Interstellar Exploration - From Sci-Fi To Real Life Technology | BMG Science

Interstellar Exploration - From Sci-Fi To Real Life Technology | BMG Science

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hi Welcome to our Channel BMG science with your host Bruno ganow today we'll talk about the challenges of interstellar travel we'll cover topics such as Interstellar Basics slow and fast robotic missions slow and fast human missions van Numan probes faster than light travel artificial gravity telecommunication and our final thoughts to cover these topics this video will be quite long so let's start straight away Advanced missions within our solar system do not rely on further advancements in basic science traveling through our solar system falls under the category of hard science fiction which is rooted in scientific facts however Interstellar exploration presents a whole new set of challenges robotic missions using Nano probes to explore nearby stars are within reach with current technology but anything more ambitious would require advancements that are still uncertain this applies not just to the technology itself but also to the scientific principles underlying it for Missions that demand less scientific and technological progress slower approaches like space arcs generation ships or hibernation based missions with travel time spanning centuries may be more feasible when it comes to putting both into action the uncertainties primarily revolve around advancements in space medicine and biology rather than propulsion and physics the quickest Journeys permitted by our current understanding of Relativity Theory involve relativistic missions where time dilation near the speed of light is utilized to shorten the travel duration for astronauts yet the duration of the journey as perceived by those staying on Earth is nearly equivalent in terms of years to the distance covered in light years nevertheless the energy demand for such missions is substantial and escalate significantly with the intensification of time dilation traveling faster than the speed of light may be possible according to certain interpretations of Relativity such as using wormholes or warp drive but it would require significant advancements in physics as a result stories about Interstellar travel are often found in Space Opera novels which prioritize entertainment over strict scientific accuracy rather than in hard science fiction none of the novels in this genre delve into the specifics of how the Machinery operates and even less scientifically accurate are the movies TV shows and video games in this category additionally in order to make travel to far off star systems feasible within reasonable time frames using warp drives the creators of Star Trek had to introduce the concept of the warp factor which essentially functions as a nonlinear scale this adds an extra layer of complexity to achieving faster than like travel the solar system exploration is well underway with robotic probes reaching all the planets and numerous minor bodies this has completely revolutionized our understanding of planets satellites asteroids and comets in addition to Mars and Venus Landers have also reach Titan and astronauts have landed on the moon there are well-developed plans to land humans on Mars the advancements in technology are making even the most challenging missions in the solar system such as those enabled by nuclear fusion propulsion possible even in these extreme cases like traveling to Mars in just over a month we only need to utilize the scientific knowledge accumulated over the past two centuries there are ongoing discussions about whether Advanced interplanetary propulsion Technologies such as propellantless drives like the M Drive align with fundamental scientific principles however these devices may not be essential for solar system exploration and colonization as traditional options like Fusion drives are still viable Alternatives if we're looking to Envision Adventure in the solar system we can achieve that by delving into the realm of hard science fiction or science fiction that's firmly rooted in scientific facts Interstellar exploration presents a unique set of challenges utilizing existing scientific knowledge robotic missions to nearby stars are feasible especially if Nano probes are employed to travel at a velocity ranging from 10 to 20% of the speed of light with the objective of conducting a flyby of the target star or potentially entering into its orbit however even these fundamental missions necessitate the advancement of new hardware and software which rely on technologies that are yet to be developed on the other hand a sample return Mission poses significantly greater difficulties human missions including colonization efforts are not only crucial for propulsion but also for control the levels of artificial intelligence needed for these missions are currently beyond our understanding and it is uncertain if they are even achievable additionally telecommunications and various other aspects are also essential for the success of these missions the focus lies not only on the technological aspects Technologies with TRL below three but also on the scientific foundations that underpin the relevant Technologies TRL less than one it is undeniable that there are few intriguing scenarios that can be envisioned depicting robotic missions without direct human or alien involvement now let's talk about types of interstellar missions and the possibility