More MAM Research Tier 7 Milestones Complete - Satisfactory Update 5 Gameplay E15

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Hey y'all welcome back to episode 15 of my  Satisfactory Update 5 playthrough and on this   episode we are going to be diving into some more  of the Tier 7 milestones we still have to unlock   hazmat suit and aeronautical  engineering that's our plan for today   as well as we're going to try to get  a little bit more MAM research done   um it actually looks like I've got a hard  drive here that's ready to come out so   we will dive into that here right away  so sit back relax and let's jump into it so first things first let's have a look  at this hard drive that we had got here   we do have some alternate recipes for making  concrete which is silica and limestone which I  don't think that's necessarily a great combination  to go with and then an alternate blueprint   for pure Caterium ingots which I I'm not sure  about this one either where it's 2 Caterium ore   and then water run through a refinery and then we  have an alternate blueprint for fused quick wire   which is one Caterium ingot and five copper  ingots gets us 12. that's actually you know   a pretty good return on what you're getting  in there that might not be a bad alternate   for getting quick wire but i mean we've got  tons of quick wire happening right now so   I'll select this one just because that  seems like a pretty good use of resources so   alright so the next little bit of  research I want to dive into is under   the quartz tree and it is signal technologies  and that is with the oscillators I did   set up a quick assembler um just off to the side  here that I've been manually loading some items in   just so that we could start to get these processed  out and we're going to start that research   and that's of course only a three second research  doesn't take too long to get there and then next   is we have frequency mapping so i think this  unlocks the map for us we need 10 beacons and   10 oscillators which I still have the oscillators  getting made for so we'll be able to get that here   right away and then we also get the explorer which  is going to be 100 of the modular frames and 10   more oscillators so we're going to just let our  oscillator production run here for a bit and and   get those cranked out I'm still kind of chipping  away at getting the black powder done to be able   to unlock the sulfur tree and really there's  not much other than Caterium where we need to be   i need to you know chip away at getting some  of this smart research done so that we can get   our splitters done and super computers and power  switch so there's still a few more things there   that we need to be manufacturing okay so we  have the next little bit of MAM research to do   so we're just gonna come over here and we're  going to quartz and this is going to be for   frequency mapping i do have 10 oscillators and 10  of the beacons start research that's going to take   five minutes for that to complete and then next  we'll be working towards getting the explorer done   and I also have I think I've got everything I  need to be able to get the smart splitter done and that looks to be about all i can get  done here soon so uh we'll wait till this one   completes and then we'll get the smart splitter  done and then the explorer done as well so one   other thing that I decided while I'm kind of  waiting for some research and stuff to finish   that uh we needed to get build is a manufacturing  process for some AI limiters I'm not going to need   like a whole pile I don't think I'm going to need  a whole pile of them but it's something that I'm   going to need on a regular basis so I've taken  a feed of quick wire over to this assembler and   then we brought up some excess copper sheeting  uh from the line that we're making the circuit I   think it's the circuit boards it's down there so  that's coming up here and getting fed into this   assembler and it's only making five AI limiters  per minute um but it's enough to just kind of   get by with when we need them so that is  a quick little assembly there it's just   something that's going to run in the background  it's not efficient it's not running really fast   but it should provide just enough and we can  always expand this later on if we needed to   okay so we do have that one research done and  as you can see now we have a map that we can   zoom in and see I believe everything  that we're kind of working on here   it there's a lot of like big black areas yet that  aren't really discovered additional power is there   we are right here now I wonder  if this actually shows like our setup   this is the first I've dove into the map here at  all and seen what's going on so there's my sulfur   and my pure quartz we have our bauxite and our  additional power there is also a coal node up   here as well too pure Caterium node is way  over there however I don't think that's the   one I'm pulling from because I'm pulling from  one that's just over by the elevator here so   it's uh it's it's gonna be nice now that we can  see okay what haven't we explored yet and as you   can see we really haven't explored a lot of this  map at all so there's still tons more that we   could be exploring and checking out here for sure  the next bit of research we're going