Intro to the Arches Platform Part 2 - Data Management Tools

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Hello. And welcome, everyone to part 2 of our arches, webinar series intro, to the arches platform, thank, you for joining us today we really appreciate your, participation and, we hope you will find this intro. Series informative, and helpful. Sorry. About that, my. Name is Alena mclubbe US and I'm on the arches project, team at the Getty conservation Institute, in, Los Angeles. Joining, me to co-host the presentation, portion of the webinar is, my colleague Annabel Enriquez, also. David, Meyers and Dennis weather age are joining us after the presentation. To, moderate the Q&A session, dennis, is based in San Francisco at Farallon Geographics, where he leads a development. Thank. You Annabel David and Dennis in advance, before. We get started I'll review some housekeeping, notes this. Webinar is being recorded so, we can share the recording. And transcript, with you all approximately. One week from today I will. Show you where to find the past webinars a few slides ahead. Also. Zoom, has a Q&A, feature where. You can find and you can find a Q&A box in the control panel on your screen this. Will be open throughout the webinar so you can submit your questions, at any time just, a, quick and important note we. Will answer your questions, after the presentation and. During the Q&A session. You. May already be familiar with arches, from past conferences. And. I'm. Sorry I have. I'm. Sorry I skipped a slide here I'm so. As you, can see here we this is a four-part webinar series, back. In October, we previewed. The and demonstrated, the capabilities, of arches and today. We're going to be covering the data management tools I'm in. Part three in part four coming, soon. Probably in the new year we, will be covering data technology concepts, and information, architecture. Our. Agenda for today M is going to cover a little bit of background about arches, and then we'll go into the main topic of today which, are the. Data management tools and before, that I will do a recap, of the capabilities. Then, at the end of the presentation. We'll move into our Q&A, session. You. May already be familiar with arches, from past conferences webinars and. Workshops or, from visiting our website, arches. Was developed jointly by the Getty conservation Institute, and, world's monument fund as you, will see and demonstrated, throughout this webinar series, rgeous is an open-source software platform, purpose-built, for heritage data management. A few. Important mentions about the arches platform, the, platform is free and open source so, you are free and encouraged to install configure, customize.

And Use a software, for your needs there. Are no licensing, licensing fees, to use arches, and there are no limits to the number of users. We. Will also add here arches, is enterprise, level software intended. For deployment on a server either. A server on the cloud or on-premises. Also, known as an in-house server is needed, to host the software and it's dependencies. Also. If you have, had a question or concern about who manages, your data the, ArcGIS platform is, intended, to be deployed independently. By an organization. Or institution, we. Do not manage own or have access to your data or information and, we. Have been asked this question in the past I wanted to clarify. And, the. Arches team and community, contributors. Build the software and you are free to take it and implement it independently, at your organization. Some. Last notable. Mentions here about arches, um. From. The beginning the arches team has worked with both technology, and cultural heritage professionals. To address the needs in the field by, developing, digital solutions, for heritage management, arches. Is supported, by a growing community of professionals, from around the world and everyone. Is welcome to be a part of this process. This. Light will be familiar to you if you attended, part one several weeks ago or if, you watch the webinar recording on our website or via YouTube, this. Diagram depicts a very high-level overview of, the capabilities. Of the ArcGIS platform, we. In, the past we demonstrated, the data discovery, and visual visualizations. Capabilities. Through, various use cases and examples and. We. Also provided, an overview of the data management capabilities. For. Easy access to our past webinars including, part 1 of this series please. Visit our webinar, repository, posite. Or e on our website as you can see here on the screen this. Is the website section where we maintain, all the webinar information including. Full. Transcripts, and slide, decks. In. The, next part of this presentation, Annabelle will guide you through the various data management tools available in arches and point out many of the key features I'm, if. You have posted, any questions, please, just. Make a note that we, will get to your questions at the end of the presentation, I will now now pass on the webinar hosting duties to Annabelle and Thank, You Annabelle. Thank. You Elina so. Um, building. Building. On part 1 of this webinar series today, we're focusing on data management or, in other, words what, enables, all of that great functionality, you saw in the, last webinar under, data discovery and visualization, in the. Highlighted portion of the, diagram on the screen we've. Listed a lot of different functionality. But, I think to better frame this discussion, in the time that we have I'm going. To try to answer this. Question. How. Are the data management tools, in Arches different. Than in any other system, or what distinguishes, them, so. Generally, we assume, that, data management, functions, as the workhorse, back-end a dazzling, front-end, interface, but. With arches, in addition, to providing the power for all that data, discovery and. Visualization. The, data management tools themselves are, impressive. In one day and what they enable you to do and. By. Understanding what. Makes the data management tools in arch is different, hopefully. You will begin to see how arches, unique. Combination. Of tools and capabilities, provide. You with a platform to. Fully and to, fulfill whatever, needs your organization. Might, have. So. The, first point is, that. Once you've installed arches, and have fully defined, what your organizational. Requirements are, the. Data management tools in arches give you the ability to rapidly, configure, an arches web application, with absolutely, no coding required, so. Now what do I mean by this I mean. That if you have a clear idea of what you want arches to do then. For. The most part you your, staff or your service provider will, be able to set up arches quickly to. Effectively. Create bespoke, software just, by providing the, tool, just by using the provided tools, in the arches interface by, essentially pointing and clicking. And. Part. Of what makes that setup rapid, is that, we've integrated a, fully.

