Something MAJOR has happened today

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something major just happened  look at the timestamp on this   soholascale c3 you rarely ever see any type  of activity like this i have never ever   seen any activity like this on any other  products before ever i've seen the particle   events what they say you know it's like a little  bitty ships and stuff but this right here this   this is this is different you all for it to show  up on here look at all the activity i don't know   what happened up there around the sun i don't  but it just wasn't the sun that got affected   you are the whole entire airspace up there has  had some type of change that occurred with in   order to bring about this type of activity let me  shrink this down you are this is this is really this is really important look at this look at all of that activity what on earth  could have caused that because you can see   um let me let me bring up the real picture  let me bring up the picture on itself   you can see let me get this out of  the way you i'm trying to concentrate   you can see right here this would be like a little  ships right here and stuff like this but this   this right here i don't know what it is  i don't know what it is i can speculate   that it is let me look let me look okay i i  know i know what it is it's the great big long   ufos the ones that i said that have the ability  to align themselves up and make one great big long   one great big long strand you all there's  thousands of them here there's thousands of them   they're not playing they're not playing you well  there is some type of there they are down here too   something major major major has taken place in the  skies and we have felt it too you all look at this   this is not normal activity look at the  wild swings of this right here look at these   look at that and look at this thing this thing  right here is behind this little thing on the sun   right there no no something major has taken place  and these are those ufos that have the ability   i've said it before i i don't know how many times  they line themselves up they can stretch across   the whole entire breath of this sun and that is  what they've done you all look at the time stamp   on here have you ever seen anything like that  i've never seen anything like this at all never   look at it could you imagine the energy that's  up there because this ships don't have just you   know flying through the space and there's no  energy field if there there is a presence there   you can feel the energy look at this it's going  behind the sun you all it's going also behind   the sun whatever is up here it is literally  like it's like some gigantic gigantic massive   warm hole has opened up is what it seems like  a massive warm hole and this looks like a you know that bird's nest that chinese like bird's  nest you order chinese food you get the bird   bird nest with it you always look like a that's  what it kind of reminds me of all of those things   they're going all over the place these are look  at that it does there's no rhyme or reason to it   it'd take you a long time if you had to sit and  draw something like that you oh there is something   major taking place something major i'm going to  come over here i don't even know if i'm online i   don't but that's okay you i'm trying to talk about  this um welcome you all it does it looks like   there's something going on we're going to go to  that product you i've already put the link here   in the description about what's taken place can  you see it look at that let me get myself out   of the way i want you to see the magnitude of what  we're talking about look at that we can blow it up   you can even if you think you can see between  these their ufos there's hardly any space   because behind them are more steel somebody may  say gina honey that is not ufos that is ufos   that is ufos right there because they they've  lined themselves up in big long lines you   all my gosh i can't believe that i really i  was totally shocked to see that let me put   this back to me you all i'm going to shrink  myself down a little bit you all this is   that is this is by far let me tell you about  this this is by far let me let me do this let   me let me see if i can get this on here  this is by far one of the most wildest   wildest um soho lascal c3s i have ever seen  even going back years and years and years   i've never seen anything like that i haven't  and i don't know if anyone else has either   it it's well it ain't under a microscope it's not  you know the skies have been really weird they   have been so weird they've been thick all the way  around the world nobody's been able to like see   because like a thick layer and layer and  layer and you could feel something heavy   in the air look at this on the knife let's go  over there let me close this out i'm going to   come over here to the the space weather product  right here you all look at this the soho lasko c3   um look at this it's like they cut pieces of  it out because they didn't want nobody to see   i would guarantee you that truth be known  this little piece right here this this event   went on longer than what they say and i got to  push this back to me because i've got a i've got   to bring it back here so we can set and play the  whole thing and it's going to blink and i don't   want you seeing the blinking going on hello yeah  it is it is absolutely wild we're ready we're wild   i mean we're not wild but this thing is wild this  thing is wild and i don't know if you would have   seen it if you don't go back if you don't go back  the i'm 20 frames let me put myself on here too   the 20 frames let's do this you all so it's we're  on the 15th it's all fine and dandy on the 15th   other than this thing right here you  see these right here look look at this   you see this thing right here that's what the sky  is full of it's full of these ufos that literally   they can stretch all the way across the sun so  there's thousands of them thousands of them i   don't know that looks like a big old face coming  out of there you all does let's look at this   so let me get this over here if i can get this  over here without it starting to blink on me   because there is a lot of activity look at  this one this this right here is a ufo also   this is a different type because it's it's