IoT Deep Dive Live: Building End to End Industrial Solutions with PTC ThingWorx and Azure

IoT Deep Dive Live: Building End to End Industrial Solutions with PTC ThingWorx and Azure

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Hi. Everyone welcome to IOT, show deep dive my name is Pamela Cortez I'm from the azure IOT team, and I will be your host for today deep. Dives are all about showcasing. An, end-to-end solution deep, diving in some sort of scenario so, I'm really excited that this, first, deep dive we're, gonna be focusing on in and industrial. Solutions, with PTC, and azure, IOT so. I have. Special, guests here, Sofia. Was C from, the microsoft, azure IOT, team, I also have Joe Byron, he. Is a CTO. Of IOT. At, PTC, I made. Sure to say that currently Joe. And. So we're gonna go ahead we're, gonna deep dive into in and solution. If you guys have any questions, I will be in the chat as in, answering, your questions, and also, I'm. Asking. Joann - Afiya those, questions as well so feel free to ask those questions throughout. The. Deep. Dive alright let's go ahead and get started, all right thanks Pamela so, hi everyone i'm joe byron from ptc a little. Bit about PTC and a, bit about industrial. IOT which is what we're we're really focused, on here, PTC. Is. A company, that focuses on. Software. Solutions, for product, manufacturers. And, industrial. Innovation so, what we mean by that is we're helping, people, who create and use physical, products, and machinery. In industry, we're. Helping them to optimize, the creation, of those products, and the. Lifecycle, management, of those products, and so, lately. We've, been really excited about Internet, of Things and, augmented, reality technology. As, it applies to those, use cases so, we thought we'd take some time here today to. Get you a sense of what industrial. IOT, is all about and how we work with Microsoft, in building. Solutions that. Satisfy, these challenges. In industry. Thanks. Joe and. Welcome indeed, in. The past few, months actually year, we have been working together with PTC, to bring these industrial, IT solutions, to our joint, customers and today. We will deep dive into how, PTC. With the. A set, of solutions. Are. Building, IOT solutions, for our customers on, top of our IOT, and of course feel, free to ask, your questions we'll be happy to answer them let's. Get it started all right sounds great so. First of just a fun little thing I call this. Byron's. Law. So. The, quick anecdote one, day I was working on, a project in. IOT and, I found myself with, a hard hat climbing, a ladder and a new building construction, and we were inspecting, the PLC's, and HVAC, equipment and. It dawned on me that I went to school for computer science, and I've been a software developer, most of my career how, is it that I ended up with a hard hat. Crawling. Around but, I was loving it so, how do we how do you reconcile, this. Cool. New technology and. You. Know pretty critical infrastructure. So, it, dawned on me it's. An interesting. Intersection. When, you think about if you, plotted, coolness. Of a new technology. Over. Time so. When. New technology. Is born, it's the latest technology, it's the latest startups.

Over. Time it. Gets a little bit less cool, but. If it hangs around, that. By definition, means. It becomes absolutely. Critical to, the way we run the planet think about alternating, current in. 1847. Want. To do a fact check I think was the, Chicago World's Fair where, Westinghouse. And Tesla lit, up a hundred thousand, incandescent light bulbs with alternating, current technology. At. That time it was really, really cool everyone. Was like unbelievable. Magic. That they're seeing now we just take it for granted this alternating current everywhere so over time the, cool technology becomes, mission-critical. And. What, we're doing with industrial, IOT, and in fact any of our. Industrial, solutions. We're, taking, the. Latest technology. And applying. It to the mission, critical infrastructure. That runs the planet and I just think that's unbelievable. Right isn't that fantastic it, is just like we keeping. The cool aspect. While we work on the critical, side so, it's, the perfect intersect. Yeah yeah. So that's industrial, IOT for me and that's why I spend. My career doing this stuff now okay. So some use cases that we, see is very common, with. Our customers, three, main categories what, we'll call smart, connected products, smart. Connected operations. And smart, connected workers so, smart connected product, means I've, got, an asset. And I, want to monitor. It remotely I want to optimize, my use, of that asset, now. I might, want to, detect. When, it's going to fail understand. Its current condition that's. Very interesting, and very quick, value. Creation. But. I may also use, that connectivity, and make. The product more than it used to be I might, be able now to offer the product as a service, if I can remotely, monitor the product understand. How my customers, are using it now I can offer that as an on-demand service. As opposed to just a piece of gear that I sell my customers, so there's a whole category of use cases for industrial, IOT where, the product, manufacturers. Themselves want. To make their products, smart, and connected it. Is it, is interesting that. Like. These use cases are touching, critical. Pillar in the business like if you look at the use cases that you are sharing is like we, have the product, like the connected product, but also the connected operation, and the connected worker and what when we think of a nice business. We. Are like that business would be there to serve customers, how do they serve their, customers like through product, and that product could be a physical product or a service and. Like. Who is working and innovating, that product, is the workers, right that's, right and and. Then how do they do it they do it through set of process, and operations, so it's. Really interesting that the. Industrial, IOT applies, to these, different, pillar of business, and like is enabling. She, completely. Changed the, way the worker is doing their job the, way the product is, performing. And of, course for the business, how the operations.

