Incredible Inventions You Didn t Know About

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humans have created some remarkable things over the last couple of centuries technologies that were once just Fantastical dreams have become reality and changed our lives for the better like smartphones spaceships and the internet but it's not always been great seriously selfie toaster who in the heck needs that okay well that aside there are some truly incredible inventions out there right now that you probably didn't even know about from robot valet to AI cameras here are some awesome modern inventions you might have missed parking pal when you're in a rush to get somewhere the last thing you need is to hunt down a parking space in a super busy parking lot is that one no there's a bike park there how about that idiot's double parked oh there's one oh come on that's just mean it's so frustrating but thanks to hick Vision now robots can find a space for your car in one of the world's first automated parking system programs these flat board-like stands are being tested in wuan China when you enter the parking lot you drive your car onto a stand at which point the robot will move and rotate the vehicle via sensors into an available space how do the robots move you ask well the technology is very familiar to us already like a phone it uses 5G for communication this enables it to bring your car back to you through a ticket machine which takes note of your parking number even better this system can be implemented in both indoor and outdoor parking lots supposedly these robots could increase free Spaces by 40% and are able to deal with 500 cars at any given time this seems like a pretty extreme situation for our own parking lot problem but when people let this exist I can certainly see the need a view from a vein if you've ever had your blood taken you'll know that locating a vein can be a pain literally depending on your vascularity it can require pressure sleeves tourniquets and multiple painful attempts to find a vein Under the Skin what could make this process better the vain viewer Vision too that's what not only does it sound like a super cool g it from a spy movie but it actually increases first puncture success by up to 100% but how well it projects near infrared light which is absorbed by Your Blood and Tissue the vein viewer then captures processes and displays this information in real time providing an accurate image of the patient's blood pattern directly beneath the skin not only does this save patients from multiple puncture attempts but it can also identify a blood pattern running as deep as 15 mm beneath the skin this allows medical staff to see peripheral veins valves and assess in real time the refill and flushing of veins without needing to send you off for more tests personally I'm all for inventions that mean I spend less time in the hospital Picture This Modern smartphones contain built-in cameras that are so Advanced they can challenge the capabilities of some professional cameras and with the use of artificial intelligence or AI on the rapid rise the two are merging together pretty quickly proof of this can be found in paragraph a text to image camera that uses Ai and location data to take a photo it uses the address weather and time of day and collects this data from your surroundings using apis application programming interfaces these are essentially how devices talk to one another and how they convert information into something we understand like codes in the background running programs and apps on our phones this means that the photo you take isn't just a snapshot but a visual reflection of how the AI sees where you are the viewfinder displays a realtime description of your location and by pressing the trigger the camera will create a visual representation of it there are also three dials that let you control the data and info written for the AI to take a photo the first dial is like a focal length on a normal camera but it controls how far the camera will search for data on the location the second controls are equivalent to film grain the noise for the AI capture process like variations in light and blur the third controls the guidance scale which means you can increase or decrease how closely you want the AI to follow the written prompt in the final photo increasing it will make the AI follow the paragraph more closely and vice versa it could be the perfect camera for taking out blurry passer by when trying to snap a cute photo at a tourist attraction or getting the best shot of a beautiful sunset sounds like a picture perfect invention slide Walkers you ever wish you could walk faster than you do without expending any extra effort if I could cruise through life like I was on a never-ending travel later I would I'd never be late for anything ever again clearly Frederick fuae kiang felt the same way because they designed City gliders a whole new generation of Footwear aiming to give wearers easier mobility and faster speeds the city Gliders can move up to 10% Faster by utilizing a pneumatic system built into the sole of the shoe propelling the wearer forwards it's just like stepping onto a travel later because the design naturally increases your walking speed by up to 21% if you take someone from a big city like London for example studies show they will walk roughly 2 and 1 half miles every day with the city gliders they could cover even more ground in the same amount of time with a boost of about a quar of a mile my only worry would be bumping into everyone in a crowded City but if everyone had a pair we'd all be gliding through the streets need a seat if you're