New Technologies for Signal and Power Integrity Simulation in PathWave ADS 2021

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hi there thanks for being with us today my name  is carmina and i'll be your i'll be your host for   this part but we actually will have a master  of ceremonies and i'll talk to you about that   so welcome to the new technologies for  sipi simulation and pathwave ads 2021   virtual seminar so i'm going to introduce tim  wang lee who is our master of ceremonies and tim   you can take it from here well good  morning everybody good morning carmina   thanks for the introduction today it's a little  different format let me introduce you to today's   signal integrity and power integrity demo  challenge today we're going to have four   contestants and four distinct demos and only  one survivor i mean only one winner all right   one winner what does winner get the one winner  get to keeps his or her job and of course i'm   i'm kidding here it's only bragging right so we're  talking now you might be thinking well how about   the loser what is the punishment for the losers  for one is no time off for the rest of the year   but realistically we're gonna restrict your beer  intake for the next three weeks so we're gonna   have a strict monitoring system to check  your beer intake your blood alcohol level   now now the rules for for deciding who survives i  mean who wins is a a minute demo challenge format   in that demo the contestant has to show why  you should care about the demo and the five   minute of demo and take away you know what what's  what's so important so all together five minutes   i'll have a timer and at the same time i'll make  sure that you get to vote you get to vote so the   years are the rubric from a scale of one to five  did the demo show you why you should care from a   scale one to five is it clear what the problem  the demo is solving so these are the rubric   now before we start the competition i want  to introduce our four contestants on deck   namely is mr stephen we have heidi we have  vandana we have heesoo and do a little quick   introduction on their name their role and a fun  fact about themselves the first one is mr stephen   slater stephen please give a quick introduction  of your name role and a fun fact about yourself   take it away stephen hi there guys yeah so  um my name is stephen slater i'm the si pi   product manager uh fun fact about me is  uh during uh work from home i decided to   try to learn how to surf and i guess i kind  of figured that if i changed my hair color   uh i might do a better job at surfing so that's  it for me well changing your hair color to to to   get better at surfing is as much as changing the  the color of my computer to get it to work faster   but don't take my word for it next up is miss  heidi barnes heidi would you like to do so   to do an introduction of your name  role and a fun fact about yourself yeah do we have heidi how do you how do  you really like there we go underwater   i am i'm holding my breath over here tim we'll  get to that fun fact heidi barnes here and i am   the pathwave ads power integrity product owner and  the fun fact that i have to share today is that my   favorite sport is underwater hockey and you get  bonus points if you've actually heard of that   sport and i definitely can hold my breath longer  than anybody on this hsd team back to you tim   thank you heidi and let's hope you're you're you  keep above water for the rest of the presentation   the third one up on deck is vandana would you do  a little name roll and fun fact about yourself hey everyone vandana wilde here i'm a product  marketing engineer for high speed digital   and a fun fact about me is that  i like to lift heavy weights   and can currently dead lift as much as i weigh well thank you vanana i hope i can also lift  a lot especially the weight of the world final   last but not least mr heesoo lee please do a quick  introduction of your name rule and fun fact about   yourself heesoo take it away all right sounds  good my name is i'm the product owner for a memory   in a product and fun fact on myself i'm  going through probably middle age crisis   so some people may not notice me because last year  i had a long hair with a ponytail and then now i   have a more like a buzz cut so the victim of this  you know interesting part is my hair that's on me all right all right the hair is the victim i  think there's a connection here between the   blonde hair better serving and then haircut  for better simulation we'll see what uh what   the haircut would bring to the table now  be before we do more i want to show this uh   this minute eight minute challenge  demo format again so it's eight minutes   and we have to show why you should care where  the customers what the audience should care   and the demo and the takeaway and the first one  on deck will be mr stephen with the blonde hair   don't care this even please take it away with  your eight minutes and i will start the timer   all right guys so hello i'm gonna actually try and  cram two demos into the one time limit so let's   get started uh the first thing is when you lay out  a pcb board there's so many traces and we don't   have time to electromagnetically simulate them all  so how are you going to verify that the impedances   are correct and because there's so many traces  and these are you know manually laid out it's   very easy to make a mistake mistakes can be when  you need to move some traces from one layer to   another and you manually move them and then forget  to adjust the widths or spacing for the new layer   so how we're going to catch those mistakes and  how we're going to make sure that we don't waste   a you know precious time simulating um only  to find that uh after the simulation is