Informational Webinar on Information Technology Administrator - June 21 2018

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The broadcast, is now starting, all attendees, are in listen-only, mode. Thank. You for joining us today our goal, is to give, you a little information about. The. Bush foundation and then some more specifics, about this position and the hiring process let's. Introduce you to who is on the call today my. Name is Gao I am the talent development coordinator, at bush and I'll, be managing this webinar and also the logistics, of the selection, process, so, if you end up applying for the job we'll be interacting, a lot during this process. Hi. I'm Stephanie Andrews I'm the talent development director here. At bush I work with Gao on hiring in selection on professional, development coaching internal, consulting, and a whole lot of other fun stuff that you'll hear more about as we go forward I'm gonna turn it over to Molly she's. Actually the hiring manager for this job good. Morning everyone and, welcome I'm, the program operations, director, here at Bush and this. Position, is part of my team here at the foundation thank, you so much for joining us today. So. Your. Line. Is muted to minimize disruptions. Towards, the end of the webinar we will answer questions that you may have and you can type them into the questions, chat box at, any point throughout this webinar but we might be answering a lot of your the questions that you might have so you, can hold off to the end if you'd like and then a recording, of the session will be available with, closed caption, in, a few days and so if you want to check back to that please please. Do now, back to Stephanie, so. I want to start off by talking about, who. The bush is in the bush foundation because a lot of you who've even heard about the bush foundation for years don't, really know who that person is, so we like to kind of get grounded and who, who. Were talking about here, as. We often say when we're introducing ourselves especially, outside of this region it's, not the beans or the beer or the political bushes, it's, this bush archibald bush we. Call, them archie he, became a bookkeeper, when his asthma kept him from farming. Started. Out in Granite Falls Minnesota and, he, was a founding, and lifelong, member. Of the company, that you know as 3m and so um he spent more than 50 years at 3m, eventually, becoming the chair of the executive committee there and he, and his wife Edith who you see there in the picture I'm in there Florida, home they, didn't have children and as they were trying to figure out what to do with their estate I'm decided.

To Set the Bush Foundation up back. In 1953. To do basically. Good things the, the charge that he gave to this foundation was pretty broad and so since. That time the Bush Foundation has invested more than a billion dollars in individuals. And communities in this region we. Work in the Upper Midwest in, Minnesota, North Dakota South, Dakota and, the 23 Native Nations that share, that same geography and, as it, says here in this, slide what we do is we invest in great ideas and the people who power them in that region the. Reason, of why, we do that is to inspire, and support creative, problem-solving, within, and across sectors to make our region better for everyone so that's you may be thinking wow that's pretty broad and, it is though, really, I think amazing, thing about what this foundation can, do and trying. To steward the, funds, left to us by Archibald Bush the best that. We can is to really support organizations. And people who are working on things that are important to them in their communities, and we, really, we want them to choose so in most of the work that we do at least more. Than half of it we support people in organizations, that are working on any issue that's important, to them we. Also work to advance specific. Issues in part of our work that are priority, to the foundation, through our strategic initiatives and so we'll talk a little bit about more more, about that going on, probably. The most important thing though about this slide is for you to look, at the people here and smile, as we always do as we look at it these. Are the this, is the Bush Foundation these are the 40 people that work here at the foundation, and the 40 people who would be your, colleagues, if you were to be in this job we. Really, value having a mix of perspectives, and so nearly. All of us very, few of us ever thought, I'm gonna grow up and work in philanthropy because nobody, knows what that means um very. Few people know what that means and so we're lucky enough to get the chance to pull people who had a whole lot of different life experiences, and bring them together in, this place to think about how to make the region better. For everyone so that's, this. Is a photo actually from our staff, retreat last summer, and. It, really does always make me smile both because it was a great day and because the people that work here are pretty amazing. People to call your colleagues, I'll, give you just a brief overview of, who I am and and Gowan, Molly will do the same just to get a sense of the difference again in our what. Brought us here to Bush. I have, spent eight. Years of my career so far here, at Bush started. Out here. Working on a teacher effectiveness initiative, so working in the education team and then for the last four or so years have. Been working in this amazing, chance. To help my colleagues do the best work that they can do in the in, the community through AI talent, role before. I came to Bush I spent, about. 17. Years in. Minnesota state government in a variety of roles a lot. Of them working, with the governor's at, the time I worked with three different administrations, to, help form their budgets, usually. In education, and then. Adding in Texas and transportation, and infrastructure, development down, the road a lot, of it actually some of it working in IT and thinking about. How do you take big. Systems. Enterprise-wide. Systems, and both get them authorized by the legislature, and also create the opportunity. For them to really have the. Smoothest implementation. Possible, we all know that conversions, are their own special kind of joy I. Did that there and then before I left the state I also spend, a couple years in the in a political.

