King Of The Skies In The Spanish Civil War Fiat Cr 32 Aircraft Overview 90

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foreign we're continuing our exploration of fiat's legendary line of biplane Fighters last time we looked at the cr1 and cr20 and today we're taking a look at the cr30 and cr32 the latter being considered one of the best biplane fighters of the interwar period by 1932 fiat's chief designer celestina rosatelli had a decade of development experience under his belt being responsible for producing models such as the cr1 cr5 cr20 and a variety of others his next major project however would come during a period of Rapid technological development and because of this the resulting aircraft would be fairly short-lived the fighter that was to become the cr-30 was built around a new engine the liquid cooled Fiat a30v12 in terms of construction the aircraft was fairly standard for the air error possessing a fuselage of all metal construction skinned injure aluminum while the wings and control surfaces were skinned in fabric keeping with rosatelli's previous designs the cr30 featured a cesco plane Wing layout with the bottom set of wings being less than half of the area of the top boasting up to 590 rated horsepower the aforementioned a30 engine drove a two blade wooden propeller through which would fire the aircraft's proposed Armament this was a pair of 12.7 millimeter Breda machine guns for 1932 this was a fairly potent Armament though these guns would rather unfairly Garner a poor reputation later on mainly due to staying in service for far too long some sources incorrectly state that the cr-30 had 7.7 millimeter machine guns instead however these were only a proposed alternative and the heavier guns were preferred due to their longer range and greater Firepower design and development of the cr30 was done at a rapid pace and in just a few short months three prototypes were already Complete because of this rapid Pace the first and third prototype were able to attend the 1932 International aeronautical meet which was being held in Switzerland both rosatelli and Fiat expected their new aircraft to do well and they were not disappointed the cr-30 was best in its class throughout the competition much to the distress of the French Italy's Prime rival at this juncture and together the two prototypes won the prestigious dalmolin cup unsurprisingly at the site of said French distress the Reggie aeronautica placed an order for the type and production of the cr-30 began in 1933 though Italy was the primary customer for the cr-30 one of the first production airframes was put aside and prepared for demonstrations to a Chinese delegation despite the undeniably impressive performance the Chinese officials did not view the cr30 favorably they had a strict prejudice against inline engines believing them to be more vulnerable to battle damage owing to their liquid cooling system and efforts to try and sell the cr-30 to the Chinese were quickly abandoned in the end the only major foreign operator of the cr-30 would turn out to be Hungary Italy exported 12 cr30s to them Two fighter models and 10 Trainers and they would remain in service all the way up to 1943. besides a handful of models that found their ways into the hands of Austria Paraguay Spain and Venezuela the vast majority of cr30s were operated in Italy the first cr-30s were delivered to operational squadrons in 1934 with stormwo 1 and 2 being the first fighter Wings to receive them as more fighter units came online the cr-30 found itself being deployed overseas in North Africa with groupos 8 and 13 being transferred for operations in Libya in 1935. most of the cr-30s produced were the fighter variant with slight changes being made during the production run but some were completed as two-seat training aircraft the cr-30b and even a float plane variant was explored the cr-30 edrill in the end only two aircraft were ever converted to this configuration and the production of the cr-30s was halted in 1935 with just 176 being built now this wasn't a reflection of the aircraft's performance but rather the rapid March of progress for the cr30's successor the cr-32 was already being cleared for production in fact rosatelli had been working on the cl32 for almost as long as the cr30 had been in production itself in many ways it was similar to its predecessor though it was physically smaller and unlike the cr-30 it had the advantage of undergoing wind tunnel testing which allowed rosatelli to tweak the design to get as much performance out of it as possible the new biplane had a wingspan of 9.5 meters a length of 7.4 meters and a height of around 2.6

