Intelligent Buildings That Use Data To Improve Our Lives and Save Costs

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seeing the building as a psychological  structure so understanding those buildings   and then integrating those buildings  into our into those into our daily lives so hello i'm very excited to be joined today by  soner haci from bead um soner it'd be great if you   could just give yourself a brief introduction as  to who you are and what you do at feed that'd be   great sure sure thank you scott for having me as  well and i'm sonar b from beat and i'm one of the   co-founders in beat so what we do is basically  we are developing technology that is analyzing   human behavior in commercial buildings and then  integrating that behavioral analytics and into   building separations starting with the like hvac  system and then moving into space optimization   so that those buildings are becoming more and  less like an adaptive intelligent buildings   excellent so i know we've uh we've spoken before  and there's an article on the website about your   technology which uh you know if you haven't if any  of the viewers haven't seen it i'll put a link in   below so go and have a look at it um the whole  point of these videos i'm trying to do is really   trying to understand kind of the human behind  these wonderful technologies trying to understand   what it is that drives you that makes you tick  and what kind of impact that you're trying to   have with what you're doing on the world around  us so you know it'd be really good to understand   from your point of view why is it you do this  you know there's a million things you could be   doing with your time how did you find your way  here and what do you hope to achieve with this   yes sure i mean i totally agree so i mean most of  the people are thinking like doing this especially   in those times these times that we are inside  being an entrepreneur and doing trying to do   those startups is really like difficult and crazy  uh but my point of view is always like before we   started beat i was also working in a really large  corporate uh like that was uh focused on like that   has like huge different fields as well but i was  more on the other all the building technologies   and energy management division so and i was  always responsible for emerging markets new market   entries and at that time i was always seeing that  as you know like the bigger those corporates and   companies get the uh the speed of innovation and  being really agile is is fading away so and and   you will really really would like to do something  and change something and but also do something   that is also affecting uh like people's life in in  our case i was always like uh focused on buildings   like commercial and commercial buildings not like  too much to do with residentials but uh at that   time i was always like um thinking like like  how we can use and see uh those buildings in a   different way as well not like only trying to make  those buildings smarter uh but more integrating   those buildings into our daily life so that was  really fascinating to me but you know like as you   said as i said like the bigger the company gets  the bigger the more difficult it gets to convince   executives to do something to change something  and and that was the reason why i said okay   i got my experience i know and right now i need to  do the next step and move uh to the other side of   the table and then uh like start something really  developing something uh that is not like a next   version of x but more in new uh new technology  that is changing the whole infrastructure so   and that is why we why why i started with my  friends beat and and right now i am really happy   of course it is always difficult but as soon as  you see that you change something and especially   in those in these difficult times then you somehow  you somehow say that okay look we can continue   making that because it's really working but  also it's also changing a lot of things as well   that's really interesting and uh yeah i really  enjoy you know hearing about some of the use cases   that you're you're bringing to mark in some of  your insights um but let's just go back on to that   you know you wanted to do something that impacted  people's lives you wanted to integrate you know   um take the data from building so not just kind of  smart buildings but intelligent buildings yeah um   in doing that how how is that going to make  people's lives better in that case we are   uh focusing on two verticals one uh the buildings  itself and especially in the first part uh we are   uh we need to like understand the effects of the  buildings in smart city projects and applications   that meaning that we need to understand first of  all like how those buildings affects the city life   uh especially like public transportation  so that is what we are really focused   on and like i can give you an example we were  working with a couple of municipalities on   really small size uh like pilots and the idea  was how we can integrate those usage patterns   and occupancy patterns into public transportation  like taxi drivers bus routes and optimizing those   routes so that we can reduce like those traffic  but also optimize the time that we are using   from commuting to from one building to another  and because everyone was really like isolating   buildings from those kind of applications  but if you can integrate that analytics   and then create those connected systems that can  really make a difference and but secondly uh also   the buildings itself so what we were especially  call it also showed us like we need to understand   how we use those buildings without depending on  human input so we need to understand like okay   how the usage patterns