Distributed Ledger Technology Partnerships on Google Cloud Cloud Next 18

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So, welcome everyone to our distributed, ledger technology, partnerships, talk my, name is Annie ma Weaver and I manage technology partnerships. For Google cloud focused. On our priority verticals, including, financial services. So. Google cloud public. Cloud in general and the Google cloud in specific, is a really good fit for financial, services because. Of the specific, pain points of that industry, and also, the pain point of legacy IT which plates all enterprises. I'm. Not going to insult you by reading for my slide but instead I'm going to speak over it, because. I think that's it's, just a helpful way to compliment. And illustrate, things. Over. The best year, year-and-a-half we've seen a lot of momentum and financial services, with customers, and partners and over. The next couple days at next I wanted to highlight some of those financial, services customer, and partner sessions, where you can really hear about it straight from them I. Have. Not listed sessions, that have already happened because. We have not invented time travel yet. So, distributed, ledger technology, or DLT, is relevant. To more than financial services, as I've. Been talking with customers and partners we've, heard about use cases across multiple, verticals, and I'm. Really excited about the potential, of these applications. But. Many. Of them as you know are nascent, and we, want to be the public cloud upon which developers. Build these use cases and, figure, out which, of them are really. The the ones that are meant to scale, and I've meant to be widely adopted. The. Question I get often is you know why are companies looking. At DLT, and there, are a lot of potential, benefits around cost trust, and security but. Many. Of them are still potential, ones and that's where I think Google cloud can help we. Can be a platform, upon which you. Can take your ideas and you can bring them to, fruition and, then these potential, benefits, can be realized. So. I'm excited to announce it as we also announced, in a blog post yesterday, that. You, can now develop DLT. Solutions, on Google cloud you. Can do them in a DIY fashion with our open source integrations, with two, leading DLT. Platforms, hyper ledger and aetherium or if. You need more advice and. Help through the process you can work with our partners digital. Asset and block apps who will soon be speaking, to you more, about what they do and how they're working with us. So. To summarize. We, have both. DIY, and also proprietary, partnerships, that enable, you to build DLT.

Applications. On GCP these. Will be available through the cloud market. Cloud. Launcher market which we're now, rebranding, as marketplace. So, now I'm really excited to. Invite onto the stage Blythe masters CEO. Of digital asset who will tell you more about this incredible company and how they're working with Google cloud. Thank. You Annie and hello, everyone it's a great pleasure to be here as you, heard I'm Blythe masters and, I'm the CEO of, digital, asset a new, partner, of, Google cloud, I'm. Also a, 27. Year veteran of, JP, Morgan and, the former CFO of, its global investment. Bank and back. In 2015. I came. Across a nascent, team of developers. Academic. Cryptographers. And. Even. Former traders, and one, former. Tank, commander. Who. Had an extreme, Drive and Technology, Vision whose. Implications. If I'm really honest neither. They nor even, I truly, understood, at the time. So. What made me lose my mind, one. Day back in 2015. Given, my background and go sign up for a microscopic. Startup, in the tech space with, no technology background, I'm a business person by background. In. What was literally, a five person, team plus. A dog. The. Answer, lies. In a big idea, an idea. That's, big enough to have, material. Financial implications. And certainly. Easily, big enough to make a big career bet on the. Idea of course was blockchain, back, in 2015 everyone. Thought that blockchain, was all about crypto, currencies, and actually some of you may be forgiven for still feeling that way today but the reality, is that blockchain. Is a lot bigger than crypto, currencies, and the applications. Go far, and wide. So, here, three. And a half or so years later is the vision of our company digital assets. Simply. Put we believe. The blockchain offers, the opportunity to, unleash. The kind of furiously, paced innovation. That, the tech industry. Has, become accustomed, to over, the past 10 years and yet. Which has been notably, absent from financial. Services and other, giant enterprise, sectors, from, healthcare to gov, tech and beyond.