Featured Data management, and web publishing system, in one so. When, you configure the database you're, simultaneously, configuring. How, the data entry fields the search and visualization all. Of it appear, to users on the web and by extension on mobile, devices. The. Level to which these are integrated. Allow. You to. Make configuration. Change on the backend using, the data management tools and see, those changes immediately, pushed to, whatever is published, on the, front-end and, the. Reason why this is different, is because oftentimes, these two functions are housed in different applications and perhaps managed, by different teams so we've streamlined this, entire process. The. Next point is that the data management tools and arches control, permission. So who can access what data. So. What, that means is that you can give different groups varying levels of access to your data, for. Example you might want to give your staff, full, access to all types of data in arches including, the ability to view edit and delete every. Type of resource but, maybe a member of the general public may only get to see the name of a historic, resource what. Its designation, or level. Of protection is and, where. It's located. Arches. Design art arches data management tools give you that level of control again just by using the interface and pointing and clicking. So. I mentioned earlier that we, all, assume that there is some sort of data management back-end, powering, a front end user interface, but. How artuz, manages, data behind. The scenes really, creates the, structure in social. Environment, for the powerful search, and visualization capabilities. To be as effective as possible in. A way it kind of supercharges, the search and visualization, capabilities, by, the way that we structure the data. So. In, summary. The. Data management tools in arches give you the ability to create as, purpose. About bespoke, a powerful, and powerful, a platform, as possible. To fully manage and publish your data without, building, the software from scratch and. With. That context, let's actually look at these tools and how they work together. Here's. A very simplified, diagram which. Shows the three main data management, tools, that we are going to discuss today the arches. Designer the. Reference data manager, and the. Resource manager. So. The arches designer creates, and defines the parameters, of your database, including. The, permissions, and, works. With the reference data manager, to define what controlled, vocabularies. Should be used the. Arches designer then automatically. Creates the data entry. At our interface, that, is housed in the resource manager, which, influences, what you actual in search, and visualization, as well, as in arches. Collector, the mobile data collection app, so. Now that's, a very, high-level look, at how all of this fits together so, let's look a little closer. As. I just mentioned the, arches designer and reference data manager worked together to, define, the. Data parameters, for any arches, web application. But what do they do individually. So. The arches designer, in a nutshell is an interface to design your database, and dynamically. Generate, the user interface, that your users will be interacting, with with. No coding required in. Addition. To creating the data entry, forms it also defines, who, will have access to what data and. I. Won't go into into. This much here, since we will talk more about this in webinar 3 of, this series but the artist designer also defines, the semantic, structure, of the data which. Optimizes the, search and discovery as well. As provides a pathway to data longevity. We'll. Take a quick look at, the, artist designer and how it works in a few moments. Generally. Most users, of arches will not have access to the artist designer interface as its, tip as it's typically used at the beginning of an arches implementation. Or when any major changes, need to be made to the system but. The point is that, whomever, has access, can, generally make changes, to the system fairly easily without, writing a line of code. So. You'll see here in the left panel, there. Are three tabs graphs. Cards, and permissions. Starting. At the data node for a name and name type, under. The graph tab you. Can see that what I'm doing here is defining the parameters, for name and name type including, the semantic, relationships. And the, data type and I'm moved, on to cards and you. Can see how I can change how. They appear, in the data entry form so that center panel shows, you a preview of what's, going to be viewed by your. Audience in the data entry forms so, once I'd make these changes that'll, be saved automatically.

