If A Tree Falls Podcasting

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We're. Going to get served in a little bit don't. Worry about that. So. Welcome to the spring suppose you ever see you online, my, name is Braden Lewis I'm an academic technologist. For C online what. That entails is that basically in the LMS admin, I work with Alex. We're. Work defend we're trying, to get extra help from them we're, doing it the problem of canvas I am. One of those people that if you have any issues you can reach out to me one. Of the specialties that I actually focus, on is actually mobile, technologies, and multimedia, I, am. One of those weird types of people that, likes. Complicated. Media, projects, so, I can be in front of the sound system in front of a stadium and it doesn't put Lee at home or I could be in a movie studio or. I can be in a small classroom set up like this and you. Know I'm tempted pushing buttons because I know what each. So. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to do the session on podcasting. Is, because even though podcasting, has been around for a long time I really, believe that we can adapt, it to make it really successful and, useful within education. So. What I'm going to go ahead and do is I want to give a short history of podcasting, in 60 seconds a lot, of people don't realize podcasting. Actually got started around, the 2000s, this is nearing dial-up, internet this is when the idea of streaming, media and video seemed, crazy when. It first got started it was actually audio blogging, and it. Become, podcasting. Until, people started coming up with a script to, be able to get media, files automatically. Download overnight, to, their iPad when. Apple decided to take this mainstream it, really exploded, podcasting. Because, now for the first time ever people were able to get updated, information on, their, iPods, that weren't connected, to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or, cellular or anything they. Could get this audio automatically. Um. Really. After about. 2005-2006. The introduction, of cell, phones heist internet podcasting. Kind of morphed into video. Blogging, where. You actually started having podcasts.

That Were video and so, instead of using our traditional, podcasting, that goes to your iPad it, actually changed. Or people are actually streaming it through, their computers and, so the idea downloading. It to your computer to, listen to it whenever you want wasn't. Really the trend that people have been podcasting because, they can just log in, stream. It whatever they wanted to that, didn't have to download it weren't, tied to having to one device they, could have it on the web browser they can have it on their phone they, can kind of thick and choose where they wanted to really. What it became that is what puts their app they wanted to use it download what was the website they, wanted to use not, necessarily, how do they want to use it. So. Now podcasting. Has gone, beyond, just the eye and so. Really we're talking about podcasting. Don't, really think of it as the original podcast, this, is simply something, that someone downloads, onto their iPod, that they don't have anymore, and, just listen to audio really. It's grown beyond that it can be audio but also it could be something more than just audio. How. Many here have ever actually made, a podcast, or what's the level of experience in the room of, podcasters. How many people are like never used a podcast, never. Created one have no idea okay. Perfect. How many people have actually created podcasts. Have. Done recordings, great so there's a couple of people great. One. Of the things that I really want to stress is. Podcasting. Looks incredibly. Simple all. You have to do is plan it record. It edit. It share and, then, repeat the process over and over again however. What. People don't realize about multimedia, is, this. Recording. And editing part, can. Take up a lot of time. When. I'm doing projects, I often, use the expression, that for every five minutes of produced media it, takes me five, to 20 hours to create it and that's. If I wanted to make it really well it, could be me having a multiple using, 20 hours just, to create a 30 minute piece of audio, or even a five-minute piece of.

It. Takes up a lot of time, so. In this planning stage you have the ability to plan. It in a couple different ways. So. Much I'll back up and actually focus, on each of these steps. In. The planning stage, when. You're creating a traditional podcast, you're, wanting to think about the audience the, tone we. Wanted to get the purpose what you're trying to communicate what you're trying to communicate really. In the planning stage you're actually focusing on. Walked. Away from microphone, you're. Wanting to focus on. What. Is the overall feeling of your podcast a big, thing for podcasters. Is they want to create their tongue they want to create their style, they want to create their brand, and so, that's the first thing that happens in planning is they want to create that. When. It comes to recording, it they always want to make sure that they're aware of that tone and there's, two different options when it comes to podcasting, one, is that it's scripted meaning everything is typed out word for word Mary PBS, style where, we have the tongue you know very monotone, voice, and. You're just reading off the paper some. Of the most popular podcasts, are scripted, podcasts where everything is typed, out and they're reading the. Other version you have is live podcast where. People. Go through and just have conversations, back and forth their interview, styles where, nothing's really scripted, and. Then what happens is they'll actually record, three. To four to five hours worth of unscripted. Live, recording. Then, edit it down to the five 10 20 minutes of the, best audio that the one shared. When. It comes to editing really what they're looking for is they want to look back to that planning stage how. Do I add --it this audio that's, either scripted, or live. Recording, to fit my tone my voice my purpose, is there everything kind of just back into that planning stage when you're editing and finally. When you're posting it podcasting. When originally started had one way to do it you had to have a site that, created, an RSS, feed you had to use a special, podcasting, format and that's a lot more that you could share it well. Nowadays you're streaming you, can share this via YouTube you could share it on soundcloud, there's many many different sites you don't have to use iTunes you, don't have to use iTunes you. You can use YouTube there's, all these different options that you can use and, so really the question comes down to is, what, is either the. Best way for you to reach your audience or, what's the cheapest way.

