Intro to Docker - Part 2 (Networking, Docker Compose)

Intro to Docker - Part 2 (Networking, Docker Compose)

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Hey, I’m Dalia and this is part  2 of my Intro to Docker video. In part 1, we covered the fundamentals of Docker  including why you’d use Docker, what images   are and what containers are. Then we created a  container for a simple hello world application. If you haven’t watched part one, I highly  recommend going back and watching it.   I’ve included a link in the description In this video, I want to build on that knowledge  and explain a few more concepts that are   important to understand when using Docker,  especially around networking which quickly   comes up as soon as your application  starts using multiple containers.   I also want to explain why  and how to use Docker Compose.

But before we talk about networking and Docker  Compose, I want to show you how to containerize   a more advanced application than our Hello World,   and uses more than one container. This will lay  the ground work needed to discuss networking. We'll start by going back to our web application  we talked about in the previous video. Let’s say our application is a form that takes  in user input and saves it to the database.

In my case, my application is using Tomcat as  its application server and MySQL as its database.   Don’t worry too much about what  exactly I’m using as much as the   fact that I’m using different  technologies in my application. Originally when I started developing  this application, I had to manually   install Tomcat on my machine and then also  install MySQL- which was a bit of a pain. I also helped a few developers run the application  on their machines which convinced me that I   could really use Docker to minimize the setup  necessary to get my application up and running.

Let’s go ahead and do that! We’ll containerize this application by first  creating a database container. Then, creating   a container for my application code and everything  it needs to run including the app server and JVM. Let’s switch to our IDE and before we do anything,  we’ll make sure Docker is up and running.   I’ll run docker version. The output looks good. Now we’ll create the MySQL container  that my application will use to persist   its data. You can use these same basic  steps for any database you want to setup.

Like we mentioned in the previous video, in  order to create a container, we need an image. Luckily, for most databases, there are   official images available on DockerHub that  you can simply pull and use right away. We’ll pull the official mysql image by running  the docker pull command and passing in mysql. At this point, if you want to  use a specific version of mysql,   you can specify a colon and a version. I’ll leave  it off which will pull the latest mysql image. Now that I have my image, I  can create a container from it. We’ll create a container  and give it a name - app-db. 

I want to start this container in detached mode   so our terminal isn’t taken  over by the database logs. If you’ve ever worked with databases,  you’ve probably had to do some sort of   configuration with it like setting  a username or a password, etc. In Docker, you do so by passing in environment  variables when you first create your container. For example, for MySQL databases, we  are required to set a root password   for the database or it won't come up successfully.

I can do that by specifying the -e  option, stands for environment variables,   and passing in the environment variable’s key and  value. I could also use an environment file to   specify my environment variables but in this case,  I’ll keep things simple and pass them in directly. I also want to not have to deal with having  to initialize a database for my tables so   I’ll pass in the MYSQL_DATABASE environment  variable and give my database a name like myDB.

Finally I need to specify the image that  will be used to create this container,   which is the mysql image we just pulled. Let’s run this command. We see our container’s ID which tells that  our container was created and started.

We also see it listed in the list  of containers when we run docker ps. Now just because the container came up,  doesn’t mean the process in this container   was able to start successfully which is why  I always like to check the container logs. I'll do that by running the docker logs  command and passing in the container name.  

I can also use the ID if I want. Our container logs shows us that our  database has started successfully   and is ready for us to persist to it. I want to pause here and mention that there  are some debates on whether there are benefits   to containerizing your databases for  applications running in production.   There are lots of valid arguments on both sides  which you will want to consider when you’re   ready for your application to go to production. However, for development environments  where data integrity isn’t a concern,   containerizing your database  can be very beneficial   because of how easy and fast it is  to setup a database with Docker.

