Introducing Phone 2 ft Casey Neistat

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everything's gonna do it ah there's really nothing to be anxious about right you're probably wondering what the frick is going on here so nothing what are we here to do we're here to make Tech fun again we've had our heads down working hard on our shiny new product the phone too but before we get to that we've noticed recently Carl's been a bit flat he's tired doing important CEO stuff and to be honest we were a bit worried how can you make Tech fun again if you forgot what fun is I was doing some research and I found this book called The Power of fun do you remember the other day he said he had a fear of roller coasters it's my favorite yeah we'll keep that out of the loop then basically it says if you've lost your funk there's these activities that you can do to ReDiscover your fun you need to do activities that make you feel laughter and a sense of Letting Go things that make you feel free from self-judgment step out of normal life childlike sense of excitement and joy what has all of these qualities Jewels yeah it's a roller coaster but I'm worried so we checked nothing's address book and then fired off some DMs and finally who gets back to us the king of Youtube Casey neistat okay we're in New York we're here to meet Casey Carl's literally over there he literally has no idea and I kind of feel bad for him yeah there he is the doggy Carl good morning man are you excited to see Casey it's been a long time we've been focused on content yeah man you've got loads to talk about have you here [Music] with all this water I think you need to change we're gonna go to Casey's Place yeah no no we're going to meet Katie it's just I think he's changed like where we're meeting and stuff hey why don't you guys tell me until now um yeah my bad that's my bad that's a miscommunication from Egypt okay I've never been here before yeah weird this feels weird is it a prank like just always shooting content I'm not sure what you're gonna do with it [Music] what do you mean you didn't check the entire plan all right bye all right come with me [Music] I don't know bro you gotta talk to him man I don't know why you're getting mad at me cow Casey Casey good to see you what's up good to see you again bro good to see you why don't we come here people are talking we've been talking and you know the mission of nothing is to make Tech fun again and somewhat ironically your peeps here drooling mainly they say you kind of lost your fun I mean I've been busy but I don't think I've become boring but let's be real man you've been flat recently have you not think of it like an intervention a fun intervention let me think about it [Applause] everything's gonna do actually okay let's do it okay let's go I know this is a joke I didn't know he was actually scared of roller coasters got a hard stop at one though [Music] is there a way of making it go slower good luck apparently not what are you doing man we gotta go are you still there I'm scared yeah she's going are you scared what's your name Cynthia says it's not bad enjoy the ride Carl enjoy the ride okay are you having fun yet I guess the beauty of roller coasters is that they start slow does he feel me um yeah so in the power of fun here the author Catherine she interests the checklist of things that you can do to see if you're introducing or orienting your life towards fun no one asks you have you ever seen in a way where it's a words [Music] you're LinkedIn I just switched open to work the thing is here she said when you're in wow how was it how was that good kind of terrible right it's my phobia you know so we've known each other for like what seven eight twenty carry the three eight years I got to know you when you were still at one plus I was most excited about how you engaged with the community at one plus and then when you called me and told me that you're starting your own thing I was most excited about your perspective on technology if we rewind the time back to when we were fundraising for the first time I was really anxious like you were one of the first people to take a chance on us I've never said this on that call you said to me like I have to be straightforward with you you know we could fail and I was like I understand Carl but I was excited I was excited to be a part of it I invested because I believe in you and I believe in the vision I think it's exciting but also I did invest with you know real money how's how's nothing doing you know we're in a very challenging space but I think things have been going pretty well recently were almost at 2 million devices shipped that's gonna be a really nice Milestone recently we won a lot of awards for our products our media reviews are getting better and better our teams are getting better and stronger especially engineering so that means we're going to be able to do a lot more cool stuff on the product that's good right it's very good okay okay roller coasters aside the reason why you're in New York City right now is because phone two is coming out yes can I see it of course here it is okay similar design language we don't want to change the design for every generation so you don't recognize it we want to build icons products that you can recognize from 10 meters away why does it feel so good what about we made the back curved so the glass here has a subtle curve how much of nothing's emphasis when building a product like this is is Hardware versus software I think the magic happens