Understanding Unity’s 2023 roadmap for games Unite 2022

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hello and you're all very welcome to the unity roadmap for games in 2023. today you're going to get an overview of the new features and Technology planned for the coming year before we get started here's our Safe Harbor statement I'll give you a second to read it this is just a legal statement explaining that you should still do your homework when you choose your Tech today I'm excited to be joined by product Managers from all across of unity covering lots of different product areas they will each be walking you through their areas in detail I'm Andrew and I get to lead product management for our editor and engine here's our agenda for today we'll start with a word about our vision and how you can shape our releases and how we release Unity then we'll dive into the roadmap itself covering a selection of what's important across eight big areas so our goal and Mission is quite simple Unity enables you to create extraordinary games of all kinds and reach your players wherever they are and that's made True every day by the wonderful games you all bring to life and your feedback sets our priorities be that feature requests bug fixes comments about what you like and of course what you don't like and all of that puts you at the center of each release so with that feedback we're working towards delivering substantial improvements to the following broad areas empowering you no matter your specialization to build more immersive and beautiful experiences in unique investing in your editor experience providing you with better performance in the editor and at runtime On Target platforms and of course quality first making it as a as efficient as possible for you to create with unity by shipping the production ready features and improvements that matter most to you so here are the product outcomes in our roadmap that we're going to cover today and again all of this is driven by the feedback that we've receive from you what I'm personally excited about is that we're focused both on what we hear loud and clear which is you want a stable robust core product you want us to ship a set of unified scalable render pipelines and of course provide you with the tools and runtime to hit frame rate but we're also fueling your ambition to do more to build bigger games more connected games to reach new platforms and of course to Leverage The Cloud to enable you to work with friends and colleagues in new ways so what does it look like on the ground well we have two different release versions The LTS our long-term supported version and the tech Street and of course you choose which release makes sense for you based on your project needs our LTS versions come with two years of support and represent the most stable of the last 12 months of development our Tech streams are released twice a year giving you access to in-progress Features where we really need your feedback and this means you can get a head start of course on the new capabilities for your games and the tech streams is fully supported until the next major release so let's jump in and start with the first of these Focus areas are stable core so what is stable core these are the foundational components of the editor and engine the subsystems which are used by all of you and with that I'd like to start with our content pipeline which covers the end-to-end journey that your asset takes from import through to runtime loading okay Shader variants we recognize and we've heard you loud and clear this is a major productivity issue for you so to reduce Shader variant compilation time our first step is Shader variant pre-filter variant pre-filtering will land in 23.1 with black ports to 22 and 21. overall we're seeing significantly reduced Shader processing and build times up to around 90 percent in some of our sample game projects and to help you improve iteration times further we have a few more features to highlight something I'm excited about is prefab replacement which allows you to select any prefab instance in the scene and easily replace it with a different prefab and then you can choose whether to keep or discard any prefab overrides next the addressable team will soon launch a new build layout report visualizer and with that you'll be able to inspect your build at the asset asset bundle and addressables groups levels this really allows you to understand and evaluate the connections between these Concepts and really ultimately help you optimize your builds for download size and runtime performance unity23.1 will provide some experimental features to the asset bundle Bill pipeline these will allow you to the the build pipeline to take advantage of new multi-process asset import functionality which really speeds up your overall content build times something else we're also focused on the integration of universal scene description or USD into Unity so we see USD as playing a big role in the content pipelines of the future the technology offers the opportunity to bring you a tighter more artist friendly Pipeline and opens a door to more collaborative Unity authoring workflows we'll have much more to say on this initiative in the near future so stay tuned and finally of course we have some under the hood improvements to share with you in unity 23.1 you'll be able to take