Are More efficient. We. Avoiding, the downtime and so on yeah I mean it's really they really fit together smart. Connected products in my operations, I may have dumb unconnected. Products with our IOT, technology. We can help them get those operations. Connected, to, make them more efficient and then of course they're the people we're, not looking to displace, people we're looking to help people do their jobs better, safer. And more. Efficiently. So. That's industrial, IOT yeah really kind of in a nutshell now. When. We, look we Microsoft. And PTC look at the tech stack that, you really need to deliver on these, kinds of solutions. We. See these mean capabilities. Hopefully, you can see my mouse here so starting, left or right obviously. You've got devices. That are going to be connected, or connectable, there. Will be some, software, based edge agent. That, is responsible, for collecting. That data through, sensors, or a control, Network and. Brokering. That data transmission. And applying, data, transformation, logic perhaps, some analytics, on-site, at the edge but. Ultimately. Communicating. Those, insights, or raw data to. The cloud through, a cloud gateway that. Cloud gateway is enabling. Crew. Storage. And proffer, the processing. Of the data through. An application and able MIT platform, this. Is where you would build your apps and implement. Your business logic and expose, these. Insights, and experiences, to end-users and they'll, use tools like you. Eyes and you X's and reporting. Packages. Some. Data will go in cold storage, for archival, purposes some. Data will go into warm storage, this is operational. Data that you may want to read five, minutes from now tomorrow as opposed to something that you just archiving, for posterity, and then. There. Will almost always, be a, nother, business, system that you want to integrate with I might want to, automate. The creation of a work order in. A work order management system like, Dynamics. 365. I. Might, want to feed, an ongoing, machine. Learning process, where, I'm constantly training AI models, to make better predictions about, how my data is telling me that I have a problem with my machinery, and okay. Yeah actually that's that. Piece is very interesting. Because when, we talk about IOT we think it's new and high but like customers. And enterprises, have been doing and just reliably for years but, what we have seen is that, previously. Without, the new cool. Technologies. All, the IT solutions, were siloed, and they were not talking to each other so, if we think for the earlier examples, like they had solution, to manage their product, they had solutions, to manage their workers, and they had solutions, or systems, to manage their their, operation, but like these solutions were not talking to each other and like. With this with, the newest, technologies, and this new. Kind of reference. Architecture, with IOT and, we. Are enabling. Those, systems. Whether they are old systems, or new, systems, to talk to each other below. In the data to flow seamlessly and. Providing. The customers, the possibility, to get. Newer, insights, oh that's right yeah that's, really the I think one, of the key. Advantage. That IT. Is bringing in today to the industry, right yeah we're connecting the things but we're also getting to the people and connected any other systems yeah exactly and, to add on to that I think for the longest time for IOT most people were focused on that connectivity, and now, there's, a lot more support for machine learning not only in the cloud side but on even, on the edge side, as well so we're seeing a lot more people doing more than just connecting, devices. Actually doing device management, and, having, true intelligence, yeah. Yes, so true can you tell, us more and how, pgc, think, words and the different services fits in that architecture. You bet so this, great, these gray boxes can get lit up with some nice color so. The. Pre this previous slide describes, the capabilities, we're not talking about any specific services. From PTC or Microsoft, so the way we light up these capabilities, is in. The following way IOT, edge from Microsoft, as the IOT. Edge agent, and plugins. From. PTC that, would allow that, edge framework. To speak, to a plethora, of, connected. Machinery, through our industrial, connectivity, drivers also, known as our kept where technology, to. Do software, and content management so, that I can send calibration, updates or configuration.