Now. Under the permissions, tab I. Can. Determine who gets to see edit and, delete the, data entered. Under name and name type and I, can do this for all of the other, data. Field and nodes but. You can see here that I'm just clicking. Different. Access, levels for. This resource, editor group so anyone who's part of this resource editor group will, be able to read and create, and update all. Of the names for built heritage resources. So. How, do I add a node, slash field to this data model or resource model and a resource. Model in arches terminology, so, here's an example let's. Say I want to add a very, very simple conditions, assessment, with a condition, type and an image generally. There with you more such as date and description but for the purpose of this example let's. Go with this simple assessment. So. This. Video will show you how relatively, easy, it would be to make the selections, to create the change. Now. The. Assumption, here is, that whomever, is making these changes, has. A good, understanding of, your organization's. Data and of data modding modeling. In general we. Will be talking more about the data modeling semantics, and standards, in the next webinar including. The, documentation. And resources, we are developing to, help you with us, so. At, this, point you see I'm in the process of creating that these two new fields, for condition type and condition assessment. Run. Condition in. So. I've. Done that and now, let's take a look at the cards, and how that will actually look in the data entry. Fields. And you, can see that I have, fair, good poor. Very poor as the, selections, under condition. Type but. We need to add another value, to the drop-down for condition type and to. Do this we'll need to work with the reference data manager, which, works with the arches designer to define these drop down values, so. Moving. On to the next video you'll see what, you're looking at now is the reference data manager, interface. What. I'm doing now is I'm going to add, a, new. Value I'm gonna add excellent, because maybe the condition is excellent, and I want to make sure that is associated with the list now, going back to the resource and, to. The, artist. Designer you'll see that that selection, is now available, when. I didn't have it before so. This. Is just a very brief and breezy look at how those two. Tools work together and again we'll talk a little bit more about this in webinar 3. So. Again. As with the artist designer the reference data manager, and control. Vocabularies. And, there's. So much more information to cover here. But. As a summary, of what the reference data manager, tool does it basically, manages, controlled vocabularies. Ie, the terminology. That Arches uses, to populate, data entry, and fuel search and it. Also helps, to ensure consistent, data entry, even, when you have multiple terms for. The same thing again, definitely. Tune in to webinar 3 for all of that exciting information.

So. The. Artist designer and reference data manager work together to define what is actually, seen in the resource manager, so, let's talk about the, resource manager or in other, words the data man the data entry, interface. In the resource manager, you can create new resource, records based on the data models you create an archers designer you. Can add edit delete data, on existing resources, you. Can review the Edit history of a resource, record, and you. Can view and approve provisional, edits all. Of this I will show examples, of in a few seconds, but, I did want to remind you, that what, each user, gets to see and gets, to do in the resource, manager, depends, on the user permissions that you defined in the arches designer. So. First. Of all let's enter some names for a new, resource and let's call the. Resource will be the Statue of Liberty it's one of my favorite ones so. Um you. Can enter multiple names, because, you might have multiple names and in fact the Statute of Liberty does, four. And, perhaps, in different languages, but for this example we're only going to be entering, two names, the primary, and alternative, names so. If, you, had more you could do that as well, so, the. Two names we have are the alternative, name of Liberty enlightening the, world and the, primary name of the Statue of Liberty. Let's. Go ahead and add a location, now for the Statue of Liberty because. Arches, has many geospatial. Capabilities, built into the system you can actually digitize. Locations. Directly, in arches. So. That's what we're gonna do here and, in. Addition, to what you're going to be seeing you, can also import, geometry some other systems, if you want so, if you already have an existing a, GIS and you just want to import the shape, files you can do that here as well and. In. Addition to the geospatial you, can also define, location, in other ways such as address. Again. You can define how you, want to describe location, in the artists designer. You. Can also upload, a photograph or, any, other digital, file you want to associate with this resource record and that's fairly, simple to do you just click, add files and then, find. The file on your computer and then add it, and. Then. Here's, the data entry form that we defined, when we were looking at the arches designer earlier. You'll. See that we added an, image for the current condition and we selected, the type as good not excellent but good. Obviously. You can have more values, and you can change, all those values in, the arches designer and. For. Each record created in arches you. Have access, to the resource manager, which will enable, you, to view, the edit history. Of that, record I mean again if you have access to the resource edit the resource manager, so. Here you can see all, the changes that were made to this particular, record, when. They were made and by what person, I think. This is particularly helpful if you are auditing, data. And. Even.