a little older like me then you'll know kneeling and ain't as easy as it used to be something that seemed so simple a few years ago now riddles you with aches and pains especially if you're kneeling for hours to do some DIY gardening or any other Elder Millennial tasks luckily the knee seat from PVE Tech exists for 50 bucks this seat straps onto your leg like a brace and then when bent transforms into a self-supported seat that protects your knees and ankles while you're kneeling whatever surface you come across however hard or tough the knee seat lets you lean comfortably on the ground without breaking your back or your bank it also saves you from dragging a stool or chair around with you so it's pretty convenient too how come I've never seen these before they look in Genie yes get it in Genie look I'm old achy and tired that's the best I could do push the button at this point is the is there anything your smartphone can't do you can charge it wirelessly pay for things with it use your voice assistant to do things without even touching it what else could possibly Advance smartphone technology further than it's already gone enter flat panel haptics researchers from Carnegie melon University have developed this mechanism to transform your phone screen from Flat to functional the technology makes the screen reactively malleable so the screen changes shape forming buttons you can physically press down on so the fluid filled screens which are able to adapt to the display and form shapes in a split second this liquid is carried by the applied electric voltage inside the surface allowing raised textured bumps to appear called electroosmotic pumps that are just 1.5 mm in thickness but why would we need this well this Tech would improve smartphone use for people with visual impairments and they're also raised enough to enhance the connection users have with the interface for tasks like typing or gaming the feedback you get from feeling a change on the surface is called haptic or tactile feedback and it's key for navigating the world around us like telling one button apart from another but with phones evolving into tools that we use for a wide variety of tasks not just typing haptics were largely left behind in favor of a sing single smooth screen that's why we tend to make so many typos on our phone but we invented autocorrect to sort that out well sort of it can still get the words ducking wrong still this Innovation that could take the World by storm and mark the return of a more tactile approach to using devices feels good to me super fast cell charging your phone takes 1 to 2 hours usually though it can feel like a lifetime especially if you're in a rush however that could change thanks to the store. compan these guys created phone batteries and chargers that can fully charge your phone in 30 minutes wait no I misread that 30 seconds how is that possible well it uses nanot technology specifically a nanoparticle silicon hybrid assembled into an extremely fast charging battery not only are the materials this uses better for the environment but the company's CEO claims that they're 20% more power efficient capable of storing a higher charge faster than regular batteries Unfortunately they were never put to Market instead store do are now developing a silicon-based vehicle battery which is projected for release in 2025 the phone charger was supposed to make its Grand debut back in 2016 changing the game game with its incredible charging speed and 90% decrease in manufacturing costs pivoting to electric cars must have proved the better resource of time and money because they have now halted all plans to release the 30-second phone charger I feel robbed shoe Innovation Society hasn't been great at providing those with visual impairments with a usable infrastructure sure we have things like tactile paving but we also have obstacles from bikes to trash left in the middle of Pathways and sidewalks which aren't great for people who can't see luckily inake is here to combat this it's a device that fixes to the front of the shoe that contains a sensor which can detect anything up to 13 ft away when the shoe approaches an object the inake will vibrate instantly alerting you to it and the closer you get the more intense the vibration so you can gauge the range of a trip Hazard at a foot height without needing to see it it even contains lights not for the user but to alert anyone nearby who might be on a collision course to look up from their phone and move out of the way it even has a Bluetooth Link which can be connected to your smartphone this way you can adjust its sensitivity and range to objects based on your individual needs and surroundings at 3500 bucks a pair for these devices it's a little pricey but I'd say say the autonomy at affords people with visual impairments is priceless personal plane every time I fly I can't help wishing I had my own private plane no waiting to check in no baggage allowances no screaming babies if only I had the million dollars it costs to own one well while flying cars may still feel like a far away dream they're actually closer to reality than you'd think the model 3 MVP is a two- seat sport aircraft designed by Mike vanen and manufactured by MVP Arrow it isn't just designed to fly though the floor panels can be rearranged to create a cozy camping space equipped with a hammock and tent or you could go fishing with its propellers and folding Wings able to propel you out into the water that's right it can Cruise anywhere on land water air even snow no in case you ever want to check out Antarctica how can it withstand all these elements though well it was made