Files To my smart, connected products so it can better, configure, itself, and remote. Access, RAC. Remote, access and tunneling so, that I can take control when, I need to do an interactive diagnostics. Procedure I have the ability to do that do that through a tunnel network. Connection, and then. Moving to the cloud you want to time. Series insights yeah sure. Before, that this guy wanted to add on the remote access I think that's a critical thing in. The industry Li ng. Especially. From a security perspective, of. Providing. Remote, access from, outside of the factory network, is from, a security perspective like, hey I don't want to do that right, so. With. The. Azure IT, solution, like IT hub we are providing, and thing, works as well we are providing, the capabilities. To remotely access, the. Devices, the, machines, while, we, respect. And, follow, the security, best practices, such, as the service, assisted communication, and and so on. So, those, machines are connected. To the cloud getaway, the IT hub and the IT have is of, course following, security. Best. Practices, for example the connectivity. Is on initiated. By by. The device, and and so on and it. Provides, the capability she. Make. The data that we are collecting, from. The devices available. For, downstream. Services. To, consume the data and as Joe was explaining, earlier it, could be direct. Storage for archival. So that's why we have the azure blob storage, but also have. Warm. Data. Path. Storage. Or analytics, and that's where. We have time, series insight which provide the capability, to, also, explore, the data. That. We get from the difference from the different devices at scale. And. Also. The. Azure IOT hub is, connected. To think works and thing was provide, the capability, to create different, application. And that's what we will drill down a little bit further and, I think we have a demo, on that as well yeah pretty cool right. So maybe just to touch. On each one of these boxes briefly just so that you get a sense of what the tech stack how. This tech stack is realized again. IOT. Hub helps, us maintain, a secure. Connection to edge devices, which are deployed in, a factory environment in, an industrial, facility etc. Blob. Storage would be for historical. Archival, purposes, thing. Works is a ptc, product, we call it an application, and ableman platform, and the, role that thing works plays in this architecture is, to, be the, one-stop-shop. For understanding. My asset. So, it's real-time operational. Status we, have a connection through IOT, hub which connects to IOT edge which connects to the machines but. There is other reference, information that, I need to understand, about my asset. I need, to know its warranty, entitlement, I need to potentially, know the Bill of Materials, what are the part numbers if, I detected. A potential failure on a motor, shaft I'd like to know what the part number is of the motor shaft and so, I can look it up in my parts inventory database, so, there are these other customer. Business systems. Of RAC that, also, inform, what's going on in the solution, so, thing works aggregates, the, 360. Degree view of everything. I want to know about this asset, so that can expose it to an end user oriented, application. In this case asset, advisor which will show a demo, of as well in this. That, implies user management, and so we connect to Azure Active Directory which, plays an important role in the architecture, and. Machine learning which. Helps, us determine. When, something's going to happen if, a person, is not able to configure, the rule so, if I know when, a voltage, level, drops below. 20. Volts, that, that's a potential problem in a particular part, of my architecture, of my physical, architecture that's. A rule I should be able to configure that very easily it's, when the people don't know what those rules are when. It's too complex or there's too much historical. Data that needs to be looked at to make the determination that's, a great use, for thing works machine. Learning and Azure machine learning as well. So. Let's take a look at a more, concrete example here, this. Is an example. Industrial. Asset. It's. Actually, a. Conglomeration. Of, parts. That you'll typically, find in, industrial, machinery so, there's a, programmable. Logic controller, over here this. Is from Alan Bradley a PLC. And, sorry. If you know what PLC's, are but if you if you don't they're basically, this the technology, level of an Atari 2600. They are. So. It's fun working with them yes yeah, they're, pretty basic they're, not high performance, computing, although they're they do have an evolution, in the near future where they could become that but, they're really for I'm gonna connect some wires from buttons.

And. Electrical. Outlets, and based. On certain signals, that are coming in I'm, going, to provide certain outputs, very basic, rules so, PLC's, are often used to get operational. Status of an asset and they. Don't do much besides just say here's what's going on with this asset, so. This PLC, is wired. In to an IOT. Gateway in. This case a Bosch, xkb. It's a it's, providing, some temperature. And humidity sensor readings. As well but it's also brokering, our physical, connection, through, Wi-Fi to. The cloud and it's running an IOT, hub SDK, and, it's. Sitting on top of an, electric. Motor which. Has a drive, shaft and in, this case this motor is not doing any real work it's not connected, to any. Kind of gears it's not reciprocating. Anything it's just it's, just kind of spinning freely but, it's going to represent a, use case where, the. Product manufacturer. Of this motor rig which might be connected into any kind of other equipment needs. To understand, how they can best service, and maintain, this motor setup, okay. So that's the setup. So. Maybe, before we jump, in. We. Have different. Type. Of connectivity, as well like this is only one example of, devices, that we are able to connect, you as. Your eyes GM the other ret hub that we do through the SDK, or also through other, protocol. Translation, and I like, your answer the question about the PLC when we do industrial, i UT that's all what we hear like yeah the, PLC world right, it's like you use several, times and there, are different type of PLC's, out in the market and. Maybe. If you could actually be on, how, we do, that protocol translation, is well now, a little bit later that would be good yeah we've got a we've, got a little demo, architecture. I could. Talk about how these pieces are connected, together lifesteal. Yeah. Sorry, a question, I get a lot is what, devices are already certified with, our IOT, so we do have a device catalog, so just throwing that out but. It does Shafi i mention, and Joe to that, we have the device SDKs, and azure. IOT works, on all different platforms and, all different types of devices, so, you're not tied to just you. Know using one programming, language on, one Pacific, device with, the operating, system that you have to buy. Into. You, bet you bet so. Let's let's, talk through a little story here so here's that this is the setup this is our assets, our industrial, acid it's a motor it's got a PLC. Now. Imagine. That I am a service, technician of, the, motor manufacturer. And my. Customers, are all. Over the globe and they're running. Versions. Of my motor my product in, operational. Facilities, like manufacturing, plants industrial wastewater treatment facilities, maybe, in the HVAC. System of. A building like the one that we're in right now it's. Very interesting if I can ascertain. What. Of my. Customer.

