Is Bitcoin Blockchain the Future?

Is Bitcoin Blockchain the Future?

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rich swisher so we connected on a patreon tier  three chat live on one of the zoom calls and   we had a quick down and dirty discussion about  everything from cryptocurrency to bitcoin to   blockchain technology and the conversation got  very interesting and so um i offered you a slot   here and and i'm just really excited that you're  here because i am very interested in this subject   and it seems like no matter how many things i  watch i just wind up more confused and uh you had   you were explaining things at a level that even  like that even i can understand so i just want to   say thank you for coming oh man my pleasure it's  an honor to honor to be on here love your show   um love to see veterans voices being heard like  to see so many of the initiatives and the nature   of these guys initiatives so i was just as a  fan of what you were promoting and showcasing   on here and we as a veteran-owned business  were of course you know we see ourselves in   that so super excited and uh yeah thanks so  much for letting me come out oh my pleasure   well let's get into it so you had studied some of  this blockchain bitcoin stuff uh crypto in in one   capacity another mit and uh so that's what makes  you relevant on the subject and so i just have so   many questions but let's just dive right into  blockchain blockchain technology it seems like   that blockchain technology is coming up more and  more and more in tech news and a lot of people   are saying this is going to wind up being the new  internet and the new everything so can you kind of   guide us through what exactly  blockchain technology is   yes and no if i guide you through exactly  what it is we will all end up glazed over like   like happened so much i think really simplifying  it for somebody for somebody who's scanned the   horizon going just like you're saying all  right there's winds of change i hear i've   heard it too many times from too many different  levels of you know of uh global interaction   down to day-to-day interaction that something  is changing and if you try to dive in on the a   technical personal dive in they they get it really  quick it's not that it's tricky but um let me give   it first let me just give kind of the very basic  of what swap we're looking at doing because what   we're doing is we're swapping the old programming  that the internet was written on for a different   program they wrote code differently it's been a  long time code's come up with a much smarter way   and there's a big fundamental change in the  way that the what we're used to operating on   on a computer um in in the old format the old  https internet and whatnot you go on and you look   at something and you see it and you're seeing what  a lot of other people are seeing you're seeing   that window on that website and it's you can pick  which page on it to go to and do all that and   kind of see that and when when you take something  from it you can take copies of things from it you   can take photos of it you can take videos of it  but you don't change its property whatsoever it   stays there it hasn't altered or changed with  blockchain you're still going to be able to   go and see a website still going to be able to  go interact with it you could even take a copy   of something from it or you and that website  can agree that they can give you something that   now they no longer have and you have that's the  essential key difference okay now things can move   that's that's that's one of the big differences  like what would that thing be just an example um that man there was one recently that i thought  that would be a that would be a cool one i mean   it would be an nft or or some money or  any kind of item you can digitalize so   and medical records yeah uh yeah it can any  any document anything like that documents are   quite often it's okay to copy but if you need  the original um digital form then you have it   i don't completely understand and agree  with nfts i have friends that are artists   like i i like to have their art but  i'm going to display it on their wall   but let's say i've got a digital wall to display  it on um and i know i have one of one no one else   has the digital well i also know somebody has  the original somewhere i wanted the original   other people say no the digital is enough for  me and i'm collecting them here and i know   that no one else can have this exact digital  thing um when it comes to those levels of nfts   i don't think it has a massive effect on  society and on buying collecting digital   kittens and all this kind of stuff i don't  think that's going anywhere but the fact that they solved the double spend problem because  they've been trying to do digital money i mean   everything you do with your money is digital  or you know the vast majority of it all already   anyway it's just accounting for it yeah um i  gave my credit card at the restaurant and they um   they accessed it through its  pin number its unique account   verified my identity and they sent a request  through to have money sent well three days later   probably that restaurant that all of those  those chains of transactions are happening where   digitally with what i'm talking about with a  blockchain it's instant and it's real so this is   this is essentially a faster more efficient  internet is that what you're saying and it does   something that you couldn't do before before  was only copies now it eliminates that thing   in yours and puts it in there okay that's that's  the big key the other big key and and really if   you wanted to title um this show anything other  than like bitcoin and bitcoin's blockchain   it would be decentralization well i'm glad you  brought that up because one of the things that   really got me interested i was never interested  in cryptocurrency or anything until until covent   and then with kovac gained you know a  lot of fear with everything and i started   that's when i really started  paying more attention and   as the government continuously gets involved  and gets their hands on more and more things i   i don't like that and so when i hear decentralized  internet decentralized finance to me that meant   that this was almost like a shelter where the  government couldn't get their dirty little hands   into my money you know or maybe it might help  with things like censorship or not one person   controls the entire internet like facebook  amazon you know google you know they control   i mean if i'm corrupting from wrong but they  control they pretty much control the internet   and the way i understood it was with the  decentralized internet decentralized finance   that it's it's basically the the the populous  it's not controlled by any one person is that true   yeah let me let me alter a couple where it's not  control of bull by anyone it's not controllable by   anybody yeah and not even that it's not because  a lot of people talk about web one web two web   three i'm calling blockchain web3 web one was  basically got the internet up you and i or