Is the Renault Scenic E-Tech any good Full Test and Review

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so what is this then this is the Renault syic  ech European car of the year 2024 today we're   going to put it through his Paces test it and see  what it's really all about because it is totally   electric welcome to totally electric where  we test drive electric cars and talk about   sustainable mobility in this video we're going  to do the electric slam of the Renault syic E Tech Electric exam is our proprietary format where  we test eight categories that are relevant for   selecting the right EV for you each category has  its own weight and at the end will give a total   score for the car if you want to compare this car  with other cars that's gone through the electric s   you can do so on our website I'll put a link below  in the description now let's go check out the Rena   syic I'm going to tell you about the Renault syic  e tech but I'm going to do it quickly because   there's a storm coming and I do not want to be  CAU out in a Spanish summerstorm out here in the   wild the Renault syic starts at € 38,700 here in  Spain but this version is the one with the bigger   battery and it goes all the way up to 48,000  it's also the iconic version so it's the top   of the line on top of the 48,000 this has a paint  job and a glass roof each of these adds another   ,500 so the car you're seeing here actually cost  $51,000 now that's the official price you might   get a better deal at the dealership it has a  massive battery 92 KW hours or 80 7 KW hours   net so accessible to the user it means that it's  one of the smaller SUVs with one of the bigger   batteries and it gives it all the way up to 625  km according to the wltp standard though this one   with these rims and these wheels only has got 610  however we'll test that later on and see how many   highway miles that's actually going to give you  the engine is located in the front so there's no   frunk under here they couldn't fit it in I don't  know why other brands can they cannot but fear   not because even though this isn't the biggest of  SUVs it's got a massive trunk in the back that's   really big and in fact it's even bigger than the  number suggest cuz it's really put stuff in there   and it has a flooring that's quite far down it's  got quite High space to the roof so that's a lot   of space in there I've had this car for a month  and I've traveled with it more than 3,000 km and   it's just easy to fill up with suitcase no problem  really big space in the back and that is despite   this not being the biggest of cars it's only 4  m47 long so it's a C- segment SUV not even a d   segment it weighs 1,917 kilos in this particular  configuration and there's 0 to 107.9 seconds we   are going to test that later on in this video as  well it also has a top speed of 170 km an hour   now I'm not going to test that I'm just going  to believe the official numbers on that one okay I really like the look of the new new  generation of electric Renault cars just   like the Renault mean e tech this looks modern  sexy and sophisticated so we got these uh rum   boids I think they're called rum boids correct  me if I'm wrong you know that emulate the logo   of the brand are here in the front but there's  no actual Grill up here we got a camera down   here in the middle just to help us Park we got  another camera up there in the center for the   lane keeping then we got proximity sensors yeah  and we got a sporty masculine front end lots of   angles lots of Lights looks really really good  we also got these Renault LED lights which you   know turn on and off in sorts of a sexy sequence  when we come come up to the car I like how the   Thunder really add to the drama of this video  I hope you can hear it and appreciate that I   am taking a risk out here for you guys so the  key for this car is standout Renault it's sort   of like a you know flat credit card sized  thing when I walk up to the car you'll see   the door handles pop out and receive me so I can  open and get in and if I want to leave the car   just to close it I just leave it there and look  at the lights look at how they say goodbye to me yeah I don't know if I'm going to be able  to record the rest of this video today now   one detail I dislike about this car is where  they've chosen to put the charge board front   right see at the front it means that you have  to park front first into parking spaces don't   know about you guys but here in Spain most parking  spaces are quite tight and it's quite difficult to   actually Park front first in there and a typical  garage you have to like go down in your garage   front first which is fine but probably not best  when you're getting out so front charge port I   dislike it however it is on the right hand side  which is good for the Tesla superchargers but   it's quite far back compared to where the nose of  the car so even in some Tesla Chargers you still   have a problem actually reaching the charging port  would have been better had it been all the way to   the front or actually even much better