advantage of content files and content archives in your ECS projects so this file architecture allows for blazing fast streaming of Assets in and out of memory in large-scale projects especially and you can see the amazing results of this in our Mega City sample and for those using speech ring we've made improvements to Speed 3 asset Imports giving users more direct control over LOD generation so moving on next to the package manager and as a modular system the package manager really Powers your choice in how you use the unity editor and our Focus this year is on better extensibility for more advanced users and teams as well as increased transparency highlights include a more more control over cache location and allowing multi-select actions to manage packages in bulk and also we're working on package signing to ensure you're aware when packages have been modified from their original state for really greater visibility on decisions around when to add new packages for input we've heard that while our current input system is robust it's also complex to use especially for those new to it we want to focus on providing a simpler way of working with the new input system for all of you the high level API will give you a quick and easy way to create input systems and Global actions will be its central location for you to set up input mappings overall we just want to reduce the number of steps required to set up from the current method by a lot okay so another key building block behind Unity is our use of.net and we're really investing heavily in modernizing our use of.net over the next couple of years so let's start with async and white Unity has been provided multiple categories of async apis things like iterator based color Tunes or async operations and so on in addition to that third parties also come with their own async apis and all of those different async apis have a very different interaction model that are complicated to mix and match and we want to fix that by providing a modern and familiar way to interact with unity's asynchronous constructs with async methods and support for the a away keyword and allow you to mix and match any kind of asynchronous operation and construct both from unity and third parties in the same async method all of this without sacrificing performance and all coming in 23.1 for burst we have three big quality of life improvements to share first for iteration times we've spent time improving the compilation experience with new incremental mode and you'll really feel that in the editor when you're generating player builds we've also made improvements to the debugging experience so starting actually 22.2 you'll be able to debug burst of code with managed debuggers without any extra steps and also benefit from really improved runtime Diagnostics so things like call Stacks where you have an exception and clickable Source locations and call Stacks finally with the inspector in burst 1.8 you can now

select and copy an assembly code and search assembly code with control app really great stuff and for net modernization as a whole we're really focusing on some big initiatives that will allow us to adopt.net Technologies when they're released so this improves support for core CLR and also enabling the latest.net apis and of course migrating our compilation pipeline to Ms build with support for nougat packages it's a big multi-year initiative that will really make the uni development workflow more compatible with the overall dot net ecosystem tons of performance lots of really great debugging capabilities and overall lots of long-term stability okay for UI toolkit our goal here is to provide a single solution for producing user interfaces one that really meets the needs of all developers and designers working on editor tools and runtime interactive experiences this year we're focused on providing more UI widgets and custom shapes for editor extensions we're adding the tree view as well as new capabilities to existing controls this includes new Vector drawing apis to customize the UI element experience as well as progressively making property attributes available and further out UI toolkit will move to be our recommended solution for making editor extensions over I am GUI ensuring default inspectors are rendered along with support for data binding to accelerate the development of user interfaces ultimately this change empowers you our designers to test their own guise taking a bit of pressure off the programming team and for those of you using UI toolkit for producive game UI we've released a complete sample project which is available now and it shows you how to create production ready user interfaces for your game let's take a quick peek of that now [Music] thank you thank you thank you now I'd like to hand over to Marika to talk about profiling and performance optimization thanks Andrew next up we'll move from building a great looking game to making sure it works and performs as expected when players access it at Unity we offer a wide range of tools to help you understand and dig into your Project's performance we believe that by offering accurate relevant and effective tools we can Empower you to optimize your projects our goal is to make it easier for you to start your profiling Journey For example identifying bottlenecks we want to quickly direct you to the areas of optimizations that will yield the greatest performance gains so that you can spend more time creating your projects recently the memory profiler package launched as a verified package for unity2022.2 beta this is a dedicated tool for memory analysis to ensure you get insight into memory usage of your projects so that you can focus on making the right optimizations here is a quick shot of what it looks like once you capture or import a memory snapshot you'll see a summary overview you can see how memories used identify Focus areas and its biggest offenders by clicking into specific areas you can get information on individual categories on the right pane one of my favorites is the unity objects tab where you can view all the unity objects Group by type on the references section you can see what is holding them in memory as well as their status and metadata clicking on this button will flatten the hierarchy so you can see the biggest offenders you can click on this button to filter for potential duplicates to inspect redundant items in the memory in the olive memory tab you can see what else is in memory lastly the compare functionality between snapshots will show you how memory usage of your project has changed for example this table will show you how categories have changed in size you can also see differences in the amount of items lastly you can inspect individual individual items in this separate table performance of the unity editor and runtime is another Focus area for us we want to help you build polished projects which run efficiently on your target platforms fast and seamlessly in the 2022 release we focused on improving the editor workflow performance with faster safe times for large scenes optimization of the animation reading package reduced all time and scene picking just to mention a few for the 2023.1 release We are continuing to work on optimizations to help you stain the flow when using the unity editor if you want to learn more about our tools and work on performance check out blog.unity.com it will provide links