you and   a hundred other people can connect like  you know digitally can share things we can   look over at sites or not and it was it was very  decentralized it was centrally controllable though there hadn't been the big financial  incentive figured out yet or whatnot   the dot-coms come russian everyone is looking to  centralize it um everyone's like we're looking at   it with electronic vehicles right now um i don't  i forget the number but like at the turn of the   20th century it was like 300 car companies making  cars in 1900 you know where the heck are they now   we know like 10. um well that's what happened  by like the 20s or 30s there was only like 10   decentralized a lot of the the shaft falls away  you merge you combine you team up you whatever   and that's kind of what happened with the internet  was they're like wow this is really about hey now   that we can do this we can also and we can  also you started forming companies out of it   things started teaming up you started going to the  really familiar site pretty soon we centralized it   we did and the silicon valley companies and  all them we centralized the internet and now   you know and it got to the point where  you say they control the internet man   and what all does the internet control everything  that's that's the big scary thing um and   so you look at you look at their philosophies  and sometimes and i don't mean to call out any   of the individuals you know by name that  run these companies but i'll see them   on podcasts and whatnot in our almost like  philosophers and they're really going over   okay well how should we responsibility  responsibly guide society based on my morals   i mean that's that's what you're talking about  and what i'm talking about when we say like   yeah time out i don't need you deciding that for  me i am somebody who likes self-determination um   to to a fault i'll go ahead and fall on  my face just let me pick it let me pick   how let me let me do my thing um the way the  way that my whole company motive started was   we had this opportunity we were we we were  fortunate enough we were solving a five percent   mortality problem just little village by building  i mean we would start it out with 100 kids   um but that's five lives say that so  that was big in our book side deal we get   bitcoin in and it starts opening up so much  more of what we can do and how we can do it   um the way money is sent the way it's received the  way you pay everything digitally it's just really   really simple and there's nobody that can pull the  rug out from under the people that we're helping   well okay before we get we'll cover your nonprofit  and company uh in the latter portion of this   but when it comes to decentralization the way i  understood it was you know it can be this guy has   a mining machine in his closet this company has 20  mining machines and this and it's all these mining   machines that are kind of working together to  solve these complex math problems which make the   blockchain work correct so my question is right  now it's decentralized but you're seeing these   massive mining operations these massive bitcoin  mining operations showing up in warehouses where   they have tens of thousands of machines and so  what happens when one of these tech giants you   know who can't afford a million mining machines  puts those all into one warehouse wouldn't that   be kind of centralized so let me make sure  you're clear on what decentralizes it so it's   let's use the bitcoin blockchain it's one ledger  okay there's one ledger around the whole world   it's carried on millions of nodes what you're  talking about mining nodes computers it's carried   on millions of computers and run and it's checking  it's simultaneously updated on all of them   um it's not located in one place where we can  go and do a strategic strike and knock it out ah   we've killed bitcoin no you know and we can't even  hack it like at a bank you can go in and hack a   bank um they use really old technology really old  mainframes um they've got a bunch of protections   in place but if you go there and you change that  ledger you change the ledger so it's it's done if   you go in to that giant facility that's two square  miles of nothing but machines running and you   create some kind of great new technology to where  you can you can type across all of them at the   exact same time you're in and you can make things  happen you have nowhere close to what you need   to try to edit a record on the bitcoin blockchain  without authorization guys millions of computers   around the world doing that okay and as those  algorithms would go in the ones you tried to   fudge would pop up going this map doesn't work  even if you were so brilliant to make those   math work if any of those went to any of the other  computers they would go this doesn't work so it is   it is a trustless system and it's called  trustless which means it's trustworthy   and what you're trusting is that constitution that  it's written on that constitution it's written on   is is based on some super complex math and that  that keeps us keeps it decentralized keeps it   and with bitcoin and and i don't believe  i'm wrong on this i heard somebody else   say it differently the other day and i think  they were wrong but uh you need a 90 percent   all of the computers around the world that  are running the bitcoin to make a change   from the bitcoin core development team they  put forward propose a change report it takes 90   percent of them going yeah before it goes so china  just last year and then gave us 2021 completely   you know pulled out a big ah bitcoin's illegal  don't use it don't do anything china's realized   they can't so they can't beat it that brings  up another question because i i remember when   they did that last year i believe it was last year  um a lot of people thought that it was that crypto   as a whole was going to crash because china had  pulled out now so when they made that illegal does   that were they able to shelter their citizens or  their population from actually using the exchanges   like coinbase finance yeah and so if they were  how were they able to access their money so exchanges are they they have both a bitcoin  wallet and they are a bank yeah they have   everything a bank has okay um so everything's  visible on there everyone is identified on there   it is centralized not decentralized um it's  the other side it's not it's it's not on the   blockchain okay so that's that's an exchange  that's where you go to cash out your money   cash out your crypto um there'd be no other  reason i would know that it would be smart at all   to ever hold money on an exchange the  only reason you would do it is for fdic   assurances and i trust my own security  well enough to not do that um so   that's so and then where would you put your money  i would put well i'd have some in a hot wallet   which just means one that i used that has a small  amount on it like you put your fold money in your   you know your wallet as you go out like i should  have 60 bucks or whatever i may keep a few hundred   that's there almost