It. Will revolutionize, the. Processing, of every, asset every. Transaction, every. Workflow, across. And within every business in, different companies in the world it's, not a small vision. Now. To understand, this just. With any great technology, solution, you, need to understand, what is the problem that is being solved. 15. Years ago if, you had predicted, that. We would see the advent, of self-driving. Cars. More. Quickly than, we would discover. The ability, to sell. An equity and get your cash for that in less than 2 days, or. It, even you'd have the simple privilege of working walking, from one doctor's, office to the next and expecting. Your medical. Records and identity, to travel with you you, would have been declared insane, but. The reality, is that we got the self-driving, car, first. How. On earth could that be the case. Well. The answer lies, in something as banal and mundane as data architecture. It. Turns out that enterprise, infrastructure, from, financial services to health care and Beyond has. Been stymied, by what we call silo. Ization. Why. Because. Businesses, can't securely, trust, or could not until now, their. Ability, to share and process data. Without. Compromising. Their responsibility. For their books and records and. Confident. Confidentiality. And privacy. Now. What silos, lead to is. Unnecessary. Duplication. Of, backwards. Error-prone. Updates. Asymmetric. Information. Expensive. And time-consuming breaks. And literally. In financial. Services alone tens of billions, of dollars a year in a, completely, zero value-added. Effort of reconciling. That means ticking and tying records. That are different that, should in fact be the same simply. Because they didn't share a common, or golden source of record. It. Was my exposure, over almost 30 years in the bowels of the financial, services industry, to. The understanding. Of the sheer scale of the cost. The. Waste the inefficiency, and ultimately, the risk associated. With, this that. Led me to believe all in in blockchain, and to, move to digital asset. Blockchain. Or as it has become known as DLT. Distributed, ledger technology. Will. Change all of this. Simply. Put it's. A new form of secure. Database. Architecture that. Offers businesses, enterprise, for, the first time certainty. Of shared. Real-time. Identical. Records. Synchronized. Processing. Programmable. Automatable. Assets, and associated.

Workflows. Without. Loss. Of privacy or confidentiality, and. Without. Continuing. To have responsibility for being able to independently validate. Your own books, and records. Just. As the internet. Unleashed. And liberated. The free flow of information twenty. Years ago and changed. Everything. Blockchain. Is going, to liberate the, processing, of value saving. Hundreds, of billions, of dollars of cost and, unleashing. Innovation. To. Hear more about how this will happen I'll introduce you to two of my colleagues our, CTO, shock fear and our, chief marketing, officer, Donna pray. Thank. You Blythe. So. What do we mean when we say unleashing, web-based innovation, that's a very. Tall, order to to. Fill and. We're, being hosted here by Google a company who's really been that that forefront, of web-based. Innovation, and we've been hearing for the past few days about. Amazing, infrastructure, or mutual, eyes infrastructure, things like, Basel. And kubernetes, and the continuous integration and continuous deployment, pipelines. That, Google has and what. Those mutual eyes infrastructures, have done they, have really. Optimized. For rate of change going, to do saying a high rate of change and enabling. Developers to ship, fast ship high quality, and. And. Should. Be efficiently to their customers, new. Functionality, with very quick, iteration times. Now. We. Don't have that today in in the domain of cross enterprise business dealings when, we look at the largest enterprises, that networks, networks. Across enterprises. Of, finance. Healthcare government, developers. Don't have that same agility that they have within one company. When. I, came out of low-level, development. Doing cryptography, and x86. Architecture. And, wanted, to launch a business I had, to read a few tutorials, to, read a few books and very. Quickly learning things like rails. And angular and, cloud. Api's. I was able within a matter of weeks to go and and. Deploy a new business so that that really blew my mind how fast you can be efficient and that doesn't. Exist when you look at how things are working today across. Enterprises, and that's, what we want to bring through. Having, neutralized infrastructure, having one infrastructure, that's deployed that, takes care of all of the heavy lifting and allows. The developers to think about the business flows that they're trying that they're developing and, we. Ask ourselves every day what, kind of innovation, what kind of acceleration can we do in for the brightest the best and brightest college grads of tomorrow, will. Be able to do a pull request or be able to launch their business deeply. Integrated from the start into those networks that are already deployed across. These large large, enterprises. And if they won't have to think about deploying software for. One enterprise, in a silo for, one company but can now start thinking about the broad picture about, what it looks to do cross cross.