Another point I want to make is that with  this current setup, my data will be wiped   away whenever I recreate my container. For my  development env, that’s fine. But if you’re   thinking about using databases in production and  are wondering how that works, Docker allows you to   store data long term using volumes which allow  you to store your data on the host filesystem. Now that we have our database container  up and running, let’s create our second   container which will have our web  application. We'll start with similar   steps to what we did with the Hello World  container but we'll build on top of that. Before we start, let’s take a  quick look at our application code.  

Our application has a JSP file containing the form  that the user sees when they navigate to the app.   Then once the user submits a form,  myServlet is called which creates an   object containing the information passed in  by the user and persists it to the database. The persistence.xml file specifies  the URL that the application is using   to connect to the database.  This will be important later.

Now, let’s containerize this  application. - In order to do that,   we first need to create an image. We'll do so by creating a Dockerfile  that contains the instructions on how   to create an image which will have our  application code, app server and JVM. The first line of our Dockerfile will  define the base image that we’ll build   our own image on top of.

For our hello world image, all  we needed was a JVM. - This time,   our application doesn’t just need a JVM,  it also needs an application server. For Tomcat, there is an official image  available that includes both the app server   along with the JVM. I’ll specify the tomcat  image name and this time, I’m going to be a   bit more opinionated about my version and use  Tomcat version 10 with version 11 of the jdk.

Next, I need to add the application code from  my host machine into the image filesystem. I’m going to rebuild our war file and  make sure it’s ready to go into our image. Our war file is built and is  available under the target directory.  

We can go ahead and use it in our Dockerfile. For my second argument, I need to specify the  target directory where the war will be placed   in the image. For an app like hello world, I  was able to basically place the application   files wherever I wanted on the image filesystem. However, since I’m building this image on top   of a tomcat base image, I need to drop my  files in the directory where tomcat needs   it in order to run the application  when Tomcat starts in the container.

For tomcat, that location is  /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ Finally we need the command that we  want to run when the container starts.   For Tomcat, you can invoke the catalina  script which starts the Tomcat server.  So, this Dockerfile basically  says, build my image by taking   a base image that includes Java 11  and Tomcat 10, drop my web application   war in the appropriate tomcat  directory and then start Tomcat. Let’s build this image. We’ll run the docker build command and give  our image a name “my-web-app” with a 1.0 tag.   Then, I'll specify a '.' for my current directory.

Looks like our image was created successfully. Now we’re ready to create  our application’s container.   We’ll give our container a name -  “app” and start it in detached mode.   Then finally specify the image name  that this container is based on. Looks like my container has started. If we take a look at the logs, looks  like the server started successfully.

Let’s go to our browser and try to reach  our application at localhost:8080/MyWebApp/ Well, we actually get an error and if you’ve ever   worked on web applications, you  probably dread seeing this page. This is a great time to start talking  about how networking works in Docker. In the previous video, we talked about  how containers are well isolated units   which is why you can run multiple containers  without them trampling all over each other.   This concept of isolation  especially applies to networking.

Let’s go back to our original  application stack without Docker. On my machine, I had a number of  ports that processes and services   run on and receive requests. In my original environment, the  Tomcat server was directly installed   on my machine and ran on port 8080,  which is the default port for Tomcat. This allowed me to reach my application by  making an HTTP request to localhost port 8080. Now in my new environment that uses Docker, there  is an extra layer of isolation with my containers.

Meaning, that while our application container has  actually started and is running on port 8080 in   its container, Docker doesn’t actually  know what’s going on in the container.   To visualize this, I like  to think back to the ship   carrying a bunch of containers without knowing  anything about the containers contents.  In order to change that, there needs to be  some extra information about the containers. So, there is a couple of extra details we need to  notify Docker about in order to make the container   visible outside of Docker. First, we need to tell Docker that  there is a process in the application   container that listens on a specific port  at runtime. We do this by exposing the port. For example, for our application container,   we need to expose the 8080 port since  tomcat will be listening on that port.

