Industry Impact of Supercloud Supercloud 3

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foreign kicking off day two we've got a great opening segment industry impact of supercloud three I'm jumper with Dave vellante Vittorio B Ringo is here cross Cloud VP for VMware industry expert also his own video blogger check them out online get the best recipes always fun to see you Victoria thanks for coming on and a musician just got great covers with the police got to say um supercloud threes here we got super cloud four on the schedule in October which we all about AI this is Security Plus AI it's a continuation of our early conversations you were the first in the industry to spot the relevance of the supercloud conversation which started out as a riff from from RE invent from two years ago Dave when we started to identify this next Generation you were at VMware architecting the cross cloud Services which is now cross-cloud Services early days what was it about super cloud because the impact in the industry is significant now it's accelerating you saw it early what what was it that got you seeing the supercloud trend it's listening so I've been luckily lucky to war I've worked with some amazing technologists over the years and they all have one thing in common they're religious about listening to customers so when we listen to customers like Ragu and and the team back then in 2015-16 we were hearing the first glimpse of cloud chaos developers and gone wild using multiple clouds because that's what Innovation was the path of this resistance and the operator started to feel the pain of like how do I manage all this and so that's where we launch VMware Cloud on AWS and then all the other IPS scalers so that was our first introduction into solving the the multi-cloud pane but then we realized customers already had applications in the cloud and so we bought back pivotal and we built a complete portfolio to help our customers build application once using native kubernetes construct and microservices then deployed it across multiple clouds and and now the next step was how do we manage this so we introduce Arya so a couple of years ago we kind of came out and crystallized this Vision into a portfolio that we call VMware course Law Services that allows our customers to build run manage secure and access any application across any cloud and that now is we can say we called it here first you guys called it it started to cover it has become an industry-wide movement but you know when when John and I first published on the supercloud back in the end of 2021 we've got a lot of negative feedback a lot of people like ah why do we need another term Etc but you saw it differently you said actually there's something here forget the term for a moment actually we like the term but what was it that led you to lean in in the face of all that criticism I believe this college super cloud quality cross-class services I believe the super cloud is I.T history repeating itself since the dawn of I.T Innovation and vendors uh you know products create sprawl and sprawl gives you choice but then gives you cost and complexity so at some point through the evolution of multiple platforms over the years there's always a set of Open Source or vendors that come in create a higher level of obstruction that allows customers to simplify their environment make some trade-offs but then unleash the next level of growth so we believe that the super cloud is uh now an industry-wide movement I would argue every company out there in Silicon Valley is a cross-cloud service company that that is going to help customers have a unified way of building application of managing application above any Cloud Nai is is the yet another Catalyst for that to happen yeah one of the things Dave and Olivia thoughts on this tutorial is that when we started talking about this the early conversation was multiple clouds AWS Azure gcp maybe other but it was about the hyperscalers it ignored the emergence of on-premises hybrid private Cloud it ignored the development of the edge clouds and so you're starting to see Cloud environments as a result of the cloud operations which I think is this next it Revolution so super cloud is not just the hyperscalers it's all new environments because we talked about this early on you I remember you were so adamant John super cloud it's going to be big it's not just AWS this is this is the Revelation this is the reality now it's not just the hyperscales it's multiple environments well given our heritage and where we've been strong throughout our history we always thought of the private cloud and the data center as part of the multi-cloud and since interaction in the last couple of years what happened uh actually I would say the last six months we have seen a Resurgence of the the private Cloud because of three reasons number one the pandemic is over and people can procure Hardware again so they're modernizing their infrastructure number two is cost people are realizing that it's just moving the application to the cloud just for the sake of it is more costly and they're realizing hey I know how to run this very efficiently in my private Cloud let's do more of that as you know some repatriation based on your data is coming and three AI uh AI now we see a lot of of the buzz in the consumer space but the huge value is going to be the Enterprise and these Enterprises will want to build a large language model where on-prem they're not going to put their data out there in the cloud and so that's those three catalysts are making the private Cloud even more relevant today and Edge Of course for the first time in 20 years we see Computing and the workloads the way you describe it moving closer to where the data is and the data increasingly I want to share some data on this because as you know I've never been a repatriot right I've ever I've written a lot about the repatriation myth however there's a lot of debate in the industry about how much workload how much of the workloads are actually in the cloud Andy Jesse says it's 10 90 is on-prem forget about Telco for a minute the data suggests it's much much higher in the cloud more like 45 to 50 percent in the cloud so while I'm not a repatriate I do believe there's an equilibrium that's hitting I'll give you another data point when you look when you