JUST 16 Days Left to Buy NIO Stock

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Felix here I am excited this is a truly jam-packed full of news nio video here we really had so much content in one video so everything is coming up as always guys this is not financial advice is for entertainment only always do your own research and what have you got in store for you will you have 16 days left till it's so why is that I'm going to get that in just a second firstly we got a $69 price target which I told you about some last week if you were watching Deutsche Bank is excited and I will show you that research report we only have 16 days left till earnings and what do we have to expect well I expect that our forecast for Q3 I will get from management will be out of this world and that's why I'm saying this might well be the last opportunity to buy me your address every low prices for that we've got nios yes third IPO back on track we have venue independent director appointed and guess how many battery swap stations they build this weekend yes just this weekend 77 in 2-days I'm also looking at the technical analysis to tell us whether this is the dip to buy or to wait that we're going to look at and then also there will be no more discounts guys and what do I mean by that they'll be no more discounts on the master truly the last week that's a promise you'll be no more discounts on on YouTube for that there is a 29% off coupon which will expire at the end of this week and they won't be another one for the community because it's growing very quickly and I will not let it expand too much too quickly but I'll take off if you trade more actively then use user options is much smarter than using stocks is have more leverage lower risk highly defined outcomes and you can make money either way it's like the earnings for example options are fantastic strategies and I'll take you and teach you all of that so it instead you can become a better investor and I will show you some free information you can get picked up as well so first of all let's get cracking we have here on finviz which is normally a pretty up-to-date site they've just put out the HSBC securities upgrade from Hull to buy with $69 Price Tag which is great news write an excited tired but when did I tell you about this world 5 days ago the new $69 price target biggest bang you watched it if you haven't yet check it out because I'm not going to go through that again for those you gotta see you missed you should subscribe and then you will get this information it easy little red button easy to press that's what it looks like if you haven't seen one of these before there it is all you gotta do is hit that subscribe now I I will show you however what that means for our for our target overall and let me just make the smallest you can see it yourself so these are more less all of the banks that matter the price targets and we've got HSBC in here up from 55 R16 all those 269 and that takes us to an average price target of all the major investment banks of $66 43% upside not bad but quite frankly a lot of these are still the lower targets after February match when the chip prices would he kicked off and they are all shaped of pentacles herself it's like it so I expect them after earnings in about 16 days to all come out like the sheet that they are and lift their prices they turned back and that'll also have an impact on the market overall these guys these earnings rating strakers delivery numbers and everything else is on the patreon contending of course lots of other content to it also gives you access to our Private discord group we talk about lot of things that's not today because when you were chatting when you're reading research and sharing and discussing things you pay just a little bit for it it makes people much much more committed in a sense and much more invested in all the information that people post of the research base chakra guys it's not a Reddit here we go to the moon at channel to check that then we have Deutsche Bank and the power is what they write on your Deutsche Bank and here he is again today power day and Shanghai last week for the first time we think the event reinforce the company's focus on quickly growing and improving its charging infrastructure especially as moment he needs to grow rapidly nearly 120000 years and I'm on the road and is written before news ability to seamlessly integrate multiple methods of energy charging and with ecosystem as resonated extremely well with Chinese customers and he says they are now nearly 3 million battery swaps and we highlight the following updates increasing from 500 to 700 this year which quite frankly because really had previously indicated that he had a public target or 508 bullet internal target I didn't expect 707 so there 308 now that includes this 7-day did this weekend longer term plans I do ad600 substations per year 2 adding 40000 worldwide which 1000 will be outside of China and 3000 in China by 2025 in again I'm surprised by that because it really means that the Europe which is where they are expanding first is going to get a serious swapping station system in place and at the moment just about 30% of new owners live with them 3 km of a swap station to miles and they are aiming for 90% of new customers to live within 2 miles of a butter battery swap station and we'll just make swapping accessible to everything from the driver especially 17yo drives itself to the substation which is coming now they also opening up their charging infrastructure and battery the service model to adult automakers and they have already provided 100 and charges to none new vehicles for more than 30 brands so didn't just forward geysers lots of other compounds as well and they also working on several new types of superchargers but they didn't disclose the details at the moment I've got two and for those they also highlighted that in you has 1400 that's 1400 patterns related to charging and they also discuss more details of their powercloud which has four platforms design optimises power services prime which aggravates the powers resources the finer attempts to predict behaviour go this mad route planning and then filled that's basically what is the integrity and safety of your battery and then the other thing that are very excited about remember the Deutsche Bank they are they posted the the German general manager nio-geo posting which I told you guys are bad I think on Friday or Saturday so obviously a little bit slower than good good good coverage from them here listing is back on track bass guys and what that means that you have to hit the like button and you have to hit the subscribe button otherwise I'll stop a go on on strike or something I am just joking now we know that nio is listing in Hong Kong just like ex and just that and I'm based on guys if you don't realise that is that day officially to close the rumour in the market he on the street just after the October which makes sense because it means to get Q3 financial and delivery numbers in which I think will be in comparable to q1 and Q2 and we will also get forecast for Q4 which were again