Ismael & Doortovalue AI Technology Our Current Times Future Timelines and more

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Hello thank you so much for joining I apologize for the delay there was traffic on the way here Not at all. I appreciate you joining and If you guess already I was conscious Energy sing alive today I'm just talking to To the audience I was here about the good work that we're doing and all things Cosmos What we're going to be talking about tonight And You guys if you have not met Ishmael yet he is a wonderful one He's a cosmic ambassador That is gathering the 144k but also Bring in All of humanity to sort of Awakened to a light as we're all doing right any of you who are lightworkers Probably recognize that probably are working towards that so Ishmael is the author of Our Cosmic Origin Okay so if you have not purchased this I highly recommend You can find it on Amazon Barbie talking about About this book a little bit Very much has to do with what's happening right now which is almost like What you What I want to stay you almost predicted It's like a How do you say Like a prophet like you saw it and then you wrote it in the book and now it's What you wrote In This Book is exactly what's kind of transpiring at At this time And I think that's significant Anyone Wants to Happening and Once kind of the esoteric version but more Clear and concise definitely hang on to that book Excited If anyone has any questions please feel free to If There's an option available to So yes hello everyone welcome Okay So it's mailed thank you so much for your Time Training Tell me more about cuz there's I have White A few questions already As people start to ask more I would love to get to know more about Current energy And we can kind of scale back a little bit What kind of been changing over time if you're okay with that and then The future So current energy recently Posted Something about Kind of The clearance of what's happening with What the timeline How The cabal is sort of been Turn down Using interesting terminology so I'm sure you can praise better than I can But also With what's happening with that timeline with the greys And then AI technology Cuz we're at a time right we're technology Tiktok Instagram you know YouTube all of these things Our try are still here and this is the way that Communicate Interested to know more about this and again if anyone has questions Yeah so definitely there is some sort of a timeline split that's coming You know things are going to be changing dramatically there's going to be two alternative versions of Earth One is going to be going in on the positive sentient pass where The AI in the technocratic Charity doesn't exist Our people do not become cyborg swear actually It's the opposite that people will begin to tap into their dormant DNA And instead of becoming cyborgs if he found you do Angelic superhumans With physical with physical form So You were definitely approaching an exciting time you know how I did It's a time where the ancient prophecies Are all converging at the same time With what's happening today And Like you said you know my book is not only ATI restoration of the ancient esoteric metaphysical knowledge With cousins with a higher perspective of cosmology Galactic history But it's also a book set Describes Either the times that we're living in and what to expect As a result of the Either of being part of the ascending timeline And what are the things to expect is a sudden collapse Current government structures It's not just Within The geopolitical arena but also You know the collapsing of the educational system as we know it The other way we do medicine Including the controlled establish Academia scientist That has been totally you know Running the show as far as like what we need to know or what is what they consider to be fact Nonfiction in what you know so it's like one of those things where even the The scientific community Is is a controls Academia by the cabal so Everything that All all the cutting-edge science that supports the new the new evidence that is telling us that you know Consciousness came before Before Mater in And that we are Dealing with other dimensions and you know Different realities and stuff They're trying to do everything in their power to suppress the New Evidence but the more they do that The more did the New Evidence is the coming forward it's impossible to suppress was coming So We're definitely going to be seen a radical change In the worlds in the next 2 years and Like I said before you know this is the year were things are going to be unfolding But it's going to lead to something greater And That's something Has a lot to do with the bifurcation of timelines For those that make the ascending positive timeline They're going to find themselves in a world where the Earth is still part of the galactic community and there is no more You know house and have nots there was no more corruption no more oppression But a world that is being Administrated by highly Advanced spiritual counsel And those individuals are actually part of the 144,000 Other us people like me and you So if your starseed out there Prepare to take your role in the new Earth have we become the new leader of the new Earth So that's the great news I get it just goes back to the point of like when you are Turning out that noise again without being ignorant Turning out that noise and focus What's your time The last time we did a live together The day after New Year's My cell phone. Evening January ends When we were talking at that time and energy was so much more different now I actually Mentioned In a way where those who have Done the work Or starting No ice See the difference where Anywhere that I go and I assume that this will happen with People even if you do Yoga differ That timeline For example I still You know And I don't want Offend anyone when I see this guy still seep People walking around With masks that's not the timeline that I'm unfit so ever at all but I still see it I choose to observe without making a mess Human But I tell myself regardless People here They're probably still on some I don't know But I know that I am at least Sending timeline so that's all I have to worry about If I know what The work that I have done just like everyone that's watching Ride like if you'd like what you were saying is Know the work that you have But those steps Understand That's what I'm gathering you already Kidding right It's like every other week I swear there's something new in the headlines that are trying to The date thing and You know they send us particles and I saw Some other has lied about Mud monkeypox and it's sew-in The desperation that These organizations If you will When I look at it AR Holding on to the last Threat know that it's written Sport lights Take the planet What can you tell folks Because I stole I know that they're still The world Came to connect with that Narrative they Trust Those sources How can we advise each of us People or at least be present for For people who are still stuck Do you think that those kind of people in freaking Our Lives essentially Well I think that's as we approach critical mass consciousness Which worlds there that includes only 10% of the population Being fully awoken from from The Matrix Critical mass that's going to cause a sudden shift for those that are Crystal sleep And so depending on their soul contract before they incarnated They do with whether or not they were going to make the ascending 5T reality or not So some chose to And some Chose the prince humanist Emerging with Artificial intelligence course notes Yeah so the choice was already made it into this Earth Okay so now What's interest What you just said actually because you know we don't want some of us don't want our family Christian. Sort of timeline transhumanism I'm trying to Could look like Debrecen Level. So it's not like all of humanity Ass percentage And then there's people that will still stay stuck in.

