Introduction to VIDAA

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hi my name is Dennis and welcome to the introduction to Vida first of all what is vida vida is a smart TV operating system and a company at the same time it's a smart TV operating system that is powering Smart TV brands from all over the world as said it is also a company it was established in 2019 to operate as an independent platform it is headquartered in Atlanta Georgia with offices all over the world we employ approximately 500 people across the globe to cater to the needs to various oems all over the world currently we support more than 200 Smart TV brands with our state-of-the-art operating system where do we have offices first of all we have a couple of r d centers they're based in the US we have one in China One in Poland in Germany and also in Israel and our offices all across the globe we even have an offices in Singapore we have an office in Switzerland we have an office in Slovenia and an office in Germany as well as said we were established in 2019 and we have grown to more than 500 employees the operating system itself also has a very long track record the development of a Linux based operating system actually started in 2012 and the first version was put in the market in 2014. every year or so maybe every two years a new version of the operating system came out but the true development and growth of Vita actually started in 2020 when we launched Vita 4. it was our first content focused operating system a Content fake focused platform which goes beyond purely providing the software power to run the TV it actually becomes a completely new user experience then in 2021 we launched a new version of vw5 and that's the first year we got an important award for a TV which was powered by the Vita 5 operating system one of the TVs that was using the Vita 5 OS was named best family TV a year later we launched version 6 of the Vita operating system it was definitely the most advanced at that time and you know again got an award however not as a best family team but a TV using the Vita 6 operating system was actually named best premium TV in the world by ASA ASA is an important industry Association that judges the performance of TVs and audio equipment and this brings us to 2023 in 2023 we launched the Vita 7 Operating System we put even more development effort into it to make it even better and even more powerful and again we got an important award not just one but we actually got two Awards one of the TVs that is using the Vita 7 operating system was then named best mini LED in the world and the second one Best Buy mini LED why is that important it shows the breadth of usage of Vida first of all on valued devices on devices where value is most important and then second also on the premium end we cater to the needs of all devices out there in the market how has the operating system evolved over time these are the latest four generations the ones that we are talking about why because these are truly a Content platform so this was Vita 4 it was launched in 2020 as you can see we followed the same design path it goes like this we have a top row where we usually display content recommendations from content Partners we have two rows of applications which then later on evolved into a single row of applications and then below the fold we are making it a Content Rich experience with content recommendations coming in from various content Partners so Vita 4 evolved into Vita 5 evolved into Vita 6 which was even cleaner and this is the later generation of the operating system the last one it's got an improved look and feel there's a couple of new features which are tailored to the streaming environment and we're also going to gradually roll out a couple of our own features a couple feature called Vita TV feature called Vita free and a couple of other features that are specifically designed for the Vita operating system so what is new in the Vita 7 Operating System first of all the look and feel has been enhanced there's less noise on the home screen we are extremely focused on providing a really really great customer experience and to get them to enjoy their content is easy fast and secure as possible second we're launching our own Ott service the service is called Vida free it will slowly be rolling out in several markets is already available in a couple then we also support 120 hertz panel for those high-end devices with 144 refresh rate it started rolling out in May 2023 on leading models but the most important is we are extremely extremely focused on providing the best local and Global content for our end users we want to make sure that they enjoy content and we're trying to put technology into the background so that's why our operating system or our platform is extremely content focused three other things the behavior of the home screen is tailored to the to the streaming World a couple of users have said you know like we want this TV to be a streaming first device so there's an option for that as well we have additional video voice capabilities Vita voice is our own voice solution in the system and also a really cool feature which is called the screen saver mode um it's a it's it looks like it sounds like a small feature but it's actually very popular with our customers they want to use their own content they're your own um images as a screen saver on their device and we actually allow that either using the mobile application or using simply a USB stick with data preloaded on it a lot of the times customers are asking why is Vita different why would we want to buy Vita and we actually sum it up in a single slide very simple Vita is easy fast and secure and it provides an easy fast and secure access to global and local entertainment that's the key point we want our customers to forget about technology to put the technology into the background and them to enjoy content and from what we've seen they actually want those devices