Iowa Swine Day 2018 Lee Whittington - Innovations in the future

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All right good night good afternoon everyone. We're. Gonna get today's sessions, rolling, to. Start off my name, is Maya Schulte I'm a moderator, for this session I'm currently a master's student in meat science. And. I'm Cassie. Scanlon, I'm a PhD student in, animal, breeding and genetics, all. Right so today our speaker. Is Lee, Whittington. Lee. As president, and CEO is, responsible for, implementing, the corporation's, strategic. Plan and overseeing, the administration. Funding. And ongoing research in, nutrition. Engineering, and applied ethology, as, well. As guiding the graduate, student education, and Technology, Transfer objectives. Of the Center Lee's. Primary, focus, has been developing. Research and communication. Programs, that allow the commercial, pork industry to adopt new technology. And management, procedures. Quickly. Thus. Improving, their ability to maximize net, income and address, sustainability. Issues, Lee, is an active speaker, at industry conferences, across, North America and, a regular contributor, to several, trade publications. In, 2005. Lee was awarded, the animal industry's award in extension. And public service, from, the Canadian society of animal science this is the highest award given for contribution. To the industry. By a non research professional. In the animal industry. In. 2006. Lee was awarded, the agri-food. Award, of Excellence in, agriculture. Awareness, and education, the national award was the first to be earned by, a Saskatchewan, resident. Recognizes. Individuals, that have made, a significant. Contribution and. Promotional. Impre, motivic, awareness, and understanding of. Agriculture. And agri-food sector, of. Of the, AG industry this. Is through outreach activities, events, and projects, so, to start off we're gonna watch a short video and then Lee will sir. All. Right does anybody farm like that here. Yeah. I get full credit to the people of skippers that blood all the Netherlands for, you. Know thinking, way. Outside the, box I've had a chance to visit the research, farm and, it. Does exist doesn't, operate exactly, as smoothly I.

Love. The way Jeff Ansel was able to integrate, all the, the media and, the video and all of that it's. A lot easier said than done, okay. So. You. Know yeah, I wanted, to use that skipper's video first because you know they, were in a position what they were doing was looking at how could we improve average daily gain and feed efficiency they. Improved average data game by about 40% good, and up to about two pounds a day versus about one point seven that, they we're previous. To that they improved feed efficiency, by about 20 percent and it. Literally got, from having you know a heavy use of antibiotics, on those farms to, zero antibiotics, so you, know they proved the point that if we provide the right environment. There. We go okay. All, right if you. Provide the right environment the, modern genetics, and our modern feeding programs can do tremendous. Things with. Pigs, so, that's, just one technology, it's, a long way, from being, anywhere, in Iowa or anywhere else in the world so. What I want to talk about today is just some new technologies, we, do a lot of new technology, development, at the prairie swine Center but we are probably the smallest farm in this room 330. Cells Farrow, to finish produce, about 80 300 pigs a year that, most of those go through research in some way but. The, last five years I've been traveling as, I travel around the world to see new technologies, and we, invite, those new technologies often, small companies, often not even AG companies, to, come to us and our promise says you send it to us we'll, break it and, we'll tell you how we broke it and we'll send it back to you and we want the next beta version, and the next one and the next one, get it right because the people in this room I don't. Believe should, be the ones that are testing, these new technologies, and putting, in hundreds, of thousands of dollars of investment, and it may not work and, all, other technologies, I can show you that come to our door none. Of them work, as described. First time through maybe, it takes a month maybe it takes a year or two before, they're, working, to, satisfaction, of being ready for commercial, so, where are we going I think, we're heading to precision. Farming I'm not sure if all of the things we're going to talk about today are precision, farming, look-alikes. Or maybe just high-tech hype and you should ignore them as soon as possible but. I try to do two things in every presentation, one I said I try to make you a better ambassador for. Our industry, so I'm gonna ask you the question how many, meals are there in a pig. You. Have you ever thought of it that way, are. You producing pigs or pork. Right. Okay, couple of hints I'd really like you to write it down in your hand, don't tell your neighbor because you're gonna be embarrassed. 130. Kilos so, what's that 287. Pounds or so so, same, size pigs you're raising okay. So we're gonna do a little Dutch clock thing so, how many people think there's more, than 500, meals in that Pig okay. How. About 400, meals or. Up that means the first guys that voted should keep voting yeah okay yeah. 300. Yeah. Okay now we're getting some participation. Let's. Drop all the way to 100, you can get a hundred meals out of a pig okay. All, right yeah, there's quite a few that are wrong so. Even, if that was an 8 ounce serving, I can, get 400. Meals out of that Pig and I just think that there's things like that that, whether on the golf course the curling arena or wherever we, should know that kind of stuff it would make us better ambassadors. When they say all those pigs they stake they do this and that yeah, but every single one that goes to market produces, at least 400. Meals. The. Other thing that I always try to put in every meeting is a safety tip and this, particular, one won, an award at the BAMF pork seminar, about four or five years ago we, had one of those old sow carts that you know we I call them knuckle breakers it, it's convenient.

