hello and welcome to this Cube conversation I'm Dave balante with Rob stretche and we're here with J breit Singh who's the CEO of drva and Travis vill the senior vice president for product management at Dell Technologies guys welcome good to see you again great to see you thank you hey we wanted to gather because you guys have been working together for more than two years now and we wanted to help our audience understand the the nature of your relationship you know why you're partnering with each other and we want to unpack you know some of the innovations that you guys are are doing so why is it that how did you guys get together take us back to the beginning yeah it's okay JRE I can start and then maybe you can add on thank you so uh we've been partnering together now for more than two years and uh when Dell looked uh to provide a solution in this area uh we chose droa because by working with Jas Breen Team our customers can leverage a proven Cloud native platform it delivers fast reliable and secure backups and backup and Recovery Services and most importantly it's designed to be scalable flexible and easy to use um it provides customers with Comprehensive features and capabilities and really enables them to protect their uh their cloud data in a way that can reduce TCO improve operational efficiency and uh ultimately enhance cyber resiliency so you know it was really uh you know us working with uh the best in the industry JRE anything you want to add to that yeah we I think in fact we think we almost close to if not cross early a, customer thousand join customer Mark to the partnership so it's been a great partnership overall um and yes I think as as uh you know as as the customer you know you want as as your environment as is getting more and more complex as a combination of uh Cloud deployments on Prem scale AI ransomware uh a comprehensive solution offered by D which in which includes the the best of the bed elements of on premise prodection Cloud protection uh elements of security oversight put together uh that's the partnership uh brings together putp together for a customer and ultimately the customer Vin because they have a a very comprehensive solution um you know all sort of things yeah thank you just prach Travis why did you decide to partner versus just building yourself yeah I'll go back to what Jas breed said it really is uh the opportunity to work with with best of breed um you know if you look at Dell uh data protection uh Solutions uh we have a portfolio which includes basically software to to secure a customer's data no matter where it lives um that's inclusive of appliances that that meet the size of of any organization and then Dell Apex backup Services which provides data protection as a service uh and it scales on demand and as pay as you go and you know expand a little bit on what Jess breit said which is uh the reception to this this joint offer has just been incredible uh J Bri mentioned the the Thousand customers uh I'll I'll expand a little bit on that it's been just too short years and in addition to those thousand customers we have secured more than 900,000 900,000 end users and increase the total data protected over that time period by 12x so uh we've just uh you know we've just had a very great time partnering with Duba and seen the success in the market and just to just to both of you I I think this is part of the Apex backup Services portfolio and really focused on SAS being able to protect SAS SAS based data what are the biggest kind of threats that you're seeing in the market today that organizations have to handle when they're talking about that SAS data I'll start and then I mean jre's really the the expert here but from from from our perspective um the issues that customers are dealing with are all about um increasing automation increasing efficiency efficient utilization of it resources and ultimately providing the best resilience against cyber threats like ransomware uh you know I know we all love to talk about generative AI these days but uh cyber uh protection ransomware protection uh remains a top SE level conversation at companies of all sizes yeah if you first of all the offering expands from all the data on premises bond in the cloud bond in size the the solution spans variety of applications across multiple clouds but if you think about the the in general data protection Market it's been around for 30 plus years the customers as they Evol their needs evolve the needs for the reasons of security the reasons of operational efficiencies of supporting new applications right that's where they and every time they evolve the need they want uh simple scalable secure the aliveness of solution has to go uh much much higher on scalability security right so so far there's been dominantly two choices in the market um integrated Appliance or integrated Hardware market right or it been pure software only market right the Apex backup services offer the third choice right which is um everything as a service right now why that is critical is because if you think about cyber security or Security in general and if you think about what are the biggest pain point for a security professional today is not buying one more tool is actually how do they operationalize security how do they actually operationalize multiple tool sets they got right and in this world where cyber security is getting more and more complex managing one more tool set managing one more solution or a platform to manage aspects of cyber recovery isn't the ideal outcome for many many professional they want a simple easy secure fully managed offing which is what Apex backup Services offers a choice which will look almost all solutions are going to Cloud but it's how you how you operate the solution also matters and a size Bas approach let you get the outcomes you want and the predictable price points you want across the globe so any application across the globe predictable price points and predictable level of security yeah so you're right Travis everybody wants to talk about geni we knew too but we'll park that for just a moment just bre you guys and we were just at U ads reinvent duva was the winner of the global storage partner of the year so congratulations on that but of course at the show we saw AWS talking about its you know backup and Recovery Solutions and some of the other things that that that it is doing so I'm curious how do you guys differentiate from the sort of what I'll call vanilla Cloud offerings whether it's Amazon or Google or or or or Microsoft Azure what do you guys bring to the table in your stack that's