How to Edit your videos using the Windows 10 Video Editor for FREE IN 2021

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(Song Plays) a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p. A  You've opened a new YouTube channel. And then B   you know the best tips to start  off strong in your first video.   And then C uhm so you filmed your  video and D? (Intense Music Plays) Sorry if I tensed you basically  D is "I love Clifford" Jokes aside well the process before uploading  your video to YouTube and after filming   is what you call editing your video well editing  might be tough, boring, and exhaustive. Well, what  

beginner YouTubers do is go for a big editor  like Davinci resolve or Adobe premiere pro and   they end up getting confused and doing something  wrong! So that's why this video is for beginners   who have just started out their YouTube channel  and want to edit their videos. In this video, I'm   going to be showing you how to edit your videos  from start to finish with a free and easy video   editor that is buried inside your laptop so let's  jump on the pc and I'll show you how to do that!   So now I'm on my pc and what I gotta do straight  over is search for the app photos and click on the   best match. So once I search for the app photos  I'll be landing on any other app which just looks   like a photos app on your mobile phone. You have  your collection of photos you've taken your pc   and you have your albums and photos people  and folders and you can search for people   and things you can also create you can also  select your photos or you can do many many   other things you can import files and you can  do all of those things but the most important   thing that everyone almost forget is everyone  almost don't even see this option what you call   "Video editor". So this is going to be the video  editor we're going to be using to edit our videos.   You can simply click on this to access the video  editor or click on this option which says new   video and start a new video project. Once you  land on this new video project you'll be landing  