When we expose the port, we’re exposing the port  to Docker which allows you to communicate between   Docker containers but that still  doesn’t open it up outside of Docker. In order to make your ports  available outside of Docker,   you need to tell Docker to publish your port  and bind it to a port on the host machine. Let’s see what this looks like in action. First, let’s expose the 8080 port where  the Tomcat server will be running. I can   do so by including the EXPOSE instruction in my  Dockerfile along with the port I want to expose. Since we made adjustments to the  Dockerfile, we need to rebuild our image.

Now Docker will know that this container  has a process listening on port 8080. Now Docker knows about this port, we can now tell  Docker to bind this port to a host machine’s port. We’ll want to do so at the time when we  create a new container. But before we do that,   let’s do a little cleanup and get rid of the  container we created earlier since we will no   longer be using it. We’ll run the docker remove  command with the dash force option which will stop   the container and remove it. You could also run  docker stop instead of passing the -force option. BTW, if you’re ever wondering what docker options  available to you, you can use the --help option.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten rid of our  old application container, let’s recreate   it with the same name but this time, I’ll pass  in the -p option which stands for publish. Then,   we need to specify the port on the host machine  to bind to my container’s port. Then add a colon   and specify the container port that  the host port will be bound to.

This tells Docker to make port  8080 available outside of Docker   and binds that port to the  host machine’s port 8080. We’ll finish writing our command  and create our new app container. Now, let’s try to reach the application  again……. Awesome! Looks like we can now   reach our application running in our  container at local host port 8080! I want to make a quick side note here. For  this container, we bound the container’s   port to the same port number on the host  machine. But we didn’t have to do that.   I could have chosen any other host  machine port to bind to my container port.

For example, say I want to run a  second instance of my application.  When my second app container starts, the Tomcat  server in the container will be running on the   default 8080 port exposed in my Dockerfile. The  fact that both containers are running on port 8080   is not a problem in this case because they’re  running within their own isolated containers.

However, if I want to make the  second app container available   outside of Docker, I need to bind the  container port to an open host port.  In fact, if I try to create a second container and  pass in the same 8080:8080 port bindings, I’ll get   an error because the 8080 port on the host machine  is already allocated to my first app container. Instead, I need to bind my container port  to an open host port, for example, 8081. We’ll do that by executing the same docker  run but this time with 8081 as the host port. BTW, I always have to lookup which port  gets listed first for the -p option. So,  

just remember that you specify the host  machine port first then you specify   the container port you want that  host machine port to be bound to. Now if we run this command, we see that our  second app container was created successfully. And now I can access a second instance of  my application using the 8081 port URL. This is also a good demonstration of  how easy Docker makes it to bring up   several instances of your application  and scale your containers up and down. If you ever want to see your port bindings,  you can run docker ps and see them there.

I don’t really need two instances of my  application so I’ll go ahead and delete   my second container. You can refer  to containers using their name or id.   I’ll use the container’s id this time - I can even  use as little as the first 4 characters of the ID. And looks like we’re back to  having our two containers. We successfully made our application  reachable to the outside world. However,   there is another aspect of networking  that we haven’t talked much about yet   which is communication between Docker containers. In fact, our application isn’t fully working right  now. If I try to persist any data, the request  

won’t go through. That’s because my application  container can’t reach the database container. Let’s see why this is the case and learn  more about networking in the process. In Docker, there are several types of networks  that allow you to create secure networks   for communication between containers. Bridge  networks are the most commonly used one. In fact,   if you create a network and don’t pass a type, a  bridge network will be created for you by default. I’d like to set up a bridge network to handle  communication between my two containers.

I can do that by calling the docker network create  command and pass in a network name “app-network”. The network is created. Let’s take a look at all the networks we have now. You’ll notice the new network in this list.  You’ll also notice three other networks which   Docker creates by default. A host network which  removes the network isolation you have between  

a container and its host machine, a none  network, which disables all networking,   and a bridge network which the  containers are attached to by default. The recommended practice is to create a dedicated   network for containers that are meant to be  connected to each other instead of using this   default bridge network which is shared between  all containers on the same Docker daemon. Now that we have our network, we need to  connect both our containers to this network.   We’ll start with the app-db container. We’ll call docker network connect,   specify the network’s name then container  that we want to connect to the network. Our app-db container is now  connected to our app-network.