will be massive and we'll get closer to and veiling the second Saddam and we are than only three four months away to the 87 being on setup so the China a-share listing is the third listing and starts going to happen and why is that going to happen but it's part of the bailout agreement with the local government the first government in that agreement is written that basically by 2020 for nio has to do an a share listing and that means a listing and Shanghai and China and as part of that the local government will basically be able to dispose of the roughly 2 and a half percent the owner of Mia and because their strategy that are not long-term forever investors I've already said that they're going to take that money and they got a free invested back into nio you know in you're in the form of another factory another Samsung is subsidy in in a sense we just fantastic if nio does not do that Asia listing they have to pay 8% interest on the money that the local government is giving them and that seems incredibly underfeeding given that in the year is currently boring at 0% interest yes that ass convertible bonds wear big fat zero on the interest side so they are there for going to do the Asia listing what does it mean well it means one more dilution yes probably another 5% on top of what we going to get in in Hong Kong which in my estimate will be at least 7% I think 12% solution is that something to freak out about no I don't think so we in the last two quarters of last year 2020 we did about 34% dilution just two quarters so if we this year do they 12% 15% dilution for the whole year with two IP ears and not concerned especially as they're going to take that money and invested and as long as the Returns on the money invested sufficiently High We As investors actually are better off so in that I don't think it's an issue it just means they'll be able to roll at Malta International expansion pastor more infrastructure in and so on faster South I think it's a good thing they will also be some advantage I've been given that China is there call market and will continue to be for many many years that the average man on the street if you were the mainland China can invest in near very easily in their currency with a convenience that I used to from the brokerage apps on the phone so at the moment for them to invest in York very difficult it wants to Hong Kong listing kicks in it could be a lot easier but still it still in a different currency in a different jurisdiction is Hong Kong realises has a Hong Kong dollar which is back to the US dollar and legal system which is basically a British so well we've got just for a little bit sore via why is nio's business model such a good one it won't differentiated well I think the battery as a service is a big one it's it is attractive system because it just means if I buy any oh I will always have the latest battery technology that makes it better than buying an ex pandorei by DHS or anything else from that point of view because to me the battery is a call part of the car and if I can always get the latest model in upgraded future damage then we also have autonomous driving as a service which I think is also a a huge one is subscription basis rather than up from feel like what eggs bank charging and so at the moment they are charging €680 for level 4 which is let me tell you guys that's $100 per month every month but I think they're gonna love that and I think once we go to level five it's going to go up some more and it's just pure Cash I love subscription businesses there much much better than anything else no factories no vertical integration in that sense and I love that because I don't like manufacturing companies I never have companies that bends Steel I'm not a fan of I prefer investing and things that sell lots of small increments and 2-year subscription is exactly that so they're getting rid of that problem is completely now they niopak to give you an idea the first phase of that will cost 7.5 billion usd.to to build basically to have that 1 million EV capacity so no I wasn't paying for that is not marvellous as an investor I love it because the capital expenditures lower they have to do less dilution Les bons less convertible this or that if they just don't have to raise all that money they can just focus on providing the best and that's why I love that we also have a new as I mentioned guys let me just show you this year again we have a new indie director and I'm going to show you the actual article here she's got long you and she's one of China's most influential business woman she's now an independent director she is the head of the bertelsmann group management committee which is a very large German publishing group and she is deeply deeply involved in the venture capital industry and in China and it's a good step it is good for corporate government to have outsiders in the and just spread and having someone who's worked for very international companies I think it's going to be good maybe also a a wink in a hand in the direction of the German market because they want to really really do well in Germany and Germany obviously is it up market as a car car price because they have so many great Britains themselves so having work for bertelsmann there's going to be quite a headline Grabber I would think actually in Germany something that's quite a good one and Glass making that they making that change and here are the headlines to phone you batteries for petrol stations on Saturday sorry on Saturday and then 3 on Saturday so they are just building out the credible pays me just remind you guys this will be the last one who ever see it here on YouTube for the master stocks close down below if you want to learn how to do your own technical analysis then write that down build well that's what I want you guys to do and I'm going to show you it had to do that is to say but if you can do this yourself it isn't rocket science and I highly recommend it because it tells you a great deal about what's going on in the market so to me the first thing I see you ok we got a little bit of a green day how are low in the day was almost the same as the day before we ended up near the top of the days range which is positive and then I go down and look at my volume and the volume was less than on the previous red day on the previous Celtic and that isn't a great sign for bullet it's because the Green Day you want big volume on a red day you want small volume if you're long on me if you're short on you go and everything I say typically applies to the people who along on the stock we not talk about people who were sorting selling puts that's the opposite of being short that's quite quite quite the opposite way to earn some money and when I did you guys in the options Corsa check it out in fact all of that stuff is on my website guys which is goat academy.org so check that out guys the links at the top and take that quiz and you get tons of free information and is specifically tailored depending on the answers you given that quiz so if you want some free and that is truly useful then check it out guys and remember to hit that like and subscribe