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China Faces Nationalist Anger Over U.S. Plane in Taiwan Taiwan Navy conducts new air defense missile, radar system trials Taiwan's May exports surge, COVID-19 may cloud outlook WHO official says can't force China to give more information on COVID-19 origins Israeli parliament to vote on new government by June 14 Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere Hits Record High Despite Pandemic Dip Indonesian fishermen fear dwindling catch, environmental damage as tin miners target ocean SWISS TO VOTE ON WHETHER TO BECOME FIRST EUROPEAN NATION TO BAN SYNTHETIC PESTICIDES NEW DINOSAUR SPECIES DISCOVERED IN AUSTRALIA, ONE OF WORLD'S BIGGEST OLDEST MALE CHIMPANZEE IN U.S. DIES AT AGE 63 AT CALIFORNIA ZOO Welcome to FBNC June 9 Today's world news The incident of the US Air Force C-17 transport carrying a delegation of three US senators landed in Taipei City on the island of Taiwan on June 6 and stopped here for three hours has attracted fierce criticism backlash from the Chinese people, they strongly criticized this and urged the government to keep the "red line" declaration.

Democrats Tammy Duckworth and Chris Coons and Republican Dan met with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and announced plans to donate 750,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses to help alleviate its shortage of shots. Although Taiwanese media reported that it was the first C-17 visit since at least 1995, the Chinese response was relatively measured. State media including the official Xinhua News Agency didn’t report on the trip while the Chinese Foreign Ministry sidestepped a question about the plane as video clips of the American plane at Taipei Songshan Airport circulated on Weibo. The most-liked comment on a post of C-17 photos said: “Our red line is no red line. If this is the case, how can foreigners treat Taiwan as part of China?” Experts say the reaction of the Chinese people poses a challenge for the government to maintain a balance, after years of fierce criticism by Beijing and increased military activities around the island of Taiwan to prevent it from spreading.

Photos of a Taiwanese tank landing ship outfitted with the new Sea Oryx short-range air defense system and a domestically produced phased array radar have been circulating online, revealing the latest advances in the nation’s defense. The Kaohsiung, an LST-542-class tank landing ship, is shown in the picture carrying out trials of the missile and radar system, Alert 5 reported. The missile launcher is located at the stern of the ship, while the radar can be seen on the vessel’s deck. The Sea Oryx, designed by the National Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, was first revealed in 2015 at the Taipei Aerospace and Defense Technology Exhibition.

It is essentially the Taiwanese version of the U.S. RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile system and uses the Sky Sword I air-to-air missile, according to Navy Recognition. The Sky Sword I is currently in service with the Air Force’s fleet of IDFs and the Army’s Antelope surface-to-air defense missile system. Taiwan's exports rose for an 11th straight month in May, and far exceeded expectations, Exports rose 38.6% from a year earlier to $37.41 billion last month. However, it said global economic fundamentals continue to improve, and that Taiwan's semiconductor industry stands to gain from demand for 5G and other high-tech products.

The ministry added that assuming coronavirus cases do not start affecting production domestically, which has not happened in a significant way so far, exports in the second quarter could exceed $100 billion. May exports to China, Taiwan's largest trading partner, jumped an annual 29.5% to $15.69 billion, while exports to the United States grew 27.3% on year. Taiwan could see June exports increase in the range of 27% to 31% from a year earlier, the ministry added. Taiwan's economy will grow at its fastest pace in more than a decade in 2021, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin on Monday. The United States should stop slandering China with coronavirus origin tracing issue and be transparent to accept investigations, The statement came after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a recent interview that

China hasn't provide the transparency and the U.S. would hold China "accountable". Wang reaffirmed that China has been cooperating with international experts on origin-tracing study in a science-based way, and the report on the study is authoritative. "Tracing the origin of the virus is a scientific matter that should be studied by scientists worldwide in collaboration, rather than be politicized. World Health Organization (WHO) experts have reached clear conclusions on this already. China has twice invited WHO experts in for origin study in an open and transparent manner "The WHO released the report of the WHO-China joint study of the origins in March. Compiled in line with WHO procedures and following science-based methods, it was an authoritative and scientific report," The U.S. is playing the "weapons of mass destruction (WMD)" trick again, Wang said.