Role Working, on statewide. Initiatives. Really, thinking about how to make state, government work, better it's. A little bit about me I'm in at least the last chapters, of my life go. So. You can't see me but I'm here I, have. Been at best foundation for a year and a half and prior to coming to bush I worked. Also in state government, for. Under. Workforce, development and, the dislocated, worker program as, a grants, administrator, and also. Teaching, courses to job seekers, here. At the bush foundation, I, work. With Stephanie to help our. Staff with professional, development and, also with. The selection, and hiring process. And ll spend a few minutes introducing myself as well like Molly again and I. Have, been at Bush for seven years this summer I've, had a number of different roles since I've been here but I've primarily. Led. Both created, and lied our community innovation, programs that, happen. Here that has been just a joy to be a part of that work and I, moved into our program, operations, role just last December so, this, is a new role for me at the foundation, I am passionate and excited about operations, and we'll talk more about why in a few minutes. But, prior to coming here I am a nonprofit girl so at, heart, my a my heart is in the nonprofit sector. Mostly. Here in the Twin Cities I spent about ten years working in a couple of different nonprofits here locally, mostly. In the HIV and AIDS service, organization. Field, as well, as a few international, nonprofits. That were working on it on some different issues I spent. A short, amount of time consulting, to nonprofits, and doing some teaching about, social change before. I came to the Bush Foundation, and. I'm so, happy to be here I, really. Love the fact that every even though I work with these folks every time we introduce ourselves I learned you there so that's, cool um, we. Also highlight, here and you saw, them in the posting as you looked. At it for this job are the values of the Bush Foundation and we have the mirror partly because you, would. Want anybody to know that they really are important to us we, don't stick them on the wall and forget them they come up in a kind of really strange, organic, way in conversation, and. They're important, for people. Too as you're thinking about this job and whether or not applying for it is right for you we hope, that you see alignment, and excitement, about an organization, that believes in these things because they really do ground our work and help. Us think, about when, we come to questions. Which, of our values really, do, we need to put. Forward sometimes, they come in conflict we talk about that too and figure out how we work those out so just. Want to highlight them before we go on and I'm, going to hand it off to Molly to talk some more specifically, about. No. I'm not just. Kidding we're, gonna have it one more thing so. This is all so we've, talked kind of generally, about some of the things we do and Molly. Soon will talk about specifically, about this role and program, operations, but at a really high level these. Are some of the. Key. Programs that we operate, here at the foundation I mean, that the person, in this position that we're talking about here the IT administrator, would help support, the. The. Getting. These done and so at the highest level this is the way that we make impact in the community, I mean at the most important level for any of you considering this job I'm going to be involved in the. The infrastructure, for these amazing programs. Molly, talked about community innovation, and and some of the work that she's led and founded. Here at the foundation there. Are two main programs there legacy. That the key, Bush prize for Community Innovation and, community, innovation grants, the. Next set of programs the leadership programs are what we think of as our legacy, programs largely because the, Bush fellowship is the thing that has been really, the through line for the Bush Foundation in the years since Archie Bush started. This foundation he really believed in investing, in people that's. Part of why that Bush fellowship. Exists, and also part of what Gao and I do in our work here is really to bring that same, attention. To developing, people into our work as well I talked. About the fact that part. Of our work is also around supporting, strategic. Initiatives, in other words things where the Bush Foundation says.