like what you keep  on a credit card that's your credit card   use that to spend around here in the us we don't  have to do that much down in the third world   where i'm doing micro economies that is your  credit card that's your bank your everything   um so they have an actual phone a crypto credit  card no or it goes on your phone they're they're   working on credit cards but then again it gets  tied to banks um so no the people that down   in peru and throughout south america and and  everywhere else it's not us but other people doing   it it's just it's on your phone you bring up your  app um and it's it's a it's a decentralized app   it's on the blockchain you access it through  your app store just like using any other app   has real basics on there and you can send transact  you can trade currencies in in some of the wallets   you could trade one cryptocurrency for another  cryptocurrency if you want it or whatever um but   if you're talking about like you're  where you're going to store your wealth   you would want to use a hardware wallet  zip drive they make them special for this   that you can enter information into so it has  no bluetooth no internet connectivity it has to   be plugged in you unplug it when you're done and  that's your vault and i had some i had some big financiers that that fund giant insurance funds  and major development projects and all and they   came and they said hey how do we when we  are collateralizing a billion dollar loan   and we have to collateralize it in gold it's  costly for us to collateralize it in gold and to   have that much gold set aside stored in reserve  and whatnot could we do it in bitcoin and what   would it take logistically well i know physical  security and it's it's a thing this big how well   can you hide it there's a million ways to do it  pick out you want i won't say how i did mine but   that's where it goes so that can't be touched  by anyone but even hacking into my wallet just a   simple wallet whatever one you get online if you  get a good one um can you give us some examples   of like what a good app would be to put yeah my  favorite one just got purchased by coinbase but   my favorite one was brd just real simple  interface my wife likes one called blue wallet   and it's nice because i can you can  set different different categories in   it so you can put money into different pouches  easier for her to organize her money that way   um the one that we use um  bitcoin beach wallet is really   one of the best functional wallets and it is  on chain as well as on the lightning network   i won't explain that right now it's pretty simple  it's it's just you can do instant transactions   okay um and they have a map of all the places  in el salvador and in peru that accept bitcoin   so if you're looking to pay with that you  can go there what are some other ones strike   is is a is a good hot wallet to use um but  it really comes down to personal preference   i mean i like i'm a non-technical guy i like  things real simple straightforward i mean you don't worry about i mean when you say  you put it on a thumb drive you're putting   your life savings on a thumb drive what  if i mean are they fire proof what if you   put it in a safe and that melts yeah those  are the things you get to think about what   if you put my you my first thought was i'll  put it in the bank in the safety deposit box   yeah which really defeats the purpose yeah they  can lock me right out of there um the uh not that   that's the only purpose but yeah that that does  defeat one of the purposes no it comes down to   um you know you hear about the people hiding  their money in their dresser or hiding their   money in their mattress or yeah i mean i'm  going to be honest i have two different   of those thumb drive wallets i think one is a  tether tether does that sound tether or treasure   and then there's another one which was the most  popular one i can't remember i really like the   treasure that's right but i just when i got to  be on i didn't put anything on there because it's   freaky i s it's an electronic device that lights  up and i'm like man what if this electronic device   malfunctions yeah and do you know what  i mean so that i mean is there any   if any of these malfunctioned before i had  a ipod way back in the early 2000s i have   an ipod i'd go to a hotel room i've got all  kinds of my my business partner had pumped a   whole bunch of his music into it somehow and  i had my library so i like the super library   and they plugged it into the clock radio in the  hotel room and it deleted everything on that   yeah that's what i thought of when i went to put  the group of money onto the zip drive was like   are there any reports if this screws  up so here's here's what you have um   you have codes and if you have a treasure  you have your your um your personal key that to be a little bit technical just  to show off um there's personal keys and   there's pro and there's or there's private  keys and then your public keys if i send you   some money our public keys are going to interact  that's how your wallet's going to ah it's coming   from that wall it'll be my identifier my private  keys has to do with my encryption you'll never   have access to that i'll never have access to  yours and your recovery you know when you when   you go in and you download a good non kyc wallet  which is also really important for your readers   always or watchers always use a non kyc wallet as  your primary which which means your your personal   identifiers aren't on there um when you go to  open that account they're gonna give you this   long string of words and you need to write them  all down um and in the order that they're in and   let's say you you put your you to put a million  bucks into your zip drive and it does what my   clock radio did in seattle all those years ago and  uh you still have it it's still in the blockchain   it's not sitting in that little plastic thing  that's just the key that's the act it's literally   just the key it's where your account access is  and now you're spinning up a new one so it would   be like well i kept my money in my mattress and  my mattress just disappeared it's okay go buy   another mattress bring it down here and put these  codes in and it will fill it with the money okay   so you can lose the device it can burn up  as long as you have those codes as long as   you can get back into those codes you're good  okay now i don't know every device out there   and man correct me if i'm wrong on that but that's  how you lose any of your wallets and you have that   code you you have your personal key you have to  go back in and the other thing that's how you hear   about you know we've heard our government saying  like oh yeah we were able to hack in and get this   much bitcoin back the only way they could hack  with all the power of the us government the only   way they could hack in and get bitcoin back is if  they hacked into your stuff and you put those you   put them on the code somewhere so that couple that  just got nailed who had scammed tons and millions   and millions um and they had they were super  