to great resources to teams have prepared for you now I'd like to pass the mic to Ellie who will be talking about the rendering roadmap thank you America let's take a look at our upcoming improvements to rendering and visual effects in 22 we are focused on further improvements to Universal and the pipeline or urp and the high definition in the pipeline or hdrp we will dig into both of these pipelines and what we are working on in their in Greater details in a moment but it's worth noting that both of these pipelines are scriptable in the pipeline so they're extremely flexible and they're constantly adding new features and functionalities to bring them up to the level of built-in in the pipeline and Beyond so you all have the tools and the features you're used to inside the pipeline made to help you bring your vision anywhere we want to enable you to create a stunning visuals regardless of art style or hardware and that's true flexibility but first things first let's have a look at Improvement highlights for cross Pipeline functionalities and workflows a concept similar to prefabs material variants can improve collaboration facilitate the reusability of materials and enhance asset libraries and smooth updates and reduce risk of error with material variants available in 22.1 you can create material prefabs based on regular materials which result in variants that share common properties with the template material and override only properties that differ changing non-over-resident properties in the template material are automatically reflected in the variance you can also lock a specific properties in the base material to prevent them from being operated in the variants Shadow graph lets you visually offer shaders and inspect the results in real time we are introducing a new full screen mask node for Shelly graphing 22.2 Fuller screen masternode can be used to create custom post processing effects or custom passes such as night vision effect and geometry outlines it can also be used to generate custom random Textures in a procedural manner similarly Shader graph cannot be used to create procedural local volumetric for hdrp the node-based effects of DFS graph in power value to create rich ufx in real time in a codeless fashion we have made further improvements to VFX graph in Trinity with instancing you can render more variants of the same effect more efficiently Boolean ports give you more control over effects configuration adding the possibility to dynamically disabled parts of the graph when you need to six-way lighting allows you to use the same flickbook to generate variations of the same effect that will adapt to various various life in your conditions and with new VFX graph timeline integration you can intuitively control and synchronize the different systems of complex effects or cinematics in 23 we are working Towers providing customer service blocks for deeper customization of VFX adapted for volume or fev is a new lighting technique that makes it much simpler to light Dynamic objects indirectly APB provides full automated placement of probes and therefore significantly reduces situation times as compared to the traditional light probes workflow in unity it also offers improved visual quality for indirect lighting of dynamic objects with APV the lighting is calculated with pixel rather than per objects in 22 we have continued our refinement of LPD available for preview in hdrp and for 23 releases we will extend the support to the universal and the pipeline we are also making fairly functionality and quality improvements such as prevention of light leaks for static objects the ability to blend between lighting scenarios streaming of flight probes data for large scenes and fast previews of best Global Illumination in the Arizona the next step towards fully scalable rendering with srps is to facilitate the use of both hdrp and urp for a single game such a game requires both the quality of hdrp offers and the broad platforms support of urp we are working on two components to reach our goals first we are modifying the a test so you will be able to include your rpn hdf in the same project second we're increasing the compatibility between Europe and hdrp so less work is required to reoffer content to render the scene with different random Pipelines we have already started to bring more feature parity and compatibility between the pipelines in the past two years SRP lens flow train details and trees are some of the examples in 23 we are also working to provide a replacement for surface shaders in srps block shaders provide a new intuitive syntax and enables a unified Shader authoring workflow across the rendering Pipelines on to Universal in the pipeline urp is designed to offer scalable quality with the best performance on the broadest range of platforms Europe is the successor to have a built-in render Pipeline and we are working to ensure it will provide all the functionality you are familiar with the better performance greater customizability and more productive workflows with the 22.2 release urp provides the majority of the functionality offered by the built-in and the pipeline and in certain areas exceeds its quality and performance we have added the forward rendering path which offers the advantages of Europe forward while eliminating the like limit counts and with LOD Crossfade you can avoid the harsh snapping and popping the lockers during a load swaps you have also added the support for rendering ndcl layers so you can filter and configure how different objects get rendered and are affected by various running options in the scene and last but not least we are providing a