Enterprise Workflows. So. There's a ton of buzz and hype around blockchain, and, the. Question is what is it what is it that's unique about this offering about the digital asset SDK and platform and about this joint offering with Google cloud that's, going to enable. What we're saying enable, unleashing. Web-based, innovation. So. What does that mean for your business so. Damn all the digital asset modeling language is a new, small contract, language developed, by digital asset to, a short said abstract, away the underlying. Infrastructure. So. You, don't need to worry about the cryptography. Or the distribution or, notifications. Or privacy, you just focus on the business of your business, what, drives value to your customers, and let, the, language and the platform, take. Care of everything under behind-the-scenes. In. Addition, to that we announced yesterday that, damn old platform as a service on Google cloud similarly. Just lets you focus on the application build. Something that delivers value do, not worry about configuring the, platform, deploy. Figuring, the network deploying, the software, and. The underlying infrastructure. So. Together this, enables, rapid. Prototyping. For your business shorter, time to market, building distributed. Ledger applications. They can deliver vast rare value faster, and sooner than, otherwise, possible, and, enabling, you to be more agile to, changing, customer, demands, regulatory. Requirements. Or. Market forces. So. You've. All heard about public blog chains and in public, buck chains what those have achieved, essentially. Getting data integrity across. A large, scale deployment, or, getting consent is getting. Consensus over data across, a large group of, of. Entities, via people or companies and, synchronizing. Those views, and, that that is a huge achievement. What. Most public machines don't deal with very well is data, confidentiality we. Get the data integrity we get that synchronized view but. Everyone. Gets that same view and they're different there are varying. Degrees of confidentiality, some, do get it right but what they struggle dealing with is dealing. With very complex or generic workflows, the types of workflows we have in most, large enterprises. Today now. Don't get me wrong this is a huge thing and it's a great, solution to a specific set of problems but. It's for that specific set of problems, what. We did I digitized it when we started we were a group of cryptocurrency, enthusiasts. And developers, and we said how do we take the same inspiration of the same types of solutions, and apply. It to a different domain to the domain of large cross, and reply apprised workflows. Now. In. The private, dispute larger space we see a lot of attempts to achieve. Confidentiality. By really selling data or using techniques, such as encryption. Zero. Knowledge proof or, overlay. Networks on top of a base network to, now. Compartmentalize. The data what. Most of those solutions, do is they trade-off integrity. Or in, many cases liveness, and, it's, a bit too much to dive deep I would love to go in deeper in, this stuff but, we, talk much more in depth about this in our blog and I urge everyone to go to da, ml count to see how we thought about these trade-offs between. Integrity. Privacy. And liveness. So. What did we do with the digital asset platform. Through. A series since 2014, of working, with, very. Large potential customers, and today, customers, we. Went through a series of increasingly, complex MVPs. On. Building. A platform and we actually started from those public. Blockchain. Roots. Which was my background in my alma, mater and zero, knowledge proof. What. We actually found out is that the hardest problem, that needed to get solved was the problem of data architecture, of how. Do you structure your data in a way that preserves. Integrity. Across the distributed system where. Not everyone has our data so I also preserve privacy and. Also preserves liveness that, the network, can't stop when, you when you maintain those other two, properties. The integrity and the privacy. What. We did is we built a formal modeling of what the data should look like on a distributed, ledger then. We built a domain-specific language. Again through a series, of MVPs. And understanding, deeper, what those use cases are of our clients we built a domain-specific language. That, forces, the developer, to structure, the data in such a way that is amenable to distributed, Ledger's on. The other side we wanted it to be very efficient, so it lets the developer only think about their.

