GOOGLE - WikiVidi Documentary

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A wiki. Video documentaries, production, don't, forget to Like and subscribe enjoy. Google. Google. LLC, is an American multinational, technology. Company that specializes. In Internet related services, and products, which, include online, advertising, technologies. Search. Engine, cloud computing, software. And hardware. Google. Was founded in 1998. By Larry Page and Sergey Brin while, they were PhD, students, at Stanford, University, in California, together, they owned about 14%, of, its shares and. Control. 56%. Of the stockholder, voting power through super voting stock the, incorporated, Google, is a privately, held company on, September, 4 1998, an, initial. Public offering took, place on August 19. 2004. And. Google. Moved to its headquarters in Mountain View California. Nicknamed the Googleplex, in August. 2015. Google. Announced plans, to reorganize its, various, interests, as a conglomerate, called alpha but incorporated. Google is alphabets, leading subsidiary. And will continue to be the umbrella company for alphabets, internet interests. Sundar. Pichai was appointed, CEO of, Google, replacing. Larry Page who became the CEO of alphabet, the. Company's rapid, growth since incorporation. Has triggered a chain of products, at cuisines, and. Partnerships. Beyond Google's core search engine, it, offers services, designed, for work and productivity, email. Scheduling. And time management cloud storage, social. Networking, instant. Messaging, in the video chat, language. Translation, mapping, in the navigation video. Sharing, note-taking. And photo, organizing. And editing the. Company leads the development of the Android mobile operating system. The Google Chrome web browser and. Chrome. OS a lightweight, operating, system based on the Chrome browser, google. Has moved increasingly, into hardware from, 2010, to 2015. Be. Partnered, with major electronics. Manufacturers. In the production of its Nexus devices and it, released multiple hardware products, in October, 20:16. Including. The google pixel smartphone, Google home smart speaker, Google. Wi-Fi mesh, wireless, Rooter and Google, daydream virtual, reality, headset, Google, has also experimented. With becoming, an Internet carrier in February. 2010, it announced Google, Fiber a, fiber-optic. Infrastructure. That was installed in Kansas, City in, April 2015, a, launched, project fire in the United States, combining. Wi-Fi on cellular, networks for the different providers, and in, 2016. It. Announced the Google Station, initiative, to make public Wi-Fi available around the world with, initial deployment in India. Alexa. Internet monitors, commercial, web traffic. Enlists., is the most visited website, in the world. Several. Other Google services, also figure, in the top 100, most visited, web sites including. YouTube and blogger Google, is the most valuable brand, in the world, but. Has received significant. Criticism involving, issues such as privacy concerns, tax. Avoidance, antitrust. Censorship. And search, neutrality. Google's. Mission statement, is to organize, the world's information and, make. It. Universally accessible. And useful and it's unofficial slogan whoppers don't, be evil in October. 2015, the motto was replaced in the alphabet, corporate, code of conduct, by the phrase do, the right thing. While. The original one was retained in the code of conduct of Google around May, 2018. The slogan was silently, removed, from the codes closes, leaving. Only one generic reference in its last paragraph. History. Google. Began in January 1996. As a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when, they were both PhD. Students, at Stanford, University, and Stanford, California. While. Conventional search, engines, ranked, results, by Counting, how many times the search terms, appeared, on the page the. Two theorized, about a better system that analyzed the relationships. Among websites, they. Called this new technology. PageRank, it, determined, the website's relevance, by the number of pages and the importance.