Mike Ryan, director of the agency’s emergencies programme, said WHO cannot compel China to divulge more data on COVID-19's origins, adding it will propose studies needed to take understanding of where the virus emerged to the "next level". There are competing theories that the virus jumped from animals, possibly starting with bats, to humans, or that it escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Members of the WHO expert team who traveled to China to investigate the origins of COVID-19 earlier this year said they did not have full access to the data. This has sparked ongoing debate about China's transparency. Earlier, on May 27, the US called on WHO to open a phase 2 investigation into the origins of COVID-19, in which independent experts are given full access to original samples and data in the United States.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces an end to his long hold on power in Israel on Sunday when the country's legislature votes on approving an improbable government of diverse parties that came together to unseat him. opposition leader Yair Lapid of the centrist Yesh Atid party wrote on Twitter "It's happening!" after parliament's speaker announced the June 13 special session. As things stand, the coalition of right-wing, left-wing, centrist and Arab parties commands a majority in the 120-member Knesset and would be sworn in the same day once it is approved, with nationalist Naftali Bennett becoming prime minister.

With time running out for Netanyahu, members of his right-wing Likud party said he would fight until the end to try to prevent its approval, but efforts to persuade members of the new coalition to defect have been unsuccessful so far. In new government, Bennetts was predicted to be prime minister. Yair Lapid will be finance minister and vice prime minister. Benny Gantz will continue serve as defence minister. The Biden administration on Monday announced the formation of a new task force to combat human trafficking and smuggling groups operating in the Northern Triangle countries and Mexico in tandem with Vice President Harris’s trip to the region. Joint Task Force Alpha, Alpha, will involve federal prosecutors partnering with officials working for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to dismantle and prosecute human trafficking and smuggling networks operating out of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico.

Attorney General Merrick Garland wrote in a memo to U.S. attorneys on Monday. “Transnational human smuggling and trafficking networks pose a serious criminal threat. These networks not only seek to profit from the exploitation of migrants, but also routinely expose them to violence, injury, and even death,” Garland wrote. “The Joint Task Force will investigate and prosecute those who are criminally smuggling and trafficking individuals into the United States, with a particular focus on individuals and networks that abuse, exploit, or endanger those being smuggled, pose national security threats, or have links to transnational organized crime,” U.S. officials will work with foreign partners in the "Northern Triangle"

and Mexico to investigate and prosecute human trafficking and smuggling groups in addition to investigations in the United States. Speaking to reporters in Guatemala on her first trip abroad as Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris said the Biden administration will also set up an anti-corruption task force, promoting promote initiatives to empower young women, invest in affordable housing, work in partnership, support with agribusiness and entrepreneurs in Guatemala. According to two separate analyzes from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, atmospheric CO2 concentrations averaged 419 parts per million in May, also the highest annual level. This index is higher than the 417 parts per million recorded in the same period in 2020 The record-high atmospheric CO2 concentration was released as leaders from the Group of 7 of the world's leading developed industries (G7) prepare to meet in the UK this week to discuss the measures to strengthen efforts to respond to climate change. According to the New York Times, global emissions will temporarily decrease in 2020 as many countries apply strict blockade and restriction measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that the world in 2020 will emit 5.8% less CO2 than the previous year,

also the largest reduction ever recorded in a year. However, this drop makes almost no difference compared to the total amount of CO2 accumulated in the Earth's atmosphere. Collectively, human activities still emit more than 31 billion tons of CO2 in 2020 Half of this gas is absorbed by trees and oceans around the world, but the rest is in the atmosphere and can persist for thousands of years, causing the Earth to gradually warm due to the effect of the greenhouse effect. Scientists from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography estimate that the world will need to reduce emissions by 20% to 30% for at least 6 months to cause the rate of increase of CO2 in the atmosphere to slow down significantly.

Palm Jumeirah is the largest man-made island in the world built 20 years ago in Dubai and is the symbol of this emirate. One of the most interesting facts about Palm Jumeirah's artificial island construction technique is that it uses only sand and stone, with no steel or concrete. This is done according to the commitment of the emir of Dubai Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who came up with the idea of building a palm tree island. came up with the idea of building a palm tree island. particular island look like? Since 2001, dredging and laying of foundations for Palm Island have begun in the emirate of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Six years later, the first inhabitants of the island moved in. Then ships and barges began to build. The Global Positioning System (GPS) was sent into space at an altitude of about 676 km to accurately locate the shape of Palm Island. The island resembles a stylized palm tree, formed from sand dredged at the bottom of the Persian Gulf. In addition, 7 million tons of stone were quarried from the Hajar Mountains and transported to build the island. Basic infrastructure was completed in 2004, and the island was opened for construction in 2006 On November 21, 2008, the inauguration ceremony of the project was held in the Atlantis resort.