And, Then repeating, one of the most important, things about podcasting. Is. You, want to be able to keep up your schedule, this. Is where a lot of podcasts actually. Failed they, came up they come up with great recordings, one week and then, they wait three months for another recording, and. So the people who are trying to keep following, them forget, about it and they'll come back because. It didn't repeat it back and forth and. So again even, though this podcasting. Looks really, simple and easy it's. Actually really complicated and. Because it's complicated, in this format, right here I don't, think it's good for education, because. This is too complicated, for what we want to do and. So one of the things that I really want to put on there is, podcasting. For education, should. Be different, the. Main focus of podcasting, is you shouldn't have to go out and get, your own microphone set up now. It shouldn't be something that you have to have your own studio, yes. I love studio, equipment my. Voice on a studio, condenser microphone, sounds amazing. But. The people who are listening to it don't, really care about the deepness, of my voice they. Just want to be able to clearly hear what, you're saying. Another. Way that it should be done is podcasting. Education, shouldn't, take up a lot of time and. So we don't want it I don't want encourage you to do anything that's, gonna end up spending a lot of time creating, producing. Because. Let's face it if you're teaching a course you, have thousands. Of other things that you need to do and, spend at the time in an editing room editing, everything to put that jingle on the right spot or that sound effect doesn't, really make sense for you as an instructor or, a faculty member. Another. Thing that you want to do is in. Generally, in education. There's. No guarantee, that it's going to be successful, you put your pockets out there you hope you build your audience an. Education. You have your audience they. Have information that they want hear from you they won here in different ways under different formats, and so, it's a little bit different because she already had this locked in audience this is you, have information, that I want to have let's. Have it and record it. So. What podcasting. Comes to education, there's three things I really want to focus on. Keep. It simple. When. You're doing podcasts, don't worry about the extra fluff don't, worry about the extra. Opinions. Or getting I need. To go out and get multiple, interviewed. Don't worry about keep it simple keep, it just you don't. Worry about how you know giving guest speakers or presenters just, focus on you presenting the information, keep. It drag you. Want to make sure that you go direct, information a lot, of times people love to go off on another tangent what, that does is that actually creates more work for you so. By keeping it direct on focus, and simple you're actually creating. A more condensed, podcast. An audio recording, that, your students are actually going to enjoy listening to more because.

It's Direct and. That's the Portland you want to make sure you identify a schedule, that works for you in your course, and. So that's one the most most important things about it is you want to make sure that in your head that you plan out what, schedule makes sense for what I'm doing is, it something that I can do every week this. Is something that I can do bi-weekly, and every month what's. Something that I know I can say I'm, gonna do this and actually follow through on your schedule so. You want to make sure you do that. So. One of the things that I personally. Believe is, the most important, technology you have is devices. That you already own I love. My snowball microphone I love my expensive. Sure. Microphone, that I have a home if. You don't have one you should never use. What. Most people have is, the cell phone I. Truly. Believe the best on your recorder you have is one. The what you already have into believe. It or not modern. And cell phones are great, at recording audio and great at recording video and. So what's the point of going out and buying expensive, equipment, when, you already have a device that can do it and. So. For podcasting, education, I really want to express that, you want to use phones, tablets. Computers that you already have don't. Rely on a behind had an equipment because, all you're gonna do is buy the equipment never. Learn to use it and it's just going to collect us so. Use the devices that you already have, when. Creating a podcast and education, I really would encourage people to keep it it, to a scripted. Version, the. Main reason why I would encourage the scripted version is that, when you do live recordings, if, you want to need accessibility, standards, that means you someone has to go back and actually transcript. That live recording, that. Takes up a lot of time and so. Even though there's some great softwares you can actually use Google Docs there's a little cheat that you can use and, actually play it at Google Docs and it'll actually listen to what you're saying and type it out the. Problem is just not accurate enough and so, if you do a live recording, and an interview of someone back and forth so you're gonna have to go back through and type, it all out and that's a lot of time but, if you start off with a one page scripted. For. Each podcast you're. Limiting, the amount of time that you're done you're keeping it simple you're keeping it direct and he already had the transcript, created, to share for accessibility, I also. Want to encourage no editing when it comes to podcast and education. Editing. Is the biggest nightmare that you can ever do when it comes to audio editing because, you can do everything and in. That it takes up a lot of time so. If you record a podcast with, the mindset, that I'm not going to edit it and means. That you're gonna save yourself so much time, now. If, you're.