somewhere  in the back of the car 20in rims by default on   this version how about that you can optionally get  19in rims if you want these have a funny design so   they got these two big pieces for aerodynamic  so two opposing Parts not here just these two   opposing there I kind of like the way they look  what do you think about them it's funny that is   20 default and you can then option it down to  19 I guess if you choose the 19in rims you get   better range out of this car at the back of the  car you will find the smallest windscreen wiper   in Automotive History well not maybe literally the  smallest but it's really tiny and it's useless as   well because you don't have to use the rear  wind screen to view out the back use this   camera here I'll show you that later on inside  the car so it's a good looking car right it's   got personality it's modern angular and very much  Renault right now let's see how far can it go on a Char so we're going to do the range test of  the Renault senic e tech officially this has   610 km of wltp range 625 if you get the smaller  wheels and everything but this one officially   610 now I'm going to do the highway test so  that means going at 120 I was just going to   talk about the setup for the car cuz you got  this Comfort Eco sport or persono persono I   guess is personalized or customized so I'm not  going to use sport obviously for a range test   on highway so I was debating doing Comfort or Eco  now I don't want to drive in a car you know nice   car with uh no airon or anything else like you  know the Comfort turned down low I don't want   to do that I want to make sure that when I travel  I'm comfortable so sometimes I don't want to use   the Eco convict for these range tests because they  take away my airon or something like that and who   wants to drive a 50,000 car sweating in summer or  freezing in Winter not me but in this car you can   actually configure it even if you're in the ECO  mode so that life on board you got the climate set   to normal instead of Eco so I will be comfortable  the only thing that this is going to change is   actually the engine engine's going to have or  engine why do they call it an engine it's not an   engine it's a motor engine engine this car doesn't  have an engine but know check your translations so   the engine is set to Eco meaning I'll get a  little bit less acceleration doesn't really   matter as long as I'm on the highway however I  will be checking that I can actually comfortably   go at 120 km an hour and if not I'm going to set  it back to normal driving comfort so here we are   we got 100% battery Highway up here we're going  to drive 120 km per hour going that way and then   when when I'm out of battery we're going to turn  around or when I'm halfway through the battery   we're going to turn around and go back here and  see how far we go 610 km officially according to   the wltp in fact it says 611 right here let's  see how far we can actually go I'm driving an   Eco and I'm on the highway I'm allowed to do 120  but since I'm an Eco the car limits itself to 115   now this is exactly why I'm not using eco mode  when I do the range test normally and I don't   want to be driving 115 I want to do 120 so no Eco  we're back to comfort here we go 120 let's move   so I'm not even going to do 120 cuz according to  the car I don't know if you can see the display   here I'm doing 122 however 122 according to this  car is exactly 120 according to a high Precision   GPS I use a dragy which is this here device it's a  high Precision GPS that'll do you check your 0 to   100 and all those things things but it will also  give you a very very precise reading on your speed   so 122 it is one of the most important things is  not how far a car can go it is how well it helps   you plan the charging stops so let's see how this  car does I am right now close to Madrid so sort   of 100 km from Madrid in Spain very nice place  by the way so uh let's see if I can travel with   this if it'll help me do traveling stops I'll use  the voice assistance for this let's take a trip   to Florence in Italy now to Florence okay so it's  wow it's really really quick it took no time to go   there it found charging stops on the way it tells  me how much time I need to charge at each charging   stop it found six this is absolutely perfect see  the important thing is not so much that I can go   500 km in one go I can travel with a car that's  got 200 km range if it tells me where to stop   and charge and how much time and all that so if I  click on stop start there it's going to choose a   set of charging stations and as you can see it's  going to tell me how much I'm going to have how   much energy I'm going to have at each charging  station when I'm going to arrive there how long   time I have to stay there perfect that is the  way to do it so according to the system if I turn   around at the next exit and go back I'm going to  arrive back at the charger with only 4% of battery   I want you to remember this 4% because my hunch is  that this system is quite conservative and I might   have even