to categorize Interstellar missions involving robots and humans into various classes a robotic Mission could conduct a rapid flyby through the destination system without engaging in any Maneuvers to approach the planets within the system another option is to conduct a close pass of one or more celestial bodies such as planets or asteroids by adjusting the spacecraft's trajectory within the target system also we can access the system in order to establish an orbit around the stars for the purpose of conducting an extensive study of the system or access the system and establish an orbit around one of the planets to conduct an in-depth study over an extended period another is upon reaching one of the celestial bodies within the target system that possesses a solid exterior the Lander has the capability to deploy a Rover or upon arrival at one of the celestial bodies within the target system the task involves Gathering samples and subsequently transmitting them back to Earth as part of the sample return Mission another way is upon reaching one of the celestial bodies within the target system such as an asteroid the spacecraft not only completes its designated tasks but also constructs a new spacecraft possibly an ENT identical model of itself this newly created probe then departs from the planet or the system to investigate other planets or systems these types of probes are commonly known as Von Newman probes the replication of these probes is a crucial aspect of their design yet it poses inherent risks given that the replication process may take place at a significant distance in both space and time from Earth's current time frame it becomes impractical except for the initial replications to verify the accuracy of the replication process leading to potential errors that can be likened to mutations and finally upon arrival at a habitable planet the intention is to transport human life in a dormant State such as Frozen human embryos with the ultimate goal of establishing a human Colony upon reaching the destination a human Mission could be prolonged lasting for centuries one-way journey of a space Arch type the Starship is required to achieve a velocity ranging from 0.1% to 10% of the speed of light such missions are primarily designed for colonization purposes and involve carrying a substantial crew on board the crew size is not determined by the duration of the journey but rather by the need to establish a viable Colony conversely the size of the Starship which is already substantial is directly proportional to the duration of the journey increasing as the travel time extends the primary technological challenges revolve around developing highly durable life support systems a prolong Journey lasting for centuries involving a crew in hibernation the spacecraft is similar to its predecessor albeit smaller in size the primary challenges lie in advancing hibernation methods to sustain the crew over extended durations another example is a fast lasting a fraction of human lifespan one-way Expedition even if the spacecraft can travel at approximately 10 to 50% the speed of light the duration of the journey would span several years ranging from 8 to 40 contingent on the distance of the destination star from Earth but only if it is in close proximity with these travel durations the scenario is not significantly different from what is observed for slow Interstellar travel and either the spacecraft must function as a space Arc or hibernation becomes a necessity essentially the only benefit is that the hibernation or life support system does not need to be operational for decades or centuries another way is a rapid lasting a few years but moving at a speed at which relativistic effects are not present or are weak unidirectional Expedition the spacecraft needs to move at approximately 50 to 80% the speed of light this is feasible only for a small number of nearby star systems because even in such instances the journey takes several years longer than the time it takes for the slowest spacecraft to reach Mars also a one-way Mission at relativistic speeds involves a spacecraft traveling close to the speed of light resulting in a travel time slightly longer than the distance in light years when observed by a stationary Observer however relativistic effects cause time to flow slower on board the spacecraft leading to a shorter perceived travel time for the passengers as the speed of the space craft approaches the speed of light the travel time approaches zero while the energy required for the journey approaches Infinity while colonization Journeys are feasible and may subjectively seem fast return Journeys are practically unattainable as returning Travelers would find that many years have passed on Earth Warren Salamon highlighted in his work the economics of interstellar Commerce that the only plausible reason for undertaking a relativistic return Interstellar Journey would be to acrw interest on funds left in a bank according to current understanding of phys phics faster than light oneway missions are currently deemed unattainable necessitating significant advancements in fundamental physics the current concept behind FTL travel revolves around the potential utilization of space-time Distortion to reduce the distance to be traversed by the spacecraft making it shorter than the actual distance between the departure and destination points faster than light missions necessitate significant advancements in fundamental physics similar