do the surveys you look at the ETR data only 14 of respondents say they're all in on public cloud that's it 14 and when you ask them what's it going to be in three years fourteen percent now there's one more data point Charles Fitzgerald Fitzy our friend who is an antagonist to the supercloud he's the most vocal about what the hell is super cloudy he'll come on board and he did he did but he did you know he did us a service because he forced us to do the homework he has this funny thing called the repatriation index and what it is Victoria I don't know if you've seen this it's basically digital Realty plus equinix Revenue divided by AWS revenue and for the past three years it's been a downtrend it just reversed a three-year Trend last quarter so it's going to be interesting to see what happens this next quarter now of course Charles is such a snark he had a little Lake that you'd want to water ski on he said Surf's Up implying well this really isn't a trend but again I think it's an equilibrium that we're reaching and the last point I'll make is to your point about Ai and llms still a lot of data on-prem that's where the AI is going to be applied both on-prem and in the cloud equilibrium is right and I don't want to make this conversation about the private Cloud only you know we totally see and we started this way right you know of the multi-cloud those worms I'm not getting back into the can the the multi-cloud is going to keep going but I think it's going to be a little more uh balanced approach you're going to have on-prem you're going to have Edge and the customers are telling us I I do four or five customer briefing a week right and the first thing we do when we do customer briefing at VMware we spend half an hour an hour listening to them first and every single Customs I talk to is telling us it's telling me and Company developers went wild I have applications everywhere and I don't even know where they are and now with the pressure because of the economy it's costing me too much I need to do something you gotta rain in the chaos as they say chaos let chaos rain rain in the chaos it's an Andy Grove famous quote uh legend in the valley um and as but to your point about the repatriots I think the data is proving the fact that it's not repatriation it's right sizing and what I'm hearing from customers I'd love to get your reaction is cloud spend is not necessarily dropping either there's public activity hybrid activity with Cloud operation so you're seeing right sizing not refactoring right sizing so spend management obviously with the economy people are looking at their Cloud saying hey you want to make it better and position themselves for growth because ai's coming around the corner which by the way is not exactly a cost savings either right I mean that's a whole nother animal we're going to get into the whole AI cost and supercloud four but people are spending tons of money on on mismanaging their AI spend I call it optimizing that's really what they're doing and that's a feature of the cloud it's not a bug of the cloud you can dial it down it's like dial it up it's a benefit and but with what we saw in the first half of this year was customers dialing it down a little bit the data suggests it's starting to turn it's coming back up and again I think equilibrium on-prem is doing well cloud is doing well it seems like you know Tech is is back in a big way one thing that I hear about a supercloud sometimes is overwhelming right so where do I start and what you just talked about gave customers a great place to start first you need to know where your stuff is what is it okay okay now I got an inventory of where my stuff is what are you using Arya from VMware or somebody else doesn't matter it's an industry movement once you know what it is how much is going to cost me right well it's costing me to run all these things and next Once you know how much is going to cost you so how where do I optimize it and move it so that it makes sense and then the next question is like how do I secure it posture management you know the way you encrypt something on AWS is different from the way you encrypt something on an Azure so these are all very practical use cases that the super cloud will solve and you cannot just rely on hyperscatter by definition because if you encrypt on AWS that doesn't give you any any sort of security on Azure every single conversation here at super cloud 3 Security Plus AI is supporting the notion that each cloud has its own agenda because that's their cloud and that to have multi vendor have interoperability some of these things that provide Choice it's necessarily that they have to go away they can still do Cloud so there's going to be presence in all the clouds we see that I think this is why I think super cloud is relevant on the industry side that we talk about on the impact is if you look at VM VMware and your customers and the practitioners there's a changeover there's a cultural shift happening from operational VMware operations to Cloud operations you've been talking about that for years and talk to customers so it's but it's not just about just AWS or just Azure they have their own Stacks so the VMware customer that we're hearing from on super cloud 3 and others is that we're getting inbound requests for people nominating speakers they're VMware customers they want to talk about multi-cloud they want to talk about the cross Cloud because their job is becoming super cloud in other words they have to operate across multiple environments this is the phenomena that's going on for VMware because they don't think okay VMware is going to integrate just with AWS they have that today it's everything else what's the how do you hear from your customers around your persona because if I'm a VMware practitioner my next 10 years is going to be spent where yeah someone else the the one constant in it besides Innovation sprawling abstraction the things we talk about is the lack of talent right it's just not enough people to go around so now you had a challenge to find people to run your private Cloud how are you going to find the talent and expertise across two three four clouds and so one of the things that we've been working very uh hard on is to how to chart a path for our VI admin so that become multi-cloud expert now there will still be need for