that's unique and differentiable yeah I think com competive modes or or differentiation or uh value proposition takes you know sometime 15 years to form right uh as I mentioned my last statement like look the the world has many good choices when it comes to to software first models or or Hardware first models or or Integrated Solutions right we we we d a leads the market by offering a pure play size solation which are unique in offering right so what AWS donees a very good job of with the backup offering is Snapshot management across variety of assets within ews right but the the majority of world is very uh very hybrid or very uh multicloud or very fragmented in how they consume multi sof and services and as they deploy multiple application multiple places uh they uh at least you know a good portion of the world want to manage these outcomes much much more simply easy and and efficiently which is where a SAS model comes in U as a preferred model for those set of customers it's not a solution designed for all but those customers who don't want to in the in the game of architecting their own solution building their own solution right they want to have the Easy Button um and a scalable button Dr is the leading Choice uh you know for that yeah and j readed i I think you know it's always good to take it back to a customer example that illustrates that uh the one I'm thinking about is the Illinois State Treasurers Office um they uh they were looking for a solution to safeguard uh Illinois citizens personal information they wanted to protect against uh cyber threats they wanted to back up sensitive data in the cloud and really free up it uh their it team to focus on Innovation and less on managing backups and with uh Apex backup Services uh built on on Dua technology they were able to modernize their infrastructure they're actually safeguarding $50 billion dollar worth of assets uh and large volumes of sensitive data and in the process they reduced the amount of time spent managing backup process by 80% and uh allowed the IT team to benefit from automation simplified data management and really streamlining streamlining what was previously a time a time consuming process nice thanks for sharing some of the the customer input you know J breit was just talking about some of the multicloud complexity I'm curious about a couple of things there to the degree that you're developing joint products and I wonder Travis is there is there an analog in this world in in this space to like project Alpine which became the common storage layer you know across clouds we call it supercloud is there an analog uh in the the data protection uh sphere that you guys are are driving yeah we see uh we see data protection as a as a key part of you know one of of many things that that customers would like to utilize Dell Services both on premises and in the cloud so being able to offer a hybrid or multicloud experience uh based on you know Common underlying Dell Services is is something that has really resonated with our customers and uh you know I think it's a it's a great example of Dell making sure that no matter where our customers are choosing to deploy they have a solution for primary stru primary storage unstructured storage uh object storage and of course data protection yeah J PR when you're powering this Apex backup service or Services when when you look at this and you look across all of the different you know all those uh impressive numbers 900,000 and users that you're protecting and when you start to look at all of this is the vast majority of what you're being seeing on a daily basis as people trying to recover from things like ransomware that they've gotten through their Office 365 or is it back Bad sequel uh where they actually just have to do the you know traditional hey I I dropped a table that I shouldn't have dropped what are the kind of use cases that customers are using that really drive this service and the usage of the service it's a great question I think the nature of data protection is changing overall uh if you think about information security there sort of three dominant pillars right High availability availability um confidentiality and and data Integrity right as as three pillars for like as as data more and more goes to cloud and as as the quality of Hardware improves the notion of high availability is is mostly covered through providers themselves or the notion of iability is covered through better architectures better building better apps right so availability which is the human errors application failures are still critical still make a dominant portion about 40 50% of all recoveries made but overall reducing in numbers 70% 80% recoveries were always faced always because of a human error or a machine failure it's becoming less and less critical now we see almost 30 to 40% recoveries are based on a security or risk incident right this could be a cyber incident uh this could be a incident based on an Insider threat or a legal or a privacy concern they may have on the data right so data is becoming a central Focus for a lot of different variety of different needs which are more security oriented needs right and we still see compliance or needs like Disaster Recovery or compliance needs around replication still being critical uh but what's as I mentioned what's becoming interesting is the notion of cyber and rest becoming a bigger and bigger portion of why people would think about data protection or data resiliency or that totally makes sense and just to follow up on that because I think you hit on an interesting uh topic which is privacy and when you have a SAS based service what is what is the talk track that you have with customers when they say Hey you know I'm competitive with other organizations I don't want to be stored in the same bucket or in the same area that their backups are being stored because I don't want uh you know even accidentally or you know things happening between the two uh I guess you could say uh repositories of data yeah I think I think as I said like uh customers have uh yes customers definitely like the the story we often talk about in in customers like you know Pala citizen event initially made the made the business plan with JP Morgan to put a sort of a a electricity gener set back in the backyard to show show on 31st of December how they could power a whole house in the entire neighborhood came to see light bulbs and light shining and the next day Nicola Tesla published an article saying that look a elephant could get killed by electricity uh the the AC current right and Dy Morgan went