Sccm Training SCCM 2007 & 2012 &2019 Interview Questions & Answer 40 Hours Training Joyatres

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oops yeah hi Al good evening good evening good evening hi yeah hi good evening everyone yeah uh I meet uh I'm starting this session okay you can start yeah yeah SCCM I'm starting this session this is demo yeah before this I will explain about myself my total experience is 16 plus years I worked on desktop support initially field support engineer active directory Windows server support VM backup and replication office 65 action server SCCM these are my core experiences yeah sscm in the sense system center configuration manager also known as configuration manager formally it was known as SMS main system management center initially it was released in 1993 with the name of SMS in 2007 year Microsoft renamed this technology as SCCM sscm similar tools are altrace 10 am this kind of tools so now average is now Microsoft and point management now this SCM replay renamed as MSM Microsoft and pine configuration manager in 2020 year initially this client management software SMS were released in 1994. 1999 they released SMS 2.0 version 2003 Microsoft released you know the windows version Windows 2003 server R2 the same year Microsoft release SMS 2003 R2 R minis R means release in 2008 server there are two versions 2008 R 2008 R2 2007 Microsoft renamed this SMS technology as SCCM 2011 Microsoft introduced windows in tune you know in tune technology nowadays right it is cloud-based 2012 Microsoft release SCM 2012.

in 2020 year Microsoft renamed this technology as a museum there are many variations many versions released the difference between 2007 SCCM and 2012 sscm is in 2007-2012 you can deploy software software means 7gp Edo backup Trader SQL express any piece of software there is only one method to deploy this software from 2007 coming to 2012 there are two different kind of methods to install to deploy the software the two methods are called package method and application method in 2007 there is only one method that is Packet method Microsoft will release the sscm versions per annum three times three different Editions okay suppose the same if you see the version number 1606 in some companies if you joined as administrator you can see the version called 1606 some companies you can see one six one zero some companies we can see one six 0 2 that means this is 2016 February released this is 2016 10th month October release this version this is 2016 June month earliest so that means every year Microsoft releasing three times these questions even Windows 10 also hope you remember around there is more than 40 times in last five years 2015 August they released the first version of that Windows 10 21 has 222 has to there are many versions released so Microsoft is releasing nowadays this is same amazing version three times per annum what are the benefits what are the features of SCM so first of all what kind of job you will get as a sscm admin okay so from sscm what you can do you can deploy the patches badges means once after already installed in your system for the software you will deploy a piece of software I mean to say that is called patch security update patch patches again there are different kind of methods there are variations critical batch security pads important patch update update roll up Service Pack feature pack are there even software related third-party software update patches Exchange Server also will have patches simulator update see you remember CU means cumulative yes yeah some bulk of patches plus updates is called cumulative Service Pack means patches plus updates plus you accumulate updates all together is called Service Pack thank you so what kind of job you will get deploy patches that means patches deployment engineer okay next you will get another job is deploy the softwares next you will get one more job deploy the OST means opening system deployment this is also called image management image deployment in some companies you will get Windows Plus sscm admin or SCCM infra so you will get five kind of jobs or they will give you desktop support Plus sscm admin you will get this kind of five different variation jobs and this is huge hit this technology using by companies over the globe more than one lakh companies if you see office 65 every company is using Office 365 nowadays correct Exchange 2010 using by companies more than 28 000 over the globe except since 2013 there are 15 000 companies all together on premises exchange using by the company still there are more than 2 lakhs companies remaining all companies using remaining Solutions and still the SSC I'm using by companies more than one lakh so you will get the job only to deploy the patches when Microsoft released the patches every month second Tuesday second week Tuesday what is past Tuesday answer is Microsoft will release the patches on every month second Tuesday second week Tuesday okay suppose you will get only the um job like you know deploy softwares again deploy softwares will have two jobs what is that call anybody application management application packaging application deployment application package plus SCCM some companies will recruit these two technologies guys both are different uh Now application packages both are different in different things yeah both are different in the sense I will tell you okay okay this is my team this I am working in this team okay okay my our company will decide to deploy a software for 10 20 000 systems simply we will learn go there and simply will deploy we have to test we have to do many things first I will download the software I will test that software into three system certain systems in Pilot phase then I will customize the package package means software application also is called as software yes because before before using the application package model is SC both yeah so what I will do I will modify edit create the package in our customization where I will add the steps to install the package software then I will give you the software to your team you are a CM admin yes what you will do you will log into sem console that software you will simply put in the sem console you will deploy to all the systems systems are deployed to all upgrade and removals yes you can do many things so all these jobs you will kind of get ICM infra means and they're a same infra you can manage all these things will be there big companies again this deploy patches one of the student joined he told they has five different teams in patches security team they will download the patches then what you know they will not download the security team they will read the patches what kind of patches are releasing they will prepare notes then they will send these patches to next team the next team will download and deploy