Specialists that know how to tune the ml engine on Google but you don't have to train the whole team on it you just the rest of the team that you that are trained on on VMware can become expert as they get on a journey with us and one of the things that we're trying to do is to really understand what developers do and then give operation the tools that allows them to fit in the developers workflow without getting in the way but this is this is exactly what you said earlier I want to tie that back to your constitutional customer apps are everywhere operationalizing cloud operations across multiple environments is the top conversation that people are having right now how do I integrate and operate my business I.T if you will that have Cloud native Services guardrail shift left for security now you got the tsunami of AI coming in over the top so you have the perfect storm for like the expert or your customer to take the reins and lead the next generation of operations because it's it's it's kind of mixed now it's all both it's kind of coming together it's converging yeah absolutely and the the we have I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of these uh The Operators out there and if they come on this journey with us we are working to give them a pragmatic uh path to to get there realizing that um yeah there's still going to be some things that you need to do down at the hyperscaler that this upper scalar I'm not going to get away but increasingly and again it's I want to bring it back to the industry conversation it's not just VMware we started this whole thing years ago but uh every company that has been here on the over the last couple of days and is going to come to supercloud four they're all talking about the same right how do we help customers being able to have a single pin of glass across all this so you mentioned sort of history of it I want to sort of get your opinion on this as you are speaking I think about muscle memory the industry gets a muscle memory and the cloud wave started in 2008 2009 when CFO said we want to shift capex to Opex and that's when the muscle memory began when we came out of that downturn the financial crisis Cloud really really took off when you think about the pandemic that's when the real muscle memory started for digital transformation before then it was a lot of lip service right and that that started when the tech bubble burst because people were spending like crazy during the pandemic when the tech Bubble Burst people started the optimization so it can be interesting to see as AI heard around the world to me it completes your digital strategy and that involves Cloud on-prem hybrid Edge Ai and security all bundled in there and that is what the super cloud vision is all about so we're building to me new muscle memory that AI is disrupting a little bit and it the past is not going to be the future is not going to be the same as the past passes is not prologue and we're entering a new era that's going to have new Dynamics new skills and some unknowns but just another point to validate the Advent of super cloud if you look at ai ai is a new type of applications right that is taking the war by storm as this new applications are coming to Market there are now Frameworks like array that are designed out of the box to work across multiple clouds but does that tell you that muscle memory is happening in the vendors and the open source they're always at the edge and we're pushing the envelope the early innovators the people that were doing multi-cloud 10 years ago and they're now becoming Cloud smart and say oh yeah I have all this it's all Innovation is is all resources that I can use to to build my models around my models and then you know it's an opportunity for the more of the laggards to see what these people are doing and avoid the pitfall and and and and fast forward to becoming Cloud smart and and use whatever cloud makes sense for the need of their applications I think that that your point earlier about the growth and that abstraction layer that's that Evolution Trend data you're talking about it's like okay come out of this right sizing optimization now ai is going to have growth acceleration there it is that abstraction layer of super cloud enabling because the innovation's coming and that's you have to enable Innovation complexity and cost doesn't enable Innovation abstractions do yeah and if you look at the AI is the ultimate cross-cloud things because it's it's like a hourglass the data comes from everywhere right then you build the model and then you want to be able to run the model anywhere and that's one of the guiding principles you hear gonna you're gonna hear more about our AI announcement and strategy at explore in in August but the what we're trying our philosophy for for AI workloads is to say hey bring your data from wherever cloud makes sense most cases from the private Cloud once that model is built then you run it whatever is cost effective and that's I think is a is going to unleash that optimization right and the edge that incoming data essentially in informs the state of your business and data is the API through which you are going to program your business in the future yeah connective tissue and having horizontal scalable data is going to be huge the data aspect of it impacts everything I think this is why super Club 3 is exciting because it's security it's operational supercloud four will talk about AI which can be a little bit more about growth and future applications but you're seeing the impact already inventory I want to ask you because you've got VMware explore coming up we'll be there with two sets with the cube for the folks that are going to be there from your V experts to all your customers millions of people interested in VMware you have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of customers what is super cloud mean to them if you had to talk to them right now and and say the camera super cloud this is what it means for you what is supercloud represent to your customers I think it represents two main things one an opportunity to unleash the power of every cloud at a sustainable cost and two it represents a career path for the next 10 years for them awesome I think I think that's going to be an opportunity to enable new developers some of you mentioned some of the