Before The data is entered you, can assign, provisional, data status, to information, entered by certain people so. That you can review it in the resource manager, before it's published on the web so, this this. Report, shows. That it has provisional, edits that need to, be looked. At and potentially. Approved so I'm logged in as the administrator and. These were made by me when. I was not. An administrator, mode I'm, gonna go ahead as the administrator, changed the date, here because that actually is the correct one and, then. Approve. It you'll. See in the left-hand panel, that. Condition, assessment, record is no longer gold which means that it's been published to. The, arches. Are, two arches on the web and the. Pub whomever, can has access to see that can't see it so. To, begin to wrap up the presentation portion of the webinar these. Three main data management, tools really give you the ability to create the fully featured artists, system that, your organization. Needs without building the software completely. From scratch and. As. A reminder part. Of that fully featured system, is the, artist collector, mobile. Data collection app for iOS and Android we. Did a webinar on just, the collector, and which. You can access on, artist project or slash, collector, for, more information. So. During. Today's webinar if, you got the sense that I was only scratching, the surface of, what makes data, management and arches different, you're absolutely right. So. Coming. In this next intro coming, next in this next in this introductory, webinar series, is a slightly, deeper dive into some, of the conceptual underpinnings, of, the data management tools and arches we'll. Be looking at some important, data technology, that, is, incorporated. Into arches such as standards. Semantics. Controlled, vocabularies, and fuzzy dates, we. Don't have a date as Lina, mentioned for the next webinar but. Hopefully it'll definitely all be taking place on pot time in early to, 2020, but definitely, be sure to sign for a mailing list which. To. Be alerted when, we open registration, for part three and with, that let. Me introduce my, colleague, David Meyers who, will be moderating the Q&A portion, of this. Webinar. Thanks. Annabelle and Alena, and. Thanks everyone for joining the. Webinar today, so. The. Remainder of the hour. Is. Open. For questions. From. Only attendees, so we welcome. You. To, go. It go into the, versus, Q&A, and zoom. At. The bottom and that's, where you can start. Entering your questions so. Can. Be questions on anything that was covered so far or anything else related to arches we'll do, our best to answer, those questions and. We'll. Try, to. Take them in order that they're received, but there's also a way that you can vote up questions.

That You think, are. If. Someone else poses a question that you would like answer, you can vote that up and we'll also, pay attention to that. If. For. Some reason, we don't get to all questions during, the webinar then, we encourage, you to post, them on the forum, the. Arches, public. Forum if you think they're appropriate they're so. In and then I'll, I'll. Be marking. Each question, answered, in the. In. The queue even, though maybe Dennis or Annabel, answers. Them. And. We, you, also see some slides. That. Are rotating. There. During the Q&A time and. That's. Just so, we don't have one one. Static. Slide the whole time you might find something of interest there or you you might, not but. So. Do. We. Have. Any question. Hosted. Here, I I don't see anything posted, yet yeah. There are some questions opposite, in the Q&A panel Q&A, panel okay. So. Our. First question is can, I can, I asked, about the difference between resource. Models, and branches, in the artist designer how. Did the to integrate, with one another. So. Dennis. I think that might be a good question for you. I'm. See. Dennis. If you could turn your microphone on I don't think we can hear you. Hello. Everyone can you hear me now yes we can great, thanks, for unmuting, me, yeah. I would be I'd be happy to take a swing at this question it's a really good one so the, question is what's the difference between, models. And branches, in arches, and. In. Some, ways they're. They're, quite similar, our. Arches, we. Use the terminology model. For. What. I think would be traditionally. Understood as a database, and. Models. And arches, are. Are. Defined. In a, graph, model, a graph structure, and those. Graphs you can visualize, as having. Components. Or branches, so, arches, lets, you define branches. They. Would be the equivalent of tables, in a traditional, database and, you, can save those and you. Can reuse them so think of branches, as a, series. Of saved. Table. Definitions, that, you can you. Can choose, to add to, a model. So. One way you might think of this is. Imagine. That you have a, way. That you like to describe, the. Location of of. A cultural, heritage object, or a condition. As, Annabelle, was showing in her, presentation. Once, you define that, structure. You can save it as a branch and then it can be used in, any model that you want in the future so. Branches. Are really, components. That can be built that. Can be assembled together to create a model. Okay. Thank. You Dennis. We. Had one other question. Asking. Whether the presentation. Will be available as, a PDF, in the future and I see that another. Member of the, artists team Lindsey has answered that but yes. We. Will be posting. Video. Recording, transcript, and a slide deck at. The link. Provided to. That. Question, that. Elina. Showed earlier, on the videos page. All. Right, next. Question. Does. The arches platform, only accept projects, related, to heritage, sites we have a project that we'd like to use arches for but. It will relate to heritage, objects, with oral histories, and different sites around. Niger, would, this qualify. I'll. Take I'll take a first swing of that question anyone, else can jump in so. Really. You're. Being open, source software. Anyone. Can take the software and use it as they. As they wish so there's. Really no. Process. For accepting, projects, and, we. Although, I, would. Say that majority, of. Implementations. Of arches have focused, on. Heritage. Places or. Or. Sites. As as you've mentioned there. Have been some that, have. Recorded. Objects. Or flying, spots of, cultural. Heritage objects, and. There. There are some. Arches. Implementations. That have, or in the process of also, recording. Intangible. Heritage, I believe. Also including, oral, histories so. We've. Noted. Your your question also similar. Question, on the forum and we'll, be following up. With, some additional information, on the forum in response to your question. Does. Anyone else have something to add. And. Now I think you've you. Answer that question I'm, pretty, completely, but again.