Like Me and, you're, recording yourself on, a microphone. You. All set and forget how to pronunce again you forget how to read you're, like and. You're saying these weird things you don't understand, it and. So this is why keeping, it to one page is simple because, you can take your time focus. On what you're reading it may, be read it once or twice through, and. If you stutter a little bit or you say something wrong or you mispronounce, it just, get right over it because you have the transcript, it's. Not that big a deal when you're doing an informal, podcast, in education, if, there's little mistakes here and there, and. If you do want to break this rule, it's. Easy to edit out those little pieces here and there if you want to. And. I also encourage you to share it directly through canvas. There. Are tons of ways that you can share why. Not use a system, that's already working well why. Not use the system that you're already sharing your content and. That's canvas, canvas. Is a great, tool for sharing media because. It automatically, converts and adapts or whatever your students using on the other side so. About using canvas you're already giving in a way that, your students are going to know and be able to use. So. I'm going to go through and actually go through my process for, creating, a podcast. So. One of the first things I'm going to go through out and do is I'm. Going to start off with a simple script now, I didn't even go on a full page on this script I kept it very simple I added, it a little bit let me actually zoom in because I was really small. I. Wanted. To add some personality and style into it so I made a little bit of jokes about podcasting, 101 podcasts, on the podcasting, I added, some little kind of entertainment. Value I also added some incentives, so I had a lot on here it's important to follow along with every episode because. You might get a chance to earn some extra credit no. I said my as a keyword. You. Might want to go Mike hint hint, maybe, if I feel nice don't. Lock yourself in anything saying if you listen those podcasts and take a quiz you're getting 100 extra points. But. It's something that you can do in the, middle of a podcast, and go at, this point, send me an email with the word Apple and I'll give you 10 extra points and. If they're actually paying attention they'll. Do that, so. You can do those little things within this audio recording just, to see if they're actually following along and. In this path right here I just. Wanted to keep it really short and sweet I created, four paragraphs. And the, one the reason why I kept it like this is these four paragraphs are paragraphs that I know that I can actually listen, to in record and do fairly simply. So. Now that I have my script, the next thing I want to do is go through and actually record it. How. Many have ever recorded. Voice memos, on your phone. Great. I love. Voice memo. Because, I could go on and record I've reported 30 minute recordings. Just by putting my phone on the desk and recording and it gives great audio, but. One thing it's important to know about reporting. On her phone is. If you have a children, or you have dogs or you have a jackhammer in the background, it's, going to record the children's a dog and the jackhammer, in the background, and.

It's Gonna have a tendency to focus on, what's in the background and not necessarily, you and. So you want to make sure that when you're actually recording with your phone using voice memo or. Whatever recording audio that you want to do you. Want to be aware of the room that you're in, don't. Record it in the bathroom it, sounds like you're in the bathroom. Don't. Record in a large room where it sounds like you're echoing back and forth so. Recording, to moderate room a smaller. Room have, the phone less than a foot away from your mouth if. You put your phone weight over on the other side it's gonna not sound very well but, actually talk like you're talking to your phone like, you're actually going through it recording, it and by, doing this you're gonna be a little record high poly audio. And. So once I recorded it on my phone, I'm. Gonna go ahead and actually. Send. It to my computer now. This, can be done in multiple ways I am an Apple nerd so I use airdrop. Most. Phones all you have to do is email it so. You take it on your phone email, it back and forth now it's on your computer or. It can get crazy and actually upload it directly on a canvas from your phone. And. So here is what I created, using, my phone, I'm gonna make sure the audio is going to hear it. And. This is to kind of give you an example, of it's, not perfect. 100% studio. Quality, audio but. It's still clear enough audio that students are gonna be able to enjoy it and listen to it. Hello. And welcome to the podcasting, 101, podcast, on podcasting. I'm. Your host Braden Lewis I'm, your friendly neighborhood academic, technologists, for see you online. There's, podcast, 101, course, that. Was pretty good I said. Record this in my living room on my, phone holding, it right in front of me this. Actual recording, is about. Hello, welcome. One. Along one. Minute so, and a third of the page it's. A one-minute recording if, I go to the full page it's about a three to five minute recording this, depends how many spaces that you want to do how much breathing, or if you want to pause in between but, that keeps it to a really short podcast that your students are gonna want to enjoy. Also. Now that I have the script already typed out I can, actually export, this as a PDF share. The length of Google or create, a PDF that I can attach with it so. Now I have the transcript, I have the audio recording, I'm gonna go into canvas.