Business Use case about their business workflow and not, have to think about the infrastructure, that that. They're deploying to. What. We got to is a platform, that does, real-time reconciliation. Across all of the nodes in the network is. Auditable. Analyzable. Extensible. And when, you build workflows, you, can use. Those common workflows and reuse them so if someone builds a library, or a module you can then reuse that workflow and, again build on top of the shoulder shoulders. Of giants. Demo. Or the digital asset modeling language that's the language that we created and that's. The surface or the API that a developer sees they build using this language and that that that gets deployed to, pretty complex. Infrastructure. Demo. Is a purpose is, it is a language. That was built bottom-up purchased, built for, the domain of dispute, letters what, we've seen in the public boxing space and I'm sure everyone has heard about these are very, very. Public bugs that cost stakeholders, in the hundreds of millions of dollars now, that's simply, something we can't allow in, our domain, some. Clients are using our SDK today to model, businesses. That run daily volumes in the trillions of dollars so, typical transaction size is in the hundreds, of millions of dollars we, can't allow above now. Those. Bugs that happen in the public button space aren't because developers aren't skilled these were very very skilled developers, it's because they lack the right tools to, build. These types of workflows in a secure manner, there. Are we. Believe there's their specific domains that are mission-critical, that. Require, the, type of frameworks, for that in. The past in a prior life I was I was, operating and maintaining missile defense systems that were defending protecting, my life protecting, my, shipmates lives and I'm. Extremely, grateful that none of those were written in JavaScript. And. We. Took that approach we took that approach of building something that's that's purpose-built. For. This domain. What. We came up with was with which. Was demo and that's a, language that really abstract away, the. Ledger details and that's the offering that we're making available on Google Cloud as of yesterday. Spoke. A new model Endemol our. Customers, and our partners have built distributed, ledger applications.

Across Many, different, industries, for. Example. Virtually. When you think about small contracts, what, they really are at their core when, you take away the hype and the fluff our shared business processes. That span across organizations. As. Such the, potential, for the use of demo and smart contracts, more broadly within, commerce is absolutely, huge they can cover anything, every asset transaction. And workflow. So. For example we've been working with a large. Clearing House in the healthcare space to. Do, straight-through processing for. Claims eligibility. And. Payments. To, make sure that the payer and provider and. Everyone throughout, that value chain sees. The same data in real time. Medical. Records, as Clyde mentioned earlier can, be synchronized, amongst, insurers, patients. Doctors, and. Hospitals, and selectively. Reveal, only, the pertinent, piece of information to, each of those entities. Our. Partners of exploring, in supply chain pharmaceutical. Supply. Chain through. The manufacturer. Transport. And. Sale of drugs many of which there's. A large problem with counterfeiting, to. Ensure, that what you receive at the end of that supply chain is, what was produced at the beginning. Complex. Processes, can be coordinated, between ecommerce, sites and, fulfillment, centers, and payment providers. Down to the shipping company, to. Coordinate, all across the. Value chain across, multiple different, distinct. Legal entities and. Many more so, we've been working with partners, on managing, software licenses. Simplifying. The mortgage application, process, for. Insurance. Reinsurance. As. Well as even the issuance, secondary. Market and redemption. The use of concert, tickets so. As you can see there's a really a broad application. For Dan'l. Dan'l. Can be used for any multi-party. Workflow. The. Largest traction we've seen so far has been within, financial, services so, you're gonna see here a list of some, of our investors, each. Of which are exploring, using dam or building, gamble driven applications in, their own way. Banks. Stock, exchange groups large. Technology, vendors, global. Systems integrators. Are, building dam or driven applications for. Internal, use cases, across, business lines, bilaterally. Between two, entities or, even, as we're plane replacements. For entire, markets. And, these, use cases even, within financial, services are very varied, cash. Equities, repo, collateral, management, there's. A lot or very very complex, behind-the-scenes, processes. That you know most, of us are blissfully, unaware of, but. Are vital, to the the functioning, of the global economy. So. These, are some of the most highly regulated and. Most demanding customers in the world the, goal is if we can solve for them we can solve for any commercial, use case. And. I. Know that this, is no longer a case of wildy LTC, adoption, but, when and. That leads on to a great, case study one of our marquee clients, the. Australian, Securities, Exchange the. ASX, who we've been working with for just, over three years now. So. The Asics are doing this for real they're not playing around anymore they, have committed, to take into production, a. Full. Replacement. Scale first. Financial, market infrastructure, projects. Using a distributed ledger this. Is not a POC this is not a pilot this is a real production, build that.

