, podcast this. Is sanctioned. The arrest of a telecom, giant, it's the complicated. Story of how and why, Huawei. CFO, Mon 1 Joe was arrested, download. Sanction, today at,, slash. Sanctioned. Or wherever, you get your podcasts. All. Right this is the story we've all been talking, about in a. Richmond. Man says he plans to live like a king why because. He has now won the biggest lotto, prize in BC history yes, Joseph, Catalan, ik matched all seven. Numbers in July 26, Lotto Max jackpot. Draw winning. A whopping, 60. Million, dollars, wouldn't that be nice the retired, commercial. Fisherman, says he went to three different stores to, make sure that his ticket was in fact the winner but, he, waited nearly a month, before, he cashed in his prize you. Done anything to celebrate so far. Whiskey. And that was it. Has. Been retired for 20 years she says he plans to take some family trips to Hawaii and visit, a town in Europe where his parents were born, I hope, the whiskey was at least really, expensive. I'm. Gonna ask you here what do you think the odds are of trying to win that, guess. I don't, even want to try to get one, in 33. Million, Wow. Yeah that's how unlikely it is some at 7 mm well lucky. Joseph I'm sure he's gonna have a great next. You, know 10 years years, I think so and I. Mean if you didn't really like the rain you might not have considered yourself lucky, this morning but I think as I mentioned the region did need it and I think first of all there really wasn't much of a sunrise to go on here instead, it was just cloudy. And then it looks a little bit foggy and then BAM right around nine o'clock as. Many people can probably attest the, rain came in in full force and obviously that kind of looks like a car wash I'll be honest but, that definitely, was the story for much of the day and then we did end up clearing up rather nicely so, what does the next 24 hours have in store well I did want to mention that as we go through for the evening hours here there's still the slight risk for an isolated shower for, the next couple of hours maybe down toward Delta and Surrey but, as we go through the overnight period, much those showers are gonna be falling more so over the North Shore Mountains about tomorrow, morning I want to give you a full heads up it is gonna be cloudy, it's likely gonna be drizzly, and you may think that it's gonna rain but it won't at least I hope it doesn't because instead the day is gonna be clearing up quite nicely by, the time we get into the afternoon hours, we're gonna be seeing that so make a return, and those temperatures are going to be a lot warmer however.

I Do have my eye on the next system that is making its way over the Pacific, and headed off to the BC coast yet again this, one targeting, once more the North Shore sorry, the north coast rather including, Haida Gwaii and by the way Prince Rupert racked up 94, millimeters, of rain since Monday, and more, is on the way for them of course you were gonna be wondering is this going to affect us down here in the south it looks like we may have just a little blip on our radar here for Saturday but otherwise it's, actually gonna be quite, nice temperatures, as I mentioned returning to seasonal well, across the region both for Friday and then actually for Saturday as well it's going to be a fairly similar story what does that translate to for your five-day forecast here in Vancouver, well as I mentioned got that drizzle first thing in the morning temperatures, though expecting, to get up to about 21 tomorrow and then for Friday Saturday Sunday into, the weekend mode we're gonna be looking more so at Sun and cloud temperatures. Right around that 22, degree mark so at this point in time I wouldn't worry about having any of that rain come by on Saturday it looks to be you know not a high confidence thing but other than that next week I've got some high confidence in the fact it's gonna be nice and sunny and even warm awesome, I. Will like that thanks, very much Brent okay. Him/her. He/she. Them.they. Pronouns. Like these add convenience, to our daily language but, for many people a binary, male/female. Pronouns, are just too limiting, fifteen-year-old, Micah conyngham, gives us their perspective, on the matter hi. My name is Micah I am 15, and I'm here to answer some questions about being non-binary. So. For me being on binary is really just like figuring out what, identity fits fit, me best I realized. That I wasn't really a guy, or a girl I didn't fit the gender binary, and. Being. This so I just feels better to me I use, gender-neutral. Pronouns, am them and I, used in turn into language to describe myself so, the most commonly, used gender-neutral. Pronouns, are they in them they, are gender-neutral. With me they don't really have either male, or female, labels, attached to them they, in them have actually been used as singular pronouns since, around. The 14th century you. Probably use it as a singular pronoun all the time without recognizing, it like if there's, someone across the parking lot you can you just say like hey I think they double-parked there. Are some pretty funny alternatives, like they'd ease and gentle them's which I quite like but. You can also just say everyone, or folks or y'all a really nice alternative actually, that I heard was date mate instead of boyfriend or girlfriend when I first came out yeah my brother immediately, started, calling me his sibling. Figuring. Out that I was non-binary is one of the hardest things for me at least to put into words I do remember just, thinking that there is something wrong with me that I am the weird kid for wanting to hang out with like. Only, the guys or only the girls when they shouldn't be. But. It's. It's different now it's. Correct. In, the way that, is weird, and new and I can find other people who feel that I'm feeling and I can talk to them and I can make friends for, me finding this. Particular, label has been pretty, amazing. The. SNC, levelin scandal, broke in February, but opposition MPs, are still hungry for more details, after, the break the push to hear from the ethics commissioner. You. Hi. I'm Amy Bell and here's what's in your CBC, Vancouver inbox, if. You've ever wondered what it's like behind the scenes here at CBC Vancouver, here's your chance go online and book a date to come in for a tour of our integrated, newsroom, and, our home can be your home from concerts, to gallows to bar mitzvahs our studio space can be transformed, for any occasion, and is available for rent for, more from CBC vancouver check us out online at,, /. Bc. Three. People have been killed in a fiery ten vehicle, crash and, it was so intense it prompted the evacuation of, a small hamlet in southern Alberta. The. Crash involved three tractor, trailers and seven passenger, vehicles, one, of the trucks was hauling fuel the, fuel ignited, causing several vehicles to catch fire a second.