done   there was a problem with the substrate stack  up and i've got to throw away my results   so what we're introducing to you today is scan  z0 it's a quick check for trace impedance you   kick it off from inside of si pro it's going to  help you to quickly detect errors in the layout   and and it's going to give you more  information because it will tell you   information about the individual sections of each  trace and even give you skew information as well   okay so you know in a nutshell why should you care  well in just minutes you're going to be able to   detect errors in the trace routing or stack up you  can quickly find nets that are outliers in a group   so comparing nets to each other and the  last thing is is that we don't have time   to em simulate everything so reduce risk  don't leave any nets unverified at least   check with uh with rapid scan first so now  i'm going to share my screen this is a board   in si pro and you can see what i've done  is i've just filtered to look at the nets   in the the memory uh channel so i'm selecting  i'm going to choose all of the data nets   so i've got 64 data nets right click rapid scan  analyze transmission and what it's going to do is   it's going to go and break uh break up each and  every one of those traces into its constituent   sections and that's going to report to us what  the characteristic impedance of the longest   section of the trace is so i'm just setting  what what i determined to be the the desired   impedance 34 ohms and you know 10 up and above and  below is what i would class as being pass or fail   and then here it's telling me now that all of  these traces except for this one happen to be   around 34 ohms this one of course i edit it on  purpose in the layout to make sure that it's   stuck out but if you select them it's going to  tell you more information about that individual   net so it says 33.9 ohms but that's for the  longest section of the trace and down here on the   bottom you can see that there's other sections of  traces some that happen to be higher in impedance   and then it's also represents the vias as well  now what would happen if i selected multiple nets   at the same time if i selected multiple nets  what it's going to do is going to compute and   compare the the we know the total length and it's  going to compute the skew between them so that i   know what i've designed for and i can compare  and make sure that these things are actually   length matched or not and then so that i can  identify where something might be or try to   uh find out um like to visualize um a trace  that might be uh not meeting the requirement   i can visualize it all just need to remove  these guys and we'll take a top down view   and zoom in and you can see that it's showing  us here the green traces happen to be the ones   that are passing the metric the blue happen  to be traces that are outside of the metric   okay so last thing you might ask about this would  be can i can i do differential pairs as well yes   absolutely you can and you might want to know  about the vias hey why don't we specify what the   impedance of the vias well that's a really good  question the reason you don't see the impedance   of the via is because this via's impedance depends  upon the ground stitching vias as well as the you   know the the anti-pad clearances around the  via and so to get a good idea about how well   our visas are performing what we really need to  do is to make sure that we can um that we can   use a tool like via designer this  is the second part of the demo   via designer is a tool that helps you to build  a very very fast and very accurate uh model here   um of uh a via it's a differential via these  actually actually happen to be micro vias so   two laser vias stuck on top of each other and  then turned into an array and this is something   that that's brand new in ads 2021 is the ability  to now use via designer to create arrays of years   so what you see here is um you set up the via by  um going through this is for the the pad stack you   can specify all of the different settings here you  can add a variable if you add a variable it comes   down into the table which you can then sweep for  your micro viewers you get the ability to add them   and uh even set things like a conical shape for  the laser via you can do back drilling and you can   have multiple feeds so for things like ddr vias  you might want to come in and feed in at a center   center of the via and come out at the center of  a via meanwhile having a connection at the top   and bottom all of that is possible and the  newest thing is this ability to now create   the same instance just replicate it in multiple  locations and you get to adjust and pick the x   and y parameters okay so then once i've done that  what do i do once i've got a sweep you're going to   press check to check the geometry it'll go through  all the possible combinations that you're sweeping   through make sure you don't have any issues you  don't have any shorts and then you go and run   press simulate and then you're going to get the  simulation results here and so um simulation time   is a is pretty reasonable um for a vr array like  this we're using it's a 3d finite element method   solution and it does an iterative refinement  of the mesh and so it solves this problem to   80 gigahertz in 10 minutes and then if i want to  compare two different uh two different simulations   that i've run i can quickly press select them  both and press s parameters and it's going to   show the results overlaid and of course because  these are differential vias we really want to see   the differential to differential and differential  to common mode and all of this is built inside a   via designer so that's the process you analyze  the vias you