Next, we need to connect the app container  to the network. However, before we do that,   we need to change how the app connects  to the database by changing the URL. Let’s go to the application file  that specifies the database URL.  

In our original setup without Docker, our app was  using localhost to access the MySQL db installed   directly on the machine. Instead, we want to  connect my application to the database container.  We can do so by referencing the  name of the database container   which is app-db. The reason this will  work is because the two containers   will be connected to their own dedicated  network which resolves the address properly.

And now that we’ve made a change to the  application code, we need to update our   image with the new code. So, we’ll rebuild the  application file that goes into our image, then   I’ll rebuild my image and delete my old container  since I’ll be recreating it with the new image. There are several ways to make the  process of updating your application   code easier and more automated when  working with Docker - I talk about   that in my Docker in IntelliJ IDEA video  - but for now, we’ll take the long way. As I’m recreating my app container,   I can pass in the network I want my container  to use along with the docker run command   instead of having to call docker network  connect separately. You can do it either way. Now that the app container is  connected to the app-network   we’ve got both containers  communicating with each other. Let’s see if our application is fully  working and can reach the database.

Awesome! My application container is now  properly connected to the database container   and I can persist my data successfully! By now, you’ve probably lost  track of the exact commands we   need to execute all the commands we’ve run and all  the adjustments we’ve made. Actually, if you’re   anything like me, you avoid closing your terminal  so you don’t lose your command history. But of   course that’s not really sustainable or scalable.  That’s one of the reasons to use Docker Compose. Docker Compose is a tool that allows you  to define your application services and   basically codifying (is that  a word) your run commands.

By now, you’ve probably lost track of the exact  commands we need to execute to get our application   up and running - I know I have. If someone asks  me for these commands, I’ll be going back through   all of my command line history and try to  figure out which commands to provide them. Thankfully, I don’t actually need  to do that if I use Docker Compose. Docker Compose is a tool  that allow you to define your   application services and basically  lets you codify your run commands. Let’s see how we can use Docker  Compose for our application. First, we need to create a YAML  file called docker-compose.yml.

If you’re not familiar with YAML, it’s a  language commonly used for configuration   and is made up of key-value pairs.  It’s an alternative to XML or JSON. The first key-value pair we need to specify is  the version that this docker compose will be   using for its file format. I'll specify  the “version” key then set the value   to “3" - since it's currently the latest  major version for the compose file format. Next, we define the services  that make up the application.  

In our case, we have two services, one is the  database service and the other is the app service. BTW, when you’re writing YAML files,  be very careful about your indentation.   In this case the IDE is helping me out  and putting in the right indentation   but if you’re making any edits, pay attention  to that. I’ve been bit a few times by that. When I write my docker compose files, I like to  look at the run command I used to get my container   working. Let’s take a look at our run command and  see how we codify that in my docker compose file. First, I’ll call my service app-db,  that way my application can use the   same URL to access the database and I  don't have to update my application.

Then, I’ll list the image that  this service uses which is mysql Then, I’ll list the environment variables  that I want to pass when the container starts  And that’s all I need to start the first service. For my second service, I'll call it “app” You can either specify the name of the image  we built earlier - my-web-app. Or what I like   to do in my dev environments to simplify the  environment setup is to have Docker compose   build the image for me if it doesn’t exist. I do  so by specifying build colon '.' which will look  

for a Dockerfile in the current directory and  build the image before it starts the container. Then, I’ll list my port bindings that will make  my app service available outside of Docker. Then, I will declare a dependency on  the db service that way my application   service doesn’t come up until  my database service has started. Now, we’re ready to use our docker-compose  file to bring up our application. Before I do that, I’ll do some  cleanup and delete the containers   we created earlier using the docker run  commands. This will help us avoid port  

binding errors when docker compose tries  to allocate port 8080 on the host machine. Then, we’ll run the docker-compose up command   which will bring our application up by  creating and starting our two containers. In the output, we see that docker compose created  two containers for us. The default name of the   container comes from the base directory of our  project underscore then the name of the service.

