Integrating cloud technologies MSI20

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Okay. Good morning everyone. Morning. Do, you enjoy. Ignite. So far. Okay. We can definitely do better than that you, sounded like Swiss, neutral, people, and. Thank. You so. We do that better how do you did you enjoy ignite so far. That's. Awesome, that's awesome. So. In. This session which, is called integrating, cloud technologies. Which is part of the. Modernizing. Server, infrastructure. Learning path we're, gonna have a look how tailwind. Traders, can. Make their own Prem infrastructure, better by connecting, them up to Azure hybrid, services. First. Of all I have, some, sad news I, did. Not bring I was not allowed to bring any chocolate, to my session like, to give away like some Swiss chocolate, and as we all know it's probably the best in the world, but. I did bring stickers so we have some awesome hybrid, cloud stickers after, session, come, by and grab some if. You want to, now. What you also know instead, of like introducing, me I, usually like to talk a couple of seconds about Switzerland and like tell. Teach people a little bit about Switzerland we're gonna do that and then we start with the real session so let's bear. With me so Switzerland, has obviously a lot of mountains. We. Have watches. Cheese. And. Chocolate. So. Yeah, that's basically it so we're done with that I. Often. Get asked, by people like. So, how, is Switzerland gone for you I was living in Switzerland and, I, tell them usually well. The flag is a big plus. Turkey, Wow awesome. So. This is actually not a fake this is actually what they hang up in Switzerland. At. First of august which is kind of like fourth of July in the US and. You can see how actually how big that thing is I. Can. See here people hanging it. So. It's quite big and quite, scary I'm not doing that by the way. The other thing is we basically we also have an Air Force by the way. They. Sometime, fly, over the wrong places so I'm not good navigation, they do this awesome, flying. Stuff but yeah, to. Make it even more awkward. They. Were flying, over, a yodeling, festival, like. Of. Course, it's Swiss right. But. No worries, they're. Only only are operating, during business hours anyway, so that's fine. Actually. A true story so, okay. So let's get started with the session before. We start some housekeeping, all the resources all the flight tags and information, how you set those things up you. Can find on that on, those online resources. If, you have more questions just as, always hit me up on Twitter and. You can ask, for more. So. In this session again, we're gonna have a look like, how our, company tailwind, traders, is. Using hybrid cloud technology, to make their own premises, environment, premises. Environment, even better and. We. Do a couple of things so first we will have a look at hybrid, cloud in general. We. Will then have a look at the different, challenges. Tailwind. Traders has which they try to solve, using. Hyper. Cloud and then, we're actually gonna see the all those a couple of those services, how. We do how, do we connect them and make it easy basically, to use those services and, how they offer, a benefit to that and for that we can for example use products. Like Windows Server and Windows admin Center however, those things I'm gonna show you there's, also work in some cases with Linux and you don't even need to use Windows admin Center you. Can also just deploy it but windows admin Center makes it really really easy to, deploy and the. Last thing and I had to hide that for a bit until Monday, we're.

Gonna Have a look how you can then actually manage the whole infrastructure, using. Azure Ark so getting that cloud, native management. Capabilities, from Azure which we use for our virtual machines and other Asia resources. To. Bring that on pram and we're going to also have a look at that at the end and how tailwind traders can, basically do that use, as your Ark for. Service. So. Let's. Start a little bit with the challengers, tail and traders has and, as. We all know as you probably also saw in this week. Running. Services. On servers, and even with cloud and more it doesn't, really get. Easier. Right it gets more complex, I think, about the thousands, of apps you're gonna manage across on Prem like legacy, apps but also new. Cloud native apps which run in the cloud they, do, run on. Different, infrastructures. They can run in your own data center, they run on the edge think, about stores. They. Also run in. Other cloud providers right, so some, departments. Of talen traders for example they decided, to move some parts to another cloud provider and not just use Azure right and I want to bring that all together. With. Our hybrid management, technologies. So. These are the challenges we're going to have a look at so. First we're gonna have a look at. Disaster. Recovery and, how table traders can basically protect, their, own prime environment, by replicating their, virtual machines to the cloud. We. Then gonna have a look at what. The problem is actually with keeping virtual machines up-to-date across. Your. Different, environments. And different operating. Systems, and so, on, the. First one we're gonna have a look at is how actually we can make our file server challenges, better so, as you probably all all, people are ever administrated. File servers there are a couple of challenges with that how, do I keep them in sync like if I have multiple locations right, how, do you make sure that I always have enough space, I. Never I think I never met someone who actually cleaned up a file server and they'd. Like these removed old files like a user who removed old files because they were not needed anymore, I think I never saw that. And. Then the last one is how. We can actually make, sure that we all, of our servers, are. Basically. Organized, and governed, across, all, our environments. Again, running, on Prem running in Azure running. At all the service providers running at the edge. So, we're gonna look have a look at how tailwind traders will. Do that. That's. That sound good okay.