make sure that uh the via response   is how you expect it and then we're going to  export it to um to a schematic and you drop it   on your schematic it's going to look like this and  then you connect up your tx and rx and uh and so   we've got r1 transmitter and receiver and then  these are the the crosstalk sources either side   and what would be the result of that simulation  so for that i'm going to pass back into into the slides okay right so this is the results then of the  simulation so on the left-hand side you've got   um one vr array on the right-hand side another we  instinctively uh believe that the one on the right   probably is better for crosstalk but we don't  tend to have us that much space on a board so   how much worse is the one on the  left we're doing a system simulation   with this parametric model enables us to quantify  it so you can see that um that the the one on the   right is better by 13 millivolts in eye height 3.2  picoseconds in eye width um and maybe that is uh   is is okay that we can live with a reduction  in 13 millivolts and and the eye width being   being less as well okay so last things is just  to summarize now yes we can do conical vias   for the lasers yes we can do vr arrays we can  do diving boards for added impedance control   and we also can support teardrop pads so summary  via designer benefits you it's very easy to set up   a parametric model very easy to generate that  model you export it to the schematic and now   that one model is available with  all of the individual s parameters   stored underneath that one model it's also  included in every single pathway of hsd bundle   so if you have ads already you should have access  to it and we've got a success story that you can   go and take a look at that was the winner of  uh designcon best paper award okay thank you   very much pass back to you tim thank you for the  great demo and mr slater i'll talk to you later now we're going to move on to the next piece  that is about power integrity and with that i   will bring up heidi my favorite hb person now  again there's a minute demo challenge format   i will start a timer as you start speaking  and it's gonna you have to show the audience   a why you should care demo and then the takeaways  without further ado heidi please take it away   thank you tim here we go advancing the power  integrity workflow with pathwave ads 2021   with pi pro why do we want to simulate  well here's a great example this is a   xilinx fpga characterization board that we can  bring into a simulator and run an em simulation on   but more to the point we can take that em  model and run a full pi ecosystem simulation   that actually shows down here in the left that  the worst case power rail noise ripple and also   not just voltage ripple also current ripple  so the blue is current the yellow is voltage   if we think we're running worst case at  the very high 200 megahertz mission load   serdes switching speed um and pulling 13  and a half amps it's not the worst case   in simulation we can actually show and we can go  find that the worst case noise is at 30 megahertz   with only two and a half amps of uh dynamic  current at the load and here you can clearly   see that the voltage and current ripple is much  larger at this lower frequency with lower current   so the key takeaway here is that you really want  to look at dynamic current and voltage at the   fpgas pins to determine the worst case power  rail noise so let's go see how we can do this   type of analysis we're going to show you a quick  in less than eight minutes tim how to do a basic   power integrity workflow we're going to start  with a dc-ir drop make sure the board imported   correctly and that we're getting the voltage from  the vrm to the sink and we can look at the margins   uh power rail margins and then we're  going to just copy that analysis to an   ac analysis and generate our em model look  at target impedances and then we can export   that model em model with all of the capacitors  already attached to a simple schematic symbol   drop it into pi ecosystem simulation and  get our time domain and frequency domain   results so let's go ahead and jump right  to that demonstration and i'm going to   share my screen if it'll let me share my screen  and i will go ahead and it says i'm sharing so   tim just give me a thumbs up or actually a  verbal thumbs up when you can see my screen um well verbal thumbs up pending okay pending here we are yes confirm okay confirmed here we go  this is ads main window that i've just opened up   and this is the workspace with the uh fpga  characterization board and i'm going to open   up this hierarchical schematic that lets me  organize my workflow so i import the board   as my first step and we're going to go ahead  and we can see that we've imported that board   and then there's an sipi we can just go ahead  and open up fi pro pi pro which i've done for us   the board comes in it's a 3d em simulator and you  can expand the board see what it looks like there   but what we really want to do is go ahead and get  our analysis set up and it's really simple when   you bring in a board for simulation it brings  in the nets it brings in the components and i   can just start an analysis create a new  one you can see here i have analysis one   you can actually just click on the components in  the graphical view here right click and say create   vrm for analysis and if i do that it says which  analysis it helps automate this whole uh setup   and i can select the power rail i want to look at  and if i do that select that it will automatically   add that to my analysis and it will connect  all of the power rail and ground pins in the uh   from that component and i'm set up with that port  and i can also adjust the properties the