in the intersection between hardware and software with the phone one we focus a lot on the hardware design and software was only the basics how do you make the battery life okay how do you make the system stable this year because we have a lot more resources in our engineering team we can do a lot more on the software side as well this feels expensive Carl are the materials the same is there any plastic Everything You Touch Is either metal or glass so it's aluminum 100 recycled and the front and the back is Gorilla Glass so it's scratch resistant the camera module is black I like that contrast oh yeah and the color is different right so we had a darker version for the phone one now it's kind of great to accentuate the glyphs further so if like my parents are buying me a phone I can't get the 1500 iPhone what's your pitch like why the nothing phone too I mean the industry has gotten really boring for me I agreed I used to watch all the Apple Keynotes even if it meant staying up really late um in the last five years it's gotten very iterative they're not really going to push the envelope so we thought you know if we don't do this probably nobody else will we're trying to kind of pick up where Innovation left off we're trying to make the industry more fun again this is our second step along the way so if you want to support a small team with big Ambitions and doing things differently I think this is the phone to get so let me push back on that at the end of the day all I care about is how good is this thing in my pocket this thing feels pretty feels pretty great I mean that's that's kind of like table Stakes right so a phone needs to be really solid no matter if it comes to the camera or the charging or the battery life or how smooth the system is like we have to have that unlocked first before talking about anything else like the cliff interface or that we want to bring did you see it as a given like this is the hardware of the phone the experience is that good it meets that standard it does I mean our team has Decades of experience in this industry so this is not new to us what's new is that we're bringing Innovation back to our industry and then colors this like slate gray is sexy and then white yeah we got the white the really iconic color do you have it yeah here it is so this is the phone too I mean we made the glyph interface a lot more functional hopefully people are going to really enjoy using it and from a performance perspective we upgraded all the internals so the CPU the processor the camera it's all much faster than before much better than before is it on a level with like today's Flagship I think it can stand head-to-head with all the flagships out there does this still have the bent screen to maintain the same bezel so it is a flexible OLED but we made the bezels on all four sides not only equal but also Slimmer than before what's your passcode man this one is zero zero zero zero you know there are hackers out there okay well congrats and congrats the little team this thing is a Triumph it's absolutely gorgeous thank you and I know it's a lot of work and I know I was like giving you a hard time with the roller coaster but you know they say the reward for good work is more work so this thing is as successful as I hope it is then next year you'll be even less fun I'll do my best to put you in a more compromised position and make you smile so this phone is launching soon and I need to shoot a keynote I was thinking maybe you can teach me how to Vlog yeah I can teach you that most important thing is to hold the camera above eye line I got an idea here hold this ah all right I give him on this side of you oh okay and you got to get stronger 30 curls per set eight to ten sets effortlessly hold up this camera that's kind of the gist cool thank you I think I got it really yeah thanks hold it up yeah thank you [Music] phone two it's been a busy year but we think we're ready information [Music] we still remember when Tech used to be fun and exciting every year there will be groundbreaking new Innovations on the market but sadly that's not the case anymore and we understand if you're a big player with a big market share you can sustain Yourself by creating similar products every single year but where does that leave the consumer this stone represents the weight of market share forcing creative output so the system is rigged you have your creative inputs you have your dreams to create new products and new features but the system is set up that no matter how you play the game you always end up creating the same products every single year and this isn't the tech industry that I remember I remember it being exciting and Limitless and I hear what you're saying nothing only makes smartphones and headphones but it's an important step in the right direction in re-energizing our industry we believe there needs to be someone who isn't everything for everyone to inject fun and excitement back into Tech and that's where we come in fortunately for nothing we can take risks we're smaller and not locked into the same machine as the bigger players are that means innovating again that means designing products that are beautiful and look different from everything else out there and that means paying attention to the smallest details so we can make everything as perfect as possible phone 2 is a smartphone that's going to make a tech World excited about smartphones again so why can't we do this why do we feel so confident in 2021 we launched our first product