Located, Handle about here and of course we hire a lot of people that are kind of like this and it was just ridiculous, one day it thankfully, broke so, we. We. Got together we, got some old rollers. We bought a actually. Splurged and got a brand new pallet. Jack and put. A little winch on it and you. Know because, what we're trying to do is to, make sure that we're, not lifting too much weight we got to protect the people that work with us because we need them there every. Day in order to perform their jobs properly and for. That we've. Had a safety Innovation, Award presented. To, us so, this is pre swine Center and we're located in, Saskatchewan. And. That's. About. Thirty, two. Hours drive from here and we're. 300 South Farrow to finish the initial, buildings were built back in the early, 80s and this. Is all we have left we really is just this one here, the, rest of this was built in the 90s this is our growth finish shower, in surgery. Wing. These, are our nurseries. All in all out and this is our new sow Research Unit that was built in 2008, so that's our the newest facility that we have and as, John in the room there he is okay so, so. Some of you have known John for 10 years well I've known John for 26. Years he hired me to, come out to the center left the feed industry in Ontario moved, to Saskatchewan, and which. Was really popular with the grandparents, we had the we had the only, grandparents. Or had the only children on both sides of the family extremely, popular so, this this was John in, 1994. And. So. Some of you might have met Harold gone you young wheezing who's at Illinois case. DeLong who recently passed, away nutritionist, and, this is our operations, manager Brian, Andres oh that's. Me but, the only thing that's really changed is I had to take the mustache off and. But John did too so. Our mandate, as an organization. Really, is to produce and distribute knowledge, derive, through original research, we, have three research scientists, plus. Research, technicians. And graduate. Students we do scientific review because there's there's, all kinds of good ideas all over the world, that we need to take a look at and see whether or not it applies to the Canadian, experience. And economic. Analysis, and it was that economic analysis part is probably one of the reasons that, the swine Center has survived 26, years as an.

Independent Entity related. To the University of Saskatchewan but completely, independent, we have our own board we have our we, have our own budgets. And we. Live or die on our ability to attract grant and sell, pigs profitably, which is a challenge, as a research organization and, our. Vision was, to be internationally, recognized, 26. Years ago and and. That. Is providing. Value. To our stakeholders, which over the years has grown from being inside. The walls of the barn to, being defined. As really the whole pork value chain the trucking, industry the, packing industry all the way through to, we even have consumers, with the retail Council of Canada and. Those, types of discussions, because, anything that you're going to do in terms of innovation a lot of it has to start in the, barn first and, our. Mission to. Our producers, when we meet with them we're trying to provide solutions through, new knowledge, that, helps them build profitable, and sustainable. Businesses. You. Know our key outputs of course, we do research that's how, we were designed that's in our genetics, we. Also produce. A lot of pork about eight thousand pigs a year and one. Of the things that has been our huge differentiator, over the years is the ability to do Communications, to make that part. Of why, we exist so. That producers, who fund who provide, base funding would see value they'd see value immediately and they'd see it often and but. I think one of the things that we often forget about is we. Produce people so, we produced about 54, graduate, students from MSC, PhD. Over. Those years and of course those people are located in all over the world now in either. Production, and/or research, and or in any kind of industry and it's those people that are actually going to drive the change in the future and it's probably in the. Long run going to be our most valuable output. So. What, is innovation you look at this. Well. My. My, my. Interpretation. Of innovation, today I don't. Think gluten-free, bacon. Is an innovation I don't think it's a thing at all actually. So. Let's define what really, innovation, is it will contribute value, to our businesses, to, the welfare of the animals or the environment my definition nobody. Else's so, everything in here has, to pass that test of course there's going to be some the, the buzzwords of the day are big data and we're, just now actually, getting a taste of how big that is you know terabytes, of data we, do not have people, trained to, take care of all the data that is now being offered to us as an organization. From some of the commercial producers, that are trying to reach into, and decipher. What's their next move is there anything practical, in that data. And. You. Know as a society, we're, producing, billions. Of gigabytes, every month I don't even know how big that is but I do know that, when, we consider our next, move we, may not be hiring a PhD, in nutrition, sorry, John oh he's left already our, future partnerships, and. Hiring probably, needs to be data specialist, to support, our animal scientists, to support our engineers, because, we're getting now to, an area where. Agriculture. Didn't have a lot of experience, and. Of. Course the Internet of Things we can't talk about innovation, without talking about the, reason for a lot of that innovation is, because everything's, linked so, it's at the back of a meeting the other day and I had give or given, my presentation, and I was just looking around at, all these heads and quite. A few of them were nodding like this and I thought it was probably Steve Myers presentation, so it was a pretty good presentation. Right and. Know. That you know they have this this, uncanny, interest, in their crotch at that particular moment what, they had was their little device we, cannot be separated, from, our devices and I think that was just a really good example of even. Though you're at an excellent presentation. Probably. If you're, like, the group that I was talking about 30, I counted them little ad D I counted, them 35 percent of the people had, tuned out of the presentation, and we're focusing, on their email or snapchat or what, they were doing I'm sure that we're making notes about the meeting right but I'd, like to believe that as the speaker, and. We need to remember we're not alone in all of this we tried, to think oh yeah well this is this is a pork industry thing, this is a this is a AG industry, thing it's a North American thing, no.