Deployed, Motors, have a problem, today do. I need to send a service technician could. I potentially make. A correction, over-the-air, by sending a configuration, update, etc, so, this is a screenshot of our asset, advisor solution. For doing exactly that it's wood in, this use, case it, would be for remote monitoring, and remote service, so I can see a short list of assets. That are deployed, and. If I drill down into one I might have gotten a note of a trouble, ticket notification. Through an email I've clicked, through the email and now I see oh and. That's a subject, matter expert for, this particular, motor, I can, see very clearly that there, is a current, fluctuation. That's not normal, there is some current spikes and, so here's a great example by, the way of where machine, learning could, inform, a non-expert so. I just told the story where I happen to know something about what the current signature, should look like on this. Particular motor but, if I'm a new, technician. By the way we do have an aging workforce problem. Where the, subject, matter experts, for a lot of this stuff are retiring yeah and we have to train a new generation. Of service techs and maintenance personnel. So, machine learning could have definitely, helped in this example maybe as in our next IOT deep dive we'll connect the dots there yeah I think that's that's good and and luck to your point about the workforce, knowledge. That's. Something, that I hear consistently from, our customers, especially, like in with working with these big, machines I have, customers telling me that they have worker. Like only one worker, that wouldn't know how that machine. Put. My tongue on. Something. It's it's hilarious, we. Are from the outside but they are living that every, single day and, that's where I think machine, learning, and the. New technologies, bring, how. Do we spread that knowledge across, the workforce instead, of having only one person, as. You mentioned that whispering, the. Machine was burned exactly, and you can also see those changes in a long period of time too which is nice because you'll have parts, where, maybe it's been running for two years and, it's a nervous. Lifecycle, so. It's, nice to be able to view, those anonomys, and and be able to do some predictive maintenance -, that's right normal sounding, when it's brand-new and normal sounding when it's different. And these are kind of all the nuances, that AI can, help us, decode. Okay. So in, our story back. To our story, I'm, the remote service tech I'm sitting in a call center somewhere and I'm looking at Akamai COEs motors, there's, a problem here I need to dispatch a service technician maybe, I've done it manually by clicking a button or it's been done automatically. Now. I'm. A different person, I am. The service. The field service, technician I've got the hard hat on now and. Wouldn't. It be really interesting, if I could combine, the. IOT. Instrumentation. From this motor unit, the temperature, of the sensor the current the voltage and, combine. That with some, repair, or step-by-step, procedures, and, so a fantastic combination, that we found is to use a hololens. Device, or really, any other augmented. Reality device. Hololens, is really nice because it's hands-free so. Here's a short video imagine, you've got a hololens, on and. You're. The service technician, so. I'll scan, this special. Marker here this is a kind of a magical, little mark, I'll. Pause there just to describe what. Let's. Try that again in this town I'm not gonna advance, slides so this special. Mark we call it a view mark and, what. This is going to do for us is, this. Pause right here it's, going to tell the augmented, reality technology, which, is computer. Vision technology, essentially. Where. Euclidean. Origin, is, on. My, AR experience. So, we, know now okay, that is motor, serial, number XYZ. We. Know how to get its IOT, hub and, thing works based data, history, and real-time, data and I, know when. I want to place. Augmentations. On the, field of view the digital, artifacts, that combined with the real world. View that is augmented. Reality I know where, to place them so they're perfectly, placed where, the, person who developed, this augmented reality experience. Who, would have used a tool like before II estudio from PTC, where. Exactly they wanted that to show up so that's what the market is doing for us yeah think of the worker maybe, in, some cases they never seen that machine. Or they dc-3, or T or only on my, first day yeah I don't know what this thing is I guess it's a motor maybe, a wrench and they told me I have to replace the motor show yeah yeah.

So I mean how many times have you watched a YouTube video of doing some repair on your car so. Imagine you. Could have an augmented, reality display. That shows, you what the problem, was. Let's. Go back up here a little bit so on the right of my screen I've, got my instructions, I've got a fluctuating. Motor current that's. What the people, back in the call center told me I need. To locate, the right part and by, the way augmented, reality is. Highlighting. For me where the motor is in case you didn't know Joe that's the motor. And. Then my next steps would be okay. What is the procedure, for, taking. The motor apart I need to remove the drive shaft I need to replace the motor itself to, repair this thing isn't it interesting and by the way before I even get there isn't. An interesting, that I've got the current voltage and. Current. Current. Current. And. I can I can verify that the units turned off it's not electrified, and. The humidity levels 23 percents pretty dry and it's, pretty cool at 66, degrees Fahrenheit, so the data that I would have in, my remote view is also given to me in real time and I'm hands-free yeah and you would show later, as like how this data is flowing, and. Coming we're gonna peel the conversation, yeah you can see how this is flowing through IOT, hub and into thing works and how we realized, that this this, demo. And, one thing I would say is. None. Of this video, has been edited, so everything you're seeing is actually we were we, brought in the motor the full hardware setup last week we did a pre recording, so you're seeing a video of surface. Doing. AR, and, doing this whole experience so none. Of this is. Movie. Magic, okay. It's actually in real time what you see is what you get yes this, is the augmented, reality experience. And these animations. That you're seeing, we're. Authored. In PTC, tools like. PTC. Creo but could be authored in any tool that does three-dimensional. Graphics which is very common, for product, manufacturers, to produce those, 3d. Models and animations as they're designing their product, now, with augmented reality there's, a way to leverage, those same assets, for, the purposes, of on this on-site, training and field service. So. Pretty cool stuff yeah let's, uh let's peel the onion, peel. The layers of the onion. Okay. So once, again spend. Too many time on diagram, slides but we. Had our remote. Service. Person. Who, detected. The problem by using, the, asset, advisor application. Asset. Advisor is based on the thing works platform, which gave us the, 360-degree. View of the, asset, its parts information, we're, able to access the animations, and CAD drawings, etc, thing.