more I hope so because 4% is cutting  in a bit close right well let's check it out   uh see you later if if I'll actually get there  doing a range test with a modern day electric   car means that I have to drive around 3 to 5  hours plus later the charging test but you know   what I like doing this this is my dream job and  the reason why I can do this is because of you   guys the channel is growing and I seem to get  more views more subscribers every day and for   that I'm really grateful you see it's not always  the same parameters you need to analyze before   choosing an election car when you compare to say  a combustion engine car and I think many reviews   Miss some of the most important details and I hope  to rectify that by these electri SS so if you like   information about electric cars and what really  matters when you're choosing your next electric   cars I'd really appreciate that you subscribe as  well thank you very much to those who have already   done so now let's keep driving all right I've done  300 km now I've still got 20% left on the battery   not bad I remember how I said we were going to  get there with only uh 4% I just don't drove   past the charger there and we still got 10% left  so actually this system is quite conservative when   it say you're going to get there with 10% you'll  get there with 20 when it says you're going to   get there with 2% you're going to get there with  10% and so on maybe that's a good thing because   you know you'll always get there but honestly I  think I just prefer a system that's precise and   says exactly how much I'm going to have when I get  there but you know it's better to be conservative   than to be optimistic in this sense I'd rather it  says two and I get there with 10 than it's saying   10 and I get there with two if you know what  I mean so continued a bit further cuz I don't   want to get there with 10% I want to get there  with well below 10% so I can do a fast charging   session now so now just continue a bit further  I'm going to double back uh round and get back   to the charger okay we've done the range test now  I've been driving for 368 km but I've still got   8% battery left and I left with 99% so if we use  a little bit of math that means that the full or   range for this car in today's conditions is 44  km or the same as 251 mil that is a very good   number I've been driving for more than 3 and 1  half hours now and I am [ __ ] I want to stop   and charge now so the average speed has been  12 km an hour which is exactly 70 mph um the   temperature has been between 20 and 28° C which  is 68 to 88° fah the efficiency of this car has   been 21.2 kwatt hours per 1 100 km or the same  as 212 wat hours per kilometer or the same as   339 wat hours per mile now that could be improved  and if you used two Teslas which is what everybody   compares to in the comments take into account  that this is an SUV and um yeah it's not too bad   so next up we're going to do the charging test how  long time do we have to stop for a charge let's do it car engl okay so I've just started the charging  here I'm using this here the Thunder card so I am   at a thunder charging station Thunder is a Spanish  operator they've got more than 100 stations   all around Spain and they're one of the most  reliables there's always plenty of stations   around when you are there to charge and you can  use either a r ID card credit card you can use   an app or you can even link it and use uh your  car you know the linked car is just to identify   the payment so I really like charging at these  stations they're very convenient highly reliable   and just plucked in so this this station can do  360 KW and the car supposedly 150 so we spent   21.1 kwatt hours to do 100 km and my test is how  much time do we need to charge 200 km so we need   to charge 42.2 KW hours here how long time is that  going to take us okay check this out the car has  

immediately started charging at 143 kilow it's a  10% charge okay so inside the car here's something   funny you can see how many kilometers we've charge  you can see the battery percentage and it gives us   an estimate of how much time we need until we  reach 100% in fact if I set the maximum charge   of the battery here to something less say for  example 80% it's now going to say how long time   it'll take me to get to 80% and of course that's  a lot more reasonable however it doesn't anywhere   tell me what's the charging speed and that is  quite annoying I mean here at this station I   can see it cuz I can just go out and look at the  machine or in fact since it's linked to the app I   can actually see that right now we're charging 130  KW that's great but what if you're charging at a   station where the machine or the app doesn't tell  you like for example a Tesla Supercharger then you   have no way of knowing and how many kilowatts are  you actually charging your car cuz the car doesn't   tell you in the machine and the app doesn't either  stranger Mission check this out it's actually   slightly more than 21 uh kwatt hours it's charged  21 kwatt hours in just 10 minutes