meters numbers seem to conflict on this the cesco plane layout of the Wings was retained though with a slightly reduced total Wing area as was much of the cockpit layout landing gear and of course the twin 12.7 millimeter machine guns that being said some cr-32s would be built with the smaller 7.7 millimeter guns instead for various reasons though physically smaller than the cr-30 it was in fact heavier and while both aircraft shared many structural features the cr-32 did possess a slightly more robust construction as well as some updated equipment your aluminum tubing would make up the structure of the fuselage which consisted of four launderons that were connected by a triangular framework the spars 2 were made of Dr aluminum being built up in two pairs and the joints and Spa joints of the fuselage were made from a high strength steel to hold everything in place the fuselage covering was a mix of fabric and aluminum paneling with rosatelli doing his best to strike the fine balance between strength and weight and like on the previous design both of the Wings would be completely fabric covered the Fiat a30 engine was retained with the oil and coolant radiators mounted underneath it and these would receive air from a distinctive circular chin air intake a firewall would separate the rear of the engine from the 340 liter fuel tank which was located in front of the cockpit and this was hoped to give a range in excess of 740 kilometers the Italian air Ministry keenly interested in the aircraft ordered a single prototype to be produced at the beginning of 1933 and it flew for the first time a few months later in April after demonstrating impressive performance in the experimental air unit it was immediately ordered into mass production with the first units arriving by the end of the year by all accounts the cr-32 lived up to the reputation of its predecessor maintaining much of the same flight performance though it was heavier its top speed was actually an improvement being about 10 kilometers an hour faster reaching 360 kilometers an hour at sea level despite point being no slouch in the straight line speed Department the outstanding maneuverability remains at the largest point of interest for the Italian military when it entered service it was immediately well liked by its pilots who enjoyed its Nimble handling and the strong fuselage allowed them to throw it about in showy aerobatic Maneuvers indeed much of the cr-32's early life involved aerobatic displays some of these were held in Italy with the Elite stormro 4 Squadron putting on numerous displays involving up to 10 aircraft at a time but many more took the cr-32 abroad the aircraft were displayed above various cities all across Europe and in 1935 they crossed the Atlantic to put on a number of shows in South America the attention gained in these tours was a direct factor in the cr-32 becoming a successful export aircraft for Fiat China Spain Austria Paraguay and Venezuela would all put in order orders for the aircraft between 1934 and 1939 marking the type as particularly successful on the international market the first foreign customer for the aircraft was China who had received 16 cr-32s or 24 sources do conflict on this in 1933. these were in fact models that had been plucked right out from the first production batch so desperate was the need for aircraft there despite being armed in Chinese service with the less powerful 7.7 millimeter Vickers machine guns the aircraft was praised for its handling characteristics and the Chinese considered it superior to the Curtis Hawks and Boeing p26s in this regard unfortunately their limited numbers and more importantly the fact that the a30 engine ran on a mixture of gasoline benzyl and alcohol rather than standard aviation fuel severely reduced to the aircraft's effectiveness in this theater owing to the Chinese having to import fuel additives and because of this they were not in service for very long meanwhile in Italy developments work on the aircraft continued and a number of upgraded variants would be produced in the mid to late 1930s with these being the dominant models for many foreign customers because of this I'll briefly cover these first before going back to discussing the cr-32 service life just to keep things simple after a production run of 282 of the initial cr-32s production would switch to the more heavily armed cr-32 Biz this added twin 7.7 millimeter safat machine guns in the lower wings and upgraded the engine to the Fiat a30ra bis this engine was more powerful and slightly more efficient as well but the added weight of the extra machine guns and ammunitions canceled out this Improvement in July 1937 product action was switched again to the further improved cr-32 tur which after operational experience in the Spanish Civil War were reverted back to the twin Cal mounted machine guns in order to save weight this model could also carry a payload racks were added to carry up to 90 kilograms or 200 pounds of bombs and approximately 150 of these aircraft were produced the ultimate and final production model of the fighter would be the cr-32 quarter which featured small improvements to the landing gear Gun Sight and cockpit instrumentation of the tear variant 337 cottas would be produced before the final cr-32 left the factory in the fall of 1939 amounting to a total of 1 152 aircraft this does include airframes built in Spain buying Hispano Suiza under license which totaled around 100 units Spain of course is where the cr-32 earned most of its Fame flying during the Spanish Civil War the first batch of cr-32s intended for this theater arrived in Morocco in August of 1936. these aircraft fighting

