I ve been Hacking for 10 Years Stripe CTF Speedrun

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ally. I have been coding throughout my  teenage years, and even in 2009 in high school   I had a class assignments about databases,  and I explained SQL injections. So I had   prior IT experience. But I was still aiming  to do regular computer science and become a  

developer. But this all changed in 2012 with  the discovery of my first CTF. The Stripe CTF.  So I thought to celebrate my 10 year anniversary,  and actually my 7 years on YouTube anniversary   as well, by looking back at this CTF. Also if you are a student, watch until the end   please or use the chapter markers to jump forward,  I’m going to tell you a bit more about the cyber   security challenge germany. like the Stripe-CTF  was my introduction into the world of hacking,   maybe CSCG can be the same thing for you.  Anyway. Let’s look at this 10 year old CTF.

<intro> If I remember correctly, and my memory will  be very fuzzy because it’s from 10 years ago,   I stumbled over the CTF through news  from ycombinator. Searching for the   domain submissions we can find the “Hack your  way through Stripe’s capture the flag. 10   years ago. I believe this is the post  I saw. And thanks to the web archive   we can even look at the original blog post  from then. On the 22. February they wrote:  “The hardest part of writing secure code  is learning to think like an attacker.  

We built the Stripe CTF a security wargame  inspired by io smashthestack to help the community   as well as our team practice identifying  and exploiting common security problems.  After completing our CTF you should  have a greatly improved understanding   of how attackers will try to break your code,  and hopefully will have fun in the process.  And we were given a ssh login  to level01 with a password.  You have to imagine, around this time I kinda just  learned how to use ssh. So the fact that I could   ssh into this server and learn hacking was mind  blowing. And of course they reference here also  

io.smasthestack, which was a wargame I started  playing afterwards. The domain is dead now,   but it moved over to io netgarage. If you  look for a pretty hard and historical wargame,   definetly check it out. Anyway.  Looking a bit further I also found the ctf wrap  up blog post a month later in march. Here they  

mentioned that 250 people solved all levels  and they got a t-shirt. And I was one of them.   In my t-shirt video series I also showed you this  t-shirt, I leave the link to that playlist and the   video in the description. This t-shirt meant  so much for me, more in that video. Anyway.  The wrap up blogpost also had a link to the  Stripe CTF disk image to host the CTF yourself.   And oh my god, I love the web archive. The huge  image file was archived and I could download it. 

On stackexchange I found how to convert this  raw disk image to a virtualdisk for virtualbox.   And then I created a new VM selecting the new  stripe vdi image. I also configured a host   network adapter so I can ssh into it. But first  we can login to the ctf user with the password   ctf and then follow the instructions. We have  to run a few commands to setup everything. For   example here the users and passwords of the  individual levels. Then I configure the host   network adapter by setting a valid IP in  this vboxnetwork. Also I created an entry  

in my machines /etc/hosts, so I can use the  ctf.stri.pe domain to connect to my local VM.  And then we can get going.  ssh level01@ctf.stri.pe.  Welcome to Stripe CTF. In the home folder of  the level02 user, we can find the password   for level02. But our level01 user doesn’t have  access to it. We somehow need to exploit the   level01 program, which gives us access to level02. As I said in the beginning, I played this 10 years   ago, so my memory is fuzzy and I probably have  a lot of false memories. So take anything with a  

grain of salt. But I believe this was the first  time I really learned about linux privileges,   specifically around setuid - that the program  level01 is running with the privileges of level02.   So exploiting it gives us access to  level02. Knowing that also explains   local privilege exploits that exploit a  root setuid binary. That’s for example  

what we did in the sudo exploit series. Anyway. Enter your handle and then let’s go.  Here is the source code of level01. And you can  see it executes the date command using system.   For me, 10 years later of course  I know the solution right away.  But back then it taught me a lot. How is the  date program executed when you type date.  

The location of the program is actually  in /bin/. And so with that challenge   you can learn that the shell uses the PATH  environment variable to search for the program.   /bin is one of those locations it looks for.  And environment variables are controlled by you.   So for example deleting the configured paths means  the shell cannot find the date program at all.  

Now you would have to directly  execute it with the full path.  But now we know how to easily exploit level01.  Just create a shell script that prints the   password of level02, if executed with level02  permissions. And then setting the PATH to the   current directory and executing level01, it  will happily execute our local date script.   Printing the password. And we can  move on to ssh level02@ctf.stri.pe.  Password for level03 is in the home directory of  level03, so we need to exploit level02 to get it.  