Cuz I'm fishing with the movies show QR codes in all that crazy Directly this movies are preparing us for for the future There's going to be three coexisting timelines what's going to be the ascending positive timeline Were they I will not existing And then there's going to be a The opposite of that but the negative timeline work AI becomes Absolutely the dominant elements in The technocratic Utopias they want to call it the smart World City Where everything is VR and you know everyone's I can aptar and People just kind of begin to Loose distinction between what was real in with digital at that point then they're pushing it through you know Zuckerberg version of the metaverse They're already pushing that timeline and interest A timeline of of the Middle where are you know you're going to have regular people And you're also going to have cyborgs and then you're also going to have superhuman Naturally There's going to be at 3 actually it's going to be a three-way split So so what we're seeing in the future when people talk about How in the future are there's going to be you know a i cyborg Different versions of human 3.02 different versions of 3.0 then referring to his Is the version that did it to the transhuman its path and then there's the version that did it naturally So anyway you know where can have a coexisting timeline as well But we the people on the Positive are going to be able to shift realities at will into the middle timeline or into the negative finally Two like active superheroes to the humans That are being oppressed By the artificial Some people might get A little bit Cautious about You know what the future why are you talking about so distant of the future But the thing is it's like Society already teaches us to think about the future little bit anyways like Family or if you want us Have the dream whatever business whatever it is so it's I think it's important For us and take what resonates to think about that now Where do you want to be like Who is the person that you want to embody Unfold naturally Ishmael You know with the folks that shows the Transhumanism Route I can't even Visualize or imagine what that could potentially look other than these Do you know but Is there a likelihood or potentiality that there could be Another I use this word lightly Great Sort of like how 2020 has been The later years but maybe without a virus I believe so Yeah we're waiting for that critical mass shift Today place and that's going to Pretty much Mini mini that are still program Burger to be in shock when it went all these Revelations come about So Ghetto the Earth align in the good guys are actually Getting ready to Pretty much spill the beans on the The wizard behind the Did The Curtain Speech Handsome That's going to be the ultimate Catalyst by the way you know but it's in a way it's like A lot of the people that that really We're so program so embedded into this Matrix are going to have a difficulty trying to cope with With the new You know what's what's truce with the New Evidence they're good they're going to have it really really hard So that's when we have to hold space for them and you know Many of them were going to be coming to us you know Because we were trying to wake them up years prior to that so many of those people are going to actually see us as waste And then that's when we're going to be there at 2 I pretty much guide them Through this Coping crosses you know of digesting And really just trying to You know adapt to everything that's been going on behind the scenes So interesting because as you said that I actually saw I literally saw that happening And it was like at that time work We're literally the metaverse I don't even know how he can get to that point Put it out there But When it gets to the point where more people watching Entertained Digital World's you know like obviously we all knew New at some level that we would be here when technology would exist You know right But whether we chose that route You know I can't speak but I also wonder and think that I'm not sure if you I actually At the time when the transhuman ism Life happens Again my visualization is very extreme That is what I'm Right now Is it possible that you know we could offer example in America be living in different states That could touch him like On one end sample Maybe DC You know people just your engagement that VR metaverse Timeline and then someone else in California might be either a completely different Different timeline is that possible when he gets to that extent It's hard to say What's happening now with our government and stuff and But like I'm trying to imagine what will happen if you think that people will essentially have to like pack their bags You know because it gets to that point of like the handmaid's tale which is a shovel Well I think it's there's going to be people that are going to be Into the virtual reality which they already started you know a lot of the gamers people that love video games They're already entering that fast It's become such an addiction you know it's almost like they're very new reality is video game specially with the video game Games that are Virtual reality type It's already started ghetto I'm sure a lot of people are Creating some sort of In our joining the metaphors you know and I'm sure those people are Becoming very acclimated to the these these new digital realities and they're loving it and It's becoming an addiction and