Just. To reiterate the point that you can customize artists, to do, what. You want it to do and we have heard from other people who who. Had the that kind of the use case that you described. Okay. Thanks little thanks Annabelle. All. Right we have a question. How, my arches be configured, to, import. And manage legacy. Heritage data alongside newly, collected data, so. Denis. That. Might be a good one for you it's also, sure. Dude, Thanks so, that we get this question actually quite. Frequently and and. It's. Always I think a good one to remind people that our arches. It. Is it's, really designed to let you define, the, data that. You want to manage for, your cultural, heritage resources. And. Hopefully. You got a sense of how that's possible in the, presentation, today, once. Those models, have been defined you're. Free, to import. Existing, data, into those models and arches provides, bulk. Data, importing, tools so. If, you have legacy. Data that. You want to import into Arch's there. Are tools that would allow you to take a comma. Delimited file or a shape, file if you have GIS. Data or. We. Also support, a JSON format, and. Do. Bulk imports, of your existing, data into, arches, and the, process I think is actually pretty straightforward, really, what it boils down to is. Is. Telling. Arches how to map, information. From, say a comma. Delimited file into. An arches model so it's the process is pretty straightforward there's. A little file that you that. You use to say in my in. My comma. Delimited, file take. The first column. And put. It into, this, this. Data, this. Data field, and arches so, it's a pretty simple process and it. Said it's. A common way for people to import. Information, in bulk into arches. All, right thanks Dennis. Next. Question. Is. Do. You offer assistance in, setting up arches guidance. On downloading, and using the software, can. Arches be used through the website directly or is the, downloaded, software required. So, Annabel, do you wanna yes. Um thanks. David um, actually. I'm gonna further answer the first question the, last question first in that um so. Arches, is enterprise level software so, this is suffered that you implement. Independently. Of us, but. We do offer, there. Is assistance available via, if you're going to do this yourself via our arches, discussion, forum which you can find on arches project, org also. If you decide that you. Would like some help with this we have a page on arches project, or that, lists, service, providers that can, help.

You With any portion. Of the. Install. Or set. Up process and configuration, process. And. Hopefully that answers your question. All. Right. Any. Anything, to add Dennis, to them uh no. I think that I think. That's a nice clear, concise answer okay. Next. Is, arch is available, in other languages, so. Dennis. How about that. One. Yeah. Good this is a good question, arches. Is. Designed. So, that it can be. It. Can be customized. So that, the interface the. User. Interface, can. Be presented, in alternate, languages, and those languages, can also be can be languages, that rely, on multiple, scripts, so. What, does that mean in plain English, it. Means that you, can take the, arches interface, and translate. The. Translate. The the, interface into, really, any language, that you desire including, languages, that use scripts, such as Chinese. Or Thai or Arabic. All. That, the. The software is designed to, accommodate, that kind of translation, we. Don't actually provide, the. Specific, translation. We allow or we assume the community, will do that but. The. Process, for. Actually. Supporting. A translation, to another to another language is. Again. Pretty straightforward and. Well. Understood, by. By. The open-source community and, this. Is a this. The. Actual process for doing this is sort, of a there's kind of a multi-step process for, this if, there, are if people are interested in the details this. Is something that I would I would encourage. You to post. On the arches user forum, and you'll get quite a quite, a detailed answer. All. Right. Next. Is, there a trial, instance. Of arch is available to try out the collector, app so, um. Annabelle, I know you know something about that I do um so this is a question Thank. You Hanna. We're. Actually working on that right now at. The moment what we'll be working on is providing, um, basically. Through, the arches demo, a way, to use, the artist collector app so that you'll also not, only be able to use the collector, app on your phone but you'll able to be able to see the. The. Guess. What, you enter on the, arches. Demo site and we're, looking at doing, that in the early part of 2020, so definitely, watch, the space for that.