Here's. The goal that we believe, in and then we want to find the best partners available to help us do that and we have four initiatives right now that are moving forward, under. That umbrella education. Native, mission building community, creativity, and social business ventures there's, a ton more about all of these this great work again, mostly that we fund that we support in the out, in the world on our website so encourage you to take a look there if you're interested in learning more and now, I'm going to turn it over to Molly thank. You and I'm. Going to introduce our wonderful, program. Operations, team so. At the heart of us. At, the Bush Foundation we. Are grant makers and we. Believe. Quite, passionately, that, how we make, grants really, matters and has significant, impact not, only for our staff here. The organs, but, more importantly, for all the organizations. That we interact with in the world and so. My team helps lead and support a lot of that work we help programs think about how do we make our Grand selections, what are the most equitable, equitable ways to approach. Grant. Making and grant choosing, grant selecting, and then we, also support, the more technical, side of grant making things like how. Do a plication x' come in to us how, do we write checks how, do we let. People know whether they're moving forward or not are my team manages, a lot of that process. We. Also support, the technology needed to do this work well as. Stephanie, mentioned we. Have a three state and 23, native nation region so it's a large region, and a. Key, part of us thinking about our work and our technologies, how do we connect meaningfully, and well across, that vast, geography. And technology. Is a meaningful, kind, of critical, part of that. Strategy. For, us. This. The staff that you see here are wonderful, folks so the, two. People. On the screen in the middle Beth and Aaron primarily, do our grants administration, together and then, Amy is a. Person at the stay at the foundation who helps us think about how we do selection, so she really leads that work across all of our program teams and then, I hope you can envision yourself and, that lovely questionmark, Zone in the middle as. We're looking for someone to join us and really lead our IT work here at the foundation. Yeah. I'll. Talk a little about that with our technical, environment um, so. We. Just thought it'd be helpful especially for IT folks on the phone to spend. A little time talking. About our environment, here in terms of IT so. We're a Windows environment primarily, we. Do have a few people who have, connected, into our work using Mac's but it's not our our. Standard, user. Experience, we, also use. Microsoft, 365, as. Our. Kind. Of shared tool for a lot of different things we use a number of the different. Tools that are part of that suite an, important. Element. Of our technology, is that in 2016. We converted, our databases, and can combine, some different things and now use Salesforce. We. Lovingly, call it Brad which stands for pushes, really, awesome, database. Cute. And. We actually do call, it Brad as, well, as foundationconnect to do our grant-making, and those, two things.

Work Really integrated. And seamlessly. Together to help us do, grant making we, made that conversion, in January of 2016. And are still doing significant. Kind of building, work and learning work about how we maximize, that tool for our work at the foundation. We've. Also just started. Dipping our toe into some SharePoint, use that mostly, is connected, to our, Salesforce, work, in terms, of our general file, storage we, are still using on-premise, servers, though, that's an open conversation for, us and we'll look forward to partnering with someone in years to come about where. The best place is to save, our files and how and then. The last component I wanted to mention is that we, use voice over IP and. That is in partnership, with a, number of foundations that we share space with. That. And other things are collaborative, and. Shared. Resources. That we use with these other foundations, and that's something that whoever, is in this position would help us to. Continue. That partner partnership, in a meaningful way in order. To do all of this we. Have an, IT role, here, on staff, we, also have, two key partners, that help us with our IT one. Is, solution, builders and solution. Builders provides some helpdesk support they. Also do a lot of our hardware. Work. In partnership. With our IT. Staff. Person. Supporting. That Windows environment, Microsoft, 365. And our servers, and then, in addition we, work with red path consulting, and red. Path is our partner working on Salesforce, helping, us figure out how do we really maximize, that tool for, our staff to be able to use it for their day-to-day work. So. I'm gonna move into talking a little bit about this job we. Are really. Excited, about our. Dreams. And our hopes for this position and mostly, were excited to start talking with you about how. You see yourself fitting into this I'm just going to talk through what the key responsibilities. Are of this role and then Stephanie will talk a little bit about who we're looking for to join, us here so, one of one of the key kind of buckets of this role is to manage our technology, and so as you just heard in the last slide we. Think. Of technology in a number of different ways and this. Role together, in partnership with me is responsible. For our technology infrastructure, and all that that means and, in, terms, of system. Administration and. The. Role be in charge of overseeing that. That. Includes foundational work sess workstations. Or local area network servers, and you can see some of the details about that there this, includes, kind of from start to finish everything, involved, so implementation. Configuration. Coordination. Control, maintenance. Troubleshooting. Security. And. A lot of those things are done in partnership. With, solution, builders who I had just mentioned. Our. Staff. Member also works a support staff on a daily basis as they encounter technical, issues, and again some of those they handle themselves and, some of those will be done in partnership with solution, builders. This. Role is also responsible, for assessing our technology, technology, is so rapidly, changing, and we want to make sure that we are up-to-date and that we have the tools available to really support our staff and their needs and so, together with me and other staff around the foundation this, person this position, is responsible, for actively, assessing, assessing.