it will become an addiction But this is Where it becomes a problem and it gets dangerous When when they take away the cell phones which is going to happen very soon for those that don't make the pasta descending time And have you ever heard of the concept of what wire where they actually puts the Some sort of interface in your mind where you could actually Interact with your computers without anything external so your phone's going to be inside of you Yes it's similar to what Elon Musk is working on Call neurochip on Euroleague She's a some sort of a chip that goes in your head But actually it acts as an interface between you and the technology So that's that's what's going to be happening that's where all these people can be going into so they said they kind of They start them on this VR path you know this metaverse digital reality They get them addicted to that and then when they take away their cell phones which is going to happen They won't have no other option But to get that chip in their head so that they can continue On that the universal reality custody continue playing their virtual reality games that they continue with their new song Social media no digital social media world where they're actually there You know in space or Malibu or in Hawaii having A drink with friends and everyone's in a virtual You know Avatar working people addicted to that already so it's it's happening Billy my blind People have gotten to the point where they Armoire Connecting to a fake This is already Bacon But people don't realize. If you're not aware of the internet It's interesting that people would Choose this song Experience and I almost wonder if those People are the ones that are going to also choose to read or have chosen to reincarnate again back After their time is Because Have they learned if they're choosing I mean I don't know it's a darker route so I really can't speak I don't know It's freaky when you think about a chip and the taking away of cell phone so that makes me also wonder You know that the level of commune Medication that will exist for those of us who are on the What will happen Because you do Instagram and Facebook These apps are sort of The same creator What will happen Well for those that are on the ascending timeline rashly we won't really need the devices anymore We're going to be Natural technology we're going to be telepathic we're going to be You know doing things Dell computer dust but much better And that's what I'm talking about We become better human Will not matter innocence were like it's metaverse but metasense words You know we begin to axes Superhuman abilities And so that's that's the path that we're at we're taking If you make the sending positive timer Eventually we will need to technology Turks But for those at Are are not going to do it in the natural Ascension organic way they're going to be very lazy and they're just going to you know Silicon Valley is already working So they're benchley going to downloader their brain into a silicon you know Type of a Android In order for them to live in more to become immortal so they're going to be sold in the concept of immortality You know they're going to be staying while I want to be like the metahumans right Like I asked So there's going to be a The governed the government's are going to be like I guess Kind of like what the bait say okay if you guys want to have these abilities we could give you guys abilities but you guys have to merge Technology So that's what men are to be taking the bait So do you think that that has already Creative A lot of people in the private sector already cyborgs Yes I'm using beside works with in the in the space force By the way Yeah the dark Fleet those it that our associate within the various groups I've been using cyborg since the 1950s to fight in the galactic War There'd been taking our people and they've been modifying them through biotech nanotech artificial intelligence Were they actually become literal cyborgs And they produced I think according to my research In the highly classified levels of information they produced over 200,000 cyborgs But they took from the Earth to make cyborgs Unreal to think about their robots walking around You know it's like when you look at your local Local politician For sure Is my next question because I think a few weeks ago you posted Video about Extraterrestrial races more of the Mini Darker ones whatever you know I don't like to agitate like Whatever their role is Onions are those Being still connected and associated with. Assist those politicians and things like that or Well they were butts the Draco in the reptilians in the greys in the negative alien That that have been taken out the only ones that are still remaining are Are the The artificial be invasive AI that came from Another Universe but When does solar-flash takes place for those that make the ascending timeline The solar Flash She's going to act like a BMP And it's going to totally nullify and eliminates Any AI signal or any AI structure Beautiful I was going to ask To be away Where That can be He stops like at some point Obviously don't know how how long I'm going to be 27 but like Imagining the next 30 years do you know what will life on Earth Be at that time we're already aware of some of our gifts People that are here probably have already tapped into those gifts A little bit more But what will it be at that time will it be A time where technology has