Clemex Webinar on Inclusion Rating without intro

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So. What is automated, inclusion rating to. Explain to you what is automated inclusion. Rating I will, tell. You about manual, inclusion, rating and how an operator. Uses. This. This. Method to find inclusions. So. First thing an operator places. His sample under. A microscope, he. Analyzes the field and. Then. While, analyzing, the field he must characterize, and measure each inclusion, once. He's done he must go on their next field and he. Must do that until he reaches, a required. Area so, for ASTM, e, 45 method B he, would need to reach 160. Square millimetre which. Represents, over, 225. Fields. An excellent. Operator would take about 30. Minutes or more. So. Cir is advantage, is that it, can automate. All that quite fast can. Take 2 minutes per sample for, 160. Square millimetre sample, for ASTM e 45. It. Has automatic, edge detection, so, the. Operator, doesn't need to set, his pattern. Precisely. Right away he can just find where his sample is and click. Go and. It's. Repeatable, so. Cir, can repeat the same task over and over again and will, only generate the same results, but. An operator may, not do. The same. So. We will be looking today at two types of standards, we have the ASTM, e for high standards and the. ISO 49-67. Standard, the, ASTM e 45, standard, has, four types of inclusions, there. The sulphide, the. Alumina, the. Silicate, the. Globular and ISO, has the, same plus, the globular D s inclusion. Before. We start the clinic Cir system we need to place polished. Sample, and a sample holder. We. Will now look at the first video which will demonstrate. One sample run on ESPN. A 45. So. What we're doing here is we're. Going to be doing, basic, crash, holdings for oxides, and sulphides. So. By. Doing so we will be, characterizing. The sulfides, which are lighter, in color and, the. Oxides, which are darker. And. After. We characterize, that the software will be then be able to divide. The oxides, into three more inclusions, to, be. Silicates, which are smooth in shape alumina. Which are rougher. In globulars, which are round. So. Now we activate, the basic threshold. Here. We edit, the number of heat and sample that we have in this case it will. Be only one sample and one heat. One. Done we, set our pattern. Here. What we see is where. We. Are on our sample so, this rectangle, represents, our, field. Of view, currency. That, will be shown in the, image window. Here. Now. The operator, is looking, for the best place to start, his pattern on the. Sample we, typically look at the edge and be, close to it. Once. We're done we move it and set, it and. Our. Inclusions, were horizontal. Here. Our pattern is set at a hundred seventy square millimeters. But. Here as, you can see we can recreate the pattern according to a standard which, is 160, square millimeter for, ASTM D 45, and we also activate our linear, focus which we will see later so. We have a choice of three standards, pretty easily through, a drop-down menu and once. We're done I can click start. So. What the software is doing here is, finding, the edges, of our sample, this. Is when we talked about the fast edge. Detect. By. Doing so it. Will detect, all of the sample and. Recreate. The pattern. According. To the. Standard in this. Case it's 160. Square millimeter. You. May wonder why. Here we, have a small line that's moving and the rest of the image is frozen this. Is because we're only detecting, the edge right, now and we, only need part, of the, image. To be processed, which. Saves along a lot of time for. Interior, specifications. So now we're detecting, the third edge. And. The. Fourth so what. We're going to be doing now is. The. Linear focus, the. Point of the linear focus, is, that. It will find three, points. That are far away from each other and. Focus. On those three points and once. It finds the focus point on, those three areas it will, create a focus curve which. Will be in focus on all of the fields so we save a lot of time doing, so instead, of focusing. On each field. By. Setting a plane with, three points. So. We're. Done the. Pattern is green on the right and we're, in which. Already starting, the analysis. What. It's doing now it's detecting everything, that it's seeing on the sample and, what. It once it's done. It. Will filter out anything, that is not an inclusion. And we'll keep the. Inclusions. So. Now we're about done with the analysis.