are we need to optimize the  space usage but also connecting to that we need   to optimize the comfort levels and reduce their  energy as well because right now uh the biggest   problem in those energy vests are are  caused by those commercial buildings   and like either overcooling overheating buildings  using unnecessary big systems so that is also for   example causing another problem because you  don't know actually how how the buildings life   cycle day cycle would change before you invest in  those kind of technologies and that is the reason   why we are saying that we need to concentrate and  focus on making those buildings more intelligent   instead of trying to make them more smart and so  that you take those buildings will become like a   a living ecosystem instead of being like left  as a concrete structures that will never change   uh and those are the ones that are that we are  really focused on like basically to optimize   the sustainability but also reduce the carbon  footprints as well because that all those are   connected with itself so if you can see those  buildings as a source of data instead of like as   as as like concrete structures then it will change  and affect a lot uh especially people's lives uh   but also recently as you as you know like the  health and uh and and also like preventing   overcrowding that's bad yeah really really really  uh fascinating so you know what i what i take from   that is what you're working on is you're working  on a solution and solutions that can you know   help all the way from reducing congestion reducing  energy consumption uh giving people back time but   also improving health through understanding the  air and the environment that they're sitting in   um yeah it sounds so from the technology linking  the technology to things like the united nations   sustainable development goals i think there's so  many ticks in so many boxes there it sounds like a   sounds like a no-brainer to me it's gotta do it  um exactly so it's like that needs to change yes   yeah absolutely so um yeah from from your personal  inspiration what was it was it the was it the kind   of your corporate experience that made you  think you know what we need to do is we need   to really understand what these buildings  are like or was there some other aspects   that kind of led you to this particular focus  with in my case it was like um my interest   in buildings like because i was also really  fascinated about fascinated about architecture   and uh like designing buildings and not like  how they call it like more adaptive design like   that is i think what is really fascinating because  i was seeing that okay look like we are creating   like autonomous robots we are creating like  these really like autonomous factories but   we are not doing anything on the building side  but at the end of the day we nearly spent like   right now it is even 100 percent like our  lives inside those buildings and and even   there is a research that is called into next  year and they generation as an indoor generation   and that is actually happened right now but that  makes it much more important to understand those   buildings but not uh to see the building in a in a  like creating a new technology but more seeing the   building as um as a as a psychological structure  so understanding those buildings and then   integrating those buildings into our into those  into our daily life so that was really fascinating   team like uh like thinking like okay maybe two  buildings can speak with each other like share   data like we as humans share data and we call that  like sharing our experience with other people with   our children and with our friends so that they  don't do the same mistakes so that can happen   the same way uh that we see buildings as well and  that is i think what is really fascinating me like   and that is also the reason why we are right  now speaking with uh really different different   like academic people as well like from psychology  moving into sociology and then uh like integrating   their point of view into our technology as well  so that we can create those let's say 360 weave of   a building and then not only as i said trying to  like monitor something or trying to remotely open   or close something but more uh changing those  buildings into into really living ecosystems   wow and then if if there was somebody listening to  this who wanted to get involved or you know follow   your your career or how you got into this what  would you suggest where would you send them or   point them towards to get some inspiration or  some ideas of how they could do something like   this too yeah i in my case especially if  you like there are two points like for the   younger generation like students i i really  recommend them to work in a corporate for for some   time not maybe their whole lives but to see and  to understand how those big companies are working   and so that they see uh in the uh the way the  business is done on that professional level and   then i strongly suggest that um not to focus only  on just one type of technological solution but   more see it on a wider perspective as well as i  said like speak with for example like artists and   go and speak with uh with like other uh academical  stuff and even like speak with doctors speak with   physicians like get their feedback about what you  are doing especially for example in in building   technologies real estate it's not only concrete  structure construction like smart technology it   is more like really a sociological effect that you  that at the end of today that is our environment   where we are living where we are like speaking and  connecting and this kind of stuff so uh that is i   think also what the future will bring like these  uh in