more intuitive workflow for custom post-processing and screening space effects our goals for European 23 releases are to finalize the remaining items for functional files if it's built in provide better documentation and guidelines polish the workflows and Performance Based on your feedback temporal anterializing and high Dynamic change display output are some of the future highlights coming in 23. on hdrp we are focused on polishing production Readiness so you can confidently start your next project with the best visual Fidelity possible out of the box our primary focus is always quality performance and customizability on the physics side we are mainly investing in two areas High Fidelity environments and characters talking about production Readiness let's have a look at rear tracing improvements Ray tracing is utilized in hdrp to deliver cutting-edge realistic shading and visual effects to get better and faster results with pass Tracer in 2.2 we have added Nvidia

objects AI accelerated denoiser Intel open image denoise an important sampling of the environment Rising we have also focused on performance and stability of air tracing API and defects I'm very excited to announce that we will be removing the preview label for red chest into 3.1 along with VFS graph and train height map support foreign 2.2 we are improving our physical sky cloud layers volumetric clouds allowing better support for the time of the day and changes in weather conditions we are also introducing a water system with wave simulation and sampling because it takes underwater rendering and decal support and finally in 22.2 and 3.3.1 we are improving transparency and translucence rendering with easy and management of diffusion profiles possibility to mask the fusion and better refractions we are introducing a new approach to hair rendering and simulation pushing the limits of what has been possible before in unity real-time hair simulation developed by our demo team is available as an experimental package in 20 LTS and above in 22.2

hdrp headshot and now comes with a physical based option the eye shadow offers a high quality High Fidelity options in the enemies they are not render cosmetics and better characters Fidelity also relies on the quality of the shadows and we are providing a high quality option for area live channels foreign we are working on a dedicated hair rasterizer to improve lighting and utilizing as well as capsule Shadows for better character shadows in large environments now I would like to pass to Danny to take you through the upcoming highlights and improvements for our arches resource thank you thanks Ali I'm Danny Oaks I'm a senior technical product manager for unity's Artistry tools and I'm excited to take a look with you at some of the upcoming tools we have for characters in vegetation coming in 2023 as many of you know Ziva Dynamics joined the unity family this year we've been working hard on workflows to bring this technology to real time in 2023 and you'll now be able to amplify your game quality with High Fidelity facial animation using ziva's real-time technology Ziva for visual effects is well known in the film industry in AAA however next year we will bring Ziva technology to real time see if a face trainer will give you the ability to animate facial puppets using video capture from your mobile device lowering the barrier to immersive character creation we will also be launching Ziva RT player free for Unity users in 2023 this will enable face trainer animations to seamlessly and automatically work in Unity Web technology will also power more features for a character pipeline coming next year speecher has been an integral part of unity since 2015 allowing users to utilize AAA vegetation pipelines and projects ranging from mobile games to Cutting Edge console releases stylized fantasy worlds or photoreal immersive scenes with speech tree Engineers working side by side with a core Unity team or working day in and day out on improving our integration while laying the foundation for the future this worked to solve technical debt will be ongoing and back ported to previous releases to ensure that we'll be available to all users in 2023 LTS and Tech stream hdrp and Erp and this is just the start we're collaborating with a digital artists and Engineers to democratize Cutting Edge vegetation workflows for all creators what a digital's unique approach to World building and creativity sets them apart in the VFX industry by working with these Wizards who are building otherworldly playgrounds for Blockbuster releases we can begin to find ways to bring that magic into speedtree including tree grooming tools more intuitive mesh crawling for Vines new approaches to instancing and generating trees inside of the editor on top of that we'll be ending this year with a new release of the speech remodeler bringing seamless integration of sculpted or photogrammetry mesh details to trunk surfaces new wind and improved workflows are coming to Unity and hundreds of speech remodelers models are coming to our store with photometry and photogrammetry assets included this is why we're excited to have speed free working as part of Unity on new Artistry tools and we can't wait to share what's coming in 2023 and now I'll pass it to Laurent to talk more about multiplayer and dots thank you Denny hi I'm Lauren I'm leading the product management for multiplayer and darts doing connectivity well means staying focused on your players experience rather than getting my low-level networking libraries and that's where our net code for game object package comes in netcode for game object is a mid-level networking library that abstracted working in an effort to make multiplayer development as easy and familiar as single player development the code for game object enabled creators to synchronize scenes game object and physic data across multiple application instances and even across platforms all while using the same game of data Model Behavior systems you know today we made it available to you this year for Unity 2020 LTS 2021 RTS and 2022 tax frame as we continue to work on netcode for game objects we plan