Of Those pages that linked back to the original site page. And. Brin. Originally, nicknamed, their new search engine, backrub. Because, the system checked backlinks, to estimate the importance, of a site eventually. They, changed, the name to Google, the. Name of the search engine originated. From a misspelling, of the word Google. The number 1 followed by 100 zeros. Which. Was picked to signify, that the search engine, was intended, to provide large quantities, of information. Originally. Google, ran under Stanford, University's. Website with. The domains Google dot, and, Z dot The. Domain name for Google was registered, on September, 15th 1997. And the, company was incorporated, on September, 4 1998, it. Was based in the garage of a friend in Menlo Park California. Craig. Silverstein, a. Fellow. PhD. Student, at Stanford, was hired as the first employee. Financing. 1998. And initial, public offering, 2004. Google. Was initially funded by an August, 1998. Contribution. Of, $100,000. From Andy bechtolsheim, co-founder. Of Sun Microsystems. The. Money was given before Google, was incorporated. Google. Received, money from three other angel, investors, in 1998. Founder Jeff, Bezos Stanford. University, computer, science professor, David Cheriton and entrepreneur. Ram Shriram after. Some additional. Small. Investments. Through the end of 1998. To early 1999. A new 25, million, dollars round of funding was announced on June 7th 1999. With. The major investors, including, the venture capital, firms Kleiner, Perkins Caufield, &, Byers and, Sequoia. Capital, early. In 1999. Brin, and page decided. They wanted to sell Google to excite they, went through excite CEO, George Bell and offered to sell it to him for $1,000,000 he, rejected, the offer Vinod. Khosla. One. Of excites venture, capitalists. Talked, the duo down to seven hundred and fifty thousand, dollars but Bell still rejected, it, Google's. Initial public offering took place five years later on August 19. 2004. At, that time Larry Page Sergey. Brin, and, Eric, Schmitt agreed to work together at Google for 20 years until the Year 2024. At, IPO, the, company offered, 19 million six hundred and 5052, shares at a price of $85. Per share shares. Were sold in an online auction format, using, a system built by Morgan, Stanley, and Credit Suisse underwriters. For the deal, the. Same of one point six several billion dollars gave, Google a market capitalization. Of more than twenty three billion dollars, by. January, 2014. Its, market, capitalization had, grown to 397. Billion, dollars, the. Vast majority of, the, 271. Million shares remained, under the control of Google, and many, Google employees, became instant, paper millionaires. Yah-hoo. A. Competitor. Of Google also, benefited, because. It owned 8.4. Million shares of Google before the IPO took, place, there. Were concerns that Google's IPO would lead to changes in company, culture. Reasons. Ranged, from shareholder, pressure for employee benefit, reductions, to the fact that many company, executives, would become instant, paper millionaires, as a reply, to this concern, co-founders. Brin and page. Promised. In a report to potential, investors, that the IPO would not change the company's culture in, 2005. Articles. In The New York Times and other sources began, suggesting, that Google had lost its anti-corporate, no. Evil philosophy, in, an effort to maintain the company's, unique culture, Google. Designated, a chief culture, officer who, also serves, as the director of human resources, the. Purpose of the chief culture, officer is to develop, and. Maintain. The culture and, work on ways to keep true to the core values that the company was founded on a flat, organization with. A collaborative, environment, google. Has also faced, allegations of, sexism, and, ageism. From, former employees in 2013. A class, action against, several Silicon, Valley companies.

Including. Google was. Filed for alleged no, cold cool, agreements. Which restrained, the recruitment of high tech employees. The. Stock performed, well after the IPO with. Shares hitting, 350, dollars for the first time on October 31st. 2007. Primarily. Because, of strong sales and. Earnings. In the online advertising market. The. Surge in stock price was fueled mainly by individual, investors as opposed. To large institutional. Investors and mutual funds Guk, shares split into Google assed C shares and, Google. Class A shares the. Company, is listed on the Nasdaq, Stock Exchange, under the ticker symbols, Google and Guk and on, the Frankfurt, Stock Exchange, under the ticker symbol GG, q1. These, ticker symbols, now refer, to alphabet, Incorporated. Google's holding company. Growth. In. March 1999. The, company moved its offices to, Palo Alto California. Which. Is home to several prominent, Silicon, Valley technology, startups, the, next year Google. Began selling, advertisement, associated. With search keywords, against, page and Brynn's initial opposition toward, an advertising, funded, search engine, to, maintain an uncluttered page design. Advertisements. Were solely text-based. This. Model of selling keyword advertising was, first pioneered, by An ideal. App spin-off created, by Bill Gross when. The company changed the names to overture, services. Sued. Google, over alleged infringement of, the company's pay-per-click, and bidding patents, overture. Services, would later be bought by Yahoo and renamed Yahoo search. Marketing, the, case was then settled, out of court, Google. Agreed to issue shares of, common stock to, Yahoo in exchange, for a perpetual, license, in 2001. Google. Received a patent, for its PageRank, mechanism. The. Patent was officially, assigned to Stanford, University and. Lists. Lawrence page as the inventor in 2003. After outgrowing. Two other locations the company. Leased an office complex from Silicon, Graphics at. 1600. Amphitheatre, Parkway in, Mountain View California. The, complex, became known as the Googleplex, a play on the word Googleplex, the, number one followed by a googol, zeroes, the. Googleplex, interiors, were designed by clive wilkinson, architects, three, years later google, bought the property from SGI for, 319. Million dollars, by, that time the, name Google, had found its way into everyday, language, causing. The verb Google, to be added to the merriam-webster Collegiate, Dictionary. And. The Oxford English Dictionary denoted. As to. Use the google search engine to obtain information on, the internet the, first use of Google. As a. Verb in pop culture happened. On the TV series Buffy, the Vampire Slayer in 2002. In, 2005. The Washington, Post reported, on a 700, percent increase, in third quarter profit for Google. Largely. Thanks to large companies, shifting, their advertising, strategies, from the newspapers, magazines. And, television, to the Internet in January. 2008. Or. All the data that passed through Google's, MapReduce software. Component, had an aggregated, size of 20 petabytes per day in, 2009. A CNN, report, about top political searches, of 2009. Noted that more, than a billion searches. Are. Being typed, into Google on a daily basis, in May, 2011, the, number of monthly unique visitors to, Google surpassed 1 billion for the first time an, 8.4. Percent increase from May 2010. The. Year 2012, was the first time that Google generated, 50 billion dollars in annual revenue.