to be easy to use to provide easy access and fast access to their content they want to be responsive so when you power on a TV it actually Powers up in two three seconds and a lot more and we want it to be secure they want to make sure that their data is not resold they want to make sure that their data is protected and that their device also doesn't allow for malware attacks as such Vita is a well-developed operating system as you've seen it started selling in 2014 and has been evolving rapidly that's why our Global presence is actually quite strong we currently have more than 400 applications available directly on our system and when I say directly that means that all of those applications are developed and integrated with enhanced features including deep search including content recommendations and including a connection with those content providers to make sure that the latest stuff that they have on their platform gets promoted we also have more than 1 000 applications in the application store now what is interesting about Vita is when you take a Vita TV out of the box the key applications for your relevant Market already come on the TV if a customer would like to have additional applications for sure they can go into the application store for their favorite Niche application let's say they're a fan of phishing for example they're going to be able to find a phishing application in there we currently work with more than two Brands globally of course the biggest customers are the key the key players in in the global market they're also cater to the needs of the OEM brands we are present in more than 180 countries and an important piece of data we have more than 22 million monthly active devices why is that important a lot of the times smaller operating systems that are coming out lack the scale we actually support a huge amount of devices on a monthly basis with me which means that this is an operating system that is secure and that gives you confidence that it's got the right manpower to make sure that these can operate properly so by 2025 in the next two years we're going to increase that number to over 50 million devices which again brings you Security in scale one of the largest markets we are present we operate in 180 markets but there's a few where we are stronger than in the other markets for example Argentina Mexico and the US in Mexico we have a lot of devices out there in the market Australia we are number one platform there the same goes for South Africa we are extremely strong in eu5 where one of the key Partners is actually promoting Vita as the only operating system in the market we're also present in North America including Canada and we also are gaining popularity and gaining strength in the South American Market this year we're going to increase the number of devices in in the Vita ecosystem by 12 million and next year our anticipated sales are 17 million devices so let's talk about the video launcher the Vita launcher is probably the most important part of the operating system because that's where the customer gets to that's why it's called the home screen or the launcher so if you compare the 2022 version and the 2026 version there are slight changes and we're going to talk about those later on but the most important one that you can immediately see is that we moved the menu the settings menu from the top to the left hand side why have we made such a move remember Vita is about being easy fast and secure and providing an easy fast secure access to global and local entertainment by moving the menu from the top to the left we were able to raise the entire menu slightly up and provide more content recommendations our goal is to get people to discover as much content on their on their platform and by raising the entire user interface we actually gain more exposure for for those things if we talk about the home screen first so as you can see there's a single row of applications available now we've limited the amount of applications the customer can have to 25. so if you go to the right you're going to be able to see more applications up to 25. the key thing

these applications are depending on the market where you're at when you buy a Vita TV you take it out of the box you select your country these applications are going to be populated based on your country so if you're going to be buying it in France of course you're going to have the local applications such as a canal plus Molotov sfr tf1 right if you buy those TVs in Germany you're going to get this you're going to get join RTL plus zato the Zone it all depends on what country you are in all the other applications are going to be in the application store as said menu is now on the left hand side which gives greater visibility for Content recommendations the second thing once you start scrolling down and you highlight an application we are keeping the same Principle as we had in the previous generations of Vita we want to make sure customers have the most exposure to content because content is what is driving their consumption in a lot of markets people are not using along you have tons of them on our platform why because they're more content itself they the applications so what we do when you highlight one application immediately remember we have 400 plus Integrations done this this way you're going to get content recommendations from that particular application up there on top it doesn't matter if they're Global or local why is that key when a customer selects one of those they're going to get direct access into that application not just the app but the piece of content they have selected all these recommendations are tailored to the market and they don't only appear up here on the top but as I've said they also appear below the fold we have a Content team which is which is based in the US and that content team actually works Market by market with our content Partners to make sure that the content recommendations are right for