Okay. Next. Do. You feel arches, may be adopted. For, archaeological, excavations. Dynasty. You do, you. Have. Thoughts on that yeah. Dave I'll I'll take a swing at this uh, this, is a really interesting question because it hits, and. I think one of the subtleties, of arches, which is, we've. Tried to design the. System, this platform so that it. Would be appropriate, it. Could be used appropriately, at really, many. Different. Spatial. Scales so. We've seen arches, used at. Scales, ranging from, sort. Of the size, of a for. The project, site all, the way through, multinational. Inventories. So, inventories, that span say. Up to 20. Or more, nations and arches, really. At its core lets you in fact in. Some ways I guess requires, you to decide, to what scale, you want to you, want to manage, your information and the. Scale of an individual, archaeological, excavation. Is can. Be quite a quite a local scale and, arches. Is actually. Quite capable of supporting that the, the, models, that you might create to, support, that level. Of spatial. Resolution. Might, be quite different than the models you use to. Manage. Cultural. Heritage resources. At a city. Or county, or national, scale but. The. Fact, that you can define your models, to meet your specific use, cases and in this case the use case of managing, say. The. Recording, of various strata in in, an excavation, is something. That arches can. Support, from a data management perspective. So. Hopefully. That's not too. Detailed. Of a or two to, theoretical, of an answer but, ran, if that's if. Hopefully. That answers your question. And. I'll just mentioned in follow-up two dentists that, that. We, the. Artist team has. Heard. From a. Few, groups. Fairly. Recently who are interested, in looking, at applying, artist or excavation. Level, recording, and. If. If. You were to post that question on the forum then. We. Could we could we could, prop some of those other. People in the community to. See. If they they, can offer any information. On what. Their what, they're looking. At or whether, they're moving forward. Next. Question, is. It, possible to control access on, an individual, resource level, ie. Some, resources, in the same model might be sensitive, others, not. So. Dennis. I know you've you've dealt with this very question. Yeah. This is a great question, if if. You were paying close attention one, of the things you might have recognized, in the presentation. Was that you. Can define. Permissions. On, individual. Attributes, or, individual data fields. In arches. And, that's super, powerful. But. We don't in version. 4 which is the version that that, Annabelle, was using to demonstrate this we don't support. The. Creation, of we. Don't support. Permissions. On full. Resources. That is to say let's, say you had a model of. Historic. Buildings and you. Wanted to limit. The, access, to one. Specific building to just a particular, group we. Don't support that in version 4 however. We. Are working on version 5 at the moment and we expect to release. Version, 5 of arches, in January, of 2020. So really. In just several, weeks and. That. This specific, kind of of permission. The permission. To, set permissions on, entire. Resources, is something. That will be supported, in version, 5 of arches. Alright. Next, we have the question, which. Tools are available to. Link the metadata, result, from oral, resource, in.

Vivo. Example. To different objects into the same collection, database. Dennis, do you have. Any, thoughts on that or are you familiar with in vivo. I'm. Not David. I don't really know too much about in vivo so I can't. Speak specifically, to that particular. Example. At. A more general but if. We look at the question a bit more generically. Like, looking at the. Question, of of. Linking. Metadata, to resources, that's. One. Of one of the key things that arches lets you do in fact. We. Didn't really touch on this in too much detail today, but one. Of the key things that arches, really, is designed to do is to let you define. Relationships. Between, resources. And, those. Relationships, can be quite rich and and. Semantic, in nature and you can, extend relationships. To, between. Resources, what so when, particular. Resource might have multiple relationships. With other resources, and. Those. Relationships, could include metadata, relationships. As well in particular if. You have a. Model, of metadata. Model that you that you really like you can define that in arches and that can participate in, relationships, between. Resource. Instances, so. In, so. In the general sense yes, arches provide already provides you with ways of linking, to metadata in the specific, sense of Envivio I'm, not, I'm not familiar, enough to know exactly how that would work. All right thanks Dennis and. Laura. If you'd like to. Pursue. That question, further you could always post on the community. Forum, with. Some more details I know that this, Q&A panel limits. You, know how much detail you could put there so that. Might. Be helpful. All. Right I, see. One other question if. We. Do have some, time left in, the Q&A, period so, if. Others. Attendees. Still have questions I, encourage, you to go ahead and post those but. Let me get to the next question, we have in the queue we, follow, up to the archaeology. Question, do you also integrate, CRM, extensions. Such as CRM. RKO. CRM. Geo. Dennis. I'll point, that one to you but I'm sure Anna, bill might have some thoughts on that - yeah, thanks David well the short answer here is yes Arch's. Does support. CRM. Extensions, and. The. Two extensions, mentioned, in particular. CRM. Archeo and serum, geo what extensions, are supported, in Arch's it. In the general case really, arches to let you load, other. Ontology, x' and, as, well, as the CRM ontologies, so. It. Has a degree of flexibility, Bator that I think's potentially. Quite interesting, so if you find that you'd, like to add an upcoming, or, new newly. Approved, CRM. Extensions, arches. Has the tool sets already, in place to allow you to do that and really. Even consider using additional, ontology x' if you need to. All. Right yes, I don't really have thing to add to that except, and I. Think, Dennis pretty much said, that all but again just, just, to reiterate. You. Can you can extend, the, ontologies and arches. By. Either using those CRM extensions, or. Adding. An additional. Ontology, the outside of the, CRM, family. Of ontology. All. Right. And. Actually i'm to add to that i what, one thing else again. I'll plug the, webinar 3 because. We will be talking a little bit more about. About. Ontology z' and the semantics, of arches, in that, webinar so, we'll have a little bit more information about that. In. Early 2020. Okay. I. Don't. See any other. Unanswered. Questions, at this point in the queue, there, was one. Other question. That. An. Attendee, regret. Where, you're at a blim missed the. Last presentation, and most of today's. Is. It possible to see the webinars again and I see Lindsey from the team as. Posted. That past webinars, are available at the arches. Right, orgs. Videos. Link and this. One will be made available there, also in, about. A week's time. So. Feel. Free to to. Attendees. Out there if you have more questions go, ahead and submit those. Do. You.