The $1.5 billion mega resort with 1,539 rooms is the first resort to open on the island of Palm Jumeirah. Palm Jumeirah Island is 5 km long, consisting of a tree trunk, 16 palm branches, with a nearly 17 km crescent-shaped outer surround forming a breakwater. There is also a single-lane tram line connecting Palm Jumeirah with Dubai's coastline. This tram line transports more than 20,000 passengers per day. Palm Jumeirah attracts celebrities from all over the world. David Beckham owns a mansion in Palm Jumeirah.

Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan also has a six-bedroom villa in Palm Jumeirah and the island is his favorite place to stay. Just off the southern shore of Indonesia's island of Bangka, scores of crudely built wooden pontoons are stand off the coast, equipped to dredge the seabed for lucrative deposits of tin ore. Indonesia is the world's biggest exporter of tin used in everything from food packaging to electronics and now green technologies. But deposits in the mining hub of Bangka-Belitung have been heavily exploited on land, so miners are turning to the sea near islands off the southeast coast of Sumatra island, a move that local fishermen say is threatening their livelihoods.

fisherman Mulyono, 49, who like many Indonesians goes by one name. "The impact for us is incredible," "We used to get at least 10 kilograms in a day, now, only two kilograms. And sometimes we come back with nothing "Miners and fishermen here don't get along with each other.

We know those miners are fighting for their lives and we appreciate that, but what they're doing is wrong," Each pontoon, manned by three to four workers, uses a pipe that can be over 20 metres (65.62 ft) long to suck up sand from the sea bed. It's then sifted to trap the glittery black sand of tin ore. Switzerland could become the first European country to ban artificial pesticides in a June 13 referendum Supporters of the ban say the artificial products cause serious health problems and reduce biodiversity.

Manufacturers say their pesticides are rigorously tested and regulated, Globally, only Bhutan has a complete ban on synthetic pesticides, In related news, another initiative likely to be voted on the same day aim to improve Switzerland's food and water quality by stopping direct subsidies to farmers with low income. use of pesticides and artificial antibiotics in livestock. Switzerland is currently witnessing two opposing views on the initiatives in the context of the near-term votes. A recent voter poll conducted by Tamedia showed that 48% of voters support the drinking water initiative and 49% support a pesticide ban.

Israel is looking to shut down a major industrial zone in the coastal city of Haifa that health officials say has been hazardous for years and transform it into an ecofriendly commercial and residential hub. The move was recommended on Monday (June 7) by a cross-ministerial panel for government approval. The new government to be sworn in next week has already said it intends to remove the factories.

and will need to boost its storage capacity for vital industrial materials. The environmental protection minister welcomed the decision, saying it was "serious news for the health of residents and the future of Haifa." The labor union at Oil Refineries, Israel's largest refining and petrochemicals group has rejected the proposal. It says its business is critical to the economy and has promised to use "all tools at its disposal" to ensure its workers' future. Haifa, Israel's third largest city, juts off the coastline into the eastern Mediterranean.

Neighborhoods sprawl along the slopes of Mount Carmel and descend into the bay that has grown over the past century into a crossroads for trade and industry. The city, in turn, has high levels of air pollution and residents suffer from relatively high rates of health problems Those who love art paintings, especially works of painter Vincent Van Gogh, have the opportunity to admire the artist's masterpiece in a new form of expression in New York City, see pictures on large screens. Each layer of paintbrushes is reproduced in turn to help viewers observe close-up every detail and line in the picture, meeting the needs of a tasteful and attractive digital experience. According to the exhibition organizers, the harmonious combination of visual and sound effects can touch the hearts of all visitors.