that means that   you can fast charge this car and charge 100 km  in just 10 minutes all right check out these   Thunder charging stations they're marvelous at  least four posts per station fast charging solar   canopy plenty of space between the cars so you  don't ding your doors yeah all charging stations   should be like this there you go 42.2 KW hours in  22 minutes and 30 seconds that's how long it takes   you to recharge 200 km in the Renault Sonic ech  so that means that if you're driving from Madrid   to Barcelona which is 600 km you'll just need  one stop of 20 minutes to get there it's not bad now it's time to test the acceleration  of this car now this is a front-wheel drive   you've got 200 KW of power on it officially 7.9  seconds to 100 which isn't going to impress a   lot of track racers but let's do it anyway to  check this out I have this this is a dragy it   connects to a high Precision GPS on the top  of the car and it should give us a very very   accurate reading of 0 to 100 let's see if  it can do 7.9 I've got 98% battery right   now should be okay come on come on come on  come on come on come on come on come on come   on come on come on come on come on come on  this is not super quick let's go let's go I   think that was 100 right I repeated the  test now several times and my best time   so far official time 7.9 seconds and I did it in  7.99 7.99 is not going to impress anybody on the   dra strip it's not too bad for a mummy wagon  is it all right let's see how else it drives this car has got several different Drive modes  and I can trench them with a button here on a   steering wheel just like a Ferrari that's where  the similarities start by the way I've got three   driving modes I can also do this on the screen I  have comfort which is just normal driving I've got   Eco which will get you further and I've got sport  which will put a smile in your face I've also got   perso which I guess is you know custom or whatever  one thing I do like is that even though I'm in Eco   for example I can still go in and configure some  some things I can configure the steering effort   so high it's quite firm and low it's very easy  to move the steering wheel low is perhaps good   for I don't know City Driving High for Highway I  just like it in high I like to feel you know a bit   connected to the wheels you got things like live  on board so I can change the ambient lighting it   can either be you know changing according to the  time of day or I just put it on a personalized one   so and just set it to my own favorite color which  just happened to be pink today so now everything   is I think that's more like purple isn't it well  pink and purple it'll affect the screens and it'll   also affect the LED lighting around which you  can't really see now well maybe a little bit   here but at night it looks really modern and  really sophisticated I don't know if changing   the interior LED lighting actually affects the  range I don't think so to be honest so we've got   these different driving mode so let's just set  it to comfort but aside from that we've also got   different levels of regenerative braking and you  manage it using these pads behind the steering   wheel just like a Ferrari again so there are four  levels which is first one is just off so let's   just try them and I'll show you see right now it's  level nor and if I drive say for example slightly   downhill here 30 km an hour 40 47 and let go it  keeps accelerating it's just driving as if it   was normal automatic car level one I can feel it  level two I can definitely feel it and level three   feels like I'm applying the brakes slightly which  is good level three I would suggest you put level   three on if you're driving in the city because  you can actually drive most of the time and never   even touch the brakes know somebody's you know  you're com out to a a cross light or roundabout   or something foot off the gas and it slows down  significantly however there's one thing it doesn't   do and let me show you what it is is I've got it  maximum regenerative braking Letting Go 35 km an   hour 30 25 20 15 10 and here we go it doesn't stop  it keeps going what's this why don't you come to   Full Stop Renault why do I have to put my foot on  the brake why oh why Renault do you put me through   this ordal why do I have to move my foot from the  accelerator to the brake pedal in order to come   to full stop this is the only thing that's wrong  with this setup I would have so much liked it to   at least be an option somewhere for it to come to  a full stop if rol doesn't think that we should   automatically all of us come to a full stop when  we lift our foot off the accelerator pedal then   at least give us the option to configure it in  the menu right suspension is quite firm wheels   are grippy it's got a nice solid feel to the  driving however we've got two 200 horsepowers   and they are to the front wheels and this being  an electric car there not a lot of weight over the   front wheels which means that if I go around  a corner while I accelerate heavily look at this you will hear the