Perfect. So. First, question how. Does tailing, try to make sure. That. They have a bad disaster, recovery. Strategy. Right disaster. Recovery can. Be a very challenging and, very complex, thing if we look at it so let's have a look at the challengers tailing traders is facing. First. Of all it's. Not free right. Always. Disaster, recovery always, comes with a cost. There, can be licensing, costs for the software but they can also be costs, of just having another, data center you can actually replicate. You and then. We have complexity. Think, about tailing traders as a company, who, runs multiples, of stores and has multiple locations and they, need to replicate virtual. Machines or storage from, one location to the other and they may need to make sure that it's close by but then like which does. Which site does now replicate, to the other side and keeping, track of that is very very difficult so, we try to basically, have a look at that how they can make that easier and for that we have a quick demo here, by. The way who has heard of either, side recovery before okay. Couple of hands like 50 percent of the room so that's that's what we're gonna use for this. So. We are in the demo environment and we're gonna use Windows admin Center to configure that if, you haven't seen Windows admin center yet it's. A free download if, you run Windows Server you can just go out and download it and it gives you this web-based management, experience. You can run that on Prem you don't need to connect anything to the cloud if you don't want to if you're not if that's not your company's strategy, but you can use that directly so Taylor and traders decided, to, install that on Prem to manage their environment, and. What we're gonna do here we're connected, to a hyper-v. Server and. You. Can see on the left side we have these things called extensions. And if we scroll down to virtual machines. You. Can now see that we have a summary on what virtual, machines are running here and if I go to inventory. You. Can see here that I have four virtual machines the app server so. Have a look at app 2, and, app. 2 we want to protect by, replicating it to the clouds so we go down they, protect, VM and. Then. You can see here it already selected - azure subscription, my location because I did a setup for that host already it. Does say, okay this is the recovery world, and. Now, I'm basically just select, the storage account I want the VM to replicate, and if I click protect. VM it. Will start replicate, that virtual, machine to. Azure because. That takes a while I already did one so I created, app, c1. Which. Is you can see you're already protected, if, I click on that link it. Will. Open up the azure portal, to the side recovery world that virtual machine is in you. Can see here I have my app. 1 it. Says application how is healthy and status, is protected, that's how it should be right. So. If we go to do, that. VM. You can, see here again some more information like, replication. Health status. But you can also see the RPO, like. When did the rust replication, basically occur we, have to do a couple of other things so. Exercise. Recovery is very smart in detecting for example the name but. We need to tell them for example which resource. Group are we gonna use it, also detected, automatically, the matching, VM size the, closest, matching one and then. We also need to say ok which virtual network we actually gonna connect that virtual, machine to, I'm. Not going to do that right now because it would take too much time but. Then we can use things like planned failover failover, or test, failover and let's. Start a little bit talking about that what I can now do so. What I did is replicating. That virtual, machine or this. Tailoring traders virtual, machine to Azure and we now have that replica there and, we can now do a test. Failover, because. You. Don't want to test if the failover technology. Or disaster recovery technology, is working when, you actually have a disaster, you want to know that before and you want to make sure that it's working so what we can do is we can do a test failover which will create a virtual machine in a completely, different virtual. Network it, will start up and it's completely isolated, from and you can actually check out if everything is working and if everything, is fine you. Can also do a failover, so, that's what you would do if something goes down like on that type of a host zr1, for some reason that is not reachable anymore it's down the whole location is down. We. Can just go and press failover it will start up that virtual machine in the virtual network we've configured and all the services are running again we. Also have the option to run a planned failover and a, plane failover, basically. Gives. Me the option and to like for example if I do maintenance right so today when traders wants to do maintenance tomorrow in the data center but they want to keep up that server running they decided Asher is the right place to do that for that temporary.

