Monthly Community Stream with the Stobox Management Team

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[Music] just meanwhile we're waiting for others i just want to start that today we have released our monthly report uh if you know before starbucks used to issue weekly reports and actually last year we've we've created more than 50 reports on a weekly basis but as our team grows and as a number of processes within the company grows we find it difficult to report on a weekly basis because some of some of our checkpoints are monthly and some of them are based on a couple of weeks performance so we decided to report it on a monthly basis and today we're going to speak about uh our first monthly report the report of august so we're going to share the activities that we've been uh we went through in august as as well as we will speak about our future and further plans for the month of september and again it's very important for us uh because in september we will close uh q3 uh q3 period which means that we will report to our investors we will uh we will look and we build the reference retrospective on our roadmap a lot of things have been done some things are still needs to be working on are still in progress however there is a lot of new new products and new approaches that we are implementing and because the industry changes very quickly so we have to adopt to that change um so that's something that we're gonna share with you guys uh ross tell me please if we can continue if everything goes fine if well it goes fine we can continue i just want to mention that we have two phases of the of this live stream in the first er firstly we will talk about our our last month about the august and the future plans and developments and after that we will move to the second stage we will answer their uh questions from the community offline and online i mean the questions that were asked before in our telegram community and lives and the questions from the live stream perfect so let me share the screen and actually whenever say hi so first of all hi it's me jim jfc of starbucks we have ross and eager here ross is the chief operating officer and co-founder of starbucks eager is the chief operating officer at starbucks exchange um that's actually the stomach's exchange is the product that we have a lot of questions about from our community and we also will be happy to to answer them so let me share the screen and show you show you the report that we have we have issued today it's a starbucks monthly report uh it's available uh it's available on our blog ross can you please share that with our community it's it's already live yeah just to just to let you know that why using we're using confluence as the internal uh informational database and we're storing all of the employees reports all of the monthly weekly reports for every individual person who works in this case we kind of track the activity of every individual working within the starbucks and we can we can build the metrical system of how we perform it's a very important we shift to that system quite recently so this is the first quarter that we are implementing that and it's a very handy instrument for managing managing 50 plus people online and starbucks has already more than 50 people uh working uh working for us in different sections and technician in in exchange in the tech team so we're growing and those tools definitely happy help us to maintain so uh just we started from the from the very beginning and from the product section as you know that one of our main products and something that is already feasible is product dashboard starbucks dashboard is the sales system based on a blockchain that allows management and management of digital securities security tokens so you can issue create streamline manage fundraise so you can do all sorts of things with with security tokens within dashboard and uh as the current version well we're constantly upgrading that and uh as some of you may have seen uh our first client is the mariana mining company uh they're getting ready their stos is being getting ready uh soon they will uh there was proud information on that so meanwhile we uh we're enhancing on the functionality of the of the dashboard and we are signing the contracts with uh with sto clients so that's that's a process that's already built in the report i will show you the the amounts of sales that we have already reached but that's that's that's a standalone sas product that's uh is being demanded on the market we have already uh you know a feeling of how people are interested in in the product and uh from now on we'll be basically we'll be deploying this uh software to our clients so mariana mining will be the first company uh again we have a roadmap on our stos we're a bit late on the track uh but it's uh actually it's not because of the starbucks it's because of the because of the low uh august and july season uh but will will catch up and we hopefully will close eight deals before the end of the year so eight companies will be tokenized or they will be at some point of of tokenization within starbucks so in terms of the updates what has been done uh for the dashboard we are adding multiple offering functionality so that's something that is quite unique because some of our clients come and say listen guys we are we're having several offerings under one hood we have a several opportunities to give to investors for example real estate um or different phases of one fundraising where there's a private section of the fundraising and there's a public so for that we need to upgrade to the multiple offering that's exactly what we do so our software will allow to fundraise and you know to to manage offerings uh plural not just one which is very important uh they also uh as you may know we're very we're very concerned about the design standpoint so we're very uh work uh we're working on the bug review and make sure that they the products are uh nice and neat so our clients are happy from all standpoints uh from the visual also so this is something that we we move on and uh if you want to see the product there's two ways how you can do this so you can either subscribe to a devil and we are releasing a demo on the common network which which is a demo network of ethereum um it's a task network uh so anybody can go and play uh with with the demo if you're a company if you are i mean we don't we don't give out logins and passwords but we can go through the product with you if you would like or you can go to the dashboard.starbucksio and register for yourself pass kyc if you would like to become an investor of starbucks you can easily do by by using the the dashboards that exactly the same solution that we offer to our clients um it's it's straightforward simple compliant uh legally correct and that's exactly what our clients are waiting for us from the from the digital securities dashboard standpoint sorry for interrupting i want to add that we have already updated and