So. I went ahead and created kind of this basic, canvas course, in. Canisters, are multiple, there's a lot of different ways that you can share, this, podcasting. First. Is in discussions. So. If we go in discussions, it actually has a built in feature I don't think he hasn't ever noticed this but, if you click down here it's just enable, podcast, feet, when. You enable this feed it creates, a clickable, resource, that students can subscribe, to. But. You don't have to actually use that because, canvas, will automatically, update you notify, everyone of a new post so. I'm gonna go ahead and you just as a podcast, and. I'm gonna create a discussion board that is my podcasting. Discussion, and so. What I'm gonna do is I'm first gonna create a discussion, board that's simply saying welcome to our course, podcast. And. I'm going to give a sample, text up here saying. This in this course this pod carry this. In. This, description, it's very important, that you set the expectation with the podcast is going to be about the, frequency of your podcasts, and why, students might want to do this in, this first discussion, board I'm at the discussion, post I'm actually not gonna post the podcast, I'm, just, gonna post the information about, the podcast here's. What you guys can expect, and then. I'm going to go, through and say that people come out liking, this. Link right here it's, very important that you don't select this, and this is the include student replies and podcasting. Feat what. Happens, now is, this podcasting. Feed is created, that whenever a post has a media, resource, in it it includes, us on the podcast and feet if. I check that box right there it says include student, replies, if they, reply with an audio file it attaches, to that podcasting. Link if. I don't do that all of my audio, files will show up in that listing, so. That's important to distinguish back-and-forth if, I check the box any, media that's in this this thread will, show up in the feed if I. Don't all of the things that I post as replies will. Show up right there. And. Then I'm gonna go through it and I'm not actually gonna post this first one you can, go through and actually change if you want threaded discussions, on there you. Can just go ahead and include that. The G no need to post, before seeing replies doesn't really make sense of podcasting, so I'm not going to do that. Yes. It's. Really up to how you want to do it some students love some students hate it so I love, it it's, up to your personal residence. And. Then also you want to make sure that it's not graded, and. So some of the basic things that all are really gonna do on this one is I'm just gonna check enable, s podcasting, feed all. The other settings on there are going to be the same open, till the end it's, available, I'm. Gonna go on here, and. Just hit create. So. Now, what I want to do is, if I click on this little podcast, link right here it's. Gonna show me this feed contains no entries and. All I had to do on that was.

Click. On this topic. Podcast, feed. Now. A student, can take this feat and subscribe. To it whatever servers say well this is using traditional podcasting. So if they have any kind of pod readers they have an app they, can take this link put it on their podcast and, look at notifications that, way, to. Post a podcast, to your course all you, have to do is sit up reply. Yes. So, you said. This link and put it on their podcast. Um. So it's it's kind of there. If. They click the link then does that open the podcast. No. Not necessarily. It. Actually opens up a separate RSS subscription extension, and, so it's, it's it gives you the URL, how. I typically, would would go through and do tell them to do this is, the right click and copy link address and. That. Gives you the the, whole full RSS, feed. And. So if they have a web browser and they're in their normal subscribe to a lot of it sometimes, they'll actually have it automatically, open up like this opens up and to this RSS, thread, that's built into Chrome and so. If a student is actually just, popular, to use a lot of podcasts they're gonna know how to take this RSS feed and add it into their app added, into what they're wanting to do. So. That's kind of more complicated, so, now that's if you wanted to add this iTunes, you would take this RSS, link go, in iTunes. Well. I guess what I mean since there's a podcast of. Them. Are going. From browser first. All. The way they can see this podcast, is going from browser for us they, can't search for the podcasting, in the podcast yet because. This is in canvas, and it's locked down just your campus course, and. So that's kind of one of those things on here this is the older traditional format. It's. Not a true podcast, I guess true podcast is open up to anyone and then, you go to your Apple so here's my podcast, they put it on their directory. Yeah. It'll ask you to log in to canvas the first time authenticate. Who you are and then you're in there. That's. Once, I check that box this link appears if. I don't check that POC enable, podcasts in that box goes away and. So all it does is in the background canvas. Creates, this RSS, feed that, it's gonna want to make sure that you're an actual student then you can follow this. Would not be accessible to people outside the campus. Purely. For your course yes. So. The question was is if you take regular discussion, for skinny at a podcasting. Um, for. The, sake of this organization. And sanity's, sake I would say you don't want to do that you. Want to create a whole new thread, that's. Just podcasting. That. Way you have a dedicated, RSS. Feed that's, just, for that podcast so. That you know whenever an updates made to this thread. And the discussion board that, is my podcasting. What. You would want to do is so if it's. When. You're saying that like are you wanting it to be to the actual sections, or. To. An, actual course. And. So that's when you want to go down here and. Really. The discussions, I don't I. Honestly. Wouldn't, do it that way I would do it in a different way I'm not sure on the next one because. This is just using the basic thread. Here's. How they initially designed it it uses the old template, of podcasting.