Through it, visitors can learn more about the life and career of painter Van Gogh through each work. The Van Gogh digital painting exhibition also hopes that these works will partly help New Yorkers return to their daily lives after the US reopened after the COVID-19 pandemic. The video took place in Chenxi county,in the central province of Hunan, and features four women on a dirt road performing a catwalk with trance music in the background. The women then walk towards the camera, wearing their leaf dresses and carrying a harvest of vegetables such as dozens of aubergines, bottle gourds and cucumbers “let’s welcome our Village Flowers to come to the stage brilliantly.”

a woman holding a giant horn and said The four rural women have apparently picked up some catwalk tips, such as showing a solemn facial expression, not looking directly at the camera and slightly shaking their head while approaching the camera. One of the farmers adopted a typical image of a Chinese farmer by wearing a straw hat and carrying two bamboo baskets with a shoulder pole. On Douyin, commenters found the women adorable and told them that the world’s most famous fashion events should be on the watch for competition. Recently, according to the results of research published in the journal PeerJ, paleontologists in Australia announced that they have identified the fossil of a dinosaur discovered in a remote part of the country as a species of new dinosaur, and this is one of the largest dinosaurs that ever existed on Earth. Australotitan belongs to the titanosaur family, a family of small-headed and large-bodied herbivorous dinosaurs that existed about 100 million years ago.

Australotitan is believed to be Australia's largest dinosaur at 5-6.5 meters tall and 25-30 meters long. '"We found that Australotitan was the largest, followed by Wintonotitan with its large hips and long legs, while the two smaller theropods Diamantinasaurus and Savannasaurus were shorter and heavier." The team from the Queensland Museum and Eromanga Museum of Natural History used 3D technology to create a scan of Australotitan's skeleton, then compared its bones with those of its closest "relatives".

The results show that Australotitan is closely related to 3 other sauropod dinosaurs that lived in the Cretaceous period, Hocknull also said many other dinosaur skeletons have also been discovered in the same area and the team needs to continue working because these discoveries are just the tip of the iceberg. According to local media, many species of birds have been forced to migrate out of Eastern Turkey, as its lakes are gradually becoming depleted due to drought and global warming. The lake system in eastern Turkey, home to dozens of bird species, is slowly running out of water and becoming barren. This is a place heavily affected by climate change, drought, emissions from the greenhouse effect. Currently, flocks of birds of many different species are forced to migrate because their habitat is seriously threatened.

People in the area say that the lakes here were once home to thousands of bird species, creating natural masterpieces that the world's top photographers must look to for inspiration, but now no more. There was nothing left but a barren land, full of death. In China, a herd of 15 elephants started leaving the nature reserve in Xishuangbanna Autonomous Region more than a year ago, and has traveled 500km. This "route" does not know when it will end, but in the latest stop, a herd of elephants was recorded sleeping soundly in a forest in Kunming city, the capital of Yun province, in southwest China.

A herd of wild Asian elephants lied down for rest at a local wood in Kunming City, capital of southwest China’s Yunnan Province, on Monday on their way of marching The elephant herd was found to start taking rest at around 07:00 on Monday, as they slowly lied down on the ground, It was the first time they saw all the elephants within the herd to lie down for sleep together in the 12 days since they started monitoring the herd. Before this collective rest, there were always three to four elephants sleeping while another three to four elephants stood guarding nearby. According to experts, elephants usually cannot lie down for long due to their heavy weight; lest their inner organs will be in problems with the pressure. After the elephant herd ran out of the reserve, local authorities started a 24-hour monitoring scheme, mobilizing about 410 people and 120 vehicles, flew 14 drones to track and escort the herd and secure the safety of these elephants.

Local authorities also have fed these elephants with 2 tons of food, while evacuating local residents and vehicles to make way for the herd along the way. Asian elephants are under the top-class state protection in China, where they are mostly found in Yunnan. Thanks to enhanced protection, the wild elephant population in the province has grown to about 300, up from 193 in the 1980s. Cobby, America’s oldest male chimpanzee who was beloved as a peacekeeper has died at age 63 at the San Francisco Zoo, Although the zoo said in a news release that cause of death had not been determined, the animal had been ill and officials believe old age was a factor. Tanya M Peterson, executive director of the San Francisco Zoological Society said “Cobby was part of San Francisco,” said “He touched so many lives, and people have so many memories of him. He is irreplaceable, and our hearts are broken.

We will all miss seeing his handsome grey beard watching over us from the top platform of the yard.” In 2015, an Australian filmmaker making a documentary about Cobby described to the Guardian his short-lived career in 1960s children’s TV, The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists chimpanzees as endangered. Due to hunting, habitat loss and disease, they are considered among the most at-risk primates in Africa. The average life expectancy of the 100,000 to 200,000 chimpanzees in the wild is 33 years. In human care it is between 50 and 60, the San Francisco zoo said.

This is FBNC Today's world news Thank you for watching


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