released stopbox dashboard 2.0 from the corporate and from their investor environment perspective and ready to deploy it for our clients prior the mariana mining extra lounge yes so uh just to summarize uh there's there's a quote saying that the dashboard is being deployed for three clients launching sto in september so we have three ongoing clients uh including mariana mining that has already committed and dashboards will be deployed deployed as soon as possible for them again there's a lot of information sto security token offering is a big thing so we should not we should not think of this as a kind of easy going process because there's a lot of nuances and besides technological nuances there's a lot of like operational human nuances you have to take care a lot of small things and sometimes business owners are not that focused so it takes time for people to prepare to understand how the system works so we spent a bit of more time than we expected with our clients on that but but again that's a perfect knowledge we have to gain before we can streamline those operations on a global scale so that's that's something that we want to share about the dashboard it goes well again you can see it and the other part of the dashboard which is a swap that's something that we're going to speak separately about that's the second dream market for for securities and this is something where we have some definitely got some surprises so just for you to know that uh as most of our company and team members from ukraine and we are uh we're assisting uh in some sort of uh we're assisting government of ukraine in respect to digital assets and synchronization we have made the decision to file for the digital assets license in ukraine the legislation is uh is to be enforced in this autumn so we definitely will be one of uh first companies that seeks to be regulated in ukraine and ukraine is considered to be a top 10 country by the world in the world by the amount of uh crypto activity and the second of the world the second in the world but uh i mean figures figures jump so just we make sure that those uh kind of those this demand uh sorry this demand uh can be captured by starbucks products and this is one thing the the second uh the second important aspect that we work on the starbucks exchange so besides the liquidity uh besides the fact that we are applying for for license uh in ukraine i just want to remind you one important thing that starbucks main focus is secondation and our main clients and our paying customers are businesses and today we uh our sales team and kind of our pipeline uh we absorb a lot of information about digital transformation of different companies those companies have never been to the crypto arena before some of them have never touched crypto assets before but a lot of businesses they seek uh benefits that come from the crypto world and those benefits have to be digested by their businesses in some sort or another tokenization and tokenization of securities is a one-way of how benefit how businesses can benefit crypto but another way is is payments is managing their crypto issuing their utility tokens uh providing different and new and updated business models based on crypto and that's something where they seek professional advice and this is something where where we come into play and this is exactly why we need starbucks exchange because for those companies they're not looking for uh issuing token in order to list them on violence or huyobi or tier one exchanges for them it's a different new world they don't even have that demand but what they have is that they need a compliance space to be able to issue that token spread the information you know get their users buy and sell so that's something uh which is which is more kind of uh more local more in a sense that they touch one provider and provider helps them solving different problems including exchange of digital assets so we never thought of building a second binance we see the potential and we more we go uh actually more we see that we're right in terms of in terms of the accent on the crypto exchange because just imagine and this is a real life example that uh one of our potential clients is uh is the football company actually it's the company that builds the platforms for football players and fundraising for football players could be a a game changer for for a lot of teams around the world and the utility token which can be implemented uh could be a very much demanded between between the fans of those of those players so working with such companies would allow us to list those utility tokens on our exchange at the better fees and you know in in accordance to the to the full service provision for that company so our client would not have to go unless this token somewhere else but rather listed with us because we take them by hand and follow on every stage of their uh development within the crypto kind of crypto activity and this again this is very important to understand because our goal is not to compete our goal is to provide the service for the demand to meet the demand of our clients that we build pipelines on and again our goal is to provide tokenization and access to the to the decimalization of securities and and assets and basically from scratch to the product stage and that's exactly what we're doing uh so far uh let me move on last last last uh last point and we're moving on to their uh questions from the community and i want to end it not yet okay that that we are very in active phase of a phase of our fundraising of aesthetics of starbucks taconized shares and i i can share with you that we are currently communicating with three funds from us and wealth individuals and we are planning and we are looking it will be perfect if we can close our round in september october this year because currently we see a big boom on sto market and big interest from the client's perspective and from the investors to participate in such as offering of the private companies of the private companies so it is great opportunity for for the investors and for the funds to enter the market because once will and it is very great news for our existing established holders and stockbox investors that once we will close our small bridge round that we mentioned after that we will do our second round in very different higher valuation and it will have a big impact of course of the price per share thank you we'll definitely let let know our community just uh just before we move on to the duffy hot topics just to summarize because that's something that uh that is really interesting about starbucks is that uh in august we have closed four deals and again when ross uh says about uh our own fundraising we deliberately uh we deliberately uh cut the amount that we fundraised by two we were initially thought of and created uh around for one million u.s dollars for