every particular Market in the world now as I've said we only have 25 positions now in the application Docker if you scroll right so where do all the applications go the other applications are positioned in the application store we have more than 1 000 applications available in the store the availability depends of course on every particular Market but it is enhanced it has better searchability it has a better catalog and we're able to roll out the applications much faster so now we're going to talk about the key new features of the Vita operating system of the latest generation which we call vda7 if you want to see previous versions of the OS do check out our channels [Music] so we've put them in five key pillars so first one is home as a launcher second the new video free we're going to talk about customizable screen savers the new mobile application and also additional voice capabilities let's talk about home as a launcher it might seem like a small feature but it's actually quite important we've seen more and more people trying to use their TV primarily as a streaming device now that actually conflicts with the other type of usage which is the type of usage of just using standard TV using DTV or using their satellite connection or even cable connection now currently there's only two types of TVs available in the market you would have a TV that is tailored for the streaming World which means that you always go to the streaming part of the TV you always get to the launcher or you have a TV that is tailored to the traditional terrestrial satellite type of way which means you go always to that particular input we've said let's keep offer the customer the choice so a customer now can select if they want to to have the home launcher as their primary source so when they power on the TV they're not going to get to HDMI one or to their their tuner they're actually going to go to the Home Launcher which means that they're going to have easy fast and secure access to their streaming content it is the preferred Behavior by customers that primarily are using streaming applications and we're not forcing that on them it's simply an option if they want to they can use it and if they don't they can actually go straight to the input that they've got for accessing the normal terrestrial or satellite TV the second is the new Vida free in the past we launched vda3 in 2020 with the launch of vita4 but back then it was primarily a catalog of content that is available on our platform coming from third-party providers now we actually launched our own service which is called vida3 which is a standalone application that has original content inside of it means it's not linking to any external third-party applications but you can watch that content in in there it's got hundreds even thousands of VOD content video on demand it also has hundreds of fast or linear channels available in there we've launched the service in a couple of markets and we're going to be making it globally available Everywhere by the end of the year very important the content inside of either free just like the content on the home launcher is tailored to a particular Market we need to make sure that the content that is provided inside of an application such as video free is going to be relevant to the individual consumer we don't want to serve in content that is completely irrelevant for them there's no point in launching Romanian content in Colombia right we need to make sure and that's the reason why we're doing it Market by market and why we're adding new content to the platform on a daily basis now net next let's talk about the customizable screen saver not to a lot of you it might seem like a little bit of an off feature but it's actually extremely popular with our customers in 2020 when we launched the Vita 4 we launched a service called Vida art incorp in cooperation with deviantART we launched a service that able that allowed for your TV to be changed into an art gallery now a lot of customers were actually using that service to create their own accounts upload their own content and use their own content as a screensaver on their TV so we said let's just make it direct so the service allows customers to turn their own TV into their own picture gallery they can control that picture gallery using two ways first of all they can simply use a USB stick put images onto a USB stick stick it in the back of a TV and use that as their screen saver and their source of their images the second the much easier way is to Simply use the Vita application on their smartphone in the vdi application on their smartphone there's a portion of the OS called screen saver and they can simply upload the images straight from their phone into their Vita account and that gets synced to the cloud and gets displayed on their TV a lot of customers are using them and a lot of customers are extremely happy with this new feature and it's also part of the new mobile application called Avida app [Music] music mode is an interesting feature because it allows the TV to be used as an external speaker in the past you were only able to connect the TV with an external speaker so if you wanted to project from the TV whatever music you're playing here to an external speaker what we have done we flip the logic around a lot of TVs nowadays first of all have a prominent screen a prominent place in your home than in the living room wall and they also have amazing speakers inside of them the high-end devices have a 2.12 some even 5.12 sound so it's very good to use those to use them as a speaker from your cell phone so you can simply turn on music sharing you can simply connect to your TV as an external speaker and you can cast from your phone and you can also by the way turn the TV off the image off so you can literally use just the speakers of the TV to get a really good immersive audio experience in your home let's talk about DaVita mobile application for a second as well it is a great