Works Also got its real-time status the current the voltage the, temperature and humidity, from IOT. Hub. IOT. Hub was. Receiving. The, edge information, what. Was the edge information, it was the data from the PLC and, the, sensor pack it's, physically. On the motor through. PTC's. Kept where product, which, is an industrial protocol. Driver. Library. So, Allen, Bradley PLC we. Know how to speak that language the. Bosch xkd. Sensor, language we know how to speak that as well Modbus. Mqtt. So. Basically, what Kepler is doing it's the Tower of Babel translator. For, these varieties, of industrial, protocols, something, like a hundred and fifty different, protocols, that we support, in, normalizing. That into. A format that IOT, hub can do something with a canonicalized. Data, format, through IOT, hub process. By thing works to, enable the applications, I accidentally. Went, to the next video, but just in time yes. Perfect. Timing, so, we have cap we're sending, the data to, ITT, hub and what we see here is the voice code which is part. Of the tooling that I have. I'm so, excited talked, about because codes I know what I'm up to so. If you haven't tried. Out vs code I highly, recommend it it's one of my favorite IDE to work with now what's. Great about it is you can have it on Windows you, can have it on Mac I've, ran it on a bun too it's lightweight, it's, it's open, it's, just, amazing. To work with and. In the last year, the tooling team here at Microsoft has spent a lot of time making. It super easy to connect, to all. Of our services with IOT. So. Part, of the one of the extensions, is that azure. IOT hub. Toolkit. Extension, which I'm a huge fan of because you can create IOT, hubs you, could do device management, even has iot edge support so, a lot of you folks working. With IOT hub or IOT, edge. Definitely. Download, it and. Try it, out because it just makes the development, a lot easier, to with IOT edge so. I just wanted to do that call out because I love the s code so anytime I can do a call out well I'll give you a plug there - who's a we we built a connector, from. Thing works IOT, hub and when. We were building that originally, there, wasn't, the extension, for vs code so I remember we were using, the IOT. Hub toolkit, on the command line that was fine you know we're cool with command lines we're developers, but, when this extension, showed up with this magical, here's your list of devices and. Much. Faster this is what it's supposed to be yes exactly yeah yeah so I'm gonna hit play on the video yeah and. Here. What we see in this, we. Have of course when you have your IT hub you connect through the connection string and you see the different venues and the different actions, that you are able to do directly, from vs code, so. You could copy the connection string or in this. Use case what we are doing is that we are monitoring, the data that, is coming from that motor that. Joe showed earlier, so, the. Moral sending, the data, to ihe hub through. Cap where and from, the service side we are pulling that data and we are showing it here so in the output we, are looking at the telemetry data and the real data that the motor.