voltage   i can also look at non-symmetric tolerances here  asymmetrical tolerances for calculating my design   power rail voltage margins so let's go ahead um  i did the same thing for the sync i added that   and one little trick here if i click on the  switch power rail and the vcc power rail and   look at the instances connected to both of those  i can find the inductor that connects my vrm chip   to the power rail and i can add that component to  my analysis and then simply running that analysis   it actually runs in about 10 seconds and i can  go ahead and open up the overview and you can see   once i open up the overview i will get my power  tree that lets me verify that i'm getting my eight   eight and a half or 0.8 volts to my sink and i  can also open up a tabular analysis here that   shows my upper and lower millivolts of margin  for the power rail voltage getting to the sink   now the next thing that's very uh makes simplifies  the setup is i can take that dc analysis that   worked and i have the voltage getting to the  sync and i can simply copy to a duplicate and   that's what i did here with the vccint and then  my vrm setup my sync setup comes over i can uh add   my capacitor components just by finding all the  components connected to the power rail and what   you'll notice is those models actually come in as  a library cell it's already defined as a model on   the ads schematic side and it automatically pulls  that model in so i don't have to sit here and set   up all of those component models when i run this  simulation now this is a full 3d em simulation so   it does take me about 20 minutes to run this whole  simulation and um and actually and then i can   look at the current densities and what's  interesting here is if i look at the current where   the current is coming from at low uh frequency  100 kilohertz a lot of it is coming from my vrm   and i can click on my vrm here and show you  where that's located um and it's it's uh   i have to zoom out a little bit my vrm is bringing  the voltage over from the bottom right here   but if i go up to one megahertz you can see  that the voltage starts to be delivered from the   decoupling capacitors and those are larger cap up  here at the top but also uh very interesting is   if i go and look at the impedance i can actually  because this is an fem solution i can turn off   all of those capacitors and the impedance plot  will automatically update very fast you saw that   with the capacitors uh turned on and  the capacitors turned off with all of   the capacitors removed i am now looking at the  capacitance of my power and ground plane and i   can actually uh read out on the bottom here how  much capacitance my power and ground planes have   now let's go back to the ads schematic or actually  our our pathwave power integrity workflow here and   i'm not going to go into it today but you can go  into ads and set up the models for all of those   components and verify the both the the measured  and simulated models and get the correct ones   but here you can see that we've exported straight  from pi pro you can export the full em model   of that printed circuit board with all of the  connections to the capacitor models and it's not   just one model that it can connect it can connect  multiple models and let you switch between those   so this is a very powerful schematic model of our  printed circuit board with all of the decoupling   capacitors and that is simply added to us our full  pi ecosystem simulation so here is our em model of   the printed circuit board and we've connected up a  simple rl model and we've connected up the package   die model and we're going to on the right here  create a dynamic uh excitation load at the die   and then we can measure the impedance with uh at  different locations or the current with probes   and if we run our simulation here we're going  to run an s-parameter simulation and a transient   simulation and what's very interesting  is if we look at the results from the   s-parameter simulation at impedance versus  frequency we notice that if we tried to measure   at the bottom of the fpga through a single via or  a single you know going from a capacitor through a   single via to the power and ground layer we have  too much inductance we can't really see what the   die sees but in simulation we can actually see the  impedance that the dye sees all the way out to uh   into the hundreds of megahertz but what's  interesting is there is a peak impedance   caused by the inductance of the print circuit  board pdn with the package capacitance   that's at 30 megahertz that's where we're going  to expect to see some noise and sure enough if we   excite our dynamic load if we force uh to have a  forcing function at 30 megahertz then we will get   the results that i'll show you here we're going  to go back to the presentation so we're going to   see the results so with that simple very simple  power integrity ecosystem simulation we were able   to change the the dynamic load at the die and  show that at 30 megahertz at that impedance peak   we get the worst case power rail ripple these  are on the both on the same scale for voltage   and at 200 megahertz it's the ripple is much  smaller even though the dynamic load at the die is   about five or six times larger so power  integrity is not intuitive you need simulation so within summary of the demo we showed you  how quickly to you start your power integrity   workflow with a dc-ir drop you then copy to an  ac analysis and get your em model and that can   then be exported and directly used in a full pi  ecosystem simulation if you want to go further   and increase the fidelity pi pro has dc electro  thermal we have ac decap optimization to select   and optimize the the capacitors and loading and  we also