companion application it is available both for IOS and Android and you can download it from there completely for free you simply log in with your Vita account and it gives you a whole bunch of things that you can do with it first of all it is an amazing tool for the FTE the first time experience when a customer buys a TV a lot of the times when you use a remote control it's very difficult to enter in your information to log into different accounts now what you can simply do is you can use the Vita application during the install process use your mobile phone which is much easier to use and set up the TV that way it also supports multiple profiles that means that you can change different profiles on your TV if you want to it's extremely important if your household has children in them and you can manage those you can create playlists cast from them you can also manage subscriptions even scan credit cards to be saved in your Vita account which you can use for purchasing various subscriptions and it's a replacement up the replacement remote control for all devices from Vita 4 up you can manage multiple TVs in your account and you can do a lot of things on it also cool if you're using the mobile application you can use the mobile keyboard to enter the information in your TV it's quite a useful feature and the last thing it does support voice capability on any TV in any Vita TV so even if your Vita TV comes with a remote control that doesn't support voice you can use the mobile application to use your voice command to use Vita voice on your TV it's a very nice feature let's talk about voice while we're at it so Vita voice comes with additional voice capabilities now we actually support 22 different languages we're going to be supporting about 40 by the middle of 2024 and we are very cautious in supporting various dialects we support languages from all over the world including languages like Vietnamese of course Spanish but not just Spanish we are very cautious to support the different dialects of Spanish such as Latin American to make sure the recognition rate is very high we've improved that over the years and now we're in the 95 range already The Voice accuracy has said is a very very improved and we've added a couple additional Commands to control your TV in there as well now video voice actually works with far field remote control fire field control as well so there's a couple of TVs in the market that don't have a microphone inside of the remote control but they actually have a far field array in the TV itself we support that now the key for us is very simple we want to have our own voice solution why is it important first of all we can roll it out globally in any Market that we want which means that we are not reliant on any licensing and second of all we can make sure that the information that is provided by the End customer is safe and remember Visa needs to be easy fast and secure and our own Vita voice solution is both easy to use click a button Play No setup required it is fast it gives your results extremely fast it is also very very secure because the data is actually stored by ourselves an important side note Vita voice also works inside of YouTube which is a key feature for any customer we know that YouTube is being an extremely popular application they can actually use it inside of there without any additional setup let's spend a little bit of time talking about Vita TV as well so Vida TV is our own way of integrating linear streaming channels into the TV experience unlike our competition like some other applications we have opted not to create our own additional application of course yes we do have a video free but at the same time streaming channels are integrated to where customers are already watching linear TV which means in the EPG and in the channel guide so what Vita TV does it provides access to over 800 channels globally depending on the market of course in the EPG of the TV now the service is not available yet globally but it's going to be rolling out to various markets in in the next couple of months now why have we decided not to go globally very simply we want to make sure that customers are getting the relevant channels in the relevant market so the offering is going to vary Market by market another important feature of Vita TV it brings these streaming channels to where customers are already watching their TV if a customer buys a TV let's say in Germany they're going to connect our aerial TV they're going to do a channel scan and their normal channels their local channels are going to be available in the EPG and in the channel guide now what we're doing is on top of that we're adding additional streaming Channel coming from various content providers and for them it's simply like zipping through any other channel that they've got the Vita TV service also has direct entry points they can go through it from the remote control you can also select Vita TV as your primary source at the end of the first time install process or when you select live TV those channels automatically get integrated into it of course Cadillac cataloged appropriately by category and all the features are available there which means Advanced EPG capabilities are all there account and profiles our new TVs support various profiles so when you create a Vita account you can also create different profiles which means that they are tailored to every individual inside of your household they can be managed on the TV itself they can manage on the mobile application or they can be managed on the web if you go to your Vita account let's talk about content a platform without content is nothing right and as we've said we have more than 400 applications directly integrated and about a thousand applications in the application store we have streaming services from all major providers globally and in most markets we have capability of at least providing the first three uh local applications that are there if you want detailed information please do contact us and we're going to provide you a list for every single Market in the world but like I've said we are covered with the top two or three applications in every single Market of the world we also have a couple of Mark a couple of applications that are tailored for specific needs such as screen savers such as IPTV applications or a lot of a lot of casual gains last but not least as said Vita has been in the market for a long time now as of 2014 when the first generation came out we've done a review of the latest generation of of devices so for example in Europe where we are strong we've been tracking the reviews of the Vita OS and the average rating of a TV with the Vita operating system on it is actually 4.7