to those needed for General FTL travel additionally these missions can only be achieved if the perceived velocity is significantly greater than the speed of light robotic missions such as fast flyby missions which have a low scientific return and one-way robotic missions where the probe remains in the destination star system possibly landing on a planet or asteroid are mission categories that require less scientific technological advances sample return missions are much more demanding and necessitate significant advances particularly in the propulsion system the last two types of robotic missions mentioned are even more more complex requiring substantial advancements in artificial intelligence and biology and also presenting significant ethical challenges the potential use of Von Newman machines or probes sparked a heated dispute Von Newman machines have been a popular subject in science fiction with authors such as Arthur C Clark Theodore sturgeon and Greg Benford exploring the concept notably Fred saberhagen penned a lengthy series on the topic from 1967 to 2005 additionally a more recent series on similar themes was authored by another writer the Von Newman machines depicted in these novels equipped with varying degrees of artificial intelligence were originally constructed by extraterrestrial beings as tools for Warfare or exploration however due to unforeseen mutations and the forces of natural selection these machines evolved into lethal threats capable of destroying life this concept of machines undergoing darwinian Evolution was first proposed by Samuel Butler shortly after Darwin published his groundbreaking work on evolution it continues to serve as a major argument against the deployment of such probes stronger ethical concerns arise regarding the utilization of robotic probes such as Von Newman probes to transport dormant human life to exoplanets for the purpose of colonization due to these reservations we will no longer consider this method the only feasible Interstellar missions with current or foreseeable technology are those that are slow in nature such as generation ships or missions involving hibernation both of which would entail travel times of potentially hundreds of years in order to establish space arcs it is imperative to address two fundamental technological challenges these include the creation of regenerative life support systems capable of functioning for extended periods potentially hundreds of years with minimal upkeep and without the need for spare parts and consumables from Earth Additionally the construction of massive spacecraft in a cost-effective manner is essential this may necessitate building them on the moon or an asteroid utilizing resources found locally both of these conditions necess at that Humanity has achieved the status of a civilization capable of space travel nevertheless this is not a significant obstacle as it is logical that prior to venturing into Interstellar human exploration our species must have investigated and potentially established colonies in a significant portion of our solar system Starships transporting hibernating humans may seem more feasible at this juncture but they necessitate advancements in artificial intelligence as all maintenance and navigation responsibilities must be delegated to machines the uncertainties surrounding the implementation of slow Interstellar missions are primarily linked to progress in space medicine and biology rather than propulsion and physics in terms of the former there is uncertainty regarding whether humans can endure the psychological strain of a Generation ship and the long-term effects of radiation exposure across Generations as for the latter the actual viability of human hibernation has yet to be proven the genre of Science Fiction frequently portrays space voyages involving Crews that may or may not be in hibernation and and a notable instance of this is the 2016 film passengers directed by Morton tium due to its emphasis on the psychological responses of the passengers rather than the technological aspects this movie is better categorized as Space Opera rather than hard science fiction in Rapid Interstellar voyages the challenges are primarily focused on the propulsion mechanisms rather than the size of the spacecraft or the medical and psychological factors especially when targeting a star in close proximity to the sun however if the star is located several light years away the journey duration spans decades or even centuries thereby presenting similar issues encountered in space arcs and hibernation ships alongside more stringent demands for the propulsion system Interstellar missions that are considered very fast are comparable to previous missions lasting from several years to decades or even centuries these missions do not exhibit significant differences from their predecessors the fastest travel achievable based on current interpretations of Relativity Theory involves relativistic missions where time contraction near the speed of light is utilized to reduce travel time for astronauts however the travel time experienced by those remaining on Earth is still close to the distance traveled in light years measured in years these Expeditions are similar to slow missions with hibernating crew but instead of hibernation relativistic time contraction is utilized to prevent the Aging of The Travelers the duration of the journey for non-travelers ranges from several years for nearby stars to many decades or