Is Sending. And. Of course, ihe. Hub you, could send the data in different formats, and. You are able to see that data as we. Scroll here over and, one. One. Comment on the cap where that I had also, Joe. Is that. We are with. PTC, cap where today we did not see the IIT ad but there, isn't aggression, that, is in the work for cap where on the IDT edges were right yep. So. I ot, edge is the perfect, framework, for hosting, edge compute. And managing. The updating, the modules, that would be performing, some units at work kept. Where is fundamentally. For running at the edge to, do the protocol translation, so it's a very natural fit, for us to have a formulation. Of cap wear that, will be an IOT, edge. Tainer module yeah, and the cool thing is like in in vs code as you are able to see the data and, interact, with the data you are able to see the device but as well, as if the device was an edge device, we can we, will be able to see here the modules, so, the Kepler modules, and interact, with them and do, the deployment, as well from the from, central. Way and. So. What happens, in the demo that we have is like this data is, consumed. By thing works and that's what Joe, will show us in how, we get, this data in thing works and how we get, it into the. Screenshot. That you should share it earlier right you. Better know of course this podcast. Videocast. Is an, IOT, deep dive so it's for the technical, architects, and for the developers, so, we're showing you the behind-the-scenes. View, of what's happening so that you have an understanding of how it all fits together it, is, our goal to not. Require you to be parsing, JSON obviously. End-users are going to use an application like PTC's, asset, advisor which is connected, to IOT hub but. It's important, for you to have an appreciation for the, hard work that's gone into IOT. Hub and, thing works so. That you as the technical, architects, and developers can. Build on top of that so, you can get your customers, faster, to value and what they're trying to do and, not having to reinvent the wheel like, moving. Messages, through an MQTT, protocol, bus and so forth that's cool stuff yeah but, you probably don't need to be reading that code a save a lot of time yes, so all that is taken care of, it's. All taken care of so that you guys can work on the higher level stuff yeah the more interesting stuff the. Coolest, the, coolest stuff, so, you know what kind of marching. Up the stack here now yeah we were looking at vs code and we saw some raw messages. Flowing, through IOT, hub this. Is thing, works composer an, in composer we're. Building. That view, of the asset, so. We're combining data, streams, from IOT, hub and, from. Other business, systems but. In this case we're configuring. The, IOT. Hub it's, so this happens to be where we. Connect, thing works to an IOT. Hub I'm. Using the singular there so you create, a hub in the azure portal, and you, tell thing works this is where my hub is and. I can invoke, as the, thing works platform. Various. Services, of, the IOT, hub itself, so. We can configure device, twins we, can configure container, modules, for IOT edge all. Of the stuff that IOT, hub exposes. It's our goal to make that connected, to thing works so that you, can drag, things around in a configuration, interface and configure. Pre-built, solutions, as much as possible. So. This. Is just, a quick view of some of the services that are exposed, by IOT, hub that thing works has an abstraction for, I'm. Gonna kind of zoom forward here just a little bit something a bit more interesting, so, now we're drilling into, a pause. Real quick we've, drilled into a thing. So. This is represented. In IOT hub as a device, twin so as you're reading about I'm, sure you're gonna be reading if you haven't already background. Information on how Microsoft's. IOT hub works how PTC, thing works works an, IOT.

Thing, In thing works and in, IOT, hub are connected. So, you can provision them in one place and they show up in the other and the, data is shared, so this, is our connection, to the applications. Applications. Will be built on thing, works and thing, works as integrated, to IOT hub in this case I'm looking at my, current humidity. Operational. Efficiency. Temperature. And voltage so, in this small. Example, what, I care about of this thing in this case our motor is its sensor. Data current, and humidity temperature. And voltage but also its operational. Efficiency, it's oae which is a common, term used in manufacturing, and some of these values we, get them directly from the device some of them are calculated, right so some of them were those that we were seeing on. Vs code earlier there. Was no oh yeah. Yeah, he is a synthesized. Property. And. Cool thing about it is it could have been through, a, business, rule that. A developer. Or a business analyst coded, and thing works to, say when, my manufacturing. Output looks, like this and my asset, reliability, looks like this compute. My oae which is a magic, number based. On some proprietary algorithm, that my business cares about or, it could be a. Prediction. For machine, failures yes and that might have been through again, a simple, rule or a fancy. Algorithm. The, goal here is to normalize. That all down to the stuff I care about what I'm looking at this. Asset, in an application and, I guess in user friendly. Way. For. An operator to rise so that's right yeah. Now even speaking. Of personas, the. User of this interface. Is not. The business, user it's, the system, administrator, so, you don't need to be a architect. Or a software, developer, to, be using this interface here's, someone who's supporting, the business applications, probably IT. Now. You might also be an architect, that's fine too. We're architecture, you guys are probably architects, so. Understanding, how those all the stuff is wired, together is the goal of this at this this short video. Ok. So the values, that we're seeing here by the way are.

