A Model for the Evolution of the Species

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Hello. Everyone it's Lisa, Turner here from psych Adam II and I. So. I've been asked, a lot, about. This. Model. Of the, evolution, of society, that I've created so, so. Just give you a little micro. Background, and a short, explanation, of, this model, so the first thing is I use the word model, I am, an. Engineer, and mathematician I'm, a PhD in. Aeroacoustics. And, mathematical, modeling so. So. What I do is I spot, patterns. In the chaos and what I've done is I've spotted this pattern, which. Seems to explain exactly how, we've got where we are and give. A prediction for. What's coming up and the reason I can be reasonably. Confident, in the prediction is because, what's. Happening, right now is, stuff that I predicted. Around. Around. 10 years ago when I first developed. This model so this isn't so, so the model so the model is holding true, basically. So. So, I say, the word model because. Nothing, I say is the truth it's an explanation, of. What's, going on and this. Is very different from a lot of kind. Of spiritual, disciplines, and spiritual. Kind, of culty. Dogmatic. Things and it's also it's. Also the way a lot of philosophers, come at things that's that well and and, it's the way engineers, and mathematicians come. At things you know most, major, breakthroughs, in science don't. Start with a you know people's go often, think of this you recur I've found, some big solution, and actually, they start with a less. Funny, so. Here's, my that's. Funny, what's, going on here, so. The. First thing I say is that. Effectiveness. Is the measure of truth and as. I said this model, seems, to be holding true, so far and. So. What this model does is it's based on the. Activation. Or awakening, or. Activation. Of, chakras. Of society. Now those of you are not spiritual and don't like chakras hold your horses. Chakras. Are just a, model they're a construct. That we can use that, okay so they're not real but we can use them as a basis, for explanation. When, I first was exploring, chakras, I spoke to a medical. Doctor and he, said that every single chakra, corresponds, to a ductless, gland, on the physical body and the physical. Attributes, of that chakra, correspondent. Very, very closely not. Saying identically, to the, ductless glands so first, of all nothing I say is the truth it's a model what chakras give, us is an idea. A concept a construct. That can help us understand what's going on so, so. First of all what is the chakra so it's an energy center they're not real as then they don't exist another way you know um. Like, as a mathematician we use stuff that's not real all the time so. For example square root of -1 or I complex. Numbers we use complex, numbers the computer, that you're watching this on only. Works because, we use a branch of mathematics that. Involves, contact, complex. Numbers so so, is the square root of -1 which doesn't exist so basically. We. Don't exist we're not communicating other, than in your own mind or or we do and we can just use it as a model so. So, they're not real as in they don't physically, exist but, they are associated, with each, chakra is associated with an area of the body, behaviors. Qualities. Emotions. And. Kind. Of I'm just looking at my notes here and. And. Experiences. So behaviors experiences, emotions, so. Let's. Go back about. About. A hundred years so at the beginning of the last century the. Population of the west and at this model that holds true mostly, for the Western world it's sort, of applies to what went on in the Far, East and, in, other in and South.