Is Going to production and. It's. Not a greenfield application, it's not a peripheral, service, this is a natural replacement, at the end of this process. They will be switching off their, clearing, and settlement system, for cash equities, and replacing. It entirely, with, the digital asset platform, and damn. So. This isn't mangos on a blockchain this isn't collectible. Kitty's, this. Is an application, that, really matters if this goes down the, Australian, economy, is, affected, people's pensions, are affected, and. It's a real, mission, critical system, every. Single stock. In Australia, will, be cleared and settled, on a blockchain and. Now, we're excited to bring that technology, to, Google cloud so. Yesterday we, were delighted to announce that, digital asset and Google cloud have, been collaborating, to. Bring the technology that you've had been hearing about today to. GCP. We. Announced that Google cloud have joined the private. Beta of our developer program and as such their solution. Architects, can explore, with their clients. Applications. Within. Various, different industries, using. Tamil and our technology. We. Also announced the additional, addition of Dan'l. Pass the platform as a service, hosted, on Google cloud so. Similarly. Customers. Can just spin that up and quickly and easily start, building applications, and. Later, this year Google will be hosting a series of developer, conferences, focused, around amyl and. If you are interested, in joining please, visit da mo da ml calm, and registering, your interest there. Dan. Said we're extremely excited for me this is a bit of a, personal. Excitement, it's it's paying it forward just. Like I said I was mind blown when, I started web development understood seeing how fast you can deploy a business I'm, hoping that people will be using this in the future but I know people will be using this in the future in, order to deploy their businesses at much larger scale. And and, really bring. That pace that that you can do things much faster, so. I wish. We had time for a live. Demo I'm a coder, and that's what we do but the next best thing at least we'll. Talk about a little bit about what this offering is, so. First of all that at the top level layer. Waking. What you can do is build, applications, using all of the best of the Google cloud infrastructure, things, like Google, cloud functions, and tensorflow, and. Spanner, now. I can talk for hours about why, why. These offerings, are, so. Fit for purpose for building applications that. Connect into a distributed, ledger but. Just to give a sense. Many, of the workflows in the financial, world that that we're working with need. Data, analysis, need risk analysis, and. And. Many, types of optimizations, and those. Are things that we, believe will we'll really be able to leverage machine. Learning and for example, infrastructure. Such as tensorflow, to, build very very efficient applications, that connect into a distributed, ledger. Then. You have the demo SDK and the demo SDK, was. Really built to allow the developers to very very quickly reason, about a distributed, application across many companies, and not just across one.