Maintenance. In the data center so, they go and say plan failover what will happen is it will shut, down the virtual machine on Prem it will synchronize. The latest changes, so we don't have any data loss at all and then start up the virtual machine nature and can use it there so. That's how we actually protect. Tailmon, traders environment, by using Azure side recovery. So. If I go back I. Quick a little bit more on Asha side recovery. Side. Recovery, does not just support hyper-v server if windows admin center it also supports. VMware. Environments, like. If you use V Center or not you. Can basically just go and replicate, virtual machines from any resource to Azure that's. One thing as a side recovery, does and that's what I just showed you on a hyper-v, server as. Your side recovery can also be just used as the control plane like, there are some orchestration. Tools in there if you do a failover of multiple virtual machines you can use it to basically have a startup, order and you. Can replicate those virtual and make sure that you just need to start, that recovery, plan and failover, hundreds. Of virtual machines in, a specific order, and. Then. You can use that that Orchestrator also to replicate, from on time to on Prem so if you want to say okay look we have a primary, site in a secondary site but I want to have that orchestration. From, Azure then. You can do that as well so no data gets replicated to, Azure but you can use the orchestration, engine. And. Again. Report VMware we use Windows, and Linux virtual machines there. So. Now we have protected, or tailing trainer has protected, their own prime virtual machines by replicating their, seizure, another. Thing which is very important, is that we keep them up to date and, make sure that they have the latest patches installed, and if not we need want to know why a virtual, machine for example is not patched so, how do we make sure that, the tailor and traders environment, is patched. There. Are a couple of challenges with, with update management, as you might. Experienced. Right we. Have physical virtual machine physical, machines we have virtual machines they. Run on pram they run in the cloud they, can basically run everywhere think also about like stores where you have those virtual machines running where. You run some software. There to manage the store and. Then they can be Linux and windows and usually, what you end up is having multiple management. Tools for, that so. We. Need to make sure that talent traders can actually see. That all the virtual machines across their environments are compliant, they, also have, channel. They. Also want to have a, centralized. Software. Update solution, right to basically patch all the virtual machines and. With. Azure update management, tail, and traders can address that so, well there's your update management, does it. Does not just work for as your virtual machine it works also for on-prem virtual machines and it can go out and check. If all the machines I'm running all the service I'm running are compliant, and have all the patches installed. It. Can then also go and say okay look this virtual. Machine or this server is not compliant, so. We can also go and basically go out directly, from update management, and go and patch that server and the. Last one is it, keeps, tape detailing traders environment simple right as. Of today they use basically, an on-prem. Solution. To patch the servers but, they're also going to use a. Version. In the cloud but. With that they get a single pane of glass so. Let's have a look at that. So. Here we are in the azure portal. In. The update, management. Solution, in our automation, account. And I'm already here, as you can see added, a virtual. Machine and it says that virtual machine is compliant, I can. Also go and add other Asha, virtual machines and, I can also say ok I want, to add non Asscher virtual machines and that's what we're gonna do right now but, you're not going to do that from the azure portal again we're going to windows admin center, there.

