foreign [Music] it's very difficult to handle them only okay that's uh how was your college days were you back in the front back side seater and sometimes yeah did I get any bad that means said how was your quality like where did you study sir I studied in a case or College of Technology in the year 96 so did you like any like do any activities like music singing then yeah really so we had a program now called Tech feed yes okay every year it is supposed to be organized so there we used to participate I used to play wine and boy singing other drama [Music] like boiling is already unique instrument yeah unique instrument a little difficult also okay so I learned it from the church so how to mention my Guru also he's called rajendra so he taught me so it was those initial days four or five years I got to learn from wow did he learned which is yeah I learned properly so the way that I can read the notations but I did not undergo great examinations because musicians used to prefer Trinity grade examinations that I did not do that but recently I'm not trying trying to study grade exam is one of the best fighter musician program organized it is in London yeah okay so there are some eight trades in Violin or any any particular instruments they used to organize eggs that's great yes so one who finishes have you done any concerts in it's a dash yeah recently I went to Hungary Hungary to perform you have to perform in a symphony orchestra so where some Indians also also limited and people from Hungaria also took part so we collaborated and we did the program for our independence day last week's music appreciated in India not like in Western countries yes like you also played an orchestra band not an orchestra only in the symphony orchestra what's the difference the difference is the different parts of instrument like now there are four parts foreign is Canada and the double bass so all string instruments okay the string instrument is the first value in the columns then there is a V online and also some food wind instruments they all gather together okay different parts will be played together band name is and some of them yeah there should be a hard money it's difficult to maintain for example in Violin we have to maintain uh everybody used to play though it's a different part of music so when you see that all together so but in Solo it's not recorded well what it matters is only how we convey I've seen people see that your mind feels like yes and better for focusing is that you need to work yeah that's really interesting music improves your brain power but like how did you get into music like what was the initial point was like the video parents force you into music and then it was the love of course my father first commission this special instrument that I didn't like much okay violin I said no because I found it's not much interesting and also uh difficult to play that time the Childhood Days but my father forced me to get into that and he used to take me into the that sir and then every Sunday I had to go whether I liked or not like but later on I came to operate were you like famous in college the name is even still we maintain that okay we used to meet and get three years here many people are there in summer there in UK us and German but we all come here India lot of naughty things like him yeah that was your damn famous too kind of like these cultural events organizing any association we had an association okay I was leading as a security in the association so we used to organize many steps also now you are a teacher like professor how is that from a college student who is into culture and music science Professor I never wanted to be here that's the job I disliked those days you know very very much disliked I wanted to be a a software engineer many attempted even drdo unfortunately I could not get and I chose to be in this professor but later I liked it space I really say I love the job okay I love working with students instead rather than working with machines what do you like more teaching or the job the reaching and results what do you research on how it is I do it in machine learning augmented reality and little bit in pricey Communications but sir how is it exactly related to electronics since you studied yeah electronics and communication I studied but not technology evolves every day technology technology so those days there was no Mission anymore but no we used to we have to adapt ers but but how do you choose a topic like how do you start a research no it starts from where we are interested in okay what is your that you are most attracted to the best thing is you know Maybe YouTube videos find out that's the starting point I guess without interest we can't do anything what do you think about AI I said like do you think even nowadays we see that machines read and the humans not okay machines train themselves but we don't machines are going to replace us yeah some aspect they will survive correctly but I can use it should be delayed what is the most exciting like when was your first research paper published and how was that feeling so the year 2011 11 published so it was uh great experience that now unlike some other people [Music] so that happened at the end of the food like I feel after research people is published we feel like a scientist like people no after doing previously only we think that we know yeah till the time we might think we know many things but after completing a straight we used to think that there are many things to be learned and what we know is very much I said like but ner research how would you like guide them like in a very small short thing they could you tell a checklist of things to do like like starting medicine for a student for a student I used to first question I asked which area is your interest if some says image process signal process okay okay then I used to give them a paper whether they are comfortable with that to check that first and then now I will ask them what are the softwares that they know by the Matlab python or any other programming languages otherwise I've met a lot of people that want to do research but they always ask one thing how do you have to teach it what is the requirement because I don't know from my side how the students know what is their expectation how they come because I feel like there is a fear of like not like because desserts know the from like people who are doing the research they appeared to be like knowing a lot and like a junior who is just entering a college they know nothing so like there is a fear of whether am I capable enough to start a research everybody yeah my suggestion everybody is a capable okay I think it's a false idea they have everyone is capable the way they can choose a professor is again oh it's matching with their area of Interest you can go to the home computer if it is matching then if it's of course we must be approachable all other things are there like for someone who gets only 20 30 and for them to approach it officer like we often think that I don't know much about the subject how can I do research you know marks never mind never mind even in life to succeed students so how do we decide if we want to do our research on this yeah we can consult with the processor aware of little bit only in the area okay so to that extent is enough whatever you know to that extent then through Reading other research articles it can be developed and what's your best research we like your kick moment like you did this research and you were like now I have done right now I'm developing um yes software that can read a music notation that is based on artificial children that will help the blindness that you have to play music blind or much capable of playing by through hearing capacity yeah okay when I trained some blind students okay it's there in the velocity who is there I chose for high school okay I trained them I observed it one of the students is much capable in the hearing capacity so that much hearing ability they have but the one problem is they cannot read the notation right now it's my software through some camera you can read it's kind of read the notation and it will tell them in their years done they also