Way You, know the, advantage of a lot of countries is is they they've, skipped they've, skipped landlines, and a lot of other things that we have spent a lot of money on infrastructure, in North America, and have, jumped straight to these devices, and I, don't know if he's on forward, contracts, for zebu cattle I I don't know that but, there's a chance that he is and so. We need to keep in mind that you know it's not just here we need to be embracing technology, in order to maintain whatever. Leadership, that we might have in agriculture. One. Of the things that's really driving, change, is sensors, so, I borrowed this from a group called pammi they're, all about heavy, iron equipment, that's what they do and I, was looking at them they grew they gave a similar presentation at, a meeting I was at and I, was looking at you know irradiance. And torque and flow but, they had also, reached. Beyond their heavy metal, and, they were talking about estrus and sodium and air quality, and glucose. And thinking, you know it's. Really this is probably why a lot, of the a lot of the reason we're talking new tech today is because, we now have sensors, inexpensive. Sensors that, allow us, to gather, data that, we've never been able to gather so. One example not pig related, these, two girls are amazing so they're doing their PhD, in the UK and they're. Actually looking at the, at. Fusarium. Fungi. And they came up with the idea you know it's, really hard to determine when you should be spraying your fungicides, and you could be spraying them every day but how, do I know when and they came up with a methodology, and, you can't really see it very well but this is a little spike that goes in the ground and when. When, a fungus. Spore is about, to burst open and flood. Your flood, you're filled with, fungi, a little, light comes on it sends, a it sends, out a Wi-Fi, signal, to. You and you can determine whether or not it's, hit a certain level and I'm going to go spray fungicide.