even centuries for more distant destinations the energy demand for this form of transportation is substantial and escalates significantly as time dilation increases despite the absence of theoretical obstacles to the development of such technology no existing or conceivable propulsion system is capable of facilitating Interstellar journeys of this nature it is conceivable in the realm of Science Fiction to tap into the extraction of energy from the vacuum known as Zero Point Energy however the methods of achieving this are currently beyond our technological capabilities and stories that explore this concept conep typically fall under the Space Opera genre rather than hard science fiction now we can talk about the concept of faster than light travel within the realm of Science Fiction narrative centered around Interstellar Journeys spacecrafts are often depicted as capable of traveling at speeds exceeding that of light this narrative choice is primarily driven by the necessity to facilitate various common themes within the genre such as two-way Interstellar travel Interstellar trade and conflict as well as interactions with extraterrestrial beings it appears that achieving faster than light travel may be within the realm of possibility according to certain interpretations of Relativity which involve either wormholes or warp drive however such a feat would necessitate significant advancements in fundamental physics as a result the novels penned by science fiction authors that explore Interstellar Journeys are more akin to space operas rather than hard science fiction these writers often make minimal effort to provide a scientifically credible explanation for how FTL travel is accomplished the novels of this genre do do not delve into the intricate workings of the Machinery involved especially in terms of how the substantial amounts of energy needed are acquired Star Trek explicitly states that the warp drive functions through a matter antimatter reaction which is recognized as the reaction possessing the greatest energy density specifically the dyum antium reaction is highlighted antimatter serves as an energy carrier that necessitates production demanding a greater amount of energy compared to what is generated through the matter antimatter reaction One potential method to achieve this is through the establishment of space stations that can extract hydrogen along with dyum tridium or helium 3 from gas giants and utilize Fusion reactions to create the antimatter needed to refuel Starships unlike faster than light travel this approach aligns with our current understanding of physics although the essential Technologies are still in the developmental stage these Technologies are currently at a technology Readiness level TRL close to one which is a step forward from the TRL of zero associated with FTL the movies and TV series in this genre are even further from scientific realism for example the writers of Stargate Atlantis rely on Zero Point Energy which is even less plausible than antimatter generators based on current scientific knowledge video games often depict scenarios that are far from scientifically accurate where players engage in immersive simulations involving interactions with various characters both human and alien as well as piloting different types of Starships the simulation games are designed to evoke a sense of realism that resonates with the player emotionally leading them to form a strong identification with their character although the combat scenes May resemble dog fights between World War II aircraft rather than futuristic Warfare the player is still able to become fully engrossed in the game certain unrealistic elements are deliberately incorporated into the game as the user's lack of exposure to hypothetical future space travel causes them to perceive as realistic only those aspects that are grounded in their existing knowledge and experiences spacecraft deriving emit sound even in the absence of air asteroid fields are unrealistically dense and players rely on their senses and reflexes to navigate through them among other scenarios these occurrences are not unique to these games as they are also present throughout the Star Wars franchise highlighting the lack of scientific accuracy in even the renowned Star Trek series FTL travel particularly for colonization purposes necessitates achieving velocities that appear to be at least four times the speed of light in order to reach the nearest star with in a year this is significantly faster than the current technological capability to travel to Mars however if the target star is further away even higher speeds are required for successful travel greater speeds are necessary for two-way Interstellar Journeys essential for realizing the core elements of Science Fiction Interstellar trade diplomacy potential conflict criminal activities and Espionage when space dramas intersect with detective or Espionage narratives romantic entanglements and More in order order to travel to farway Star systems within a reasonable time frame the concept of exceeding the speed of light is necessary this speed must be significantly faster than the speed of light to the point where it becomes unimaginable the creators of Star Trek recognized this Challenge and introduced the warp factor as a solution which operates on a nonlinear scale at a warp factor of six the spacecraft achieves a velocity 216 times faster than the speed of light enabling it to arrive at Alpha centu in 7.32 days in in a broader context this velocity is equivalent to approximately 0.18 parex per day