wheels lose a little  bit of grip not a lot just a little in fact   most other cars with a similar motor and  front-wheel drive they will skit a lot   more around the corner this one actually  didn't yeah it's not it's not like a rear   wheel drive where it just pushes you  through the corners here it does let   go a bit but it's quite controlled I like  the driving dynamics of this car they're   quite nice actually it's not a sporty car  by any measure but it is nice and firm to drive this is a relatively big car and  I can certainly tell cuz there's loads   of space in here got lots of Headroom I'm  A M 90 6'4 but even so more than you know   a fist above me and I guess that's because of  this uh roof I've got here this um enormous glass   roof which really lights up the whole interior of  this car the seating position is nice and upwards   I like the steering wheel it's chunky and it's got  a good grip to it it's flat on the top flat on the   bottom it's got like little holes in it I guess  it's also heated and so are the seats the seats   by the way are cloth they're not you know leather  or faux leather which is so much in fashion these   days and to be honest I kind of like the cloth  seats especially when you're in Spain where it's   hot as the surface of the Sun in summer materials  they look really nice you know this part here on   the sides has nice and sophisticated it's got  LED lighting inside however they are a little   bit plasticky in some parts you know you will find  some Plastics that let's see how they hold up over   the over the years so it's not luxurious materials  that just more sort of standard materials the fit   and finish is quite good everything fits in place  everything is nicely and snuck put together with   one notable exception if you look up here there's  a light here and this light here somebody pushed   it too hard it wasn't me but it's in there not  so snu as that aside from that I have a place   for my phone which also charges it I've got  drink space I've got plenty of space in here   nice big cabin one thing I will mention though if  you look at this bit here if I am moving my elbow   this this slides back and forth and it's slides  quite easily so if I've got a co-pilot next to   me and he or she's got her elbow on there and we  can sort of fight whether we want this front or   back not a big deal but quite annoying yes I'll  fit well in the front let's see how well I fit   in the back in the back of the Renault syic ech  there's plenty of space here L I'm A M 90 I've   got head room got L room um I've even got room to  the sides it's quite wide this car I like it it's   very comfortable back here and check out this I've  got two USB ports down there to charge my devices   but if that's not enough I can actually put this  here thing down got two cup holders here and then   I can open this I've got a storage space here and  I've got another two USB ports down here and then   I can do this and now I've got this funky phone  holder thingy sticking out there how about that   so yeah lots of space very practical you know what  I think it's wide enough for three adults to sit   next to each other here I think it might actually  be I like this space a lot I could no problem   travel from here to the end of the world sing  in the back of this car very nice very nice Rena the Renault Sonic ech is an absolutely  technological Marvel look at this we have   a rear view mirror which is actually a camera so  I can actually see something even though there's   a small rear window or there might be people in  the back not a problem I can just use this camera   up there I've got this massive screen here in  the middle and I've got a second air screen   behind the steering wheel it's actually quite  a big screen and it's got good well-designed   colors it's really easy to understand what's going  on there in fact the space in the steering wheel   where where I can see behind it is wide open  I like that it's really nice now we got this   roof here which is a technological Marvel it's  electrochromatic so I can electronically open it   just change the transparency of it and I can do  it front half rear half or full it works so well   that even at 12:00 bright sunlight if I put this  to the darkest setting the sun gives no more light   than the moon at night oh I'm wrapping so that's  great that's great this screen here is great the   other screen is great and the steering wheel's got  loads of buttons so we got on the left hand side   for my Adas system the right hand side we got a  set of sort of mitx match of buttons some are for   managing part of the screen some are for music  some of other stuff a little bit of everything   but we have no less than three stocks here on  the right hand side for audio for windshield   wipers and for gear selecting now the audio one  is particularly interesting it's got a wheel of   the back to scroll to skip forward and backwards  in songs it's got a volume up volume down a mode   and a source button it's actually got two sources  so you can switch back and forth between I don't   know Bluetooth