to dive into   is now the smart splitters so we're gonna start  that research which was the AI limiters and then   it's like reinforced plate or something like  that that was needed for it it's another five   minutes on there smart splitters are gonna be nice  because it will give us the ability to set like   overflows on things instead of it right now i'm  just using regular splitters to handle overflow   but it'll be nice with the smart splitters  you can say you know what keep filling this   until it's full and then once it's full send  the overflow out of the splitter and so it's   going to handle sending things to our awesome  sink a lot easier alright while waiting for   additional research I slapped together  another quick little spaghetti mess of   assembly here so we put a splitter now in on  this quick wire line and we have it run into this   assembler we're then also put a splitter over here  and we're pulling some circuit boards into the   assembler as well and then coming off of our cable  storage i've brought an elevator up and another   conveyor around that's feeding into here and this  is making our high-speed connectors so now we have   a manufacturing assembly line for being able  to make high-speed connectors and AI limiters   all of which are going to be needed to help us  with our future research that's happening here   okay let's turn in some research the  analysis of smart splitters is now complete   we can now manufacture smart splitters now if we  continue on the Caterium line this is AI limiters   and steel which we actually have already on us  so we can get the main power switch that we can   put in line and we can shut systems on and off  with it so we're going to start that research   next will be super computers which is the high  speed connectors as well as AI limiters which   we have been manufactured so we'll be able to get  that research done and then we're coming down to   programmable splitters that's going to be super  computers and heavy modular frames we don't have   any manufacturing for supercomputers yet because a  we still need to learn it and this one here isn't   unlocked to us yet so we're not entirely sure  what this is going to be so but we are making   some significant progress here the other thing  too on the quartz side of things is I do have   everything i need for this but i've got to wait  for our research to complete and then yeah it's   just a matter of cranking out a whole bunch of  oscillators and getting some more of the beacons   to be able to get radar technology done and then  radio signal scanning is another one that we can   get taken care of but it's all just comes down  to oscillators getting made and and whatnot so   I might end up having to convert more like  I'm still on a temporary assembly right now   for the oscillators I might need to step  this into an actual real production line   alright the MAM research is complete the  analysis of the power switch is completed let us   move on and you know what I did go over and we did  have enough of the black powder so we can research   black powder that's done that now unlocks for  us what do we got here the Nobelisk explosive   which just needs some more of the black powder  and some steel pipe then we have the detonator   which requires uh five object scanners bunch of  copper wire and encased industrial steel beams   what else we got the rifle which is circuit  boards and uh i think that's circuit boards   yep circuit boards heavy modular frames and  steel pipe all of which are being manufactured   and then rifle cartridges which  is a bunch more black powder and   stuff well I don't have enough sulfur  right now to be able to pull that off   so what kind of at least they're unlocked we  know what we've got coming up for this sulfur line   okay let's go back now to quartz and this is gonna  get us our explorer which is uh one of our first   vehicles here so let's start exploring that and  we'll be able to cruise around a little bit we've   got to make sure we keep fuel with us for it but  other than that I mean that's that's going to be   making it easier for us to travel around the map  rather than having to run everywhere where we've   been going so that is a significant upgrade I'm  a long ways away from the oscillators we might be   grinding to a halt here pretty quick Caterium I  can get this done I'm just waiting for some more   of the the high speed connectors to be done and  then we will get the supercomputers unlocked so   we'll be right back all right research for the  explorer is now complete I believe under alien   organism there's another quick research that we  can do and that's our object scanner improvements   we're going to click that let's get that underway  that one was a quick one and then there is one   more hostel organism detection which uh this is  just gonna take a little bit you know what I bet   you we even have everything we need sitting in  our chest right here for this so there's that one   and this one and then that will complete  our alien organism research 100% done so that is all taken care of so now we'll be able  to object scan for any of the hostile creatures   around back to Caterium I still need some more  let's see how we're doing on the AI limiters we've   got them started over here hopefully I have enough  power to get