Citrix Virtual App Desktop Administrator Training Tutorials for Beginners JOYATRES

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foreign okay uh sorry uh can you please mute yourself okay okay uh hi um again good evening everyone uh so we'll be starting with citrix virtual apps and desktop training this is our demo session and hey can everyone please stay on youtube [Music] uh sorry about that yeah okay uh so so this is a demo class on um citrix virtual apps and desktop i'm sure uh many of you would always already know about uh what citrix is what virtual apps and desktops is but uh we'll start with uh with introduction uh uh in our demo class we'll just start with the introduction on what virtual apps and desktop is and if you have any questions you can unmute yourself and you can ask at any point yeah okay so i'll start i'll just talk about myself my name is sushil i have around 10 years of iot industry experience and i have all these uh certifications and i've been working more than seven years with the citrix technologies like uh virtualization and then uh netscaler and uh zen mobile and i'm a microsoft certified trainer as well and i'm um and i train on azure as well all right so uh there are some prerequisites can everyone hear me am i am i audible yeah okay great uh so there are a few things that you should have some idea about it's not that you need deep knowledge of the things but if you have uh you should have the basic understanding of these things like you should have the basic understanding of windows servers because everything uh when it comes to citrix virtual apps and desktop it's all uh it's all hosted on windows servers yeah so you should have that on knowledge should have the basic idea about how an enterprise network works like what are the components and how the things work in an enterprise network like when when we talk about the you know the knowledge about how active directory works what is dns what is dhcp should have some basic uh knowledge about that yeah because we will be talking about all those all that stuff a lot during this training and you should have some basic networking knowledge like about tc tcp ip yeah okay so we'll start with what uh what is citrix virtual apps and desktops so rather than just reading through the ppts i'll show you something there okay so this uh i'm sure you you many of you would have this citrix running on in your company or maybe wherever you're working because this is a very common thing uh i just want to show you something there when you launch it what exactly happens what what you are doing so i want to talk about that because that will give you some better idea about the things now if when i log in uh and i click on that desktop so what is it is doing it is launching a desktop for me which is running back back in my data center yeah so this is virtual desktop and same way we have applications that we can launch so this is uh those are those are called virtual app applications so what virtual app and desktop is this uh it's nothing you can access your resources your applications your desktop um your files your i mean all that stuff which is sitting in the data center in your office um you can access it remotely from anywhere around the world from any device like it could be a windows device linux device it could be an android phone um an apple phone a tablet you can access it from anywhere in the world from any device but that resource those uh those resources are actually hosted in the data center in your office or on on the cloud yeah so that is um that is what citrix virtual apps and desktops um is now we'll be talking about what all concepts are there uh behind this technology uh [Music] okay and so how how it all works what are the components what uh i mean we'll be talking about a lot on you know the labs how can we build the um the complete environment at your end yeah you can use your if you have your good enough system where you can create three or four virtual machines um you can you can build a lab at your home and if if not then you can just go for a public cloud maybe azure or google cloud and create a free account and use that to build a lab yeah so that's all we'll be talking about in in in this training okay so does anyone have any question about it whatever we have spoke so we will start with some basic theory about uh what exactly it is query uh this training is with netscaler without scaling no this doesn't include netscaler because netscaler itself is a huge component uh we cannot include a net scalar within this training but we'll talk about net scalar uh i mean very uh basic uh thing about uh netscaler but it's not i mean this does not include net scalar training as such because that's a networking component that's uh that's a separate uh product itself [Music] yeah all right so so uh we will start with some theory on uh on on module one what citrix architecture is how how this is all set up because uh one once we talk about theory only then we can talk about we can just try and do the lab and um do all that in practical because uh this is not something everyone would know so we will talk uh for a couple of um sessions we'll just talk about the theory and then we will start with labs yeah so this uh what i'm talking about here is uh the the architecture how it works what are the components um build the the complete concept of citrix virtual apps and desktop yeah so what we saw just right now when when i launched this desktop here you see this this is a server uh server 2019 running in the data center but i am i as a user is using this uh server as a desktop to access the resources sitting in the data center in my office yeah so what are the components involved to get to this point when where user actually can access uh this desktop or the applications uh so that that's what we are going to talk about in the architecture um so uh yeah so let's start with uh the first thing that is you know as for for the ease of understanding we i have created or created these slides where it talks about the different uh layers but in uh in theory or if you go to citrix or you if you if you start working you will you will not actually see all these layers or no one will talk about these layers in in real world but just for understanding so that we can understand the things better we are going to talk about the architecture in layers [Music] so at first point it starts with the user layer what user layer is this uh this is the user layer where we try to access it the first point the end point where we are we are from where we are accessing these desktops and uh