have the ability to connect very high   fidelity buck regulator state space average models  in the ads schematic and run very fast harmonic   balance simulations to get both large signal and  small signal performance and i also before we wrap   up here i want to remind everybody that keysight  workflow is not just simulation we have both   simulation and measurement solutions including low  impedance network analyzers measurements we have   the real-time scopes and if you and also current  analyzers for measuring those dynamic currents and we're not the only ones saying that ads  pathwave ads with pi pro is the best solution   for power integrity simulations here is an expert  in the industry steve sandler of picotest he's a   keysight certified expert for our eda software  and he has done five how-to videos to ramp you   up fast on how to design for power integrity  takes less than an hour to watch all of them   and they all come with their own downloadable ads  workspace and steve sandler is often heard saying   pathwave ads is the only tool that can simulate  the end-to-end power integrity ecosystem   so with that let's take the guesswork out of power  and delivery test drive pathwave ads with pi pro   today your best power integrity design will be  your next one back to you tim and we're going   to start another demo right away again this  eight minute demo again i'm gonna remind the   remind the the contestants here and vandana please  take it away on your electrical optical electrical   solution demo hey everybody starting  now great okay so vandana here today   i'm going to talk to you about the pathwave  ads electrical optical electrical solution   so first let's cover the challenges behind why  we created this solution so with data centers   rapidly growing especially with the higher  demand with everybody working from home and   different applications such as video streaming and  5g data centers are now migrating to higher speeds   such as 100g to 400g and with this higher demand  optical fiber interconnects have now become the   preferable choice for data centers to support this  increasing speed and the need for power reduction   so let's go ahead and talk about the design and  simulation challenges as a system architect or an   electrical engineer have you been in a place  where you need to analyze the entire link   and to end passing through different domains let's  call this challenge number 1 challenge number 2   what about simulating the design and the complete  link within a given bit error rate target   challenge number 3 are you looking to  characterize transceiver performance   with a modified set of parameters  such as fiber length or laser power   let me show you how these challenges are  answered with our pathwave e-o-e solution so now i'll go ahead and share my screen okay  great so here we'll open up the schematic   this is a typical 400g base fr4  transceiver with the full end to end link   so how does the simulation work pathwave ads  is the platform that drives this e-o-e analysis   where the electrical and optical parameters  are open to manipulate by the design engineers   so the simulations dynamic which means that vpi  design suite is called to process these signals   from ads and returns it back in an interactive  way so the electrical system here is all   represented by ads and the optical right here  in the middle is represented by vpi photonics   on the left you can see the tx ami which generates  the pam4 signal and on the other end the receiver   side which is where ctle is applied so we've  got three eye probes here one two and three   which is where i'm taking the  signals and measuring the eye data   so let's check out the results of this simulation  here three different eye diagrams which is where   we have the three probes at the receiver output  after the optical channel and at the receiver   output after ctle equalization so this shows  here that challenge number one has been addressed now let's address challenge two simulating the  complete link for a target bit error rate with   the same example the results show here the eye  diagram at different number of bits simulated   as well as the timing and voltage bathtub with  the bit error rate contour so if you want to send   1 million or 10 million bits within a reasonable  simulation time you can get a more accurate plot   i won't run the simulation today but i'll just  show you the examples or the results here so as   you can see as the number of bits increase you  can see the eye will close due to random jitter   and with an increased number of bits you'll  be able to calculate the bit error rate in a   more accurate way so with these results you  can see that challenge 2 has been addressed   you can simulate the design in the complete link  within a given bit error rate target so now let's   address challenge 3. we'll use the same schematic  but look at the sweep version of the schematic   so with this you'll be able to observe the  performance changes due to the manipulation   of various optical parameters so let me go ahead  and click on the vpi optical link and real quick   open this up in the background so we can see  what's going on from the vpi design suite end okay go ahead and open and while  that's happening in the background   we'll go ahead and look at what's  going on in the vpi optical link   so here this is where you can enter in the  design parameters that you can manipulate   so you can enter in the optical parameters  using the vpi optical link component in ads   and here in the schematic as shown you can  perform a sweep a parameter sweep now let's check   on how it's coming along opening in vpi design  suite which is where i'm going to show you how   we can interact with the optical parameters  from vpi design suite into