And this time it turns out to be a web  challenge. Back then, 10 years ago,   I already had php development experience. So  probably this challenge was a lot easier for   me. Reading and understanding this code was not  that difficult. And even today, my professional  

experience is mostly web hacking, so this  should be a breeze as well. When visiting the   site in the browser we have to enter our level02  credentials and then we get access to the site.  Here is the php code and quickly scanning  over it, immediately my attention is drawn   to the file_get_contents function call. Opening  and reading files is always a critical sink.   And we see the file path is controlled by the  user_details cookie, and the content of the   file is just printed to the site. Exploiting  this is easy. Here is the website again,   we can enter some stuff, But we are interested  in the cookies. So I open up the developer tools,  

go to the application cookies tab, and here is the  user_details cookie. Now we can change the value,   so the file name. And we do a path traversal  to the password of level03. Now refreshing   the site, and indeed. The site is printing the  Password. Awesome. We can move on to level03. 

Level03 is where it actually got really  interesting for me. This is basically a binary   exploitation challenge. This was probably the  one that really hooked me. Nowadays this is super   simple for me. Here is the main function() and the  first argument to the program is turned into an  

integer. The integer must not be greater than the  number of available functions, because it selects   here a function from this functions array.  In truncate_and_call it then uses the index,   selecting the function and calling it. While  the check in main prevents us accessing memory   after the array, index cannot be  greater than the amount of functions,   the index is still an integer. And integers can be  negative. So we can supply a negative number and   access data out of bounds. The question is now  what value do we select, what would be useful?   The program code shows a run function,  which is calling system. So if we could  

call this function that would be perfect. It should be very easy for me. I open up gdb,   disassemble the truncate_and_call function and set  a breakpoint right where it calls the function.   And then we can run the program with  a negative integer -3 and the string   “liveoverflow”. But doesn’t really matter. We hit the breakpoint, so let’s examine the  

variables. Fns, functions is our array.  And you can see the first element is the   to_upper function. The second is, to_lower, the  third is capitalize and the fourth is length.   But now let’s look into the negative direction.  Accessing the array out of bounds -1,   we access some symbol called __libc_csu_init.  And we can keep going looking at values in the  

negative direction until we find something useful.  And it takes a bit, but around -26 to -28 we can   find some ascii looking characters. If you want  to know how I recognize this to be readable text,   checkout my “ey look for patterns video”. So  yeah, this is text, and quickly converting the   hex values shows that it’s the string I used as  the second argument. I used “liveoverflow”. The   endianess obviously shows it in reverse, so I’m an  evil wolf now, shoutout to all my furry followers. 

But this means we can exactly control the  address of a function we want to call.   We would want to call run, so the value is  0x8084875b, and we can use python to convert   this to a string. We also know this run function  would be called with our string. So a malicious   command would have to start with some valid  code. For example cat the level04 password. But   afterwards we can then place the address of run.  I’m using hexdump to verify the bytes are correct,   and that the address is 4bytes aligned. Which  it is. Perfectly aligned, no spilling over. 

So now we just have to hit the address  with the negative index and it should work.   It should be around -26, so I just blindly  try out values. After a few attempts,   -21. There we go. We printed the level04 password. It’s really great for me to see how quickly I can  

solve something like this. I have a pretty good  mental model of the memory and how C and assembly   works, so I can cut corners without having to  do extensive debugging. 10 years ago this was   VERY different. Back then I had some assembly  and C experience from school, but of course  

not in this kind of gdb reverse engineering and  exploitation way. And TBH I’m a bit surprised that   I was able to solve that bacl then. This is really  hard and difficult I think. Especially information   back then was very sparse. Very very few writeups  of challenges like this existed. But I’m sure I   must have found a few and somehow, maybe also with  help from others and asking questions, I ended up   solving it. And even though I do not remember  the exact details, I know the feeling of having  

solved a binary exploitation challenge for the  first time. It’s absolutely like magic. it’s no   wonder that solving this hooked me. Anyway. On to level 04.  This is where things got even more  crazy. This is a very small program,   with a very clear buffer overflow. A string copy  into a 1024 bytes small array. Overflowing it you   can smash the stack. So this was probably  my first ever buffer overflow challenge.  Hard back then, should be straight  forward now. I started by firing up gdb,  

set a breakpoint at the return in the fun  function() and started the program with a   very long string. This way we can quickly find  the offset to the return pointer on the stack.  Hitting the breakpoint, printing the address of  system. That’s the function I would like to call.   Then continue and we crash in 0x33766672. Clearly  ascii characters again. Decoding it is rfv3. So we   can look for those characters in the long string.  This means these characters here overwrite the   return pointer. So we can control here where the  program will execute code next. I want to call   into system, so I string encode the binary address  of system and add it at the end. Let’s try it.  