Dennis. Or or Annabelle have any just. Additional. Comments. On the. Content. That was presented today. I'll. Just say David that. I appreciate, everybody attending. Today, hopefully. We've generated some, additional. Questions for you and some interest in the upcoming webinar and, if. You do have any questions if, anything, occurs to you over the next day or two by, all means, please. Avail yourself to, the. Arches, user. Forum, we're. We're. Quite, happy to take a stab at answering any questions that might pop up over the next day or two so thanks again for attending. We, do have one new question. Which. Is could, you detail more about future, plans for development. Such. As version, 5. Uh. I was hoping somebody was gonna ask this so. Thank, You Lindsay for posting. That question. We. Have quite, a really. Quite a long, summary. Of. Or. Maybe the better way to say this we have it quite a detailed summary of what's, coming in version 5 and I, believe that is posted, or will, be posted. Shortly to, the arches project. Org. Website. There's, actually, quite a bit of quite, a bit quite a bit of work there but. I can just quickly highlight some, of the main things that we're gonna be including in version 5 and, they. Really are I think quite quite. Interesting so. We'll. Be doing basic, technology, upgrades in version, 5 so refreshing. The key, technologies, that Arches uses so in particular, upgrading. To the latest versions, of Python and Django and, post. GIS and elasticsearch, those, are really I think key technology, upgrades they're, there. Those, are those have been completed in fact. Additionally. We are introducing. Some brand, new capabilities. In version, 5 and, the most important. Couple. I think are. Workflows. And. Workflows. Are, a. New. A new capability, of arches they're a way of defining. A data, entry a, multi-step. Data entry process so think of this as a way of orchestrating. The order of operations, of a of. A data entry of, a data entry work workflow we think of this as a way of. Mirroring. A business, process, that you, that, you have in, Arches, software, so, examples. Might include things. Along. The lines of ensuring. A. Data. Entry person enters, the right data in the right order for.