Is A update. Manage and update extension. Where. We can manage windows updates, on my server, I. Just. Click on install and see the missing updates however, what. We want to do is connect, it to Azure update management, so I gonna press update. Now. Identical. On login I'm. Gonna select the, Azure subscription. Where. My update management, solution is in. Going. To use existing resource, group. Which. Already have here it. Will then detect the region and, then. I can also say ok when I use in a lock, analytics, workspace. Then. I select the automation account for that if I don't have that windows. That means Center will create those for me if I create a new one I can, do that directly from Windows admin Center so. This will now connect that server to update management. In Azure if this takes a couple of seconds, and minutes to complete. And. You can see here now it's configured, and the setup is done. And. If. We then go and, go, back to the, azure. Portal. We. Can now see here that this virtual machine here it is known as a virtual machine shows up in the portal and it says it's not compliant, right. So let's change that and let's fix that and update that virtual machine by creating a new update deployment, let's. Give that a name let's, call that the on-prem. Update. Deployment, I can. Then go and. For. Example add a group of virtual machines can also be a dynamic. Group if I want to based on for example tags, in my case I'm just gonna select the virtual machine now to make things a little bit faster, and. Easier so I just want to patch now, my. On-prem. Virtual machine here. I click. Okay again. I. Can configure which for example updates, I want to be it should be installed I can also include, or exclude updates. And now I'm going to schedule it so, I can say ok when it's actually that updated plan Connor when is that gonna run and I also can create a recurring, one so I can say ok they should run weekly, or monthly for. Example if, I want to do that I can run pre and post script and I can also configure the reboot option as you can see I, think reboot, if required makes, a lot of sense. So. Let's create that update, job. Or deployment. And this, will take a while I'm to run. Basically. To go out and now goes down and goes to that agents, and starts, patching, that server. If. We now have a look here we can see here the deployment, schedules so you can see here that we have that on Prem deployment, here where. It goes out and if, we go to history, you can see here when it's done you, can see it succeeded, it. Took 10 minutes to basically update that server and if I go I can see a little bit more details, from that update, deployment, I can, see here patched one virtual machine or one server successfully and, I. Have free updates basically, which were successfully, installed if I go back now to, my machines, you, can see now my VM. Running in Azure but also my own prime virtual machines and I both compliant, and updated, in, that environment so, this, makes it very easy again, I did this now with one server but you can imagine that I can of course patch hundreds, of servers at the same time across my environment if I want to so. This is one thing how 10. When traders makes their environment. Simpler. Again. Update management. Here's, a little bit of summary on that it goes out it assesses, the environment, doesn't matter where the virtual machines are running it. Deploys the update, and then again verifies, the compliance, to do that it, supports. Multiple operating, system I showed you the. Windows. Version of it but, obviously, you can you saw that there's also a Linux option for it so we also supporting Linux virtual machine so. On that. If. You're running a sure stack by the way it also has a great integration, with Azure update management. And it will show up as a Asher virtual, machine and not a non-natural machine because you know as.

You Stack and I should stack up as it called today it now, basically allows you to run as you're in the location you want to so that's why it shows as a natural, machine. Good. So, the next challenge we are going to talk about is actually file servers. So. Table traders, has, multiple, locations. Over. The country and mail also in different countries, around the globe and. They, want to all use the same files, basically, so how do we get those far as, synchronized. Who. Has used DFS. Or before. Who. Likes using DFS, are. A. Group like a lot of hands and then as, soon as that liked no, hand any more ways, than one no, okay. Yeah, so this. Is a challenge, and if there only would, be something, to make this easier, right so that's what we're gonna have a look at another. Big challenge tailwind, traders is facing is that they have different hardware, and all the locations some. Of them they have like five terabytes of storage some, of them eight but. The. Files are just growing and growing growing. And. Days. Instead, of just buying new hardware and adding new storage, there. Must be a solution which works better right so, let's have a look at that how. We can do that. So. This is the is a short. Overview about, the table and traders environment. And how they're gonna use extra file sync to make their, scenario, easier before, I'm going to show you the demo I want a little bit like. Show you the environment, how it looks like so, they have a file server called, server 1001. In New York where. They use like. Users access files and documents, they. Use work folders, and other technologies, to access that now. What. They what they did and I'm gonna show you that in the demo they, started to synchronize, that server to, nasha file server file, share in, Azure using. Azure files, link and this. Brings now a couple of difference, in our benefits. So first of all they can start using cloud, tearing, so, they can say ok everything, which is older than for example two months gets. Here it's not it's just as a item. There but it's stored in the cloud only and we're gonna have a look how that can be configured. The. Next benefit, since. It's an azure file share I can, basically access it in the cloud right so imagine if the server for example for some reason is not I cannot, access that file server anymore I can still access the azure file share. And. With the new era file share premium, offerings and the new performance, offering they can get evenly get larger, if you had a look at this now. As a faster, also, offers me to synchronize. Now that. Files are won and the files stored on the edge' file share to, a to. A second, file server running. In Seattle so we're gonna have a look how they do that as. Well again, this is just an example there, can be more file servers, and cross go up it's not limited to two and. Then. We can also take advantage since, we have now all of the files, stored. On Azure file share we can now use as a backup, to back up that file share and offload, the backup operations, from the on-prem environment, to the cloud. And. Now one. Of the coolest things I think is, if. The file server now in Seattle fails, what. Would I do right, I would basically need to read in today, I would go and basically find, a backup tape or something or a back up and go and restore, that, server and make sure it's there and send, everyone home for the day or two now.