Oh… segmentation fault. This is when I  realized, maybe I should have checked   what kind of mitigations are enabled. I  kinda assumed: “this is an old challenge,   there is probably no ASLR”, but turns out  there is ASLR, so randomized address spaces,   for the stack and loaded libraries like libc.  So system is always at a random address. 

Bypassing ASLR means we either do a partial  overwrite of the return address, bruteforce   the address of system, in the case of the 32bit  system here that’s totally possible, or find some   useful ROP gadgets. And looking at the objdump  disassembly we can find a call to a register.   Looking at the value of the register at the point  of the return, we can see that eax points to   0xffbf, which seems to be an address in the stack.  So let’s look at the stack, and I had a total   brainfart. I forgot how to print values in gdb.  Anyway. The string is “ad”, which was, in this  

case,my input string. So actually with this call  eax gadget we can jump into the stack where our   string is located. As a first test we can replace  the first few bytes with 0xCC, which is the   assembly opcode for a breakpoint. If we actually  manage to execute that, we would see that. This is   a useful tip I shared in some shellcocde debugging  video a while ago, you can also find it in the   description. And indeed, we hit the breakpoint.  Awesome. This means the stack is executable,   and we can lookup some oldschool 32bit linux  shellcode from shellstorm. This looks like a good   execve shellcode. using python we can assemble the  whole exploit string. We start with the shellcode,  

and then append As until we reach the offset where  we place our call eax gadget. Copy this all over,   and calling level04 with it. There we go.  We are level5 and we can print the password.  Again, I do not remember a lot of details from  10 years ago. But do wonder if this level was   easier for me than the previous one. Because this  level04 kinda follows the most basic scheme of   buffer overflow exploitation. There is a bit of a  twist with the single gadget I used to break ASLR,   but overall it feels very straight forward and  you can kinda follow a generic step by step buffer   overflow tutorial. I feel like level03 really  required a lot more in-depth understanding of how  

arrays and memory and stuff works. Anyway. Onto level 05.  This turns out to be kinda another web challenge.  The Code is in python and it implements a system   with a queue, jobs and workers. So when  you send a request it creates a task,   puts a job in a queue, a worker then takes this  job performs the actions and returns the results.  I totally forgot that this was a challenge in  the stripe-ctf and so I was really surprised   to see this. The solution is immediately obvious  for me again, Immediately noticed python.pickle.  

Unpickling untrusted data can lead to arbitrary  code execution. So we just have to figure out   how to get our own data into there. Looking where  the data is coming from we see it’s extracted with   a regex from a string with type, data and job.  And here is the code how this string is created,  

and we can see the attacker controls the  user data before the pickled job data.   This means we should be able  to inject a malicious job.   Next we can create a basic pickle exploit, I took  one from some random blog post and adjusted it to   copy the password into the temp directory. And  then I construct malicious data that injects   that malicious job into the queue. We can send the  job with curl to the service, the job timed out.   But when checking the temp file we can see we  got the password. Our exploit was successful.  I know I rushed over this a bit. But we  have to cover quite a few challenges,  

and I think it’s more interesting  for me to reflect on this challenge,   rather than providing a detailed walkthrough.  You can find all of the writeups online anyway.  I mentioned that this challenge surprised me  and I wanted to tell you why. This challenge   introduced an architecture concept that is very  very commonly used. Jobs, workers and queues. Any   bigger web application uses that in some way. And  it’s actually kinda common that you use some data  

deserialization to share more complex objects and  states between the application and the workers.   And maybe you remember the gitlab exploit video.  Or generally other gitlab vulnerabilities. Many   of the critical ones escalate to a remote  code execution by injecting a malicious   job into a worker queue where deserialization  happens. Triggering arbitrary code execution. 

I do not remember where I learned about these  kind of attacks, but now seeing this challenge,   damn, I think I learned it from the stripe-ctf.  Right at the start of my hacking adventures. I   think a challenge like this, spending countless  of hours understanding and debuggin and in the end   solving it, planted the seed in my mind for  understanding these very creative and kinda of   chained attack ideas. And you know how much I  like to tell you that CTFs are not unrealistic.   This challenge was a made-up example, but  absolutely derived from reality. And I believe  

gaining this experience 10 years ago, I was able  to understand the more complex exploits that came   in future. Like the gitlab one. It’s mind blowing to me.  So let’s see what awaits us  in the last level. Level06.  Out of all of the challenges so far, this one  actually took me the longest to solve again.   For all the previous ones it took me maybe  on average 15-30minutes. Level06 actually  

cost me a few hours. But not because I  didn’t know how to solve it. it was about   implementing the attack and it just didn’t work  at first. Anyway, what is this challenge about. The level06 program is interesting.  You give it a path to a file and a   test string. It then reads the content of  the file and compares your input against it.   If it’s correct it will tell you. But if any  character is different, it will tell you “fail”. 