Compiling. Everything. That is found. We have an app. The. Next video we will be looking, at the map and validating, the results that we just generated. So. What we're doing now here. We're. Filtering, out. The. Inclusions, that we found so, that an operator can. Look. At the worst field for. One inclusion, here we. Are only active, right now on the sulfide and. What, you can see here on the image, window became. A map of our whole sample. We. Have a thick. Square. Here which represents the ASTM. Before. It five field of view and, here. We have a thin one so, the sick one represents, the healthy, inclusions, that thin, one represents, the thin inclusions. You. Can notice here that this floating. Window is over, four fields, view of the camera so. This would be a big, advantage with, Cir, is that we're not limited to the field of view of the, camera but. We create a map and we can reconnect inclusions, and find. Any heavy, inclusion no matter where they are. So. We're going to be looking at that same inclusion here as. We. Can see we, have a scratch on the, bottom and it was detected as an inclusion the, reason why it was detected as an inclusion is because it, was, on, the same orientation that, we chose horizontal. You. Can notice here that this, one was not detected because, not in the same orientation. So. This is part the work that a operator. Must do he must Queen a sample. And. Want. Its Queen as you, saw this, thin. Inclusion. Worth, field floating. Window was here and, it, moved here. So. It always goes on the worst field I'm going to be working now as a heavy, inclusion. When. A detective ate our threshold. And those, seem good when. I look at our thin inclusions, or sulfides this. Also seems good. Next. Is alumina this. Is the twin inclusion. This. Is also good has a rough shape. And, are. Heavy inclusion. Not. So good. Now. Look at silicate we. Have no to look at on this sample. Finally. Globulars. They. Need. To be round in shape so this isn't good. Neither is that. So. The operator here has, access. To all of the methods from ASTM. It. Doesn't need to run, the sample, again and again for each method you get them all right away at, a click of a button and. We. Have also access to the oversize here. We see that we have two over sizes in alumina, we're. Going to take a look at that. On. The bottom here look. At it this. Is dirt. There. Is another. Look. At it. You're. Going to notice that this. Was detected because of rough shape as, I told you alumina has a, characteristic. To be a rough shaped. Inclusion. But. The. Operator knows that this is not, an. Alumina, inclusion, this is actually bad. Preparation. The. Results here got updated on the fly as. You had noticed maybe we. Had two alumina, inclusions they aren't here anymore so, as the operator goes the, results, get updated. Once. The operator is done you, can choose a method. Choose. To export, it as. A report can. Select one for, all of them and, export. It on Excel. Now. We're going to be looking at, multiple. Samples, using the ISO 49-67. Standard. As. You. Can, right here we have 30, samples and, you have five sheets and each, sheet has two examples, so, we can handle quite. A lot of samples. With, Cir, it's, not only one sample that, we can analyze we can analyze, up to 30 samples as you can see here. So. What we're doing now here is we're showing you. The. Location of each sheet as we. Click it changes. The. Name also changes on the bottom. So. We click on one.

Sample. Lines here. And. We're. Going to be analyzing only, one hit in this case. So. We chose one heat will, be analyzing all those samples so. We're not, obligated. To analyze, all of our patterns, we can only choose one heat and a few of the samples from that heat if we choose to. So. Once we're ready, okay. I notice here that it's, set at 200, square millimeter but here it's 160, because, the standard, is not chosen we're going to be choosing here ISIL, standards which is 200, square. You. Notice that. That we create pattern in. This. Case here we'll be using loaded images, instead, of a live sample. Only. Be analyzing, one heat and six, samples. So. It's the same process as before. We're. Almost done with our first, sample, we're. Going to be moving now to our second, sample. That's. Our second sample. It. Does that until. We reach our final sample, we're. On a six sample now. So. Here we have the results, for. All of our samples. You. Can see in this window, we. Have the, different methods for the, ISO standard. Of. Method a B, for total number of fields and. Also. Be for global, cleanliness index, so. We get the average per sample and. Also. The average for, the whole heat, on. The bottom. Number of hits. This. Is very close to the JK chart, standard. That you, have an operator. Might have in, his. Room. So. As we change samples. Here I'm gonna be clicking on a different sample, I'm, gonna see that the map is going to change so. That's. What we're taught that's the advantage of having a map and doing multiple samples, at a time an operator can do them all and. Clean. Them after the operation, is done so, that saves a lot of time. So. We're looking at an Illumina inclusion. You. Only have. Here. To. Look at there aren't any. Let's. Look at the s. It. Has. A round shape, so. This. Is fine. Let's. Look at sulfides. What. For the report again can. Choose one method or all methods. And. We. Can rename it as well. You. And, that's pretty much it. Let's. Take a look at our. Many, sample. Holders that we have so. The first one is for. Mounted. Samples. The. Second and third one are. For unmounted, samples, the. Advantage of using unmounted. Samples, is that. You not need to mount your sample a mounting. Process can take at. Least 10 minutes so, imagine mounting. All of that use you're, wasting 60 minutes at least and, also. As you can see here we. Have magnets the advantage of the magnets is that, we can place. Our. Our, sample, in a on the. Sample holder and it's, going to go. On the corner, automatically. Because of the magnet that's, why when we use. The pattern tool. And, Cir. You. Won't need to move it that much, but. With a mounted, sample. You. Never know what you're gonna get so. You're. Going to with. More time using the parent creation tool also. With the unmounted, samples we can fit more. Samples, on one sample holder here. We can fit 12 could, fit 18 and depending. On the size of your auto stager can fit even more. This. Is a workplace window, that we found a video so. The first part here is the. List of sheets and sample. Here. Is the state travel area where we create our pattern, for each sample that we have. Those are the XYZ coordinates. On, our Otto, stage and. Here. We can choose to recreate, a pattern. Using. A standard and, activate. The linear focus, to be in focus throughout the. Whole sample. Once. Our run is done we get a results, map, here. We see a, results, net with heavy inclusions, and. With. Different, inclusions. With alumina, which. Which. Is here. Sulfides. Globulars. And. Silicates. So. The advantage of using an automated, inclusion. Rating system, and the. Clinic CRR system, is that we comply with many. Standards, as we. Saw we just looked, at ASTM, and. ISIL. We. Have fast analysis, so it takes less than three minutes for. An iso standard to. Be analyzed. This is 200 square millimeter. We. Get consistent. And accurate results. Because. Of the. Precision, of an, auto stage and our, software, which. In turn reduces the, interpretation. Of data an operator can. Interpret, data from. And from one to another you, can get different data that's, not the case for Cir, we. Get integrated, systems so, night on and climax can sell you a system like that here. We have an icon ma. 200, Auto.