Refresh Your files link we get that rapid, file server recovery, so, what we can do is we just install, a new server we, install the agent add that again and it will synchronize, all the metadata of all the files so in a couple of minutes you can see all the files they're, still stored in Azure and so, when a user then basically, goes and opens a file it will take a little bit longer but, in the background, it will download. The. File now. I'm not I'm not sure if I was supposed to say that but that sound that all sounds a little bit for me like onedrive, for servers, right. So. Let's have a look at that environment, so. Here, we are on file server one that's the server I just saw which runs in New York where. They have a, file share. Again a lot of tailoring. Traded documents, and they also have a folder with super important, files, and. They, want to connect that so, they. Already did the setup for that server I'm gonna show you how that looks like and. Then we will add a second, server the server from Seattle, to, the same synchronization. So let's have a look at this again, here. Just, trust me we, have two files we also have the super important files you can see here some, hyper cloud sticker PDF, files and so. On so we synchronize. That to, Azure and if we go to the azure portal, I have. An answer file, sync, service here I called. Tailwind traders file server very. Creative name, I, never, go in there you can see here I have different end points I have, two end points one, is the cloud endpoint, which is a voucher. And the, other one is a server endpoint which is our file server running. In New York, so. You can see here it's a local, file share on that server and that's what we basically sync up to. That file share now. If we have a look at that file share, and. Go to, the storage account and here we have the azure file share guess. What. You. Will see all those files or including. Our super, important, files, folder. And. So, they are synced. Immediately. From, basically, on-prem to the cloud and also obviously different way around, so. Let's have a look how how that would work so just so you trust me that this actually works, go. To server one, create. A new. Folder. Here. Let's. Call it folder one because, I'm so in a good, mood today and. If. We now go back to. The. Other file sync guess, what. What. Server will show up when I hit refresh, it's folder one right, so that works so again if I create a new file or do changes on files that that works great so the. Next thing I want to do is basically on board our Seattle server, so I can go here again to, my files links or annasher, let's. Have a look quickly at the file server itself you can see here it also has a local file share. This. Is the blue server and one in Seattle and you. See here the file share is empty right, I'm gonna connect that to the existing, environment, so. What I could do is I could go to the azure portal, and go and add a server endpoint, but, first I need to install a agent, for, that we go back to the windows admin. Center here just. Switch. Just. A second, yep so let's go Windows admin Center, go. To file server -. And. Then. You see here on the left side you see the actual files link extension, and this, will basically help me to set the whole thing up. So. Me as a tailwind up traders. Admin, and going, down and say setup and, the, first thing we need to install the azure files engage again I could also download that, from the azure portal, but. I'm using, Windows admin Center which makes it a lot faster and easier to do that so. Let's say deploy, agent, again. This will download and install the agent for me. And. After. A couple of seconds. It will show up as. Installed. And. The. Next thing I'm going to need to do is I will need now to register, that, server to, my Asha file sync service or my soup service in Azure right I could have multiples, across that so. I'm gonna log, in here. And. You can see here I can select my ashes description, where my sync service is my resource group and. Then. Here is the name of the sync service click. Next and reaches the server and, now, we, have registered that server. To. The sync service and, we have if we go back to the azure portal, we can have a quick look how, that looks like. Again. It's. Not in a sync group yet we just registered. It so you can see here the agent version and then.

In The portal we go now to that soon group I created. Since. I can have multiple sync groups I want to now add that server to, that specific, one and you can see here file server 2 now shows up. They're gonna enter the path and, here. I can now come can configure cloud tearing, so, I can enable it and. Go. Out okay I want to have at least 20% of free space. But, I only want, to keep files. Younger. Than 60 days. So. Let's do that. Trick, create and. This. Will now automatically, add that server and. Basically do the older, synchronization. Just. Take a couple of minutes we. Took some magic to make it faster, and you, can now see my, Seattle server has now all the files stored. On that server as well. Now. What. I can do obviously I. Can. Create folder to and. If. I now switch back to, the. Azure. Portal, and go to my file as. Your file share. You. Will see. Spectacular. You, see folder two. And. If. I go down back to my, own PEM server let's go to the New York server again if, I do a refresh here you will see folder. Two also, on that server right. So, this is the whole scenario like, for replicating, file, servers, across different, environments, using the power of azure and natural hybrid services, with Azure files share, file sync to. Make their own prime environment even better. Good. So. I showed, you now a lot of different things using Windows that means that again all these things are also available without, windows admin center but, we have a lot more so. If. You look at the hybrid integration, we can use that for small deployments for, like. Let's say like also, small companies, or branch offices. We, can also use that in very large deployments, right you saw me now playing with like, one or two servers, but. Think, about if you hundreds, if you have hundreds or thousands of servers you couldn't do the exact same thing and, you can okay again you cannot just use that on prime to Azure but also if you run like. Williams in other cloud, providers in, multi cloud and so on so. We have different things which, I don't have time to talk to but. I want to give you a quick overview what else we can do with Reno's admin Center and and the hybrid integration. We, can use as a network adapter to, create a point to site VPN from, a system I showed, you as a site recovery we, can also use Azure backup, to backup files. From on Prem to Azure for, long term backup, as. Your update management, as a file sync and also, being, able to connect, as a monitor, and also, newly as your security Center. Good. Let's. Come to the last thing and I'm super, excited to talk about this because it took a long while it was like very. Secret, project, in, in. Inside, Microsoft and, this week the team finally, announced, it and.