at year one and told the world about our Ambitions year one showed our approach to transparent design and put us on the map as a design forward tech company in 2022 we integrated hardware and software and launched phone one it receives a few Awards and great feedback from many reviewers this was another step in our mission to make Tech fun again which brings us to now 2023 this is our biggest step yet with the phone 2. for the bigger team stronger supply chain and more experience we made the glyph interface more useful we focused a lot more on our software improved our camera along with a big performance upgrade we're also aware that there's a lot of demand for nothing products in the US so we're also excited to announce that the phone 2 will be officially made available in the US okay enough of that let me tell you about the phone too starting with design back to London hey Carl hey how's it going all right thank you good to see you good to see you what are you up to just uh shooting a vlog okay so what's new over here this one is a side project we're working on for the store it's very soft pretty weird that one oh are you using the timer oh yeah I just set it to uh it's 25. where's Chris is he in The Sound Room hey Chris I was doing a vlog how's it going what are you working on uh the next phone why don't we walk through our audience um the process on how we got to the final design sure no go for it all right so let's talk about the phone 2 design I'm here in London in our design studio with our design director Adam why are some products more iconic than others and what are we trying to do when it comes to building these icons we work really hard on how to create something that stands apart from everyone else where do we want to be in five years or ten years often that can really help us to take the steps towards that Vision does the dream change over time yeah I think it does there might be things in the world that change there might be technology that changes and then what we've got to balance with that is we don't ever want to be predictable because we definitely want to surprise people and surprise ourselves earlier we talked about the phone 2 design and I've heard you describe it as like a high resolution version of the phone one what do you mean by that it's taking everything up a level across everything you know the OS the the glyph interface the materials the design the textures functionally as well the display the camera how Snappy it is the processor all these things it's also thinking about a level of softness that we've kind of brought to it in a number of ways I know we also did a lot of work on the glyphs so maybe we can tell our audience about that there's more glyphs first of all so that gives us more opportunity to be more expressive but secondly we also have more control which means that we can start offering up new functions seeing a lot of comments online saying that a film one was just a good phone with the Disco lights on the back would you agree to that and would you say the phone too is different I wouldn't agree to that with things like the glyphs we're asking people to believe in something different a little bit we see that the future might be a little bit different so for us we think that an experience that is memorable and does something for you is worth it and that's not a gimmick but I think some of those online comments were not entirely unfair we knew our roadmap we knew where we wanted to take the glyph interface but by the time we launched the phone one there wasn't a ton of features but luckily over the past year our engineering team has gotten so much stronger and now for the phone too there's a lot more utility and functionality behind the glyph interface so as an example if there's a important app that you really care about it's like will always be on or utilizing this section of the cliff for a countdown timer app by app notifications a glyph composer [Music] personally the one that I'm the most excited about is you know when you're calling it Uber just to be able to use this glyph to see how close or far away the driver is from you without always checking your phone for sure because the problem is when you turn your phone over to check the Uber then you see something else you've got an email and then something else and something else and you're sucked in before you know it so this layer is the top surface notifications to just stop you getting sucked in give people kind of the ease of mind that what's important to them can still be visible but also enable them to be more present in life yeah and these are just some of the features that are coming out at launch and we have more ideas that we hope to build over time so we talked about the glyph interface why don't we cover the rest of the external design we've got this kind of really nice new display we've still got a completely uniform border when you've got a kind of bigger chin on the bottom it just doesn't look right we've moved the front facing camera to the center so that's nice and symmetrical on the back we've got the 3D glass which makes it feel nice and thin we have these new camera surrounds because we have our new camera we wanted to kind of highlight that so we have these black bezels which looks really Pro so a lot of people whom I've shown the product to tell me it feels really nice feels more expensive than before what would you say is the reason to that I guess there's probably a few things there's the 3D glass and the way that joins