Say, The description, of a. Condition. Assessment, on the phone. Really. We're. Also including a, thing. Called task manager, in arches version 5 task. Manager is a, way of. Supporting. Longer, running tasks, without, asking. People to wait for, a response a. Really, obvious example. Here would be allowing. Someone to request. A data, download of say. Search results, that, might include several, tens of thousands of Records arches. Task manager will allow you to request that at the export. It'll. Then go ahead and do the work and it'll email, you when that export, is ready for you to to, download. Hand-in-glove. Without our notification, so having. Arches be aware of when. A task is done and then buying, notifying. You specifically, when. The. Work that you've requested is is ready for you I touched. Earlier on the, support, of. Improve. Or enhanced. Permissions, so. That's part, of v5. We're. Enhancing many. Of the defaults, data entry, forms and in particular, data. Entry forms related to image. Uploads, file. Uploads, and. Geospatial. Data, and. I. Guess, I just mentioned this briefly but we're also supporting, export. Of search results, in v5, as well. As, just. General data, are performance. Enhancements, so improve. The speed of data import. And export. And. Lots of lots. Of, lower-level. Things, along the along performance. And technology, enhancements, and. And. I guess maybe that's a reasonable, place to stop those things are all coming in January. Of next, year and. I'm. Gonna add to that Dennis that um you. Can go to artists product org and look at our roadmap and all of that is, published. Now in detail. Excellent. All. Right well, we don't have any more questions. In the queue and I think that. Memory. Of. Ongoing. Development, that's coming up is a great place to to. Stop, here so. We'll. Just oh I. See. Someone. Saying one more question so, okay. All right we'll, just wait for you to, to. Type, your question. There. In. Case you don't know on the website that the roadmap is a under. The development. Section on the website so you can find it there. Okay. Well, I don't see the, underneath. Here, we go. Okay, one, more question what a client be able to view the data on your website. Or would they require. The. Software. So. I, will. I'll. Pass that to Dennis and. See. Well. See. There. Might be some teasing out to do there yeah. Potentially, I mean I think the. The. Most direct answer is to say that once. You have arches set up access, to arches, is done via a browser so. Anyone. With a browser, that. Has, the ability to access. Your. Arches, web. Application. Everyone. Has to log on so your arches web application, and based on their, logon. Based on the their, authentication, they're, granted the privileges, that you define for that particular, user or that group so, you, have. Access to arches, via, a browser and you. Define the, level, of access, that, each user, has for your data and for. Specific, users you, can also allow. Access, via arches. Mobile, app which. Is designed, primarily for, supporting. Field. Based data. Creation. Data. Updates and data edits so, hopefully, that, hits to the heart of the question and, just. To add to what Dennis said and I know, you alluded, to this but, again, the. Artists project so. We don't we, don't collect everything everyone's data so there's not a single. Website. Or data website. That collects, everyone's data arches, is software that you are independently. Deploying, on your own server and. With. The with the controls on your own data. Okay. And, we do, have another question. What. About public access, for example we can view the Los.

Angeles, City, Los Angeles data. From. Their implementation. Which is historic, places LA but. It appears like there are other surveys, that cannot be seen from the browser. Okay. Um should. I answer that question sure, all. Right this, is Annabelle and, so. All, of this again. It each, organization. Decides. What, data. To, publish on via. The artist platform. So. For, example for Los Angeles they might still be in the process of, entering. Their, data and making that data available but. That again is up to that individual. Implementation. Of arches so, they control who, sees their data what data that they're publishing, that, again and they might that. Data might be available for example so there might have been other surveys, that we're done, but. They might so be. Reviewing. That and making sure that I it's. Ready, to publish to the general public. All. Right. One. More questions, come in so. Which. Is is an intangible cultural, heritage resource. Such, as festivals, rituals, culinary, heritage. Associated. With Historic Site compatible. Or presentation. Or collection, in the arches platform. Any. Existing case study to those that availed of arches, already. I'll. Take. A first pass at this so. This. Has been. Asked. On our on our forum. Fairly. Recently and. There. Are already, some, some, implementations. Of arches that have worked. With recording, intangible heritage for. Instance Hong Kong University. Their. Implementation. Focused on Hong Kong I know that. There's. A project in the, Caribbean. Implementations. For Jamaica and Barbados. Where, my. Understanding, is they're currently, dealing with that and we. Actually posted. A video. Of. A presentation. Of that work that. You will find in the same video section, of the arches website by Angela, Labrador on that. But. Feel. Free to. Ask. Your question if you like also on the forum and. I'm. Sure we could we, or others can provide more detail there. Anything. To add, on that. Innes. Or Annabel. No. That seems like a good answer. Okay. One. New question, will version 5 be a direct, upgrade from, version 4 or will, the data need to be migrated. Version. 5 will, be able. To read versions, formed models, and data. So. In. That sense. It'll be a direct, upgrade, however. As. With any major upgrade, the. Right way to do this would be to install version, 5. Test, it can confirm. To, your own satisfaction that, it meets your requirements, and. Then I would I would. Then, migrate. Data from version 4 to version 5 that. That is the failsafe. Way to do it and. The. And the, recommended way to do it okay. We're, just about, at the end of the hour so at. This point there are no active questions, in the queue and I'm going to turn it back to Alena. To close out the webinar. Hi. Everyone, thank you so much for joining this. Webinar today, we, hope you found the content informative. And that you learned something new about Arch's, we. Will announce the dates for the next webinar via, our email, list if you want to sign up on our website for that list and through. Our social media channels if. You have a moment please share your feedback about. Today's webinar, or, any of the previous webinars you've attended by. Emailing us at contact at, Arches project, org, we. As everyone. Has mentioned we're happy to continue the conversation, on the. Arches forum, and that. Is, a Google Group and I, think, I have the address posted, on the on the, screen here and. If you haven't followed us on social media yet we share a lot of community, updates. About what's happening, in related. To arjan's around the world so, that's a great place to learn. About new content, so thanks, again we, hope you'll join us next, year for, part three of this, series have. A great day all bye bye. You.


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