ads okay here we   go so we'll go ahead and edit parameters and here  you can see the ads vpi optical link parameters so   here you've got fiber length and laser power so  this is how ads is picking up these parameters   um so this is how ads reads in the information  so the optical parameters are coming in from vpi   into ads so now let's go ahead and take  a look at the results from the simulation go ahead and switch to here and see we can go  ahead and look at how laser power and fiber length   impact your eye so you can go  ahead and click on the toggle   and use your left and right arrow  keys to see how this impacts your eye and you can do the same here for fiber length so by performing this parametric  analysis you can see that the laser   power actually has a larger impact  on the eye than the fiber length   you can also view the eye height and  width at a specified bit error rate   and look at vsr pam 4 measurements so this  shows that challenge three has been addressed   so in addition to these three challenges being  met you can also perform tdeq and advanced pam4   measurements let's take a look at this schematic  here you can see the flex dca probe right here   and this allows you to perform tdeq and jitter  measurements using the flex dca software and now   you can actually click on the flex dca  probe and input the parameters directly   into ads to set you up for these measurements  so to conclude let me jump back to my slides   keysight technologies has partnered with vpi  photonics to create the industry first integrated   workflow to allow system engineers and electrical  engineers to analyze the entire end to end link   you can simulate the entire link that contains  the mixed domain channels observe performance   variations with different parameters simulate  the design within a given bit error rate target   and additionally perform tdeq and advanced  pam 4 measurements with the flex dca software   and for more information we do have an  e-o-e youtube video that will follow the   the demo similar to what i covered today as well  as an in-depth webinar to cover this in further   detail and we'll have those links provided  to you as well and that concludes my section   thanks tim back to you all right all right  all right now the final contestant mr heesoo   you have eight minutes the clock is  ticking right now is you take it away   okay sounds good all right let me do my demo  and uh this is all about data memory designs   and we released a new product which is called  memory designer last march which is a little   bit over one year ago one of the main target  area was ddr5 i'm not sure how many of you are   actually doing the other ddr5 probably i say most  of you know people are doing a ddr4 at this point   in time however i know that yet everybody will  be moving into the ddr5 very soon or later that's   because uh you know czech recently announced the  refiner version of the spec for ddr5 so there is   no brainer uh it's no brainer uh you know thinking  that everybody will be moving to the other ddr5   so the key about ddr5 what makes the ddr5  very different from ddr4 yeah speed grade is   a lot higher almost doubled right but just  using it you know just seeing a same channel   being able to open the eye at higher data rate  is very very difficult that's why ddr5 you know   adapting a ami which is doing data equalization  such as the dfv or ctle that's what a makes a big   difference between ddr4 and ddr5 memory designer  you know comes with the complete solution for ddr5   especially with the ibis ami and along with the  other those equilibriums so i'd like to show   you one example starting with a jitter tracking  for the old technology like ddr3 or iv a lot of   timing and analysis were done but moving into  the ddr5 and more of their eye data and their   mass management margins and that kind of stuff  are more a standard in a measurement uh that's   where how people need to be quite cautious about  about the other jitter and this is the other and   one of the example i want to demonstrate so memory  designer basically used a very simple a concept   to build up the design uh one with a you know a  controller uh this we call a smart component that   represents an entire controller with a multiple a  wires and then in the in the middle other is pcb   if you want to include a thin connector no problem  you can you know include the other thin connector   uh as a similarly smart component same for the  other memory once you have the design you can just   go and then run the simulations in order to save  you my time for a discontest um i'm not going to   simulate it although it takes only a 40 second let  me just open up the other in a window and show you   the result here is the sorry i clicked the  wrong one here's the church juror tracking   if you look at this is where we're measuring  eye data right after the channel right   so without having any of jitter it looks great but  then when you are adding the editor running at the   other 48 megahertz and 50 feet per second you  can see the other high data is completely closed   so how you open this data by applying data you  know dfe uh for example to the receiver uh with   a node jitter case yeah you know it opens up the  other eye data with a 4dfp because the eye itself   is very clean but when you are putting there is  you know very much close the eye data into the   receiver uh the equalization must be kicked in and  it open up the eye and as you can see even within   48 megahertz and 50 picosecond jitter that were  added both of a dq and dq strobe eye data can be   still you know quite well opened this is how a uh  you know equalization works especially in working   with you know finding out the best optimum a  dfe clocking by having the other two inputs   