And. I think the next thing I want to show you is gonna do the better way that you're gonna like more. Alright. So this is a podcast I already created here's, the first posting, over here and then. Here's my reply. And. As you see on here I've owed one I here's. A transcript, of the file and the audio file and, if I click on this little podcast, feed. Mm. I'll show that I have this one item. Right here and. So again that's using the traditional system and again the way I wanna preface this is this is using a pocket for your entire course not, broken down into grouper, sections or or all those different kind of areas I would. Want to keep it as simple as possible direct, as possible and I wouldn't want to do different audio recordings, for different group sections, because I think that's when it gets a little bit crazy and by keeping one for everyone I think it's there now. Another, way that you can do this and this is actually the way that I recommend. And, it actually goes, away from the traditional. Way that you think of podcasts. Because. Podcasting. Got starting off as audio recording it. Also could associate video, recording, it could be media. That you're just wanting to share and, so what I'm actually gonna recommend and what I think is would best simply do is to actually create a module, on your, modules page that's. Actually, a podcast, what. This also lets you do is it lets you create all your episodes, at beginning of the semester put. Them all in order and only, publish them when you want them to be published so. Like what I've done right here is I've created a module for correspond, cast I have, episode 1 episode 2 I can keep going and all I have to do is polish it to make it visible and so, to answer your group's question, if, I go on and actually look at my actual episodes. This. Is what I can go through and change. That. On, that side. But. This is where you can go through there and kind of give it a little bit different view of who, sees what based off the model controls and so, you can kind of feed them back and forth that way. What's also great about this view here, is that, whenever I have the. Modules, in line I can, re listen to the audio podcasts going to episode 1 episode 2 episode 3 by, using canvases, basic integration right, here. So. Does that look a little bit better for you guys when. It comes to sharing podcasting. You're, not using an RSS feed you're, using the native web that you share, courses, or share content with that courses by, using the module now, just because I did, this through modules, I also could do this a whole other way if I can create a page.