across this just we just made it oh   yeah we should have enough now not a problem so  while whip quickly whip back over to the MAM here grab our quartz no sorry it wasn't under  quartz it was Caterium research we were doing   super computers, super computers are now unlocked  that's another quick one that got done confirm   next will be we need a whole bunch more uh  high-speed connectors for being able to get the   mark 3 power poles and then we need the super  computers for that one we need super computers   for the geothermal generators as well to use so  we've got uh you know I did come across one of   those geysers I didn't know what they were for  apparently they're for geothermal generators   of which I'm gonna have to try to figure out  where that that geyser was make sure I marked   that so that we can come back and put a thermal  generator there so you know bit by bit we're   getting really close like alien organism now is  100% researched we are sitting at 81% on Caterium  mycelium i think is 100% done nutrients is 100% done  power slugs is 100% done quartz we are now at 78%   so there's still two more things to unlock there  and then of course we've got our sulfur tree which   we haven't really been paying too much attention  to but other than that that's research so let's   start diving into our Tier 7 as soon as I get  back onto the ground here Tier 7 Milestones   if we look at here hazmat suit we need to make the  aluminum casing and aeronautic engineer also needs   aluminum casing as well as radio control units  so there's two different manufacturing lines   that we're gonna have to get built for being able  to get this complete so let's dive into that now   alright before we get too carried away on  diving into the aluminum casing manufacturing   I did want to go through I made some modifications  to things over here now to kind of improve the   efficiencies of our aluminum manufacturing so I  did modify my water situation here so make sure   that they were definitely coming from a higher  point than our water that's coming out of our   alumina solution and aluminum scrap manufacturing  so this is taking priority one now definitely   um and I did clean up there was some  clipping that was happening that I've got   cleaned up that isn't happening anymore now so  basically we're coming out with the water here   i have put some valves online here to make  sure that the water the fluid only flows in   one direction and then uh the water is coming  out of here as well and if we go down below   you can have a look here I did put a valve in here  as well too forcing the water to only flow this   way so that these are always pulling from that and  I've had no slow downs now here whatsoever all of   the water is getting pulled out of here and then  the rest of the water is coming from the two pumps   then I did take uh a feed of quartz now I do  have about 120 items per minute of quartz coming   down this way that is getting turned into silica  that's silica because to be able to manufacture   all of the aluminum scrap that we've been making  um we needed like 300 silica to be able to do that   well this setup over here was only producing 100  so I needed to bring another 200 in from over here   and to get 200 is i did have to overclock one  of the um constructors over here to like one 133   percent and that's got us pretty close to we're  like point one two away from uh items per minute   away from 200 items per minute coming out of here  not enough to really significantly impact the   overall production so then we have four of these  um foundries that are now making our aluminum   ingot so all the aluminum ingots are coming down  here we have some going into storage and then if   storage is full it then all dumps into our awesome  sink eventually i will change that to an awesome   or a uh a smart splitter so that or even this  one here as a smart splitter and i can get   i could guarantee then that everything just gets  straight to the awesome sink if this is full   and then of course we do have our smelters  here that's taking care of the copper line   that i have coming down here so that we  have the manufacturing of our Alclad Sheeting   and the alcad aluminum sheeting we're doing  alright with it like I'm I can definitely   step this up I've got more than enough production  now I want to say what are we sitting at we are   at we're getting 240 aluminum out of here now  aluminum ingots where before i did this redesign   we were maybe hitting 80. so our efficiency for  the aluminum ingots is significantly higher now so   this is the kind of the change that I did  over here to make this more efficient and   it was all based off of comments uh from  Ron uh who had said you know what you're   definitely gonna need some more silica double  check your your fluid um and he actually has   a really good uh video on his channel i'll put a  link of it in the description uh on representing   how fluid priority works because it's  not just a combination of head lift and   and which is the lower feed because if you've got  some of the water pumps and stuff in there but   his video does a really good job of explaining  it so I'll show I'll put a link in that in the   description of this one for sure so now it's  time to get our aluminum casing manufactured   alright aluminum casing was