Generating. 38, billion dollars, the previous year in January, 2013, then. CEO Larry, Page commented. We edited 2012, with a strong quarter, revenues. Were up 36%. Year-on-year, and, 8%, quarter, on quarter and, we. Hit fifty billion dollars in revenues, for the first time last year not a bad achievement, in just a decade and a half. 2013. Onward. Google. Announced the launch of a new company, called calico. On September. 19th 2013, to. Be led by Apple incorporated chairman. Arthur Levinson in, the official public statement, page, explained, that the health, and well-being. Company. Would focus on the, challenge of Aging and associated, diseases, Google. Celebrated, its 15-year, anniversary on. September, 27th 2013 and. In. 2016, it celebrated, its 18th birthday, with an animated doodle shown, on web browsers and around the world although, it has used other dates for its official birthday. The. Reason for the choice of September, 27th, remains unclear, and a, dispute, with rival, search engine Yahoo search. In 2005. Has been suggested as the cause, the. Alliance for affordable internet was launched in October 2013. Google. Is part of the coalition of public and private organizations that. Also includes, Facebook Intel. And Microsoft. Led. By Sir Tim berners-lee the. A4i. Seeks to make Internet access more affordable so that access is broadened, in the developing, world where, only 31, percent of people are online, Google. Will help to decrease internet, access prices, so they fall below the UN broadband, Commission's worldwide, target, of 5 percent of monthly income. The. Corporation's, consolidated. Revenue, for the third quarter, of 2013 was, reported, in mid-october 2013. As fourteen point eight nine billion dollars, a 12. Percent increase compared, to the previous, quarter. Google's. Internet business, was responsible, for ten point eight billion dollars, of this total, with. An increase, in the number of users clicks, on advertisements. According. To inter brands annual, best global brands report, Google. Has been the second most valuable brand, in the world in 2013, 2014. 2015. And, 2016. With. A valuation of, 133. Billion dollars, in September. 2015. Google. Engineering, manager, Rachel Potvin revealed details about, Google's, software, code as an engineering, conference. She. Revealed that the entire Google code base which, spans every single service it develops. Consists. Of over two billion lines of code, all. That code is stored in a code repository. Available, to all 25,000. Of Google engineers and the. Code is regularly, copied, and updated, on 10 Google data centers to keep control. Potvin. Said google has built its own version. Control system, called. Piper and that when you start a new project you. Have a wealth of libraries, already available, to you almost, everything, has already been done. Engineers. Can make a single code change and deploy it on all surfaces at the same time. The. Only major exceptions, are that the PageRank search, results, algorithm, is stored separately with only specific, employee access and. The. Code for the Android operating system, and the Google Chrome browser are, also stored, separately as they don't run on the internet the. Piper, system. Spans 85, terabytes, of data Google. Engineers, make, 25,000. Changes, to the code each day and on a weekly basis change approximately. 15 million lines of code across. 250,000, files with, that much code automated. BOTS have to help Potvin. Reported. You. Need to make a concerted, effort to maintain code, health and this. Is not just humans. Maintaining, code health but, robots - bots, aren't writing code but, generating, a lot of the data and. Configuration. Files needed to run the company's software. Not. Only is the size of the repository increasing. Potvin. Explained, but the rate of change is also increasing, this, is an exponential, curve, Google.