Semi Was hauling butane. The flames were so powerful the, hamlet of Chinook was evacuated, for several, hours ten. People are in hospital with injuries two in critical condition. New. Developments, in the SNC Laflin controversy. Today Liberal, MPs, defeated. A motion calling for the ethics commissioner, to testify, opposition. MPs wanted, the Commissioner to address recent, findings, that the Prime Minister violated. Conflict, of interest rules in, the controversy. Salima, shiv ji has the latest from Ottawa. Hours. Before the meeting the leader of the Conservatives, was trying to shame liberal, members of the Ethics Committee six, Liberal. MPs. Frank. Bayliss Moana, 48, saying. They should vote for the Tory motion, to hear from the ethics, commissioner, inside. The committee room demands, for answers so. Given that this was not, about jobs. The. Most important question I want to ask is, what motivated. This we, need to know how extent, was, the interference. And the obstruction, all, while maleo Dion waited on standby, to testify about why he ruled Justin. Trudeau broke the law and answer, opposition. Questions, about why the clerk of the Privy Council, office kept, some evidence off-limits, from deal citing, cabinet, confidentiality. Either we have the rule of law in this country or we don't I don't think this is a partisan, issue. I think, it's systemic, I think, it's shocking, that the senior civil service of this country could be manipulated. By a transnational, corporation. In this fashion but, those arguments didn't sway most liberal members who flex their muscle and use their majority. No unfortunately. No motion. Is defeated the. One holdout Nathaniel, Erskine Smith but for an unexpected, reason I think the ethics commissioners conclusions, are actually, legally, flawed in many respects and I'd like to ask him some questions about his legal mistakes afterwards. Anger and accusations, but not much surprise they, joined the. Prime minister in attempting, this cover-up, they are complicit, what, the Prime Minister did is a resignation. Offence it's, a question for him to decide if he should resign what were the Liberals so frightened, of while, the Liberals had some accusations of, their own this is a partisan, game so, I think we all know that, on the eve of an election this. Kind of partisan partisan, gamesmanship, by, the opposition, is what. It exactly appears, to be and that's where the Liberals want this to end hoping, that voters aren't tuned in and that minds were made up on this issue months. Ago Boyd Shirley, by the latest polls showing the damning ethics report not, making much of a dent with, the Liberals and the Tories neck-and-neck and, the election around, the corner Salima. Chef G CBC News Ottawa. This. Has been a record year for wildfires. In Brazil now, the president, of the country is suggesting, that NGOs could, be to blame and he claims they want to bring shame on his government, because, of funding cuts, as, of Tuesday Brazil has recorded, more than 74,000. Wildfires, mostly. In the Amazon, basin, that's, an 84 percent jump, from the same period, last year video, taken, Saturday, shows, smoke filling the sky as fire, burns, near, the airport in Porto, Bello the. Amazon, is home to the world's largest tropical, forests, president, je r bosun, arrow is at odds with environmental. Groups over his vow to. Develop the region. For, years she's been treating, his patients from. Inside, his mobile, hospital, but, after three decades he, is ready to move on mate the roving Island dentist, after, the break. You. They're, the most studied, and, famous, whale family, in the world what's, pushing, j-pod. To the brink I'm Gloria, Makarenko, host of the new CBC, British Columbia original, podcast killers. Is it, too late to save them. Well. This next video that we're about to show you might just be the definition, of too close for comfort, oh.

My. Gosh this video was taken in white, court about 180, kilometres north, of Edmonton the, trio bears had been spotted in yards breaking, into root cellars even peering, into windows some. Good news for people wanting more to be done the Bears have been trapped, and are, going to be relocated. Yeah. That would just be terrified yeah especially was standing up like that exactly. Okay. After 30 years of treating patients in a converted, school bus Hornby and Denman Islands roving, dentist, is selling his practice. Well. Dr. Peter walford had honed a number of practices, on Vancouver, Island but. When he realized that two islands southeast, of Courtenay weren't being serviced, he knew he had to step in with a mobile, clinic now thirty years and two school buses later, it's time to move on he's, ready to sell his practice and it's 800, active patients, to a dentist, looking for something to be a little different and as, for the patients well Walford says that he's enjoyed all the relationships, that he's made over the years. 800. Patients Wow. I can't imagine I mean fun, fact I still actually go see my dentist that is in a completely different province, I've been with in my entire life so I know there's that sort of relationship, you have to be seen out do you need to start seeing my dentist. Actually. There's, a dentist, that multiple, people at CBC I don't see him but really I try there people see him so I'm sure you'll get lots of recommendations, exactly, what I was hoping for thank, you. Okay. We are going to leave you with some beautiful closing. Pictures, of orcas in Victoria, tonight and, Denver it will be here at 11:00. You.


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