technical and they had hidden things all around   what's reported is at some place at some point um  they had encrypted their codes and they had put it   online i never ever ever punched mine in anywhere  and i never would and i would encourage anyone to   not do that you could even further encrypt them  in your own head or in other codes other places   if you think you need to but never share them and  never put it on anything digital because when you   think about scammers and hackers around the world  if you think they are not trolling right now   looking for any list that has like 12 to 16 words  on it it could be a bitcoin wallet okay so yeah   hackers are perusing through things whoa here's a  list of this many words let's see let's see what   we can dig up and find so just never never put  them anywhere like that wow that's good to know damn kind of back sorry kind of back to the blockchain  stuff when we were talking about you're taking one   thing from this stack putting it in this stack i  think when a lot of a lot of people don't realize   as well you know everything's pretty instantaneous  but it's not so let's say when you buy a home   and for those of us that are homeowners and and  close the house we know exactly what we're talking   about where they wire the money and you're just  sitting there for hours maybe closing was delayed   a day because the wire's taking so long and  nobody really knows where that money is from   let's just say jp morgan it's going from jp  morgan chase to the to the title company and   it's taken 12 hours and it's in my mind it's well  where is the money it's in the like where is the   money this should be instantaneous but we're  sitting there for 12 hours and then you hear   the horror stories the money's been intercepted  or or the money's gone i mean i don't know anybody   that's happened to but i've read about it in  news articles so this basically eliminates the   money wire whatever that is whoever's making money  along that chain of events wherever that money's   going in that wire from point a to point b this  totally eliminates all of that right it literally   is instantaneous yeah and it literally eliminates  a lot of that whole intermediary process and   buying a home yeah that's an industry the the  lending industry well the banking industry of   course but but but the lending in the mortgage  industry blockchain is going to completely   destroy it it's not it's not going to look  anything the same is it going to become obsolete   um it's going to take you know where it used to  have you had 15 different procedures and people   doing this and that and all that time that's gone  it's just going to be it's going to be um instant   there'll still and i don't know the whole biz so  i couldn't go through and tell you what i'll it'll   eliminate but all that waiting and all anything  transaction um related is is going to be gone   but so many of the other anytime you look at an  industry that's full of people trying to expand   that intermediary's role to capture more and  more and more um those are going away that's   that's why i'd say again it goes back to the  decentralization it's taking the power out of   that that mortgage that lender like oh  well you're already in the process with me   you know you're in that process somebody and  you're going like this person's screwing it up   i'm over it but you're already in this big labor  you're not gonna mess with that on your house   where if it wasn't so laborious if it wasn't  so convoluted you'd be able to go like hey i   don't think i need anyone helping with that or  b like i can swap away from you really quick so   why don't why don't you just uh straighten up and  fly right um the as far as where the money goes   i think a better question and you said people  don't know where the money goes i don't think   people know what the money is um that was one  thing that you know what what is money what's   currency um it's just a representation of value  it's anything it could be this shoe and i say   this one it's 50 bucks do we agree on that  okay well now we could go and we could make   trades or something based on this 50 bucks  that's what money is what is a u.s dollar   a u.s dollar is an individually printed thing  with a serial number um it has specific data on   it that says where it was made how much it's worth  all that kind of stuff um bitcoin transactions   have the exact same thing and they're they're in a  hash um and they say well there's no paper to hold   on to yeah awesome carry your paper around but  aside from wiping your nose and a few other places   what what are you needing the paper for well i  want to know the values there i can destroy your   dollar but you can't destroy my bitcoin um the  the big value is the us dollar is it's the world   reserve currency um that's that's a superpower  that it has but going back to the mortgage thing   in this transaction so we're talking about moving  money around you're talking about different or   different financial institutions having to  say okay yes this much of our pile is going   to go over to that pile and this much goes here  and you have this old architecture for that um   i.t wise um written on on old old programs  and you are still talking about moving   um physical dollars that these digital dollars  represent in many cases it's a logistics nightmare   when all of that can be handled by okay here  i've got bitcoin how much is the house it's   a million okay send me a request and i'll  send you a million dollars and when it goes   because it's a large amount that transaction  is going to happen in the next 10 minutes   miners will pick up on that one early they'll  get better fees on that so they'll pick up on   that one early and i will probably send  you a million dollars for about a dollar   and it'll hit within 10 minutes  wow if i do the lightning network   uh it'll be instant instantaneous instant and it  the lightning network is it's called a side chain   it's kind of like when you go to the grocery  store you write a check and you hand them the   check and you get the groceries and they know  that check's gonna cash the lightning network   does kind of the same thing it just waits until  it's the most optimum time on the blockchain   to put it into a block so it's a five dollar  transaction you might wait until middle of   night when nobody's on the network it's a million  bucks let's get it but um anyway that would be   how the money would move from me to you we could  both sit there and watch it and it could be fine the i mean a lot of people a lot of  people i hear especially with this   audience which this audience is changing  rapidly because the content's changing but   a lot of people in this audience are kind of  the old school mindset and i'm i'm not i'm about   halfway you know but with the with the old-school  mindset of oh well if the power grid goes down   you don't have any money or you know i can't touch  it it's not real with gold like peter schiff is a   big he hates bitcoin but um but um but most but  we had this conversation a little bit earlier   most of the transactions