you know applications when we log in um it it starts with the the first point and that's the that's the user layer but for the user layer what we need uh a basic device it could be any device it could be a windows device linux an android phone a tablet and ios anything it could be and we need a an application called citrix workspace app video which we used to call uh which we used to call citrix receiver earlier that's that's the uh the requirement that application has to be installed on each device from where you are actually accessing these virtual apps and desktops so that is the user layer it's very simple to understand but uh so the next uh okay so the the next layer in the architecture is access layer what access layer is uh there is something called storefront and what is storefront when we are actually accessing um when we are trying to launch the the the application first thing we just enter the url whatever we have we have got from the id department or whatever a user has got from uh from us from the id department that url is the storefront url yeah that is called storefront so what storefront is it's the uh the front end for the customer where actually the user start with the uh with accessing the the uh the resources actually where they get the login page so that is the the access layer uh the other thing here is uh citrix gateway uh someone was talking about netscaler just few minutes back so that part is uh citrix gateway uh now the difference is storefront usually is used for the internal users where they are sitting in the office and you want to give them the access to the to the application and desktops internally through citrix so that's uh that's where the storefront is uh storefront is a part of the virtual apps and desktop uh concept um and the other thing is for if if you want to give the access the users externally like if i'm accessing it sitting here at home uh i want to access it then in that case i need something called gateway i mean we can give it directly on the storefront as well but we need gateway for uh security reasons because storefront is not as secure as a gateway is because it sits in the dmz and you know there's a there's a firewall before and there's a firewall after so yeah that makes the thing secure and that's where we need the citrix gateway but we'll talk about the storefront during this training and little about citrix gateway as well how it works with uh virtual apps and desktops that that we'll talk about so that's the access layer the next concept is a control layer so [Music] [Music] so control layer is the main management point for for a citrix administrator where all the components where all the ld major all the management components it will talk about those so now delivery controller i'm sure this probably is not making sense right now to you but as we will so we'll speak about it further we'll we'll do some labs it'll definitely make sense to everyone [Music] so these are the major components which come under the uh the control layer what control layer is uh when we when we build a citrix environment we need a few things like uh something uh for management where we can centralize manage the things so that is delivery controller which actually sits between everything what what's happening uh during this like when we are talking about this architecture whatever is happening between these components this delivery controller is talking to everyone that's the central point everything revolves around this delivery controller like it talks talks with the license server it talks with the domain controller it talks with the uh the the actual resources the desktops the applications what user is getting it talks with the hypervisor where those virtual machines those desktops are actually created it talks with the storefront it talks with this the citrix gateway everything so it's the central point for uh you know for everything uh so that's delivery controller for us and then there is something called uh license server license server is nothing but you see when we buy something when we are buying a product we need to buy licenses and to to implement those licenses we need a license server uh we'll talk about all all these components later in detail and then it comes the sql server sql server is uh where actually the all the data the whatever is configurational data is that is stored on the sql server and delivery controller talks to sql server that's the only component which talks to uh the database the sql server so that's the uh control layer for us this is the main management part when we when we build a citrix site after that most of the 90 percent of the the tasks are done uh on on the control layer most of things would be done on delivery controller then um sometimes on sql server and sometimes on license server now we will talk about it we'll build the all these components one by one into individually and we'll talk about all these components in detail and then comes the [Music] uh then then comes the of the resource layer resource layer is nothing where resources are the uh the the resources which are assigned to the user like the the desktops the applications their files their profiles their data all that comes under resource so that is the end goal of all this whatever we are doing that is the end goal to give these resources to the user with the best experience and to achieve that we we have been doing all this thing we will do we'll uh create this the the complete site and just to achieve this call yeah so any anything we can have multiple kind of desktops like the one i just showed you this one uh that i was just accessing that that's um that one is a server os desktop you see uh there are different times types of uh resources or the desktops available uh one is server os then we can have desktop os then we can have uh i mean there are further uh theory to that we can have random desktops we can have dedicated desktop which means random is it will be randomly assigned to the user like first come first serve basis and then there is something called dedicated which is uh nothing is dedicated to one user and whenever that user logs in and that user will log into the same desktop every day so that is that we will have a lot of uh things to talk about all this and that we will talk in detail in when when we are actually doing our labs then comes the hardware layer uh which is the which which is the actual hypervisor which is from where the user is getting the resources like the where where we are running our vms the virtual machines um and that's where all the resources like the memory