it's  straight it's not those things that they dismiss   as starlink now that the things up there no  they're not starlink you well they're not   look at this it's all as well it's three  o'clock in the morning okay 4 30 in the morning   4 54 in the morning you see this is coming  out of the sun right now let's see what that   is okay it's really bright kind of looks like  a lizard face it really does like an eye here   and an eye here and a like a mouth um it's  coming out of the sun let's get this you all   before it starts blinking on me is this so  excited gina honey i waited too long you   i've got to push the play button again because  i i've got myself so excited over this i have   now i've got to wait for it to play again  without it blinking on us so we can watch it okay it's safe okay it's safe you all okay look  look how they had to piece together this look   seven in the morning you can see them it's  starting up here i'm 7 54 8 o'clock here it's   getting ready to go you got the half of it uh see  now they got these things going down right here   these great big bands of um blue blue bands let's  look at this let's let's just go right here okay   we're doing it we're going to do it oh look at  this one shooting all the way across the top   see this is just one and it looks like it's  attacking this one and or maybe this one's   going to join but see this right here this one's  different than this one see these are different   right here can you see them let me blow it up for  you so you can see them because i want you to see   what is in the sky it's all of these right here  this is a species right here some type of a   different type of species than these are right  here the craft or whatever you want to call them   uh it's totally different let's do this okay  i'm going to do this for there we go so at 9   30 so it's 9 18 9 30 boom boom you all boom  right there at 9 30 uh in the morning look at it   it's all over the place now i don't think these  are lightning strikes okay they're not lightning   strikes they're not look at this this is like a  ship here too just like this this is making me   hot you are it really is it's getting me too wound  up it's getting me wound up look at this this is   this is this is like one great big massive  ship it's stretched from here here's one   section two section three section four section  five section six six sections if they're they   literally that's what they're doing they line  themselves up there must be thousands of them   and i don't think that these are my ships they're  not my ships i hope they're not my ships because   they don't look like my ships my ships have um uh  they're like um notches in them these don't have   no notches you all right here but this is this  is wild and then look then look at nine 9 30 9 38   it's still there but yet they're trying to make  it look like it's not still there you all that's   what i think it's still there because it ain't  going to just show up that short period of time   i don't think it is and then all is well all is  well that's it just like that look at that no so something is going on something major major  major has taken place have you all felt the energy   shift 72 hours michelle honey we're going through  a cosmic evolution well we need a good evolution   that brings about a good a revolution of  evolution we do we need it we need a change   on this earth a change for the better you  are we need to get we need to get some good   energy going on this earth because this  right here that is wild that is so wild   and i don't think the other products  picked it up i really don't think they did   can you see it you all i wanted to see if i can  i think i made this too big up here i want to   see if the other product has it let's come over  here to the soho lasko c2 i doubt it uh if it's   even on the same time stamp okay it might be on  the same time stamp but if it happens at 9 30   you're not gonna see it over here because this is  at a night is that 1948. let's push it you up um have you seen anything happening  in the world you are other than   everything just feels so off it feels very very  off um let me let me do this you all if you want   to come over here to these products you have to if  you want to see them all you've got to come over   here and change the frames you want as many frames  as possible when you are investigating something   you get 20 frames is the max and you can apply  it and it will bring you 20 frames that's what   you want to get because this right here let me put  this to me let me kind of shrink this down i want   to show you this i want to i just want to compare  just want to show you one little comparison   of the particle event that i have documented if i  can find it again you are because it's much much   different than this one right here because this  one right here is like unprecedented it really   is let me see if i can find it i want to find it  let me find it you all okay i found it i found it okay this is what they call a prodigal particle i  was going to say a prodigal a particle event right   here see these are those they they line up you all  they line up in a great big line they came out of   a solar flare right there gino what are you doing  you i'm just getting myself so excited see how   they line up in a great big line well they're all  across the sky by the sun they're all across it   there's there's thousands of these if not millions  look at this over here if not millions you all   this i think was 1999 2000 and i don't even  think and up here they have different ones too   they're both they're different colors but they're  the same one in the same you all came out of a   particle event they called it a particle event  they're stretched all across the sky just like   i think it's these right here i really do  and they're really hyped up they really are   there's so much energy going you all and  one could say that this is like a plasma   storm right here too they could if  you had plasma ships up there um it's wild it is so wild and it's much different  than these it's much different than these right   here let me see if i can get a uh we're not  do you think we're alone we're not i said   let me get out of that gina honey yo no we're not  alone they came out right there you all they came   out and they never left once they came they  never went back to