That's Just for podcasting. And. I can go through here and update. This, podcasting, over here with. Just episode, 1 episode 2 episode 3, and I can have one dedicated page. But. I could just keep going down or actually flip it where I go one than to the three and four however, you want to do this and. What you can do here is actually notify, users that, the content has changed so. I'm actually using the, same. Page. I'm updating, the same page and, all I'm doing is adding each episode, as I go. Now. What's important, with this is, when I'm adding files I don't like I said this earlier is you. Have the files images, over here you don't want to use this you actually want to use this. Recording, upload media file here that's very important, I wished I would have said that earlier I'm. Going to go ahead and upload media and, select. The audio file. Go. To my documents and just upload the file. And. Put it put it right on the course. And then all I have to do is just keep going through here and, I'm gonna put my transcript. Of it. And. I can just keep going adding. Yes. So. Part of what when you use this file size over here it. Doesn't, see, how this changes into a media, content, and it changes. It, this. Just, shares an actual file it. Doesn't actually convert to me and it doesn't actually put it in a format that makes it playable if, you did it this way to download. But. This also does it actually counts, against your storage usage of your course and. If I put it in files it's going to actually count against you if, I use this little media icon it, goes on canvases, media side it doesn't actually count against your corpse, and. So when you're creating files this is going to give you more space. To put files the. Other reason, for this is if. You want to get fancy you know, how I use my phone to record it I can. Actually click on this media icon right here I can. Record it straight from my computer. So. This uses flash it's gonna go ahead by default want, to record the audio that I'm using but I, know if they're here and actually record what I'm talking right now and. So I can record this podcast, have my script right off to it report. It live straight, into canvas and when I'm done it'll, save it right to the course. What. It does is it actually saves it is it. Goes, it's a different system and so it once it's and there you would have to go through and record it. Yes. So. Record it puts it right on the page where you're at and. So one things that I always whenever. I get adding. On photos, or video, I always, make sure that my cursor is in the right spot. And. This way I can go through and do this one. Of the tricks that we've actually discovered, is so. If I'm actually click on a video so, I can. Again. That's really off I can. Actually get. The file location. By. Hitting closed captioning. And. This, is where the URL for this video files at or the audio file. What. Is it it's the actual Adobe plugin or not yeah notes, it's the Adobe Flash plugin. And, so, let's actually go back on here. This. Is actually, a perfect segue into. Using TechSmith relay. Yes. So, again as another option is I can go through create, an audio recording of TechSmith relay. And. Record. It using text mode but, if I go into video recording. There. Are these tons of little gear icons. Go. Back. And so, I'm still I didn't. Lower. My volume so. That's a little bit there. I can, change my webcam. That I'm running using and. You have to right-click go to settings and that actually goes into the flash settings and. So a part of it is is Flash is just so that. It, doesn't hit. In. The way I just did that was right-click and go to settings and this works on Windows and on PC. Um. We need to use this basic, item right here it, will record video in audio so, it's one of those things on there is an actual thing I. Love. Just. Uploading. The file because, I actually like using my phone and. So that's why I just use my phone and send it over but. You had that option, but. The one lots of creative things just by using this page or using a module you can use text and freely you can use YouTube you can use whatever tool that you want to enter, just using canvas as a way to share, what you're recording and, again we're going back to that original idea, of what podcasting, education, should be and it, is that it should be simple, direct, and on a schedule, I. Have. Found that most, faculty. If.

Given, The choice would rather. Do just audio versus, audio video and. So. That's, one of the great things that even. Though what we're doing is it called podcasting. We, are sending a scheduled, audio recording, so, that's pretty, close to what podcasting, is. It's. A final of what I want to go ahead and do is, I, will bring. Up my iPad, and, just to. Kind of give you an idea of what it looks like from the student perspective. On. Their, computer, and. Then afterwards I'll open it up for any kind of questions, I've been kind of digging a little bit more I. Love. My brain is just not working right now. Apparently. Mike appears brain also doesn't want to work. Are. There any questions while I'm pulling this up and getting you ready. What. Sort of timeframe do you think you would recommend for your poor cats but. Really, the cuts back on the schedule that you're wanting to do I. Recommend. If, it, was up to me depending, on my flexibility, of saying do. I have an hour or two that I can spend to it because. Really what this whole format of just writing out word-for-word recording, and uploading to canvas it's, gonna take an hour to two hours and. So that's gonna be the biggest factor is are. You gonna be able to spend, two, hours every week creating an introduction, podcast. And. If the answer is yes I would do it right when, the course first starts then every week after whether. That's every Monday every Friday every Wednesday, every Saturday, every Sunday that's up to your schedule but. I wouldn't want to make sure that you identify it's, gonna be on every Monday I'm gonna post it in the afternoon. That. Way your students can be expecting, it and that way you kind of can, schedule it and plan out where it's going from there. That's. Why I say keep it to one page because. One page limits. It it forces you to make it three to five minutes and so. That's why I think when, you're locking talking, to most students, the. Average time that they're willing to spin and can spin is three, to five minutes, there. Are something that you can actually probably go thirty minutes but. Do you really want to be talking that at, one time recording. And sharing it so that's why three to five minutes seems much more reasonable and you're able to target it and direct it and make sure that it's really good stuff. Example. Every week in, my own mind I've been sending the students. So. What's actually great, is, you. Can do this through a time through announcements, right. So you can actually attach this.