So in theory, you could pass in the file  for the final flag, with the flag string,   and it will compare your input to the real  flag. but you will only know if it’s correct,   if you entered the complete correct flag. With my 10 years of experience it’s very easy   to notice potential flaws how it can be attacked.  The flag and your input is compared character by   character. For each character it checks it prints  a dot, and if you encounter a wrong character,  

it calls taunt. And taunt prints an error.  Theoretically if everything works synchronously   it would be easy. let’s say you entered a correct  character, then the first dot would appear, then   it checks the second character, the dot appears,  and right afterwards comes the error message.   So in theory there is an oracle, a source of  information how many characters were correc. How   many dots are there before the error message. And  with that you could bruteforce the flag character  

by character. 10 Years later I figured this out  quickly, BUT the actual implementation is a bit   more tricky. Because the taunt message is printed  by forking, so executing a new process. So this   runs basically in parallel. This means it’s a lot  harder to leak the amount of correct characters,   but of course there are still timing attacks  possible. As soon as there is just one small   difference in the time of execution between a  correct and incorrect character, it’s attackable.   Especially in local environments like this. I  don’t want to go over of all the different failed  

attempts of mine, measuring this difference. I can  tell you honestly I gave up quickly. And decided   to look for writeups from other people. And  one writeup I stumbled over peaked my interest.   Here the bruteforce was done by abusing a limited  buffer size, which gives you information about the   correct and incorrect character WITHOUT measuring  any timings. And I thought that is pretty clever   and I wanted to implement that myself. Before we do that just a few more thoughts  

I wanted to share. It’s always difficult  to balance how much time do you put into   solving a challenge yourself, and when  do you look at solutions if available.   Somewhere there is a perfect balance where  learning is the most efficient. But it has to be   balance. If you only read writeups, you can read  a lot in a short time, and some information and   ideas will stick, but you also lack any practical  experience. In contrast, ONLY doing CTF challenges   blindly, gives you a massive amount of practical  experience. Besides the actual solution path,  

along the way you learn so much more through dead  ends and small problems you constantly run into.   It’s very very valuable, but also very very time  consuming. For me I feel my balance is somewhere   in the direction of mostly solving CTFs, but you  see I’m not all the way over there. Sometimes it’s   totally okay for me to just read writeups. So what  I do depends on how I feel, how much fun I would   have, but also I think about if it really helps  me much. That’s why I do not like to play the   same boring steganography CTF challenges. I did  it once. Let me move on please. And in this case  

I have implemented tons of timing attacks over the  years, so my excitement wasn’t particularly high   to struggle so much for this stupid challenge  I apparently already solved 10 years ago.   But looking at writeups from other people is still  interesting, and maybe I notice my mistake, why   did I struggle so much now. But then I stumbled  over this very interesting technique abusing   blocked IOs from the limited buffer sizes, and  I don’t think I ever implemented such an attack.  And this is where it hooked me. I felt like  here is another learning opportunity for me.   From my past experiences I immediately have an  idea how it works. Blocked IOs due to full buffers  

is kind of basic linux knowledge. But actually  implementing that I thought is good practice.  So I decided to try to solve it with that. As you  can see, I read the writeup just for the idea.   NOW I want the practical experience of actually  figuring out and implementing the attack myself.  

Here is my first setup. I have a function  where I pass in a flag and I call the level06   binary with my flag attempt. And here is the  buffer trick. Instead of using the basic IO   pipes provided by python subprocess, like I  use for the standard output. I create a new   os.pipe. A pipe has a read and write side. And  I set it here for the standard error output.   So the level06 process will write anything  going to standarerror into this pipe. So   whenever we encounter a wrong character, and  print a dot, it attempts to write it into this   pipe. Anyway. First I wanted to know how  larger the pipe buffer is. With this for  

loop I just keep writing a single character  into the pipe and print the iteration number.  when we run it it keeps writing As, and suddenly  it stops. The IO is blocked. The process cannot   write another A to the pipe, because the pipe  is full. And now we know the size of the buffer.   Do you see where this is going? If the buffer is  full, and the leve06 binary tries to write a dot,   it would freeze. So we can perfectly control  when we want to freeze the target process.  If for example we want to check if  the first character guess is correct,   we leave space for a single character in  the buffer. So letting it print a single dot   works. So was the character correct or false?  If the character is correct it will go into the  