for the nationalist forces would be hastily assembled and flown to Bases at Tau bladder and colberto where they would be formed into the first Fighter Squadron of the Foreign Legion air arm just seven days after arriving the cr-32s nicknamed chiri in the Spanish service would be thrust into combat when Lieutenant Hugo catcharelli engaged and successfully shot down a new Port 52 during an intercept Mission this would in fact be the first aerial victory of the war and just five days later on the 26th a cr-32 in the hands of Sergeant magistrini would claim a second aerial victory over an unidentified Republican fighter at the end of August 9 more cr32s were delivered which allowed a second operational Squadron to be formed the early luck of the cl32 continued throughout the month but the Nimble Fiat was not invincible and on the 31st of August Two Italian Pilots would learn this the hard way French volunteers flying Republican Hawker Furies would encounter four cr-32s and in the ensuring dogfight teniente Monaco and Sergeant castellani would be shot down marking the first losses of the Italian fighter during the Civil War and the first loss of a cr-32 in combat as further cl32s became operational more squadrons were formed one of which adopted the Charming nickname of the Cockroach perhaps due to some remarks that the aircraft somewhat resembled the insect in Flight Spanish Pilots also began training on the type among them Captain huaquin Garcia morato who would go on to become the highest scoring nationalist fighter pilot the cr-32s were Well Suited in Spain as in 1936 to 1939 the design was still relevant and capable and the cr-32s soon gained air superiority over the Republican forces the Republicans were equipped with a very diverse range of aircraft from a myriad of Nations such as Britain France the United States Greece the Netherlands Czechoslovakia the Soviet Union and a smattering of others two of the most numerous Fighters fielded were the Soviet polycarpov I-15 and I-16 the latter of which we've covered in an earlier video the former was not a huge threat to the Italian design as it lacked in Armament and structural strength but it soon became clear that the same could not be said for the I-16 the I-16 was over a hundred kilometers an hour faster than the cr-32 and significantly more advanced featuring a retractable undercarriage and a low drag cantilever wing though the Soviet 7.62 millimeter machine guns of which the I-16 had four had a lower effective range than the breaders and the cr-32 had the upper hand in maneuverability in the first combat between the two types over Via del navel carnero on the 15th of November the i-16s came out on top shooting down two cr-32s with no losses of their own however two days later the cl32s would prove that they too could contend with the Soviet design when a flight to led by Captain larazzabel successfully engaged five i-16s attempting to intercept nationalist ju-52s the cr-32 would remain a strong competitor in the air War over Spain having the distinction of being the last aircraft shot down in combat during the war on the 31st of March 1939 of the 377 delivered 199 cr-32s remained in serviceable condition at Wars end a testament to the Fighter's reliability and to low attrition rates its combat Effectiveness during the war in terms of a victory to loss ratio is difficult to say sources conflict wildly and of course victories were exaggerated by both sides but on the whole the cr-32 performed very well the highest scoring nationalist Ace in the war kept in herqueen morato scored 36 of his 40 victories in the cr-32 following the war the cr-32 would remain in Spanish service for a considerable time supplemented by the aforementioned license-built versions designated the ha132l during the Civil War One cr-32 Biz had been captured by Republican forces and sent to the Soviet Union in 1937 for testing and evaluation at the scientific research institute for the Soviet Air Force the Italian aircraft flew mock dogfights against the polycarpov I-15 which resulted in some interesting comments from the Soviets they found the cl32 inferior in rate of climate speed and also considered the aircraft difficult to handle requiring a fairly skilled pilot to complete basic Maneuvers it was admitted that the twin 12.7 millimeter machine guns were more powerful than the quad 7.62s found on the Soviet monoplane allowing the theater to engage the I-15 outside its own effective gun range but it was concluded that this Advantage would be essentially redundant in combat due to the vastly inferior flight performance this report was of course a slight cause for embarrassment as on numerous occasions the supposedly inferior Italian biplane had in fact beaten the Soviets anyway whilst the cr-32 was earning its laurels in the skies above Spain much to the grumblings of polycarpov Engineers Fiat was securing even more customers and next in line was the austrians Austria purchased 45 cr-32 Biz aircraft in early 1936 and these would quickly reach operational squadrons equipping three in total they weren't in service for particularly long the courtesy of the German annexation of Austria and the aircraft would be absorbed into the luftwaffe though due to a lack of compatibility with German Parts and Equipment this would not be in a combat role the cr-32s served as fighter Trainers for a short time but as more suitable Replacements became available the aircraft were quickly sold onto Hungary the Royal Hungarian Air Force was more than happy to receive the cr-32s having had previous and favorable experience with Fiat designs such as the cr20 in the early 1930s and indeed by this time they had already operated the cr-32 themselves in 1935 and 1936 Hungary purchased 52 aircraft all of which were delivered by December 1936. the hungarians would see their first aerial Combat on the 24th of March 