This, Afternoon, Wow. And they, can do it so cheap, $25, a unit so, before, I gave this presentation at, the BAP conference in January I checked it out their. Little company, can now produce them for three bucks, so. If you can if you can see spores, exploding. In a field a mile, away or 20 miles away, there's. Something in there that we can bring inside the barn there's. Got to be something in there and so that's just I think an example, of some, really creative people and, how, they're using technology, to better, define what precision, farming is are we out of water what about cough monitors, these things already exist, so, in our little journey today we're going to go all the way from research, applications. To commercial, we're going to start outside the barn and we're going to go inside, the barn and in. My. Opinion what will determine the success of these technologies, will be the ability to use, it in the bar that has to be robust, enough and when we take when we take on new technologies, and we offer to break them for the manufacturer, it's, not hard because often. It's a matter of weeks or months in the barn and they're no longer function and of. Course the other reason the other thing. That will separate our good technologies, from poor is the ability to address the. Fundamental business need to, collect analyze and, act, on aspects, of production that have economic value not. Just create more numbers, that we have no way to interpret. So. Compliance. And biosecurity. So. The first technology is all about biosecurity, thankfully. This is chicken data and I'm sure nobody in here has a biosecurity. Compliance. Rating that looks like this which, is 35 percent thankfully. It is chicken data but it's you know it's chicken data that's only five years old, so you. Think about all the AI that's, gone through the North American. Chicken. Flocks in that period of time they, still haven't learned very much and so. One, of the little, companies actually in Guelph Ontario they're. In to geofencing, if anybody. Ever heard of geofencing, before military, uses a bit yeah yeah so, they've, taken this concept and are, drawing invisible. Fences. Around. And what, they're doing then. Is creating. An app so, that any vehicle, or any phone that crosses, that that. Line. Will. Actually send, an information, to the to, the server and so, that you will, have a permanent record of everyone. Who's come on and off your farm and, you. Can even customize it, and. Say thank you very much for coming to my farm please, stop and turn, around and go away we don't need anything or you, could say go to the White House check, through on our by security, and then come to the farm if you are bio-secure and then thank you for coming as they, cross the fence going, the other way and. Having. That having, that base platform on your farm the other thing they're working on this year is what. I would call the democratization of health information, so. And how many of you will, have multiple, sites. Does. Anybody hear up pigs like I'm really, wondering if I'm in the chicken audience here yeah okay so, so, it's, a very common in our in our business to have multiple, sites spread over large distances, and so. What this is is asking. The people in the barn you know I went, into the faring room today and there.

Were There were two crates with a lot of scours that's not normal for us so, I send it out on here and everybody else in my system, including. My vet gets. That notification and so, all of a sudden you've got this real-time if. What if another you know tomorrow another, farm reports the same thing you know is is, this a PD, outbreak. On the way what's going on but. It's going to be real-time available. Within, your system and of, course once you've got once. You've got that information you, can and you let's say you have barns, all along here and. You could be saying okay this this barn had an oak break so, where. Were the people that were at this barn suppliers, or staff and where, did they go after that well they were here and they were here and they were here so now all of a sudden I have a heads-up on what, might be a, health, issue within my system. Okay. So one of the one of the big challenges. To maintaining, health on farms is, transportation. Moving. Pigs and pig, manure around. So this is a small Spanish company they build trailers, and they. Figured out that you know what all of this idea baking, which is really really popular here now as well, but. This, is really costing us a lot of money it's hard on it's hard on our running stock you, know they. Came up with a different idea so the truck gets, washed it backs, in and this, green, panel is kind of like shower, curtains, right it comes up alongside and, tucks in behind the, cab and then, these heat, generators, feed, into the back door and they can they have sensors in the truck right. In the walls that when it hits seventy degrees C you, know okay, we can shut it down we're, good to go and the. Interesting thing when I was visiting them they said yeah you know we were just comparing notes the other day with a guy out of Minnesota. They're. Running forty percent less gas, to. Do this than. What we are with, our heating our whole rooms so that's an interesting innovation I don't know if they're interested in coming in North America or not just, a little family called Castine and. They. Have the first one now actually, up and running. We. Do a lot of work with trailers and transportation. Trying to determine just how clean they are so, agar, plates, that's. Really, the standard that, if you want to see is there anything in, this, trailer after it's been washed is it live is it growing, takes. You know take an agar plate. Take. Several days to incubate, it and. What. We did was come up with a different methodology and, borrowed. Some technology, from. The food industry and the. Hospital. Industry and, this. This particular, device. Actually. Will look at DNA, it. Can't tell you if it's alive or dead. But. In three seconds, it can tell you whether or not that trailer is clean so, probably doesn't you know probably, not the sort of thing that you're going to check every trailer that backs up in order to ship a market hog but, if you're at the high end and a, nucleus heard it. Could be the the device itself is worth about $2,000. We. Had of course recalibrate. It as part of our research project, but, it will cost you about a hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars in swabs and we, can tell you where to swab it and actually the dirtiest place.