the processor storage all that stuff is so we can we we can have any of the hypervisors like vmware we can have a zen server we can have hyper-v it can be a cloud public cloud platform like azure it can be uh google gcp it could be aws so anywhere where you can or it can be nutanix so wherever you can run these resources wherever you have the hardware um that's the hardware layer and we can have multiple options like you can run these resources anywhere you want yeah so we will talk i know i mean it's just the theory right now it probably will not make sense um to everyone but some and people who have basic idea about it would understand but when we'll talk about all these things in detail it will really give you a good idea because we will do a lot of labs because if i start doing the lab right now it will again make no sense to you and and will provide you the documents every day to go through it and you know learn the things in detail so anyone has any question about the things how would you provide those documents so after each training uh i have these slides that uh you know apart from that i have the documents where we have i have created some documents with the theory with the uh with some screenshots that i can provide you after each session [Music] yeah and you know uh because see if i just go straight into lab i'm sure that that that's not going to make sense i can start working i can start building the things and start showing you the things but that probably will not make sense unless we talk about the theory because there are a lot of things that we'll talk about on the first session once you register um where we'll talk theory and the first uh session we will talk about these different services we'll talk about all these components in details i uh one by one and then we'll start building it and that's where it it'll start making sense to you so what it it all includes it starts with uh okay so uh it includes the the detailed overview of the architecture and then we'll talk about the the general management after the architecture all the labs all the how how to build uh a site and i'll tell you uh we'll explain how to get licenses if you don't know and and then we will talk about the general management once you you have a built site because most of the time uh you know when you start working in a company or in an environment the the site or the farm will already be you know built you are not going to start with the building every time so the most of the time you will you'll be doing the general management like the operational tasks so those will talk about uh during the training how to publish an application what are the different options there how to publish a desktop what are the options with desktops we'll talk about the profile management what user profiles are what are the options available and we'll talk about the policies the group policies will talk about the citrix policies what what's the difference and uh so and we'll talk a little about citrix cloud as well what's the difference between on prime and citrix cloud so that's that's all included in the training thank you see which version we are planning to do training on that see uh after so we can do it on any version on any of any on the newer version because after 7.15 it's almost similar there are a few small changes but you'll not actually notice anything unless you have you know and you have been working intensively on the things so we can start with the latest one that's not not an issue because we are going to start the um we can we are going to build the uh environment from the scratch so it's it makes a sense to start with the um on the latest version yeah and we can build the lab you can also build the lab along when we will start you can build a lab on an azure free account or you can do it on a google account and to say we can like you we can build our infrastructure completely on the azure cloud free cloud meant to say for uh citrix yeah absolutely see you will not be able to access it externally because we are not uh going to talk about the netscaler and that works differently when when it talks when when we talk about the external access on public cloud but yeah internally you can just create vms uh you can build your infrastructure and internally you can access it for sure if let's say for uh on a on an azure cloud if you build a virtual network yeah and you build maybe uh five virtual machines within that virtual network you can actually uh build the complete citrix form and you can actually access it internally within that virtual network [Music] yeah okay i have one question sushi yeah uh recently there is no notification rolled out from citrix that they have integrated previous infrared with the cloud azure yeah yeah only now so you'll be taking up to that no no we are not going to talk about the uh you know public cloud to be honest we are just talking about the uh citrix virtual apps and desktop um you know in general but yeah i'll i'll tell you what i keep doing the labs separately with the things whenever there is anything new launched any new feature launched but if someone is interested that i mean anyone can get in touch with you with me and we can look at that that's no issue you see uh whenever a new feature is launched uh that's something you know i need to test at my end as well so if you want to uh you know get involved with that we can do that that's not an issue but yeah it's not included within the training [Music] it's fine you see public cloud if we get into that because we are not uh going to talk about uh uh we are not going to talk about uh the the cloud actually we'll just talk about the what's the difference between citrix cloud and citrix on-prem that's it we will not talk about the public cloud yes this is one thing actually you say that we are going to build vms in azure floor right so when we're giving the training the video builder vms and the intel installation for ddc storefronts will you do on on premises or will you do on the cloud i'll do it on on-prem because i have a lab at home so i'll do um at i'll do on-prem but yeah i can guide i'll definitely guide you to uh do it on the on unsure if you have any questions there yeah why i'm asking either but when we are trying to do the same thing and then you uh we need to follow some other steps creation of networking so some other basic thing resource groups right so maybe uh that's the reason i'm asking okay okay so what you are saying is if you are talking about you know how to use uh azure as an infrastructure means if if you are trying to do it like if you for