from a combo of carbon fiber and fiberglass two strong materials commonly used to construct spacecrafts roofs swimming pools the list goes on both materials are stronger than steel making the model 3 pretty safe and secure for a multi-functional vehicle like this its regular Cruise speed is 120 mph it can climb 1,000 ft F Fe per minute and it can carry a 450 lb payload to boot the first prototype was introduced in 2014 with its Market debut set for 2017 with an astonishing $169,000 price tag sadly there were numerous delays in its production until 2019 and shortly after MVP Arrow went completely radio silent future models or work on the aircraft have not resumed so it's safe to assume this dream is dead in the water I guess I'll be sticking to economy then solar savior have you ever been out somewhere and suddenly noticed your phone is low on battery trying to search for an outlet in public is so embarrassing but it's about to be a thing of the past say hello to this solar powered phone charger by green lighting which uses light from the sun to power your phone yep no more scrambling around for a public Outlet all you need is a window to attach a suction cup to on the inside are a series of small solar panels which converts the light outside into an electric charge you just need to connect the cup with a standard charging cable and you're ready to power up you can use different cables too meaning that it's compatible with most devices and at 4 1/2 in tall it's perfectly portable the blue lights on the exterior will let you know the current power level of the internal battery with capacity to charge your phone up to full in Just 4 hours a normal outlet might take 1 to 2 hours itself depending on the type of device and charger so it's pretty amazing for a power source that's 93 Million Miles Away robot armor if you've ever watched a sci-fi film you'll know how advanced technology can often be portrayed as the villain from the terminator's Skynet nuking Humanity to Runners genetically engineered replicants demanding more to life than serving humans by destroying humans but what if we were to improve human interaction through machines behold gai robotic appendages aside from making you look like Dr Octopus from Spider-Man their purpose is to enable humans to interact with their environment and each other but the gai arms won't take over the world while you sleep this is because they don't have the Hydraulics or functionality to physically hold or grasp things this robotic powered system is instead designed to follow your arm movements matching the moves you make like a super cool multi-m Mirror Image you wear them via a powered backpack to which these arms are attached and they're customizable yep you can choose how many arms to plug into its six available sockets but be warned with just four of them fixed to the the pack it can weigh over 30 lb that's like carrying a large mountain bike on your back whilst this is very impressive first step it probably won't be long before robots are hauling furniture and reaching the top shelves for us but for now it's pretty awesome just knowing that humans can officially become cyborgs flying supplies no okay I hate running errands drop this thing off here make sure those letters are delivered there post this package that uh if only there was something that could run these urgent errands for all of us introducing the Mighty matet the matet is an on-demand delivery drone system that can send and drop off packages between places and people with these packages are placed in the matet docking station which attaches them to the bottom of the Drone inside and opens up to release it using a drone means quicker delivery and efficiency for professionals like doctors needing to transport medicines and reports to other medical facilities it's designed to carry payloads of up to 4.4 lbs over distances of up to 12 mil a much quicker method than relying on typical Postal Services which can take anywhere between 1 to 4 days it can fly over cities and Suburban areas easily and is usable 24 hours 7 days a week launched in 2011 in Silicon Valley mnet's technology has has sped up the process of sending and receiving medical samples in labor Berlin's lab by some 70% it's also environmentally friendly with its CO2 emissions lower than that of electric vehicles making a single delivery it's a heavenscent delivery system that frees up energy effort and a whole lot of time well damn can they start delivering to my house too TP Tech have you ever woken in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom turned on the light and blinded yourself just to relieve your bladder get back into bed and not be able to fall back asleep it's the worst well someone's come up with a pretty ingenious solution to this issue and it's not a plastic bottle on the nightstand say hello to glowi in-the-dark toilet paper the paper shines at night with a ghostly Green Glow after being exposed to Natural Light all day okay aside from saving you turning on the lights for your nighttime bladder break this would be brilliant for any camping fans no more flashlight fumbling in the dark but that's not the only toilet paper Innovation while light toilet paper is bulky however there's one version that's easy to carry around with you wherever you may find yourself these are toilet paper tablets compressed paper which will expand when you wet them with water you can leave them wet like a wipe or ring them out to make them drier either way you've got the best of both worlds like a bedet and tee all in one they take up so little space you could carry them in your everyday bag and you'd be ready for