Operates 70 offices in more than 40 countries. Alexa. A company, that monitors commercial. Web traffic, lists., is the most visited website, in the world. Several. Other Google services also figure in the top 100, most visited, websites, including. YouTube, and blogger. -, triple, o2w. Nine. In. 2001. Google, acquired Asia News the. Operators, of a large archive, of materials. From Usenet, Google. Rebranded, the archive as Google Groups and by. The end of the year it had expanded, the history back to 1981. In. April, 2003. Google. Acquired applied, semantics. A company. Specializing. In making software applications. For the online advertising space. The. Adsense contextual. Advertising technology. Developed, by applied semantics. Was adopted, into Google's advertising efforts. In. 2004. Google, acquired keyhole, II incorporated. Key holes eponymous, product was later renamed, Google Earth in. April 2005. Google, acquired urgent, software, using. Their urchin, on-demand product, to create Google, Analytics, in 2006. In October. 2006. Google. Announced that it had acquired the video sharing site YouTube for 1.65. Billion dollars, in Google stock and the, deal was finalized, on November 13, 2006. On, April, 13, 2007. Google. Reached an agreement to acquire double-click. For 3.1. Billion dollars. Transferring. To Google valuable, relationships, that double-click, had with web publishers, and advertising, agencies. The. Deal was approved despite. Antitrust. Concerns, raised by competitors. Microsoft, and ATandT in, addition, to the many companies, Google has purchased the. Firm has partnered, with other organizations. For research advertising. And, other, activities, in, 2005. Google, partnered, with NASA Ames Research Center, to build one million square feet of offices in, 2005. Google partnered, with AOL to enhance each other's video search services, in, 2006. Google, and. Fox. Interactive media. Of News Corporation entered, into a nine hundred million dollars agreement, to provide search and advertising on the then-popular social, networking, site MySpace in. 2007. Google, began sponsoring NORAD, Tracks Santa. Displacing. The former sponsor AOL. The, NORAD Tracks, to purports, to follow Santa Clause progress. On Christmas, Eve using. Google Earth to track, Santa in 3d, for the first time in, 2008. Google. Developed, a partnership with GOI to launch a satellite providing. Google with high resolution, imagery for Google Earth the. Satellite, was launched from Vandenberg Air. Force Base on September, 6th 2008. Google. Also announced, in 2008. That it was hosting an, archive of life magazines, photographs. 2010-present. In. 2010. Google Energy, made its first investment. In a renewable, energy project, putting. 38 point eight million dollars into two wind farms in North Dakota. The. Company, announced the two locations, will generate. 169. Point 5 megawatts, of power enough. To supply, 55,000, homes the, farms, which were developed, by next terror energy resources will.