to extend the types of multiplayer games you can build like competitive action games and invest in even better back-end simulation efficiency this would allow you to properly pressure test your network performance before you publish let's take a look at what we have today and what we're working on next these are our core offers in the neck of a game object framework today ramtime Network stats Monitor and network profiler are two similar and fundamental tools to tracking the live performance metrics of your multiplayer project the network profiler provides Network information immediately the runtime manager gives you a high level look at Network stats in Standalone builds meaning you can track Network performance during live play tests we also launched UTP 1.0 which provides closed platform support for review multiplayer scenarios alongside the network tools we just covered we recently launched as part of our Unity gaming Services a variety of material services to deploy us and Run games at any scale relay is a cost effective way to build a multiplayer game without having to invest in dedicated Austin who it is particularly great when used and in and web Network game object for small scale and co-op games Lobby allows you to connect to players before or doing a game session players can create public or private lobbies using simple game attributes which other players can then search discover and join rule Matchmaker allows you to set up completely custom rule sets either with code or with a guided interface match players at the right time to best Drive crypto experience and engagement works right out of the box with our game server hosting multiplayer and finally games several hosting apps here deliver resilience and the ability to scale your gaming infrastructure so you can focus on gameplay accelerating speed to Market and providing the best experience to your players all these services and much more available as part of Unity gaming services to help you build and grow live games with that good netcut foundation in mind let's now dive into the multiplayer workflows which is a big focus of ours moving forward here is a preview of a few of those in the work multiplayer play mode is a much needed development feature that will enable you to test up to four players or clients at once within the same editor session Network simulation which gives you a developers more control over your Network's condition meaning latency like spikes and disconnection should all be simulated within the editor we want you to build confidence in what you ship to customers and hardening your project against players connection types this is important UTP 2.0 is in the work to include webgl support and integration with our game services server content selection which should give you more control over what kind of dedicated server you're building by specifying what asset you stay in that server build and would shoot at now before I go into what we're thinking about for the longer term I want to show you a quick video of multiplayer play mode since we're very impatient to bring its value to you this prototype is integrated directly into the unity editor and it's actually no title in a specific networking stack it's introduced with a new settings window that's called multiplayer play mode where you can enable up to four other players that all pop upon entering play mode as you're seeing right now play mode is active and the player windows are showing Player information you can interact with these windows at runtime the same way you would with the main editor except that all information news windows are read-only however any messages or error specifics to those clients will show up in those windows individually and you can even specify certain behaviors for certain players through a tagging system before I wrap up I want to get you a sneak peek of a few things we're investigating for the future like networks in visualization which is us taking a look at how we can utilize the scene view to give you real-time information about specific Network objects like depend with the consuming object ownership or packet sizes Network record and Playback is an effort to better understand how we can help you get more of our play tests we're looking into how to record your network state for our decision and give you that information back exactly as it was captured web transport we're also looking at ways for you to build multiplayer games right from the browser and persistent webs uh we're actually building a presidential service enabling you to build experiences at any scale with persistency in a virtual space I hope you're excited to make some great material experiences in unity now let's talk about new needs to scale up your projects when it comes to building ambitious games you will often need additional room for performance and manage an increasing amount of complexity to reach your vision at the foundation level this starts with allowing engine programmers to take full control of the memory layout and the frame processing this is why we had started initially the data oriented technology stack or dots for short first some general explanation about dots that includes all the packages based on the entity component system ECS architecture the notion of dots is often extended to include the first compiler and the c-sharp job system two technologies that have been created to support the development of ECS but are independent of it the best compiler and the c-sharp job system have been recommended for production for a few LTS Cycles already it can be used in any Unity project regardless of whether or not ECS is being used the apis allowing to implement the ECS software architecture pattern in a Unity project are delivered in the package named entities to obtain the benefits of data oriented architecture game code and packages need to be based on entities and it is is still today in an experimental State and not recommended for use in production now we've heard from many of you that new Ambitions require that level of control in unity today and this is why our Focus this year was to reach a stable ECS Foundation you can safely use in production and to do so we've been executing on a quality Milestone plan we started by releasing experimental entities 050 in q1 to reach compatibility with unity 2020 LTS then experimental entity 051 and Q2 to which compatibility with unity 2021 RTS in September we made available an experimental version of entities 1.0 for Unity 2022 beta users to get a final round of feedback ahead of the final release of ECS for Unity 2022. this will