in the testing systems then third team will deploy in the production fourth team verification yes yes that is us some some companies some companies have only one person I have to do with that person download the correct Badges and uh create this group and apply the test missions and you can success other other things you can deploy the Productions workstations or Productions yeah so this is what you will get in different kind of jobs suppose you are a desktop support admin working as a four years or five years or ten years plus SCM also will get foreign is completely graphical there is no coding understanding so now what are the features what are the features with sscm you can tell all these we can deploy the patches to all the systems from sscm you can deploy the software software call suppose 7gp 7gb you can create a package you can deploy to 20 000 systems at a time not one at a time at a time you can deploy the software from 20 tone systems at a time or you can do phase wise if there are 10 30 000 systems in your company this week I will deploy 7g for 10 000 systems next week 10 000 systems third week 10 000 systems so this month I will finish for 30 000 systems this is what companies will do phase wise even servers also they do patching for production servers one ways pilot servers one phase cluster servers in one phase clear so these are all the jobs you will get next what you can do with sscm this is a question you can do all these things mentioned the nodes OSD Mains operating system deployment or image management or image deployment OS Windows 11 you will download from Microsoft website in Windows OS there will be two files that is boot.vim and install.beam what is boot.wim who dot Vim file Vim means windows image file boot.beam file will boot the hardware

system and it will go away in the Second Step install.wim file will load into the end user systems over the network and it will install the OS this is called operating system deployment for this technology for this deployment how you can deploy this OS you will add the OS image in the sscm server console then you will deploy to all the end user systems who are joining in your company new hires newcomers for the new higher systems yes you have to enable pixie in the network cards in the bias pixie means free execution environment by default it will be enabled for the new hardware systems from past six seven years if it's not enabled restart the system go to bios and enable this is my CCM lab currently running for one patch and what is the version of VMware Workstation I have installed 16.2 so for the lab we can create only one VM first VM is domain controller second VM is sscm server that's it okay so you can deploy the operating system management OS Windows 10 Windows 11 or in your company there are 10 000 systems Windows 7 is there you can upgrade all the systems to Windows 10 by using sscm technology clear ly next step is power management you can control down all the systems there are 5000 systems you can power on power off for this you have to enable Wake On LAN in all the systems another step is remote control how to take remote control of my system I raise the tickets service request please look into my system my system is slow I'm in London you are in India how you will log into my system RDC RDP RDP what is the command domesticious mstsc Microsoft ml Services connection remote desktop control protocol port number is thank you I think the code is three three eight nine right uh Elder port number not sure yeah 380 okay clear DNS is yeah so now RDP port number double three eight nine you have to go to your system and type the command mstsc type the IP address of my system enter and you can apply the credentials then you can log in yes to my system okay so why RDP is required what is remote control necessium why this feature came here suppose you deployed patches for 10 000 systems out of 10 000 your man has asked the report how many you deployed please give me the report so what you will do you will give the report in the report only 95th percent passed five percent failed five percent means around uh 500 system something okay 500 systems forget about 500 only 50 systems failed 50 systems may be offline 50 systems not reachable to network 50 systems users went in leave so what you will do out of the 50 systems you will take remote how you will take remote from sscm go to session compliance devices here one device is there suppose this is end user device these patches are failed here it is showing green tick mark means this is online client installed or not [Music] is installed in the end user system client is active or not these are interpersons how you will verify client Health Checkup go to assessment complaints I will verify here that is wrong answer okay how to verify the client Health Checkup go to monitoring and verify here client check client status yes okay one system here it is how you take remote right click remote control remote control is coming cut it yes yes how it is coming because of I configure the settings remote control settings where exactly in the administration part here it is in administration you know the group policies if you write a group policy it will affect all the end users where you where you applied which container you applied the same way here also client settings custom device settings are configured so this is what remote control so you can easily manage the system remotely you need not to go to user system R you need not to go to mstac command apply the credentials simply you can right click and take remote control and there you can troubleshoot the issues patching related issues or software deployment whatever it is clear so many systems is appliances there you can take the any one remote correct [Music] yeah this is the server okay right click yes this is the effector server remote control server nobody will ask you you can take remote you will log in here so what you will do for the patch is not install first you have to verify the services and another service is Windows update is running or not it's not running you will run both Windows installer service you will run the required Services then what you will do you can open simply the software Center is opening or not it has to be open properly if it is opening very slow somewhere some issue is there in the software Center okay you have to reinstall SMS says Services all these things you can verify troubleshoot all are good then what you will do will open the CM Trace verify the logs related to patching first you can verify the log file location service what it will do end user system is connecting to WSS or not and user system is connecting to distribution point or Not Here location service log you have to verify end user system is connecting to which ad site default 80 site end