AI apps that are coming I mean the announcements coming every day now co-pilot Auto writing code maybe totally written across Cloud code will be written on the Fly New databases right new models new apps it's just it's it's amazing I think the whole data piece is forcing the connective tissue I think I think cross-cloud Vision was right from day one I think supercloud is just an instantiation of the forcing function of the market saying let's connect things together in a new way not just connect networks like networking that's going to be in there obviously abstracted away but the connective tissue between environments is going to be rarely API kind of very programmatic and smarter I think the smart cloud concept is real I think that's what we're seeing with super cloud is that the new developers they don't want to wait they want to write code to the extent that there's augmentation the humans will be driving the change yeah I think that one of the main advantages of the super cloud for people to do it right is exactly that remove friction from the system because developers they don't want to talk to anybody they want to just write code and deploy it right I.T and operation in the business wants that code to be secure and managed at a lower cost right so the the only way you're going to be able to do that in a world if you assume that 87 of customers are multi-cloud is to enable the developers to do what they do get in in plug into their workflow without introducing friction so last century there was a big dig in Boston we spent billions went way over budget and what it did is it expanded to build the Ted Williams Tunnel to the airport and it was like oh my God it and today there's so much traffic it's a choke point so my point of this is I predict more chaos okay but without the supercloud it would it would bring everything to a grinding Halt and that's just the way this industry is because there's so much data you have to expand that capacity and the industry will fill it with with data and new apps and new innovation so super cloud is an enabler and that's I think that's why the edge is kind of huge piece of it because that's you start to see distributed computing paradigms emerge in the architecture that's why I think it's uh old Way new way and Jay chaudry from z-scaler he certainly are not he's old spin old school but his Venture is all new school they've been successful it's the new way to doing things and if you look at the Historical perspective and I love that data you shared and the I.T perspective from old to new every single inflection point where there's been growth where there's been an abstraction layer where everyone can see clearly that there's the next wave here the obvious everyone goes okay I get it now in every single historical inflection point when that is visible it's the simplest approach they're reducing the steps it takes to do something and ease of use and performance and those those is becomes the table stay so you're going to start to see that in Cloud where okay it's pretty obvious how do I abstract it away faster smaller cheaper that's where the action will be so people who can reduce the complexity and reduce the frictions without sacrificing the performance and the value in every single inflection point those were the winners and for the skepticals out there I can give you examples where when you are in the middle of that transformation the majority of people don't see it and you just said now it's all apis I connect to anything well you take so you go from like resisting it to like yeah of course yeah I take it for granted right so before we we had apis we would literally go and say the customer name in sap is the 15 byte to this 17 pile or like and I'm gonna map it to sibo how high was that and there was a whole industry doing that yeah right then you go SOA level of abstraction it's a little slower who cares now I can actually call through korba still pretty hard and then you go to SOA and now Json and apis oh yeah everything talks to everything okay maybe it's a little slower it's all you know built on text you have to parse text how efficient is that who cares the machine gets faster Supercar is going to be the same yeah no we you yeah you have to bring this level of abstraction or you cannot unleash the next level of growth at a sustainable and then it brings security challenges which the industry has to fill you have to step up I mean that's a great historical perspective right there but I would say that what's awesome about that is that now we're in an era where there's unlimited compute they got gpus you've got performance so you now have the speed performance piece at table stakes and that Innovation is abstraction the industry is always optimized those abstractions and where it has it VMware did it Mainframe did it's always kubernetes is doing if and if it doesn't it does well give me another example when I 10 10 15 years ago I was going around to customers and telling they were they're virtualized all their file and print server all that crap that nobody cares about virtualize and then the next way was like applications and databases like oh that's impossible to virtualize it's too slow tutorial okay thank you so much for being such a great industry expert and seeing it early you were the Catalyst that started the supercloud wave with us really appreciate your leadership in the industry and look what you started the industry is adopted it takes a village it's uh it's about me it's a village and and thank you uh guys for starting to cover it so early I thought I I thought that this was going to be our uh you heard it first Hi-Fi session of super cloud so we have we have a consensus the leading Executives from all over the industry they're all on the site all validating it you know the first one in is always the hardest and they all jumped in right after you was Dave what's the expression penguins off the iceberg one penguin jumps in they all jump in Victoria thank you so much for coming on thecube supercloud three Victoria Binger and Legend now in the industry here on thecube of course great friend of the cube really appreciate the support and Supercut threes well four coming in October we're right back with more supercloud three day two foreign foreign


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