on this kind of a page the first thing you gotta  do is basically name your video naming your video   is the most important thing so that it does have  a name, isn't it? So you have to keep you had to   name your video. In this case, I'm gonna name it  a new video and I will rename it at the end so the   next step is basically adding a couple of photos  to your project library before we get into that   I'll just tell you a brief explanation about  this editor well basically here's the project   library where you attach your files and this is  the storyboard where you drag your files into and   play it up and then you have these couple  of options we're going to be looking at   further when we're going in this video and  then you have all those options the top   just those options and ethics we're going  to be using in this video don't mind these   are completely easy and simple options which I'm  going to be teaching you how to use every single   of these in this video. Back to the video! So  you have three options to attach so i'm going   to be using the first option which is from this pc  basically this option is taking files from your pc   if you're clicking on this option you're  going to be taking files from this pc but in   but in just in case you want to use any of those  other two options I'll explain you this second   option which says for my collection is the option  which is from your collection if you click on that   let's say you want this image with this photo this  video then you can just click on that and just put   insert but in this case i don't want that or  you want any images from the web let's say   you're going you're making a dark slideshow you  can click on dog and just select a couple of the   cute docs that you're going to be that you're  going to be using but in this case I'm going to   be going with from this pc so once I click on that  I have saved my files in the documents in a folder   called photos videos samples so what I gotta do  is attach these files you can attach all of those   files one by one or attach all those files by  clicking on the shift key and clicking on the last   last file from the first file so now i have all of  my files attached into my project library the next   thing is basically putting in the your files into  the storyboard so there are two ways to do this   way number one option number one is basically  click on this and just drag it in or in let's say   you're not comfortable with that you can select  the file you want to put in the storyboard and you   can put place on storyboard and then voila so this  is how you attach all of your files accordingly   so once you once once you're done with that all  you got to do is attach all of your files in the   order you want to so once i'm done attaching all  of my files I'm set to go not yet so now I have   all those files into the place but then I want  a good intro to start of this video you want the   video to start off with the scenery you want  people to understand what the video is about   so I'm going to be putting this i'm going to be  clicking on this option which says add title card   you should do the same so once you click on add  title card option you'll be having the simple   ad title card it says title and then yeah nothing  else so to edit this you have to click on text and   you can edit this title card firstly you have to  take out the default title which says title again   and you got to put in the title you want to put  so i'm going to putting nature is everywhere   so that's the theme of this video so i'm going  to be putting nature is everywhere so once i'm   done with that i also have different types  of fonts let's say the simple font is just   not good or actually not attractive it's going to  be a little bit boring i want to make it a little   bit better by adding some different fonts to make  the scene better so I'm going to be going through   a couple of fonts and what i personally love is  this holiday pond as this fun is a new font to   the photos video editor not only that this is a  moving a font with a moving video that is making   the video look more realistic and more better so  that's that's what i gotta do i'm gonna be putting   holiday font but you can go with the font you  love so when that's done you have another thing   to to look at let's say the green color that  you put for this font is not good enough so   i'm gonna be changing the background of this well  this is pretty easy i can click on white if i   want white but let's say white is just not good i  could probably get click orange and voila it's so   attractive you can click on the color you want  to use in this case i'm clicking the on the color   which is pale bust which is so good for me so i am  good to go so the next thing i'm going to be doing   is changing durations how to change  durations you can change durations only for   images that not videos in this case i've attached  a couple of images and a couple of videos so for   this image uh for this image i let's say i only  want a small duration i don't want the image to go   all the way for three seconds so then i could just  click on this and i can put two which is going to   be giving my image it's going to be putting in my  image so am i putting in my image to two seconds   i want to do the same for this then i could just  click on the timestamp and pick two and then   accordingly i could do that for everything else so  once i'm done with that the next thing you want to   the next thing you want to consider is those  black bars let's say you take an image in   a different ratio which is showing those black  bars for example you take your image in portrait   then you have black spaces near it and you want  them to fill up so what you got to do is click   on this option which says remove or show black  parts so you have two options and here's where   the option says remove black bars so if you click  on that option it basically zooms in the image and   takes up those black boards to make it look more  up to up to out of the point and distractions off   so i can do that for the files that's that  that have black bars and i could just adjust   them accordingly so that my video looks good  the next document we're going to be looking at   is 3d effects basically 3d effects is adding  in some visual effects to make the video look   more realistic in this case i'm not going to be  adding any effect but i'm going to be showing you   how to add them let's say you want a glow let's  say you want let's say you're making a breaking   news let's say you're gonna be talking about how  the coronavirus started then you can put this and   put on breaking news and just put it in and the  music comes accordingly like in the news you see   so you can attach whatever effort you want in the  effects library also you can also you can search   for different effects in the 3d library you can  search for animals and insects words and symbols   action and adventure costumes blah blah blah  so you can search for the effects you want and   just insert them you know the you know the  storyboard so that's how you add 3d effects   and then the next thing we're going to be looking  at is what you call filters folders is basically   changing the changing the color the saturation the  contrast of the image to make it sound different   so let's say you want classic you can see  that you see a small difference in the image   it turns out to be more lighter an adventure you  see a deep decline in the saturation in energy   you have a boost in saturation and then enjoy it's  just joy and in pixel it's pixelated in this case   i'm okay with original so i'm going to be going  with original and then the next thing is trimming   your video trimming your video can be one of the  most important things in editing your video so   while editing your video you want to trim some  parts which are not needed in order to trim it you   can directly click on this you can click directly  click on the timestamp on the video you want to   trim or you can click on this option which says  stream after selecting the video you want to trim   so now i'm going to be clicking on trim  and here you go so let's say i want to   trim everything else than this so i want  to make the video let's say 10 seconds   because i don't want this video to play all the  time so i'm going to make it 10 9.9 seconds and  