have trained them against sir I think you have made music your everything now let's come to your musical questions from being a professor into like doing yourself research everything aside so what was like posting your first content like going out there for the first time performing my first content was published in my other channel my channel name is mustard seed in there like an Ooty that is Botanical Garden and I played there we did a video shoot and when I started receiving some views okay okay so that was an awesome experience okay the others like Tower what we performed yeah that's a great experience I hope you also might have experienced it people watching your uh so that's how it started and on this channel I just started for my one of the technical two types under this song A vit quality yeah they wanted to launch a program for a TV yes they wanted to encourage all schools to perform different cultural units in hands or to promote what is the quality being a student so there muthurajas are and we went to and we thought of that's how it can so we started writing a lyric he came with somebody and then a little bit and then you became we never expected that it will go through such abuse and many memes came on but the first time I thought the memes can make us happy I never thought that uh how to I mean memes has to we have to be feeling uh suppressed but I didn't know students are enjoying they are creating memes because they like it yes okay okay that's the positive way I took and then after the memes only it went through many immune delight and every other students come and say something it was awesome okay when we two women go for a tea and the other wherever we go in a campus many students come in you can say sorry like your songs so nicer keep posting understanding I'm so thankful to the students recognizing us yes Avengers let's say you also posted some other content like uh I saw your videos you were posting during lockdown to the corona video yeah okay so are you also interested in dance not much but little bit I learned for that song okay only for that song I learned and a little bit stanza you know but that one is the Backstreet Boys Now lyrics lyrics is not coming same song but to synchronize with the what they are singing I made some music just type I like that I wanted a Ronaldo the final he picked now you're increasing an error using using video the software that I use is spinal control like you know another reason is one of the good ones Final Cut Pro is yes how much time it doesn't take anything like given that it was it depends basically but much time it takes we do the audio festival and later video yeah both together sometime and then do editing two or two three days countries and like what when are you like okay like do you look out for quality and something like that in the music yeah to do music I use GarageBand news quote okay so logic pro no it's one of the qualities of personal music so that we are using the idea that your new ideas only like I will make this song this is a hit I don't know just comes like some students say no it's a little demand from students yes some things student sometimes I used to tell you man that language is a barrier to black people it was a total different one that I thought we thought like Telugu students are there in the students are there different language people are maybe one common okay it should be Unbound with uh so we thought of making our own script and one language so it's not language of course we just tried with some random stuff moving it no meaning no lyric okay there is a lyric but it's not language we just made it right do you get you will know the responses of students like how they are reacting to your videos yeah I know the response after reading the comments students come and say keep posting other when are you publishing the next one at that time million dollars immediately so quality week is coming again foreign [Music] they are naughty of course there is some other Talent okay maybe they are not liking the subject okay like you people they like music and we cannot deny them then involving in other activities one number is like a war field that's what I feel in the classroom is to deal with all of them and to satisfy at least everyone thought meantime you have to complete portion and we have to convey the subject the knowledge transfer has to happen a good challenge not only to me every faculty especially the terms so it's up to your cooperation only yeah do you have a junior student okay can you tell me the story many students before I complete the problems they are ready with the answer and the questions they ask okay sometimes life is difficult that I used to tell them tell it in the next time there are many genius students this subject who is like more passionate than you like who's like sir you have to do this research you have to do that yeah you have a story about that yeah there are many students there was one student okay the year 2011. that time itself he started doing projects based on the high difference that really challenged me like he was kind of such a student used to work well with the software simulation softwares okay understanding of mathematical stuff not only there are many even today so like I have seen some college professors when they are told they are wrong they're like I was checking you have you had this experience of like sometimes you are told you're wrong and then you are like hey I don't teach yeah no I never tell them like that because sometimes I think maybe they are right okay I think for a while and then sometimes many times students might also feel I'm very much when we were talking before the shoot you were like one of your concerns was the content we make today should be motivational also shopping hotel and then while we were at the restaurant you told us about the educational songs can you tell us about that yeah first sun was vit equality and second one was like that we did during uh Ukraine Russia let's try like that and you know maybe it was a cat type okay I was teaching the course basic Electronics so and he also I think he did that is the same course so we thought of making our Electronics the subject oriented the song that we chose was yeah that was the template we took and then based on that the Arabic kutu was one of the famous song in Tamil Nadu so we named it the electronics it was an awkward name even then he wanted to choose that and one student posted a comment on I don't know how far it is but from his heart he said like um this song was so useful for my gate information I cleared great examination with a good score so many students of course got such but I don't know unfortunately we have to stop posting that subject oriented no particular reason we had different uh then change to change different tastes yeah it should not be the same what is the one sound like you listen to like your go-to when you are that are many like that some are devotional and one song in Tamil okay it was one of the motivational most everybody everybody so what's the meaning of the like meaning of the line is a free flower is undergoing a difficult each day we have difficult but even then we survive d as a college professor make I think you have attained the peak of like popularity and all how do you like wish to like have people come to you and say what do you like come to you and say what if students coming to you and do you think of like I wish someone comes and tell like we whiskey someone random people commented here again like we get excited thinking about that because you have that feeling of what you want as a game or like something around that it's a perfect student interaction like what do you want to hear from a student after hearing yourself your classes we would like to hear the song is the done well has reached them according to be students are listening to your own song by your message and Sir since you have played like music professionally why not try foreign I think we are coming to the end of this podcast like you said before we go could we have like one bit of the song with some the famous song called VIP quality never-ending quality [Music] is [Music]
2023-04-09 06:59