ridiculously easy to  be able to add into our production facility over   here so basically i slapped down a splitter out  front here we're running a line into a constructor   constructor is set to um aluminum casing and then  the aluminum casing is just getting moved into   this storage here boom aluminum casing is  now manufactured so now it's just a matter of   waiting for this to kind of stockpile a little  bit for us so that we can go and turn in some   milestones okay so our aluminum casings have been  manufacturing away and we have enough now to turn   in our hazmat suit let's select this we have  aluminum casing we have quick wire and we have   uh where's my filters there's the filters right  there launch away we now can make a hazmat suit   milestone reached with the new  hazmat suit and iodine-infused   filters you will be protected  against uranium-based radiation so that's getting us steps closer to  being able to get to nuclear power   the next thing we want to dive into is  the last milestone for Tier 7 which   is aeronautical engineering which is going to  be a bunch of casing which we already got the   alclad aluminum sheets which we already have  motors they're getting manufactured that's   not a problem we got lots of access to that and  then radio controlled units so we're going to have   to be able to get this up and manufacturing and  what does it require it requires aluminum casing   a crystal oscillator and a computer system to  be able to get that built so let's go build a   manufacturing process for that okay like I had  mentioned earlier we were gonna need to get an   assembly line in here for being able to make  the crystal oscillators so basically I've taken   from my quartz storage here it's running into  a constructor that's then getting turned into   quartz crystals that are being fed into  this assembler that is being combined with   the copper cabling as well as some reinforced  iron plating that is making crystal oscillators   of which i have a small little pile of them just  coming in if we need to grab some that we need to   manufacture anything with they're going into  storage and then they're also coming over to   a radio controlled unit assembly so in this  assembler we have of course the crystal   oscillators being fed in i have a feed from our  computers coming down and coming into here as   well and then i've brought a conveyor all the way  from our aluminum manufacturing with the aluminum   casing that's wrapping around and coming in  and loading up right in here so then these   all exit out at this end we had 48 of the radio  control units built so far i don't have a storage   unit we could put quickly put a little storage  unit down here for these just so that they're   I mean not that it's ever going to back up  because it's such a slow manufacturing process   but we'll slap this down for now I'll throw  a quick conveyor out into this just so   there is some place for these to  be stored so I think I still need   another two out of this yet before we're ready  to go so uh we're just gonna wait for these to   finish manually manufacturing and then we'll be  able to step out our final Tier for Tier 7   alright we've gathered everything up let's  head over to the hub aeronautical engineering   we're selecting this milestone in goes the  motors there are 300 motors it requires   which is wow that's a lot of motors for that and  then 50 of the computers and then 100 of the alclad   aluminum sheeting and then 200 of the aluminum  casting launch away Tier 7 is now complete   milestone reached aerial transport of resources  is now possible with the use of drones ideal   for shipping across long distances or difficult  terrain ensure the presence of batteries at drone   ports for optimal results a new project  part enables progress to the next phase alrighty so now it's a matter of  getting set up to work on milestones for   Tier 8 and that is going to be nuclear  power, advanced aluminum production, um leading edge productions and particle  enrichment but we're gonna save those for to   uh start chipping away on the next episode I hope  you guys have enjoyed what we've done here so far   let's just do a quick little recap we revamped the  aluminum manufacturing facility to make it more   efficient and got aluminum casing manufacturing  over on that far side and brought back this way   we have also created manufacturing for our AI  limiters and also our high-speed connectors so we   now have manufacturing for those two automating  components we automated the crystal oscillator   manufacturing and we automated the control  unit and that's gonna hurt we lived I thought   for sure i was gonna die there we automated the  uh control unit as well the radio control unit   that's where we're at right now we've made  some significant progress it was a lot of   little smaller manufacturing processes but uh  all in all I think it came together quite nicely   with that said guys I hope you enjoyed this  episode reach down hit the like button on   the video subscribe if you're new to the  channel ring that notification bell so you   can be notified when we have the next  video up and follow me on social media   instagram and twitter @TerrisDWDC with that  said guys we'll catch you in the next one see ya


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