you're doing every  single day are almost it's a digital currency   already because it's all credit cards it's all  debit cards it's all checks it's all actually i   don't even know anybody that uses checks anymore  other than me yeah but you get out of the line   behind those people in the grocery store venmo  um and and when you do go to the bank and this   also happened to me uh during coven and it just  happened to a good friend of mine and recently   you go to the bank and you want to get some money  out a lot of times the bank can't even cash the   check and these aren't like some you know super  substantial amount of money i'm not talking like   i'm not even talking fifty thousand dollars  you know i'm talking maybe ten grand you know   just to have on hand maybe five grand and  they're looking at you like can't cash this   i don't have the money in this in the in the bank  and so basically what i'm getting at is your money   is already damn near digital all of it and and  i don't you know i don't even think there's so this is basically the same thing  but not controlled by the bank   we're not changing a whole lot of how money the  fact that money moves around digitally i mean   what if it was just what if you and i just  did an agreement what if we did a contract   we were headed over we're headed over your  wife you me and my wife we're headed over to uh   germany do some oktoberfest vacationing and  i'm like and it's kind of a two company trip   and you go like all right well it's expensive  trip once you pitch in 10 grand pitch in 10 grand   cover those things we're doing now we could  there's a ton of different ways we could do   it we could put we could put money in escrow  we could have a third party holder whatever   uh we could transact it i could just give you  hey here's 10 grand you handle it or whatnot or   we could just do a contract say yeah yeah when i  get there i'll have 10 grand to throw in youtube   okay cool and we'll do it at noon on  october 1st there we're throwing them   throwing the money in cool um we've just made  an agreement on how we're going to go about   doing that that's 99 of it when we get there we  either live up to our agreement or we fall through   um and our our contract was based on trust  but it was a legal contract so if i show up   there and you show up you didn't have the money  i'll sue you and i i can come after that there's   so there's a little more assurances um when it  comes to the power grid going down or um the uh people not having access to their money or  not being able to put their money forward   none of that is changing by going to  digital currency and he doesn't have   to get rid of everything else it's probably  going to work better than everything else   so most everything else will fall by the wayside  but it's not required to get rid of it all   i think the most important thing you brought up  in there is when you go to the bank and they won't   cash your check your check is an iou from somebody  saying they're giving that to you why can they say   no we're not going to do that private company  they don't want to that's why okay great um the   government can also tell them they can't do that  the government can tell them don't honor his iou   and now you don't have that money anymore it's  that's that's been taken that those those rights   have been you know kind of removed from you now  you can go and sue and try to go through things or   when you're the government takes a look  at you um and comes in and just seizes and   shuts everything down while they take a look  well the little guys get crushed like that   um shoot i mean general flynn look at the look  at how it damaged him he's sitting there working   in the white house when the government comes in  with lawsuits in the fbi and everything you're   too small you know you can say you can fight  but you can't um the that's a different thing   if they were to come the government is upset at  me and let's say i have a big pile or upset at   my company or whatever and they can come in and  they can seize everything including my body and   throw me into a cell but i get to decide when i  will give up my property and my digital property   um they don't get to do that same thing if i had  a if i had a big pile i had a pallet of cash if   i have it in my house i can do a search warrant  and seize it if i have it hidden somewhere um then   you know maybe they can't i can say i'm not  gonna tell you where it is until and i'm able   to hold that as a little bit of hey we'll give  me some leverage um digital assets allow that   if bitcoin i should say allows that the others  there's there's a big big big difference you let   me know and you want to get to it but bitcoin is  completely different in a real big fundamental way   to every other asset that's considered a digital  currency or digital money um but i like the idea   i i'm gonna keep paying taxes um don't love it  but i know that's that's part of having this   great country i'm going to keep following  the rules the best i can follow the rules   but i'm not going to give up advantage where i  don't need to and whenever i look for greater   advantage i'm going to take it well there's  greater advantage in money that can't just be   taken away from me without me having anything to  say about it maybe in five years i'll win it back   through court cases yeah um i really i really  value that i think there's very little downside   to having the individuals control their  money i think the individuals should control   their identity i think individuals should control  their medical records there's certain things   that are like why was the government why is the  government in charge of this why not why why am   i not in charge um and and i think right now what  we have going on in russia and ukraine brings up   an a real interesting wrinkle in just that kind  of thing with somebody who thinks like i do um we i don't know where everyone stands on agreeing  with our posture that we're taking in the ukraine   thing but what we're taking is we're holding back  on military just kind of putting that wall up on   nato and we're hitting them financially the main  reason we can hit them financially we can take a   lot of their money or we can stop a lot of their  money of a whole nation with that swift system   um and needing to be in the swift system and being  part of the global banking system because you know   one of the things one of the negative things  people say about overreach of government control   is the bankers and the bank systems control  everything they do yeah they really really do   um more so than the militaries of the world  and everything bankers run this world um   that's why we're able to do what we have the  kind of effect that we're having on putin   it's why china holds back and goes geez i don't  know it's why china wants their yen to become   the world reserve currency so there is  somewhat of a benefit to having the ability   to have that kind of control um kind of  gotta weigh it out do you think that the   this is obviously a huge threat  to the banking system and how are they