user system is connecting to MP or not management Point what is management Point management point is the communication between client Mission and server all are good then you can go to another log file what is the clock file W Handler first of all the scan completed successfully or not here it is completed can completed patches are downloaded but not installed in the end users server patch contact download installation 50 percent transfer manager Dot Lock well you have to see fifty percent remaining fifty percent failed so all these troubleshooting steps you have to do yes sir so we cannot tell the software Center corrupted we cannot tell some so services are stopped okay we we can tell also in some scenarios in the end user server or system WMA corrupted henceforth patches are unable to install so these are all the scenarios clear yes yes uh yeah for taking remote from sscm console uh like Port is required or not Port is double three eight nine uh yes sir I think WMA corrupted mean how do we resolve the issue yeah you can uh reboot the wmi okay one more thing if wmi corrupted inside the Excel server Exchange Server will throw the blue screen how you will fix how will verify blue skin is coming how you will dig what kind of tool you will use where the blue screen dump will be saved anybody errors is very very important as your SCM admin or desktop support server where the blue screen errors will be saved please tell me bro we don't see Drive Windows mini dump okay here mini dumb folder will be there here the thumbs mini dump I mean it's a blue screen once it's occurred blue screen will come through Hardware or OS issues are with the WM my corrupted issues all those errors will be saved in the minidum folder take those error files and you can start Supple shoot by using win dbg wind debugging so the folder name what is the exact folder name right Crasher process or process means blue screen death blue skin after the BS blue screen issues and I think a memory and backup and separate error is include in sem memory means they will use backup and replication VM backup and replication or semantic backups teams are separate if you're working in a small company around 200 systems you have to work on both voice is breaking yeah my voice is clear now can you hear me yes yes yes it's fine yeah big companies everything will be separate and AD team separate exchange team separate SharePoint team is separate yes CM team is separate okay mini dump is very important read it once it is a pretty much useful so this is what remote control another feature is reporting software metering software metering will calculate the licenses software updates means you know the software updates right yes after updates again there are different kind of classifications patches patches are what kind of classifications critical patches uh security patches definition passes option batches like other correct still people are joining foreign Microsoft released the patches it is called past Tuesday every month second week Tuesday next day means Wednesday you will download the patches simply will not deploy the patches to production okay you will take those patches you will have texting collection in that collection Windows 10 collection for systems Windows 11 systems for systems testing and windows 2016 servers for servers Windows 2019 for servers like this you will have around 20 systems all these 20 systems you will deploy these patches for different operating systems will verify these patches one week how many days you will verify you can tell the answer one week one week five days yeah when we say enough you know one week or five days then you will go for cab meeting you will tell I tested all these patches rebooted all the systems after deploy the patches no issues came and all the applications are working as expected no performance counter issues then you will take required approvals you will deploy the patches in the production phase wise yes correct this is what this is what exactly you will do so Administration here site configuration site here you can do all the component software update classifications here it is all these classic critical updates security updates updates you will deploy what are the products are there in your company in my company Windows 11 is there in your company Windows 10 is there you will give the tick mark you will download and you will deploy so this is software updates program is five to six days in our lab I will teach five to six days next one is Hardware inventory software inventory you can collect from the sscm and SS intelligence you can collect other than this we already discussed about softwares softwares also you can deploy from where you can deploy the software go to software Library 10 application management you will download the required application software you will add here then deploy to all the systems how to download these softwares go to software library application management software updates all software updates synchronize then and there it will download these patches are downloaded from Microsoft update store how you will deploy the software not software OS go to software Library operating system boot image OS image two levels clear I will upgrade the OS from Windows 7 to Windows 10. here we will add the windows 11 package Windows 11 you will deploy to my system in my system already Windows 10 is there okay and you can do manage Office 365 also what it is called nothing but males the males your mailboxes nowadays will be there or there in the cloud that is called office 65 tenant so office 65 Microsoft what they will do they will release the Outlook three times per annum those Outlook versions again you have to deploy to all the systems there are 10 000 systems this is again one program so what you can do you can deploy the o365 also both 365 updates clear and you can do one more thing that is Skip antivirus in your company there is there are 20 Town systems every System is using cash per square semantic antivirus per head system is you are spending thousand rupees but skip panty whereas Windows Defender is completely free and this very smooth antivirus you can remove the license reversions and you can download this deploy to all the end user systems how you will download these antivirus go to Administration side side component software update point in the classification you have to give the tick mark for security updates definition updates definition means it's related to antivirus only so daily they will release generally antivirus every company will release the updates that is called definition updates security updates means related to OS clear correct oh yes so you can manage the antivirus also so this is what sscm and it is use it what is this yeah just a second sir just a second what is SCM hierarchy depends upon the