radio Etc all very very funny  and excessive right now the funny thing is   with all these button here they still didn't  put a mute button on it if I want to mute it   I have to push two buttons at the same time how  is it possible Renault that you put 700 buttons   on it and you didn't put a mute button on it weird  now the rain's going to come down and I hope you   don't mind the noise but that's why I'm sitting  inside recording this bit right now I can't do the   outside bit right now so sorry about that asides  from three stocks here I've also got these levers   here which I used to change the regen on the left  hand side of the steering wheel I've got buttons   for my Adas controls and on the right hand side  I've got an assortment of buttons some I use for   controlling this screen here some are for other  random stuff I can even program one of them then   I have a multi sense button the multi sense  just change my driving mode between Comfort   Eco Sport and personal so it's just a drive  mode button but it's there and it's called   M multisense funny isn't it aside from that I've  got LED lighting in the interior that's out loads   of Technology oh did I mention that on the left  hand side I've also got another stock which is   for the lighting so yeah four stalks two levers a  floating button and touch buttons on the steering   wheels here's the thing I don't like the way  it looks it looks like I'm managing a squid   or something like that it's just just too much  of it however you do get used to it I've been   driving this car for about a month now and it's  fine I mean you don't think about it when you   use it I now you know without thinking about  it turn up and down my music and go back and   forth on the songs and all that it's fine it's  okay it's just a funny solution quite contrary   to the minimalist solution that we have generally  on cars nowadays specifically it's funny because   we've got this massive screen in the middle which  does everything as well it's got the Android auto   motive setup here so that's wonderful now aside  from that all these buttons here and stalks and   stuff like that we've also got buttons here  on the door for Windows and um adjusting my   exterior mirrors and I've got a set of two buttons  here on the left hand side one is for opening the   chunk and the other is for activating my personal  uh settings for the Adas controls which is super   useful because if I double click it it'll turn off  this super annoying beeping sound that that every   modern car does when you go over the speed limit  the rules it's not the car's fault really I have   two USBC Chargers here I've got a wireless phone  charger in the middle this car's got it all I mean   for the price point the technology in this car is  amazing you see the Android automotive system is   perhaps the best system currently available for  managing screens in a car and that includes the   Tesla system I think this might be a little bit  better it's super quick so if I want to plan a   route anywhere I just have to tell it to do so I'm  not going to use the keyword because all of your   phones will be going off then so I'm just going  to push this button here on the steering wheel   instead take me to Barcelona see how quick this  is navigating to Barcelona what no time whatsoever   let's try something a bit more challenging  let's try to go even further take me to London navigating to London 3 seconds gosh and it's now  finding charging stops and everything this is   amazing I mean I speak slower than this system  fantastic so aside from that I've also got the   customized and personalized apps I can install so  if I want to use a better rout planner instead of   the standard one that comes along I can do  that cuz I've got the play store installed   here play store has got a set of apps not all  of the Android apps because that would be a   security liability for a car but some of them  are vetted so like Spotify and ways and I can   use those in my car it works really really well  and even if I don't like this system I can use   Android automotive or Android auto from my phone  or apple carplay wirelessly I don't have to pluck   it in but honestly this system is so good I don't  think I really want to use the Apple carplay do I   probably not this being Google it also connects  with your profile file so if I for example do a   search on my phone to go somewhere it'll later on  show up on my history on my car so it connects you   it knows where you are where you're going where  you work is ETC which is brilliant because it   makes life easier for you and it's also good  for your paranoia isn't it in this menu here   you will see that there's also the 360 camera  and it works really well as well I can see in   front of the car I can see well a wide screen  is this in front or behind no this is behind   so I can see this view where I sort of got a  top down View and the back of the car but if   I just want a full screen of it I can see it like  that or I can see the curb sides on both sides if   I want to park or I can do this magical exterior  