gonna they're  not gonna conform to this   and they do run everything so how are they going  to allow this to happen are you are you telling me   that they the most powerful  organizations in the world aren't going to find a way to control this yeah  they don't think they will i don't think they will   which i'm excited to say um they will do what any  good smart business or entity would do faced with   hey your industry it's not going to work like it  did before there's this new force that's come in   it's it's digital currency supported  by and secured by cryptography   uh your old ways are no good they're not just  going to go like oh we'll just stay here until   we're bankrupt they're they're rolling over into  um coins and currencies and and i think plenty of   the vast majority of them are trying  to find where their position is   during a rapidly evolving technology session  right so the i believe that you're seeing a lot   more right now central bank digital currencies are  the big thing cbdc's and if you take a look back   i explained to you i spent a lot of time  watching youtube and reviewing things and whatnot   and you sort of get a feel for what's trending  right now what are the stories that people are   really talking about right now i hear a ton  about central bank um digital currencies cbdc's   oh cbd sees this and i know we get  the value of having a central bank   um i value a central bank as much as president  jackson value the central bank there was a thought   by our four founders that our forefathers that  it was good madison really pushed it it would be   really important for us to have some debt we need  to have some debt so that it will spur industry we   need to have some debt so you know there will be  taxes it'll be that drive and that central bank   started and and failed and started and then  started again i think and failed and then jackson   killed it and paid off all the debt the only  time our country's been debt-free paid off all   the debt and the banks tried to stage a financial  crisis to beat him and squashed it paid off all   the debt and they couldn't and central bank goes  away again central bank comes up later because um   and i'm getting too far off of your question  there i i won't keep going down that channel but   central bank digital currencies are nothing  more than your paper dollars that aren't paper   anymore that's the only difference they're not  in your law well i so i kind of see your point   but we've already seen crypto markets  manipulated especially with elon musk   in his tweets with with it as a dogecoin yeah you  know oh he heard bitcoin at a time and so i guess   where i'm going with this is how many bitcoins  there's only going to be what 21 billion million   million bitcoins ever mined or except  right and so what happens if the banks own 11 51 yeah 51 of it they can they will be able  to manipulate the market correct they would need   on on most blockchains you need 51 bitcoin you  need 90. so ain't gonna happen but 50 is not going   to happen and that's the other thing that it part  of what makes the bitcoin blockchain so unique   is is hey it was the one purposely devised because  of how corrupt banks and governments had been   around the world that they damaged the whole  world and whoever this secretive individual   or group was were like enough of this crap i am a  super computer tech person and i will come up with   a way through coding to get around this and that's  that's where the bitcoin blockchain was invented   um so it's slower and uses more energy  because it's super focused it's a it's a um   it's a proof of work um verified blockchain so  it has to get that you send these mathematical   problems out and they take all the energy  doing that kind of stuff so it's super secure   it has no one that owns bitcoin there is no  group in charge there's no decision maker   there's no one to arrest or seize which is the  most beautiful thing about it um there is no   way to shut it down uh if you corrupted the entire  group of um core developers that rotate in and out   working on the bitcoin blockchain you corrupted  the entire group still need all the computers   around the world all the bitcoiners out there  to agree with what they're doing to make it make   effect so it makes it it makes it super super  locked and secured like that um to where it's   it's not it's it's not going to be tampered and  you can't have somebody truly manipulate can you   have somebody that has a lot of popularity say  something that affects it yeah like china did   and man that took a ton of value man that hurt it  hurt a lot of the people that i'm serving down in   south america so it pisses me off when that  happens um but then you watch it inch back up   and what i've seen after being down the  rabbit hole in this in the bitcoin world is   don't panic just watch the price you see doing  these things is from all those people who really   don't understand how incredibly stable  it is the price fluctuation gonna happen   that is due to lack of understanding of what  we're really how long do you think it's going   to be before this becomes more mainstream i mean  it is and it is becoming mainstream walmart is   a walmart accepting bitcoin or they have bitcoin  atms shopify which is the biggest website building   platform in the world i believe now is accepting  it paypal's accepting it um i mean it's it's it's   showing up all over the place however i think  it's going to be hard for it to be a currency   because of the because of volatility that's so  that's where i have real world good expertise   is in creating these micro economies so  starting it from scratch and building it up   and in america we i can't build a bitcoin much  micro economy we're first world uh it works in   the third world where they're needing spend  we're not looking for spend we're looking for   uh wealth creation and storage and so the way  we if you look at the us as far as adoption   goes it should be last and the fact that our  currency happens to be the world reserve currency   would really mean like we have it better  than anyone else in the whole world so look   at the u.s adoption as the final straw okay and  you're right it is already happening and i think  