In A trailer in all, of our surveys is the, floor you. Expect it to be tucked up underneath and, you expect some of those places that traditionally, don't get washed very well but, then you drive it 20, miles down the road and it. Does this and everything shakes loose and actually, the dirtiest part is often right, on the floor. So. This is a trailer that we redesign, we think that trailers. Are going to be completely, redesigned, in Western, Canada because. It's primarily a cattle business we use a lot of these pot trailers which are kind of hard on pigs with the doghouse and, putting. Them down underneath and, so. Two, messages, that I've got in this slide one, is that, the future of research I believe is a lot of modelling trying, to determine you, know this this is the trailer, but what we wanted to do was come up with a way of filtering and controlling. The air and focused. On just high-value, breeding stock to start with and so. We built a custom trailer, it's 1/3 size I actually had a built in in Spain. By the Castine, family and our. Objective. In how to design. It was, by doing a lot of this type of modelling where we're looking at changes in temperature given different animal loads at different, times of the day so here, it is it's, for real it's made several trips now and now. We're at the point where we've, been using. You. Know various, types of viruses. To, make sure that it's actually, is performing. That well and now we're gonna put naive pigs in it and park it beside a pers barn and see, just whether or not it is actually going to work and that that's that's our job right we start off with some, very basic science but making sure that, if you're gonna actually adopt some of these things that it, actually works so our engineering, group has, been working on this this. Is not one of ours but, I think there's a I think there's a here. In our business, so, these are sensor motes so, these. Are designed to be dumped into a grain bin by the handful, and they. Communicate with. Each other when, they're in there to be able to give you a reading where are the hot spots in, the bin what's, the moisture content what's, the temperature and. Every. Every beam is able to do it and then, the to, be able to communicate on, a small, network and then, that small network is. Tied into a computer, on the side of the bin which then can broadcast it to your home computer and. This. Type of technology not. Aware of that being used in the in the pig industry or an animal industry at all but. I think there might be an opportunity there for us to think about that one and of course what's making this all possible, cheap. Electronics. So, just, went onto Amazon you might have heard of raspberry pi I think it was originally developed in the UK mini-computers. Right and so. You, know went. On Amazon. $55. Canadian I think. I think that's like $12.99. And us right now. But. So, it's, it's cheap technology. That is driving our ability, to be able to capture lots, of it and to, and to retain it and use it so, that, same company, that was building, the geofence, they've. Now got something, under works they're calling transport, genie and, what. It will do is a little, it will use that ability, of, these small, devices. Okay. Small, devices, located all throughout the trailer to, be able to know in, a real-time basis, for. The driver and for head office how. Is each compartment. Doing, what is the temperature and if, eventually, they'll even be able to put small cameras in there if they want to. This. One is a little more high-tech so. Young. We Zhong University. Of Illinois has been working on this for. About 17, years now he, used to be at the center he was our engineer, and what, he was telling me was that the.

High. Temperature liquid irma fication of pig. Manure is an excellent source as an alternative, for, fuel, and so, he shipped, me a couple of slides a few, years ago after he was making. Good progress because, he was talking about swine manure is almost perfect because it's got this balance of fat as well, as fiber in it and so, this, isn't this isn't actually science. Fiction so, this was their 1998. Batch reactor. And in. 2007. They built a 40 barrel, a day plant, and in, 2010. They, built a hundred and sixty, barrel day plan well today's oil prices, of course it isn't working but, the technology, is working so, when I think about where, would I build my next hog barn I already have challenges, especially in Western Canada getting. People to drive 40, kilometres, or 40 miles out of town to, come work there and maybe. Between. This kind of technology and a couple of the others I'm going to talk about maybe, we should be thinking of relocating. Our farms. Closer. To places, that can actually make better use of our. One, big oak product, and that, is manure. The. Other one of course if you're going to build closer to a population, is. Odor. Right. And, so. We've, been doing work with a group out of Quebec called CDP Q in. 2013. We finished a series of trials and it, reduced ammonia, in the exhaust air by 77%. Dust. By 95, and odor, by 75%. We were thinking okay this we've really struck on something, here well. Then I go to the 2016. Euro tier in Germany. And it's on again this fall and if you really want a great experience go. To Germany, and see euro tier it's incredible. The kind of technologies, are there so I'm standing at at this, one booth and I look around there, are three booths that are selling. This technology, this was, by, oh this is biofiltration. The ability to to. Run clean water down, through, all of these slots and nooks and crannies, and push, the air, through. It I think. We could become really really good neighbors if we, treated our air now what's. The cost of doing that. How. Do you how do you channel, all your air into one spot those, are huge engineering. Questions but, the technology, is there that, you know if we were able to move closer to population. Centers our, three-phase. Power would be would, be less money our lane ways and our development costs would be hugely. Decreased, over what they are, here's. One that we are doing in-house and this, is the use of nanoparticles. So this. Is they. Could be magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, but on the nano scale a billionth, of an inch and we've. Been putting it in filters, and running air, through it we've been putting it in the headspace underneath. The pits or underneath the, slots. Actually. Mixing it in the slurry and. This. Is just one of our outcomes, sampling. Days across the bottom so this is hydrogen sulfide, production, 600. Ppm add. It 5 days later there's, nothing, now, when we first started this work. 11. Years ago that. Would cost a $60. A pig well, so it's interesting, research but has no application but. Because now various, manufacturing. Manufacturers. As well as military, have gotten hold of this idea that, the next idea, is you, know how cheap can we get this if we can get this down to a buck a pig is it. Worth taking. All the gasses out of our operation, we're. Impregnating, it into the walls making, it easier, to clear getting rid of biofilm, simply, because biofilm, cannot, attach to or grow, in the presence of nanoparticles, we're, doing it against Salmonella, and. Other. Bacterium. And you can see like, in two hour period the. Ability, of magnesium. Oxide in this case to completely wipe out, the. Challenge, that we put in front of it I. Guess. I started off with the cleanliness and performance, and talked about shippers what. They're doing this is just some of their numbers the, really important, one if you go to their little research farm is the, fact that they've they've been in spite, of all the investment, that they've made they're. Still making twice as much net per, Pig through that operation, as as. What they did in what they would call their traditional, operation. Something. Else that our place is to be able to take a look at this. Is special water so we want to be able to see how much water is wasted we want to see on a pig by Pig basis, and RFID, and every take in every pig's ear you, know which pigs are there what's the temperature of those pigs we're using infrared photography and.