where they came from   they're here they're all around the sun you can  see it right there let me put this back to me in   the meantime this product over here is just doing  its thing um everything is all well you can see   over here at this one i don't think it's even went  back okay look at this red one the soholasco c2   wait a minute see yeah you got one of them right  here see it only picked up one one of them going   like this boom straight up there but that's at  the 13 25 you all it's nothing compared to this   and i don't know why we can't see them on all  the products i i really wish that the products   that some of them would be on the same time  frame i really wish they would look at this   see there there see this right here this one  right here see um so that is like at 9 36   also and this is at 9 30 so you know they were  there after 9 36 because it's one of these   right here it's one of these they're flying around  and they're not they're not letting out all the   data they're not you are at all it's they're here  they're here and if they're here what are we going   to do about it what can we do about it what are  the governments of the world going to do about it   it looks to me like i don't think we'd have  enough uh firepower or whatever for all of this   and who did this who um who caused all of this  right here you all who caused all of that i don't   know because it just rushed in all of a sudden is  what it did they know already they know already   why aren't they telling the people  you well this right here this is no   that is massive and the other products no they  don't show it they do not show it they're not   up to date like these two right here and i did  i put this in here you all i'm going to put this   right here in the live stream so you all can see  it down here this is the place to go if you want   to see it you go there because let's just say  if if i close this out let me show you what i'm   going to do if i close it out and i want to  look at the soho lascal c3 i'm just going to   come over here so you're coming over here for the  first time and you're going to push that button okay that's all you're going to see that's all  you're going to see unless you come over here   and i hope this is getting it you come over here  and you put 300 or 100 but change this right here   it will take you back and you'll see the history  do that and this will this will uh reload for you   and you can compare it to yourself you all you  can this is a this is as big as this right here   but i think those are these right here right  here you all and i've got a i got an enormous   enormous iswa nasa playlist on here i think um  by the time i went and found all the videos uh   it's like 235 videos i've done on these products  and the ships and the ufos all around the sun   so it's well documented you all this is  very well documented let me um let me   put myself here you i'm waiting for this thing  to load let me get over here okay it's loading   it's loading you won't see it unless you go on  there and you go back boom just like that and   you gotta you gotta be fast i don't know if it  would even pick it up during if you did not go   and do the 20 frames i don't know if it would pick  it up normally you have to go and get it you do um so if this product did that you all  if that product did that i wonder if   there's not very many other ones that are up  to date maybe the 171 it might be up to date   no it's on the 14th see 14th ain't going to do us  no good it isn't you want something that is on the   16th that's going to do you some good and these  aren't going to do it even the other ones they've   got now we want some up-to-date data that's  not going to do it that's stuck on the 14th too   this right here is stuck on the 14th you are all  of it so some things went on this is a massive a   major major event has taken place a major one  and they're in our sky something is happening   in the skies above and you know i did that um  lightning well i said in the video this morning   that i did a major battle uh is taking place  in the skies above because it looked like a   wild house you always it's a mess it's almost as  big as a mess of this you are there's a lot of   stuff going on and um we don't even know the half  of it and i wonder if our hearts could contain   uh the information that is out there on  these ships that are out there i don't know   i really don't know so i am going to go i'm going  to end this video you are this is something major   i've never seen anything like it it's  unprecedented it is totally unprecedented   um and i'm just going to say again it's not my  ships uh it doesn't look anything like the ships   that i've documented myself nothing like them  uh it's a different totally different species   is what it is and um i'm still undecided on  those i'm still undecided on this type of ships   that have the ability to line themselves up  that people mistake as starlink i'm i'm on the   fence with that i am and i don't like to think  illy of any type of um life form like that i   don't but i'm on the fence i don't know yet i'm  undecided and i guess you know you don't want to   you don't want to like jump again look at this  you off you're just tuning in this is these are   the type of ships that are coming out of the sun  okay they are that this is not make believe there   is a massive battle taking place there are various  types of ships various types of armies that are   up there in the sky okay there is look at this  how can you say that this is not a ship yeah   it's it's it's gina honey get get yourself back  on here you i gotta go i'm gone on too long so   um with that being said thank you all for tuning  in thank you moderators uh thank you all for all   your comments uh something major is taking place  i know you sense it i know you feel it this great   change is at hand the world as we know it i think  it's ending i really do and something else is   rising up it is so with that being said hello  wherever you are in any part of the world   hello from my heart to yours love you have a  wonderful rest of your afternoon thank you so   much for tuning in you all love you michelle  honey my socks are on i can't take them off   my chalks are on my ears kind of getting  red because i got myself so excited i did


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