out of 5 which is at the high end of any Smart TV platform in the world the average rating is based on over 12 000 reviews of the latest generations of Vita 6 and Vita 7 in the European market and also important we've also launched in the US just recently within our partners and we already gained over 1 000 five-star reviews for the Vita Smart TV operating system as you know the US is one of the most demanding markets for streaming platforms globally are also loving it is as you can see here's a couple of reviews from across the world you have a review from the UK South Africa Australia as well people love the fact that Vita is fast easy and secure and they're really happy that they get their applications it's a no thrills no hassle operating system by the TV set it up and you're able to use it so for example it's a fast and lot less buggy than some of the other Smart TV operating systems we've tried and maybe one from JB Hi-Fi from Australia it works faster than my previous Chromecast comes with most of the apps you're going to need including Plex as said Vita needs to be easy fast and secure and from what the customers are saying we're actually hitting the mark now we're going to move over to the presentation of the operating system itself [Music] so in this part of the video we're going to give you a live walkthrough of the latest generation of the Vita operating system the Vita 7 we're going to show you the features we're going to show you the functionalities and we're going to also show you the performance of why we feel this operating system is the easiest fastest and most secure way to access your Global and local entertainment first of all let's talk about performance so this is a mid-range device a mid-range Vita powered 4K device and I'm going to show you how fast it is so the first thing I'm going to do I'm going to power off the device and I'm going to put it into standby this will be sort of a standard setting at home when the TV is in stand up and you want to power it on you're going to see when I click the power button the TV is going to come up in less than two seconds three two one I'm clicking on it as you can see the TV is actually on in under two seconds and I'm able to fully navigate the operating system and I'm able to use all the functionalities of the OS immediately out of the box so it is extremely extremely performance oriented more importantly we have a promise of ensuring the performance over time because the TV is approximately a six year device and we need to make sure that we maintain this performance over time so we're not going to upload we're not going to update any features we're not going to send out any updates to the TV unless we are sure we can maintain the performance of the TV at the same level through its entire life lifetime so if we do a walkthrough of the operating system itself you've seen that up there on the top we have a Content promotional recommendation Carousel these are actually it's a carousel of content where we promote content coming in from our partners or new features that we have rolled out on our system one below is the application row this is an application row of applications which are tailored for each particular market so what you're looking at is the UK user interface and the UK user interface you're going to have of course the global applications but then also most importantly you're going to have the local applications as well this row goes all the way to the right with 25 applications pre-loaded already and customers can move additional applications in there as well one below there's content recommendations we're going to talk about those later on and now let's focus on the menu on the left hand side so if you go all the way to the left you open up the menu and the menu is made up of several segments first thing on the top is the user account as a customer I can set up my free Vita account and that Vita account gives me the capability to sync my settings across multiple devices inside of the inside of my home if I'm using several video devices and most importantly it gives me the capability to manage my TV much better I have several profiles in here and if I go to my main one I go down I can also manage my profile in this setting I can add payment information I can also create different content preferences for every single customer next one is search we're going to talk about search a little bit later on in search I can cross you can look look across my platform multiple devices and try to find different content notifications for updates and stuff like that is coming from our site customers are going to get notified of those to keep their TV performing well input you can change different inputs that are available on the on your TV this varies model by model settings a full set of settings for your TV where you can control any aspect of the device that you want to and down below you're going to have a live TV setting as well now the live TV is usually just a portion of the user interface in several markets this being a UK user interface this is actually mandated to be there by UK authorities as explained Visa is easy fast and secure and provides easy fast and secure access to global and local