be making a major Milestone when you can start leveraging ECS for your game production to help you understand when to consider this new framework for your game we collected a large amount of feedback from RD adapters and here is what they had to say about ACS ECS community opens up an incredible amount of new gameplay possibilities but also introduces additional complexity to your production so while we're making a dedicated effort to bring you strong samples documentation templates and other best practices guides we recommend ECS specifically to season game creators we have the experience of having previously shipped a Unity title and understand the architectural challenges they're trying to overcome in simple words if you see a number of games that previously shipped with unity that match the targeted complexity of your product you'd likely don't need to consider ECS just yet it is also recommended to have engine programming expertise on staff to successfully leverage the data oriented benefits this said ECS has been programmed very useful for thousands of games across many genres already such as MMO fast-paced multiplayer racing game survival simulation city building and games that shipped on many platforms over the last few years on the outside PC consoles mobile devices so here's what those early adopters like the most about it first ECS is streamlined with the rest of the unity editor it is integrated in the familiar in a family authoring experience and is intended to be used with game object this allows you to leverage existing Unity systems existing team expertise all the asset store and focus the use of ECS for the critical performance path ECS is adaptive as a game architecture it is an implementation that helps you to make your game code flexible and allow you to adapt to gameplay changes more easily it also makes it easier to write highly optimized code and reusable code ecls gives you control and determinism this great optimization opportunities at scale and new game code possibilities based on determinism ECS for Unity is also a social package distributed with its source code allowing you to explore debug and extend it when you use gameplay code on ECS you can best leverage DIY resources your development teams can maximize the use of the target platform outdoor resources at the memory and CPU level and maximize the use of bursts and job ECS is also made for massive data streaming it offers an efficient data background and enables streaming and rendering of complex large-scale game experiences filling the memory and processing constraint of low amp to high-end devices you can leverage ECS performance and scalability boost in coordination with unity's content pipeline data and render it using Erp hdrp or srps ECS also gives you an unprecedented level of simulation scale um simulation code based on ECS architecture pattern can scale up to a large amount of entities and ensure determinism ECS for Unity provides a robust out of the box ECS compatible physics engine and for complex prediction needed uh Tripoli production proven physics engine ECS for Unity provides the availability of Havoc physics for Unity and finally ECS also helps you make larger multiplayer games it provides many benefits allowing you to turn any project into an ambitious multiplayer games when using ECS over a game object you can synchronize more data over the network support more players build games highly reliant on rollback and determinism reduce development risk and decrease iteration time ECS for Unity comes with a several authoritative network library the most important area of improvement that our early adapter suggested during the experimental phase was to improve documentation best practices and samples because data oriented design presents a significant learning curve so we doubled down onboarding content for ECS in unity 2022 first we're bringing back MegaCity Mega city has been a source of inspiration for many of our early adopters and as represented the ambition of achieving large-scale streaming refreshed with the latest system users can dive right into the implementation upsell has subscene authoring workflows scale to thousands of entities second we're introducing ECS racing a sample illustrating bias multiplayer feature leveraging net code for entities including Network prediction interpolation and lag composition so you can build ambitious multiple titles in no time and finally we'll be providing a series of cell guided tutorials videos and QuickBooks so you can apply best practices in ECS from day one and embark on your ecsg network with much smoother learning cap ECS for Unity is a big milestone and this is only the beginning of our journey over the next year we'll keep a close eye on all the new game production you'll start with data into Technologies and want to leverage geofeedback to quickly improve the overall workflow we've already identified a series of improvement that would streamline even better the editor experience but in particular we've heard a lot of you will benefit from a good character controller to get started this is why we acquired the powerful ECS based character controller rival which has been built for extensibility and performance with networking in mind we're working at packaging it for a simple distribution so stay tuned for more announcements you also told us that we have gaps in our foundation to support certain types of multiplayer games in particular determinism requires CPU architecture to simplify CrossFit development or simply support the needs for determinism in your multiplayer game code we're investigating our options in that area and finally we also know that we have a few