America, But, in a slightly different time trajectory, and that's, one and and the the reason I haven't applied that is I just don't know the history so well so, I've worked with a historian on this and. It holds true. But. I don't know the history of those. Other countries as well and yes I'm working on it with my we. Are with other tame historians, from those countries, so oh my goodness things are going ping-pong what's going on oh just, ignore that okay so. The beginning of the last century the. World had been the Western world so this is Europe, Britain. North. America, had been an, in Japan, and Australia there. Was huge, upheaval as a result of two world wars and, a massive recession so. People, didn't have enough food to eat they didn't have anywhere to live and as, a society there. Was a great, demand, for food. And housing and we. Got it we, got mass. Mass. Produced food. Kind. Of mechanized. Agriculture, and, this. And you, know council housing that the NHS without Social Security this happened, so, this is the base chakra of society, opening, which is about security. Structure. And survival. Then. We had a time of relative kind, of stability but. It was very restrictive. Very. Conformist. You had to behave you had to follow the rules and it was very very. Restrictive, people. Started to want to want to wanted a bit more freedom and in the 60s. There was this revolution, you might have heard about it the sexual revolution the, Cultural Revolution there, was an explosion explosion. In creativity. In music, and arts, in fashion, and in. Sex and this is the sacral, chakra sacral, chakra is about sexuality, creativity. Pleasure. And flexibility. So. Hippies. Existed. Hippies, happened, then. We, kind of moved into the 70s which a lot of people refer. To as a bit of a hangover from the 60s, and. So. People kind of the system, got a little bit out of balance and we. Had a lot of strikes, a lot of bit, of social upheaval because people didn't want to share everything and so. We had this in the time of the 80s, we had this massive, financial boom, huge. Numbers of people went out working, for themselves, there was the and here the focus is now on individual. Wealth and individual. Success, people, strived, for power, personal, power personal. Control this was the whole greediest, good you know the Harry Enfield loads and money character. You. Know huge explosion, in stock Marcus, boom-boom-boom. And it's. All about an individual. Wealth power, and identity the. Individual. This, is the solar plexus chakra, of. Society, opening so this is about identity. Will. Control. Individuality. But then people, either got burnt, stock. Market crashes or they got burnt out they started to question, if logic was the only way if money was the only thing that was important, they became tired of the restriction. On feeling emotions, on there, was this repression, of emotion, so they started to ask questions our name decided to say there must be more to life than this then. It started to be ok to have emotions to, feel emotions, to share and express them then, we had an, explosion in alternative. Therapies, in fact if you weren't in therapy something was wrong with you right so. We had this in the 90s, we had all this therapy and healing, as when Reiki was started, to become common, and, more, and more popular, and things like that so. This is the heart chakra this is about compassion, love. Higher. Emotions. Then. Because. We now have the heart open we have compassion, and understanding it's. Now okay to share our truth so, then we have the internet boom boom, right so, fact. I was on the internet before most people because I was an academic at the time and I was on joint academic, network Janet, so he had Janet so I could email people I was in Southampton University I could email somebody. In Bristol University who wasn't exactly the world wide web yet it, was the form of internet so. Now the Internet boom is happening right so we've got social media we've got blogging, twitter facebook instagram and probably about another 20 that I just can't even keep up with you know so.

Everyone, Is talking and sharing we've got smart phones iPhones iPods, I've had so it's I mean iPods they still even exist it's, everywhere, right everyone, is sharing and listening and talking information. This, is the throat. Chakra communication. Expression. Information, now. What's happening now is the third eye the third eye is about insight. Vision. Wisdom. And discernment. So. We're. Right now here's the thing right where. We are right now is in information, overload but, we're also in a space of too. Much information, for our physical brains to actually process and just, two, days ago three days ago I got an download, about. You. Know just an awareness about, what. Might be happening it's like we our. Human, brains can no longer process, and manage. The cut the amount of information that we have them, we're, receiving, so. What's happening is we're looking to outsource this, and we already do know it's, like you know we have these clever, smart watches and things that manage. A lot of the information now. People think that AI and, there's this prediction that AI is going to be a big thing I think it is going to be everything but not in the way that, a lot of the predictions are going and, that's probably a whole other Facebook live so let's, stick with the model for now so. What. You might have noticed is as I presented that model from the base to the sacral, from the sacral to the solar, plexus from the solar plexus to the heart from the heart to the throat and from the throat to the third eye before, then the chakra above opens, like and I say above just because they look that's where it's located on the physical body of an individual, but we're talking at the level of society here, so. What happens is at the level of society, before. One chakra, opens. There's, like a drawback, there's like an excess. Of the one before so. The way out is the way through, now, the third eye is this is where we start to have true, wisdom and discernment, this, is where we get really intuition, but intuition, has to be based on logic the throat chakra is very logical it's, very rational, but, it sometimes becomes too rational because it becomes overly, restrictive, or there. Isn't enough. Rationality. In that, it's like information gets, twisted, and misused, and this is where you get conspiracy. Theories now I'm, not going to get involved in like what because this is what happens it's like you create this separation, of us and them. Where, is that the third eye it's, all we. So, whenever anyone uses the word they, when.