this connecting uh those different kind   of verticals and together uh and create a really  like um um a human kind of technology in focusing   on building so i mean the the feedback that you  are get getting from those different uh people   is really really important so that you understand  what to develop but also you understand how that   your approach is seen in other professions as  well so that is definitely i would suggest to do   that's really interesting because you bring up a  topic that again is is one of these things that   is coming more and more into the conversations  i'm having this idea that you know it's not just   technology for technology's sake it's technology  and human you know some call it humanity 5.0   yeah some call it human-centric technology um but  yeah i remember the first i think it was a mobile   world congress where one of the keynote speakers  was a professor of ethics and for me that was the   first time i had seen this murderer of soft  skills and hard skills coming together in a   such a pivotal moment but what you're talking  about here is not just ethics and ai but it's   it's a lot more than that how do you bring the  human in technology together to create something   more powerful and more usable i think yeah  maybe from your from your side it's a question   for you it's um what you're trying to do is create  these wonderful wonderful kind of descriptions   and living buildings now um quite often we see  technology getting in the way of the greater good   what are you trying to how do you go about making  sure that technology isn't just isn't you know   the enabler but also the barrier so humans can  really get the most out of what you're doing   i mean um in our case it is uh you should  really like bring the technology in   in a level that people can engage with it and  that is really important so that you don't do   something or develop something that is working in  totally another level like purely high-tech deep   tech and people are not really like engaging with  it and at they know today that's also causing the   uh the fear against those technologies so but  if you can bring it on the level that even like   tenants or like employees or uh building owners  can interact with it so and it can also like uh   let's say like prepare the building for them for  example like it's the building can think and then   give feedback without like giving uh concrete  inputs as well so that is i think what is really   important and then that can also like bring down  all these barriers as well and like not only like   the fear of uh like losing your job or losing your  position but more uh seeing the technology in a   way that you see your colleague you see your  friend so like okay that is something that is   helping me that is something that is uh like more  and less like a human way of technology like okay   that is for example i don't have a good mood today  it can change the environment i don't have like uh   let's say i have problems in this kind of thing  it can like prepare the building for you and i   think that is really important to to lower those  barriers as well and and that is not not only   by the way like in building technology it's also  like happening in healthcare as well for example   especially because of it you bring up a couple of  other points i want to dive into quickly maybe so   with kovid we've seen this mass migration out of  big buildings and kind of working from sellers   basements corner of a room um what you're talking  about isn't just the big buildings that's a piece   of it isn't it but i've heard you mentioned  things like tenants and other places as well so   is your business adapting to that change do you  see that change continuing or staying this way   what's your opinion i mean what we are definitely  we are adapting so for example right now we   are focused on uh like small and medium-sized  buildings a little bit more that cannot afford   like buying or investing in really expensive and  big uh building management or building automation   system but also they don't have uh those big teams  that can like manage and operate those buildings   but what we are also seeing is especially in  those big side like lockstars buildings like   um of course like the biggest part is you know  like office buildings and uh what we are seeing   and experiencing is that uh they are changing  like how those buildings are used like okay   converting office buildings into living spaces or  co-living spaces but in again in order to do that   you need to understand what was the usage  transcend patterns like okay maybe the first   10 floors were used really like on a high level  but the rest was not used so that you can decide   as an investor okay i can leave the first 10  floors and then convert the other floors into   living spaces and this kind of stuff but in  order to make that decision you need to again   understand and speak with the building so that  the building can tell you okay look that is my my   station right now you can convert it like this and  this kind of stuff without depending uh like as i   said like an online on a human input in those kind  of uh like decision processes but also what we are   seeing is especially uh that is also i that will  also happen in in the near future like uh creating   those smaller uh like parks like throughout the  city like instead of you trying to go to in in the   in a building or go back you can just like call  it like you like you call an uber you can just   open your app and then find a pot and then go  inside the pot do your meeting and go on so   that will be i think also the next norm like uh  you know like in some countries they are creating   those decentralized diagnostic parts so that  instead of going to the hospital uh