The Real time values that are coming from a connected motor in the, case of this video I believe it was connected, through a cellular network, or. So I heard so again, the connectivity. Wi-Fi. Or hard line or cellular, it's all abstract about, the time you get through IOT, hub now. That being said as the, software architects, and system architects you do have to be mindful about choosing the right physical, connectivity, you. Know we're seeing some 5g. Opportunities. And manufacturing. Believe it or not there's plenty of wires and a fact yeah, but. It's still sometimes. Helpful to. Use that that, high bandwidth cellular, connection, yeah, and, then also that's why a bakery, when people are interested in IOT, just, because you can have that extended, offline support - I just, wanted to throw that in there yeah yep, yeah so that's very important, some, sometimes. We get questions from people who. Are rather. New to IOT and they're. Like hey if my thing is not connected, can I still, see anything. About it like, yeah it's okay I mean the network is not reliable right that's not exactly. It's. Cool when it's live, connected. And you can interact with it right now but, we're expecting, that that's not always the case so the. Most recent status, and when. That status, was received, and here's a good example where last, last. Updated. These. Things last communicated. At this time we last receive the temperature value at this time those are important concepts, because these, things might be on a boat, in, there my dad of coverage, ranker. Yeah yeah, and, we. Provided the. Other ihe, services. And. On. Thing web solutions, the capability, also to get. Alerts. Or to get information on how that device is working like the, device, connect, from the last, past. Five days or and we enable, the, capability, to use that telemetry, data to. See. If you want to act on the device if it did not send any data for the past five days. For example or. Just. That it hasn't communicated in, five days might be the problem yeah yeah and the, other aspect I, think is the motion of real-time because we. Use, the word like real-time a, lot but like I think one thing that we need to be mindful of is, that, the definition, of real-time is different, from an industry to another from one is cased and others sometimes, it's like one second, some people we say it's real-time sometimes. It's it needs to be nanoseconds. Yeah, a real-time, operating system. Doesn't multitask, it, probably, doesn't have an IP stack. Because. It's mission-critical, if this is would be a PLC. Controlling. A safety. Soul on a solenoid on a motor, that's, maybe. Bringing a blade down. That's an example of a real-time operating system, when the buttons pressed stop, the blade. $5.00. $600. Seconds, is not real time yeah yeah, yeah, that's a great point. And, you, know that's where the cool and the critical in. There. You have it right there there's an example of that okay. So. Let's. See where are we enter. So. We win I sure you did this one okay, so. Okay. So another, important. Aspect of IOT we've been talking a lot about. Data. Receiving. So. Ingestion. Of data from machine. Sensors, and so forth so that we can trigger alerts and look at the data flow etc we. Also. Not. As commonly, but, importantly, want. To sometimes, send commands to things. We. Might receive a million, values a day from a connected motor and once, in a blue moon literally. We need to send it a software, update but when it's time to send us off or update we need to be able to do it reliably, so. IOT. Hub has a bi-directional. Communication. To, the asset in this case the edge agent. That was running on our Bosh xkd, and we're, able to control through. Kept we're in its connection to the PLC. Physical. Actuation. Of the motor it's, gonna be a little hard to see in the, thumbnail so bear with me I'll skip forward over here this, is again this is the system administrator, view not a not, a end-user. Application. But. We're going to execute. A remote, command. So. I click the execute button, that. You, can see yeah. It's really hard to say but, trust. But trust us if you were in front of the motor you. Would have seen it the, solenoids. There, are two solenoids attached to, maybe I'll just quickly go back to. And. I'll talk through this instead, of trying, to look at the tiny video yeah. A big reason why we're not we. Pre-recorded. Was, because this motor is pretty loud so we, wanted, to make sure that you guys weren't just hearing this loud Yoder, running the entire time which by the way is pretty common in industry places, are loud we make a decision between you, guys here and I saw the model, yes, yes.

So. This. Again this motor going. To slideshow. Mode this, motor had if you recall a PLC. What. Happened to my, oops. Sorry this motor has a PLC. Which. Is. Connected. Electrically. To these solenoids. The. PLC's, as we talked about a real-time OS it doesn't have an IP stack it doesn't, know how to do. Cloud, based communications, so, that's happening on this Wi-Fi, module, we're. Sending a command to. The Wi-Fi module and telling the software, agent, running on that module. Talk. To the, PLC, and ask, the PLC, to set its output, for solenoid, it. Energized. To on all. Right so that's how it works behind the scenes kept. We're knows. How to talk to the PLC the. Edge, module. Knows. How to talk to I of T hub so it's brokering, that connection between the physical asset, and its actuation. Through the PLC, and electronics. And electrical servos. And in, this case a solenoid, and giving, it an energized, command. So. That's industrial. IOT for you certainly, not the beginning or the end but maybe a slice of the. World that we live in in the world that our customers, have been implementing, solutions in. And. I want to do a shout. Out to, all, of our folks on chat thank, you for for, helping. Out to answer questions, they've done such a great job that I haven't had to ask any questions, as the, host publicly. So thank, you Karl. Stephan, and Olivier, and others, on chat. It's. Super, helpful for you guys to be there and. So since. We don't have any questions because they were all answered, I think we can go ahead and jump into that last slide to talk about resources. Okay actually. Because. I feel a little a few extra minutes maybe we can talk about chippy and I can talk about what we see on the horizon perfect. So we've. Done a lot a lot of work together and you know combining. Our technologies, in supportive solutions, like these. So. I'll start with I'll. Interview, you for a moment yeah what do you see as. The. Next critical. Capability. That intersects, with critical needs in the, use cases that you've been seeing I think. In. The industry, the one cool, thing that I I would. Expect to boom in the next few years is, the an. Intersection. Between the, IOT, and the. Simulation. We, we. Tend to talk about it like we, hear all about the, digital twins, which, is like the digital. Representation. Of a device or a physical. Piece. But. In, IOT one. Thing when, we are a company, that, building. New products, is sometimes. We don't have all those data sometimes, we don't get all the context, about the product, and what. I'm building a very expensive new, product, I want. To. Simulate. That, missing. Missing. Piece of information, so. The, thing is like how do I do that how do I bring the simulation, aspect, to the physical, the. Context, data that I get and. I build a real digital, twin. For for that device I think there, will be a. Very, interesting innovation. Around that, and I am. Hearing. A lot of like requests. And interest, from customers, in that space yeah that's that's really really interesting, and we have a partner, ANSYS who.