gaps to support all kinds of open World Games General out of the box some of those improvements are in the areas of streaming or better managing lods but a lot of it is about the ability to scale Canton we are at work in this area on two main fronts the first one is the work we have started on our animation systems that leverages data into Technologies we're making steady progress and already play with internal prototypes and workloads or an ECR of ECS offers a very powerful Foundation to build out the game we believe ongoing animation work should be accessible to game object gameplay to accumulate whichever workflows you're the most comfortable with we'll make the best default today about the data oriented benefits to you whenever possible in the meantime we keep a strong focus on mechanism stability and performance and backboarding fixes where possible we have addressed already 100 issues in the current cycle the second area where we work at scaling up is our ability to produce content for World building we're launching a new spline opening workflows in uni 2022 Tech stream that will enable developers and Technical artists to create tools for drawing geometry like reverse or roles with custom cabinets we will continue to evolve splines with Improvement to artists workflow for supplying objects like branching merging extruding and more we also work on better artist controls for environment workflows including over little terrain scattering improvements and managing tool and detail density here is a sneak peek at how those tools work in the editor and when we will pull all this tag together the results will be truly breathtaking [Music] like this immersive landscape built with the latest terrain authoring workflows including surface counting speed speech Recreation hdf shutters and fantastic lighting we also have a uip equivalent Sim and now let's hear about platform rich with math invest thanks Laura my name is Martin vest and I'm going to cover what we're working on to improve platform support so when we do this our main goal is to help you reach your players wherever they are and so the foundation of this is making sure that you can ship across all major platforms knowing that the performance and stability will be there and we want to help you reduce the costs especially when supporting many platforms as much as we can so on that note let's check out what's coming starting with mobile mobile is give of course core to who Unity is and we're always looking for ways to improve the support across both Android and iOS and one area we hear a lot about from you is that we need to reduce iteration time especially when testing games on mobile devices so we now have support for fast Deploy on Android what this feature does is it allows Unity to only update what has changed on the device since the last build and this will save you time when testing and iterating on device another feature that will help here is the new Android configuration manager that will allow you to manage and edit your configuration files directly inside the unity editor making it more convenient and reducing the time it takes to deploy coming soon we will have support for the game activity API from the Android development kit this includes source code access to input on-screen keyboard and app life cycle events we also include the ability to update parts of the Android development kit through the Gradle project and finally IOS and Android will get a variety of tool chain version upgrades that ensure you're up to date with the latest requirements on both platforms I'm very happy to report that at long last the DirectX 12 back end is out of preview in 22.2 and this is due to a massive performance and stability improvements and you can now Target reliably DirectX 12 for both the editor and runtime if you choose to utilize DirectX you should expect equal and better performance when switching from DirectX 11. especially in CPU bound applications in 23 we plan to release the new graphics job threading mode that further improves CPU performance and will increase the gap between DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 in the majority of scenarios earlier we talked about Ray tracing in the presentation and I'm going to build on that and provide some additional insight into the platform support that will go along with that so in 22 we're introducing Ray tracing support for Xbox series consoles and that means that in 23 when we take it out of preview we'll have support for Windows X dxr Xbox series consoles and PlayStation 5. we also know that faster iteration time on Console platforms is important to you so we have full support for incremental build pipeline for all supported console platforms coming this year additionally Unity will now support build and run on Chrome OS allowing you to quickly deploy your projects over Wi-Fi to your target device and lastly native arm 64 support for the windows Standalone player is coming and will be included in 23.1 so let's talk about the web so for many years our support for the web has been desktop only but we've been investing to change that as browsers and mobile devices are becoming more capable we're getting closer to full support for web Builds on mobile devices and we've Added Touch Screen controls virtual keyboard and support for mobile texture formats we've also started to see that folks are finding success with the work we've done so far so as a result we have now removed the warning label on Unity webgl content that used to appear when it ran on mobile devices in 22.2 we are also adding more tools to help you manage memory including a diagnostic overlay that you can see in the screenshot on the left that will work on both desktop and mobile browsers and let you analyze memory as the application runs in the browser we've also upgraded the M script and Tool chain which is a prerequisite for the next item native multi-threading this means that c plus code can be multi-threaded on the web and you can now write your native C plus plus plugins to take advantage of this well we have made huge amounts of progress in our effort to support the mobile web we're not done yet and you can expect us to heavily focus on further optimizations in the coming year jumping to XR there are two big highlights for this year which are XR interaction toolkit 2.2 and AR Foundation 5.0