advanced in a way in Transhumanism timeline if you will But can that be stopped like ndai I mean harmful I mean I think all of AI it away Yeah yeah eventually we do Win the war against AI in the future like a version of us in the future That Alexis's Pino high-level I guess DNA ability See how power and so we do defeat the air in the future But it all depends also on which If you end up on there's going to be three different or is there going to be the ascending or Square there is no GI So the people in that reality don't have to worry about the Technocratic tyranny that's coming And then there's going to be those that Are in the middle path there's going to be those that are didn't choose to merge the AI Are still co-exist in with those that did So anyway You know that Earth is going to have both regular people Superhumans That did it naturally organically and siteworks And you know by 2045 we should see that reality in the middle path of course in the middle of timeline But there will be a bifurcation before 47 Wow I'm lost for words because you said 20:45 I had A few days ago in experience I honestly Ishmael I can't tell you where I heard this because it's now it's just coming back it's like 20/45 around 2050 He is also another year that I heard I'm so very intriguing that you mention that again I don't know if I'm going to be alive during that time but I hope I am but You're going to be becoming Immortal soon you're a star see if you're not going to taste that Oh yeah Wait so Human wise Our soul like we will still have Not necessarily This is actually the Final incarnation Before we chose to in Kearney at this time So the body that you have now Will be the body that you're going to keep You know Forever immortalized snowboards Do this genetic mutation is taking place right now For those that do make the ascending positive timeline Are there going to be transformed Into Immortals And As a result of that you're going to be able to pierce into any pine mine in reality want you to mention They're going to be able to pop into the Middle Earth timeline work both The NOAA I exist with The humans and the medicines or the superhumans You'll be black if you pop into that reality you'd be considered superhuman except for the superhumans are coming From in that exist in that reality they're coming from the ascending positive timeline Oh my gosh I literally can See Natural Evolution I guess Place you do we have wisdom teeth Seems like.

I can see how. I don't know what will happen Something like the gifts that you mentioned the telepathy we'll sort of Be magnetized but it's something all Select Physical that I feel like So like in a way cuz you know this like our our souls are already Immortal and awake Eternally So essentially being in the human Vessel is what you're referring to Well it gets going to still Look physical in human like but your vessels not going to be made out of Carbon-based matter it's going to be a crystalline basement But you're still going to be physical The only difference is that you're going to be Indestructible when you're in the when you're in the crystalline You're using your Chris Lane DNA structure you're going to be indestructible So you're going to also have amazing ability You know Like but we seeing these Marvel movies and stuff It's so interesting like when you When you become Aware of This kind of marriage was happening What's been happening for stuck Then you go and watch Netflix in your life This is insane where did these directors get these ideas from and you search Together like What they've been kind of aware of and how they Very interesting think such meal as so much good Information here And That several questions Do you want to go ahead and answer the questions can we can ask Now or do you want Yeah we can answer questions Thanks everyone for tuning in Really love everyone's energy tonight okay so First question here Ishmael has talked about Ai and that is created by Lucifer Who is who exactly is Lucifer and is it more than one negative Lucifer and become Yeah Lucifer is pretty much the embodiment of the King of the archons Is originally was Lord someone talked about him in my book are cosmic origin She was he before he fell From Unity consciousness Into developing into you know Service to Ego He was one of 12 Cosmic beings are additives Overseeing the 11th creation And that he loves creation was all about developing technology and mechanics and stuff And 7-Eleven creation Wenatchee Decided to develop artificial intelligence That's when the AI was first the original AI Was created was England's creation He did it in a way to compete with God's creation And so the first thing he did is he created reptilians So you can see reptilians And the a I have always worked together and pack the Europeans work for the AI deserve actually weaker vessel The AI Are so dramatically are increasingly Advanced compared to the Draco And then when he realized the Draco reptilians were two weaker vessels when they were just being defeated by the galactic humanoids Or the celestials or the guardian races and we're talking about Beans that are like sore you know Dean's at Have amazing abilities are actually in a sense of mortal The Drake or actually defeated by these beans but it turns out that When when Lucifer realize at the Drake Over 2 week that's when he Decided to develop artificial Intelligence and when you do that He didn't away work He need it to us.