next loop, and then it blocks. We cannot  print another dot for the next character.   So that was it. Program stalled. But if  it was incorrect, the code executes taunt,   and taunt will simply print to standardout. Which  is not blocked. That pipe is just free to print.  And now we have a perfect oracle. If we  enter a test character, and the program   prints the taunt message to standard out,  we know the character was wrong. But if it  

does NOT print this taunt, we know it tried  to print the dot for the second character   but the IO blocked and froze the process. Now the question is, how to get the information   if the taunt message was printed or not. We can get this information for example   with select. Select is a syscall that  can check if a buffer contains data   ready to be read. So calling select we can see  if we have data available on standard out AND   standard error, or only standarderror. This way  we can detect if the taunt message was printed. 

Now we can write a bruteforce loop. We need  a bit of math. For example the buffer size   has to account for the welcome message printed.  That should not block yet, and depending on the   amount of correctly guessed characters we also  want to make space for the dots in the buffer.  But yeah, now we can run it. And it will  slowly bruteforce the flag for us. Here it   is. The flag followed by random characters.  we can take it and log in to the-flag user.  Amazing. Looking back at this 10 years later,  

I’m actually impressed by the quality and  difficulty of these challenges. I think they   totally hold up to todays standard and are still  worth playing. It’s crazy how technology changed   a lot in the past 10 years. And I always say that  it’s very hard to stay up-to-date in IT security.   But also this CTF showed me that there are also  tons of concepts that are still applicable today.  

Maybe it’s not php anymore. Maybe it’s not  python pickle anymore. Shellcode on the stack   doesn’t work anymore. But path traversals in file  uploads still happen, exploiting deserialization   is still happening, out of bounds array accesses  happen in browser exploitation all the time,   timing attacks on data is still done in caching  attacks against CPUs or embedded devices. it’s   awesome for me to think about, that I learned all  of that through playing CTFs the past 10 years.   And sure, stripe ctf was a marketing advertisement  thing for stripe, but I feel very grateful that   these engineers invested the time building  these very thoughtout and timeless challenges,   and that it was the spark necessary to lighten  my fire. it allowed me to be where I am today. 

So around Feberuray/March 2022 is my 10 years  of CTFs anniversary. It’s also my 7 years of   LiveOverflow YouTube channel anniversary. Really  crazy to think back at the amount of videos I have   released since I started. I’m very proud of that.  I’m not much into celebrating arbitrary dates.   I never celebrate my birthday, anniversaries are  dumb, but to be honest, yeah I do feel something   about this combined 10 and 7 year anniversary. As I mentioned in the beginning, right now the   cyber security challenge germany is happening. As  a student 10 years ago I discovered the stripe CTF   and it helped me to get where I am today, and  maybe the CSCG ctf could be your start today.  

On cscg.live you can find the three different  categories. Juniors, for german younger students,   seniors for german university students, and  earth, for any other human on earth. Not Mars,   though. We strictly limit the CTF to creatures  from earth, and we are very serious about it. Btw,   I say “we”, because I’m a member of the non-profit  organisation NFITS which is organizing this CTF.  

CSCG is the qualification round for the german  team going against the other european teams.   So the CTF is of course open for anybody to play,  but german students can qualify for the german   team to participate in the european finals. If  you are from a different european country check   on https://ecsc.eu/ how your country handles the  qualifications. But of course we would be happy   if you still play our CTF in the earth category.  There is also a CSCG discord to find like-minded  

people to learn hacking together. But please NO  spoilers or direct questions about the challenges   on discord or anywhere else please. It’s a  competition! When the CTF is over then you can   openly talk about it. So if you are a student,  or you know other students. Maybe you are a   teacher at a school, please help us spread  the word about it. We highly appreciate it.  Also if you have too much money because you work  in IT, or your work at a company, maybe consider a   donation to our non-profit org NFITS, you can find  the donation details on our site. The money flows   very efficiently and directly into supporting  young IT security talents through the organization   of for example the Cyber security challenge  germany. With your help we can afford for example  

better prizes and fund the trip for the students  to the finals competition. Anyway, checkout   cscg.live. And thanks again for being here with  me, for sticking with me over all these years.  I especially want to say thank you to all  the patreons and youtube members who have   been offsetting some of the cost for running  this channel. And I want use this opportunity  

to apologize in advance to my patreons and  members for my upcoming video series. I kinda   expect my regular viewers to not like what’s  coming. But luckily YouTube is not my main job,   so my patreons cannot hold me hostage and I’m free  to do whatever I want. And I want to go mining.


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