We're. Able to tell very. Closely you know based on what is the outside temperature, and what, is the temperature of the individual, pigs whether or not we're faced with an upcoming. Change, in health status in those pigs. Here's. One another, one from Europe from. Spain that, there's. About a million sounds worth of data in here so as a big data example, carlos. Pinero has, has. The pig champ Pro Europa, franchise. For, all of Europe and what, he was finding is that retrospectively. If you looked at these million. Matings, and you went backwards what, he found was that that. If a sow and her first parody gave you more than 15 born alive that. There was a very good probability, that, she was going to produce 726. Pigs more lifetime she's going to stay in the in the, herd longer, be more productive have, fewer problems and his. Finding, would be that all farms. Have some of what he calls super. Cells and then. It becomes necessary for, us to be. To. Find Superstock. People, to, manage these so the, next time we have Carlos. In town will. Be advertising, to to come and talk about you, know how do you do that because, right, now he's finding that, that. In terms, of the cost of production this. Is US dollars, but he's doing it on the European experience that, a 20 kilo pig he's, dropping. His cost of production by, 6 dollars u.s. by, Counting. By looking at what the super sow in his herd can, give to him. Another. Thing that he's doing is using, a an, electronic, pen so instead of taking all these fancy. Fancy. Equipment in and dropping him through the slots he's actually created, an electronic pen which you can buy anywhere, he's, created the software that. Would allow you to do something like this he's using it to score hooves and he's. Doing it on a piece of paper that piece of paper is linked, to his computer via. Bluetooth Wi-Fi. And all, of my sloppy writing that when I do in the barn is converted. Over to digital immediately. So now all my handwritten. Records become, immediately. Digitized, and now, I can do something with that I can store it and I can manage it oh. Yeah. Just. Back to, biosecurity. And compliance, this is his this is his most written interesting, idea I think because. Of the the person's project, he's saying you know when people are in the barns, they. Have a they have a set flow where, they should and should not go so if you're working if you're working in the sow area and you're, working in farrowing you're not supposed to be going over to grow finish on them back again and and you ask them no never do that he. Puts RFID, tags in, the in the little pouches that they're carrying has, an inexpensive foam set up at the various doors and he knows exactly how. People are moving and they're not moving according to the, standard operating procedure. There's. All kinds of technology, out there for for, better gathering. Of pig, weight data, up. To scan that, was supposed to be available to us about seven or eight years ago I think, it's coming has anybody ever been, exposed to this technology yet like camera, camera, held weight.

