The technology that we have today will bring about the advancement of our destruction

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good morning so I've wakened I have awokened from my sleep and  I was thinking about this phrase the technology   that we have today will bring about  the advancement of our destruction   you may say what are you talking about  Gina yes the technology that is being   put into the hands of humans is way too powerful  for the humans to control way too powerful we   do not have the knowledge we do not have the  expertise we do not have the experience using   this technology that we're using today we  do not understand it at all we do not and um   some may think that it's okay it's a  learning curve no it's not it's too powerful   to control already and the more that it advances  the more that this technology grows it grows up   just like us like from a child to an adult  this technology has the ability to grow   it has the ability to learn it has the  ability to replicate it has the ability to   one day take care of itself and it  doesn't need the humans to do it whoever or whatever is pushing  it they may have good motives but I don't think they clearly thought  out what was happening I really do not   believe that they have thought out the  ramifications of what they have done I don't know who is um yeah hello and good morning that's  the thought pattern in my mind the technology that we have today will one day advance bring about the advancement of  the destruction of the human population it's   too powerful its way too powerful it should not  even be given to the human race because humans   don't have the depth of understanding and  intellect Within to use it they do not it um perhaps um it's not humans who are using it perhaps it's not truly the human race itself  that is advancing it upon the Earth perhaps   it's another race of beings that is advancing this  technology cutting edge bleeding edge technology   in many many different areas that literally are  having a direct impact on everyone perhaps it's   not human that's doing it perhaps it is in fact  an advance intelligent race of non-human beings perhaps it's something like that and  it's going to take over this planet   like it probably has other planets or other  civilizations and ended up destroying them   this isn't a game it isn't  you all you know it's not   it's very scary if you think about the  implications uh the advancement of Technology   in all different areas of our life even  internally in our bodies the advancement you know I was thinking about a comment on a  video last night by Vonda she said she woke up   her face was swollen she was in pain  her head was pounding how on Earth   do you wake up and your face is swollen how is there now advanced technology inside  our bloodstreams inside our bodies is there   somehow it was able to penetrate the human body is there some type of a energy out there  that can penetrate through frequency is there   is there some type of a species that  has the ability to attack the human body   when we're asleep an advanced species  and Advance intelligent species   so right now my left elbow at the joint  on the inside it's just twitching in that   one spot just that one spot and I'm sitting  there thinking is there some type of advanced technology that's causing it  just this one teeny tiny spot   and it goes away if I think about it it goes away  but if I don't think about it it will go like that good morning the Golden Age will start in 2032 when we get  help from the benevolent aliens a heads up where did the information come from who has told  you the golden age will start in 2032 really   um who has told you that  my hair is so wild looking   um I've heard about Edgar Casey and I've read  about Edgar Casey we're living in the here   and now and there has been a lot prophesied  and it doesn't take a genius to look around   and feel and sense what is  happening and what will happen   it really doesn't it doesn't take a a profit a  prophetess a seer all it takes is a connection   that's it just a connection with the spiritual  realm you can even look around you can see   and you can feel and you can sense what direction  this is headed and you can look around and see   the effects that this technology super advanced  technology bleeding edge Cutting Edge technology is transforming the human population  the human race you can look around um   some of it is being used for good but some of  it isn't um some of it is being used for bad   and I guess that's the trade-off you will  give you this technology this technology   for your advancement and it will  be wonderful but if that's a trap what if it is a trap you know how you  wouldn't be too far-fetched to think that um   you would have a faux as your friend pretending  to be your friend to print pretending to help you   a stranger a total stranger from Way Beyond   this rim with all this technology that's going to  benefit the human race and um they give it to you   and they not only give it to you they help you  advance it in ways that you could have never   imagined in ways that you really don't know  about it's like when computer code is written   programs are written you can have  malicious codes embedded within it you can   you can write things to where you  leave little open doors little   bitty doors that can get opened and  get penetrated with this technology so the advancement of Technology we'll bring about the advancement  of our destruction one day   and if you still remain you may not  even be completely human anymore   the human race is a dying race as far as this  advanced species is concerned it is it's a dying   ratio in the eyes of this species and it seeks  to replace the human race with its own species   that's what it expects to do it will conquer  it and replace it with its own species and I   doubt many of us will be here for that day we will  probably be long long gone before that day happens but that's its end goal to get rid  of the human race and replace it this may sound Gina honey that's not  encouraging that's what I'm sensing   I am sensing it and um it will one day  bring about our destruction our way of life they write about it in the movies and  no I don't watch TV you well I haven't   watched TV for years for years I have a  TV in my living room guess what it does   sets there and it gathers dust the only one  in this house that watches TV is my husband   yeah don't watch no TV don't watch no  movies although there's clues in movies in the meantime we can use this technology  to help better improve our lives we can   it does have a beneficial aspect to it but  in the long run the technology will truly   end up controlling us and uh you'll be  more or less imprisoned on this planet I can't believe that just came out of my  mouth I can't imprisoned on this planet   um taken hostage by the technology that is  advancing at a rapid rate the human population imprisoned on this Earth um being held hostage by  technology which is literally   stopping the growth of Humanity the only way  it wants to allow Humanity to grow is with it   it wants Humanity to grow with it and Advance with  it but humanity is not prepared for the end result   the end game humanity is not prepared it's not you um you watch everything you can it's  good to watch for information it really is   to know what's going on and the saying  is true much study wearies the body   and to the writing of many  books there is no in and the more the knowledge the more the grief the  more you know the more it will Grieve Your Soul   the more you look the more you'll  find out you'll find out things you   wish you didn't know but then it's too  late then it's too late you are it is so you shouldn't wake up from your  sleep and your whole face is swollen   when it was perfectly fine when you went to  sleep before you went to sleep but when you   