coming to the ibis-ami model which is you  know data and data strobe right so second   interesting a kind of challenge is something  about the other unmatched io in ddr4 case   dq and dq strobe must be a more likely same  length but moving to a ddr5 areas it doesn't need   to be so that means you have a kind of you  know freedom to have different length of the   tq and dq's strobe which created a kind of skew  issues so the question is can you really open   up the eye with the skew coming in between the  dq and dq strobe the answer is yes i'm going   to open up the other the the simple a same  design but in this case i'm applying the dq   and dq strobe with a different uh you know delay  applied that makes it a jitter correlation less   correlated between dq and dq strobe but by having  the two inputs ibis-ami model which is based   on the other gateway 2 you'll be still able to  open up the eye which is the result i'm going to   show you uh right here so the top case was the  one we uh you know uh ran through over the jitter   uh tracking case yeah still we are able to open  up the eye uh no problem but let's make the other   dq strobe a 50 pico second uh additional delay  added uh still we are able to open up the eye   no problem because we have two inputs and where  we are tracking the at all the inner jitters as   well as you know phase interpolation is applied  to make the other you know optimum dfe working   uh along with the other those you know  skews coming between dq and dq strobe   if you look at the other bottom one this is a  quite exaggerated case where actually dq strobe is   five ui which is around the one data you know  is quite open right so these are all the things   uh what we have done for ddr5 then now you may  ask the other question uh this sounds good but   i don't have any of uh you know ibis-ami motor  that i can use for my ddr5 applications i have   to tell you don't worry about it memory designer  comes with a memory interface ami model builder   so if i just go and click this button it brings up  a this window where i can specify i like to build   up a new uh ami model something like it right  and then go to the next uh or give me what kind   of choices you know you have for the devices let  me choose the rx controller then it shows up the   old tab which is related to the ddr5 ami  model such as delay a vrep calibration   even adding the ctle multiple poles and going to  enable the dfe if i enable the dfe then i can see   all the tab values i can enter and i can go with  the other clocking that allows uh you know me   to generate the model based on the gateway or  gateway 2. it doesn't matter but after you've  

finished this up you just go and then say uh uh  just go in the build the model then you just build   the model then it generated a dll and ami uh files  that can you that can be used in your design right   away so although you know there might be some  challenges not being able to get to the ami model   in memory designer case and no problem at all  right last year a couple of things i'd like to   show you uh moving on to the other more of  the ddr4 cases a lot of people are wanting   to simulate their corner cases or even you know  simulating the the high performance based on the   other different odt values we made this process  really really simple and straightforward so if   you look at uh this is the one of the typical a  ddr4 design example that comes with the controller   and motherboards then steam connector and dim  board and memory right now we can easily create   this dispatch assimilation which is switching  through the different odt values and here's the   results this result of a odt swipe shows eye  data but by moving the other different a odt   settings i can see eye data will be changing if i  put the 120 ohm odt value i can see that eye got   you know a lot smaller than the odt value of 40  or 48. so this is the typical a type of the task   design engineers wanted to go the answer to that  yeah no problem at all last thing uh just quickly   going over uh we added a new capability called a  design exploration this design exploration allows   you to enter your own own a design specification  such as i'd like to have the minimum size of eye   height something and something and then you  can run the batch assimilation and make sure   every cases are passing through that specification  and eventually we'll be generating excel   spreadsheet so that every case you see that it  pass or fail so by having this data you'll be   able to see what certain cases are failing to the  specification so that you can dive into the other   you know that specific a configuration more  detailed uh to fix uh the design issues right   right uh that's all there are a lot more but due  to the timing i will stop it here back to you tim   all right thank you mr heesoo make sure you check  out these slides in the resource resources center   you have a bunch of compilations of the great  things that's happening i just want to thank   you all for uh presenting and thanks to the  attendees for spending time with us whether   you're live and on demand we are here to help you  this is very clear we provide solutions to you   so remember to fill out that survey and let us  know how we did and again as we wrap up today's   presentation remember that we will email you a  link when the on-demand version is ready to view   thanks again for attending our uh new  technologies for si and pi simulation and   pathwave ads 2021 brought to you by keysight  technologies please visit visit us at www   dot maybe that was too many w's keysight  dot com forward slash fine forward slash   events for a list of upcoming events stay well  and be good thanks again everyone have a beer


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