the devaluation of tsan but we have decided to the board has decided to uh to drop that and we will be raising only half of that amount just just at this stage to make sure sto works and to kind of meet demand of our our first investors and once we finish that we have we have series of activities planned so besides daffy that i'm gonna speak about in a second uh we have three conferences uh actually four conferences that we will take place in the there will be two conferences in dubai in october in the middle in mid-october and close to the end of october so we will be the active participants of these conferences and i think that our presence will gain additional exposure for stomachs and additional clients and additional recognition for both starbucks services and starbucks token sbu that's uh that will be in october this year uh at the end of october we are we will be taking place in uh and taking action in crypto valley uh conference uh regarding tokenized securities in switzerland so uh we will be speakers and we will play an active part in that conference as the provider of such services and uh the last but definitely not the least is that we are hosting our second digital investment conference last year we held the first one where we gathered uh great people around the world uh great professionals working in tokenized securities assets digital assets so in in also the crypto world so we'll be hosting a second conference we will let people know about that we will have a lot of guests this year we will have a lot of clients this year who will have a lot of engagement this year so definitely the look of starbucks and from the investors eyes will hopefully will be getting better and better we have where definitely we there is no rush for us uh we are selling our services uh at the q3 once we create uh and finalize our financial reported we know that we already know that our technization part of the business is already becoming profitable so we're not only gen revenue generating we are income generating company uh in respect to tokenization services uh definitely it's not the only services that starbucks works uh with because we have a defi section we have exchange we have other uh other interests in uh in in crypto but from the technization standpoint uh we are and this is exactly where investors money go to uh this we are we're trying to and we're creating that income positive from hopefully from this here uh and on uh again just to summarize uh we have four closed deals for security tokens three of them are from investment funds one of them from from real estate company and and again if you would like to find out more about the shares of stomach technologies go dashboard dot starbucks dot io register we don't send our uh our documentation without you being you you're passing kyc so please pass kyc so we know that you're a decent person uh from the proof of humanity standpoint and once that is done you can see our reports and become part of starbucks just again before we go before we go next i just want to summarize i just want to summarize uh that we're working on the marketing campaigns to attract festival clients we're refactoring presentation and sales materials which are very important uh because we believe that there is a it definitely should be some updates from the last last version that we created three months ago uh we are refactoring tokenomics i'm gonna speak on that in a second uh we have a lot of business ongoing business development and uh with different uh different blockchains different companies and that takes time but we are also playing active role in the business development arena uh setting up optimized legal structure again uh that's that's a process that we are currently working on uh from the tax standpoint from the company's standpoint we need to set up a proper legal structure to make sure that the us and our investors are on the safe boat so that's that's exactly what's uh going on at the moment um setting up crypto activities and updating the road map for for q4 uh so that's uh that's something that um uh we wanted to share with you uh outside the daffy part and that's uh if you if you guys prosecutor if you have any anything to add let me know yeah let's rush because we have 21 minutes left okay we need to answer all of the questions so i think we have their maximum time two to two minutes per questions will be perfect okay so let's go to the most important thing and i think that's something that's community stop you're sharing your screen i exactly share okay i okay let me stop sharing the screen we get the questions from the uh naomi i think during this live stream regarding l2 and i think you have already answered it so as i understand the ds wob will mostly work like a uni-swap in yes what can anyone participate in the liquidity pool or only companies can provide liquidity uh that's a good question we don't have it uh we don't have this yet but uh what we definitely know is that uh anonymous provision of liquidity is something that we would we would avoid because uh because again at some point of the development regulators will look at this and it will create and it create uh certain uh certain challenges for us so we're not trying to compete with uni swap or solana we're not trying to uh you know to to to fork and to be as like others we see our own vision and we enforce our own vision we see that again for digital securities for for such things you need to have amls and we will implement aml and kyc technologies not for all of us but for the companies for people who believe that that's the true way and this is exactly where we see our market okay thank you gene for your detailed answer so moving forward the second questions is from hidden how much money does a new project need to get to tokenizer project and from what amount the retail can participate in the tokenized project so in what way is the sto market interesting for a small retail investor so first of all the the price of the offering with top box is around uh from 30 to 60 k united state dollars and it includes the consulting stage uh the consulting report where we analyzed what jurisdictions fit best what is the potential pitfalls what is the regulations what is the roadmap of the projects and the company can avoid additional risks and also we help companies with legal management of their offering from the drafting and preparing the ppms private placement memorandums security token purchase agreements privacy notice etc so all legal necessary documentation that is is needed uh to be done during their sto and also we're providing attack and also their pricing depends on the amount of the offering and uh of their company side so for example if you raising 1 million dollar you have for example in europe exemptions that your private placement memorandum is not need to be registered in their regulator authorities when you raise them for example 50 million dollars it is completely a different picture and you need to have their additional regulatory nuances and it takes time and it cost money and also it depends on the