woke up your whole entire face was  swollen and your head was pounding   to me it sounds like there is some type of  advanced technology that was used against that   individual and not just that individual and it  wasn't for that individual's good either it wasn't um it was meant to inflict pain on that individual that type of Technology that's being used is  being used not for the benefit of human race   it's being used to send a message directly   and make people as an example let people know  whether you don't know or not you I bet you   anything that individual was not the only one  who has ever woke up with her face swollen   um no way because they're not going to waste  their time on one human being on the planet   they're going to do it to other people  too I bet there was a lot of people who   have woken up with their whole entire  face swollen in their head pounding   and like you're you wake up in another part  of your body is swollen and you're in pain   you're not alone this this there is advanced  technology that's being used against the human   race because this species does not like the  human race it's only tolerating us you are   this species is only tolerating us for a  moment in time that's it a moment in time   and when that moment in time is passed  that species that malevolent species   will do its best to wipe Humanity from the  face of its from this Earth I want to say   it's Earth because this is its Kingdom right  here this is its Kingdom it's it's so hard   for this malevolent race of entities to live  on this Earth with humans that they do not like   they don't like humans and it's very  difficult every single day that they   wake up if they even sleep to look  around and see the human race still   enduring on this Earth that they want them to  no longer endure on and still pressing forward pressing back I'm sure it makes them very upset  that the human race has not just thrown their   hands up in the air and say I give up I give up  it's very difficult if you look at it from that   um side I'm 11 length species on the face of this  Earth that cannot stand living on the earth with   Humanity it literally disgusts them they don't  like Humanity and if they had their way right now   they would literally wipe Humanity off the face  of the Earth but they know that they have not been   given that authority to do such they wish they  were given it because they would do it right now   but one day I'm sure they'll be given  the okay okay it's your time I'm sure   I'm sure something's holding it back  something's holding this malevolent   species that's on this Earth back otherwise  we wouldn't be here they wouldn't just stop   like in one instant in time no they would  continue until none of us was left until   they totally eradicated the planet and  took it completely over that's what they   would love and run it the way they want to  run it right now they can't right now they   can't run it completely the way that they  want it they can't they're being held back   but they want to they want to and it makes them so  upset they're powerless in that aspect they they   can't exercise their full power on this earth  right now because we're standing in their way   there's something inside of us about a benevolent  force a benevolent entity uh and there's lots of   benevolent entities around in the other realms  are holding them back and they do not like it   they're trying to figure out so hard how to do  it how to just get rid of it all together they   want this they want to terraform the human race  they want to terraform this planet they do you uh   just terraform everything to their liking so they  can have this their own creation and it's it's they want their own creation they don't  like us they don't like the creation of   the human race the way that we were created  and they don't like it that we got a soul   and that we got a spirit within us and  we have a connection to the divine power   that's out there they don't like that connection  they would love to sever that connection   because if they can literally sever it and  cut it off and numb numb ourselves and stuff   and they've got us then they've got us if  they can take over ourselves they've got us they're yeah I'm sorry I'm not looking at  the comments you all but this technology   uh we'll bring about the advancement of our  destruction one day it's um it's too powerful in   it's too powerful we can't control it and  there's some type of malevolent beings that   gave it to the human race and there are they're  working alongside the human race but it's not for   our Goods they know that it will one day bring  about our destruction and we will be totally um I'm not going to say it I'm not so yeah it's too powerful  technology is too powerful you love and appreciate um  Spirits in light our ancestors you are just we gotta we gotta keep pressing  on again you should not wake up with your   face all swollen that's not normal it's not  and um if you have woke up from your sleep   with your face swollen all of a sudden you  wake up and your face is swelling and your   head is pounding could you please write  this in this comment section I know she   was not the only one that that happened to at  all and that's that's technology right there   um that was not being used to help Humanity to  help that person at all it was not it was being   used against that person uh that that's physical  physical physically being used against that person   it's it's so powerful you all it is  out of nowhere we've we've got to pray   on a daily basis if you pray meditate do  whatever you can to keep your vibration up   the truth is is we're in trouble we are  in trouble and there's nothing wrong   raising awareness that this technology that  is around today is advancing at a rapid rate   and uh parts of it is already  too powerful to control and um a lot of it will one day be way beyond our control  and it will control us okay we it will control us   and um yeah you made it January 17th  you've been getting physical attacks   uh you are an extra Sun let me  look at this um you've been sick no one can take your soul it  belongs to God if you're sealed   if you're not you're in trouble you're in trouble foreign there is technology on this Earth that's  being used that we don't even know about   okay we don't know about it and a lot of people  are aware of that it's super super advanced   and it may be only that much of it being used  just that much of it that's active today just   that much but one day as it keeps growing  and growing and growing it's going to outgrow   our understanding is going to just outgrow our  ability to control it or even understand it   even understand it because  it's not like us it's not   it's it's not like the human race this  advanced technology is not human it's not it has no human traits it doesn't it's  not human and um I'm human you're human but one day you may be seeing  something that is not human and um something brought it here it did brought  lots of it here I am going to go you all so one   day the advancement of this technology  our cloaked Unseen World that's right um let me see I can't remember what I just said I am  gonna go but um the technology today will   bring about the advancement  of our destruction one day   and it's um it's too powerful to control already  it's going to become even more powerful and before   we wake up and say oh no we can't  control it it's too late it's too late you'll be way far down the road  until you look around and say   we've got to stop it ready to be too late you  didn't realize what you had but it realized it   so I'm going to go you all  and thank you for listening   and with that being said hello wherever  you are in any part of the world hello   from my heart to yours love you have a  wonderful rest of your morning thank you


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