the metal mid frame it kind of feels quite special it's got a nice tactile thing you know along then with the software along with the glyphs that are enhanced even this dark gray and the way the colors are balanced to get enough depth but not too much contrast many contributing factors to play Devil's Advocate the phone 2 does look a bit similar to the phone one what would you say to that you know there's always this balance between giving some continuity and improving what you've done before and building on it and then doing something completely new and as a company we're not short of ideas we actually could do a completely different own this time we could do a completely different one next time in a way it's even easier to keep doing things really we're we're new we've done one phone we've done some earbuds we've made a big splash if we change too quickly we may start to blend in you almost start to build an icon you start to build a mythology and you start to build something that customers connect with just like we do with the brands that we love and the companies that we love we got to build really really beautiful products but we need to really have solid foundations okay I think I'm happy I think that's all for me cool all right very welcome yeah sure what are you doing now we've got a flight to catch [Music] so earlier in this video you also seen the phone too but that wasn't the final final version this is the final version so it's really exciting to see this for the first time I don't think you're gonna be able to see any difference on camera but yeah if you hold it for yourself you can see some small differences it's great to finally feel this in your hands [Music] so this is one of our production sites we have another one in Chennai in India in London we spoke to Adam about design but let's dive a little bit deeper we knew that we had created an icon with the film won so for the phone too it was important for us to develop that Design Story further the phone 2 has been all about refinements visually we've evolved the look with higher resolution textures and upgraded geometry and more consistent coloring this feels way more refined than the foam one it took over 50 prototypes to get what we believe to be perfect in fact this is prototype number 54. when I held this for the first time I knew that we made a worthy successor to the full one it doesn't just look more premium more importantly it feels more premium in the hand with a Slimmer mid frame and a rounded pillow glass back the phone just feels way more ergonomic and satisfying to hold as you can see we kept the same symmetrical bezels as on the phone one but we made them even Slimmer we've also moved the selfie camera from the side to the middle to give you that satisfying and symmetrical look the phone to display is way more advanced with ltp technology can automatically change its refresh rate from one Hertz to 120 hertz depending on the scenario so for instance on our always-on display it runs at one Hertz which is super power efficient and speaking about power we further reduce the power consumption of the display by 30 by switching to a new and more advanced IC with smaller transistors finally this upgraded display features better consistency color reproduction and motion in low light this is a flagship display in its true sense let's talk about performance so the processor plays a big role here for the phone 2 we added the best in class and proven Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 plus gen 1 upgrading from a 7 Series processor on the phone one overall performance has improved by 80 and app opening speeds are twice as fast as before we've also increased the battery capacity by 200 milliamp hours and made the software more efficient it's hard to put a fixed number on something like battery life because we all use our phones differently but personally I get about 40 more compared to the phone one so here is where we test and install the camera I believe living with the phone too for the last couple of months and I can confidently say that this camera can go up against any Flagship out there smartphone cameras gotten really good in the last couple of years and when the light conditions are great anybody can take a good photo however it gets more complicated in edge cases and usually there's only two ways to go hardware and software when it comes to Hardware it's all about increasing the sensor size or the size of the lens so you can capture more light however these decisions come with trade-offs because you need to change your design maybe your design has to be bigger or thicker and these are compromises we have to think really carefully about on the front is our biggest sensor upgrade we now have the 32 megapixel Sony IMX 615 double the megapixel count and a 30 larger sensor size than on the phone one and on the back we've upgraded the 50 megapixel main sensor to Sony IMX 890 the main advantage for this new sensor is that it's faster and can deliver up to 4 000 times more data to the ISP or you can focus on the software tuning and computational photography we believe in doing both but as a tech company we believe we should focus more on the software side we focused on two key challenging camera scenarios dynamic range and motion say for instance you're on holiday somewhere Sunny your subject is standing in the shadows meanwhile the background is quite bright you take a photo of your subject it turns out fine but then you realize that the background is Overexposed