entertainment so let's have a look about how this reflects in the user interface first thing as said the applications come pre-installed what does that mean you turn on a TV in your particular Market you're going to get the most relevant applications for the end consumer available in the slider already we have more than 400 applications with a special and unique type of integration that on them now that is definitely easy the second thing is we want to get customers the easiest access to content that they can get what does that mean we want to make sure that we get that content recommend that content to make it available for them even before they're entering the application to make sure this is something new that they want to watch available there so for example if I highlight any of these applications the BBC Channel ITV channel for even Pluto TV or Apple TV Plus for example up there on the top I'm going to get content recommendations coming for that from that content partnering partner specifically for this market so this would be specific recommendations done for the UK and those type of integration is not just done with the major players we actually have it done with players for example like um FIFA FIFA plus their application uh which was extremely popular during the Women's World Cup for example and if I want to watch the highlights of the final all I go is I go up on that particular piece of content I click on it and that piece of content is going to be is going to start playing inside of the FIFA application as it was recommended by the FIFA team as you can see here I click play and I'm able to start enjoying that piece of content there might be an ad or two because this is an advertising supported as you can see in advertising supported service but after the edge stops playing I'm able to watch that piece of content immediately so if I go back to the home screen again all of those applications have these recommendations done on the top and the customer can again in an easy fast and secure way make this user interface customizable so what they have to do is all they have to do is they click the OK button on the remote control hold it down and they're able to rearrange applications as they please so I can move any of my favorite applications to a position that is the best for me if I'm a big fan of sports for example I might I might move my favorite sports application into position number one click OK and get the get the application position in that new spot by the way all those settings sync to the cloud so if I log in on your device they're going to reappear for me there's also the application store in the application store I have more applications that I can also install let's go in it here you can see it's catalog there's featured apps games kids I can also use the search bar up here on the right hand side to find additional applications that I might like installing them is insanely easy you go let's say to the application hexa blocks I click on it it opens up the application and there's one button that says install I click on it and the application is now available on my screen now Vita uses web apps that means that these apps are not bogging on your memory they're not hogging on your memory which means that even though the application now is going to be available if I go if I go to all the way to the right of the menu this application is a web app which means it doesn't burn your memory I can again move this application hold down the OK button move it to my favorite position or I can hold down the OK button and I can go down and delete the application from the menu now if I start scrolling down below what we call the below the fold meaning below the application uh Docker you're going to see there's content recommendations coming in from various content Partners we have a separate content team that make sure that in every country we have the best local local and Global recommendation of content done for the end consumer there's a multitude of content recommendation rows and I can go to any one of them for example episode 15 homes under the hammer I can click on it and again it's going to open up the application or the service that is available on our platform and it's going to start playing that piece of content automatically it's a very easy way of people to of our customers to discover new content that they might not know that is there but now they're definitely going to enjoy these rows are curated they're done manually or automatic by our content Partners in the done Market by market so they're individualized for the end consumer an important part of the Vita OS is also the voice feature this TV and all Vita power TVs automatically come with vita voice pre-installed it supports 22 languages you can start it by using the voice dedicated voice button on the remote control and just simply ask a command so I'll show you for example how to launch an application I'll go start YouTube and you're going to see the application automatically Launches on the home screen I can also use this feature to search across the platform I can go search for SpongeBob SquarePants and you're going to see that I'm gonna get SpongeBob SquarePants results across the entire library of all the applications available on our system there's going to be movies there's going to be TV shows there's going to be music that is of course SpongeBob SquarePants being a complicated command it's going to search for parts of it there's going to be YouTube content available for it as well so it's a very very easy way for you to find your favorite movies or your favorite shows voice also does a couple of other things it controls the TV so I can go change source to HDMI 2 and it's going to change my source on my TV extremely extremely fast as you can see I can also say go home or I've got basic capabilities of the assistant as well which means that I can ask for example what's the weather going to be like tomorrow and I'm going to