Our Needs at the foundation, with, an eye for what. Could we do better how, could we be more efficient, and how can technology help make that possible. They will also be responsible for leading the implementation. Of any solutions, that we want to bring on board as an organization. The. Next bucket of work is that this position will be responsible for vendor, management so I've listed our two key current, vendor solution builders in Redpath this, person, will be responsible for developing and maintaining effective. Working relationships. With these partners and. For us that means, clear. Expectations. Open, communication, managing. Contracts, and making sure that we really have clear feedback flowing, both ways to make sure that we're making the most of those partners, and of this role. And. Then. We have a few buckets. Together, on this slide so I'll move through, these pretty quickly. The. Next area is that this position will be responsible for business. Software administration. What, we mean by that is that, now that we've moved Microsoft. Office 365, Salesforce. SharePoint. Into the fold of RIT we. Need someone who can help us be. Responsible. For those more. Software, technologies. Here. We. Want to have an open conversation with, candidates. As they come in about how much of that is actually doing and then work how, much of that is managing, that work with vendors and we're really open to finding the right line with the person that we hire around, this work, staff. Training and support, it's, one thing to kind of have technology in place at an organization, and it's another thing for that technology be a place and staff to really feel empowered and equipped to use it and it's important, to us that if we're going to invest resources, in, technology. That that, technology can really be used by staff to it's fully fullest, potential, so, that means providing training, desktop, support other support to staff as well, as continually, getting their input on what can be improved and what can they what do they need to do their work well to, make sure that staff really feel empowered to use the, tools that we have. Budgeting. This. Person will work with me to manage our foundation's, IT budget, and the many components that are a part of that they, will also incorporate, all, of, our planning about technology, and implication, into our annual budget process which, means really thinking ahead about where are we heading what does this organization need, and then what does that mean in terms of our stewardship, in our budget and then.

Finally, As Stephanie. Mentioned we, have core values that we take really seriously at, this organization, and, part of the responsibilities. Of the person this role will be to live those foundation, values as they do their work so. Let's, talk a little bit about who. Would be the person then who would do all of those things um we are I think as you heard in the way that Molly talked about the responsibilities. This is a position where we're still as the organization, changes continuing, to figure out what's, the right place. For technology. Just those. Responsibilities. To sit we're, so excited, for this person to really come in and grab, ahold of that and help us think about that and so if you're the kind of person who is here to kind of get your fingers into lots of stuff and also be looking ahead and around that next corner to think about what does an organization like our own need, to. Really, do its work effectively and make the biggest impact we can then this might be a great job for you if you're someone who really wants to be either way, up here in terms of thinking strategy, and look turning it over to somebody else or way, down here, I'm in, the day-to-day probably. This may not be the right job for you because we're really looking for someone who's interested in both, of those that, means probably, somebody. That has at least five years of experienced. Experience. In a couple of different areas with, knowledge of operating, systems. Business. Applications, mobile devices, other tools and some. Experience doing that that planning and strategy, for similar sized organizations, that, would be a huge plus if that's, been something that you've been involved in, also. Obviously, given the the critical, place to Salesforce, plays, in our overall, technology approach. We, need to have people who have it some experience, using Salesforce. Either as an end user or an administrator, if you, have experience, training others in. Any capacity I'm, especially, formal, that would be great if it's informal a lot of us learn, kind of informally, best and most often that's, a big plus to so eager to hear about that as well. We're. Looking for proficiency obviously. In in Windows, operating systems, at the server and workstation level. Strong. Relationship. And customer, service skills. Hopefully. The. Successful, candidate, will have experience, and in working with people up and down an organization, again, we're little we're relatively small forty people and we're also really, pretty actively, engaged both at every, level in our organization, people use the tools some, need more support than others some don't need any support at all some think they don't need any support at all oh and, so somebody who's kind of used to working in, almost all, those levels really would be probably, a great, fit for this job um, that.