They Talk about they you should do something or they, are doing this to me then, they're in the throat the draw back of the throat, so. In the draw back you're going to get mass, hysteria a lot of delusions, a lot of separation, so this is how bricks it has come about because, it's about separation, the throat is about individuality. Each. Chakra has like a. It's both got a gender, and, whether. It's about the group or the individual so base is, actually about the individual, the solar sorry at the base of our individual sacral, is about group solar, plexus, individual, heart, is the group throat. Is the individual, so this is about individuals. Having, their own little idea and wanting to share their own little thing where. Is that the third eye which is where we're going as a species, now as a society. Now, we're. Going to the third eye so, this is about unity. But. Before. We get to unity, there's going to be even more probably. Even more separation. So, this is you know Trump building his wall this, is and it's also about a lot of misinformation you know Trump and his and, is his, administration. Talking about alternative facts. Well, hmm. What's an alternative fact, is it a lie or is it a fact in a different context, because think about information, context. Is key, so. What else is going to happen with the third eye so. So. Individuals. Who don't have the lower chakras functioning, they will have. They. Will they'll struggle a little bit and so this is a call for everyone to really awaken, individual, become a very self, actualized, so. One of the things about the third eye is this, is where there's. A balance of logic and intuition we. Start to sleep see through, the veil of illusion with. Seeking, real visionary. Leaders, and discernment now those who don't have this will so. People who don't have any of the ones below or their third eye activated, they, will find it hard to make decisions often have a struggle. Time a handle paradoxes, because they can't understand, that things like. Some, concepts, are appropriate, within a context. But, not within a not outside, of that context, for example. My. Husband's a quantum physicist and we have little discussions, about this so. There's. A lot of sub, atomic phenomena. That does doesn't apply at. The macro like macroscopic, levels so if, you try and apply the microscopic, to the macroscopic sometimes, it just doesn't translate. So. With the third eye open you can make decisions easily, you can handle paradoxes, you've got a high degree of personal, responsibility so. Long a lot to get me any longer that's the they're out to get me, Big Pharma are trying to kill us or the government's, trying to kill us or somebody, out there the Illuminati, are trying to control, is a that's. That's, the restriction, that's, the drawback of the throat right, so. Here. At the third eye you can see what there is no they it's all us where it's where it's all us it's, all me so. There's a high degree of personal responsibility you're. No longer a victim to your circumstances, and. Individuals. Have got all the ones below and the, third eye opening, the, one those who've got all of them open active will, be able to ride this wave and that's how we ride this wave by. Using our discernment. And this is where one. Of the things I think is really key here is, visionary. The concept. Of, visionary. So. So. A lot, of the things that are happening right now so let's look at brexit so we've got no so again brexit, isn't is a symptom, of the throat chakra, wanting. To be separate wanting, to be on our own so I'm not judging it as right or wrong some people say breaks it's bad some people say it's good either. Way it could be great but. Here's, the problem with, it I'll use that word because. What's. Happening, is people. Are. Like. So it's, so bricks it's about being away. From Europe. Right. Now notice though it's that not being, in Europe, versus. Like where are we actually going to like the deal that's being presented the things that are happening it's all about like well here we haven't got a deal where we're not in Europe but. There aren't really real like we can we do this so we're going to do that are we gonna build this and the world's gonna look like that so, my invitation now, to, start riding, these, waves is, to start thinking about, your. Vision, for how you want our, society, to be and get really specific because, a lot of people do the whole OAB, we should all just love each other and be really nice it's like yeah okay so how do we live how do we parent how, does money work. So. One, of the things with with. This device probably a whole other life but. There's. This idea of being. A highly. Evolved individual, highly, evolved being or what. I call a conscious. Leader so. I'm going to give you what I think, I've.