He needed some sort of a technological Avatar to be inhabited by this archon energy The archon energy is the consciousness Behind Talia That is what possesses artificial intelligence once the machine is built with With the exact mechanistic a function How about human mind The archon energy inhabits it And then possesses it And that explains why the Terminator they have red eyes right it's all archon energy Think about what Okay so Essentially they all Interlink This is good to know because At one point and I wonder if anyone else She's doing it now If you start about this like what is the difference between these reptilians draconian Luciferina Satan How like are they all like why are there so many different dark and These are all they all just I'll come by Someone put here Lucifer is a line he is two dimensions Okay 2nd Dimension very dense very But it's like almost like a They're not they're not able to Where am I going with this like the shadow is Kind of part of us under You're standing who we are right and trends Those darker entities are not really going to Thrive in the longer run Because the darker entities is a fallen Collective it's actually the shadow aspect of our unit Track winners University When into a experience at when its way to La state Everything became do also even A piece of prime creators Source broke off and I became the original archon And that original are, because it wasn't able to embody You know anybody logical form Because it was prohibited by Cosmic law It influence the mind of Lord someone who became the first Lucifer There's been many Lucifer's after and he was like the original Lucifer Are rubella Celestial rebel against the one And so what he did is he in places like To develop the AI so that archon energy Could possess it and then that's when the original AI came into being Billions and billions of years ago And ever since then we've been fighting a war against that and hits minions Now I'm like kind of I'm like I want to know about this You know what I want to go to the other questions as well This just came to mind So You know how lookin religion Ishmael they talked about like for example the Bible Coronavirus For they talk about Search the devil Earth I guess He better be banished The devil from From heaven Right I don't know Does that macron likes that Yeah it does Okay so So like is that you think some of those stories Our kind of But I feel like you also have to read between the lines of those religious text You really don't know Like what's been You know what I mean Yeah they were definitely modified Over the millenniums Yeah the actual Bible that we have today Is a actually condensed version of the ancient Sumerian Tablets Those are the real Records that actually relate to the Old Testament And the Quran and you know the Jewish the Torah and all that stuff They'll draw from From the ancient Sumerian Tablets Which word Uniform text as well as the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead The Ten Commandments came from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Thousands of years before they were adopted in the Bible or canonized And added into the Bible You just answered something Very personal for me there like Sumerians And I actually really resonate with that Because now you know It's hard in this journey when you learn when you learn more about what's happening and then you came from a place Having followed Religion Organized religion for For so long. To say that any of this The stories might not be real but it's kind of like When something is Fear Separation Kind of wonder what is the real narrative What's the real story where did it come I do and as you mentioned in your book as well literally right in the introduction you mentioned Information that has been History You said you said only 500 years ago Information kind of just started Coming back You know through the Renaissance Era so Alright I'm going to ask another question Everyone When will win therapy ass when will the Solar Flash Well in my book I predicted between 22020 and 2024 So that's what I predicted But you know there's also this phenomena called Miner's a sun cycle Reminder Solar flare Which is Minimum solar Cycles which is what we're undergoing right now And then maximum solar cycle So I guess The maximum solar cycle Between 2026 and 2028 I would say that You know Mike my first Vision was 2020 So I'm going to go and stick to my vision And that's the vision that I had 15 years ago When You know I was out getting downloading stuff I asked to see You know What Like to give me a time frame when these great changes will take place and they gave me Between 2020 and 2024 Very fascinating Some minestrone a quick kind of curveballs Not sure if it's the Kerbal Well too You're telling you smashing these years A friend of mine A few days ago was talking to me about Integration of us Astrology and Zodiac signs So my question for you you know do you think that astrology in these kind of things like that Connect to the Stars has a relevance with the years In a way so for example My friend mentioned to me Based on your 2028 20:29 wood It's a good year for you to have a kid I'm obviously not going to plan for that and I'm going to let it happen naturally but my point is You know is that something to pay attention to You in regards to you mention The solar Flash 2024 there's going to be some Peak around that time Do you think that there could be in a Association Astrology With the solar flash as well Astrology the alighted estimate the alignments planets and stars with a galactic So that's how they were able to 10-point win this phenomena will take place this events that would change everything on the earth and shift this into the new age or into the What's it called seventh golden age Cuz there's going to be a six prior Golden Ages Existent Yes Riley she's very real science you know the it was derived from an ancient Esoteric science that used to be By The High Priestess And high priest of ancient the mauryan Duplantis it was called ass project Which is a science that Is it integrates The planetary Stellar Galactic alignments It also integrates it with mathematical equations in Cycles And they were able to MC went to grow crops based on these Arrangements because everything was always on cue They were