the photo becomes useless our new Advanced HDR allows you to capture higher dynamic range to solve this all you have to do is point and shoot in the background the phone 2 is capturing the same scene in eight frames with different levels of exposure in the Raw domain which results in three times more data processed compared to the foam one Advanced HDR selects the best details from each image and then fuses it together for the most true to life result let's move on to motion normally when there's movement in the subject you're capturing it can result in a blurry photo which is really frustrating because you don't get to relive that moment again for this we've upgraded our motion detecting algorithms to more accurately detect moving subjects so you can get that clear shot every time these days people are using their smartphones to capture more and more video and I'm happy to say that we made similar improvements across the board when it comes to the video capabilities of the phone 2 as well our vision for the smartphone camera is one that's easy to use and can be trusted and with the phone 2 we made a big Leap Forward okay Carl so we need you to do like a KC Style Match cut we're not going to be with you on the other side so just put your hands up and then just have an awareness of what your hands are okay oh so much work hey what's going on Welcome Back long time no see what are you doing you feel me yeah we're uh shooting the Keynotes what are you working on os2 these are headphones do you have a few minutes to talk more in depth about uh nothing OS 2.0 sure yeah yeah [Music] if you were to summarize the current state of mobile OS in like one sentence how would you do that nothing much changed we still have a very similar structure we had the first glimpse of the iPhone right I mean we have company logos on the home screen page system Grid it's very linear and our home screens are becoming cluttered so we need to figure out how we're going to facilitate all of that right this is the first time we we actually have injected that nothing DNA into the OS but now 2.0

is elevating our design our brand design language what are the headline features that you're excited about obviously what the user is going to see first is this bold monochromatic design right we really want the user to be intentional about what they're doing straightforward minimal our phone home screen is basically like a canvas for advertising yeah every app has their own colors their own logo and we're just like scrolling through a lot of ads every day yeah I think stripping back the colors is kind of like removing some of the power from those apps and giving it back to the consumer just looking at this Everything feels quite organized even in like different form factors yeah you have this very clean symmetrical grid we just took it a step back grids exist already so what's different take a look at an Android phone there's so much customization going on and and that's fine we have the responsibility to design all of these widgets to to fit together right while we're on the topic of widgets what are the ones that you're most proud of my personal favorite is the pedometer it's a very funny way um how we how we did it any other widgets that you want to highlight screen time is pretty interesting um again it's it's done in our fashion so bringing all of these widgets to OS 2.0 and expanding it is gonna be a major stepping stone in the right direction brings functionality it empowers the user it's more intentional use and yeah we're very very proud of it it sounds very exciting it is beyond just having a beautiful and well thought through operating system the base six just need to really work app opening speeds animation speeds motion design these things all contribute but in addition to that I think a lot of work has to be done on the battery life optimization while not sacrificing performance so I think we're in a really exciting time in our development so last year with the phone one we just focused on releasing something clean stable with the phone too this is the first time that we're able to introduce some of our own ideas into the OS but the real test will come when the users actually get the phone yeah no pressure [Music] thanks for this what's next it's time to ship [Music] well that's the phone too in these videos you always see a couple of people talking about the product but in reality there's hundreds of people behind the scenes working together to deliver all these products that we launch so I wanted to extend a big thank you to the entire nothing team for coming together on this Mission and building this product together also a big thank you to the community for helping us test and perfect the product as we were developing it and finally a huge thank you to everybody who believes in nothing we're a passionate team with a really exciting roadmap ahead of us there's a lot to look forward to but today is all about the phone too I'm confident you're going to love it and I can't wait to hear your feedback uh Carl just a question after this experiment do you feel more fun I've always been fun fantastic he was laughing and smiling on this one guys I think we've had some breakthroughs today the phone 2 launches worldwide this week starting with drops in London and New York I hope you'll be there in person for more information on the specifics go to where you can also pre-order and get info on exclusives [Music] [Music]


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