Kind Of goes, to the next bullet the next two actually around skill, and enthusiasm. You're trying to figure out how to take all of the expertise, that you have and translate. That to non-technical. People again some folks have a fair, amount of technical, expertise. And capacity, and interest some, have less and so trying to be really. Helpful to any of those people to get their work done that would be great. We've, talked a little bit already about the values and how important they are and I want to say again that one of the core things were looking for in part, because our staff is so diverse and also because our clientele. Are our partners in the community are so diverse is somebody who is both, able, and interested, in effectively. Communicating. Collaborating with, people from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. That's. Kind of the who then. Just, a little overview about next steps we're. Really. Eager so. Eager um you've probably seen that and how eager we are that. We've said it many times here to move, to this next step and have our new partner on board so, we're looking, at any, applications, as they come in by. July 6th, we're hoping to start. Moving on to the next stage so if you're interested in this, job please get your stuff in to Greg at. The email you see there on the screen as quickly as possible by, July 6th for sure he'll. Be doing interviews with people I'm kind of as a he's, been partnering, we would partner with Greg Hoffman at solution, builders very closely I'm trying, to get again, the right person into this job he'll be doing some preliminary, conversations. With people, through. July 6th and then Molly, and me, will be talking. With, people on July 30 at the 31st and there also will be an element of that interview to be talking with some. Solution builders folks, to make sure that we're aligned, in what we're looking for and what you have to offer we. Do then finalist interviews, that. Scheduled, for August 21st that's a chance for people to whoever. The candidates, are at that in the pool still to come in and meet a lot of people are on the foundation, we're. Just a couple of the people here on that you'd be working with we want to be sure that people, get, the chance to talk to other Bush foundation, staff and. Try out the job a little bit sometimes, we have a little bit of an exercise that we ask people to do again, so that you can be sure that this might be a place where you'd be satisfied.

In Your career and then, our target start date would be early to mid September but we're also pretty flexible on that. Okay. Time for questions. So, if you've been listening and you have questions, still remaining please, type. Them in the questions, chat box and we will get to them in just. A second here let's. Kick it off with a, question, that we get a lot. What. Is the. Salary for this position Stephanie. We. Really. Pay attention to making sure that our pay is competitive, with, other organizations. Like us and in that, in. That. Way. Of thinking about it we think about private foundations, many, of you probably aren't coming from private, foundations, but that's where we've benchmarked to we. Have a pretty, transparent. Salary structure and, so what that means to us is that we, say here's, what other like. Foundations, would, pay for this job that's what we pay we don't negotiate and. So the, salary that we would be offered, offering, for this job is ninety thousand, seven. Hundred dollars and. That. Is. Accompanied, by very. Generous. Professional, development, benefits and very generous health. Medical dental all of those kind of things we talk about those more as we brought on in the process the, way that we do our compensation, also, is that after the first year if people are meeting high, expectations, we have of all of our staff there's, a 5% increase to that salary along with whatever other annual, increases happening for other employees, Thank. You Stephanie. Molly can you tell us a little bit more about how, many other IT professionals, work here at Busch and what the expectations. Are for being on call that's, a great question. We, are a small, organization which. Means that. This, person really gets, the chance to have ownership and leadership over our technology, here, and is, the only, staff. Person fully dedicated, to technology at the organization, but they will work very closely with, me as well, as my team and, then, our key partners so, red path and solution, builders will be really important partners to this person, as. They. Settle into their job. Did. You talk a little bit about if, this, role is, involved, with data privacy, and security and, how, much of that is part. Of this role, yes. That's, a great question, we, partner. With solution, builders on thinking about our data security, and. That. So this person would be working directly with solution, builders to figure out our approach, to security, they, would do some of the implementation. And, solution. Builders but do others, other, parts. We. Are actually interested. Over. The next year in doing, a larger push around education, around, security, for our staff and. Have been partnering, with solution, builders on a particular. Kind of training, module, set that we could use to do that and. So, we would love to have the staff person help, lead that effort as, well and. Then. Can. You tell us a little bit about what. The. Work week looks like, are you flexible with ours what's, the, typical. Work. Week for the site team person that's. Sure. Yeah that's, a great question um our, typical. Work week for our, exempt. Employees, is 35, to 40 hours a week and that's based on workload, but that's what we consider, full-time. I, know in, the IT world, there are lots. Of lots of positions that are highly, on call. 24/7. Roles, and that is not the case with this role that said, there. May be times that you are. Choosing, to work outside of regular business hours to do upgrades. To servers or other things on the weekends, but we would want you to balance that, with, your other time spent during the week and then we partner with solution, builders to provide some. Or to staff on a, non-typical, business, our support. If our staff needs that. Stephanie. Can you share a little bit about, how. Or. If there are opportunities, for advancements. Here for internal candidates, absolutely. Um probably. Let, me put that a little bit in the context, of how we think about developing, people here as I said part of what we're trying to do is really think about how, do the 40 people that have for. A while um are in this these jobs at the foundation, how do we make that part of a capacity-building. Strategy. For the region that means that when we think about advancement.