We're Gonna have a look how basically. Can tail. And traders can advantage, of a sure arc to. Make sure that all their servers, are competing. They're compliant, infrastructure. Right if we, if you look at the keynotes. They. Showed you as your arc as a service which you can connect different things so can also connect, data services. Kubernetes. Clusters, but, I want to show you how tell when traders uses, it for, servers, so. Let's have a look, at. That specific. Demo. So. Here I'm in the azure portal. And i. Already connected, server. 1 to my - from the table and traitors environment, -, azure so i'm gonna see that already in the portal and. We, can have a look at what i can actually can do. So. Here if i want to go play with that i just go and type azure arc and. Then a half-year my ash or arc machines, you can see here so everyone it's. Connected, and you, can see it as a resource group in this description and if. I click on it you, can see i have a lot more information, i have, like our back. I have tags so, i can use all that as a go-to for our virtual machine and then, I can manage access. To that resource in Azure but, I can also check out guest configuration, policies and, see, if the virtual machine is compliant, so I can click here or I can go here to policies. And. If. You're familiar with guests policies. You, can see here that I deploy, now these guest configuration, policies on that server, and. It's compliant I can, also go and add all the servers so if I want to add a server I can just click on add the, one way is generating, a script that's what we have to look at but, I can also add, virtual. Machines at scale if I want to write our server, set scale so. Let's generate the script again. We select a subscription. And the. Resource group and the region where. We actually join, that server too and it, can be Linux or Windows Server, we. Can also go and configure. A IP, proxy. If, we need and you can see here I can use tags to tag that resources, and. Then. At the end you. Will see it generated, the script for me so. What, if it does is basically a script which downloads, the agent. Installs. The agent and then registers. My. Server. To. The treasure ever it shows up there and that's basically it all I need to I can also use Windows admin Center so, let me go here if I. Go to that server and go down to on the left to settings. What. I can do here I have a sure arc for servers and if. I go here i can just go sign in and, you can see here this server is already connected. And. You can see a registries which, assure. Features. I can use like gas configuration policy. Or lock analytics. But. Again. If. I, would, not have joined that serve before I would, run directly from Windows admin center through the whole wizard it will download the agent for me it will join me to the description, it will join me to the right service, and. Make sure I'm there. So. The power here, from, Azure resource, my air from from. Using. That technology it's not just that I see again like I have configuration, guest. Configuration, policies which. You can kind of like fingers a. Modern. Version of group policy, to make sure that the environment is compliant. The. Power is much much more there's, much much more which we didn't really na. All of it today but, you can see where it's going so let me show you a little, bit how that looks in the background.