natural network speed depends upon the locations you will Implement design the sscm architecture suppose you are having only one branch on this globe this Earth You Will deploy only primary set Standalone primary site this primary set will support up to one and a half lactivaces primary safety implemented in London New Zealand one primary site India one primary set Australia one primary site then you can manage all the primary sites from a single console card cash cash suppose your company started a new branch in New Zealand there are only two tone systems then there you can consider only secondary site network issues yeah whenever network speed is low between India to New Zealand then you can implement the secondary side there yes yeah so this is what is CM architecture clear and what you will get from my side in the training please Harry please tell me the how many how many devices uh handle is one prime minister I think calcium is yeah correct foreign is this folder I will share to everybody the size is around yeah you can send me their files letter okay 11 GB so in this you will get the videos and all the documents for practice suppose if you want to practice also yes dump yeah patching deployment guide is 70 Pages how to do forms Cash 3 and what is zero day patch what is security patch all information is there in this document I will share all this technically and practically document thank you very thank you thank you okay and you will get Windows servers only the questions I attended in my entire career and these are all windows related information and second thing is send me also how to build a cm in VM group everything will be there okay okay how to transfer fsmo roles yeah yeah three requisites and yeah all the steps are very much picturized schema correct everything and SCM older video set yeah I will open one video no no no you can send me that yeah this one clear yeah this is a side system rules yes I think yeah yeah you can share me that video songs okay and SCM questions related and SCM these are all the set of files I will share dumb file dumb files or softwares yes software these are all softwares yes yes clear so take it before I will share okay and plus resume also resume also here it is attached I will share in one concert all these things once I get complete fees here sample resume this is the one I entered around 20 lines you can take only 10 line something got it yeah yeah I got it got it got it yeah yeah bro one thing so you're the one down so during the Windows 10 osc creation so in the task sequence so we have added in the application where we need to add the same the same task sequence you will get the driver package okay okay you added a application right some application next yeah then close then open the task sequence right click edit okay options or settings there you can see disk or applications are client or something basic settings are another option is driver package okay so what are the driver we need to install basically that in a f file you need to download not Network every driver you have to download okay okay all the drive simple you bought a laptop okay you not install only graphical driver you have to install Wi-Fi Bluetooth sound video audio everything right yeah motherboard drivers chassis drivers everything the same way you will download from official website.nfls those file you

will can put in the SEO driver package okay okay so can you show me any example here in more console here you can see here it is right where I cannot show now because of we need to create a lot many things uh it is not there it is a problem we cannot create now okay no issue have your package you see here driver pack is you can add it here okay okay the driver package will be inject into the sequence star sequence will deploy the sequence what are the steps will be there first step boot image Second Step install image third one softwares fourth one drivers that's it pass sequence it will sequence wise deploy the tasks to re-end user systems that is called task sequence clear sir [Music] yes she is thank you sir yes so in this topic first day what we will teach active directory backup DC okay WDS topic then sscm installation as well simply I will open this SCM lab no we will install these two VMS from us cast to end it will take 10 days 10 Discovery methods roles patching OSD over you then software deployment these are all the main topics clear where is the software document reader I don't know anything yeah yeah understood so complete SCM package you will get the course your reason is minimum 25 days maximum 35 days daily one hour and which time which time morning or evening you can inform to Amit is the contact person who want to enroll please contact this guy you'll share the information Monday is batch starting thanks for all joining hurry I want to ask one question from my end yes sir I mean one of my colleagues are saying SSM is going to outdated that's the same is completely uh replaced by in tune is it right no difference between sscm and InTune InTune is cloud-based this is on premises if you want to learn in tune first you should learn about SCM okay okay you can yeah tell me some companies thank you thank you very much asking the company so once you clear this you can easily understand mainly asking the inter mobile device management and multiple mobile applications so I think yeah see in Mobile how many applications you will deploy one or four or ten one or four yeah yeah you will not deploy all the applications to your mobile companies will not deploy right yes yes yes I understand I understand yeah yeah what there are many features are there if you learn Excel server they will ask about office 65 if you learn an office system well you are certified you know after 65 in code level they will ask exchange questions also if you go for exchange they will ask ad also ad you should know [Music] this is the best this is graphical there is no coding clear Telugu I am also Telugu your name Prasad okay great yeah my name is thank you Hari for clarifying yourself questions thank you very much thanks a lot if you want and robot please inform to Amit I think you know is a very very well I think venkata who is he he's working on IBM oh I am not sure he is also trained with SCM oh okay okay not sure hurry my name is Akash and actually I'm already working as an administrator uh but my question is like I mean I need to have some extra support like assistance uh without clearing assistance related to OSD many times I got stuck up in these things I can do WhatsApp sorry you can do WhatsApp if you have any query you can WhatsApp foreign thank you all please save his number please save his number yeah yeah uh yeah okay thank you thank you all bye thanks thank you thank you


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