For Everybody we are thinking, about advancement, for everybody all the time it may not be inside, the Bush Foundation though because we have a tiny, little. Organization. And the grander scheme of things, we. Are always interested, in talking with folks about what their next step is and if, you, come into this job you love managing. The whole of technology, and then decide that what you really want to do is be as CIO somewhere, else we, want to work with you really actively about getting whatever skills you need to get there conversely. If you decide well this is really what, you want to do is a different, slice of the technology, world or some other part of of. Grant-making we also would want to work with you to think about how you build out your skills there so, probably not a lot of opportunity, for internal. Promotion. When they are there we love it when people can move into those jobs that already, have, had a chance here but but. Also will be talking actively, with you about your next step in your career. Can. You tell us a little bit about if this position is based in same Hall or if there's opportunity, for working remotely. This. Position, is based in st. Paul, there. Are aspects. Of this work that could happen remotely, but because, of the needs. Of our staff and technology, as well as support, if things aren't going as we, imagined or planned it's, really important that this person spend most of their time here in in, our office and st. Paul that, said there's always space. For conversation about. Sometimes. Spend each week out of the office and I'm open to having those conversations one-on-one. With whoever would be in this role. And. Then are, there opportunities for, expanding. Knowledge attending, trainings, or obtaining. Additional. Professional development. Yeah. Again, one of the things that's really core to the Foundation's learning culture is thinking about how do we support. That for everybody we do have, a pretty generous budget set aside for each employee. That they have each, year and with their supervisor with Molly figure, out what they need to do um they're, also I think in this position, if there are certifications. That would really would be helpful in terms of advancing, your. Ability, to be effective we'd, absolutely, be interested in doing that again especially, in, the context of if your next career step requires, that we'd really want to talk about how we can support that we, do do tuition reimbursement, for, for. Our staff again. When it kind of leads to kind, of has a through-line to the things that we can see really, being helpful to them or us and or, us um we have a couple people right now who actually are doing, things like that so would be excited, to talk with you about that right and. Just a couple more questions, Molly. Could just speak a little bit about if this role, involves. Data analytics, that's. A good question and one, that a little, tricky to answer but I'll I'll, do my best and if folks have follow-up questions we can talk about that at later stages, of this process so. Data.