If we run docker ps, we now see the two  containers that docker compose created for us   without executing any docker run commands. Let’s see if our application has started and is  running successfully using Docker compose….And   if we persist our data, it works too. I want to make a quick note here, if you noticed,  the new containers that docker compose created   were able to talk to each other without us having  to create a new network and connecting those   containers to that network. That’s because Docker  Compose automatically creates a bridge network   for the application services you’ve  defined in your docker-compose.yml file  

and attaches your containers to it. So  you don’t have to manually do it yourself. In fact, if we run docker network ls,   we’ll see the network that docker  compose created for the two containers. I want to end my video by showing you  why everything we covered here matters.

The original problem I had - was that the process  to get my application running was long and   tedious. So I decided to setup my application  to work with Docker to simplify this process. Let’s say I just got a request from  Helen who is a developer on my team   wanting to work on my application. First  I need to help her setup her development   environment and get the application  building and running locally. Let’s  

see how that looks like now that I’ve  got my application working with Docker. Dalia: Hey Helen Helen: Hey Dalia. How are you? Good. How are you?

I'm alright. Thank you. I'm  looking forward to this. Yeah, let's start by cloning my web application   repository. I'm going to  send you the link on Slack. Amazing. Okay. Awesome, can you clone this repo? I certainly can. I will clone in IntelliJ IDEA.  JetBrains Toolbox. That's correct. Open link. Ok. Clone Repository. Yep. Checking the  directory. All looks good. I shall press Clone. Let's full screen IntelliJ IDEA as well.

Now, do I trust Dalia? I think I do.  So let's trust this project. Yes. Awesome and do you have Docker running? I do. I do. It's not showing up there in my  little icons but I promise you, it is running. All right. We'll find out soon enough. Great! Okay, you'll want to build the  application war however you usually do that.

Okay. Let's do it this way. Let's do build,  build artifacts and my web app war build. And previously in this video I used the terminal  using Maven install. You can do whatever you'd   like. It looks like Helen's preferable  method is to do it through IntelliJ IDEA. Awesome! So now let's go  and run docker compose up.

Okay. Should I do that in my terminal? Yes, let's do that. You could also do it   from IntelliJ IDEA, but let's  do it through the terminal. All right. I will use the terminal. So  Option+F12 for me, docker-compose up.   Let's start that running.

All right. Looks like that's off. Great. I like to give it a few seconds. Sure. I think it's done.

Yeah. I think that looks good. Let's try to reach  the application so you can go to your browser   and try to go to localhost:8080/MyWebApp/ Okay. localhost:8080/MyWebApp/. Here we go. There it is! Oh, it's an important  form. Well, I will fill it in then.

My name is Helen. That one is  easy. What is your favorite fruit?   That one is not easy. Let's  go with grapes and submit. Brilliant! It's working Dalia! And as you can see, because I've set  up my application to work with Docker,   Helen, didn't have to worry about manually  installing Tomcat or installing MySQL databases,   or even getting just the right Java version.  And you'll also noticed that she's on macOS   and I'm on Windows. And thankfully I  did not have to worry about showing her   how to get any of these requirements  on her operating system. Anyways, thank you so much, Helen. And I'm  looking forward to collaborating with you more.

Thank you, Dalia. I'm really excited and that was  super easy. So thanks for walking me through it. Thanks, bye. See ya! And this wraps up our second  Intro to Docker video. I hope you’ve found this video helpful and  you now have a better understanding of Docker. For your next video, checkout my Docker in  IntelliJ IDEA video I've included in the   description to learn how to use IntelliJ IDEA to  make developing application with Docker easier. Thanks for watching!

2021-09-02 08:52

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