So. If you look at Asia today. We. Are tailing traders, as an azure customer. We. Can use different tools like, the, portal, we can use shells see. You lies power shell and so on and, then. Use, different, management, services, in Azure like for monitoring, or updating and if some of them are showed you most. Of them we use for as you're sure. VMs. And services, but as I, showed you you can also use them on Prem, and. Again. Today, mostly, fresher resources, and this, all is enabled, by basically, the azure resource, manager, right the, azure resource, manager gives us a lot. Of different things it gives us our back so, I can make sure that only the, people who supposed. To see the. Resources, are seeing, that or can access that right or can do changes to it that's. One thing but. We. Also get a lot of other things like tagging. And grouping so if you want to do a governance, and and, and basically, tag all your servers, across. Your complete, environment, and again I'm not just talking about Asia I'm. Talking, about. Multi. Clouds or on pram or virtual. Machines and service running at the edge we, can now do that too by. Extending, as resource manager, to. Different environments, and. Today. We, allow you really basically to connect, our two. Servers, so, that's what what we have in public preview you can go out and try this they, also show demos, about how, you were actually would add crew beneath these clusters, if, you are on communities, at the edge or in your data center so, they show up in. The. Azure portal, as well and the, same for a short data services, right. And. The good thing is also that, doesn't mean this is just one way right, look, at it as an additional way you can still use and your. Existing, management, tools so if you're using things like System Center and things like that you, can still keep using them. So. What. Is Azure Ark again. A shark. We have a look at the server and management. But, it really brings Ash's. Services, and Azure management, to any infrastructure. So wherever tailwind traders is running their infrastructure, they can use Azure Ark to, connect these service and using a single pane of glass. And. I, think that's. A very important, part to understand that this was also one, of the reason why tailwind, traders decided.

To Go with Azure and Microsoft. Is because, they can use all, that stuff together, wherever. They need it right they don't need to move everything, to the cloud they, can use different. Services, and and, and, operating. Systems they can use Windows Server in their own Prem environment, they, can use Azure stack, if they need different solutions, like Azure stack HCI to run their virtual machines on, they. Can go and deploy. IOT, devices and connect them that up to Azure and, then, they, also get a management plane with Azure our credit can connect all these services, right so that's a very good story I think. Which we see. Customers. Using that and tail, and trade is really the benefit I showed you in the first half, of my presentation. It was all about okay look I have servers, on Prem how do I make like my environment better by connecting, them up to Azure and. The, second part was really I'm using Azure now, and. But. How can I use Azure to not just see my Asha resources. How can I take that Vantage of all those tools in Azure to, manage your own Prem resources, as well. So. With, that I'm gonna wrap up a little bit, what, do you have seen in that session is I, showed you how, tailwind, traders use different, asier hybrid, services. To. Make their own premise environment, better we had a look at disaster. Recovery and, how tailmon traders was able to make it easier, less complex. For. For them to have a disaster recovery solution. We. Had a look how they can keep all the virtual machine, all those, physicals. And virtual machines up. To date and come, lines across. Again. Any infrastructure. And. We looked at Asia fussing and how they actually could replicate their file servers, from one location to the other. And. Then. The last thing really how, could they connect up all these, Asha, resources. And how Kasich, aliy managed all the resources they have in their environment, from, one single pane of glass. So. If you want to learn more. Obviously. We have some, very good documentation out, there on Microsoft, talks I created. A short link here for all the windows admin, Center hybrid, services, I just showed you and much, much more we. Also have some documentation, now for as your arc which, is also out there again you can find that on Docs there are so some great videos explaining, how things are working, and. Then. If. You, never heard of it before. Microsoft. Learn is our great learning, platform, which is free you, can go out and try different Asha, services, you can like go through laps, it's not just text and videos you, can also do, like hands-on experience, it will spin up a sandbox, for you which is free and you can try out Ashu services, without even having an Asha subscription. And. Then again I'm not sure how long you can take the certifications, today but. Here you can take the certifications. If. You. Haven't had the chance to take the certifications, here you can obviously take that at your local test center, or online and there's, some great certifications. Like the Asha fundamentals. Or the azure administrator. Which. I found is very valuable for our audience. Again. Free. Accessory, certification. Exams here at Microsoft ignite if, you didn't have the chance again there, are possibilities, you can take them online or. At. Your test Center and. Then again here, a couple, of resources. If. You want to have those resources from that session this. Is where we keep those we, will also keep. That up to date so while we are going on tour with Microsoft, ignite the tour where we do like 30 stops across the planet. We will keep that up to date and we will update our sessions. Depending. On new ash or features, and new Windows server features, coming up. The. Next session, in that learning path is MSI Ferdie and it's at 1:00 p.m. in the same room and it, all goes about migrating. Eius workloads, to Azure by, Pierre, Rameau which is also part of our team so. Make sure if, you're thinking about migrating, to Azure that, you join that session is, really going to walk through how tailwind, traders will move, their workloads, to Azure.

So. With that I want to say thank you again. If, you want some stickers, have some stickers here if you have any questions, come, up and. Let's. Have a chat thank, you very much.


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