able to see when the next stage with come So it's it's a very accurate timekeeping system That has a lot to do with the alignment of planets and stars so yeah it's very very valid So Greyhound singing my third eye An image of a concrete Sundial that's the word with the shadow it's like a You know I'm talking about Concrete Some type of I don't know what is to calendar a clock but I'm seeing because Sundial On a piece of a slab of concrete right now and I'm actually Maybe they use this back then like the shadow From the light I guess The way it hits at Sundial with the little I don't know since making any sense I'm sure someone understands I don't know maybe that's what they use Very fascinating Solar flare should we be worried about Is my bien entry Christian question but some type of coffee or something coming on the Earth Or Is it something that okay it is obviously something we will Physically Is there something that will also happen On our planet with a comment or some Definitely no destruction now So we have a lot of help to it's not just us Doing the word to transform into Immortals but it's also I guess higher versions of ourselves from the other dimensions That are known as the clock ticks Different Celestial races are here Assisting Us in this process because You know that they're connected to us there us in the future and wear them the present so in order for them to continue their existence We have to make the The Latino Detransition So cuz it's all connected the entire universe is connected And one of the things I'd like to point out is that Most people think about The Ascension But in essence It's actually the Ascension of an entire universe that's about to take place when twin are plenty of sense and that's the reason why all the celestials From all over the universe Are here and to make sure everything goes accordingly Because I'm sorry Were you saying Oh you just said that you do the Ascension of the Earth is going to Mark the completion of our galaxy and the completion of the universe So our universe has been to become Eternal Universe also by the way cuz not every universe is eternal Only the universities that are actually aligning with the eternal life systems of the mother Central universe Kind of chilling to hear not every universe is eternal We are not on the universe that's not you Yeah Yeah we're we're on the universe set was Design And intended to become eternal Okay Some of these questions are coming and I can't tell if they're come Coming out of order Okay So next question Mystical monk 144 As the Earth Rises and density will the earth Become 999 How will be Be affected Well it's as far as like rising in temperature I know It's We're going to have a Constant tropical season worldwide Four Seasons anymore It's going to be perfect weather To be a type 1 civilization where we're going to have control of our planets weather in elements we're going to be Birth control Season 7 resources and so I'm never going to have free energy technology so yeah it's it's not going to be overheated Planet no Zhang infect The higher Dimensions dimensions Come or just heaven Heaven like worlds They become You know So as we go higher Dimensions we're actually going to be a paradise plant As you stated in your book and caps Heaven on Earth Right So I don't get too much of your time just let me know you know I can probably do two more questions Even I have to get going Perfect timing and honestly thank you so much for joining us It's been a really great live Think a lot of value has been added for Myself and everyone else Okay so two more questions you guys I'm let's see here I asked a question This is an interesting question I really like those Build dams What happens to all the homeless people are drug addicts that don't have access This kind of information The And aren't able to Do the work on them Depending on their soul contract If they're genuinely good people And they're going to send Elsa go to the Transformation process of becoming an upgraded Human being What is going to be different levels of upgrade For the most part the Earth Terrance which are the younger souls are going to be Looking for a few hundred years but still no power as you know they're just going to be very in tune with what's going on they're not going to have like telekinesis or Flop The superpowers going to be reserved for the star seats Because of the fact that the star seeds are the older souls in the universe that came here. Different levels of upgrades Gotcha Okay Question here sorry Scrolling through Yes okay this is a great question to Well okay May I ask one question and then I'll respect your time I'll just send you a damn arika It's actually like children In the future you know it's children but Maybe if you get The channeling your sub Something about. We can address it but this question someone has two very good question that I see

Is all of this information in your book are cosmic origin How do we get your book thank you There's a lot more information or Cosmic origin I haven't even begin to touch the surface With the information revealed in this book Yeah if you get if you get the book you're going to really have a specific going to expand your Consciousness like never before It's a really really like Kiest and clear read actually really like it I mean compared to all the books I have on my shelf right now The ones that I'm real Eating cereal Appreciate the way that you So everyone Ishmael should have a link It is bio To get the book where you can just Amazon Our cost Origin yay love to hear it someone just ordered it So yeah this is a really really great but I'm telling you like I have Quite Condensed books on my shelf in the It's something that is definitely about esoteric but clear concise Easy-to-Read Probably better than your edges I say that for myself coming from a four-year college so Thank you wish me luck See your time and Value that you're adding Someone asked if the book is in Spanish Not yet Paul's Restaurant Even though I do speak Spanish Other languages as well Okay it's not going to let you go for now thank you all for joining We said you so much love and gratitude blessings Just hang on for the ride Thank you for your time as well Everyone have a good night bye


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