view of the car I don't know how they do that do   they because there's no drone flying around  filming me but yeah they Stitch these images   together and it gives you this wonderful view of  where you are in sort of a 3D yeah brilliant now   asides from the camera the Android automotive  the Google this screen that screen we've also   got a heated steering wheel we got heated seats  in this as well we got LED lighting that you   can either put to your own personal preferred  collar or you can just have it automatically   set we've got the electrochromatic glass roof  this car is packed with technology wonderful in   that sense we even have a parking assist that  will help us Park and unpark how good is that so the Renault syic ech incorporates a level two  driver assistance feature meaning that it'll do   all the tasks of driving in a you know on the road  but I am responsible so I have to basically keep   my hands on the wheel at all times it'll maintain  the distance to the car in front of me and it'll   follow the curves uh around a corner it won't  change the Lan for me I have to do that myself   and of course it doesn't work when you have to  go around roundabouts and other such complicated   stuff like that but it is a standard level  two system that we find in many or even most   cars today this one works quite well I managed  it with the controls on the left hand side of   the steering wheel where I can turn it on turn it  off change between the different modes there are   three different modes there are let's just try  them out here speed limiter so if I want to set   it to a fixed speed so 12 120 and no matter how  much I push on the pedal it won't go any faster   than that then it's got uh let's see the active  assistance which is everything and then it's got   just adaptive cruise control now I like to use the  active assistant the one that does both the cruise   control and the lane keeping so I'm putting that  on and I'm setting it to 122 cuz that's 120 real   kilm now now I could have it automatically adapted  to the speed signs it it sees but I don't want to   do that cuz I don't want it to go down to 120 all  the time on the screen I can clearly see what it   is set to what my actual speed is and what the  maximum allowed speed is right now I can also   in the middle see how well it detects the lanes  if they're green it sees the lanes perfectly and   you can see that I'm stuck in the middle here  perfectly well centered I can adjust the car   within the lane without the system turning off  which is very nice if I want to say for example   avoid a pothole I see in front so I can just  slightly turn to the right or to the left but   as you see the system is still active and the are  still keeping me in the lane if I want to change   to a different Lane I have to put on my blinkers  I have to do that manually it's not something it   does automatically and that's something the system  is capable of at least not right now I like the   fact that it clearly indicates whether it's on  or off and I like the fact that the steering   wheel s of becomes a little bit heavier which  is a good haptic response for this in order to   detect whether I'm paying attention it detects  my hands on the steering wheel and sort of the   torque that I exercise size on it so it's not  capacitive like Mercedes for example I just have   to touch it slightly as if it was a mobile phone  screen here I do have to actually exercise some   pull on the on the steering wheel some torque  on it it's not really a problem I just put my   hand on like that and it can feel the weight of my  hand and that's just fine for this system so let's   see how well the lane keeping does going around  a curve you can see there's a curve coming up   here down there we're doing our 120 right now  um there's a motorcycle in front of us doing   exactly the same speed as well he's very good at  maintaining this speed good job so I'm not doing   the Turning let's see how well the car does I'm  ready to take over at any time yeah it's staying   within the lines it is having trouble sticking  to the lines though it did painted in red but   it's doing it we're going around the corner H it  trembles slightly because it's like pay attention   you can see the the steering wheel is moving  I'm not turning I'm just having my Hands on the Wheel okay so here it did it it was okay  but spoiler alert if it's a little bit   tighter in the vents then uh you have  to take over right let's see how it does here so far so good let's see this corner  up here yeah it's okay it's actually not   bad at all you do have to pay attention  but it will do most of the job for you   meaning that on a long road trip you will  arrive at your destination without having   to micro correct every 2 seconds  and thus you know tiring your brain out let's look at the scores as always you can  compare them with others on our website Linked   In the description below range and efficiency  404 km of real Highway range is impressive and   makes this a car that is easy to travel with  this would give it seven points its efficiency   was 21.1 kws per 100 km which is acceptable  for a midsize SUV I'd also like to highlight  