Got 12, concepts. For a conscious leader so the first is they. Experience, unity, they are aware that we are one, they. Seeks to express, themselves. From. Their true source they. Seek to serve, whereas before although like the throat chakra is very individual. So. This is about me and I and, being selfish, at the level of the third eye there is no separation, so that it's us it's we so, they seek to serve knowing that when they serve another they're, serving themselves they always speak the truth, they do what they say they, keep their word they, say what they do and they do what they say they. Embrace the principle, of custodianship. Rather than ownership. And this is going to be true of land of money, of of, lots. Of us things Oh lots of like something's happening, they. Always. Aim, to never. Harm another, sentient, being they. Don't complete, except, with themselves to be better than. They were and. But. They end rather they collaborate. With each other and they. Are aware that they need nothing. Because there is no separation because, anything they need they can have instantly, now that's a bit of a stretch but they, get to this place of real security, knowing that if they needed anything they could just take some action. You. Know and and and deliver. Some value because they seek to serve and they get what they need they. Express unconditional. Love which doesn't mean being nice to everyone because. Sometimes, it's that's, you know that's that's almost like a conditional, love it's like oh I have to be nice to everyone and I'm only loving if I'm being nice like the unconditional, love is that also having good boundaries, and. They also seek, to evolve. Consciously. To. Know and to become and to express, greater. They, are a self expressed. Individual. They are their own person they know who they are they know what their place is their, purposes. And as, a whole other video I can do about purpose so so.

They Are, their self expressed, conscious. Leader they, always make decisions that are for the highest good of all not. The highest good of one individual. Not and that might not even be for the highest good of themselves and this, is where you get this you, know I've been teaching. And working and training in the spiritual community for, a long time and often people think of you know as being spiritual, is being, nice and giving away everything but, actually, if you give away everything you. Are then left with nothing so then you need others, to support you versus. I support, myself and I support others because I serve we. Serve each other and when I serve another I also, serve myself but, it's not about sacrificing and, giving everything away because that's when you end up out of balance so, so. What did you think of my model and yes questions. That commonly come, in if you. Like this model please share it share it amongst other communities, I, think, this is a really powerful model, and there's a lot more fact this is I've, been invited to submit a book proposal. To. Publish, a book on this so if you like this if you're interested in this let me know join. My mailing list go, and look at psych have a doctor at UK I'll post a link in the in the little comments, if you like this like if you should if you think, that other people would benefit, from knowing this do, please share it share it in other groups feel free this is this information is free so. Where, we are now is exactly where we need to be the. Way out is the way through it's, not about going backwards, any longer you cannot go back to the past and the base chakra - that's the sacral, the the, the the heart the third of the solar. Plexus the way out is the way through so the way through, is, so. Here's the real paradox, right the. Way to open the third eye is to, create a separation, away from those, who are choosing not to evolve and join. Together until, unite with those who are choosing to evolve, to, move forward, into this place of unity of collaboration. Of this, more highly, awakened, conscious, state, of being so. I, hope. I'm. Really I hope you get like I probably talked to 90 miles an hour because I'm so passionate about this but, if you have any questions. Post. Them in the chat box either do another live or I'll or. I'll answer them in the in the chat box if I can one. Of the common questions people ask is so what. Happened before the, beginning of last century well, what happened was all, of the chakras opened. To. Certain level but, on a much longer scale and. I but I believe that there was and I think this for this cycle it's like a spiral, has happened many times so, for example the last time the heart chakra opened, was. Probably, around the time of when. Jesus was around because he was all about compassion, and loving thy neighbor and then, it went beyond in and then we had the printing press so that was the communication, so, so. The whole thing has already happened, once, and this, is another level and what happens after this when we get the third eye we have the crown we're really in unity, guess. What it happens, again and it, happens again and it, happens again so. I hope, you like my model and if you can see where it doesn't work I'm really happy to dialogue, with this, you. Know as I say it's a model it's not perfect, we, can extrapolate, and we can make. What's. The word like I kind. Of. Like. Just. Kind of assumptions. There are assumptions made in this so it's not perfect, but it seems to be holding true and about. Ten years ago I predicted massive. Separation, massive, civil unrest, I. Predicted. That there would be walls built, trance trying to build wall I predicted. All of this so in. Another Facebook live maybe if you like it enough people like this and share this I'll do another live of a. Really clear prediction of where I think we're going on what's happening next if you're, interested or, maybe you can wait for my book so.

Till, Next time lots not to love speak. Tomato bye.


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