Estimates. It's. Supposed to be within two or three percent of actual, they, still haven't shipped me one to break I think they're breaking them themselves but, and and. Of course they're the last time I was in Europe a, year, ago they, were showing me a, tablet. That would do exactly the same thing. So. We. Need to wrap up here all kinds, of new technologies coming, some, of them I don't think are going to make it so this is called pig nap so. I so. Fluorine, which is a rather restricted, substance, here, you. Put the pig in there you Ram this thing down so those testicles are sticking up and then, you perform surgery while, it's completely, knocked out with I so fluorine pick it up put it on the floor and it recovers maybe, I don't. Know. Not. Every good not every new innovation has. A place on our farms I don't think this little guillotine, device this is a really interesting. Idea so, split, suckling okay so you know we got lots of we have lots of cases where split suckling makes a lot of sense we've got fifteen sixteen pigs born on gilts, and so, they're. Saying you put this chunk of wall in and you, drag all the pigs all the big pigs over onto this side of the wall and you set the timer and the, guillotine, will open and let them all back together so you don't have to go in there and and. Remix, the pigs after X, number of men, I just. Hope it doesn't close part way through it's and. Here's. One you know that this is a small company out of Quebec, you're seeing them here now I noticed, that they're actually sponsors, you, know we installed some of this equipment four or five years ago tried, to break it and couldn't said oh I'm. Interested so we've got all five fairing rooms hooked up now kind, of kind of pricey on a commercial basis but as a research farm this, is collecting, all the data in, terms of all feed disappearance, and when and allowing. Us to bump. Her up or bumper down based, on her, actual performance, I think, that technology's, got got, a lot to a lot, to share with us last. One out of Spain so, this is this is 100%, traceability, of every, vaccine and every antibiotic that goes through the barn because, for any pig that has an RFID tag on it she. Will one the pig and at the same time give the injection, it automatically, goes back to the cloud it says okay didn't, number on that product you, know how much is left in inventory, withdrawal. Date etc all, linked to that animal or that pen or that room depending on where you've got the RFID, tag. Situated. And one, that it's going to be really important, in the future when. All these pieces of technology, are going to be throwing data on us is how, are we going to get it to communicate, with each other I'm not going to go through 15, different. Pieces of software or 15 apps and try, and make decisions so they're calling this farms mother which, is to bring everything together, interesting. Idea they've been at it three years I think they got a ways to go but. They have farms all over the world. Another. One that I don't think is ever going to make it this flapper, I saw it in 2009, in Denmark it, looks, exactly the same it's, supposed to allow you to go and I don't know go. To Pinterest, and look up look. Up interesting. Designs, on, for. Your house your. House construction, so. It's going to breed this house for you and you don't need to be there I don't, know about that one here's. An interesting one also. Out of Denmark Ferenc, room monitor, hangs. Over top of each sow and, so if you've got a very large operation, you got multiple stock people going through that room every hour or two then the idea is is you, will put, you know I had this many stillborns, you know I assisted. Three more and when. You're in here and when you're in here and half, an hour please, check this out because the, top of it is going to beep that she needs to be checked and, because, I decided that on my first rounds through and yeah.

It Didn't take us long to break this one the, second one took a little longer to break I, don't, know maybe I didn't get to world pork Expo this year did anybody see them I think. I think they're on the market, if. You've got a large if you got a large operation, it's. A interesting way to handle handle. All of your fair owing data because they just then downloads, and drops, it all straight into the computer. Next. Generation. Implants. So. We know exactly what's going on inside the animal, so. Technology. I think. You, know can. We be sustainable. I think agriculture. And pork production in particular has, always been able to do that because, we continue to modernize because we continue to use all the technology available to, us and the. Race isn't over this, is this, is looking at. 40. Years ago this is looking at today and it's measuring, that the darkness of the red is measuring. The calorie, deficit. In those particular countries and as, you can see North America is is. Quite. Excess. And is capable of. Export. But there's still a lot of the world that is in a calorie deficit, we need to continue, to do a better job so. This, picture of our place back home way, way back in the 60s. Tobacco. Barn cattle, pride of the farm feeders. Bang. Bang bang if you've ever walked, through a yard with those and. This. That's not my parents. But. This is the modernization, of Agriculture and this, is what I tell my people at the swine Center that you know in today's marketplace it's really only, organizational. Capability. To adapt that's our only sustainable. Competitive. Advantage so, I wish you luck and continuing. To adapt and look, to new technology, to to, help you do that so thank you very much for the opportunity to, come to the is, you really, enjoyed the program this morning, if there is any questions or, time left Matt I'm happy to deal with that otherwise, I will be around all day.


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