Enterprise, And. We'll talk about a little bit about that in the next few slides. The. SDK, builds those distributed, applications, that get deployed, onto. The DI platform, and this is a di platform, that's highly optimized, for, Google Cloud leveraging. Infrastructure, such as the. Goo the google kubernetes, engine, and stack driver. Then, you can use managed services either a managed platform, that's managed by a digital asset or by one of our many channel partners running, on Google Cloud and managed by a channel partner or you can use your own Google Cloud account to deploy either one node or a full network of nodes you can have one node that connects into an existing network and. Run. It on your own Google Cloud account. Unless. You can automate all of this through orbit era which really gives you a few minutes and almost a one-click. Type. Engagement, of using, the orbit era marketplace, to quickly launch. And configure and deploy a. Running. Network. So. On the development side on the on. The ID the demo integrated, development environment provides, real-time feedback to the developers as, they're writing code to. Support, efficient development, of correct smart contracts, and what. We've been hearing from the channel partners in their, usage of the demo SDK. Is that. They. Were amazed at how fast they can go from nothing to running a POC or an MVP on a on. A running distributed ledger at at high scale we're. Very excited with. The announcement yesterday that now the, Google. Google's. Client engineers and architects have, the ability I've joined our. Private. Beta and, they. Have the ability now to extend to their clients so for all the Google. Clients here who want to hear more about blockchain, applications, you can reach out to your to. Your account representatives, and your client engineers and they'll, be happy to to. Work and iterate on solutions. Further. Than that not just MVPs, and POCs we've already gone through a process of three years of working. With very large very, very complex workflows, and, even there these are institutions that are very very used to heavy, waterfall, development. And we've. Been receiving amazing. Feedback on that front both. Directly answer channel partners on the. Cycle times of deploying new features as they're. Creating. These workflows. So they're used to having, very. Very different, stages of deployment. Building. Features. Testing. And now they can really compress those cycles again into that same experience that a developer today in a tech company has having. A running platform, and very, quickly developing. And deploying and going through that whole process all, the way to developing, a feature. Having, it signed off by the customer, and, going into QA. On. The testing front there's an integrated scenario language which gives a full, test-driven development or behavior driven, development and union unit testing ability which is baked into the integrated development environment, there's. The sandbox that's always running in the background so if, you make a mistake if you write a bug it's always running all of the unit tests in the background and you'll get immediate and. Immediate feedback loop of. That, sandbox, of a distributed environment that's running locally on your laptop, so, you. Immediately get that that, feedback and, you can click click on those scenarios and. Essentially. Get debug tools a transaction, graph Explorer in the same view so the developer can see the, code the, tests, any. Errors in test and the, transaction, graph Explorer at the same time and, have that ability to go in debug in one one, environment and you. Know that if it's running in that environment you can immediately deploy. To the to. A robust auto scaling and, highly available infrastructure. Of. Course if you build being an MVP a PLC, or a large production full stack, solution. You, need the ability to demonstrate it or you need to the ability to build UI components, so. We have in the SDK auto auto code generation tools that take whatever. Smart, contracts and business logic that you wrote immediately. Creates a RPC binding so that you can build applications in whatever language you. Want to build applications, there. Is a JVM framework, if you want to use our framework, in order to get all of the high availability and, auto scaling properties, out of the box you, get the ability to dynamically. Create front ends so, there's a graph QL backend. And it auto met auto generates, the, schemas, for that front for, that back-end. And, the types and, it creates react, components, so you can immediately get those components, and build your own UI and, again the cycle times on this are really.

Amazing The speed at which you can get everything all the way to a front end and, we have two or three developers building. POCs. That, typically took months. And. Of course last but not least you want the ability to deploy and here. We're not talking about deploying. Something. Locally, or in one machine or two machines you really want to deploy and you want to deploy to a robust kubernetes, cluster that's. Running in a, bit on Prem private cloud or or. A public cloud and. In the case of running it on the Google cloud running, it on a very highly optimized. Google. Cloud that, has all the tools to operate your environment, and as. Of our announcement yesterday and very soon we'll be making this available that. Orbitary deployment, that makes it really. Seamless, to, go run and and, start operating that. Network, so. It just liked it to be collaborating, with Google cloud to. Bring the blockchain solutions, to GCP, to. Learn more about demo, next. Please. Visit da ml, comm, where you can request early, access to our Developer Program which, includes both access to the Demel SDK, developer preview, and the, demo platform, as a service, which. Will be rolling out throughout the course of the year. Too. If. You'd like to see how you can work with digital assets partner with us to bring blockchain applications. To your industry please email us a partner as a digital asset comm, Shawn. Mentioned reach, out to your Google Account Representative. And. Discuss, how they can help assist, you bringing. Google cloud-based applications. To your your industry, or come. Chat to myself shawl or a few, of the other members of the digital asset team after this session so, thank