unity's XR interaction toolkit or xri for short which includes a collection of core interactions designed for cross device development version 2.2 is now available and includes multi-hand grabbing more options for player Locomotion UI GUI interactions for menus and gestures for touch screen this is a very handy tool set and will save you a ton of time AR Foundation 5.0 includes a new simulation feature that is designed to allow you to run your AR apps in play mode by simulating an air device so you no longer have to rebuild your app to test changes we're also adding new debugging features that should make it easier for you to hunt down problems quickly we have heard that setting up a project can be hard so we will be investing in new XR templates and examples next year that will help speed up the process of setting up a new project as well as make it easier for those of you who are just getting started XR is of course a very Innovative Innovative space at the moment and new devices are constantly coming to Market to make sure that you can reach the widest possible audience we are adding support for magic leap2 PlayStation VR2 and Quest Pro which will be available in 22.2 in addition to that for those of you that are using the 21 LTS for your Productions you can leverage full support for Quest Pro including eye tracked phobiated rendering in the 21 LTS One Last Thing Before I close out this section we are also working on cross-platform solution for hand and eye input built on top of open XR standards let me hand it over to Marie who will walk us through empowering teams thank you Martin hi everyone my name is Marie and I'm the lead product manager for Unity Version Control our Unity devops team strives to help you improve efficiency and collaboration so that you can focus on what matters more creating we're excited to share with you what's coming to both Cloud build and plastic sem in 2023 Cloud build is a managed servant that lets you automate your build workflows in the cloud you can point Cloud build to source files in your existing Version Control System such as plastic STM and start building by either triggering build manually or using continuous integration to run a build when there's a change to your project we are always looking to improve the reliability of our service to boost productivity we will launch build failure categorization soon to help you identify why a bill failed and actually diagnose failures the goal is to indicate which category the failure falls under while providing descriptions and suggestions to address this issue these issues promptly in addition all build configurations will be immutable so that you can explicitly select all the build parameters have complete control over the build workflow our next focus is to speed up build time soon you will have access to premium build machines with increased computing power and memory so that you can run builds much faster I'm very happy to announce that this will be complemented with incremental builds so that we build what's marginally different from your most recent build instead of the entire project and finally our initiatives to optimize your experience using Cloud build will continue next year with features such as batch build target editing and build history grouping and filtering now let's take a look at what we have in store for plastic sem plastic is unity's Version Control solution made for programmers artists and designers we strive to provide you with a Version Control experience where all team members feel comfortable by Bridging the Gap between the unique needs of code development and creative workflows in addition to plant quality of life improvements to your day-to-day workflows based on your feedback our focus is currently in four main areas if you are a cloud Edition user you will be able to increase your productivity by eliminating redundant tasks in the merging process with Cloud merge Bots merge Bots are currently offered as an on-prem feature and we are excited to make it available soon to our Cloud users as well our next Focus will be on 3D previews which are stepping stone towards a series of visual workflows we want to enable in our Version Control offering in the web and now we hear you loud and clear we understand how important it is to you to have a great version of control experience on the web including a rich code review experience this is why we are investing heavily in our new plastic SCM web experience in the unity dashboard the new web experience allows you to bring team members on board manage user permissions browse files and repositories and navigate changes directly in UDD dashboard you can also add markdown files and embed images and GIFs you can discuss and validate the work submitted by team member with the intent to merge directly in unity dashboard through our new code review experience you can add multiple reviewers when requesting a review the reviewers will be able to see exactly what changes were made when they were done and by whom would annotate and blame feature we are also bringing you the ability to sort changes by a date range actions colors and labels and with a simple click you can access more details and Dev the code we're incredibly excited to bring you this new experience in beta to the unity dashboard and now I will pass it back to Andrew so that's a wrap thank you to all our presenters and as you can see we're working on all kinds of really exciting features and tools that pretty much touch on every aspect of your work with unity but all of this comes from you and your feedback really does Drive how we develop Unity to support your projects you can do that on the forums our Discord Reddit and look out for the opportunity to engage with us over the coming months and last but not least please take a close look out for the tech stream 22.2 which is coming soon thank you


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