Stage, Camera. And the. Software, all. Of that you can get, it. From. Either climax, or nikon. We. Can create, and sample holders so, if you don't have standard. Shaped. Samples, we. Can create a sample, holder for that we have a machine shop here and. Easy. Reporting so. Once, you're done with your analysis. We. Can export. That on, Excel. Let's. Start our question and answers. Thank. You for, your, explanation. So. A few QM, questions. Already that came in this. Week I, hear. You yes. Okay so, our first question that I receive is, must. The sample be perfectly, polished, oh. Yeah. It's a question that we get often from, our customers. The. Better the Polish of example, their. Last work at the end so. As we saw on, our video we, had a scratch, on. Our sample that's because of preparation, soap and this. Was a pretty good preparation for a sample so imagining. That we have even, worse preparation. Will result, in more manipulation, of the. Data once. We are on our map so. That will consume some time on. The operator first sample so what we. Usually tell, our customers is. Have. A good, polish, that. Will result in less work at the end and it's also good practice to, have a perfectly fallible, almost. Perfectly polished sample. Okay. Thank you. Our, samples. Of. How. Do you handle that. Okay. So. If you have a flat metal, sheet what, we typically, tell. Our clients, is to. Stack. Them together in a mount and. Then. While I'm this they're in this mount to polish them. Once. You, polish them we have an option, in our software which I have here. It's. For multi steel plate samples, so what we'll do is because, there. Is an interface line between each. Metal. Sheet it. Creates lines and we don't want the software to count, that as a, inclusion, so what we tell it is if. The. Length of the Elven inclusion, is. Greater, than 98%. Then. It will be removed so. All. Of the interface. Lines will then be removed with, this active. Take. A. Third question was. We don't have cell Simek, it in our steel how, we go see the movie. So. If you're not have to look it in your. Steel as. In, our sample, that we just ran today. What. We have is also another option where, we tell. Over. With it's, something, in any file, oh it's somewhere, else it's. Not present. In there but once, we do the installation, we can go. In the configuration, file and set. Option. Were Andes, and you, fill it that, it may, find will be classified as a sulfide. So. Because. They're the. Same in shape it's only in. Trash.

Holding That they're not the, same that, if it finds, something that's, in the same shape it will automatically, classify, as a sulfide. Taking another, question is. What, family. Do. So. The. Standards as we saw today was. The ASTM, e 45, I. So. 49, 67, we. Saw the, options for G is G zero five five five and then five zero, six zero two we. Also do, ASTM. D, n8. EMV. 2283. Which, is the extreme, value inclusion. That's. Used to find, the largest potential, inclusion calculating, using statistics. When. We also use. The en 10, 247. In this case you need a color camera and it's, for the worst field section. It. Could be. How. Do you differentiate, your, including, type. So. Inclusions. As, we. Saw before are differentiated. Using basic. Trash holding. So. With oxides, and sulphides, this those, are the two main conclusions. Classification. That we have. Does. As, we saw the. Sulfides. Are lighter. And the. Oxides are darker and then. Oxides, are divided, into three other inclusions, for. In, that case of a SEM we have alumina. Silicates. And. Globular. And. Those. Are divided. By. Their shape so. Alumina. Are rough. Silicates. Are smooth and, globulars. Are round. Okay. Thank you. Question. The rice do. We need to validate each sample. For, example when we are analyzing, three samples, do, we need to validate each, one. Yes. It would be normal, to check them out but normally. If. The sample prep is good, you. Would take, about you, know 15. To 30 seconds, per sample to. Various to validate it because you need to check all the. Inclusions. Not all the inclusions, but all the worst field once. You have the worst feel correct and the polishing is good normally one, or two steps at, worst and then. And. Then. It's a typical, procedure that takes, doesn't. Take a lot, of time. The sample the less work there is. But. Like everything else you, know having, a good preparation it's, as important. As I being a good. Dimensional. Tensile, testing, or, a. Chemical, analysis, you. Would put the right, constituent. In there so. In this case you need to have a good sample. Preparation and. It's. Pretty easy to. To. Add to adapt to a good procedure. Okay. Thank you currently, there are no. Further questions so, I, suggest. That we end this webinar so thank you all for being. Here. We. Could also have a recording that we will distribute to, everyone that. Attended. So, you can eventually. Review. Or we listen to the webinar.

So, Therefore, thank, you again until, next time. Thank. You thank, you. You. You.


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