example if you're trying to use something called mcs if you already have any idea about virtual apps and desktops if you are trying to use uh i mean uh as a resource location if you are trying to use azure that's not going to work for sure because that works uh very differently um because you need some uh different kind of networking for that you can do that for sure but that's again it's not included because you you need some good understanding of the uh of the public cloud of azure as well for that um so what i am talking about building a lab means when you do it in within your maybe on-prem maybe you have two computers um at home and you want to build a lab there so we can do it the same way on a public cloud that's what i'm talking about okay would it be like a zen server or the hyper-v if i'm doing at home yes yeah if i'm doing at home i'll be doing it on the hyper-v if you want to build an on-prem infrastructure in our own laptop like in our own lab i've been to say yeah what is the minimum configuration we required okay for that you can do it within uh by building three uh virtual machines as well but that's again very limited things you cannot do everything there but a basic uh infrastructure you just need three virtual machines where you just need two virtual cpus for two of the machines and maybe two gigs of ram maybe one virtual cpu and two weeks of ram for a single vm should be enough initially so maybe uh uh if you can spare four uh vcpus and uh 6 gb of ram that should be enough for the lab for the basic lab of course there are some features there are some things that you cannot um you know build or test on your laptop for sure uh for that for that you can use uh sorry sorry yeah so let me just finish that for that you can use maybe what what you can do because now we have the public cloud available uh for those features what you can do you can just create the components on your uh on your laptop and uh build the rest of the you know those features you can test it on the on on the public cloud actually point your components to public cloud we will talk about it later but yeah you can do it on your laptop as well yeah sorry um go ahead throw some questions see and what are the timings of this training and uh how much you are charging for this and will be talking about the migration yeah or not migration of uh no i mean migration of what uh migration of amount on premises club how we need to perform uh basic things how it is so all the one plus is going to build on azure right so in the what is our roles and responsibilities as fixed at that time okay so again migration from on prime to uh cloud is not included within this again because for that you need some good understanding of that particular public cloud right if i talk about azure if i if i'm talking about the virtual network if i'm talking about resource group if i'm talking about let's say you know a subscription if i'm talking about the storage account if i'm talking about different disks type of disks so you should have some good understanding of that so it's it's a completely separate training but yeah i can what we can do is we can just talk about it like how if you if you are planning to migrate this stuff we can just talk about as a theory but we cannot include all that stuff in the training for sure because that's not possible okay okay but one thing is for sure if you know the basic concepts uh if you know how the how the components are built how the components work migrating it of course you need the knowledge of the other side of the things as well but if you know uh let's say microsoft azure really well and if you know citrix really well it's it's it's a it's piece of cake for you uh to do the migration to be honest okay okay so what is the training timings actually what are timings so the timings will be around the same time during weekend um around and about anything else you can contact amit for any any other queries here is his number he can tell you all other details okay regarding you're talking about regarding the uh how much charge for this yeah yeah absolutely any anything related to uh training stuff you can contact him at any point and after the session can we get the training videos yeah absolutely so it will be all recorded you'll get the training recordings after every session i i will share my number as well once you register on the first session if anything you can uh you know contact me for any technical issues for any anything related to you know the content that we're talking about if you need any help you can maybe just message me or call me whenever i'm available i'll definitely talk to you okay after the completion of this course um training is l3 training so it's not an l3 training it's yeah you definitely can say it's an l2 training but not an l3 training because l3 includes a lot of other things but yeah i'd say a few things will be included where we'll talk about uh you know the components that i'll talk about will be very uh intensive knowledge kind of thing where you'll be dealing with the uh you know with the services how the all that stuff works that's that's all will be included and uh you know most of the l2 don't know about it to be honest so you'll have good understanding of the things and then it's not a difficult thing for you to you know move further is there any like how we are planning to do troubleshooting do you have any information related to that yeah absolutely so i um because i am i'm working as a consultant so it's it's a i'm a part-time trainer so i'll talk about the real-time scenario as well so whatever i face whatever my company uh you know sees the issues every day we'll talk about those things while we are building the labs that what could be the issues that you could face with the things i mean that's the only possible way yeah i understand but like you see those are coming from the real time which are coming from different cases but those things will not happen in our labs right yeah absolutely so that will not happen but when we if we can just recreate those issues we'll try to do that if we cannot of course i'll just talk about like what could be the scenario and how can we uh you know fix this of course every scenario is different right from each other yeah yeah so we cannot okay so guys uh this um we are running out of time of this session if we have a few more questions i can share another link and we can jump on the call again okay thank you thank you thank you shaheel last question what is what is the duration of this course is around like 40


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