Analytics Can mean lots of different. Things to people, primarily. That, does not sit, within this role there. Might be certain time so we're asking you to look at IT specific. Data and to look at patterns and help us assess, what, we need to do based on what's there but. For the most part our. Data. Work happens in some other places around the foundation we have I, think our titles on learning and evaluation manager. Who's. Responsible, for how we think about evaluating, data across all of our programs, folks, on my team that. Work more in the grants administration, area also have some expertise, on pulling data about our grants, out of our system and analyzing, that so, it, would be a very small component, of of this role if if at all. Great. Last. Question, before we close off, this webinar, what. Is the culture here like. Stephanie. Do you want to start well. And then I love, going, Molly if people to jump into um. You've probably gotten a sense from what, you've heard here and seen in our eagerness, to share that position. The. The spread optimism, I think is really a core value, again. That we live all the time that also shows up in the way that we that. Our Qatar, culture so we're we're, interested, in curious, and thinking about, people's. Issues and trying to look at, things. From a different perspective our worker on equity and inclusion is very, very, important, to us as individuals and to the organization and, what we mean by that is really trying to think about in this huge region, that in which we work in Minnesota North Dakota South Dakota the, 23 native nations in that area that's huge. And diversity, in a ton of different ways and the, we can we know that we can really be effective if we're, able to kind of think about that and understand, it and be curious and get out there and and and, meet people who aren't here in st. Paul in at the top of an office building so. Our culture really is is curious, I think, we're fun we're. Very careful sometimes, about being fun so a little bit planned and. All. Sorts, of things and we really do also think. And care a lot about work-life, balance we're. All trying to manage that all the time we also take really seriously the. Idea that we have important work to do and so we try to take that seriously and not take ourselves too. Seriously while, we do that what. We do add that's exactly, right um I, really, I really agree with all of that and want. To get an underline, the equity part of our work I think it's such an important, part of the culture of this organization, that the. People that are here are wanting. To build. Their skills about how do we work effectively, across all different kinds, of difference that that, people may experience and, we. Have lots of chances to practice that here at our organization, as well as with our work externally, I'd, also add that. When. We think about our values. I think, off, often. Organizations can, talk about values as they relate to programs, and that's, often the first place that values conversation. Goes but. I think culture, here, we, are really working to apply our values to everything, we're doing and so I think, on my, team in particular we have a really cool opportunity to think about how do our values, influence, our operations, how do we think about values-driven technology. And. I think that's, an important, cultural thing, that. You. Should know about this organization and that you'll be invited into those conversations. Help you part of that I. Think. The last thing I'll say is just that this. Is. A wonderful. Group of 40 people um. Flip. Back I, know if you can flip in the PowerPoint but like that group of 40 people are just so wonderful different. Interesting. Curious. Ambitious. Push, themselves, to learn and. So it's just a joy to come to work and get to be with them every day yeah, I have to agree with all of that we. Are very much, learners. Here and we, are constantly. Learning and, exploring. New ways and new ideas. And, so that's, a big part, of just showing up and offering. What you have to offer we, are a bunch of go-getters, we love to have fun but we can also get a lot done so, we. Are also very collaborative. Across, teams across titles, and press roles and so it's. A fun place to be but we get a lot of stuff done yeah, I think that's a really important, point Gao and the, the last point, that you made about collaborative, and I would say that's an important thing for people thinking, about this position I think there's a lot of organizations. Where someone working in IT can just make the decisions, for the organization by themselves, and just do, it and that.

Is Not what we're looking for here we're looking for someone who really wants to collect input from a variety of stakeholders have. That inform, what our technology needs are and then partner with other people, to, make that happen in. A in an, organization, that's 40 people with one IT person, effective. Collaboration, this is becomes, a core, component, of the role and of our culture, yeah. I want to just add in that I think that kind of geeky nerdy thing you keep hearing us talk about is totally, absolutely, true um the. Other thing to underscore I think is is this sense of innovation being part of the work we do externally. Also anything we're also really interested in thinking about what does that mean for how we do our work here so in. In different than a lot of organizations. And a huge, privilege is the fact that we do we. Don't raise money we don't have. To worry. Too much about where our funding is coming we. Have a huge, endowment. That Archie Bush left us we try to do the best we can with those funds. And that means we are very careful about how we spend our funds but, it's different than in some organizations, where they are so strapped they can't make, innovative. Decisions, and they can't try, things out we get to do that and so again I think that's a place, where in this organization, if you, want it to come in and and, be a part of that it's, a different opportunity than some other organizations, and worth highlighting because it is I think a really interesting, part of being a. Part, of this place so, hopefully that helps answer your questions about culture, wonderful. Well. Thank you so much for joining us today to. Learn more about this opportunity and to learn more about the. Bush foundation we, will be posting a recording of, this webinar in, just a few days online, on our website at Bush foundation org so. Please feel free to, come back and visit us there otherwise, have, a great day, thank, you. You.


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