1938 after seizing the easternmost Slovak province of upper Hungary which prompted immediate engagement from Slovak forces funnily enough cr32s of one one and one two squadrons saw their first combat against Avia b534 Fighters over the contested border which resulted in the damage of three Slovak Fighters one of which was destroyed upon landing and one which was captured after landing in Hungarian territory and for this success the Hungarian cr-32s suffered no losses the same day nine other Fiats would Clash with six b354s and three letov s-328 bombers resulting in the confirmed to destruction of five Slovak aircraft and once again the hungarians took no losses from this engagement their cr-32s would go on to be used in conjunction with the luftwaffe during the invasion of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union though by this point the biplane was feeling its age and by the end of 1941 they were all relegated to training duties by the outbreak of the second world war the aircraft was the better part of a decade old its golden days considered to be well past but even so it was still on strength with the Reggie aeronautica on the 10th of June 1940 there was still 294 cr-32s serving in Frontline squadrons making up over a quarter of Italy's total fighter strength these Fighters quickly saw action with cr-32s scoring their first aerial victories against two Bristol blenheims over Libya on the 11th of June the first fight on fighter combat would follow just three days later over Fort capuzo where a cr-32 successfully engaged and downed a Gloucester Gladiator the cr-32 units stationed in Africa were primarily equipped with modified versions of the cr-32 quarter these came with an additional radiator to improve engine cooling In the Heat of desert conditions and most of them were fitted with bomb racks for close air support though they were starting to look remarkably outdated the cr-32s managed quite well in the early stages when they were employed more in ground attack missions but things quickly turned sour when Allied Fighters made their appearance and began the aerial equivalent of seal clubbing not only were the cr-32s often hopelessly outclassed but many of them had the major handicap of not being fitted out with two-way radios this severely hampered the ability of squadrons to communicate and react quickly to rapidly changing tactical situations and it certainly contributed to the annihilation of many cr-32s during the British offensives in December in the opening months of 1941 the cr-32s were thrown into a combination of fighter reconnaissance and ground attack missions during the defense but by mid-april the entire Italian force in East Africa had been reduced to just one cr-32 for the reported destruction of just 14 Commonwealth aircraft the beatings would continue on the other end of the Mediterranean as well as the cr-32 made up a significant part of the reggia aeronautica's Greek Invasion Force beginning in October 1940 and running until about the following April the cr-32s would enjoy some success in the beginning though their attrition rate was significant the Greeks fielded the pzl p24 and mb151 fighter both of which were equipped with 20 millimeter cannons which tended to do nasty things to unarmored biplanes and when the Raf intervened in the conflict bringing with it the Hawker hurricanes the cr-32s really began to suffer mercifully for Italian Pilots the obsolescence of the cr-32 had long been recognized and the aircraft were quickly pulled from Frontline service they lingered for a time as training aircraft or were sometimes used for the occasional night Mission as an escort but on the whole their wartime service was done their use wasn't completely over though remarkably a 40 Spanish aircraft were converted into two-seat trainers in 1942 and they continued in this role for just over a decade not being officially retired until 1953. out of all its service Spain is certainly where the cr-32 had the most success the aircraft saw action at a time when it wasn't totally Obsolete and it proved without a doubt that the effectiveness of rosatelli's design it was relatively fast Nimble powerful and remarkably sturdy hence why it made for such a good training aircraft in fact the cr-32 could be considered in some ways to have been too successful for it convinced Fiat that the biplane could still be competitive even in the late 1930s as other nations were now switching to cantilever monoplanes because of this the cr-32's replacement in 1939 a year that rumbled to the sound of hurricanes Spitfires and to bf-109s was to be yet another biplane the cr-42 Falco and that will be the final aircraft that we look at in this mini-series as always thank you all so much for watching and a big thank you of course to the patrons now I'm not sure how many more videos will go up this month and probably two more at least as I'm doing a lot of reorganizing of research materials and other admin stuff behind the scenes and it's taking forever but hopefully it shouldn't interrupt things too much a big thank you of course to our wing Commander tier patrons our highest tier members and a special shout out to Reich beer Minister who is the newest member of this group that's all for today folks thank you all so much for your continued support and I'll catch you all next time goodbye


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