you have these   decentralized uh like smaller part hops and this  kind of stuff but that will also happen in office   and meeting structures as well like uh having  these like you can take it and book it in turkey   for 30 minutes and then you can hop it and hop out  so that is i think really also the future as well   creating those uh decentralized systems and then  uh making it more more much more efficient for for   the people itself but also making it more uh let's  say uh reducing the risk a lot more as well now   you're on to another big topic decentralization  yeah yes we're covering a lot here so um   so on that topic of decentralization maybe  slightly outside of what you're looking at um but   let's let's let's see so there's with everybody  now distributed or descent i mean i think we're   really more distributed rather than decentralized  i think there's a big step to go towards that   um i've heard a lot of people talking about  how you know one on one hand the employer's   responsibility um for being the health  and well-being of the employees doesn't   stop at the boundary of the office now people are  working from home they still have a responsibility   to make sure the air they're breathing is safe  make sure they've got the right lighting calling   heating ergonomics um so on one i'd love your  opinion on that and then two the other piece   is there's also conversation around how employers  may um need to encourage their um their staff who   work remotely to gather in groups to get together  to socialize and have these kind of hubs these   or even you know specific sector hubs so  what do you think on those two points i mean   one thing is definitely of course it will not  like uh okay everyone everything will be right now   uh distributed and people will stay at home  never no one will go back to the office that   will definitely not happen so it will be step  by step uh but what is what will more happen is   exactly as you said like uh instead of like  calling back like i don't know like 500 1 000   people back to the offices and these kind of but  more uh creating those uh let's say mobile uh hubs   or parts as i said like you can say that okay look  we have like throughout the city it is even like   it will be also like really really effective for  business travelers as well that that is that that   somehow started like instead of you trying to find  a meeting room or a co-working speaker space you   can just have this one like book one of those  smaller parts in the city and then you can walk   through to the pot and go in do your meeting  do your your office work and then go out so   and i think uh that can also help as you said like  bring those people a game back together but not on   a mess but more okay like that is your department  you have like a couple of parts throughout the   city here even you can use for example the parking  spaces like uh like from a shopping mall from a   supermarket and put like three or three or four  different parts in it and then you can say okay   like uh you can meet up here and let's say every  friday we will meet up in this kind of with four   people with five people and then do the face  and again contact with your colleagues or with   your potential customers and that is more and more  happening i mean uh because as i said like the the   offices will stay but it will be more let's say  like more effective use and but it will be more   used for the people that really need an office  space like if you are really doing something   even they are right now out of office as well but  still like like if you need laps or if you do like   really like high hands-on development this kind  of stuff they will need those office spaces but   the rest especially like um having these mobile  meeting points that will that will really come   and i think that will also uh disrupt definitely  the office space like like uber disrupted the the   really traditional taxi business and this like and  it changed to cool infrastructure and that is also   uh happening in especially in the office uh  space as well is there is there anything we   haven't touched anything interesting that  you know you would like to share with us oh like in our case uh it is what  we are right now experiencing is   especially uh i mean in in as i said like we are  right now really focused on integrating buildings   into into different verticals so meaning that uh  like as i said before like integrating buildings   into smart city applications but also integrating  buildings into insurance industry for example like   optimizing their claims process integrating  buildings into healthcare and and reducing like   uh overcrowding and optimizing uh the buildings  and like uh preventive overcrowding and and that   showed us especially the importance of the data  that we are creating from those buildings and   i mean that is also what we are why we are calling  like we are converting buildings into their data   sources in order to understand them and and i  think that is becoming more and more important and   how you create data and how you use the data and  that is what we are seeing what we are focused on   for the following couple of years excellent  excellent well thank you so much sona and   um if anybody wants to get in touch with you  what's the best way of getting in touch with you   so the best way is i am definitely a lot on  linkedin you can just connect me but also   you can send just an email like to sonar and i always reply and happy   to connect as well excellent  i'll put the links just below   all right thanks so much for your time and  if you've enjoyed this video please make sure   you subscribe to the youtube channel  and hit like thank you again son you


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