let's look at the so I'm a little bit concerned there for that Lee mini rally yesterday is fizzling out a little bit a combine that with what I say is is the same allo here so we dropped as low as the day before so really channel here is now looking more like this and this one appears basically broken because it's Canon Now more like that it's looking a little bit more bearish then it did the previous day are we are still healthfully away from the 100 a moving average is that blue line here that's a positive and let me just see how much buying there was in the last couple of days and price points so we get we get a lot of you see this blue devil but I've started on the right of that the blood bonds bowls at the Bayern volume and sort of golden orange ones are the ones selling 84555 buying and I bit of 52 people are really emotionally lead and then that's one of the key things I teach you guys in the Masters scores all about human psychology and marketing psychology and how you can trade that you can Spectre because it is very predictable humans are pretty predictable except for the ones we understand how predictable the app and they can therefore the opposite and make some money because we know what's happening here so we do have quite a bit of bullishness therefore between 4450 and basically 45-50 and that's positive because it means that should we fall basically below this kind of level here we are in this kind of box then people are gonna but I in and pick up some nio on the cheap so I from the indicator sale I am a little bit cautious that we might and have a day today that isn't it with the greatest order some of that will of course depend on the information number say I'm recording it's just before the inflation numbers out now let me show you the address I was just the relative strength index and that is actually quite positive so the way that works is that you put a red line in here at the 50 point line or thereabouts and that's your signal so when you go we go back and little bit more we've been bothering about it for quite a long time such a long rally so this here was a bicycle crosses from Below to above them above the whole time so that's all the rally and then it came down but it only came down just below the £50 lying now I'll drop back up so there's actually gave as a buy signal here yesterday which was it a good call well it probably gave us that towards the end of the day judging by this which would have been about 4550 so yeah not a bad cold but it's not the greatest the most explosive indicator that that's put up one more as pull-up momentum and with momentum guys I always change the colours a change that muddy green whatever you want to call that to something Brighton green and red one to something right and then it's great to using magnifier because you can see the colour to bright green as positive right so this is kind of my green it's positive ish but not the greatest positivity are we never seen so at the moment this is still a bit a neutral to positive I would say and just a little concerned about the volume falling off a yesterday so even numbers are lower than expected that give me a boost if they're higher than expected it to her in the and I do think some of the cell is also related to die die and what people could tell him the Tech Crackdown what a load of nonsense that all is a bad because if people really understand the guys watch my videos on the weekend Saturday on Saturday explain the whole thing and I also again in my master calls really explain what an adss and whatever you said structure is and what they really were what your rights are what you are and actually truly important to understand when your destiny stocks so guys check out my website it is some absolutely no that's the wrong one here it is absolutely free content on their guys take that quiz and you get information and you can literally it unsubscribe bonds and never email you again I will never ever sell your data that promise I roll and they also some free channels on there there's a free mini-course on their own stocks and then of course if you are more serious and to the premium courses you want in destiny yourself make yourself a better investor build that long lasting wealth which is what I'm doing or simply trade for passive income then check out the courses guys size and as the stocks is for building long-term wealth on a really tremendous scale you'll be surprised how much you can build and it's $100 a month and options trading guys is basically if you are buying and selling shares more than once a month especially if you're selling shares more than once a month guys use options understand options is it difficult no actually it isn't it's just that most of the stuff out there is explained in such a way to demonstrate how smart the lecturers and then we'll sit there and oh my god that was so complicated what's that all about that I break down I I done it down as much as possible but still I give you all the same advanced strategies that everyone's using and headphones are using and it's tremendously useful for example with earnings I knew earlier I coming up let me just show you this example here so new earnings are coming up in about 16 days so say say imagine tomorrow or in a couple of days time in the mornings and you are thinking well it's either going to be great in which case we gonna shoot up I'd so the stock could go up this way or that could be disappointing for some reason and then he still could go down so what do you do with stocks you to pick One Direction right well with options you can do two beautiful things you could say well that means that the stocks gonna move outside of this green range is either going to go up positively always going to go down positively and I'm going to make money when it's Dan here or when it's up there don't care either way I'm just going to make money so that's just one very simple strategy you can do with with with options at simply stocks please stocks cannot work and it's so simple now because everything is a visual you know things like trading thinkorswim more we bought all these platforms naked very very easy for you guys and I truly hold your hand to all of it we also have a very supportive private chat group with lots of options Traders around the same boat as you are starting to get to know the process on there so you have questions you can ask me on there or everybody else in the community guys so it didn't said they're alone wondering how your words that is join the community and the way to do that is through the courses as I say this is the last time there will be a coupon code for the stocks course and so take a load of that as well for the 29% off guys I'd really appreciate you joining and watching and subscribing and liking makes my day every single day guys join my life I'm live Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday every day at 21 or 9 am rather New York time zone 9 a.m. eastern time live in five days a week so you can ask me also anything you have on your mind on those calls guys and see you on the next one


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