I'm. Gonna do this way those. Guys um, so you can actually do this through announcements and so, you have the email you're putting an audio on there and you're attaching this grant transcript, and. So what you're doing is you're giving the students the ability of should. I listen to what you're saying or. Do I want to read it because, you have some students that I'll be on their app see, your announcement click on the audio recording listen, to it okay cool it'll keep going or. Some students are gonna want to pull up the PDF, and actually read through the transcript okay that's it you'll, have some students that won't do both they'll. Listen to it while reading it and so. You're just kind of giving them more options of, you're. Not. Over. Complicating, it for you but. You're giving your students the ability to adapt, to what their own learning styles are what their preferences, and so, it's just another way of giving them options to work that way. So. The easiest thing that you can actually do and so this is on Google. Sheets I. Can, go to tools voice typing. Click. To speak well. This. Is a sample, of talk to speak dictation, I'm. Using Google sheets to record what I'm doing and it's actually transcripting, it live or on recording, what's. Great about this, is I can actually play the recording, Google. Will hear my microphone, and keep typing now. As you'll notice it's, not putting any punctuation of what I'm saying some, of the words I'm showing up correctly but. You're giving a transcription. That you could go ahead and play and then, just go back in and fix it or, give, it to TA and exit. This. Is Google Documents, and it's, free. And. So I would go through and just speak out on my first papers, get. My general ideas here's, my first paragraph go, through and edit it and it, would just be a hodgepodge, of text, but, this is how I graduate. Putting. All this information, on here and then actually going back and fixing it because.

I'm A very auditory, learner I what, I write I write like I'm speaking and. So I just like why not just speak and then, go back and make it actually be proper grammar and actually format. Its. Young because I didn't actually say period, space and all that I one. Of those two were like when I use dragon text I got frustrated because all the special codes that you have to say then I'm like I'll just fix it. So. For some reason the Wi-Fi doesn't one of the hey so I can't show you what it looks like from that very good other. White when I saying that that's when it pops up. And. So, I'm gonna go on here is go into the pages. Yes. And, silhouette I got it was going to just opening up a Google Documents, putting, my cursor wherever I want it to click, on tools and voice. Typing. Thank, You ruff. I love. It, one of the tricks that actually saw for transcribing that they used was, doing this and. It's kind of ingenious. But. Again, for a TA it's not a hundred percent accurate, and. So even if you use a lot of the services, this, is what they do first then. The person goes through and actually edits it so, it saves them time because, they just put this in a room go get a coffee come back but so and so. If you're doing an hour-long recording, you. Can go through and do all again you want to make sure the screen saver comes out and all that but, you'll, have the basis of the work there. I. Have friends, that you see Denver they have one of the biggest education. Technology podcast and. One of the friends I worked with her, one. Of her main jobs is transcripting. The podcast that they do every weekly and. She'll spend on an hour-long 30-minute one podcast hour-long podcast. She'll, spend three to four hours just transcripting. And so. By doing this it saved, her about two hours. And. So finally I'm gonna go back and actually show, you what it looks like in. From. A student perspective using, the iPad and. This is kind of as an example because you're gonna have students that are gonna want to use your computer you're gonna have see this they're gonna use their phone you're. Gonna have students that are gonna use all kinds of different devices but. But. Because I'm using just this normal canvas, posting, or this canvas show. Well. Just as wouldn't agree with me today. Never. Mind, it's. Not, here. Guys so. This, is basically and the campus student show I'm using, my iPad I'm, going to navigate to the course that I'm wanting to go to. Under. My modules. Page I'm. Going to click on the course podcast, that, must the episode one just. Click on it I can, click on the transcript, here's the PDF that I can look at right here yeah. Or I can. Just click on the audio. And. Play, it right on my tablet. This. Is a better than having high speed internet but, it's actually playing right now and if I had audio connected, to it you'd be able to hear it right now. Um. They. Can in it our way, through Kansas, but. Basically no there's this this basically gets away from the downloading, feature and. It's all streaming based I. Honestly. Would, say. Most. Students would be okay streaming. For. Your case one of you is Howard too, it's. A little bit more complicated because you're. On your files are gonna probably around, 100, nights to 200 200, nights and. So for, you you, actually probably want to share your files through something like Google, Drive, or, OneNote. Have. That be where you share the files and you're just creating a link to it. Because. You're gonna deal with larger, files and so, whatever you're gonna be doing is gonna be higher and instead, of creating our real podcast, I would encourage you to put it on a spot where, you can control, who has access to, them and, it's just not anyone. Yes. The. Way I recorded, the audio is I actually use my phone right use voice memo recorded on my phone now. The. Transcripting. Is just the way if you're, not pre. Writing. Out your script and. You just did like a live you just wind it you talked about it and you wanted to create a transcript, that's when you would go through and. Go. See, I would go down here. I'm. Gonna go tools, voice. Typing. I'm. Gonna play the audio and. Then. I'm gonna go to where that file is that I just recorded and, actually.