size of the company for example if you are small enterprise smaller sme small medium enterprise or your startup it is one of one of the way how you can conduct your sto but if you are a company with 5 000 investors and you have already the turnover of three million dollars and you have 100 employees so you have a big company a lot of reporting documents it takes time to analyze all the nuances and to prepare all the documents so the answer is regarding the prices to sum up it is around 30 and 60 k dollars depends on the amount of the offering and the company sides regard regarding their advantages for their retail investors retail public investors first of all it is the possibility to participate in the offering of the private company and it is a game changer that nowadays retail investors can participate in the legal offering uh legal compliance offering of the private companies completely online without additional meetings uh in physical board etc so we are opening uh a trillion market of the private companies that have their own business model and that can be very interesting for the investors uh from their business model perspective and from the revenue and profit share so in this way it is very beneficial for the company to attract a funds and with better valuation and for investors to participate in private company and then have their liquidity of their securities that can be trade uh through our for example future dsl and it's more you have to respect ico i o and et cetera et cetera et cetera yeah yeah so i have answered the question so moving to the third one we have uh we have a question from our mate rick uh he asked what the starbucks uh what does pro starbucks for projects like lrond uh guys i'll run this a blockchain and uh we have spoken to them and uh guys are doing great uh we see a number of uh great blockchains rising like alvrond and algorand uh so uh we are we perfectly understand uh how they work and how they operate we definitely will not be keen in uh spending our resources uh just for the sake of it in order to integrate or in order to work on on this on this network but what we definitely have in mind is that if our clients would like to tokenize on non-ethereum blockchains like algorand like around uh then there could be there could be some risks with that but uh uh nevertheless if risks are taken care of we will be happy to provide the service on that blockchains so we'll be happy to shift our uh compliance smart contract system that we have developed on ethereum we can change and alter that to elrod or algorand and so on and and and then in this case that could be a chemistry so that's uh that hopefully answers your question yep thank you the next question is let me quickly dive to the second one uh about the tokenomics uh again they asked what about the new economics uh and what it will be announced when it will be announced guys it will be announced i hope in september uh with the new proof of stake model again where we'll be starting shifting towards the elsewhere uh stops talking will be combinable uh just just look uh you know just step back and look at the current uh at the current uh price and at the current position of starbucks uh we're getting traction real traction uh in in many in many activities including securitization and dashboard uh we're moving towards the regulation in ukraine we have uh our token at the minimum possible price well i can't say possible but again the prices are really really down however the whole market you know moves on so for us it's uh kind of we see the capacity behind that i personally feel that there's there's so much room for growth once we update economics and regardless what happens at the moment uh i i think that if you multiply and look at the valuation of starbucks at the moment we are still very much undervalued uh and again that's that's fine for our early investors because um as as our vision and again as we created certain promises we believe that uh starbucks talking will be axing will be very much axing uh i can't tell you much when but we you know we we do we do deliver and uh once there'll be more more organic demand and i think not i think i know that else who will create a proof-of-stake model will create a lot of demand for sdbu tokens and once they become mine-able and burnable so that system uh will be placed within the economics very very much soon and [Music] i i know that we will gain our returns uh at some point i can't say much you know about the price uh expectations you know but i think there's uh there's very much potential from what i see at the moment yeah thank you guys uh thank you for joining starbucks thank you for your attention thank you gene for your detailed answer and we will continue uh publishing our monthly reports like today like in august and we'll continue to report to you of the company developments and new nuances nuances and it will be great if you can join our next live sessions uh ask us any questions that are answered and as you see all the questions from the community and that were asked during the live streams are answered so we trying to be very transparent and happy to add you to the live stream as well if you want to ask our questions face to face it is no problem and an opportunity as well so thank you thank you for participation thank you guys the last thing sorry eager the last thing sorry man the last thing i want to add if you want to uh kind of be on the safe about if crypto is too is too risky it's still roller coaster for you we have we have a security token so it's a share of our company that's being represented in a tokenized form uh go uh as the kyc once you we're happy that uh with the proof of humanity um then you can become uh as an investor on starbucks and we asked we were speaking to very kind of very unique and uh very interesting fans and guys around the world from the theme fintech and crypto perspective and uh i think that that that definitely uh is a is a good thing so i'm not a financial advisor but that's our company something we can something we can promise uh from from ours from us so we're not promoting third-party securities but definitely invest in stomachs yeah a cigarette yeah i just want to add to one important things that we were focusing on appi on august so now our app is almost done and hope soon we will list on the most important aggregators such coin gecko point ranking and market cup and etc just for you knowing some insights for you i hope it will help you uh in your daily journey with all cryptos so that's all from my side thank you thank you guys for participation thank you for watching us thank you for answer asking any questions and hope we'll see you on the next live session we also waiting for new questions in our telegram arabic will collect all questions so want to say thank you yeah thank you guys thank you very much and we stay in touch thank you john bye bye for the best time bye


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