get a search result for the weather for again London because this TV is set up for the UK voice is extremely fast it's our own service it doesn't require any additional licensing it also doesn't require for the customer to sign up to everything and we make sure that we keep the data that they've got extreme that they're providing to us secure now let's also talk about the screen saver as you imagine is remember this is also a new feature that is available on our system there's an icon in the launcher that is called screen saver or you can access the screen saver function using your settings you click on it and you're going to see you have three options you can use either use the default images image library that we've got on the TV my photo or Vita art favorites I'm going to show you how my photo actually works so in my photos I've logged in with my own user account where I've uploaded a couple of images from my recent trip to Southeast Asia I've uploaded them simply on my mobile phone into the Vita application they're uploaded to the cloud and all of those are now available to become a screen saver on my device I can also manually provide provide new ones up there I can also delete them and I can create my custom settings and again all I have to do is I need to select it and now this if I go up here on the right hand side is you gonna see I can actually use this as my default screen saver set the screen saver and now my images have been selected to be my screen saver so whenever the TV is passive it's going to go to a selection of my beautiful memories for my latest last trip to Southeast Asia now let's talk about music mode music mode is a feature of turning this TV into a Bluetooth speaker to which I can cast from my mobile phone so you can find it by going to input and all the way to the bottom there's a function called music sharing now when I click on music sharing this TV actually becomes a passive receptor of Bluetooth I'm going to connect to it I have already have it set up paired on my phone give it a second it's going to connect and now this TV is actually a speaker from my for my mobile phone so I'm able to for example play pieces of content that are available there I can also for example turn the screen off so if I turn the volume up on this TV it's now playing my favorite podcast and I can go to screen off and you can see it continues to play as a Bluetooth speaker any button on the remote control it actually wakes it up and I'm able to control it again so you are able to use the speakers of the TV which are usually very very good I'm able to use those as Bluetooth speakers from my cell phone for any application or any favorite content that I'm using on my TV now another unique feature of Vita TVs is the Vita TV integration that is not a standalone application it's actually a function of the TV so remember easy fast secure we need to make sure that customers are able to find an easy way of accessing all the content is available on their platform so what we've done with the TV there is tons of streaming channels across a multitude of platforms available on our on our TV so a lot of applications have individual streaming channels but those are available inside of every particular application now what we've done is we brought those channels outside of the application and we've served them in the TV itself where customers are already using their linear channels so if a customer in the UK for example is using their aerial TV right now what they have to do is they have to go into the EPG of the TV or go into the tuner of the TV to access their own channels that are coming from the antenna and then if they want to use streaming they have to open up an application what we've done is we've automatically integrated hundreds of streaming channels from various content providers straight into the EPG of the TV it comes into the same spot where customers are already accustomed to watching their linear meaning linear TV so this for example is a streaming Channel coming off of the internet and the content of those image channels are integrated seamlessly into the full EPG of the TV it gives them an amazing way of connecting and mixing and matching their favorite content regardless of the source where it is playing from it can come from App a fbfc or coming from their DTV or satellite antenna it all gets served in the exact same way they've got the capability to look forward or backwards on on the timeline they're able to get details about it they're able to create recommendations and there's a multitude of channels available on the system to go through and you can mix and match and you can create your own favorites list they're also available on the channel list which is also a standard feature of all of our TVs as you can see here they're cataloged so you can go to Comedy and you're going to see all the comedy channels available you can go to Lifestyle you can see all the lifestyle channels available and up here on the top if you have your DTV antenna connected you're going to see all your DTV channels available there and again you can switch between them just like you would on any normal TV so if I go down I'm going to change to a different streaming Channel coming from a different content provider on our platform but I don't have to go inside of that application exit the PBS application I can simply do it inside of the same user interface that I'm already used so this is Vita TV it is available currently in selected markets in North and South America it is also coming to a couple of European markets very soon with a selected amount of channels that are that are tailored specifically for that market overall so this concludes our introduction to the Vita 7 product this is the latest generation of the Vita Smart TV operating system thank you for watching and if you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out thank you [Music] foreign


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