traveling to the planet Vulcan from Star Trek located around star 40 aidani or keed 16.26% slightly faster than light speed offers minimal advantages compared to what is referred to as subliminal travel in science fiction true FTL travel presents an even greater challenge to accomplish furthermore under these circumstances the scenario would resemble the global travel conditions of the 19th century exorbitantly expensive making it unattainable for the majority of individuals except for the affluent and government officials and timec consuming taking weeks or even months consequently only a small number of people people could afford to travel yet it allowed for the expansion of Empires across multiple continents and facilitated International diplomacy as of the present time faster than light travel remains a concept confined to the realm of Science Fiction within this genre authors typically explore two main methods for achieving FTL travel warp drives and space-time manipulation through tunnels or wormholes the Breakthrough propulsion physics program aim to delve deeper into the theoretical underpinnings of warp drive technology notably a number of respected physicists including Miguel alub in 1994 dedicated their efforts to this Pursuit alub himself acknowledged drawing inspiration from the fictional warp drive concept which was first introduced by John W Campbell in his work islands of space in 1931 predating the popularization of the idea in the Star Trek series it appears that there has been some recent advancement in the development of a warp drive although the practicality of this idea has yet to be proven there are two important aspects to consider regarding faster than light travel one is the potential activation of the theoretical warp drive and the other is the location of the space-time tunnel or Wormhole it is probable that this location is situated beyond the star system from which the Journey Begins and likewise the exit point is situated beyond the destination star system the inclusion of the time needed to transition between the two systems while traveling at a speed comparable to that described as sublight in science fiction contributes to the overall travel duration this additional time May NE necessitate the addition of one or more days to the total travel period while this may be inconsequential in other forms of interstellar travel it could result in a significant delay when utilizing FTL travel with a high warp factor conversely certain science fiction narratives depict space-time tunnels as directly linking two points in space regardless of the distance between them allowing a Starship passing through to instantaneously Traverse from one point to the other this method of implementing faster than light travel presents significant theoretical challenges akin to those associated with time travel primarily it appears to assume the existence of an absolute time a concept that directly contradicts the principles of Relativity Theory consider a scenario where a traveler passes through one of these FTL tunnels when does the arrival at the destination Planet occur furthermore if the same traveler returns to earth what is the time of arrival is it plausible that the time of arrival in the earth system is simply the departure time plus the duration spent in the other system which can be calculated using relativity does this notion align with the theory at hand consequently an Interstellar Journey would entail a duration equivalent to the time needed to depart from the initial system and enter the destination system regardless of the distance separating the two systems the movie Stargate and its related TV series depict tunnels that link two points on the surfaces of different planets enabling instantaneous planet toplanet travel a similar concept is explored in Peter F Hamilton's works such as Pandora star and Judas Unchained from his Commonwealth Saga what sets this idea apart is the construction of tracks leading to and from these Stargates though they are not explicitly named as such allowing Interstellar Journeys to be made VIA trains that Traverse all inhabited planets the Intriguing aspect lies in the crossing itself where the train along with all objects within it straddle two planets simultaneously each moving at a different velocity through space and experiencing time at varying rates however the specifics of this phenomenon are left unexplained the initial implementation of this method is depicted with a touch of humor as the first astronauts arrive on Mars after a lengthy conventional space Voyage only to encounter two scientists who had arrived earlier by traversing a space-time tunnel this suggests that space-time tunnels may have been uncovered around our current ERA until this point our primary focus has been on the challenge of achieving velocities that are sufficiently high to facilitate Interstellar travel it is widely acknowledged by both space scientists and science fiction authors that this is a crucial issue to Address given the vast distance involved in interstellar travel nevertheless in order to execute a successful Interstellar Expedition particularly one involving human beings there are additional factors that must be taken into consideration the human aspects are the first consideration and they could potentially impact robotic missions if a robotic Mission requires several