Deep Cleaning The Muddiest BIOHAZARD Porsche EVER Satisfying Flood Car Detail Transformation

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wd detailing, dude he just hit my van oh my god hey guys welcome back to the channel my name's  brent and what you just saw happened while we were   filming this video but we'll talk more on that  later so make sure you watch through the whole   video so you can see what happened but anyways  we're back at j j auto wrecking today to work on   another salvage car for them and they brought us  a really cool porsche panamera with a full onyx   body kit and a complete custom interior which  the owner estimated after everything was bought   put on all of that that this car costed close to  120 thousand dollars to build and specifically   this car was pulled out of a river so we helped  clean it up that way the salvage yard can part   out what pieces are still good and usable and  sell them to other people who may need them to   work on their own porsches so this car will never  ever be sold to anybody and once it's parted out   the rest will be crushed and sold to scrap so  no we're not helping them clean up a flood car   to sell to an unknowing buyer because that's very  illegal to do but anyways i haven't done this in   a very long time i want to set a light goal in  this video because we worked really hard on it   and we did it absolutely for free so i know you  guys can help us smash it and it helps us get   this video out to more people so let's see if we  can get this video to 5 000 likes and as for the   question of the video leave your answers in the  comments below with a card that was just pulled   out of a river like this one what parts on it do  you think are still salvageable on the inside and   the outside to be saved and parted out leave your  answers down below so starting the detail you see   this passenger seat that rj's pulling out i have  to complain right now because we got there to   start this video at 8am that day and we couldn't  start until noon because that seat alone did not   come out for four hours guys i'm not joking we  had to have someone from jay and jay use a saw   to cut it out so safe to say the rails on that  are completely toast and it was not fun at all so now at this point we started cleaning under where  the back seat sits and we found some of the water   that was from the river that this car was pulled  out of but you know what else you could find in   rivers besides porsches fish we want to give  a huge thank you to the sponsor of this video   fishing clash because without them getting this  crazy content for you guys would not have been   possible if you didn't already know this we do  almost every single detail on this channel for   free so their support means that we can keep doing  this stuff for you guys and in turn if you guys   help support us we can keep making these awesome  videos for you fishing clash is a mobile game   where you could travel all around the world and  fish in different locations and enjoy some really   cool atmospheres all from the comfort of your home  with some of the most realistic graphics you've   ever seen in a mobile game you no longer need  to spend time preparing for your favorite hobby   because it's available right from your pocket the  funny thing is rj actually told me about this game   before they even reached out to us because he had  it on his phone so i had it on my phone as well   and we've both been playing it taking parts  in the weekly competitions and upgrading our   rods and lures to compete with other fishers in  order to catch the biggest fish we could find   and with all that being said right now is  the perfect time for you to download the game   because between april 18th and april 25th 2022  there's gonna be an in-game event called the   earth week based on in-game activity from us the  players money's going to be raised to plant trees   in the amazon so if you want to support us and  get a really cool in-game welcome bonus as well   click the link in our description or scan the qr  code on your screen to download the game and use   our gift code fishwithwd to get a three-star rod  a mythical lure 50 luck power ups and 30 weight   power ups to help you catch bigger fish right out  the gate and trust me guys as someone who's been   playing the game for a while and started out with  no extra help you don't want to pass up on this   opportunity so thank you again to fishing clash  for sponsoring us and let's get back to the detail look at him so working on the leathers and the  plastics we noticed after this car   was pulled out of the river and it sat for  quite a while it began to grow mold and   not just regular mold black mold as well and  unfortunately the mold had enough time to sit   to damage the plastics but we still gave  it a good clean anyways and if you guys   are curious about any of the products we use  they're all listed in the description below so as we all know you normally wouldn't just  drown all these buttons with all-purpose   cleaner but because this car is never going  to be functional again that's what we did   and the result actually turned out really good oh oh um huh bye so okay so all we have is the security footage of  what happened but as you can see we were right   here doing our detailing and we left our van off  to the side right here and a transport truck was   leaving with some items for the day and i guess  he just didn't see our van or he just made too   wide of a turn and unfortunately he clipped our  van and pulled it a good five feet so i'll let   you guys watch and see it for yourself luckily  though none of us were anywhere near it nobody   got hurt everything's being taken care of in a  really professional manner so we understand people   make mistakes and there's nothing against the guy  that was driving the truck nothing against j j   because it's not their fault so everything's  being handled and we're all good but i will   say i had my airpods in when it happened and i  just heard rj walking outside yelling because   the truck driver drove away and rj just was  really mad at the time for the first like   couple minutes because i mean if someone hits  your van and then drives away obviously you're   gonna be pretty upset so i just kind of like  was freaking out because i didn't know what   happened and then a few minutes later we were  able to calm down and look back on it and yeah so from what i was told these seats are  completely custom and i'm not gonna lie   guys i'm sure some of you guys know that i have  a wrx and if i put a bunch of time and money and   all that into completely customizing my  own car and then it ended up in a river   or in a flood and became completely inoperable  i would be pretty devastated so i feel really   bad for the guy or girl who owned this  car because clearly they put a lot of   effort into making it look how they wanted  it to but if you guys know anything about   this custom interior leave some comments down  below because i don't really know much about it oh do money my one come so tacos so so so and with the whole interior done we finally moved  on the exterior and we just gave it a really quick   wash but if you guys enjoyed this video don't  forget to give it a like and subscribe to our   channel and again thank you to fishing clash for  sponsoring this video don't forget to download   it using our link in the description and use our  promo code fish with wd to get an awesome starter   pack but with that being said enjoy the rest  of the video and we'll see you guys next friday so so so you


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