Reduce Fossil fuel use in the region and return profits, next. Here're energy, resources soared Google a 20%. Stake in the project to get funding for its development in February. 2010, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. FERC granted, Google an authorization. To buy and, sell. Energy at market rates the, order specifically, states that Google, Energy a subsidiary. Of Google holds. The rights for. The sale of energy capacity. And ancillary, services, at market-based rates. For. Technologies, that will either Google Energy nor its affiliates, own, or control any generation. Or transmission, facilities. The. Corporation, exercised, this authorization, in September, 2013, when it announced it would purchase all the electricity, produced, by the not yet built 240. Megawatt, happy Harford, wind farm also. In 2010. Google. Purchased global, IP solutions, a Norway, based company, that provides, web-based, teleconferencing. And other related services this. Acquisition enabled, Google to add telephone, style services, to its list of products, on. May 27. 2010 Google. Announced it had also closed the acquisition of the mobile ad network AdMob. This, occurred days after the Federal Trade Commission closed its investigation into the purchase, google, acquired the company for an undisclosed. Amount in july, 2010, google, signed an agreement with an io a wind farm to buy 114. Megawatts of, energy for 20 years on April. 4 2011, The, Globe and Mail. Reported. That Google bid 900, million dollars for 6,000, Nortel, Networks patents. On August. 15 2011. Google. Made its largest ever acquisition, to date when it announced that it would acquire Motorola, Mobility. For twelve point five billion dollars, subject, to approval from regulators in the United States, and Europe in a, post on Google's, blog, Google. Chief executive, and co-founder, Larry Page, revealed, that the acquisition, was a strategic. Move to strengthen, Google's patent portfolio. The. Company's Android operating system. Has come under fire in an industry-wide, patent. Battle as Apple. And Microsoft have. Sued Android device, makers, such as HTC, Samsung, and, Motorola. The. Merger was completed on, May 22nd. 2012. After, the approval of China this, purchase was made in part to help Google gain Motorola's, considerable. Patent, portfolio, on mobile phones and wireless technologies. To. Help protect Google, in its ongoing patent, disputes, with other companies mainly. Apple and Microsoft and. To allow it to continue to freely offer Android, after, the acquisition closed. Google. Began to restructure, the Motorola, business, to fit wickles strategy, on August. 13, 2012, Google. Announced plans, to layoff 4,000. Were tiroler Mobility, employees, on December. 10th 2012. Google. Solar manufacturing, operations. Of Motorola, Mobility, to Flextronics, for seventy-five million dollars as, a part of the agreement Flextronics.

Will Manufacture. Undisclosed. Android and other mobile devices on, December, 19 2012. Google. Sold the Motorola, home business division, of Motorola, Mobility, to Aris group for 2.35. Billion dollars in a cash and stock transaction, as a part of this deal. Google, acquired a fifteen point seven percent stake, in Eris group valued, at three hundred million dollars in, June 2013, Google. Acquired Waze a nine, hundred and sixty-six, million dollar deal while. Waste would remain an independent, entity its social, features, such. As its crowd-sourced. Location, a platform, were reportedly, valuable, integrations, between ways, and Google Maps Google daily, mapping service, on January. 26th. 2014. Google. Announced it had agreed to acquire deepmind, technologies a, privately. Held artificial. Intelligence, company from London, deepmind. Describes, itself, as having the ability to combine the best techniques, for machine learning and systems, and aura science to build general-purpose, learning, algorithms, deep. Minds first commercial, applications. Were used in simulations, ecommerce. And games it, was reported, that deep mind had roughly 75, employees. Technology. News website recode. Reported, that the company was purchased for 400, million dollars though, it was not disclosed, where the information came from a, google. Spokesman, would not comment of the promised. The. Purchase of deepmind aids in google's recent growth in the artificial, intelligence and, robotics community. On January 29. 2014. Google. Announced that it would divest Motorola, Mobility, to Lenovo for 2.9, 1 billion dollars, a, fraction. Of the original 12.5. Billion dollar, price paid by Google to acquire the company Google. Retained, all but 2000, of Motorola's patents, and entered into cross licensing, deals on, September. 21st. 2017. HTC. Announced a cooperation. Agreement in. Which it would sell non-exclusive. Rights to certain intellectual, property, as well. As smartphone, talent to Google for 10.1, billion dollars, on December. 6 2017. Google. Made its first to the vestment, in India and picked up a significant, minority stake, in hyperlocal, concierge. And delivery player Danzo. The. Bengaluru based startup perceived, 12 million dollar investment in, Google's Series, B funding round. On, March 29 2018. Google, led a Series, C funding round, into online to offline fashion. Ecommerce startup, finned it. Was in second, direct, investment, in India with an undisclosed, amount in. This way Google, is also looking to build an ecosystem in India across high-frequency, hyperlocal. Transactions. As well as in a healthcare. Financial. Services, and education. Sectors on August. 23rd, 2018. Google. Deleted 39, YouTube, accounts. 13. Google accounts, and 6 blogs on blogger due to their engagement in politically, motivated phishing.

The. Deleted accounts, were found to be tied with Islamic, Republic, of Iran broadcasting. Brought. To you by wiki vide documentaries. Would. You like to know more.


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