how easy it is to plan a route with charging  stations included so we'll bump the score up   to 7.5 points charging experience the time to  charge 200 km was 225 minutes a reasonable time   for a break making it easy to travel with this  car the maximum charging speed is 145 KW but   the charging curve drops off in steps slightly  extending the total charging time I also don't   like the location of the charging port I find it  inconvenient in many situations you can schedule   the charging but I miss seeing the charging speed  displayed on the dashboard which I find to be a   significant emission I give it 7.5 points  for charging performance and driving this   is a front wheel drive SUV built for Comfort not  sportiness so it's not really fair to judge its   Performance Based on acceleration but we live in  an unfair world and that is just how the electric   samam works it takes 8 seconds to reach 100 km  an hour which only gives it an initial score   of three points another negative point is that  it doesn't come to full stop when you let off   the accelerator so it doesn't offer true one pedal  driving however it does have great adjustments for   options for regen and driving modes the suspension  is good and comfortable which is what you want in   this type of vehicle really so we raise it a bit  and leave it at Four Points interior and quality   the Interior Space of this vehicle is excellent  especially considering it's not a d segment SUV   but a C- segment the interior is spacious enough  for five passengers with plenty of luggage the   fact that a car that is just 4.47 m long has 545  L of trunk is a big plus even though it doesn't   have a Frank the design is modern and attractive  but the materials feel a bit cheap in some areas   and there's an overuse of hard plastics I give  it five points for interior and quality exterior   and design I love the exterior design of the  Renault syic e tech it's modern unique and   different from what Renault has done in the  past I think renault's design direction for   the mean the senic and the upcoming Renault 5 is  spot-on with strong brand identity I give it eight   points for exterior and Design Technology this  car comes super equipped in this tested version   electrochromatic roof Android automotive Google  online integration 360 cameras voice control   wireless apple carplay and a thousand other  features it does have an excess of buttons and   lers and interfaces the center screen operates  smoothly and the system is intuitive and easy   to understand even so I give it eight points  for technology driver assistance systems the   lane keeping and distance control systems  work well although you need to stay alert   because they can deaerate in curves without  audible warning the reliability is relatively   good but the functionality is limited it's not  suitable for secondary roads as it can't handle   tighter curves I like that there's also a speed  limiter and the system features automated parking   for driving assistance I give it seven points  price I'll be referring to the price in my local   Spanish market prices in other markets might vary  slightly the Rena syic ech starts at 38,700 with   the tested version going all the way up to $49,400  the only SUV with a similar range that can compete   with the ren Scenic in terms of price is the  Tesla Model y long range with rear wheeel drive   which is currently available for 46,99 other  Alternatives could be the Volkswagen id4 pro   at 44,800 95 though it has slightly less range a  vehicle with similar size and range would be the   Nissan ARA with 87 kilowatt hours but its price  goes all the way up to 57,200 therefore I find   the Renault sing to be fairly priced and quite  competitive if you're looking for a C- segment Sue   with long range I give it seven points for Price  taking into account the weight of each category   and its score we reach a final Electro exam score  for the Rena syic E Tech iconic of 68 out of 100   points remember you can personalize this score  using our website Linked In the description below so that is the Renault senic E Tech and I  think there are plenty of good reasons to choose   this car at this price point you won't find  another midsized Sue with this big a battery   this long range and all the tech you've got inside  perfect everyday car and you can even go for long   road trips 404 km on a single charge and 200 km  recharge in just 20 minutes not a bad package   that Renault has put together here so thank you  very much for watching this video you've been   watching totally electric and if you enjoy videos  that go into details about electric cars then this   is a channel for you and if you reach this far I  bet you do so I'd appreciate it if you subscribe   and you will be able to then get a notification  once we test a new car I have another one in mind   it's slightly bigger than this one it's got a  similar battery and maybe even a similar range


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