back to Thomas and said look I like the idea of electric current but my wife is very very scared why they put this gen set in your house and I could lease it from you and then came the idea of GE right leasing electric electric current as we know it right I think for many many customers they're extremely proficient in running their ID systems themselves right but variety of the the big majority of cloud need is an Outsourcing need is an Outsourcing need where you want a certain set of capabilities which are not core part of functionality to be leased right from a vendor which has a core care abilities so while many many customers will feel highly confident in their abilities to run run their own data sets many customers wouldn't right which is where the entire D portfolio is a winning strategy where it's a end to end comperative solution saying look if you care to run it yourself great but as security gets more and more complicated and application stack gets more and more complicated many customers will choose an option of saying manage it for me run it for me and and and and and take care of it for us for those customers uh we host their backups now security and privacy is an interesting question right we often time ask the customers like where are the biggest risk at right and and when most customers would say that the biggest risk is at um source code or customer contracts or stuff like that right now the notion of data what's mine what's my customer's data and what's my customer customer data is a very blurry line it gets blurred over time right so uh in fact Dua one of the things Dua does very well is bring visibility into the integral connectivity of data and and what what is that data inenta from a point of view of analyzing data for sensitive par for who is accessing what who own so right that level of visibility uh and level of transparency brings crust to customers and gives them really really good tools to even do stuff like reach notification when I lose data what did I lose did I lose my own data did I lose my customers data did I lose my customers customers data and both are notified as a result of it so not only are we investing into managing data extremely simply in security we also giving customers very relevant tools to analyze and and visualize their information sets and and what it entails and what risk can solve by managing it well so Travis this is a perfect time to unpark gen AI in the conversation um and we've been it's a microsopic night we saw the co-pilots you know last week at reinvent it was you know all about the three- layer cake and the AI stack and bedrock and and just listening to just spree talk about uh just privacy you think about compliance data Sovereign sovereignty my I'm interested in in how geni fits into this data protection space both as an enabler of some of those important you know compliance factors and privacy factors and potentially a detractor from that I mean for instance how do you make sure you you keep data leaking of into the llm vendors to the extent that you're using it what is how should we be thinking about gen in the context of of data protection that's a great question you know I I I think you know looking at it from uh from Dell's perspective generative AI is um a a workload that we think a lot of customers will potentially start in the cloud or start with a Hoster and because of you know data privacy data sovereignty data governance issues um potentially move to uh to on premises from a from an operating the the llm perspective or or operating the the generative AI infrastructure perspective and uh you know in conversations with C customers I I think it's fair to say they are still figuring out how the you know the data and the storage part of the equation factor in but we do know that it is going to drive and uh generative AI is going to uh drive more and consume more unstructured uh data and so I do think that we will see a whole new host of generated data or Source data that needs to be protected uh and backed up and stored in in a very secure and um resilient way so we see it as a a Tailwind uh to to data protection and we do see that customers are going to need uh a multicloud and a hybrid Cloud approach uh to data protection for generative AI specifically thank you Trev JRE we're out of time but I'd like to give you the the last word you could take it you could you could follow up on what Travis just said or maybe put a bow on the entire conversation sure I think Jen is a very interesting conversation people would be Keen to only not only protect the information behind the the algorithm but they may also want to protect the algorithm itself which is rapidly changing I I believe in a world where there wouldn't be a single L&M there would be many many medium L&M small LMS and many LMS Custom buil Custom defined for custom problems um one solution will not fit all the problems and then people will have variety of needs um it's also a very very interesting time for applying large language models of geni for solving very very complex security and data management challenges U we pull the customers on what are the top five issues they grapple with on a daily basis and the issues around you know setting security policies or trying to understand error codes and pass through variety of log messages understand Fidelity of an alert and geni can be a very very interesting tool in fact Dua launched the whole DW effort a cop to really truly go deep in analyzing the customer situation and giving them a giving them a solution to a specific problem they may be facing in deep in their logs or their policies so um the world of data is changing rapidly in fact the whole conversation around digitalization is a data re architecture conversation the the whole argument of gen is a data architecture conversation and data is a c inter piece to a lot of these different topics in a in a in a thinking around how do I protect manage and secure this data which is powering multiple outcomes and security threats is a very very crucial conversation for the next decade to come and we very very happy lucky and proud to partner with d on this next decade of innovation it's great story uh thank you guys for sharing the details of the partnership uh Travis always good to see you in just B we'll see you next week in our pal Studio live I'm sure we'll continue this uh Jed AI conversation and cyber resiliency really appreciate your time guys thank you thanks a lot okay thank you for watching this Cube conversation Dave Volante for Rob stretche and we'll see you next [Music] time
2023-12-11 03:31