Is Working in on, this and we're collaborating with them so, just for everyone, to kind of get up to speed, there's. There. Have been for. Quite. A number of decades in fact the. Activity. Of building. Computational. Fluid, dynamics. Based simulations. Of physical. Products during the design of, the product so, I want to understand. The. Finite. Element, analysis, and mechanical, phenomenon. The physics based phenomenon, that, my. Design. Will, undergo with the forces, and temperature, and etcetera, thermal, characteristics, over the shells etc, so, there, are companies that have specialized, in such. Mathematical. Models and this is an example so. Finite element, analysis, computational. Fluid dynamics, the. Thing is it, takes a while to run those calculations, and so it's good for the design activity here's, my design maybe here's the CAD model I'll, dial in with PTC, creo and I'll. Build a computational, model of, the thermal characteristics, and force characteristics. Run. That simulation go, have lunch yeah, I mean it's not that slow but it's still not real-time or hasn't been real-time so, here's the cool stuff that's happened, machine. Learning, happens. To be very. Matrix. Orient, yeah right so it's it's, processing. Numerical. Matrices, we. Had the, we, the collective. Technology, world had, the insight not too long ago that a. GPU. Yeah. He's fantastic at. Matrix, multiplication. For. Calculating, three-dimensional. Graphics so, using. GPUs, for AI. Fantastic. Yeah right yeah it, also turns, out that the. Simulation, stuff, there's, also matrix, mathematics, so, companies, like ANSYS have, been adapting. Their simulation. Models, and calculations. To, take advantage, of GPUs, and it's, get it's gotten so fast and near real-time that. We can imagine, having, that. Simulation. Which was already built when the product was designed, deployed. At run time in, actively. Looking, for anomalies, based. On the simulation, sometimes. Machine, learning and AI is a good fit sometimes. Augmenting. What the machine learning is doing with. Those pre-built, simulations, fills. In a missing, piece of data that, the sensors may not, yeah I think, all those things that we, bring that to the edge as well that's the world that is ongoing it. Happen yeah exactly. So, not all not, like we, don't need anymore all that compute, power to be in, the, cloud or centralized, way it's like we, are getting that closer as you said what it needs to happen right so. If. We have do, have are. We good to close or still have yeah, I think where I work. Good, to close my. Digital. Twins, and. Telogen. Edge is just where, we're gonna see a lot more information. And, more folks doing more support. There so. For resources, we, have a couple links for you, one, is the PCC, Microsoft. Landing page and I will make sure to upload. These slides on our tech community, if you haven't. Gone and checked out our tech community, site um we. Have one specially, for, IOT, so, make sure to upload these. Slides they're, ptc. Also, has a developer, portal. Homepage. Is, great for. Tutorials. How to get started all of that they're, also developing, if. You, guys haven't played with the MX chip they're developing, a lab on, how to work with thing works and, azure IOT together. I'm and. So this MX chip, dev kit you can get at seed studio, you, can get a lot of different places but it's, nice because. If you don't, have a hardware engineering background, it's perfectly fine I do, and I still really love this device, you. Get connected right away, connected. Through. IOT, hub, working. With thing works so, the lab they're still developing but in a couple weeks if you go to that, developer, portal homepage they'll, have that lab for those folks who have this kit or wanting. To get this kit to quickly get started yeah. And by the way I went through the lab myself, last, week with an MX chip and you know even for you. Know people like us at vanity, for it's pretty cool I mean it helps you especially. If you're new to IMT. It. Helps you understand, the concepts. Where. Is the what is the role for the edge agent. How, does IOT, hub really, work the stuff that we've clicked through the screens and videos we show today you, can get hands-on with that stuff and get an appreciation, for it and understand. Where as you're implementing, projects, for customers, or your, own companies, where. Your value, it should be and how you should interact with these tools exactly. And what's nice it also has a lot of sensors all right on there so, you don't have to worry about bread boarding a bunch of sensors to the device just so you can do jumper wires yeah wire.

Wrapping None, of that to. Work with the device you can really get started on the on the cloud side and. Then we have an upcoming event, so. Hannover, Messe if, you haven't been to that event it's one, of the largest events for, industry. 4.0. Everyone's. There who is part of that industrial. Industry. So I highly recommend checking, out PTC, there Microsoft, will be there as well chat. With, us and we, would love to meet up with you guys I. Would be myself there so feel, free to reach out we'd be happy to meet in person, all. Right great all right well thank you so much for joining on our first IOT, deep dive we're going to be doing these on Wednesday, every other Wednesday, so, definitely. If you have ideas, for future deep. Dives. Anything. That you really. Want training. On, let. Me know thank, you guys thank, you thank you thank you bye. You.

2019-02-28 21:05

Show Video


Amazing video!

Miłego Dnia :)

Thanks! :)

Link from the end of the video: Also, there is an MXChip (IoT Dev Kit) simulator for those without a physical one:

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