any kind of emergency even for cleaning surfaces or spills you can use them as kindling for fire too by pulling them out a little to make them fluffy the downside they're not flushable while they are biodegradable their size and texture means they easily clog toilets but what they lack in flush ability they make up for in portability with a packet yielding 500 to 1,000 wipes in one with a standard toilet roll holding about 150 sheets you'll get at least six rolls of the stuff for a fraction of the space they take up I'd say these things are on a roll except they're literally not two-way toothpaste you know when you finish a tube of toothpaste only you know there's more product hiding from you right down at the bottom of the tube squeezing and rolling everything to the end never makes it come out any faster quite ingeniously though this two-way toothpaste tube design solves this problem by having openings on both ends designed by Dominic Wilcox I'm extremely surprised this Innovation hasn't become standard why aren't we seeing the double-ended tube on store shelves perhaps it wasn't worth manufacturing new designs that didn't really add much to its function maybe the world just wasn't ready for toothpaste technology well I know I am hey Dominic if you're watching please get in touch I need this sting saver if you're clamoring around the outdoors there's a risk you might get stung by a bug or bitten by a venomous creature neither of which is fun and at worse could be fatal luckily the too good to be true sounding extractor pump by Sawyer exists it claims remov Stingers from wasps and mosquitoes which is interesting because wasps and mosquitoes famously don't leave their Stingers in the skin that's bees okay my skepticism aside they claim you just need to place the cup on the affected area Slide the syringe down to extract The Sting then slide it back up to release your skin the Sawyer kit also boasts that it can be used to extract Venom from snake bites and that's where I'm going to call Bull that simply isn't possible you can't remove Venom injected into the body by sucking at a wound that's an urban myth as soon as Venom is injected into the bloodstream it's pumped around the body and by the time you get this thing out and start forming a vacuum over the bite the Venom is already coursing through your system it might remove some but nowhere near enough to be effective a variety of outlets have called the Sawyer extractor out for lying to customers about its uses but it's still still being sold as a miracle Innovation well don't let Sawyer fool you they're trying to sell you snake oil keep it burning how annoying is it when you get a hot drink and it cools down faster than you can drink it and nothing worse than taking a swig of cold coffee if you feel this pain you need ember in your life this company has created the world's first smart mug which allows you to set your ideal temperature for your hot drink and retain that temperature for up to an hour and a half with the built-in battery or all day with a charging coaster it possesses heating components with sensors to ensure the temperature control stays the same and can automatically remember your last preferred temperature each time you use it you can even control it from your phone with the Ember app with a range that spans from 120 to 145° F just remember if you want to heat up your drink the oldfashioned way don't put this device in the microwave unless you want your Ember mug to end up like this guys and it would be pretty sad breaking such a cool invention especially since prices start from $129 and that's not including the $40 charging coaster on top yeah that's a lot for a mug but it depends on how often you forget to drink your coffee printer plate 3D printers are pretty magical with just a click of a button liquid resin is precisely printed out into just about any pattern you can think of so if you can print whatever you like what if you could print food listed at $6,000 the foodini is a 3D printer that prints actual meals from your food waste it was made by natural machines a Barcelona based company which aims to provide a healthy and sustainable solution for food production every year about 20% of food is lost or wasted in the EU alone that's over 160 million tons and that's what foodini is designed to tackle using it means your leftovers can create a whole new dish saving you the ingredients you would have thrown away the way it works isn't hugely different from a typical 3D printer instead of resin it uses edible ingredients squeezed out of steel capsules you prepare the ingredients first fill the capsule with them and then you print out your Creation in whatever pattern you like depending on the ingredients and shapes you use your food can be ready in a matter of minutes it's also equipped with a touchscreen and Wi-Fi connectivity meaning you can print your food from your phone imagine the convenience of making dinner from your couch it uh it does look quite like like vomit though have you ever seen chicken look so disgusting in your life and despite its unappetizing appearance it regularly prints around 100 meals a day for Javier and Sergio Torres head chefs at Kina ermanos Torres restaurant Spain in fact foodini supposedly outpaces the microwave and its creators believe it will become a standard household appliance within 10 to 15 years well let's just hope the price comes down a bit before then Speedy shoes solar chargers high-tech toilet paper which ones would you buy for yourself drop your thoughts down in the comments below and thanks for watching [Music]


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