Play It on my computer. Hello. And welcome to the podcasting, 101, podcast, on podcasting. I'm, your host Brayden Lewis I'm, your friendly neighborhood academic, technologists, for Cu online. During. This podcast 101. Course I'll, be sitting we might have found in reviewing, all the important, information, covered during this week the. Podcast will be published on this page along. Of each week's podcast. So. That's what you're doing is you're playing the audio through your computer it's. Hearing it through the speaker and then. You. Can play for the phone. And. So it's just it's, it's just like if you use a voice dictation whether. It's something you recorded, of high quality audio, or. You're actually talking in front of it the computer doesn't know the difference. You. Can't, actually be about the same time. You. Could have your phone you could have your computer you could be recording. It's. Purely up to whatever, style you want to work with because you could actually be recording on a computer and in the transcript in the same time you. Know and so I what. Happens when you start doing this and you get more and more complicated and it goes one of those things the word I would encourage you is simple, direct. But. If you wanted to do that you would have that option. So. The question was is it okay to bypass, having, a transcript. Here's. Where I would go through and say yes and. Legally. No, because if someone wanted to request it and they had it the and they had the ad, a documentation. And paperwork they. Could go into their system, ad a services, and get that transcript from them however. I would encourage you to be a good steward of just different learning styles, and different personalities. And different way, people do. It that if, it's not something, to worry if you can plan to have everything in spot yes. I think because, I. For. One listening to a general podcast, like any. Casual, podcast that has nothing to do with education or, maybe even something that dude, transcripts. But even just in the classroom if you're teaching an online class I don't, know many people who hand. Out a transcript, of the things that they're going to save for. Me as. Someone, who I. Truly. Believe that people process information differently, and. So, for me I just I am willing to spend a little extra time to. Do that and so, it's one of those things on there it's a hard question because. Yes. We have services, that that they. Can go and get it one, of the things that I'm really pushing for is eventually have the technology, in canvas, that doesn't automatically. And. We're not quite there yet but we're gonna get there hopefully in a couple years where. You have an audio file that right click and you get the transcript, and that way you don't have to worry about it, see. You as a perspective, we really want to say we, want to be open, and available, to everyone the. Reality, though is sometimes teachers don time and, for. Most students, they're okay with that they might request it, but. It's one of those things on there to where I get. Kind of hesitant, back and forth because I don't, want to put a student in a position to have to ask for it I just, rather go and give it to him and, that's just my preference. On my stop yes. Watching. Videos because, the speed. Yeah. The. Numbers to talk to that, like to watch the video follow. Along and then, also read it. And. They'll just want to learn in different ways. But. It's kind of all those things on there to where I would have a dialogue with your students and see what works best for them and. What they prefer, because. See you at Denver has, has made it way to where those tools are available. And it's just one of those things on the door that, is there I just. For me I'm, fine, creating it that way. We. Used to have seawall I used to have a podcast that was created, there's actually not one currently. This. Is an example of someone else I work with at another University, so. This is one of those things to where different. Resources, that's one thing is what the podcasting, if you go back to how, podcasting, was it, is podcasting, is one of those great and wonderful things that if you're not careful you. Have tons of resources money, and equipment invested, into it and you're, not actually focusing, on what, students actually want in need and so that's why I'm saying keep it simple keep it direct and, be intentional, and not. Overthink, about having different things and, so, right now there is no other resource that we could send out and do editing or do the transcripting, there's. Possibility. That down the road we might have that it's, just right now this is going to be basically if you, want to add a podcast, here's, a simple way that you could add it to your course.

This. Is uh it's. It's UCF's. Education. Podcasts I can't, member the exact name of it but, if you do UCF. Education. Technology it'll, come up it's, one of the top education podcast, or, education, technology. Um. Before we have our time and we're already actually over time on here I'm happy to answer more questions make, sure you fill out the surveys. And. I'm, available if you have any more questions I believe. The next things happening is actually gonna be to the Welcome hall and. About a couple minutes. I'll. Going to put my email back up again so if you have any questions, or want to have any more information if. You want to just talk podcast, or if you want to get more information how you can do podcasting, I'm more, than happy to be a resource and that's why I'm here it's what I love to do I so. Feel free to reach out to me and I'll be happy to talk Kentucky. You gotta put all the stuff it. Also would encourage you just because podcasters, are gonna do doesn't. Mean that you have to do it doesn't mean you have to do it the way that I do it find, a way that works for you find a way that makes sense for you that doesn't take thousands. Of hours to do, because. If there's no point in wasting time doing it this cool new thing if, it's not going to be useful and easy for you. I've. Actually students that have given extra credit for transcript in there.


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