decades to produce its scientific results which may exceed the professional lifespan of its creators the incentives to initiate it may be minimal in the case of human missions the human factors become even more crucial with radiation being the most significant concern active protection is necessary to prevent the Starship from Gaining excessive Mass except for Missions involving crew in hibernation currently extensive research is underway on active protection and hibernation Technologies and it is probable that they will be ready for use in interplanetary travel in the near future microgravity can be effectively addressed by implementing artificial gravity in spacecraft designed for long-term travel such as a space Arc through the use of ation to simulate gravity additionally in slow Interstellar Journeys the acceleration and deceleration phases in the arrival system only make up a small portion of the overall travel time therefore the crew can easily endure the acceleration required during these phases traveling at a rate of 1G it requires 347 days to approach the velocity of light consequently embarking on a journey through a wormhole at a velocity near the speed of light with a tolerable acceleration would necessitate numerous months in the realm of Science Fiction this dilemma is resolved through the implementation of mechanisms known as acceleration compensators or inertial compensators or inertial dampeners which enable individuals to endure exceedingly High accelerations through the manipulation of gravity it is also conceivable to generate an artificial gravitational field without the need for spacecraft rotation resulting in coriolis accelerations nevertheless in order to develop such mechanisms we must possess the capability to control SpaceTime and inertia a concept that remains beyond our current understanding and may even be deemed unattainable all we can assert is that the Advent of Technologies capable of producing warp drives would likely lead to the development of acceleration compensators addressing the psychological challenges of individuals residing in a community traveling through space for extended periods or even their entire lives will pose a significant obstacle one potential solution to this issue could be the implementation of hibernation additionally the self-sufficient production of essential Goods such as food medication spare parts and other consumables while on board will present another challenge in this regard the knowledge gained from lunar Mars or space colonies will prove invaluable the Telecommunications may become less significant as the space crew moves farther away from the solar system the distance is already substantial with Mars making real-time conversation difficult as the time delay increases to months years and potentially over a century in interstellar travel telecommunications may only be used to stay updated on Earth's events in science fiction this issue is typically addressed through FTL telecommunication or material messages in the initial scenario in addition to traveling at FTL speed FTL communication has also been achieved in the Star Trek series Subspace messages travel at a velocity exceeding that of light and may require weeks to Traverse between relatively distant star systems throughout the evolution of the narrative Subspace Communications became increasingly rapid eventually reaching the the point of instantaneous transmission and enabling real-time conversations once more the issue of absolute time assumes significance but is disregarded in the second scenario data is stored on a physical medium which is then placed on a small automated spacecraft commonly referred to as a probe and propelled to its destination at faster than light speed this approach is considered more feasible as achieving FTL space travel would make it possible to transmit messages in this manner without difficulty probes are significantly smaller than starships and are generally assumed to be faster making it practical to dispatch a probe carrying a recorded message instead of a full-fledged Starship the scenario is reminiscent of the 19th century when long-distance communication was as Swift as a letter transported by the fastest horse or carrier pigeon followed by train or ship it is worth noting that in the 1960s the initial attempts to reenter from orbit were driven by the need to retrieve the films containing images of Earth captured by the early spy satellites these films were then processed on Earth even during the Apollo missions the photographs captured on film and subsequently processed on Earth exhibited superior quality compared to those transmitted via radio the failure of the Apollo 12 TV Camera resulted in no images being broadcast during that mission a proposal to apply a comparable method to analyze data originating from the outer regions of the solar system was put forth in anticipation of unmanned missions to the Kyer belt in conclusion the vast distances between the Stars within our galaxy particularly in the region where the sun is located are so immense that traveling between them would necessitate velocities far exceeding what we are currently capable of achieving due to the fact that the energy needed to accelerate to a certain speed increases exponentially with the square of that speed according to classical physics Interstellar travel demands an immense amount of energy the advancements in physics brought about by relativity have made certain aspects of