more importantly in the u.s at the level that it's  happening at is wealth storage it's putting it on   corporate books um it's it's investment  it's replacing the gold standard um   the it would be interesting i'd love to  have a talk with peter schiff i'm sure he's   infinitely smarter than me but i would love to say  like okay you battle for the gold as the standard   and i'll battle for bitcoin as the standard and i  just think even even i could win that one um the   what what you see as far as adoption goes down  in the third world and in africa one of the guys   one of the guys i worked with this guy asher  hopp who's a army army vet really interesting   super cool brilliant guy after after he was  special ops medic um not special forces special   ops medic uh and then he went to harvard and he  went to princeton he's like super brave and um   he was um he was working on um this node a  ruggedized node bitcoin node to take down to um   latin america and his vision for it was he's  gonna hook it up to satellite and it will be a a   bank system an entire encased banking system for  a community out there all of their spending all of   their loans all of all everything running  right through this little pelican case   that's the reality down in the third world and  then it's getting these people to transact with it   it's super easy to get them to transact with  it just the right people have to accept it   so if you have people that have it to spend retail  places where they can buy things that they need   um and the suppliers of those reset retail and  the last little piece is the producers farmers the ranchers or whatever when you have those it  fills in an economy that's what we're doing in   peru and it's working that's what um hope house is  doing in el salvador um in el zante with bitcoin   beach the project's known better as bitcoin beach  um it's working there and then what ashur saw the   reason it sparked in getting out of the army and  doing all this harvard stuff was he was over in   africa and doing humanitarian missions and he's  like they're on this crappy little snicker bar   of a cell phone from a million years ago a  transaction transacting money like that we in   america can't do it and and and i really had him  explain a lot to me and he's like yeah if i take   if i take um gen 5 cellular over there  i can immediately stand up a whole thing   why is it taking america all this time because  we had to go through gen 1 gen 2 gen 3 10 4 5.   when you take a new great system that works really  well and you put it on the most basic elemental   of societies as the economy it'll tell  you really well whether it'll work well   or not and bitcoin worked fantastically well we  also one of the problems that we had was theft   um now you can have your money stolen out  of your pocket but you really don't want   your phone and your money stolen and if  you if you're operating all on bitcoin   your phone is where your money is so when  your cell phone goes it's gone well um peru   we've had tons of robberies we're in bad areas  there of course and uh you just go get another   phone bring up your wallet and your money's  still there they can't access it as long as   you had it been protected yeah so it replacing  um the economy it replacing how you transact   is easier not harder it's almost harder to say  wait let's try to keep the legacy system let's   try to keep doing all this and like for the  for you know for the gold standard and what   money represents that's one thing that's really  important for everyone to know that there is no   money except for some cryptocurrencies now that  represent some actual health value some like we   don't have the gold standard anymore we didn't  even have the gold standard for that long people   look at it like we had this gold standard forever  and then in 71 nixon now we had we had left that   gold standard long before nixon finally said okay  we can officially not pay attention to it anymore   and we had only had it from like actually  i didn't know that like the late 1800s   through 1930s this is the golden era  of the gold standard um before that no   it's it's primarily it's fiat currency you  hear that term a lot fiat just means buy   by decree okay i decree that one dollar thing with  washington's face on it is worth 100 cents okay   um and that's how manipulable um fiat currency  is there's a couple of cryptocurrencies that are   trying like okay you buy this much we'll have this  much gold held for you um another one will you buy   this much we have this much asset held for you  my thing is the real value is the scarcity and   the unchangeability of bitcoin it is just 21  million whatever the number is happens to be   20 but there's a set amount we know exactly how  much will be mined every day we know the exact day   the last coin will be mined um everything  is known about it and you can't change it   like a constitution like i mean that that's  the greatest thing if we followed presidents   rather than our constitution think of the terms  our countries our country would have taken years   no matter what your fault if you follow that one  rule and nothing's really shown up bad about that   that one one rule so that's what causes me to  have far more faith in the bitcoin blockchain   than in gold and people say well it's not  tangible we can't hold it and do it anything   i'm like okay let's me and you go for a walk and  i'll walk with my bitcoin and you walk with your   gold and we'll see who gets tired first and how  many things you found to do with yours while we're   out on that road because i'm probably going to  find more people to transact with than you are   i'm probably going to get more of a fair deal than  what you are um i'm not going to have the logistic   problems anyone in your transaction network are  going to have um and mine can't be taken as easily   as yours can be taken good i can take mine with me  a lot easier than you can take years with me what   if you live in a place um i mean so much of it we  talk about the government conspiracy things or the   anti-government away it's philosophical let's  drive this country in the right direction right   um it's not that hey we think they're trying  to take us over or i don't think that anyway the the fact that they can't alter that  um they can't come in and seize that   it's super easy to transact anywhere around  the world means that if the government were   thinking of something bad they would think  about okay let's seize this let's close that   and then let's let's lock these people here and  the people in that area would think okay i either   need to fight here or i need to leave here try  to leave with your gold i'll try to leave with   my bitcoin because i'm just going to do a real  quick send to my buddy somewhere else or i'm just   going to hide that thing or whatever it might be  i might take my device and destroy it and no i'll   get another one there and put my codes back and  i'll just keep my codes on me um and the only way   i'm gonna get there and bitcoin is gonna be no  value or lost all its value is if that network   has been shut off for that network to shut off and  be squashed i don't know if a massive global emp   would erase all that i don't believe that it  would it's uneraseable okay i like it better as   a security device as i'm if i'm gonna go through  and evaluate that i like that better than heavy   precious metal i mean i understand your thought  process and i'm not necessarily disagreeing but   i do also like actual tangible things that you  can hold as well but i like diversification but   i think one of the major problems with bitcoin  right now is is the volatility when do you think   the volatility is going to come is it going  to be after the 21 millionth bitcoin is mined   when is it going to be because it fluctuates a  lot it was what 70 something thousand dollars   eight months ago ish now it's it was in the 30s  yeah about a month ago yeah so you lost a lot   of money if you