you very much thank, you for having us Annie and back to you. Thank. You Dan and shawl that was fantastic let's, give them another round of applause. So. Following on that I'm, also really, excited to, introduce the founder and CEO of another, DLT, partner of ours black ops so, I'd like to welcome to the stage Caryn, James Lubin. Thank. You very much. Daniel, can, you turn me up. Better, now yeah. All. Right so. I'm. As any, noted the founder and CEO of block ups block. Ups my role is ranged, from actually. Writing our core back-end software all the way through to what I do today which is events, like this, interfacing. With our partners and our customers etc. So. We, kicked off in 2015. Around. The same time as digital asset which makes us ancient for blockchain. Companies, and. We. Were sort of more of a community. First, sort of company so we're, in the etherium, ecosystem, and created. The first commercial, grade version of aetherium which, fairly, early on we realized. Could. Be deployed not just in the public blockchain. Configuration. Which, you've likely heard the most about but, specifically. In the enterprise so, we. Consider ourselves the creator, of the blockchain as a service category, which we, kicked off in late 2015, with. One. Of Google's, competitors, who I won't name, and. Are. Very happy to, help. Bring blockchain, as a service to the, Google cloud platform today. So. We believe also we're the first to bring a production. Blockchain application, online and a fortune 500, context. This is with the world's largest mining company, bhp, billiton in, late 2016. And. Through. That effort we learned a lot about what. It takes, for. Enterprises to adopt blockchain, technology, and the. Fact that enterprise. Needs are somewhat orthogonal, to. What. You see in the public networks as far as one. Performance. Transaction. Throughput latency, the. Complexity, of the business logic present. In the enterprise, and. All, the non-functional requirements, compliance. Privacy, etc, which. Commercial. Vendors like us, help. Our customers, through where, you don't see in the more open source focused, public, blockchain. Area. So, in any case we. Found that a number of other vendors we're trying to solve the same problems, in the etherium, ecosystem, one, way to think of what aetherium is done it's, not just a public blockchain. But it's also a vertical standard. And is. Something of a platform and, we're finding the the etherium virtual machine and solidity to sort of be like Java, in the sense that it, was invented for one context, Java being invented, for embedded systems programming but. Is being deployed in in. Many, other contexts, and becoming a developer focused. And a community, standard, that. Enterprises. Are also deploying, so. We. Got together with with several of our one, large, customers. And. Two technology. Companies, who wanted. To see the adoption of sort, of a Java style standards-based, approach. To. Make blockchain. Technology, a reality in, the enterprise so, we're on the funding more to the enterprise of theorem Alliance and. I, personally chair the technical steering committee that sits out to define what. Etherium means in, the enterprise.

So. A little bit on our on our platform, so we, again are a platform provider. We. Sit, atop the Google cloud and. On. The cloud marketplace and, we. See ourselves as built on open, standards so, you can think of block chains again as not. Just platforms with protocols, protocols for, communication. And transactions. And so we, implement, these protocols and facilitate, the creation of enterprise. Applications, across, a variety of verticals. As. Far as our platform goes it's sort of split into kind of two core. Use cases one the ledger itself, so, on the lower side here the virtual machine which does transaction. Processing. Synchronization. Which comprises, the peer-to-peer network and the. Consensus, algorithm that allows everyone. To arrive at the same shared truth, and. The. Database, component. Which allows, our, customers to query. The blockchain as they would a traditional, relational. Database this, is all exposed through, a variety of api's, which. Do things like key. Management so customers. Don't have to think about the nitty-gritty of, the. Lifecycle, of the private keys which encode. The, data that's on the blockchain. Querying. Api's that are built out of the bar so when you write a smart contract you, have an API for it, that front-end. Developers, can write. User, interfaces, to without any additional, work. Etc. So. Let's. Talk through a few use cases that are actually deployed in production across, a variety of our customers so. Obviously. There's a lot of watching, adoption, and financial, services, so that, is where we see it a tremendous. Amount of our business, and has, designed our platform, around a number of the requirements, the use cases like real-time, gross, settlement so, this is bank-to-bank. Intraday. Transfers, so, that banks can cover their liabilities, in a very low latency. Situation. Kyc. Consumer, customer identity management so that customers. May. D couple their personal, identity from, the information, that their financial institutions. Have to streamline, onboarding, so, that they can consume, products. Across a variety, of financial institutions, much. More easily we, have sort of a tremendous amount of work in supply chain so and. This is cross, sectors as well I mentioned. The East case with the world's largest mining company bhp, billiton but, we're deploying supply chain management software, in, agriculture. In commodities. Etc. We. Even have some work in the government so later. This year we will turn on a production system that will help departments. Of Motor Vehicles. Track. Vehicle. Title, electronic. Lien and title and vehicle registrations. Through. Their lifecycle and. We. Have a lot of business in the energy sector as well which is also a strength of, googles. Apparently. We've, been working with the Google team for maybe five, six months now we, actually have a launch customer, for, this. Event so. We are happy to announce a. Partnership, with company, called money catcher so money Quecha is an australian based financial. Services, firm that, provides -, blockchain, platforms, based on block apps Strato one, is. Called reg chain this is a loan. Management, product.