voila now the video is 9.9 seconds which is  quite good the next thing is quality cold play   this option is basically used when you're  switching between two scenes let's say you're   suddenly talking about um let's say you're talk  you're making a video on which dogs you like in   in my case i love cliff ward so you're recording  a video so you you're recording a single video and   you first go for clifford and then another dog  you don't want the clifford and the other dock   to play continuously so you can click on this  you can click on the split option to split up   the split up the timestamp accordingly so  in this case i'm going to be splitting up   this image this video only up to 10 seconds and  then i'm gonna be playing it as another part so   once that's done i just gotta click spill split  and just give done see if that's done i would be   splitting my file which is 34 seconds to 10 and  24 seconds in this case i don't want this file   so i'm going to be clicking on this and i'm  going to be clicking delete so now my file   is 10 seconds which is completely fine which is  going to be making my video lens smaller as well   and then the next option is called speed let's  say or let's say you're doing something let's say   you're making a cooking video so you're doing some  cooking and then you're taking some objects and   putting it in let's say you're putting in some  pies you're taking the spice and putting it in   to the to or to the pan or whatever it is which  is going to take a lot of time so you can simply   what you can do is just put you could simply fast  forward that place where you're going to be doing   that so in this case i don't want the 10 second  quick let's say i want to make it 1.25 seconds   so my clips length get reduces so that's done and  now my clips length has reduced the next thing you   can do is rotate your file let's say when you were  recording you were recording in the wrong sign   let's say you were recording your video upside  down in this case you can just do this and uh turn   your file and to make sure that it's in the right  right right place but in this case for me again   it's right so i don't know how to do anything  so that's that's that's basically the options   you have here and you can do trim split text 3d  effects folders and speed and another option that   you can use to record to record different angle  of videos is basically use this motion option   let's say you suddenly want to zoom into your  video then you can put in the zoom in center   which will basically zoom in the video and then  accordingly you have all those options you can put   in the right pin the left you can put tools up you  can tilt it down zoom out left and blah blah blah   in this case i'm completely fine with my no not  an option so that's how you that's how you do that   and then once you're done with all  those options the important thing   to to youtube videos is basically youtube  videos or any other videos background music   you want your video to keep on running source  like running without even a like a music which   is going to be just so quiet if i play my video  it's going to be so quiet but this case i want   some music to make to set up this theme in this  case i'm going to be coming uh given this music   which is blossoming you can click on the  music whatever you want in this built-in   music library you have a couple of musics here you  can choose which one you want but let's say you   don't want this music and you want to attach your  own music let's let's say you're an island walker   fan and you want to attach the faded music in your  in your pc then you can click on custom audio and   then add the audio files from your pc but in  this case no need i'm okay with the blasting   you can click on the background music you want and  all you got to do is just click on click on ok so   in this case i'm going to click on blossoming and  i'm going to reduce the music all the way to 60   so that the volume isn't too much high or too  much low in any case so once i play this let's   let me play a sample clip you can see that my  music is playing but let's say the music is not   right it's not matching then i could probably  put this one which i which is magical season   or the music i want i love happy bit personally  but you can use whatever music you want   so that's the music i'm going to be using for  this video and that set so that's it so once   that's done i'm done with music trimming splitting  editing speed rotating changing ratio etc etc   and then here's a couple of options that you can  use as well well this is where you have a couple   of options let's say you want to duplicate the  project and do a different version of this you can   click on duplicate and make another version let's  say you want to backup the project to your file   let's say you're switching to another pc you can  possibly backup your project your drive or google   drive or anything else and this is where another  interesting option comes well this option is   called themes and you can set a theme by clicking  on that what this option does is it categorizes a   couple of themes and if you click on these themes  it it basically uh optimizes the right music   the right style the right text the right  folder so let's say i'll play adventure so if you look at this video it basically  brings bringing that adventurer theme   let's say we want to chill with you so that music that vibe everything is basically  chilling in this case i'm completely okay with   my video done so then i have a couple of other  options too this is where you change the ratio   of your video let's say you're not okay  with a 16x3 16x9 ratio you can make it 4x3   but in this case i'm using 16x9 or you want to  upload a youtube short you can pick the make   portrait option and you can use the 9x16 or 3x4  ratio in the shorts video and then but in this   case i'm using a landscape mode so i'm going to  be using 16x9 landscape ratio so the final option   final option is basically sending feedback and  settings in the settings you don't have anything   much it's basically the file where you want to  save it and those things etc etcetera so in this   case i'm done with editing my video and i have to  add my final clip which says the outro video so   i'm gonna be putting that in place and i'm gonna  be uploading my video in order to upload it first   i gotta in order to export it first i gotta click  on finish video the option on the top right corner   once i click on that i would get this drop down  menu in this drop down menu i have three options   which is 1080p 720p and 540p how much lower the  quality the lower the final size let's say you   you don't want a high quality video then you could  put on 540 or 720 but i and this photos editor   itself recommends 1080p unfortunately this editor  does not have a 1080 uh 4k video but then 1080p   is just crisp in any case so now i'm done with  my video and i want to save it in my folder   so i'm going to be putting in the folder i'm  going to be saving it in so what i'm going to   be doing is nature everywhere because that's the  topic isn't it basically nature everywhere once   i once i do that i could basically just click  on export and wait for the file to be exporting so now it's almost done exporting and  once it's exported a file will open up   the preview of this video so now a video  has opened and this is how the video looks thank you for watching this video if you  enjoyed the if you enjoyed watching it   i would appreciate you giving it a thumbs  up and um now i'll hand it over to you   which of these editing tips or which of which  which part of editing do you like the most   adding sound effects with music to your videos to  make it sound more interesting or to put in some   great effects to make it look more cool  just like this yay love it all right   i'll catch you in the next one peace


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