were if you were oh if you bought  then you lost a lot of money you know what i mean   so my goal didn't lose a lot of money so  when is the volatility going to calm down   to where people can actually transact in it  all right first i would say don't be afraid of   volatility the up waves are awesome because  some of us started at 7000 and went to 70   and others are good at figuring out when kind of  the waves go when to pull a bit just let it sit   and then put it back in or whatnot but like i said  the volatility is due to the lack of understanding   of how it's going to change the  timeline on toning that volatility down   is going to be commensurate with how long it  takes for everyone to go let me dive into this   whole blockchain thing and distributed ledger  thing in a decentralized finance system and   see when i i really want to understand it when  everyone does that volatility will go way way way   down but people aren't going to do that so um they  are going to see more and more leaders and smart   companies go like okay all right we're in what's  going to slow it down is penny stocks um so i   like i said before bitcoin is the only um only  asset in this class that we're talking about   that is not owned by anyone you know it has  all these special properties super majority to   change things all this um the rest of the coins  i mean you're in a good position you could do a   coin you could do the vigilance elite coin and  pump it up on the show and get other veteran   shows to pump it up everybody you know just get  put take some money throw a bunch of money behind   boosting the value or the vigilance elite  coin and then tell them what it's going to do   tell them it's going to do some great great  things gonna have some great properties   boost the price up hold a ton of it change  the rules because you own 51 percent of it   and scoop all the money out and run now a  bunch of people got ripped off some people   had the right timing oh victim's  deletion they bought a whole bunch of it   and it went up 100 times in price and they  sold a whole bunch most people lost money   um ethereum it's the opposite end of the spectrum  that's a scam that's a [ __ ] coin um and the   other end spectrum of the non-bitcoin would be  ethereum ethereum is a blockchain that is a great   surface to build decentralized apps on  it's a great medium for building those on   that's what ethereum's focus has  always been it's the builder network   they do have a currency it does have a coin  it's it's called tokenization of a company um   basically it's like shares okay having shares in  the company um they weren't setting out to become   the money or anything like that they're as far  as i understand um they're really focused on the   blockchain building great decentralized apps and  communication stuff and when we're talking about   non-censorship of social media platforms  and all that you know ethereum i think   that's where my bet would be so ethereum  never set out to be an actual currency   i don't believe that was there that was his big  purpose okay no but they're really valuable but   they're valuable in my opinion they're valuable  because they're blockchain and they're billed   it's been valuable bitcoin's blockchain wasn't  built for that reason it was built to secure the   living [ __ ] out of your money okay and to make  sure nobody nobody can get at this so it's just a   different purpose it's not that ethereum isn't  doing it as well or anything it's a different   reason for it now would i buy stock in ethereum  i i personally put all of my my own personal not   even my family my wife won't let me put my  personal investments i put that into bitcoin   um when it was below 30. um the the rest of  stuff would i buy apple stock yeah probably   i think we have disney too and i'm not even a fan  of disney but pays dividends there's good stocks   and ethereum if i was going to build if i was  going to build i am looking at building a dap and   i do want to build it on the bitcoin blockchain  but if i was just looking to build a cool game or   social media platform i'd be looking at ethereum  let's let's say okay fine it's just not it's not   the money it ain't gonna be the gold standard  it doesn't have some of the absolutely necessary   requirements in my book to become all right  let's get away from the decree fiat currency   thing and get over to decentralized finance where  the individuals own and control their own money so back to the volatility and with these third world  countries like you guys are down your non-profits   down in peru el salvador has adopted it is its  primary currency i know there's another coin   cardano that i think is working on becoming  the currency to several different countries   in africa if i'm not mistaking but with the  volatility of these these cryptocurrencies the price of everything fluctuates i would think  it would fluctuate tremendously every single day   so if i go and this can of coca-cola is i don't  even know how to say the currency you know   point zero zero zero zero zero one  five two bitcoin then tomorrow it's   point zero zero zero zero two nine  eight bitcoin i mean how do you   yeah how do you keep up with that with the  volatility it sounds like actual tangible good   so for the individual it means things a  little cheaper today things a little more   expensive today or whatnot and it goes  back and forth like that when you're   talking about your month your day-to-day  expenses your monthly expenses get tougher   because you're like oh crap there's once a month  and i'm short orders once a month and i'm fat um   that's what it's been like for us all the way  along and we're we're denominated in bitcoin um   so we just built the buffer in for that we were  just like yeah we can the value can dip and swoop   like that um so we give ourselves an extra buffer  in what we decide our budgets are going to look   like harder for a company to do that on balance  sheet over a month or a year or whatnot than an   individual we've not run into it the problems of  the individuals and the main reason why on the   ground in the economy it doesn't hit so hard is  the price went up and down for the merchant and   the purchaser pretty much the same okay so when  it's .0012 today and it's 0.0020 tomorrow it's the  

same for the store selling it as it was for the  individual so you kind of bump so now that problem   is not the guy buying the coke the problem is the  business so the business goes like okay well zero   zero two what about my supplier where is it at  well if you have to buy it from them for way more   that's where that's where it's more of a roadblock  all right so if you get there and you're like hey   i'm ready to reorder cokes oh 0.0050 now well i'm  not doing it and if you're a business that already   promised those orders now you're at a loss so  that is that is tricky it is doable even under   the volatility that we've had i think i'm willing  to bet we have been in operation with bitcoin   through the most volatile period especially  up an

2022-04-03 13:37

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