And, The other is called home. Chain, so, what their technology allows, their global, banking customers, to do is. Understand. The life cycle of, loans. And, understand. All the parameters, for compliance, around these loans so there, are a lot of data sources to correlate, when, servicing, personal. Loans that, fit. The blockchain architecture. In a fairly seamless, way and, so they've partnered with us and actually, already, begun. To launch their application, on the Google cloud so first, reference customer, already. Here a. Little. Bit more on what they do so. They're. Rigged chain product does. Risk. Compliance in reporting, again. On the the loan data that we see and. Hooks. Not just in to our platform but some of the Google's, data services, would allow them to do advanced, analytics, on the. The core data, that. Is in the blockchain ledger. So. Finally. Once. Talked just a little bit about the technical, integration so we are available, on the Google cloud launcher. Or the Google cloud marketplace now. Our. Platform is very easy to use but. Scales, all the way through real. Enterprise production, implications you can see a picture of it here it. Has a built in blockchain, Explorer, tools. For live, editing, smart contracts, deploying them on the watch in itself search. Search. Across all, of the data that is in the blockchain, and. Very. Quickly you'll, find that your teams are your developers, will be, able to go from prototyping. An application, to. Deploying. That application, to production icing, it so we, were very happy to partner with Google on. This journey. To making. Blockchain, not, just a deployed. But, you know at reasonable, scale reality, now to taking. It to the whole world so. Thank you very much again I'm Karen James Litton from block apps so, please, one. Interact, with me after the session to, visit us at, caps net or find us on the good Google, cloud launcher marketplace and three.

Speak To your Google Account Executives, and, use, our products, on, google. Cloud marketplace, thank. You. So. I have the tough job of following after, those two fantastic. Presentation. Sections. So you, know be easy on me so. I'm going to close out with the open source integrations. Of hyper ledger fabric, aetherium as I, mentioned at the start we, want to be your preferred public cloud for, testing developing, and launching DLT. Applications. And for, that we want to meet you where you are so. If you need help with your building, with your ID ating then you've got really great partners, in digital, asset and block apps. But. If you're. The type that's more DIY, and you want to get your hands dirty and build from scratch yourself we're, also there for you. So. The first integration, that I'm happy to share is of. Hyper ledger fabric, this, was built by a Google, engineer it, is an open source integration, of open source code you. Can start using it today on our Google cloud launcher now called marketplace, and as, you can see it's a click to deploy option, so. Super. Excited to share this because it is something that again you can start using today. We. Also are building an open-source integration, of aetherium which will also be available on marketplace, but. This, being software. Development, timelines it was supposed to be done by this week but you, know this, week slipped a little so. It, will be done I've been told by my engineer who I, don't see here but you know if he's here. Looking. At you, it. Should, be done in a few weeks in August. So. Finally I wanted to give a really big hearty thank you to all, of you for coming and hearing, more about what we're doing with DLT. Partners and also, to our DLT, partners block apps and digital asset, who have been so fantastic to work with have. Really. Taken. Not just the. Technology approach, but to Sholes point also our cultural, approach to development to heart and brought, that to our cloud so we're so excited about this and, as everyone has mentioned if you have questions come and find us afterwards thank you. You.


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