interstellar travel more challenging while simplifying others as an object approaches the speed of light its mass increases and its energ grows approaching Infinity as the speed approaches the speed of light this phenomenon makes it impossible to travel at the speed of light resulting in a minimum travel time between two stars that is equal to or greater than their distance in light years it becomes simpler as as one approaches the speed of light the time experienced on the Starship decreases resulting in shorter travel durations for the passengers compared to those observing from Earth furthermore the amount of energy needed to achieve a velocity where time dilation occurs is lower than the energy needed to complete the same Journey using traditional physics within the same time frame due to the aforementioned factors particularly the energy demands involved numerous scientists held the belief that Interstellar exploration whether through robotic or human means was unattainable until recent decades it is not surprising when considering that as far back as 1926 a British scientist named a w bickerton expressed skepticism by stating this foolish idea of shooting at the Moon is an example of the Absurd length to which vicious specialization will carry scientists bickerton highlighted the immense challenge posed by Earth's gravitational pole noting that a projectile would require a velocity of 7 m/s to Break Free the thermal energy required to achieve this velocity amounts to 15,180 calories per gram consequently the statement seems fundamentally unachievable just 40 years later Apollo 11 successfully landed two individuals on the lunar surface it is important to highlight that the justification for Bick eron's assertion of possibility is the same as the one frequently used by many to argue that Interstellar travel is essentially unattainable throughout history from the era of prehistory up to the Industrial Revolution the amount of energy accessible to humanity was remarkably limited however there was a rapid escalation in energy availability which persists to this day albeit at a slower Pace the progression of human civilization into outer space will inevitably lead to a surge in our energy requirements yet it will also provide us with the opportunity to further enance our energy resources full exploration of the solar system will only become possible with the complete development of nuclear fusion technology furthermore it is probable that Interstellar travel will necessitate the utilization of matter antimatter reactions a concept that is theoretically feasible based on current scientific understanding slow Interstellar travel whether through the use of space arcs or by inducing crew hibernation is poised to become a feasible option in the foreseeable future this advancement will pave the way for the colonist ization of numerous exoplanets while Interstellar travel utilizing relativistic effects is theoretically achievable it is anticipated to come to fruition at a later stage compared to slower travel methods primarily due to the immense amounts of energy it demands Interstellar travel has long been a fundamental Concept in science fiction whether it be in the realm of hard science fiction or Space Opera the narratives of many novels films television series and video games often revolve around the idea of interstellar travel being achieved through through methods that allow for faster than light travel a concept that defies the limitations imposed by the speed of light furthermore the velocity needed for such Journeys is often so extreme that it is occasionally Quantified using a nonlinear metric such as warp factor resulting in instantaneous Interstellar travel the feasibility of achieving this form of interstellar travel in actuality presents significantly more challenges it is argued by some scientists that FTL travel can be achieved through the implementation of warp drive and space-time tunnels or wormholes these concepts are believed to be compatible with general relativity offering potential solutions to the equations upon which this fundamental theory is constructed despite certain claims suggesting progress has been made in this regard the accomplishment of such a feat necessitates advancements in the comprehension of general relativity or perhaps more plausibly the integration of this Theory with quantum mechanics in what is known as Quantum relativity achieving this feat if feasible could potentially transpire at an unspecified point in time time necessitating subsequent advancements in various Technologies Beyond just FTL propulsion it is imperative to acknowledge that progress in multiple other fields unrelated to propulsion per se is essential for the realization of such a milestone the propulsion itself is necessary and it is anticipated that these technologies will be developed to enable human exploration and colonization of the solar system eventually they may also facilitate slow Interstellar travel making it probable that they will be prepared for when and if FTL travel becomes attainable in the meantime we can appreciate stories about FTL voyages and continue to explore the solar system as well as make initial efforts to venture Beyond it such as by launching precursor Interstellar probes using feasible Technologies thanks for listening and if you liked it leave a comment like And subscribe and see you on our next episode

2024-08-02 16:33

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